Uniqueland x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 4th of February

Uniqueland x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 4th of February

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Uniqueland and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 4th of February

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Hello Satoshi Club community ! We are pleased to announce today AMA with Uniqueland

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Let’s welcome our Guests from Uniqueland @uniqDEV @Sofyiax @Lucky_Jackson

Hello welcome to Satoshi club

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Welcome to Satoshi Club!  @uniqDEV @Sofyiax @Lucky_Jackson


Thanks everyone, it’s my pleasure to have this great community to share with

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

We are Glad to have you here

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

How are you doing?


Same to us as Uniqueland elite Dev’s

Lucky Jackson


Robocop | Satoshi Club

we are so excited to do AMA with Uniqueland ! so lets start our AMA


Very perfect and productive

Read to produce a wonderful product for Uniqueland supporters

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Can you please introduce yourself and your team.

How did you get to be involved in Cryptocurrency & Uniqueland?


My name is Jonathan Moore

Am ceo and main dev at Uniqueland

Along with our marketing manager @Lucky_Jackson,

We have many experienced on the crypto sphere and lots of knowledge about gamify also we have helped many projects achieve what they have planned in roadmap and product, but that wont be shared here


Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

So can you tell us what Uniqueland is all about?


Uniqueland is the multichain simulation of the game created to gamify the story of the fiction Neptune Planet. The game will have all features that allow users to interact as much as possible, creating a perfect environment for the real world. Players will start playing the game for free grind their way up to the play to earn tier, While competing with others, craft,

 Matter of fact in Uniqueland not only making profit, but also getting knowledge, from beginners to pro,, we have a tools that can interact both beginners and pro to meet the needs in crypto sphere

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

This is interesting

How many members do you currently have on your team?


Core members up to now we have 5 members, 2 based on gamify and 3 based on blockchain and other related industries

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

And are they all anonymous?


No, some will be DOXXED later, but main dev already DOXXED by pinksale KYC’ED and once all ready to DOXXED then 5 of us will be publicly

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for the great intro @uniqDEV and @Lucky_Jackson

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Ready to proceed to our community questions?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

We have collected 6 community questions from Satoshi Club community,

ready to proceed?


A great moment was waiting


Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q1 from Telegram user @Danniblaiz

I discovered that you’ve conducted a prelaunch last month and you’re about to conduct a presale on the 9th of this month with the Pinksale ecosystem. That’s really amazing for Uniqueland. How can users participate in your upcoming presale. I noticed there’s a Whitelisting process ongoing but I tried applying and discovered that only a few questions were asked including the wallet address of the user. Does this entails that all users who’ll participate in this whitelisting process will be whitelisted and in the long run take part in the presale as well? what other measure will you take to ensure that there’s a fair and equitable distribution of the allocated presale assets to users for the Presale? Will KYC be mandatory in order to participate in the Presale?? governance processes? Is there a trustless manner borrower can directly take a loan through a decentralized platform known as P2P lending?


Great question

Correction is our pre sale will be on 12 Feb, and we have opened whitelist form to secure allocation for early investors, to us investors and supporters is our main priority, you don’t need kyc for whitelist, you just submit your bep20 personal wallet and wait for pre sale date

Also we dont have lending mechanism, but we have PE2 staking mechanisms which will be explained later on mingame

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

How many wallets do you intend to whitelist for the presale?


Currently we will close whitelist 3 days before pre sales, we have targeted only 300 whitlisted for the first early investors

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Thank you for your answers


This means 3 days before pre sales even if we didn’t get 300 whitlisted, we will close whitelist form

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Ok I get it..

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for the detail answer, Dont miss this opportunity Satoshi Clubber !

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Ready to proceed to the next question?



Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q2 from Telegram user @Emnking

You recently announced that the rebranding site of Uniqueland is almost ready and I was really interested in knowing why you decided to rebrand your site until I came across a post where you listed the Benefits of Rebranding to include

Partnership ,Audit, and More exposure.

How far have you gone with this rebranding and what should we expect when this rebranding is 100% completed? You mentioned audit to be one of the benefits of Rebranding and I discovered that Certik is On board in auditing Uniqueland. Do we expect the Audit to be completed once the rebranding is 100% completed?



