Vodka Token x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 22nd of November

Vodka Token x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 22nd of November

Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Vodka Token and our guests were @JuanDefi, and @VodkaAdmin – representatives of Vodka Token. The AMA took place on the 22nd of November.

The total reward pool was 500$ and has been split into 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Website

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Hello again, dear Satoshi Club community! We are pleased to announce AMA with Vodka Token

Today our guests are @JuanDefi @VodkaAdmin

Alex VodkaToken:
Hello everyone!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Cheers guys😁

Nice to e-meet you Alex😁

Alex VodkaToken:
Me too!

Juan DeFi:
Hello, hello!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
How are you doing?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Welcome, we are glad to have you here 😃

Alex VodkaToken:
All perfectly. Getting ready for the listing, how are you?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Is it too early for heavy drinks? 😅😉

Wow! It’s such an exhilarating moment🤩

Alex VodkaToken:
It’s never too early for Vodka😂

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
It’s true😂 your real ones are always relevant😁

Let’s start! Introduce yourself, please. How did you get to be involved in crypto & Vodka Token?

Nice to meet you😊

Welcome to Satoshi CLUB!

Juan DeFi:

Alex VodkaToken:
My name is Alex Mal. I’m Chief of Social Networks of Vodka Token Project.

I have been in this crypto theme for 4 years. And the management of this project invited me to Vodka Token

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Nice background 👍

Introduce yourself please too for Satoshi Club ❤️

Juan DeFi:
My name is Juan and I have experience of more than 15 years in Fintech and IT. 3 years my team helps Blockchain projects with devs, but we decided to do our own project.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Great experience👏

Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of Vodka Token?

Juan DeFi:

Alex VodkaToken:
VODKA token – collectible play-to-earn NFT game based on DeFi.

🍹In the game, participants, using various mechanics, receive in-game currency (“VODKA”, or vodka tokens), which they “Shake” (spend) on NFT cocktails – the main characters of the game. Cocktails vary in appearance, cost, and rarity.
💰Participants in the game can sell NFT cocktails on various marketplaces, use staking up to 144% PA, or try their luck in a fair lottery and win up to 300%.

Features of the game:

• Аll the most popular trends in one project:
Decentralized Finance (DeFi), DeFi Gaming, Non-Fungible Token (NFT), Staking, Multichain.
• No registration required. Only Metamask
• Simple. Transparent. Via Smart Contracts
• Attractive % for Staking based on mathematical calculations & mechanics of the project.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
How long does it take to develop a project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from Vodka Token?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great introduction about the project, btw, what did you choose this curious name for the project?

Juan DeFi:
From January 2021.

Alex VodkaToken:
November 2021 – Large marketing activity

November 2021 – Initial listing on PancakeSwap

December 1st, 2021 – Product Release

December 2021 – Creation of the Lottery

December 2021 – Creation of the Staking Program

December-January 2022 – Listing on liquidity
centralized exchanges

December-January 2022 – Establishing partnerships
with various crypto projects

2022 – Creation of the ERC20-BEP20 (ETH/BSC) bridge

January-May 2022 – Addition of popular blockchains to
the ecosystem

2022-2023 – Development of new trends, products, NFT,

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
You have a few hot months in the near future!!!

Juan DeFi:
After meeting with different funds we seat and drink Vodka and decided “Why not?” – it will be cool and fun.m plus a lot of cocktails can be made. And all world knows what is it Vodka lol

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Juan DeFi:
Yes. Listing (Fair Launch) tomorrow at 13:05 UTC time on Pancake 🤞

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Also, we would like to know more about your team. Who is on the project team core?


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Haha great decision.

Alex VodkaToken:
Total number of team members: 25
Total number of technical: 15+

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Is your team anonymous?😊

Alex VodkaToken:
Half and half.

We have powerful funds and a strong team of advisors.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for a great introduction, we will have several questions selected for Part 1. Ready to start?

Alex VodkaToken:
Yes! Let’s go!!!

Q1 from Telegram User @Pavel_Jarosh
Let’s talk about public sale implementation. Stage 1 is planned for mid-November is expected to be launching an IDO. Please share more info on the placement of the event, the selling price of the VODKA token as well as the number of tokens available for IDO. What is your goal for collection during the initial listing? Thank you!

