Zelwin x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from August 7th

Zelwin x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from August 7th

Today we would like to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from Zelwim. The AMA took place on August 7 and our guest was  Nikolay Mentor (@vipmentor), Co-Founder and CEO of ZELWIN.com.

The total reward pool was $1500 and it was splitted into three parts.

In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.



Irina K.| @Satoshi_Club: Hi everyone, our guest today is Nikolay Mentor (@vipmentor) from Zelwin project. Welcome, Nikolay and thanks for joining us today.

Serg | Satoshi Club: We are glad to have you here 🙂 Please tell us a bit about yourself and how did you start Zelwin.

Nikolay Mentor: My short BIO: Nikolay Shkilev, PhD.

Co-Founder and CEO of ZELWIN.com. Founder of Private Business Club. Rated Top 3 in People of Blockchain.

Serial entrepreneur. Speaker. Mentor. A businessman with 20 years of experience of owning different types of businesses, ranging from Ecommerce, FMCG, medicine and logistics to IT technologies. In parallel, he works as a mentor, advisor to help dozens of projects worldwide, inc. Blockchain.

Nikolay Shkilev, PhD has many awards and titles in business:

  • Self-Made Russia award
  • Best IT mentor/advisor award
  • Super TOP award (Business FM)

His Holding BaltShelf.com received the “Enterprise of the Year” award https://www.linkedin.com/in/vipmentor. On Forbes more info:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/geraldfenech/2018/12/04/interview-nikolay-shkilev-advisor-crypto-enthusiast-and-mentor.

 Serg | Satoshi Club: Impressive CV. How did you start Zelwin?

Nikolay Mentor: About Zelwin. How we started:

I saw the same problems with projects in all Blockchain industry:

Problem No.1 – They don’t have a ready-made product. Only an idea

Number 2 – Problem with a clear business model

Number 3 – Problem with mass adoption

And number 4 – Problem with financing

And 1,5 years ago I decided to create my own big project and now we resolved all these problems. We have:

1. Ready-Made product. 11 teams are working on this powerful project.

2. Fully financed project. We did everything using our own money.

3. Clear business model. We have no less than 4 monetization methods:

а. Traditional way of monetization. We receive money from buyers and commission from merchants/sellers.

b. We have a built-in Exchange. You can change crypto to cash, fiat to crypto. Send to Visa/Mastercard. In one click. And, of course, we’ll receive commission from both sides.

c. ZELWIN TOKEN. * We don’t give away any tokens to anyone. Only in exchange for real money.

d. And Number 4 – we launched a powerful Affiliate Referral Program.

Irina K.| @Satoshi_Club: Looks like a solid bio 😊. Just curious, in what field is your PhD? If you can share.

Nikolay Mentor: Economics, 15 years ago lol.

Serg | Satoshi Club: I like the strategy.

 Nikolay Mentor: Yes. Big experience in this industry too + in real sector of economics.

Serg | Satoshi Club: We have collected questions from the community. We will discuss 6 now and 6 will be answered in a press release after the AMA.

Q1 from Bitcointalk User Akiratrump2005

Why do people choose Zelwin instead of traditional E-Commerce like Amazon and what are advantages for buying on Zelwin platform?

Nikolay Mentor: So, Good question. It is still too early to compare us to Amazon, just like it is with the majority of other business projects. It is an International giant with enormous coverage, but even a giant has its weak spots. Which ones, you may ask?

Yes, Amazon is extremely popular in the West, but it doesn’t even make it to Top 5-10 marketplaces in half of the countries in the world, especially in the East, in Asian countries, in Russia, in Eastern Europe. Billions of people don’t use Amazon because they think it has obsolete design, overly complicated functionality, poor usability and that it’s hard for sellers from different countries to join their platform. That’s why there are dozens more marketplaces which are more popular than Amazon in a number of countries.

However the online market is developing so fast that there will be enough space for every player, and if we manage to get at least 1% of this market – we would be talking about billions of dollars. Plus, Zelwin is the first large marketplace which has combined traditional currency, Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency on practice.

And it’s also worth mentioning that at the current stage of development we are more flexible and listen to what our clients and buyers have to say. It’s also easier and more profitable for Sellers to display their goods on our website and to use us as an extra sales channel.

