Trias x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 11th of March

Trias x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 11th of March

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from TRIAS and our guest was:
Trias – @Trias_Founder_team;
Hana – @hana2279;
The AMA took place on the 11th of March.

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Trias! Welcome to Satoshi Club😀

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Welcome to Satoshi Club @Trias_Founder_team, @hana2279 and @weiming00! How are you doing guys? 😊

Actually, we are old friends of Satoshi.
The last time we were here for the event was when our white paper on the economy came out.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Yes, I remember both AMAs with you😀

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Absolute truth! we are very glad to see you again 😊

Yes, we are here to share with you some new developments and progress

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Almost one year passed! Tell us what had happened with Trias during this time?

First, we set up the Trias DAO, which is now a fully distributed autonomous community.
Most of our operational decisions and technical initiatives are decided and voted upon by the community. For example, we recently approved a proposal for token economy adjustment. In order to better adapt to the ecological development of TRIAS, the total number of tokens has been reduced from 1 billion to 10 million.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Congratulations! It’s an important step in development!
Was it also a community decision?😀

Yes, we have also passed the proposal of listing application successively recently. It is worth mentioning that we are about to start liquidity mining and consider moving to BSC and HECO for better ecological development.
We are going to start liquidity mining next week. The initial yield on APY will be up to 100%~300%. After we move to BSC, we will also land on the first-tier exchanges and cooperate with more DEFI projects.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Nice APY! Sure, a lot of users will be interested 😀 Do you have any terms when you will move to BSC?

Yes! Today I would like to share with you how TRIAS supports the better DEFI project through TEE technology and privacy protection, and how our “-1” layer Leviatom chain fundamentally guarantees the security and trust of transaction data

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your intro! Would you like to add something else? Or ready to proceed to the question from the community?😊

Yes, I’m ready!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q1 from Telegram user @Romadel33
It’s no secret that user information on the blockchain is easier to track, how does TRIAS offer a security mechanism for its users? and that it addresses the privacy concerns of its users!

Yes, it’s a good question.
As for the privacy protection of blockchain, many people have a misconception that blockchain can better protect users’ privacy because of its anonymity. The reality is that user information on the blockchain is easier to track without proper methods and tools. So blockchain doesn’t automatically protect users’ privacy. On the contrary, all transaction information is on the chain, exposing users’ habits and even personal identities to the whole world. As a result, blockchain requires more privacy protection than a real transaction system. Trias has developed a set of common privacy protection protocols based on its own innovative Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and Zero-Knowledge proof scheme, which can support heterogeneous blockchain to achieve privacy protection functions. Trias focuses on anonymous payments, private transactions, privacy contracts, decentralized identity authentication, etc.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Will transactions be private by default or will this be the user’s choice?

Yes, of course, we already made this in a very early stage in our Trias wallet, now we have updated our products.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q2 from Telegram user @Carlcrip
Theoretically speaking, the three subsystems of Trias represent three political models: Executive (Leviatom), Legislative (Prometh) and Judicial (MagCarta). What role does each of them play in the operability of the software? What is the purpose of these three subsystems in Trias?

In order to save time, let me briefly introduce our structure. Satoshi’s old friends should know better. Trias is composed of three layers: Leviatom, Prometh and MagCarta.

Leviatom is an integration of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and Heterogeneous Consensus Graph, a graph computing algorithm similar to Hashgraph or DAGs. It can serve as the underlying ‘-1 layer’ for other public chains, including Ethereum and Hyperledger.

Prometh is a combination of formal verification and DevSecOps methodologies to achieve traceable and verifiable general-purpose software development.

MagCarta is a consensus-oriented programming paradigm to achieve embed and self-defined consensus strategy for high-order enterprise DApps.

Technical details can be found in Trias Technical Whitepaper

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thank you very much for the answer! Ready for the next question? 😊


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q3 from Telegram user @JesusFre1tes
Recently Trias token contraction mapping was completed and the new Trias contract was successfully implemented. From this point on, what changes will we see in the project? What will be the main exchanges that will have the native TRIAS token listed? Which exchange pairs will be initially available? Could you tell us more about this topic?

