Cere Network x Satoshi CLUB AMA Session 28 March 2021

Cere Network x Satoshi CLUB AMA Session 28 March 2021

Cere Network is a Decentralized Data Cloud Platform. Pioneering SaaS-DeFi enables enterprises to better utilize their sidelined capital.

PART 1. Introduction of Cere network header project and community questions.

Hello, Satoshi clubbers and guests of this site. We are happy to present you with a Decentralized Data Cloud Platform – Cere Network.

Cere SaaS-DeFi enables enterprises to better utilize their sidelined capital, optimize their financial operations, create frictionless payment experiences for their customer base, and tap into the supercharged liquidity of DeFi.

DxSale.network is building a true decentralized, blockchain agnostic user experience of the token journey.

The plan of AMA session:

  1. Part – Introduction and preselected questions.
  2. Part – Live questions
  3. The Quiz about Cere network

The reward pool is 500$

Leading the AMA our clever and fun admins:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club@GoldRocket27 

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club – @AndresM77

The Representative of the project:

Martijn Broersma@broersma – CMO @ Cere Network

Introduction of Cere Network project.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Hello, dear satoshi club community!

We conclude our today’s ama marathon series with cere network.  😃 today our guest is @broersma – Martijn Broersma, head of marketing. Hello and welcome to satoshi club, Martijn!👋

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

@broersma welcome to satoshi club, we are glad to have you here, how is going your day?

Martijn broersma:

Great! Been travelling from Ams to Minsk today, first time in months to be on the road for business again 🙂

And happy to be here of course!

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

We are very excited about the upcoming ama and are very happy to have you here today on the way to Minsk 😁

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Good luck in your travel💪

Martijn broersma:

Just got settled for this ama. Looking forward to the questions!

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

We are so interested in your project; a lot of questions are coming😁

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Let’s start!

Introduce yourself, please. How did you get to be involved in the crypto & cere network?😊

Martijn broersma:


I studied law in Amsterdam, started working for the Netherlands biggest online notary, which turned into a legaltech startup that did contract lifecycle management, where i became coo.

That legaltech spinning-off into LTO network for b2b enterprise blockchain solutions, where I had an amazing time and experiences in doing the LTO token sale, getting listed on exchanges, going to Binance and even integrating the un to the lto chain.

After 5 years it was time for a new challenge, which I found at cere, which has been a crazy but exciting journey so far. You’ll learn why in the upcoming answers 😉

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Great background

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Nice, 😊 what is the essence of your project?

How long does it take to develop a project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from cere network?

Martijn broersma:

The team has been working on cere for over 2 years, which was accelerated by the Binance incubation program.

Cere network is the first decentralized data cloud platform optimized for service data integration and data collaboration. While most blockchains are simply distributed ledgers, the cere network of blockchains allows for turnkey hyper-customization of enterprise data ecosystems.

I think our future plans will all follow from the upcoming answers!

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

It sounds very in the spirit of the times. Mass adoption in action.

Martijn broersma:

Onboarding fortune 1000 enterprises as we speak!

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Grandiose plans and goals!!! 👏👏👏

Thanks a lot for the intro! Ready to jump on to community questions, or would you like to add something? 😊

Martijn broersma:

👉 follow Satoshi Club

👉 join cere network

Telegram group

👉 follow cere network Twitter 

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Join please satoshi clubbers🚀🚀🚀

Martijn broersma:

Fire away with the questions! @goldrocket27

Preselected questions about the Cere Network DeFi project.

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Q1 from telegram user @highpee

While reading the details of your project, i came across a concept which cere is developing which is known as “saas-defi”. Can you explain more on the peculiar advantages of this feature? What does this concept entail and how will it integrate the traditional business model into DeFi? What resources will a traditional business client require if they intend to build on the provisions of this concept and migrate their assets and contracts from cere layer 2 decentralized hub into the realm of decentralized finance?

Cere network polkadot

Martijn broersma:

In short, every value transfer, enterprise asset, b2b contract, and invoice can be mapped to the DeFi realm via cere’s saas-DeFi modules

This way, cere instantly offers next-gen finance for corporate finance departments of enterprises with a click of a button, fully automated.

Together with our partners from the saas-DeFi alliance, we will be the first projects to bridge enterprise capital with DeFi liquidity.

More info will follow soon! Super excited about this feature

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

What are the advantages of your proposed model?

More precisely than you are proud of at the moment😊

Martijn broersma:

Of saas DeFi?

Gold rocket | satoshi club:


Martijn broersma:

The fact that we’re already onboarding these enterprises to the cere ecosystem. Once they’re in, we can start introducing more and more features to them. This is where cere is truly differentiating itself from its competitors

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Could it be applied to centralized enterprises?

Martijn broersma:

Easily. It’s not the tech that’s the hurdle, it’s the trust that businesses need to have in your company and team

I’ve been selling blockchain to enterprises for 5 years. Every time you run into the same walls that you need to break down since they’re cautious of everything blockchain. But once they’re in, since you offer direct value, you can basically sell them anything you want.

