Scope x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 5th of January

Scope x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 5th of January

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Scope and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 5th of January

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite

 Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Hello Satoshiclubbers welcome Again to Another AMA session

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Our Guests from Scope are

 @threonz @creatstep and @LordDeFi

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Hello Guys welcome to satoshi club

Pavel P

Good day everyone and welcome to our AMA session with Scope!

Pavel P

Just a few minutes and our guests will be able to present themselves and their project!

Paulius Paskevicius

Hi guys! Great to here in Satoshi Club AMA

Arturas Saskinas

Helloo , Nice to be here

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

We are super excited to have you all here

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

How are you doing today?

Pavel P

Great you can finally type!

Arturas Saskinas

Yep. Today is a great day

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Awesome.. Let’s start our AMA and make this an Exciting one

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Can you introduce yourselves to us, how you got into crypto and how Scope started?

Arturas Saskinas

I am Arturas, Lithuanian Entrepreneur, I started project Creatstep around 3 years ago and there were a plan to have utility token for creatstep. So it called SCOPE. We launched it on December 2nd.

Paulius Paskevicius

Yeah! We are really excited to be here exploring DeFi with everybody! My name is Paulius. I’m working on SCP (Scope) from it’s lauch 4 weeks ago as part of marketing and community development team .  Our goal is to make SCOPE well known utility and rewards token

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

This is a new project with room for tremendous growth

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Can you tell us a bit about Creatstep, what is the project all about?

Arturas Saskinas

Creatstep is an Interactive Masterclass with Oscar, Grammy, Emmy etc, winning industry movers and Social Networking platform for all kind of creative people

Pavel P

Wow! That’s fantastic!

Paulius Paskevicius

Arturas said it all. In addition you can take a look at our whitepater to learn more about the project, roadmap and amazing 6% rewards for SCP (SCOPE) token holders!

Hey guys sorry I’m late I couldn’t type before, I’m Naeem AKA LordDefi. I am the CMO of SCOPE, I previously worked for other projects in the past. I’ve worked with projects that have built SHA coins, Cryptoknight coins, Ethereum tokens and BSC tokens. I have been in crypto since 2010 and have built up extensive knowledge during that time.

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Can you give us a hint into some of your unique features?

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Welcome to satoshi club

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Great Background

Pavel P

Seems like here’s a great team with us today! Diversified and experienced

Thanks . I like diversifying my knowledge to allow me to help start ups such as Creatstep flourish

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

And I’m sure you are doing a great Job at that

Arturas Saskinas

The most unique features of creatstep is interaction with celebrities. Members will be able to have the direct connections with well known people, learn from them. And for social networking we build an algorithm which connects people from creative arts, tech and business by their matching interests

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

This is interesting

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

In order to learn more about your project, We have selected some few questions from our community members are you ready for them?

Pavel P

Let’s get to know Scope better by the questions we’ve selected from our community.

To add to this, the social networking feature we will be rolling out onto the platform will also contain our own A.I. algorithm so it matches you with people that share the same interests

Pavel P

Community building features are indeed important!

Pavel P

So, are you ready to start with the questions we’ve selected for you?

Arturas Saskinas

Yep .

Paulius Paskevicius


Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Super cool

Pavel P

Q1 from Telegram user @iceVermithraxx

You recently launched your utility token Scope, $SCP via launchpad using pinkservice via a KYC’d fair launch on December 2nd 2021 and the current taxation on transactions is 18%. My questions are, why do you choose to attach such a high percentage for taxes for every transaction on $SCP,which is a utility token? don’t you think 18% taxation on every transaction is generally too high for a utility token? Are there plan to change or reduce the percentage of tax for every transaction? I also noticed from your tokenomics, unlike most project, you didn’t allocate any percentage of $SCP token to project team, why did you choose not to allocate any percent of $SCP token to project team?

Arturas Saskinas

We reduced the tax to 15% already and will reduce even more soon. And as for project team we decided to have 5% of total supply for marketing, development and team also.

Paulius Paskevicius

Originally we launched SCOPE with 18% taxes to attract long term inverstors that will benefit from big rewards and to attract more resources for project  marketing and liquidity . Recently we revised taxes structure and we have 15% now (7% marketing, 6% rewards and 2% liquidity).