Additionally, thanks to Zelwin’s Affiliate Program https://zelwin.com/become-a-partner,  any market member can earn and grow with us, be it a buyer, seller, or a partner. I’m sure now no-one would turn down the offer of joining Amazon at its early stage, but that opportunity is long gone. We, on the other hand, have such an opportunity, and that is the reason why we’re happy to have partnerships and investors.

And dome more Advantages of work with ZELWIN for Sellers:

  • People from more than 100 countries learn about your product;
  • Free and convenient placement of goods;
  • You are paying the fee only when selling;
  • You select which goods to sell and at which prices;
  • You select the customer’s cashback size;

0 Risks. Zelwin – it’s additional sales channel with FREE registration.

Serg | Satoshi Club: Do you have any statistics regarding the number of users on your platform?

Nikolay Mentor: Yes, but it’s not for public right now. But every day we see new and new thousands of users from many countries.

Irina K.| @Satoshi_Club: And you do support fiat payment methods? Right?

Nikolay Mentor: Yes. 100%. Here you can exchange your cashback in Zelwin ZLW tokens to other crypto, to fiat, send to VISA/MasterCard: https://ex.zelwin.com/

We have agreements with the biggest payment gateways.

Serg | Satoshi Club: I have an e-shop. I can list it on Zelwin, right? the services I mean.

Nikolay Mentor: Goods – yes. Services – no. Because it’s very difficult to avoid scammers. But we’re thinking about services too. And soon will be games on our platform too.

Serg | Satoshi Club: Interesting. I’ll follow your updates. Ready for the next question?

Nikolay Mentor: In any time welcome to our latest news on Global Chat: https://t.me/zelwinchat


Q2 from Bitcointalk User Juanes

I have seen that there is some sort of reward for people if we bring customers to the website. Can you explain the process? what rewards?

Nikolay Mentor: Ok. People can invite Buyers (Customers) to ZELWIN website (using a referral program in their personal account) and receive 20% of cashback from them. It’s profitable for Buyers (Customers) to use a referral link of those people, because then their cashback is doubled.

People can invite Sellers too from all over the world to our website and receive adequate commission from all of their sales. It’s very profitable for Sellers, too. Free registration, no subscription fees, commission only from real sales. Zero risks, albeit an additional sales channel.

Serg | Satoshi Club: Wow, 20%??? It’s a lot.

Nikolay Mentor: Yes. In other words, we are developing a Marketplace for the People.

No restrictions. Absolutely anyone can join for FREE. Some will be able to earn greatly, some will not. But we are giving this chance to everyone without an exception. It will be beneficial to people, to us and to sellers – all parties; and that will allow us to create a massive community.

Serg | Satoshi Club: If I buy a new smartphone I’ll practically get 300 USD back.

Nikolay Mentor: No. From cashback lol.

Irina K.| @Satoshi_Club: is the commision per sale fixed?

Nikolay Mentor:  You can calculate your income in real time here: https://zelwin.com/become-a-partner

For example.

Serg | Satoshi Club: And what is the amount of the cashback in general?

Nikolay Mentor:  4% on default, but Sellers can add any amount as cashback – 30%-50% etc. Some Sellers doing 40-70% of cashback.

Serg | Satoshi Club: And what are the prices of goods in general? compared to other ecommerce platforms.

Nikolay Mentor:  It depends of Sellers. Only they decide about a price. If you’re partner of Zelwin you see only these bonuses on your personal account automatically.

Q3 from Telegram User @tronsupporter

You’ve announced many partnerships recently. I’ve noticed an important one: Yandex. This is a big company and provides a big variety of services. You’ve partnered with them on what exactly?

Nikolay Mentor:  Yes. We have a lot of partnerships with the biggest payment gateways and IT Giants:

Global Marketplace of Goods Zelwin.com makes a deal with IT giants such as:

Yandex – is a Russian multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related products and services, including transportation, search and information services, eCommerce, navigation, mobile applications, and online advertising. Yandex provides over 70 services in total. The company has 18 commercial offices worldwide. It is the largest technology company in Russia and the largest search engine on the Internet in Russian, with a market share of over 52%. The Yandex.ru home page is the 4th most popular website in Russia. It also has the largest market share of any search engine in the Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States and is the 5th largest search engine worldwide after Google, Baidu, Bing, and Yahoo!

