Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from vEmpire DDAO and our guests was @vEmpiredigital. The AMA took place on 12 August.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram community
Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with vEmpire DDAO! Welcome to Satoshi Club😀
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello, dear Satoshi Club!
Today our guest is @vEmpiredigital
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Thanks so much all 🙏🏻 great to be here 🔥🔥⚔️⚔️
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Nice to meet you 🤗
Mary | Satoshi Club: Welcome to Satoshi Club 👏
Let’s start our AMA 🚀
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Great 😊
Mary | Satoshi Club: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us more about vEmpire DDAO?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Absolutely 😆 so I’m Dominic Ryder, CEO and founder of vEmpire ⚔️ I started my career as a stockbroker, moving into wealth management and then private equity.
In regards to vEmpire the reasoning behind the protocol was as a reaction to all the greed and screwing over the little guy I witnessed along the way 👊🏻
vEmpire is fighting centralisation
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Starting with the Metaverse companies by facilitating DeFi esque staking strategies of Metaverse tokens
We’ll use these to invade the protocols and conquer 🔥
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: What is the essence of vEmpire DDAO?
[ Sticker ]
Mary | Satoshi Club: You’re real crypto guy👍
Who is in your fighting team?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): The essence of vEmpire is the community. A normal DAO rewards the wallets with the most money. I’m the real world leaving running it to the most wealthy hasn’t worked out so far really has it?
vEmpire’s DDAO is a Democratic DAO, one vote per wallet above a minimum holding (we would have zero but have to protect against bots)
Usually no matter what the community votes
They are overruled by founders, developers and the team behind the protocol. Not with us 👌🏻
Mary | Satoshi Club: True😃 but, yes, bots usually are a problem
What about team😉
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Indeed, the community is the lifeblood of the project, its engine. you made the right bet👏
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Ah sorry yes 🙌🏻 so it is myself as CEO, aka Romulus with my brother Mike aka Remus as COO I am the crypto maxi, he is the gamer ⚔️ we have lots of advisers & people I’ve met along the way who share my crypto passion and hatred of CeFi you can see the development team and advisers here https://v-empire.digital/team
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Family business😁👍
Mary | Satoshi Club: Great team! Are you public?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes fully KYCd by solid proof and you can find us all on the website link here 😊
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for great introduction, we will have several questions selected for the Part 1. Ready to start?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): 100% 🥳 let’s go
Q1 from Telegram User @nadee5
vEmpire DDAO, ,a Democratic Decentralised Autonomous Organisation which is a new fairer system of DAO which rewards honour and loyalty to the DDAO in more or equal measure to monetary contributions…In crypto world there are different DAOs..but,with vEmpire you have introduced DDAO..So I’m really interested to know, What makes DDAO different from other DAO projects ?what new features have been added to make it more fairer system of DAO ?what reason inspired you to introduce this concept ? Thank you
Mary | Satoshi Club: Oh, it’s so rare now, I want to pinch myself and see if I’m asleep🤣
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): I know I bet you were shocked when you saw there were no animals involved at all in this token?! 🤣
Great question
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: And food😂🙈
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): So as I touched on above, the DAO in its original sense is a great idea, giving (intending) to give power to the community, but it has shown to be very open to abuse. This is why I wanted to make sure that whether you had 5K, 50K, or 500K you get the same say in the governance of vEmpire
And the reason and inspiration
Seeing every vote ending up getting passed by just one developer wallet 😆
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Done
Very true
Mary | Satoshi Club: Let’s talk about your future brawls with cheaters🤣 do you already have bot prevention system?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes we do, as mentioned, the perfect scenario would be every staked holder having a say in the governance but that isn’t possible due to the risk of Sybil attacks. This is why we will be setting a minimum requirement to hold your singular vote. All results will be audited for anomalies on top just for added protection 👌🏻
Mary | Satoshi Club: Super! Hope it will work👏
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): We have everything in place 👌🏻
Mary | Satoshi Club: Btw, when we will see everything live?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): So I am harassing my devs endlessly to make sure we have a platform demo to showcase prior to the token launch on 31st August, at present, we are running on schedule 👍🏻
Mary | Satoshi Club: Very soon🚀🚀🚀
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Smart contracts are ready, we are building front and back end atm
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks a lot for the answers! Look forward to🤞
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Welcome 🙏🏻
Q2 from Telegram User @NataliyaKil