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

That is to say that your tokenomics has been reviewed

The next reduction in taxes will be done close to the CreatStep platform Launch

Paulius Paskevicius

We want to grow with our community together and build project together. Liquidity pool is also locked for 1 year

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

At what stage will the reductions stop or will you continue doing so until it probably becomes free, you know members like free transactions

Pavel P

What about the missing allocation for the team? It is quite usual in almost every project

Pavel P

Oh, I missed that answer above

Pavel P

Thanks for your answers! Ready to proceed to the question nr.2?

Arturas Saskinas

Yep .

Pavel P

Q2 from Telegram user @DK177

According to the Whitepaper, $SCP will be the primary currency on your marketplace. I addition, fiat currency will also be allowed. Are there any advantages of using $SCP rather than fiat? For example, do you offer any discounts/fee deductions for $SCP payments? When it comes to fiat, what are the allowed local currencies? If someone wants to purchase/sell items on your marketplace with fiat, isn’t it mandatory to hold $SCP to join the platform? Further, please explain about the fees associated with your marketplace. Currently, almost every project launches an own market. Did you also launch a marketplace according to that trend? Or is there any special relevance of the market to your project?

Arturas Saskinas

There will be great discounts for those who will pay by $SCP.  As a fiat we also allow to buy services in € and $. Our marketplace will be kind of different, not the usual one. It will be a marketplace for digital arts such as music, graphics etc, also marketplace will allow to purchase services from the different creative arts, tech and business fields and NFTs as well

Pavel P

At what level is your Marketplace developed now?

Pavel P

Is it fully launched already?

In terms of the incentives to using $SCP on the platform, Yes there will be discounts over Fiat, the exact discount will be communicated upon platform Launch but it won’t just be a small discount.

The Local currency is Euro or USD for Fiat however more currencies are intended to be added as the platform follows its development roadmap we have in place.

It’s not mandatory to hold $SCP to use the platform however SCP holders will be able to use all services at a discounted rate plus the NFT goldcards will be distributed (under our discretion) to users of our platform features who use $SCP

The marketplace is for services such as coaching, actors etc mainly however we have had plans for our users to sell things on there too such as upcoming artists selling/auctioning their paintings as an example, it will also make use of our social networking features.

The marketplace is still under development and will be done around the time of Social Networking being added to the CreatStep Platform

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Great Job Guys

Pavel P

Dear community, get ready for the upcoming launch!

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Thank you for your detailed answers

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Let’s proceed to the next question

Pavel P

Q3 from Telegram user @Cheriemike

Creatstep will schedule virtual “Masterclasses” through your in-house P2P live video system. So can you first tell us more about this “Masterclasses” and how will users benefit from it? Can you tell us the main target audience of this “Masterclasses”? Will users who are interested to join in your “Masterclasses” register to be part of it? When will the classes take off? If it’s already in place, can you share a link for that? Please tell us how often your “Masterclasses” will be held and will users be Incentivized for partaking in it? Kindly explain. Thanks

Arturas Saskinas

Its simple. Users will be able to choose masterclasses they want to participate or watch. To participate in the classes there will be bigger fee to watch it smaller fee,  we have many celebrities on board who will teach creative arts, also we will add masterclasses for Tech and Business as well. The audience we expect is creative people who want to learn from TOP industry movers

Pavel P

This is a great initiative – to teach with help from celebrities!

Arturas Saskinas


Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

What will the fees be? Better still what determines the fees for the masterclass?

Paulius Paskevicius

Arturas Saskinas

The fees will be $399 for participation and $29 to watch the class

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Thank you for your Answers

Pavel P

A breathtaking presentation!

Paulius Paskevicius

I sneak peak into one of our featured Marterclass with William Goldstein (co-founder) on Creatstep platform

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Awesome This is getting all the more exciting

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Ready for next question?

Arturas Saskinas


Pavel P

Q4 Form Telegram User @UncleStrange1

I understand that there are features you have planned for Creatstep platform that will make it to be a one stopshop for anyone wanting to connect with well known people. Marketplace is where users showcase their talent and get connected, Start Up Funding is where users get funded by Creatstep. What are the requirements for users to showcase their talents in the market place? What does Creatstep tends to benefit from funding a user with talent? Should we be expecting more great features from Creatstep?