Such as the cere open data marketplace, but we’ll get to that in a moment I think 🙂

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

You are a great marketer 😁👍

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Indeed, it takes importance in this times when blockchain has been implemented in the companies to reduce cost and increase value

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Thanks for the answer and clarification. Ready to move on to the next question? 😊

Martijn broersma:


Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Q2 from telegram user @garrinepotter 

You are already being called a future competitor of companies such as Salesforce and oracle. And your offer of full integration of various operational areas of the company is a miracle solution. So, what do you offer companies to manage their cash reserves? You have huge support from serious players in the crypto industry. This is inspiring confidence, but so far it is absolutely not clear what innovation you can offer us.

Martijn broersma:

Traditional CRM’s are outdated, expensive, hard to integrate with today’s intelligent (ai) and data-driven solutions. New data cloud solutions like snowflake are disrupting these traditional crm’s by offering much more flexibility and faster integrations, e.g. Bringing near real-time computing onto highly dynamic and customizable datasets.

The key to cere’s approach is that we bring even more data agility and more data interoperability, and we have an open approach compared to the proprietary snowflake; also we are more focused on consumer enterprises with more highly customizable solutions in special verticals.

Cere network decentrelaized

As opposed to the sap/oracles from this world.

Cere network oracales

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

What are the main features that can make cere different to direct competitors?

Martijn broersma:

Our decentralized data cloud platform.

Creating individual wallets/ledgers for every customer creates a whole new world of data-management possibilities.

Cere network snowflake

Much more info on the exact workings of the DDC will be published in the white paper that will be published shortly.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Yes, the benefits are obvious! 👍

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

We will be waiting for it to know more, that’s really interesting🤔

Martijn broersma:

Follow our TG announcement channel to be the first to read it! t.me/cerenetwork_official

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Satoshiclubbers, let’s join.

Thanks for the detailed answer, are you ready to proceed with the next question?

Martijn broersma:

Keep them coming.

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Q3 from telegram user @korryl

After learning about your project, cere network gives a new solution and strategy to increase their brand network. So what is the effect for retail level? Do small projects and small retail can get benefit from this strategy?

Martijn broersma:

Great question

Because that’s the project’s main goal – making our solution available for every business.

So first we’re building custom solutions for fortune 1000 enterprises for revenue and coverage, while in parallel working on data-driven use cases and self-service tools.

This approach will allow us to scale like no other enterprise blockchain project has done before.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Great infographics btw 👍

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Could you tell us about some of those enterprises? I mean we want to know about your current and planned partnerships.

Martijn broersma:

We have 3 ongoing enterprise integrations, with the first one already live is with a travel center chain with over 300 locations in us, limited beta is already live, and us full rollout is planned for April 2021 reaching over 100k active users. Two other integrations with fortune 1000 companies are already set up for q2 2021, the first of which alone will scale from 1m to 50m users over 2021.

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Wow, those are great milestones.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Scaling corporate business is very important😊

By the way, how did you settle the issues with the American crypto legislation?

Martijn broersma:

Haha, you have no idea how much headache this has been. But we achieved it. More info on this soon via republic.co!

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

I can only guess. Once I came across this. And I can say that you are really winners since you managed to solve it 😁👏👏👏

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Thank you very much for your answers and information. Are you ready to proceed to the next question?

Martijn broersma:

Let’s do it 🙂

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Q4 from telegram user @pratze

There is a new announcement this month from cere network, that you already work together with Darwinian (decentralized of the cross-chain bridge). Is there any new feature in the cere platform because of this partnership? What application that Darwinia will provide cere network with?

Martijn broersma:

Darwinia’s dot-eth bridge is a perfect example of how we’re planning to utilize our partner’s tech. We could build it ourselves but integrate is simply much faster and easier for us. Darwinia has been a great partner and I’m very excited to see the bridge connected to cere!

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

What cooperation with darwinia gave you

Martijn broersma:

The integration is planned for post-crowd sale & alpha mainnet release

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Btw, talking about cere as a platform where security is so important, have you been audited, or are you in the process to be? Please share details

Martijn broersma:

Yes, we’re currently undergoing an audit by the best security company in crypto.

We’ll release these results soon. Almost done 🙂

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Any short easter egg for us? 😁

Martijn broersma:

Project is safe 😉

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

We are happy to know it. Now, tokenomics is an interesting topic for our community, could you share how is distributed the amount of tokens?

Martijn broersma:

Unfortunately not yet… Again, follow the announcement channel to be the first to know!

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Thank you so much Martijn, we will be expecting that. Would you like to add something before the next question?🥳

Martijn broersma:

Nope, all good!

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Q5 from telegram user @xusuo

I read from your site that the Cere network has backing Binance labs, is that mean the Cere network will launch in BSC blockchain? Is there any plan in the future to expand to other blockchains like eth, HECO, or maybe Polkadot?

Martijn broersma:

Cere has built its own layer-1 blockchain network with customized substrate components, driving to be one of the foundational level-1 blockchain networks in the Polkadot ecosystem. This effectively allows cere solutions to extend to all other w3f projects natively, and further to other decentralized networks (like BSC) in the future.