So, the presale will take place on Unicrypt on the 31st August 2021 at approx 20:00 PM. How can we get access to the presale and on what conditions, for what currency can we buy VEMP token and what will be its cost? Will there be a purchase limit and how much? Under what conditions will the sale be considered completed and can it be closed? Could you also clarify the start time of the presale, as the article in Medium says that the time is approximate (20:00)?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Thanks again, yes so the approximate time is because the time is measured in Ethereum blocks, these average 12-18 seconds but they vary so the time will change in the weeks leading up to the sale, but we will reset it to within 1 minute of 20:00PM BST on the day of the sale 👌🏻
In regards to the other points
It is worth mentioning that the VEMP token will also be IEOing on MEXC Global which is one of largest in the world and ranked in the top 20 by liquidity. So as well as Unicrypt there will be allocations on MEXC Global as well
The maximum purchase on Unicrypt is 2.5 Ethereum and MEXC global will be considerably less
VEMP is currently pegged to Ethereum at;
125000 VEMP per Ethereum
Mary | Satoshi Club: So, i can assume Unicrypt sale will end fast🤣
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): This means at 3K per Ethereum, VEMP is worth 0.024, at 2K 0.02 etc etc
So the way to work it out is whatever the Ethereum price is on 31st August, just divide it by 125000 and there’s your VEMP price 👌🏻
Well that’s the Hope for us !
Mary | Satoshi Club: Why did you decide to peg to Eth? Usually projects like to orient on usdt/usdc etc
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Priority list (first 2 hours) goes to holders of three UNCX or 50 UNCL tokens, then it opens for anybody
As an ERC20 token we thought this was the best way to go 🙌🏻 we could of pinned to USDT or USDC but well, it’s a bit boring isn’t it! 🤣
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): On MEXC you will have a USDT pair
And Unicrypt is Ethereum so you get the best of both worlds 👍🏻
That was a long one! 😆 good question though!!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: thank you very much for such a detailed answer👏
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): It’s all about the details 😊
Q3 from Telegram User @meml97
While reading about vEmpire and it’s Trading Card Game, I couldn’t help but wonder, where will we be able to play this game? Do you have plans to make it as a browser game or perhaps do you have plans on launching your own TCG app? Whatever it’s the case, for comfort and practically purposes, will we be able to play it on our mobile devices too? What kind of requirements will our devices need to meet to run your game smoothly?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Great I was hoping for a question on our trading cards 🙌🏻 yes so the trading card game will be hosted on the vEmpire platform first which will be on desktop. Mobile application is of course something we want to bring to market ASAP as well but launching an Ethereum based mobile application game rather than a desktop is a very tricky beast.
Having a desktop version first allows us a lot more flexibility and a lot more time for us to work out any cards that could be overpowered, applying the NFT boosts, gameplay running smoothly etc etc. We think it is better to launch a mobile game with perfect gameplay than to rush something for convenience 👍🏻
The NFTs are already out on Opensea, vEmpire was created to reward loyalty which is why the first editions are all being released at a low price and marked with a vE, so the first commons are already sold out which were 0.1 Ethereum but we launched the reinforcements which are 0.15. These will only go up in terms of the prices new cards are listed, so early supporters are rewarded as the lifeblood of vEmpire ⚔️🔥⚔️
Mary | Satoshi Club: What about ETH fees? Won’t it be expensive?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: not bad….⚔️⚔️
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Gas fees are always something to bear in mind of course, we are already working on cross chain solutions with talks with polygon and BSC already underway 💪🏻
We are hoping that the new upgrades will keep gas lower in the meantime and 2.0 is just around the corner 🤞🏻
Yes we are already a top 10 trading card NFT company on Opensea 🔥
Mary | Satoshi Club: Wow, congrats 👏👏👏
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Yes! There is a lot of competition and this is a good result.⚔️⚔️
Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you for your answers, Dom! Ready to jump to the next question?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Of course 👊🏻
Q4 from Telegram User @yellowchamp
I see that the “vEmpire – The Founding Soldiers” NFT is available in OpenSea marketplace and it has almost 200 items and has 37 different owners. So,as an NFT collector or buyer ,why would we rather choose to buy your NFT art? How will be those NFT be valuable in the market? Is it also tradeable? What is the deal between NFT creators and your platform for the profit-sharing? By the way,why do you choose to sell your NFT to OpenSea? As you know Binance has also an NFT marketplace,so do you plan to also collaborate Binance to sell your NFT in the future,as we know Binance has a large numbers of potential buyers? Thank you
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Another multi level and great question so be patient with my typing 🤣
Mary | Satoshi Club: Np, take your time!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Take your time😉
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes so as soon as we have BSC & Polygon capabilities we will be expanding our marketplaces as well. We are also working on something very special in this regard with our developers so stay tuned in our telegram discussion group!