Alex VodkaToken:
The selling price will start from 0.0001$ per 1 Vodka token. On PancakeSwap at 13:05 UTC 23 of November.
Our goal – develop and upgrade our project!

Info about IDO, which was yesterday with our partner Zelwin.Finance, you can find here:

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
What will be the initial market cap?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
By the way, Zelwin is a familiar name for us and quite well-known in the crypto space! they were with us on AMA

Juan DeFi:
Yes. Zelwin is our Big Partner.

Alex VodkaToken:
Total supply 30.000.000$
But we will burn 30% of our team tokens.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your great answers

Ready for the next question or want to add something?

Alex VodkaToken:
Yes, we are ready.

Q2 from Telegram User @JesusFre1tes
I read that it is possible to buy Vodka Tokens on the platform and exchange them or earn them by actively participating in the project’s social activities. This has caught my attention. My question is, what are the social activities with which it is possible to earn $Vodka Tokens? How will these paid social activities improve the way the community interacts with each other within your platform and how will it help them grow? Thank you.

Alex VodkaToken:
You can join our Discord and get a participant in a Big NFT Airdrop.
🎮 Discord:

And about Vodka Token. We made an AirDrop Bot for our chats, where you can earn Vodka for your social activities!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Do you have plans to increase the adoption of your project in new countries? Like different local communities?

Alex VodkaToken:
We want to give good to people, like real vodka 🙂
Therefore, we hope that we can draw your attention to our project and you will share it with your friends.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
I absolutely agree that community development is a priority. A strong community is the engine of the project🦾

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Yes, everybody likes vodka 😁

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your answers ☺️

Alex VodkaToken:
Yes. We already have English And Russian Chats and Channels!

📱Telegram (Announcements English):

📱Telegram (Announcements Russian):

📱Telegram Chat English –

📱Telegram Chat Russian –

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Let’s proceed to the next question? If you don’t mind of course😁

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for sharing it, let’s join Satoshiclubbers.

Alex VodkaToken:
And we are planning only to grow up our community in different countries.

Vodka All over the world!🍸

Let’s go!

Q3 from Telegram User @NataliyaKil
You are offering us to get one of three NFT cocktails by mixing certain coins with Vodka Token. What combinations can we use to create GOLD, SILVER, and BRONZE? And what will be the purpose and application of these NFT cocktails? I also noticed a place for a cocktail marked “Random”. Can you tell us about this, is it planned to add a fourth NFT cocktail or will it be a random combination?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

@NataliyaKil it turns out that not only brutal men love Vodka, but fragile girls are also interested in this drink 🤣

Juan DeFi:
😁 And cocktails

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Yeah 😂

Juan DeFi:
Alex will explain everything asap

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Juan DeFi:
About Q3

Alex VodkaToken:

  1. Combinations: Shake BNB, BUSD, WETH, USDT, etc. with VODKA (50/50 proportion) – receive an NFT cocktail.
  2. About variations of use: You can play in a fair lottery and win up to 300%, stake your cocktail and get up to 144% APY, or you can sell NFT on the various marketplace.
  3. Yep, we’re planning to add random quality. It means: you create a cocktail for an average amount and you you do not know what quality you will get.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
This is your finest hour !!!

Hmm.. interesting concept 😁

Btw APY is really amazing.

Juan DeFi:
And all of these by smart contracts. 100% transparency and DeFi

No need for any KYC, registration. Only Metamask.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Oh! many will appreciate it👏👏👏

Juan DeFi:
Just for first users. Later we’re planning to decrease this % like all big projects. That’s why the first users will receive max benefits.

Alex VodkaToken:
Yes. It’s absolutely fair APY.

Payments are secured by the funds, that people have lost in our fair lottery.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Excellent, we would like to know more about the fair lottery

Juan DeFi:

Q4 from Telegram User @thisistoyin
Hi,& good day…
My question is based on your fair Lottery… You said, Fair Lottery «Wheel of Fortune» is an opportunity to win right there and that a user can win up to 300% of the cost of a cocktail. & then, The bet is made in cocktails, selected cocktails will burn, & the payment is made in “$VODKA” tokens. My question is this…. How much $Vodka does someone need in other for them to Spin the Will? & we’ve seen similar instances where Moderators Modifies their spinning wheels in other for the odds to be more favorable to them, please, can you enlighten us on how fair is your spinning wheels are?