Stripe – Stripe is a technology company that builds economic infrastructure for the internet. Businesses of every size—from new startups to public companies—use our software to accept payments and manage their businesses online. Clients: UBER, Google, Booking.com.

Liquid – global platform that provides trading, exchange, and blockchain-based financial services. Featured in KPMG’s Top Fintech 100 list. Achieved tech unicorn status in the first close of our Series C fundraising, with a valuation of over $1 billion, With more than USD50 billion in transactions over the past 12 months.

Qiwi – QIWI provides everyone with convenient and accessible instruments for making all kinds of regular and requisite payments. QIWI Kiosks and QIWI Wallet help to pay for services of over 13 000 merchants, including state organizations, utility services, mobile network operators, banks, online-shops, remittance systems. QIWI, with the support of Visa, became the first payment service to issue virtual cards, that enable making purchases on the internet. Also, we offer our users an opportunity of applying for QIWI Card which has a joint account with QIWI Wallet and allows shopping both online and offline.

AdvCash- The ADV platform combines support of multiple global and national fiat currencies, plastic and virtual prepaid cards, merchant tools and robust account security features into a single easy to use environment. Main partner of Binance.

WebMoney – is an online payment settlement system. It is one of the largest electronic payments processor in Europe by number of users, with the company reporting 41 million registered accounts and 300,000 active weekly users in early 2020, and 100,000 stores accepting payments via the system.

And others. For example – Yandex will help with payments inside Russia (very big market) and with online documentation, support etc.

Serg | Satoshi Club: That’s a nice list. Keep the good work!

Nikolay Mentor:  It’s first time when Yandex make a deal with a crypto company.

Serg | Satoshi Club: How did you convince them? 🙂

Nikolay Mentor:  4 months of meetings, paperwork etc. lol. And reputation from other my and partner’s businesses.

Serg | Satoshi Club: It helped because you were in the same city I guess 🙂 maybe some acquaintances.

Nikolay Mentor:  Of course, and meetings face to face.

Serg | Satoshi Club: BTW, where does the name come from? ZEL? is it from Green? 💰

Nikolay Mentor:  You’re a right. All about win and wealth.

Irina K.| @Satoshi_Club: So, green is your favourite color, isn’t it? 😊

Nikolay Mentor:  For income – YES. But for a business our Chinese partners asked us to change colors to Yellow and Red. =)

Q4 from Telegram user @NataliyaKil

When you buy a product, you accrue a reward in the form of coins. What happens if the buyer does not pick up his product and makes a refund? Does the reward stay with him or burn out?

Nikolay Mentor:  Will burn, of course, Rewards only after successful deal. To avoid scammers and fake deals. Yes. We do everything as transparently and understandably as possible.

Serg | Satoshi Club: That’s fair. Do you have some interesting cases with fake deals/scammers?

Irina K.| @Satoshi_Club: Maybe the most creative case you’ve had?

Nikolay Mentor:  The biggest scammers in crypto, to be honest. Just a second. I’ll show some examples:

Everyday a lot of offers. From many exchanges, 99% of them scammers. For me it’s easy because I know all founders personally and always can ask them directly.

Serg | Satoshi Club: Even we, Satoshi Club, received listing offers 😁 Even if we are not a token. 😂

Nikolay Mentor: For your information. Sorry for a little spam.