The key thing with our NFTs is that as well as looking really awesome 🤩 they have full utility in our play to earn game on the vEmpire platform. Please see 5.2 of our whitepaper https://v-empire.digital/whitepaper
The more NFTs you own the better you are likely to do in our game vEmpire: The Beginning
The NFTs boost your hand with the corresponding card, making it much more likely that you will win the battles. Like with most NFTs and collectibles. Once people see the utility and the game is launched on the platform, their real worth and desirability is likely to skyrocket, as the owners of the NFTs will be the most profitable gamers on the platform. So I encourage you to get them while you can as they are likely to get more and more desirable as time goes on (not financial advice!) 😆
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Oh also please see the NFT handbook here to see all the NFTs that will become available
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I like that nft has a real field of application👍
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes not just a pretty face 😆
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: This will increase their value. 😁
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes, that is why I am trying to allow our early community the cheapest access 👌🏻
Q5 from Telegram User @Asela1112
You have integrated 3 tokens called $VEMP- native token, $xVEMP- governance token& $xsVEMP- battle token. Can you explain the role of these tokens deeply? Have all they a price in the market? Initially you mint 90 million of $VEMP tokens. What about the $xVEMP & $xsVEMP token? Will you mint same amount (90 million) for $xVEMP & $xsVEMP token? And I didn’t notice any kind of deflation system. Then how will you control Inflation rate of your 3 tokens?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: excellent opportunities for early birds
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Thanks so xVEMP & xsVEMP will not be tokens in the same right as VEMP and so will not be publicly tradeable, xVEMP is a “proof of stake” token in that it allows you to be gifted fees from the vEmpire platform. On unstaking if your xVEMP you will be given back your VEMP stake + any rewards
xsVEMP is a further level which allows users to enter our great arena where they can battle other users in the NFT game for the chance to win more VEMP 🔥 xsVEMP holders are truly the most daring and bravest warriors of vEmpire 🔥⚔️👌🏻
For more information on the token and staking tokens please see section 1 & section 5 of our whitepaper https://v-empire.digital/whitepaper
Ah and in terms of inflation
vEmpire’s supply is capped at 810,720,000 which is gradually released over 21 years. There is no additional minting of VEMP
You can find our emissions schedule and inflation table in the whitepaper
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: in fact this is a rather unusual solution. share your tokenomics with us
Mary | Satoshi Club: Complicated system😃
Btw, will VEMP prizes be fixed in game? Or prizes volume will depend on factors?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes so a DeFi protocol rewards it’s users for staking tokens onto the platform, these rewards need to come from somewhere, and so the supply is not just dumped into the market, the emissions are released to vEmpire’s users and stakers of the platform.
So a user of vEmpire’s Metaverse token strategy will earn rewards as below. I will use MANA (Decentralands currency) as an example;
MANA is staked into the MANA pool, a certain amount of our tokens (95% of our supply is locked) are sent to users who stake their MANA into this strategy. The rewards send to this pool & others are decided by the DDAO. This earns users their first yield which is paid in VEMP.