Juan DeFi:
Good question. Alex will answer now in detail.

Alex VodkaToken:
Everyone can check the results of his play.

The platform uses a completely honest, transparent lottery, the results of which can be verified by any of the
users via a smart contract.

Alex VodkaToken:
And how much Vodka do you need? We do not know, it depends on the value of the Vodka Token, which you need to create an NFT cocktail.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
How many winners have you had until now?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Juan DeFi:
We’ll launch our web app 1st of December.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Great news 👏

Juan DeFi:
Btw, we didn’t have any pre-sales, etc., no discounts, nothing. We did everything using our own money, that’s why we don’t see any pressure for our tokens tomorrow on fair launch.

Funds & HWI have a vesting period for 1 year.

Alex VodkaToken:
Cocktails have different levels:

Gold: The cost of each cocktail is 100$.

Silver: The cost of each cocktail is 20$.

Bronze: The cost of each cocktail is 5$.

And addition to each of the qualities Extra cocktails: Drop to users at random and always cost 5 times the
nominal value.

For example, you have bought a cocktail for $100, the user might
randomly get a cocktail priced at $500.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Sounds really cool.

Juan DeFi:
And for each cocktail, you need to shake BNB (for example) and Vodka Tokens in 50/50 proportion via MetaMask.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Very innovative structure👏😃

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks, guys for your answers! Ready to proceed to the next question?

Juan DeFi:

Q5 from Telegram User @highpee
Users are expected to set a slippage of > 12% since you charge 10% as fees for buy and sell which you said will be used to fund liquidity, development, marketing, and burn in the ratio 3:2:3:2. Will the liquidity and burn implementation be done automatically or manually and what will be the frequency for this event? Also, why is it still necessary that you should tax 2% for development for user’s sell/buy transactions when you have initially allocated 5% of your total supply for this purpose?

Alex VodkaToken:
It’s a very nice question!
@JuanDefi will answer for that.

Juan DeFi:
Automatically, but we’ll use a smart program and consider Price Impact no more than 0,5%.

We’ll burn from our Team 15 000 000 000 of Vodka Tokens. 30%
Each week by 5%.

But any project needs some funds for marketing, devs, etc, isn’t it? That’s why we’ll take some % of commissions.
And you’re right – 50% of these commissions will be burned and added to Liquidity Pool on daily basis.

Juan DeFi:
And we don’t hide it and tell about it in all our channels, in White Paper, etc.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Could you share your whitepaper before proceeding with the next question?

Thank you so much for your great answers btw 😃

Juan DeFi:
Just a minute

Alex VodkaToken:
And you are probably worried about the question of why we recommend betting 12% and not 10?
Don’t forget about PancakeSwap fees 😂

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for sharing and clarification😊

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Haha good point

Juan DeFi:
I think on the start. From 12% lol slippage. Because we’re planning a good hype and maybe will need to increase slippage till 20%-30%

Next question?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Let’s go

Q6 from Telegram User @Right_clicK1
This project started fully in the month of June 2021 and In the list of Vodka token development, it was stated that private sales will kick off in October till November 2021 but there is no plan for public sale where the majority and average users can be a participant. I discovered that private sales can only help a project to generate funds only while the public sale will generate funds and create a different dimension of awareness, I will like to ask what is the reason you did not plan for public sale? Also, among the three qualities of your cocktails, I saw on your Twitter page that each of them has three different and features, can you explain to us the full details of them? Does that mean each level of cocktails also has different values?

Juan DeFi:
About public pre-sales.
We have a big experience like our backers (Funds) and understand that if you will make any pre-sale with discounts, your token will always-on pressure.
Very difficult to grow up after pre-sales. You know it also by many projects.

That’s why we decided to do everything, spend a lot of money on marketing and go to exchange (s) without any pressure 😉

FYI – after each creation of cocktails, vodka tokens will be automatically burned too.
It will be good for the market, as burning from transactions.

Alex VodkaToken:
“Also, among the three qualities of your cocktails, I saw it on your Twitter page that each of them has three different and features, can you explain to us the full details of them? Does that mean each level of cocktails also has different values?”

It’s very simple. As I said we have different levels of our NFT cocktails.
Cocktails have different categories: Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Random.
Each category contains popular world cocktails of varying rarity.