Changpeng Zhao (Chinese: 赵长鹏) is a Chinese-Canadian business executive, who is the founder and CEO of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume.
John McAfee
I’m a speaker against 12000 audience.
Silvio Schembri is the Minister for Economy, Investment and Small Business. A title to which he was elevated following the success achieved when occupying the post as the Junior Minister for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation within the office of the Prime Minister of Malta.
Слева: Nick Ayton/ Founder Chainstarter Ventures
Справа: Simon Cocking/ Moonwhale Ventures & Irish Tech News
Left: Tim Byun/ CEO OKCoin and OKex
Centre: Joseph Portelli/ Executive Chairman Malta Stock Exchange
Right – J.D. Salbego/ CEO Legion Ventures
Dr. Abdalla Kablan
Executive Chairman Malta Delta Summit
Grandson of King Umberto of Italy and Prince Paul of Yugoslavia, Monaco
SUPER TOP award from Business FM
Left: MIKO MATSUMURA/ Founder at Evercoin and he is a General Partner with Gumi Cryptos Capital. He is also a venture partner with BitBull Capital
Right: Nikolai Udyanskyi/ Founder Coinsbit Exchange. Top 5 by CoinMarketCap.

Q5 from Telegram user @Kany_West

How do you ensure the fairness of the process between the buyer and the seller? How do you ensure the quality of the products/services of the sellers or how can the buyer get a refund? Is it similar to ebay/paypal?

Serg | Satoshi Club: A question from the candidate to the presidency of the United States. 😁

Nikolay Mentor: No one can fully defend themselves in this area. But we have a “Disputes” section, where we get evidence from both sides and decide who was right. Today this is the only way to maximally protect the Buyer and the Seller. But for frequent violations, the Seller and the Buyer will be banned.

Serg | Satoshi Club: So, everything is checked manually by your employees.

Nikolay Mentor: No. Only if some disputes. All others automatically. But… 8 from 10 companies can’t pass KYC, because we’re destroying scammers from first step.

Serg | Satoshi Club: Where do you have offices/quarters btw? or where is the company registered?

Nikolay Mentor: We have companies in Emirates, in Estonia, in Russia. Our team from 20+ countries and offices.

You can check our local communities in many countries in different languages and we’re growing up very fast:


Q6 from Telegram User @minhquan178

How does Zelwin ensure product quality from stores? What do you think makes customers always choose Zelwin over other big e-commerce firms?

Nikolay Mentor: I want to add that a huge advantage of this platform that for every purchase, customers get guaranteed cashback in ZLW tokens. They instantly be able to exchange these tokens for various cryptocurrencies, USD/EUR, send them to VISA/MasterCard or save them up.

Usually all money from sales marketplaces put themselves. We spending up to 50% from our commissions to real People.



The chat was open for 80 seconds; a lot questions were posted by the Satoshi Club community. Our guest chose 15 of them. Ten questions were answered at the moment and five were answered in a press release.

Q1 from Telegram User @erven12

98% of projects drop in price after listing. ZELWIN price had started at $1 for one ZELWIN token. But now on Coinmarketcap, the price for Zelwin token is more than $4 and still growing. What is the SECRET behind this SUCCESS of ZELWIN?

Nikolay Mentor: Because unlike other projects, we didn’t make any ICO, IEO, pre-sale, airdrops, big discounts, we didn’t promise any profit before etc. etc. We did everything for our own money. That’s why nobody can’t kill our price now! And we’re growing without any pressure.

Q2 from Telegram User @T_ashish08

When the seller gives you Commission, what is the goal of the strategy of returning 50% of its tokens to the seller? How does this benefit Zelwin and its tokens?

Nikolay Mentor: Usually all Marketplaces receives 100% of commission themselves. We’re sending up to 50% our commission to people as cashback. By the way, we have a clear business model:

  • Seller sends us 100 dollars of commission.
  • We send 50 dollars of cashback to buyer but in our tokens.
  • We still have in our pocket 100 real dollars.
  • And then we can buy all those tokens back from exchanges for real 50 bucks.

It means that in the final stage we will have 50 dollars in our pocket and also will have returned all tokens back! Smart strategy


Q3 from Telegram User @Amila19932

What are your priorities for this year?

Nikolay Mentor: Our Goals for 2020:

  • Be in the Top 20 by CoinMarketCap by the end of this year.
  • Achieve a capitalization of $ 1 billion.
  • Have more than 1000 sellers on our platform (there are 600 already).

 And to only grow fast.

Q4 from Telegram User @chunhocxitrum

Why does Zelwin build on Ethereum which got problem with scalibility, speed and high gas fee in recent time and do you have planned to move to BEP-2, TRC20…or build on your own chain in future?