Yeah. In order to adapt to the development trend of the current encryption market, we decided to adjust the economic model of the TRY token to better enable Trias ecology. Following the rules of Trias DAO, we submitted a proposal on TRY token economic model, which received a warm response from the community. According to the community vote, the proposal was approved by 94%. Trias has issued a new token, named “TRIAS”, instead of a TRY token. The smart contract address of the token has also be changed.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
So, it was some kind of swap, yes?

Yes. And now the Trias team has completed the airdrop of users’ coin holding addresses.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q4 from Telegram user @MihaiPisica
As it is written on your site, Trias delivers enterprise products and solutions to solve the trust and security issues for different customers in many industries. Can you show us some of these use cases and if there are already some clients involved in requiring your services? Who are your core partners in developing a such complex ecosystem?

Sure. Actually, we have more application products used in the real economy already. I will show you some examples with some links so that our friends can better understand our use cases.

And also I want to mention that, TriasForce, which is the main product of Trias, is a decentralized SaaS developed by our team.
Empowered by the Trias blockchain technology, TriasForce aims to provide enterprise-level DSaaS.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
TriasForse is already a working product, right?

On these bases, Trias would try to support technologies for the DeFi market. Sure, it is working already. The core solution TEE and Zero-Knowledge proof of Trias are mainly for trading privacy scenarios, so Trias can seamlessly integrate the trading privacy involved in projects such as decentralized exchanges, mortgage lending, mining derivatives, etc. in the DEFI ecosystem.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q5 from Telegram user @AmirJosh
Trias is one of the projects that featured in SatoshiClub when the group started inviting projects last year if I remembered correctly. It is nice to see you back and visit the group again. May I ask what are the milestones or accomplishments that Trias achieved after a year of hard work? What major events happened that you can share with us?

Thanks. Last year was really a hard year for everyone. But we still worked hard to get some milestones. Like I said before, we have set Trias DAO and operate it well. And another big event is our token swap project. In the next few days, we will launch on Uniswap and BSC, and other DEX. And liquidity mining will also be open at the same time.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
After thus which milestones are important for Trias?

Actually, every milestone is important for Trias. They mean a lot to us😁

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q6 from Telegram user @BeaEvolet
How is Trías related to the trusted computing Hackathon event? What does Trias get out of being involved in such events?

Last year, Trias held a Hackathon named “2020 Trusted Computing Hackathon: Development & Innovation Competition based on TEE” to attain innovative business applications based on blockchain technology as well as showcase the unlimited possibilities of the developer team and individual, themselves.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
What results did you achieve?

And now we have chosen 2 superior projects. we give them technical support from Trias technical team, Investment and Incubation opportunities from Trias foundation and its alliance partners. Let me introduce the 2 projects a little.

One is Authmen, a Trusted Cross-Blockchain
Storage Protocol aims to make a more secure and more economical distributed storage protocol based on Trusted Computing.

Now Authmen has listed on Uniswap already. you can check here to join in their liquidity mining.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thanks! Also, as I see they will also launch on BSC soon😀

Yeah. They are going well 👍

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Ready for the live part now?

Yeah. Let’s go

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @ Johnny ℹ️🅿️

🙋‍♂️Hello. You have mentioned the TRUSTED EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT (TEE technology) and how it can help to provide heterogeneous privacy support to users on the blockchain. What aspect of privacy can this innovation provide and how will it guarantee trust and security of transaction data on the open blockchain?

From the very beginning, Trias takes the Trusted Execution Environment(TEE) as the core privacy computing technology, which can truly implement the privacy computing technology and provide enterprise-level performance services. Trias network is designed to support end-to-end privacy and data ownership, with built-in key management and support for TEE such as Intel SGX, enabling it to support new, decentralized applications and services that protect privacy. TEE is a secure area in the CPU, such as Intel’s SGX. It can be seen as a black box, and a smart contract can be run in TEE to protect personal data. TEE has a wide range of applications in the financial field, especially when it comes to some sensitive data, such as face recognition in mobile phones, TEE technology is applied. In the TEE privacy protection scheme of Trias, the smart contract and data are run in the CPU’s Secure Enclave area and output after running. The smart contract is run in a black box, and the data is fully protected during this process.

Q2 from Telegram user @ TakeDown

How can earn in Staking is possible or only privacy?