The cost of a cocktail depends on the quality and unique details that are displayed in its image.

Some cocktails may contain the “Umbrella” element, ice cubes, cucumbers, tomatoes, and other various themed items.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
That’s true, sometimes pre-sales could bring more problems than benefits

Juan DeFi:
100%. For big investors, it’s not a variant. We have big guys behind us.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
What’s your favorite cocktail😁

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Do all those elements represent different NFTs?

Juan DeFi:
My personal Bloody Mary

Alex VodkaToken:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Great choice🔥🍹

Alex VodkaToken:
My favorite cocktail is a clean vodka and nothing more😂😂

Juan DeFi:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks, guys for this great 1 part of AMA🥃

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @Indomiekuy
In my opinion, Vodka is a really great project, so where I possible to buy the $Vodka token? Which exchange, and How to buy to $Vodka? Please share with us.

Juan DeFi:
You can buy $Vodka tokens from tomorrow.

13:05 UTC time will be listing on PancakeSwap

Vodka Token Contract


You can use BNB (BUSD) for buying

Q2 from Telegram user @ronaldo_super
Have created an Ambassador Program for people in different places in the world?

Juan DeFi:
Yes. We’re inviting strong ambassadors in many countries.

Q3 from Telegram user @MOONB0Y
How do we participate in the lottery and what’s going to be used to choose the winners ??

Juan DeFi:
To participate in staking, you first need any of the cocktails. Staking will be credited in vodka tokens from the cost of your cocktail.
You can use as many cocktails as possible.

Q4 from Telegram user Orlemys
How many different NFTs are there on your platform? With animal-based NFT game platforms, astronomical amounts of NFTs can be generated. So, will it be similar on your platform? Also, please let us know how to join the current NFT giveaway, thanks!

Alex VodkaToken:
In infinity, NFTs have generated automatically.
We cannot promise you any profit. It is illegal

🎁 Win one of 1500 NFT cocktails!

Q5 from Telegram user @smelekin
Bitcoin is a completely decentralized project but some of the new projects are adding centralization for improving the speed so I wonder is there any possibility of centralization on Vodka Token project?

Juan DeFi:
We don’t want to go towards centralization, on the contrary, we have done 100% DeFi, without registrations and KYC, taking into account the prohibitions in many countries.

Q6 from Telegram user @potentialsake
Why some of your team members are still anonymous and will they go public later?

Alex VodkaToken:
We do not hide the faces of the management and funds of our project.
You can also see the personal accounts of various administrators in our groups. We just do not show our development teams, because we are worried about their safety.

Q7 from Telegram user AmZi
Before I get drunk on VODKA, may I inquire about the security of your project? Could you please share the details of your audit with us?

Alex VodkaToken:
🦾 Our smart contract has passed an independent security audit from the Canadian company Soken.
Vulnerabilities identified: 0

You can make sure here

( we will announce the address of our secure and invulnerable smart contract and you will be able to track all Vodka token transactions!

Q8 from Telegram user @mobilejii
Can you tell us why you chose Soken for your Audit? How can zero vulnerabilities and trust be on the report? Any plan to do more audits from certik or other third parties?

Juan DeFi:
The Canadian company Soken is quite reputable, but it prevents us from doing other audits as well, it’s just that for many companies it lasts for weeks.

Q9 from Telegram user @highpee
You said that for every cocktail level, a user needs to SHAKE $BNB and VODKA Token in equal proportion. My question is with the shaking. What does it mean to shake? How is it done and is it only $BNB that is used for this shaking?

Alex VodkaToken:
You can mix it with different cryptocurrencies.
Shake – in our system its mean “create”
You need to mix: BNB or BUSD or WETH on your choice, with VODKA and get a unique NFT cocktail.

Q10 from Telegram user @alicandogan9
As a gamer, I’m asking, what do you do to not get bored of VODKA? Making cocktails can get boring after a while, will you improve VODKA, update it and add new features? Is player experience important for VODKA?

Juan DeFi:
Of course, we also understand this very well and will release new products and ideas, step by step. So that our users always get something new.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part, we tested your knowledge in terms of Vodka Token. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for the quiz was 300$.
For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group:
Russian Telegram group:
Spanish Telegram group:
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Vodka Token Telegram community:

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