RAMP DEFI x SatoshiClub AMA from 31 August

RAMP DEFI x SatoshiClub AMA from 31 August

So, today is the last day of August and tomorrow September will try its best to have us forget the summer. But SatoshiClub AMAs are unforgettable and now we would like to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from RAMP DEFI. The AMA took place on August 31 and our guests were Lawrence, Project Lead at RAMP DEFI and Zheng Rong, Marketing Lead and co-founder of RAMP DEFI.

The total reward pool was 700$ and has been splitted in 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Serg | Satoshi Club: Our guests today are from RAMP DEFI . Don’t forget to join their Telegram group @rampdefiofficial . Welcome to Satoshi Club! @lawrencelhz and @zrong, welcome!

ML | Satoshi Club: Hello, @lawrencelhz and @zrong ! Thank you for joining our AMA! Please tell us about yourself and how you started with Ramp DeFi?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Hey @sspurss thanks for having us here today! And thanks everyone for taking your time out 🙂

Serg | Satoshi Club: We are glad to have you here. A lot of hype around your project 🙂

zr | RD: Thanks for having us @madamlobster @sspurss! Hi everyone, thank you for taking the time for the AMA 🙂

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: A quick introduction about myself – I am from Singapore, and started working in the traditional finance industry since 2012, focusing on private banking and corporate M&A. I then joined IOST, a layer 1 blockchain solution.
This was in early 2018 and I was the International Growth Lead starting from when IOST was pre-testnet, to testnet, to mainnet, to onboarding over 300 nodes into our ecosystem, and having over USD30m in staked assets.
Seeing that DeFi is growing rapidly, I eventually started and launch RAMP DEFI with my cofounders 🙂

zr | RD: Quick intro: I’m zr, Marketing Lead and co-founder of RAMP Defi . Previously Managing Partner of Merkle Ventures, a consulting and investing blockchain firm focused on layer 1, layer 2 and DeFi. Co-founded NOX, which developed on-chain custody utilizing cloud HSM.

Serg | Satoshi Club: So, RAMP Is basically the team from IOST?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Not at all, its just me from IOST haha. The rest of the team have very differentiated and diverse experiences. Which is great as we all contribute viewpoints and skillsets from various angles 🙂

Serg | Satoshi Club: Got it 😁 That’s great. I also think that different brains see things from different angles. And it’s good for the project

ML | Satoshi Club: How do you feel in crypto after traditional finance? @lawrencelhz

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Liberating for sure haha. There’s a lot of rules and paper pushing in traditional finance, but in crypto its very outcome driven, and we get to be a lot more focused on being productive and delivering tangible results

ML | Satoshi Club: Yes, a lot of freedom here)

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Its a lot more risky for sure, but high risk high rewards 🙂

ML | Satoshi Club: Yes, risks:joy: we feel this every day
And thank you for introduction, are you ready for the questions collected from our community?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Haha yes, and I hope the rewards too! 😂For sure, let’s do it! 🙂

Q1 from bitcointalk user let098765

Ramp Defi is partnered with Elrond, how is the partnership going on? Why choosing Elrond ,what is the best deal that you have for them? What is the win-win agreement to the both of you to have a good relationship to each other?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Elrond has been a great partner, and has given us excellent support during this early stage period, which we are extremely thankful for. They have been fast to recognize the opportunities that RAMP’s solution to unlock liquid capital from staked assets is very meaningful for their ecosystem, investors and community.
The win-win situation is that Elrond can help us to drive adoption, as the community already trust the foundation, and we can help their investors and community get more efficiency on their invested capital.

ML | Satoshi Club: Do you have any other partnerships?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Yes we do! One more shall be announced tomorrow, and many more, to be announced over the next couple weeks 🙂

ML | Satoshi Club: Tomorrow? You know, we like secrets here very much)

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Yes. Tomorrow haha

ML | Satoshi Club: May be you can give us a hint?)

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: A very active blockchain with over 30m USD of daily trading volume. If you would like to see which other blockchain is partnering with us, can follow us in our telegram channel! Haha

ML | Satoshi Club: For sure:+1: thank you

Serg | Satoshi Club: https://t.me/rampdefiannouncement This one? 🙂

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Yes hahah

Irina K. | @satoshi_club: @ciupidos is preparing part 3 here :blush:

Q2 from bitcointalk user k.muller

there is a feature to unlock staked capital on non-ERC20 blockchains. On what blockchains? what stacked capital are you unlocking?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: If you look at ecosystems like Elrond or IOST, there’s a lot of staked assets, from when investors purchase ERD or IOST, and well, put into staking. This is returning 5-10% a year, typically In crypto, that’s not a very high ROI. Especially in current times haha

So these assets represent capital that is inefficient. Potentially, you can switch these investment into higher yielding assets. Hence, there is opportunity cost. Once RAMP unlocks liquid capital from these assets, invstors have extra capital to invest, without needing to take more cpaital from the bank and still get to receive staking rewards, and own the underlying portfolio 🙂

Serg | Satoshi Club: Yesss, I can get 5% from a bank 😁

ML | Satoshi Club: Which bank? They offered me 1.3% last month:joy:

Serg | Satoshi Club: A good one 🙂

ML | Satoshi Club: it attracts! And what blockchains?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: All PoS blockchains can be done, although we are prioritizing those with high trading volume, large value of staked assets and friendly staking/unstaking periods. done 🙂

Q3 from Telegram user @dominiksss

You have terms such as Total Value Locked (TVL), and Total Value Unlocked [TVU]. What does this stand for and how does this work?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Yup! So RAMP DEFI is very different from other DeFi projects. If you see many of the DeFi projects right now, they are competing with each other for liquidity, for the same dollar. And they measure it by Total Value Locked (TVL). You can see this on analytics sites like DeFiPulse. For RAMP its different. We see a huge amount of staked capital (USD22bn) already locked up in staked assets. And we want to extract liquid capital from it. Hence Total Value Unlocked (TVU) is how we measure the extra capital we are sending back into the broad crypto economy. We see it as a “blue ocean” strategy that grows the entire economic pie, rather than compete for liquidity 🙂

ML | Satoshi Club: Yes, do you have any competitors in this field? Nice strategy, already marked this book “to be read”:wink:

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Not really. We are pretty unique in that we are looking to make dollars flow in a globally connected liquidity network. There are a few other project that’s working on wrapping assets and creating synthetic asset derivatives like StaFi, but the creation of a synthetic asset derivative does not make value fungible, given that all assets have their own attributes and different value. We turn the assets into dollars (instead of just a wrapped asset), which makes it simple for value to flow.

ML | Satoshi Club: But for all assets you will have your own stable coin, am i right? Like eGLD?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: The staked assets will all come under a common stablecoin standard call rUSD. So suddenly value is very tradable and transferable. eGLD is a reverse token split of ERD so its somewhat different haha

Q4 from Telegram user @tv100029

Could you give me more details about Collateralization and Liquidation Design ? What happen when we choose to issue at a higher Collateralization Ratio ? How can $RAMP holders benefit from rPool ?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Issuing at a higher Collateralization Ratio means that you have more buffer if the token price experiences big fluctuations. Otherwise if the token fluctuation is too big, liqudation may occur. This is similar to MakerDAO (liquidation of assets). rPool collects a small% of staking rewards from all blockchains, and also lending/borrowing fees generated, and distributes to RAMP token holders (who staked their RAMP tokens) on a regular basis. RAMP supply is fixed, so the more assets we unlock, the more absolute dollars are generated as revenue for RAMP stakers. So we are one of the few projects in the marketing with an actual business model haha

ML | Satoshi Club: So, users can loose their funds, am i right?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Potentially yes. There are definitely risks involved when leveraging your capital and portfolio. It’s similar to margin trading, in a way.

ML | Satoshi Club: How many coins will ever exist?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: 1 billion is fixed. However, RAMP holders can stake to undertake governance, and choose how to manage supply (e.g. token burns, or inflation).

Q5 from Telegram user @Jhonathanch

What is the difference between Alpha, Betha and Delta pool? I mean, why are there three RAMP token pools? Also, why are these three necessary for the platform to be profitable and what is the function of each one? Thank you!

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: RAMP focuses on a community participation model. The different pools are to incentivize users to participate in as many activities as possible within the RAMP ecosystem. You can farm Alpha Pool if you stake your assets through RAMP delegation contract. You can farm Beta Pool if you become an LP for RAMP. You can farm Delta Pool if you undertake lending and borrowing in RAMP. The more you participate, the more you are rewarded. So you can stack up all these yield streams, simply by being an active member of the RAMP network.

The key is that for liquidity unlocking to be kickstarted and to start flowing, there are key activities to be undertaken, and we have identified these activities and use different yield farming pools to incentivize participation.

ML | Satoshi Club: Yes, active community is one of the most important things) and i see that you are focused on it:+1: By the way, when do you expect Public Sale to increase your community?)

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Yes we are! 45% of the token supply is kept aside for farming, so its very community focused 🙂 We are working hard on getting the private sale out, and current estimates are for it to be held next week! Not entirely confirmed of course, until the release of our official Medium article that details the process 🙂

ML | Satoshi Club: Oh, it’s something like a small secret which we like here

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: done 🙂 Specially for Satoshi Club. Hahaha

Q6 from Telegram user @getrichie

Do you have a glossary for all your terms and what do they all mean? rMint, rStake, eMint, eFarm and rFinance

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Firstly, we have productize the ecosystem. This is important because it makes us create specific products that provides specific outcomes towards liquidity unlocking, and not unnecessary technical infrastructure. As the liquidity network is cross chain, we have 2 sides of liquidity that we need to match: (1) liquidity from PoS network, with underlying being staked assets and (2) liquidity from Ethereum based stablecoins such as USDT and USDC. Hence there is rMint (non-ERC20) and eMint (ERC20), that mints out rUSD and eUSD. rStake provides the staking wrap function on PoS chains, and eFarm provides the stablecoin wrap function on Ethereum. And then rFinance matches the liquidity pools across chains, and let them merge/interact

ML | Satoshi Club: And now are you ready for real storm of questions?:grinning:

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Lets go! hahaha

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram Username @Gaurav1444

I follow @RAMPDEFI ever since I heard it and I know you are doing many AMA’s in different groups in Telegram. So how did AMA helps your platform and what is the positive effects? What is the good result that it brings to you?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Thanks for this question, and I think u hit home with this question. We have done over 15 AMAs since last week, in both Chinese and English. Our community is very important for us, and AMAs is the most direct way for us to connect and provide the education for users. It’s the hard way out as it’s time intensive, and we don’t add many users each time compared to say, using bots or more “scalable” methods. But the benefits are that most members inside our community actually know what RAMP does, and display understanding of what we are doing and looking to achieve, so we see that as a big win 🙂

Q2 from Telegram Username @mrbitcoi

Tell us about your plans for 2020, what are you currently working on, and are you going to expand the list of big exchanges?

zr | RD: Our immediate priority is development and rolling out all the critical features. We’re doing this concurrently as we run our public sale.

Q3 from Telegram Username @sinahanna32

Many blockchain projects and DeFi applications won’t exist in 5 years, because there is no long term source of revenue. Or often any short term source of revenue! How about $RAMP AND can u explain more and more your vision and mission?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: We have a revenue model in that a % of staking rewards and loan fees generated accrue and are distributed to stakers RAMP tokens.
Which makes us very different from other projects. RAMP is not a zero sum game 🙂

Q4 from Telegram Username @yzmoney

What is the realistic target for the Total Locked Unlock in your project for it be sustainable?
You are only raising usd 1 million from private and public sale, how long can this sustain the project?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Very sustainable as we 1) expect to power the creation of a revenue stream for our users and team and 2) many PoS blockchains are providing us with grants to build RAMP in their ecosystem, and also actively market RAMP to their communities.
So because of this huge product-market fit, we get lots of support, and don’t require that much capital. Which means we can launch with a low market cap, and leave more token upside value for public investors to benefit from 🙂

Q5 from Telegram Username @iam12312

Building the Ecosystem & Network is always a challenge, Isn’t it?
How will Ramp deals with it?

zr | RD: The short answer is we work with investors, partners and foundations to utilize what has already been accomplished so that we can focus on the parts that require additional attention. We would likewise be leveraging on our partners as we look to build up our ecosystem and network.

Q6 from Telegram Username @yuno_02

What do you think is holding the DeFi space back? What is preventing the mass adoption of DeFi products?

zr | RD: We believe that with fastest TPS speeds and much much cheaper gas fees, more innovative products and projects would be able to be built in the DeFi space.

Q7 from Telegram Username @Maksyrn

How to keep motivation of staking cryptocurrency on the RAMP DEFI?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: Three main utility cases, and all require staking:
1) governance. Users participate in governance and are required to stake tokens if they want to raise proposals or vote.
2) revenue model as described earlier. You get passive income rewards distributed to you, if you stake.
3) farming power. Users who stake RAMP farm at higher efficiency compared to users who don’t. This rewards hodlers commitment to the ecosystem.

Q8 from Telegram Username @konditer_rolex

Your partner IOST launched the defi support program with $ 6 million. Are you involved in these funds? I would like to know about your interactions with this and other partners

zr | RD: We are invested by IOST Foundation and the first project in their NOAH fund 🙂

Q9 from Telegram Username @niko518

If Ethereum has high gas fee now. Why did you still use Ethereum blockchain when you want to solve best allocate capital for profit maximization?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: The reason why we bring liquidity to Ethereum is that most of the current liquidity is on Ethereum. USDT, USDC. All the fiat backed stablecoins are largely Ethereum based. BUSD also has a erc20 version. For value to interact, we have to bring the liquidity we have extracted to where other liquidity is

Q10 from Telegram Username @Nickkiii

How does RAMP Staking work and what is the minimum requirements for Staking, also what benefits come with staking ?

Lawrence – RAMP DEFI: No minimum RAMP or unlocking period needed. the benefits have been explained earlier, but the early plans for RAMP is to be as user friendly as possible 🙂

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part we would like you to check your knowledge in terms of RAMP DEFI. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. All the correct answers you will find at the bottom of this Recap. Enjoy!


What is the initial Minimum Collateralization Ratio (MCR) for staked digital assets?

a) 100%

b) 120%

c) 150%

d) 200%


Name a partnership we have recently announced.

a) IOST Foundation

b) Elrond Network

c) Moonstake

d) All of the above


What does TVU stand for?

a) Total Value Unlocked

b) Total Volume Unlocked

c) Total Value Unlimited

d) Train Vehicle Unit


What solution does RAMP DEFI offer?

a) Unlocking staked capital on non-ERC20 blockchains

b) Solve issues relating to high gas fees

c) Buy and sell Bitcoin easily

d) Trade futures with up to 200% margin


1. d) 200%

2. d) All of the above

3. a) Total Value Unlocked

4. a) Unlocking staked capital on non-ERC20 blockchains

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru

Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub
Website: https://esatoshi.club/

Our partners:

RAMP DEFI Community: https://t.me/rampdefiofficial

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