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Thank you, so clear answer. I know you’re a busy person, are you ready for the last question of this segment of the ama?😃

Martijn broersma:


Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Q6 from telegram user @beterror203

How can cere facilitate the transfers of assets between chains and guarantee interoperability with other Polkadot / Etherum tokens in order to provide security above all business for the consumption of benefits of blockchain technology such as privacy, micropayments, identity among others?

Martijn broersma:

Cere being a future Parachain will cover this. Being a Parachain allows for this necessary interoperability, where other parachains like Darwinia can take care of the ETH bridges.

We’re super excited about these upcoming auctions. Looking out to the upcoming Kusama para chain auctions

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Thanks a lot for your answers! Ready for the live part? In 2 minutes please select the top 10 questions and answer them😊

Martijn broersma:

Lets goo 🚀

Andrés m. | satoshi club:

Thank you Martijn, I have to recognize that you have an amazing project with great fundamentals.

Let’s go🥳

PART 2.Questions about the Cere Network project from the live chat of the telegram community.

In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 120 seconds. Then the guests from the Cere Network crypto project choose the top 10 questions. The 10 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency in the sum of 100$.

Q – 1 from a telegram user @Edooooooooi

Describe your main features that differentiate your project from other projects and what competitive advantages do you have for the current project?

Martijn Broersma:

Similar to Snowflake, Cere has tools to extract and virtualize these data with near real-time event-sourcing (transforming and extracting) into customized datasets for ML, or analytics, or partner integrations.

The key differentiators with Cere are
1) asymmetrical data encryption allows any computing process such as an AI agent or partner integration script to be dynamically provided with signatures to access certain customer datasets, this means data can be securely shared into decentralized used cases such as the Cere Open Data Marketplace (similar to Snowflake’s data marketplace, but not locked to just 1 vendor);

2) The entire system is designed from the ground up to focus specifically on individual user data encryption, privacy-compliance, and hyper-personalization, which is what traditional data lakes, data warehouses, and CRM’s are not designed to do.

Q – 2 from a telegram user @moe_808

I read on your website that you are currently running a testnet, can you tell us how to join the testnet? 

Martijn Broersma:

We’re currently running the testnet with a small group of testers. If you want to be included in the next round, send an email to [email protected]!

Q – 3 from a telegram user @nadee5

Hello sir, Can cere network be considered as a global project?

Martijn Broersma:

We have offices in SF, NYC, AMS, BLN, MSK. So yes, we’re pretty global 🙂

Q – 4 from a telegram user @cryptofollower

I think you made a mistake in creating a partnership with Republic as for KYC partnership for whitelisting. They want passports from people outside of the Canada and US. So I couldn’t apply for whitelisting with my ID. Can you create another way for KYC?

Martijn Broersma:

We’re doing a sale with DAOmaker and (SCOOP!) a third platform that will be annoucned soon. Afaik these two won’t demand a passport.

Q – 5 from a telegram user @alptrader

Polkadot is still in the development phase and not ready for big applications like this. Do you think building your project with Polkadot is the correct choice?

Martijn Broersma:

Substrate currently facilitates all our needs. Interoperability won’t be requested by companies by 2025. Yet we’ll offer it in 2022 via Polkadot 😉

Q – 6 from a telegram user @smelekin

I see a jobs page on the website. Do you hire people for the Cere project?

Martijn Broersma:

We’re always open to talent! Check out the jobs page, or send in an open application to [email protected]

Q – 7 from a telegram user @lastcalll

Cere offers an in-drop solution that drives a brand’s hyper customization strategy. What benefits does this have for a brand at the retail level? Can small retailers benefit from this?

Martijn Broersma:

Good question, but already answered above! Look it up 😉

Q – 8 from a telegram user @highpee

🙋‍♂️Hello. One of the problems of the Decentralized Data and Finance platform is that they run an Open Data Marketplace which unleashed vendors and customers data without due-diligence regards to PRIVACY or COMPLIANCE with applicable Data Regulation law. How will Cere capture and encrypt an individual’s data transactions or interactions and how is your system developed to be compliant with relevant GDPR or CCPA laws?

Martijn Broersma:

Yes, we have a lot of ambitious ideas around NFTs for our platform, haven’t seen anyone do it like the way we will be approaching the space yet.

Q – 9 from a telegram user @MCBTrade

Are you planning to develop API for external projects that will be attached to your platform or can the custom application be hosted in CRM?

Martijn Broersma:

Expect the same set of integrations as you see with SalesForce and Snowflake with Cere!

Q -10 from a telegram user @biggdata

It follows the current trend in first-party data management initiated by companies like Cere’s Snowflake. So, can you tell if Cere can guarantee to be more ethical, more efficient, and more interoperable than its counterparts?

Martijn Broersma:

We can! Have a look at the Vision paper that goes in-depth on how we achieve this ethical data on our website: www.cere.network

Part 3 – Quiz about project

In the final part, we tested the knowledge in terms of the Cere Network project. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ was distributed between the winners.

Our contacts for more details: 

  English Telegram group  |  Russian Telegram group   |  Spanish Telegram group  |  Telegram Channel   |  Twitter |  Website 

Our Crypto Partner by this AMA: Cere Network

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