Yeah. Trias has held 4 times staking programs with a high APR. Now NO staking program is online. But you can wait for our liquidity mining, which will be going online with the 100%-300% APR.

Q3 from Telegram user @ CryptoFollower

There is an old token of Trias and a new token for Trias so why exactly did you make this change and why did you change the tickers too?

Actually, after studying and judging the development situation of the current crypto market, for the sake of better development and a healthier Trias ecosystem, we proposed to adopt the new economic model so that to fit Trias’s future development strategy, product route, and community construction, and truly adopt the current market trend of the encryption world.

Q4 from Telegram user @ ✨ CRYPTONECO 👀

Many potential users do not have enough knowledge of the Crypto industry. How will you describe your project to include this audience in your project?

Yes. Many potential users don’t understand Trias better actually. We also thought of a lot of ways to introduce Trias in an easy way. Now we define Trias as the following:
Trias is a distributed financial infrastructure platform with two characteristics of cross-chain and privacy protection. The goal of Trias is to build a public chain to realize cross-chain secure transactions, and then provide a platform for the circulation and transaction of various digital assets, and provide a safe and efficient trusted infrastructure for the financial market of digital assets.

Q5 from Telegram user @ LI

🌟TriasForce is a software complex developed by the Trias team. Can you explain what are the functions of TriasForce? I read that it has 3 products: Auditing, Security, and ERP, so can you give us more details about each one? How can clients benefit from TriasForce? @hana2279

Sure. TriasForce, which is the main product of Trias, is a decentralized SaaS developed by our team.
Empowered by the Trias blockchain technology, TriasForce aims to provide enterprise-level DSaaS. It ensures enterprises’ core data and critical services are secure and reliable. Now we have 3 modules: TF-Security, TF-Auditing, and TF-ERP, all of them solving the ‘trust issue’ in cloud computing. A decentralized model can help in protecting the data ownership and makes sure that the value created can be distributed to the originators.
Furthermore, it also tackles the problems of data privacy and leakages, and thus mitigates the clients’ reluctance of uploading data or rejecting the SaaS.

At present, Trias’ team is cooperating with many enterprises in different industries in China and overseas to help them develop and build blockchain-based enterprise service software and series products.
As far as the current situation is concerned, most enterprises are potential consumers of DSaaS, because there is a great demand for blockchain application and enterprise management services.

Q6 from Telegram user @ Borax

Can I stake your token with my metamask in the uniswap application?

Yes. Of course, you can. But we have not started Trias liquidity mining yet. pls pay attention to our announcement channel:

Q7 from Telegram user @ Mamberroi

Hi @hana2279. How did you feel with the Satoshi Club community? It was really a pleasure to have you in our community and to have you answer in such a detailed way our doubts about Trias.

Yeah, I feel so goooood to with dear Satoshi Club. And I also found that members of Satoshi here are very serious about our project, and the questions you raised are very deep. Thanks to all of you guys.

Q8 from Telegram user @ Khalee

What was your purpose in creating TRIAS? What existing problems do you want to solve?

The initial goal of our project is to define a new-generation all-platform-supported public chain system: Trustworthy and Reliable Intelligent Autonomous Systems make people trust in machines. And now we are on the way to realize it.

Q9 from Telegram user @ ꧁ ᒍᑌᗩᑎ ᔕᗩᑎᗪOᐯᗩᒪ ꧂,

Browsing your website I realized that there are many drawings/images (website background) that represent machinery belonging to large companies, why has TRIAS decided to represent your project with this type of image?

Interesting question. I believe you can see from our official website that we are not a small project with only a few people. From the very beginning, we have formulated the orientation of our project and the corresponding hue and style, that is, simple technology style. Even though we have adjusted the official website many times, we always keep this style.

Q10 from Telegram user @ Khalee

What is the reason behind conducting this AMA session? What do you want to let us know, what do you want to promote within the community, do you have an ongoing presale?

Of course, the purpose of making AMA is to make publicity, which I don’t want to deny. At the same time, because our project has made great progress, and there will be more actions in the future, I believe our project is worth more people understanding. For the follow-up pre-sale, I can not disclose too much now. Please continue to pay attention to our official information. We will update it on our official channel for the first time.

Official website:

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

English Telegram group:
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