vEmpire will then use this MANA to buy land, real estate and collectibles within Decentraland. 50% of these profits are reinvested and the other 50% are paid back in MANA to strategy users. This means that you are earning a yield in two different cryptos from the one strategy, confusing yes but this diagram should help 🙌🏻🔥🔥
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first):

Please see 2.2 of whitepaper
We leave that to our users 👌🏻 it will be decided by the community in our DDAO
Mary | Satoshi Club: Oh, true decentralisation 👍 awesome!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for sharing 😊
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Welcome 🙏🏻
Let’s do it
Q6 from Telegram User @JesusFre1tes
They have recently published their recent listing on MEXC Global, as part of their $VEMP trading initiative. My question is, why have you decided to take this important step hand in hand with MEXC Global specifically and how do you think this will help improve the liquidity, buying and selling of $VEMP? What are the available exchange pairs that will initially be included for $VEMP on MRXC Global? Do you plan to venture into other CEX and DEX in the future?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes so the trading pairs as mentioned earlier will be with both USDT on MEXC & also Ethereum with 60% of the Ethereum we raise on Unicrypt going into a locked liquidity pool. In terms of liquidity potential from MEXC, this was one of the key reasons for going with such a large exchange, over half a billion flows through them every 24 hours and sometimes more, having accessibility for both seasoned investors through DEX and also those who may be more comfortable investing through a platform, we personally felt allowed us to best service all aspects of our community 😊
Mary | Satoshi Club: Will we be able to farm your tokens somewhere?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): We also wanted to expand into the Eastern market where there is lots of innovation in the gaming and NFT space and thought this would give our early token holders great liquidity and price action support
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes there are token farming options on Unicrypt and we will be developing our own on platform solutions as one our first features released as well ☺️
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: do you plan ambassador programs?
Mary | Satoshi Club: Oh, that’s what we like👍
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Potentially, we are also looking into and want to have the top players and gamers in the play to earn and NFT space as members of vEmpire
A lot of these play to earn games have options for those who cannot access the assets to play for others
But the rates seem and are usually very unfair
With the owners keeping 80% and the players 20%
We want to democratise this and vEmpire will never earn more from any of its lent assets than the user does 👌🏻
It will be 50/50
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you very much for the great answers.😊😍
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Thanks for the great questions!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Now if you want to share useful links with us before opening the chat 😊
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes sure I will be share our FAQ page 👌🏻 it is also worth me mentioning that we have great support from some really big names, Jeff from Axie Infinity for example, me and him are currently chatting and he is very impressed with vEmpire, nothing signed or agreed yet but watch this space!
Alongside that we have had articles written by us on Forbes by Cathy Hackl as well as mentions from other top influencers such as Spartan black, DCLblogger & more
Please see our FAQs and also how you can win 1% of VEMPs total supply 🔥😱🔥⚔️
FAQ for vEmpire’s $VEMP token 🔥⚔️🔥⚔️ Listing on MEXC Global – Top 20 CEX
Token Launch: 31st August
Website https://v-empire.digital
Where can I get involved in the pre sale? https://app.unicrypt.network/amm/uni-v2/ilo/0xF4f759a7Ee12a1DBd9d6d56bd14d5e22ec9348e6
Or top 20 CEX MEXC Global https://www.MEXC.com
How will VEMP be used in the protocol?
To reward & incentivise Metaverse token staking onto the platform & to reward game winners 🔥👌🏻
Wen moon? See launch date ^
Why did you create vEmpire?
How can I earn 1% of VEMPs total supply? 🤯
Where can I get the NFTs? https://opensea.io/collection/vempire-the-founding-soldiers
Where can I post my secondary sale NFTs?
How much will 1% of VEMP be worth if vEmpire gets to the size of MANA? $10,000,000 😱
Where can I see or add my clue? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1xzTjEvo9HYhCnGNzZb-QR_OtHpePBWFGO2_DD6evKns/htmlview (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1xzTjEvo9HYhCnGNzZb-QR_OtHpePBWFGO2_DD6evKns/htmlview#)#
https://www.instagram.com/vempire.digital (https://www.instagram.com/vempire.digital/)/
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from telegram username @Gutike95
If really many projects are looking to unite the existing benefits both in DeFi with in CeFi, then why does vEmpire DDAO see CeFi as the real problem of financial debacles? Or is it just a specific feature in CeFi? If so, won’t CeFi’s other features affect finances?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): After my experience in the financial services industry, I see all CeFi as a problem. I could write stories upon stories for days on my experiences but I wanted to highlight especially how I’m seeing the same mistakes repeated in the Metaverse as we saw in the Great Recession, I highly recommend anybody who wants to learn why I created vEmpire to read this medium article i wrote
Q2 from telegram username @Seema_ji
Almost all investors are focused on the price of the token in the short term rather than understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us about the motivation and benefits for investors to hold your tokens over the long term?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes us crypto investors are quite the short terms thinkers at times 😆 my thoughts behind vEmpire is all about our repeat platform users and the long term benefit stakers will see from the platform. This is why at every level I have incentivised long term holding, with the vEmpire strategies you can stake one token for yield, then stake that VEMP yield into the DDAO for more yield, and then stake that further to xsVEMP for even more yield 🤩
Our long term holders will always get the biggest rewards and are much more likely to be successful in play to earn 👌🏻 more in our whitepaper!