Nikolay Mentor: We want mass adoption. ERC20 is accepted everywhere, so this is the best option for everyone in this stage. But later maybe we’ll use our own chain or others. We’re open for partnerships.

Q5 from Telegram User @mhasan7

If each time a purchase is made, the buyer receive ZLW, how is this system not inflationary?

Nikolay Mentor: Because we’re using a smart business model and can rebuy all tokens back as I told before.

Q6 from Telegram User @rohan911

What are the payments gateway available on your marketplace, do you have FIAT GATEWAY, Credit debit cards, crypto payment and PayPal gateway?

Nikolay Mentor: We have all payment methods. All payments by VISA/MasterCard. More than 30 main currencies also are available.

Q7 from Telegram User @Dhanu006

Most of users are still not aware with Blockchain & its related projects! So, How ZELWIN platform create awareness about their project with NON-CRYPTO users too?

Nikolay Mentor: 95% our clients and users from Real sector of economics and no problem with it. That’s why we combine ecommerce and crypto together. Two fast growing markets together.

Q8 from Telegram User @vascones

There are so many projects that only exist for a moment “die on the road, traumatizing investors with new projects”. Question: how can the Zelwin project survive, continue to grow & in what ways do you convince investors that this project is very promising?

Nikolay Mentor: I want to repeat. We did everything using our own money. Ready-made product, mass adoption, clear business model. We’re receiving a natural income everyday.

By the way! Our price had started at 1 dollar for one ZELWIN token. But now, on Coinmarketcap, the price for Zelwin token is more than 3,5$-4$ and growing. It means that early investors received more than 250%-300%+ of ROI. And we didn’t any ICO and IEO lol. Because I know – in 98% it destroyed a project price later. That’s why we avoid it.

Q9 from Telegram User @mohobbotali

Partnership and community are the key to the success of projects, can you tell me how ZELWIN will expand the partnership and which markets will ZELWIN focus on?

Nikolay Mentor: No restrictions. All countries. Main focus to big markets. That’s why we invite partners from all countries. Let’s create a new Giant together.

Q10 from Telegram User @Jhonathanch

Why did you include cryptocurrencies on Zelwin? Do you think that without them Zelwin wouldn’t be profitable? How BLOCKCHAIN has impacted Zelwin? Thank you!

Nikolay Mentor: Many reasons:

  1. I’m CRYPTO fan lol. And I like Blockchain etc. That’s why I want to create a real project in crypto (98% of projects don’t have mass adoption, unfortunately).
  2. With token we can grow more fast.
  3. Ecommerce is good and very profitable but crypto market is growing very fast too. We want to receive profit from both sides.
  4. And we can invite all people in our project (crypto communities and non-crypto and it’s easy).

Q11 from Telegram User @mikenit90

I am a Business Mogul in Africa and am seeking E-Commerce giants to partner with, does Zelwin consider this sort of partnership and willing to work with Africa’s Emerging Markets?

Q12 from Telegram User @iam12312

Can You talk about a compaign that You did regarding attracting more users to Zelwin?

Q13 from Telegram User @R_a_i_h_a_n

Partners, partners in every project play a huge role as backup and support at every start of a project/company, so my question is What role do your partners play in the ecosystem and what benefits do they have for being a partner?

Q14 from Telegram User @CryptoZaratustra

Is your aim, to become the leader in the Platform marketplaces and e-commerce applications? If so what will you say is your biggest strength to achieve it?

Q15 from Telegram User @Royalzackie

A lot of people don’t know what cryptocurrency is yet, they only know about Bitcoin and feel that others are scam in crypto. What does #ZELWIN team plan to do to help more people in crypto market, mostly new investors to understand cryptocurrency and how to invest in it the right way???  Are there plans to introduce ZELWIN to local business, to help them accept crypto as a means of transaction in CRYPTO CURRENCY??

Serg | Satoshi Club: Thank you for this AMArathon! It was great! 2 hours. 👍

Nikolay Mentor: Thank you all and thanks community! I invite all of you to become our partner! https://zelwin.com/become-a-partner



As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about Zelwin. A link to a Quiz form were sent into the chat. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 900$ were distributed between the winners. You can check the list of quiz winners here: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/199208

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