 We have already 100% rebranded our site, for those who have been with us earlier, they have noticed after rebranded we got Certik on board, we got pinksale KYC’ED And there are alot lined up on my desk, can’t say til deal closed and agreed both parties,

I can tell this going viral sooner

Also about audit it will be released feb 16 according to Certik themselves

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Impressive.. … Will Certik audit be the only one you’d do?


We will have 1more audit, Techrate,

We will have announcement for this after its approved

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Great.. security is a very important consideration, Glad you have this on top of your list

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Thank you for your answers

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thats really great ,don’t forget to share the result with Satoshi Club

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Ready for the next question now?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Lets go to 3rd question?


Absolutely yes, we will share all progress with you guys, a great and biggest community



Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q3 from Telegram user @Modrumz120

I read from the uniqueland white paper, where it was mentioned that by creating an easy-to-use platform for crypto beginners we intend to engage and educate newcomers in original, playful, and rewarding ways. I’m curious to know, What are the ways in which you’ve put in place for crypto newbies to be engaged, educated and how will they function in performing these tasks? Also, how will they benefit the new crypto beginners as they start their crypto journey with uniqueland?


Such a delicious question

As i mentioned earlier, we have a lot of experience on crypto sphere, we have managed to establish and pre program the perfect tools for beginners and pro to interact each other and get the best knowledge about the blockchain and related issues

Let’s me share where this interaction will be

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

This is a great opportunity for  improvement


Perfect tool from beginners to pro in blockchain, we take supporters and investors priority at maximum level

Robocop | Satoshi Club

by the way, Do you have any video trailer or maybe photo or screenshot about gameplay from Uniqueland?

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

And this is an applaudable attitude


We will have this demo video after pre sale finalised

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Great, can’t wait for this

Thank you for the answer, do you have anything else or we can go to next question?



Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q4 from Telegram user @sunny_steel

I agree with your vision that staking has the added benefit of contributing to the security and efficiency of the blockchain projects people support. By staking some funds, community makes the blockchain more resistant to attacks and strengthen its ability to process transactions. Please share your Uniqueland vision on staking? What are the differences you offer compared to other staking programs? Does it also supposes a lock of native tokens for a certain period of time in order to get yield and game NFTs? Thanks!


Nice question

 Uniqueland elite Dev’s have managed to establish a new feature on the blockchain gaming industry

The feature of P2E with top added staking on top players


Let’s say top1 player playing every day and win some NFT’S and others rewards, but user X don’t know how to play but got funds to add in top1 player pool,

After cycle end pool wil be automatically closed by smart contract and prize won will be split accordingly to both player and user X

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Speak of NFT, what will be like NFT from Uniqueland ? and what are the usecase from that NFT?


This will be shared on the Q2 of our roadmap, but yes NFT from Uniqueland

Use case will be mainly on mingame and other related features like marketable place which it’s on the final stage

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Art looks great

Robocop | Satoshi Club

well its all clear for me, shall we go to 5th question ?



Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q5 from Telegram user @V1ct0r_26

Hello, Uniqueland’s Team!

I read on your roadmap something very interesting, you have plans for this year of releasing other play to earn games such as Casino, Hunting and Fishing and Virtual Sports Games. Could you give us more details about this future games? Will all they be kind of minigames inside the universe of Uniqueland’s Neptune Planet or will they be totally separated games? Whatever might be the case, please give us more details about how do you plan them to be and how will users be able to play them? What benefits will this games bring to players specially those one who have already been playing at Uniqueland? Thanks.


You not far from point, yes this will be a mingame inside main games of Uniqueland, infact they will be way up to synchronisation them together to get more lifes for the tire and rewards

The benefits for this will be depend on how far did you go on the main game initially,

But all in all there will be a user-friendly mechanism to bind them up if you wish to,

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

So how many Of these minigames is currently active on your platform?


Not yet active,, but they will be active on website sooner

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club



We just need to make sure security, and user friendly, we have taken certik as our audit so that everything should be secured

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Can you please share your roadmp here with us?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Yes agree with you, security is number 1



Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Thank you for sharing this with us and for your Answers as well

Ready for the last Question of this first part?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for sharing the roadmap

Robocop | Satoshi Club

lets go to last question from part 1?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q6 from Telegram user @meml97

I saw that to be able to play Uniqueland’s PvP mode and PvE, users will need to have some creatures called “Karraban” and Guardians. However, there is no more information about this two characters on Uniqueland’s game. That being said, can you give us more details about them, specially about the Karrabans? How will they look like and where can we get them from? Do you happen to have any kind of concept art of them for us to imagine them better? Also, how many Karrabans can a single player have and how will they be able to help someone on their adventure through Uniqueland’s game? On the other hand, can you please tell us more about the guardians as well? What is their main function on the game?