Q3 from telegram username @biggdata
vEmpire is a project built on the Ethereum platform, but will you just stick with the Ethereum platform or will you expand the vEmpire ecosystem with new networks to take advantage of other networks?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes we are already in talks with Polygon and vEmpire is very much a cross chain project including wanting BSC utilisation on top of Ethereum in the near future 👌🏻
Q4 from telegram username @AnimeshBidua
💠Does your vEmpire DDAO have any token? If it is there then how I can buy them??
💠Is there any NFT from vEmpire DDAO?
💠What are some key benefits that satisfy investors that there is no scam or loop holes in project??
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): The token was minted through Unicrypt which means that it is fully audited with no additional minting option. We have also had KYC by solidproof.io and we have locked 95% of the tokens to give you faith that we are certainly in this for the long run ⚔️🔥

Q5 from telegram username @Tahsinahmett
Will you have criteria to equalize the advantage of experienced players to new players in Treasure Hunt “The Emperor’s Scrolls”? For example, do you have any limitations such as easy, medium, hard mode?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): So the vEmpire Emperors parchments quiz is at first a quest that can only be solved by the Empire working together to solve the clues. vEmpire encourages community and so if people keep clues to themselves then nobody will be able to enter the final battle to win 1% of vEmpire’s supply. Eventually the quest will turn into a battle of individuals, but for now nobody can progress unless the Empire community works together to get the last three clues from the last influencers left!
See here for more https://medium.com/@v-empire.digital/vempire-announces-nft-treasure-hunt-the-emperors-parchments-7f5f3920138e
Q6 from telegram username @Gutike95
Really Centralization is capable of causing a great financial debacle in any project? If so, then why hasn’t Bitcoin suffered this final debacle if it hasn’t yet made its network fully decentralized? or is bitcoin totally different?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): So I would point again to the medium article, preventing a Metaverse financial crisis. The same mistakes in the Great Recession of securities made of securities made of securities is being repeated by some greedy venture capitalists 🤬
There are NFTs being made of NFTs which themselves are part of an investment trust which has been made into NFTs…. This sort of leveraged securitisation never ends well and pops eventually. Please read more here
Q7 from telegram username @doithay1617
The Covid pandemic has greatly affected life and economy around the world, how does it affect vEMPIRE?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Covid was awful for so many people. For a select few and me included being stuck at home allowed me the clarity to see what I wanted from life and what I wanted to stand for. This gave me the push to write my whitepaper and this is where it all began for me and the team 😊👌🏻
Q8 from telegram username @Indomiekuy
Do you think community is important for vEmpire ? Do you have any program that still ongoing now that related to community like ambassador, bounty, or airdrop? Can you announced it here?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Community is the single most important aspect for any new or existing crypto. Hands down no question. This is why at every level of vEmpire we want to reward users. Do not be fooled by some projects offering airdrops and other short term incentives, these rarely build a true community, vEmpire rewards loyalty above all, join our fight and reap the rewards of our battle from within ⚔️👊🏻💪🏻
Q9 from telegram username @nadee5
What key features distinguish vEmpire from other NFT games ?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): I highly encourage all of you to read the whitepaper https://v-empire.digital/whitepaper
It does take time but you will truly be able to see I am telling the truth when I say that there is no project out there right now that is doing
What vEmpire is doing. We are a brand new concept in the crypto world. Almost every token this year is some sort of animal, food o just a fork with a slightly improved feature. Not vEmpire. vEmpire is crafting a new sort of protocol and a new niche in this world we love 😍
Q10 from telegram username @ethcypherpunk
vEmpire includes games like cards, battles and metaverse features, can you mention if you intend to add other types of entertainment-related features?
Dom – Romulus – (Won’t DM first): Yes absolutely, so more games will be added which will include even more utility for the current NFTs on sale now. vEmpire will eventually build its own Metaverse and a home planet for our army. All Metaverses need wearables, and our NFT owners will be first in line to where the armour their cards possess 🔥⚔️
We want the early supporters to be the ones who benefit the most from vEmpire this is why we released the NFTs before the token, so whilst the greedy whales aren’t noticing, we can share the earliest NFTs with the REAL community 🔥⚔️🔥⚔️
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
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