Users will be able to use their social network accounts to connect into the marketplace to list ad’s, these ads in turn can be from a plethora of services, as an example

Ken is a actor and wants to sell his services, he has done x amount of masterclasses with x,y,z and has references from x,y,z

Ken can list his services on the market place where users will see these attributes and can connect directly with him to get it set up.

We want it to be a inspirational service that allows new starters and even well known people to be able to interact on our marketplace

Our start up features will follow the same concept.

The features listed are not everything that is being worked on and more features are being discussed in our board meetings and brainstorming chats we have in private

Pavel P

So, anyone can join as creator or participant. The platform is opened for everyone.

Paulius Paskevicius

To add to LordDeFi this is a preview of Creatstep platform social network interface that is actively being developed and has some of it’s features protected under patent in both EU and US. It connects peaple using A.I. algorithm to ensure different level people can reach out and discover each other to colaborate on the projects together!

Paulius Paskevicius

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Wow.. this is very Impressive

Yes, but to list you need to be a paid member of the platform, to buy you can join using a free account

Pavel P

Yes, but you get a value for your money. You can see what you buy.

Pavel P

That’s the most important when you aim to learn!

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

So I’m quite clear on this Question, any additional questions @Pavel_Jarosh ?

Correct, everything will be clear in the Creatstep platform membership pricing information when signing up to the platform and choosing the packages

Pavel P

Fantastic! Let’s proceed to the question nr. 5!


Pavel P

Q5 From Telegram User @Rozielyna

I understand that staking of Scope will be incorporated into your platform in order to reduce circulating supply using a “Tiered Approach to your staking pools”, and you mentioned that your staking will be different from average DeFi staking token. Can you kindly elaborate more on staking of Scope on Creatstep platform? Can you explain on the Tiered approach that you will use in your staking pools to reduce the circulating supply? can you explain on some of your features of staking of scope in Creatstep platform that makes it different form average DeFi staking?

So the key difference between our token and other DeFi space tokens that allow staking is that SCOPE ($SCP) doesn’t have a inflationary mechanism where it allows for new tokens to be minted for staking.

We will be implementing a NFT staking pool using the tiered approach.

The tiered approach will be as follows:

Tier 1 Common NFT

Signed by xxxxxxx

Stake for 30 days.

Tier 2 Rare NFT

Signed by xxxxxx

Stake for 60 days.

Tier 3 Very Rare NFT

Signed by xxxxxx

Stake for 120 days.

Our NFT’s will be celebrity signed NFT’s and every Tier has its own rarity and amount of slots available based on this.

The exact number of days and amount of $SCP required to stake will be communicated once we launch this feature

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Great we will be on the lookout for more information regarding this

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

We will like to proceed to the last question for this part, are you ready?

Arturas Saskinas


Pavel P

Q6 from Telegram User @Billz120

Scopecoin Finance( Whitepaper) – I understand Creatstep will be launching Gold membership cards and it will come in different formats and there are only 20 of these cards and the holders will be given tabs on their profiles showcasing that they are using a gold card to access the Creatstep platform upon the purchase of the Gold card for $5000 USD. My question now is, what more could a holder of the Gold card do with this Gold card apart from unhindered access on the platform and user lifetime access? Are there any incentives accruable to the benefit of a Gold card holder? Please tell us. Finally, in what other way could a person access your platform without being a holder of the Gold membership card?

Arturas Saskinas

The main unique feature of the Gold cards – it includes physical masterclass session with celebrities , also it includes great discounts for interactive masterclasses, some of them are free and lifetime access to the platform itself

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Lifetime access

And also to correct, one doesn’t buy this gold card, the first 20 users that buy $5000 of SCP will receive these cards

Pavel P

Ok, a kind of VIP ticket!

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Oh I get it.. Thanks for clarifying this..

Pavel P

That’s a great addition for our community to note!

No problem

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

So in other words it is a way of rewarding early Investors

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Thank you for doing Justice to our questions

It is an added incentive for our first 20 buyers of $5000 of $SCP

Pavel P

Thank you for your great answers during this 1st part of our AMA!

Please get ready for the 2nd one  – the most exciting – LIVE questions.

We will open our chat for 120 seconds for a storm of questions to come. Once the chat is closed back, feel free to select 10 questions to answer.