The karraban and guardian characters are on final stage of the game stories also they based on P2E mechanism, we have every set on target, it just a matter of time and we will release fully details about it

Single player can aquire max 5 of them

The user friendly feature will guide all way up

We will be able to share them accordingly to Roadmap, but yes we can have a sneak peek soon

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

We can’t wait for this to be fully ready..

Lucky Jackson

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Thank you for your answers in this first part

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for the answer! it has been an amazing time in this first part of the AMA @uniqDEV @Lucky_Jackson

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Before we proceed to part 2 from live section, can you share important link or social media from Uniqueland?


Very productive and well organised

A great community


Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Opening Chat now..

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @meml97

It caught my attention that Uniqueland will implement a quite unique gaming system into the platform where players will be able to start the game for free and then scalate their way into a play to earn tier. So, can you tell us more about this interesting mechanism? Why did you decided to let players start the game for free? How long will they be allow to play Uniqueland before being transfered into the play to earn tier? How much can they earn on that first tier? What benefits does this system bring to your game and specially to the economy of it?


To build a perfect environment amd user friendly mechanism to our gaming, this will be depend on those earlier supporters and investors

Q2 from Telegram user @sirdefi

Can you tell us about the benefits of Staking $UNIQ? What kind of rewards will we be able to get? Will you have multiple Staking pools? How long will the rewards be locked in for?


Staking will be based on top players ranks, and we will have max 10 pools for 10 top players only.And only can stake to top 10 by $UNIQ

Q3 from Telegram user @Marcos2002

As I Was Going through Your Whitepaper , I Saw that You are also Provinding “CRYPTOCURRENCY EDUCATION” , To the New
Crypto Users , May I know What Kinds of Education or Guides Do You provide and Can anyone Join It ?


The forum will have fully knowledge, from newbies to pro, all articles, including materials on how blockchain works will be included, also user can interact each others easily to help on any information accordingly

Q4 from Telegram user @Akira236

How can users earn even if they don’t want to play the game?
What are the ways that anyone can earn on the platform?


Simply by staking your $UNIQ to one of the top players pool, rewards will be split accordingly

Q5 from Telegram user @Dino916

Have You already gone through the private sales?
And when will you start with your public sales and how can the community participate in it?


We have only upcoming pre sales with pinksale KYC and Certik audit

Q6 from Telegram user @munishgmr

To Build the token sustainable,
What Plans you have?
Can You also tell about the launch of your $UNIQ token? and how is your project unique from other Gamefi projects?


Based on the name unique, yes we are unique in blockchain gamify, as we have cool features that’s others don’t have, like staking on top players pools

Q7 from Telegram user @tomo_fan

To Attract the Gamers for long time on Uniqueland platform,

What do you think is necessary from the gaming platform side?


The main necessary is security of users funds, that’s where Certik on board for that, and we will have Techrate on board too

Q8 from Telegram user @TarJan208

It is true that every project in every phase of development, They face some reluctance and some barriers,

Currently, what main barriers do you face in adoption and product development as well?


Agreed with you, but in Uniqueland we have well organised and top performers Dev’s on board, also we have have already on talk with other parties cooperation to make this happened and presented well with each feature and top security accordingly

Q9 from Telegram user @Tavasya23

Can You plese provide me The Infomation like MAX -SUPPLY , CONTRACT ADDRESS and also Tell me About the TOKEN ECONOMICS and its Distribution In the Uniqueland Ecosystem ?


Max supply 500M $UNIQ
62% LOCKED for approximately 3 years vested
Leaving 24% for presale and 13% for Liquidity on pancakeswap


Q10 from Telegram user @superhero_898

It is created to GameFi the story of fiction “Neptune planet”,
I would want to know more about the “Neptune planet” and the reason behind choosing it?


As Uniqueland, we have choose that planet on fiction because it’s unique to us, and games customised based on it with all features and characters along with it

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru/
Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish/
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub/
Website: https://esatoshi.club/

Our partners:
Telegram –https://t.me/UNIQUELANDNFT
WebSite – https://uniqueland.io/

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