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Ready for the storm of Questions?

We are ready!

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Opening chat

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @Kushal85127939

With how many celebrities Scope have tieup? Can you please share some name which have Worldwide popularity?

Arturas Saskinas

Check out our creatstep website to see our main celebrities here: username: creatstep password: create0x

Q2 from Telegram user @Tahsinahmett

Is Creatstep a platform with easy access and a simple interface? Do you have phone applications for Scope users to easily access creatstep, if so, which operating systems do you support?

Paulius Paskevicius

Hi Tahsin! Absolutely! Creatstep plaform is web-based dapp. We also plan to have mobile apps released in the future for users to learn and collaborate on the go!

Q3 from Telegram user @IceVermithraxx

One major issues creatstep plans to resolve is “bridging the distance between masters and less professional people” and you aim to resolve this issue by creation of “mentorship and help”, and also creating an easy and effective creatstep platform, can you elaborate more on your mentorship and help you offer to less professional creative people? What are the requirements and how can less professional creative people access this mentorship and help to enable them improve themselves???

Arturas Saskinas

Anyone will be able to join masterclasses, it doesn’t matter at what the professional level participants are. Creatstep is for everyone to learn from the top industry movers , there are no requirements to participate in masterclasses

Q4 from Telegram user @boradam

How many NFT’s are you going to create? Will they be same of each other?

Lord DeFi

The NFT’s will be of different well known people and signed by them then minted in limited numbers depending on the tier they are intended for

Q5 from Telegram user @alicandogan9

I noticed that the CREATSTEP platform is user-friendly, but can amateurs and low-funded people use the CREATSTEP platform? Who is the part you target for CREATSTEP?

Paulius Paskevicius

Hi Alican! Sure! Creatstep can be used by developers, artists, investors of all levels as projects on the platform will require wide variety of expertise and we all are getting the flexibility to transact in $SCP and collect rewards as we are building the platform and colaborations on projects

Q6 from Telegram user @highpee

This AMA was suppose to be with SCOPE. However, you have been mentioned CreateStep repeatedly all along. Is there any partnership between the two platforms or are we talking about thesame projects?

Paulius Paskevicius

Hi Johnny! Please watch a video on SCOPE/Createstep to learn more:

Q7 from Telegram user @Karry1999

I want to ask that Is PRESALE NOW AVAILABLE , Will you please tell How Can I Get my $SCOPE Token and also brief me About Some Unique Utilties of the $SCOPE TOKEN and What benifits holders will get ?

Arturas Saskinas

The token is available to buy on pancakeswap, use slippage 15-17, you can easily buy our token here:

Q8 from Telegram user @Thisistoyin

After Carefully Putting Efforts in going through your White-paper, which, i ended up being Fully Impressed, Until a Feature i noticed about “A GOLD MEMBERSHIP CARDS” caught my attention! It was stated That Creatstep will be launching A “Gold membership cards”, with lots of Great Benefits and Privileges, like granting a user lifetime access etc,
Does this mean that those who have Lots of Capital to invest stands a chance of greater Benefits? Since almost all the Privileges were only meant for the Big Whales? Are there any options out there set in place for The Average users in your Platform to Also experience Similar Benefits and opportunities with their Little Investments?

Thank you

Lord DeFi

Thanks for your question, yes the Gold physical cards are to be distributed to the first 20 that buy $5000 usd in $SCP however with our Gold Card NFT’s a user will recieve similar usage as physical gold card holders and these will be distributed under our discretion to users that either help us out, use the platform a lot, spread positivity etc as long as they hold some $SCP. So yes there are still chances for smaller investors to get Gold Card access however this will happen at a later stage than the physical Gold Cards

Q9 from Telegram user @alpaca_moeen

You said that Previously, The Creatstep Platform was used by Traditional users for their betterment.What feedback did You recieved during the time?

Arturas Saskinas

We received only positive and inspiring feedbacks from those who participated in masterclasses

Q10 from Telegram user @captainprice111

Is there a minimum amount that I need to hold $SCP to be eligible for $ETH rewards, if so how much $SCP should I hold? What is the $ETH reward distribution system, how long does it take?

Paulius Paskevicius

Hi Captain! You should hold at miminum $50 of $SCP. More on how to buy:

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

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