Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Railgun and our guest was @emgoldstein – representative of Railgun. The AMA took place on 25th of June.
The total reward pool was 500$ and has been split into 3 parts.
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Website
D. | Satoshi Club:
Hello all!
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Railgun!
Welcome to Satoshi Club😀
D. | Satoshi Club:
Today our guest – @emgoldstein!
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Thank you very much! We are glad to be here. Kieran, @mesquka is also joining.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
He should join our group first😃
Mary | Satoshi Club:
And welcome here 👍
D. | Satoshi Club:
I think he’s in 👀
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
I am indeed.
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Railgun is the first time people can have truly provable privacy on base layer
Ethereum. Until now, others thought it was impossible.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Nice! Welcome!
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Basic Ethereum addresses and transactions are less private even than Bitcoin.
The ecosystem really needed a product like Railgun, and we’ve been spending the last six months building it.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
And it’s incredible! We have a lot of things to discuss today! But first let’s start with your intro😃
Guys, please tell us about yourself and your roles in Railgun 😃
Emmanuel Goldstein:
My name is Emmanuel Goldstein: I’m
an economist and software developer. I’ve worked with cybersecurity and
firewall software in the past, but more recently with digital currencies and
e-money. I’ve seen surveillance grow to creepy levels. We need tools against
that to keep our individual freedom and ensure a fair system.
I am the founder of the Railgun Project. 🙂
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Nice to e-meet you👍 when did you decide to start Railgun?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
I’ll let @mesquka introduce himself first before answering this!
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
I’m Kieran Mesquita, early adopter of Bitcoin and longtime cryptocurrency advocate. I’ve written code for things ranging from CPU and GPU miners to trustless crowdfunding and wallets for low cost phones. I’m currently most active in the Ethereum smart contract space.
I’m Chief Scientist at Railgun 🙂
Emmanuel Goldstein:
And he’s a GREAT scientist.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Railgun should be happy to have such an experienced scientist👍
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Regarding the founding of Railgun, the idea of privacy on ETH had been shared
by many of my friends for the last five years.
It was recent developments in zk-snark and zk-stark ecosystem that made me
actually start developing this full time in December last year.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Yes, we don’t have too much privacy on ETH.
I was thinking about this for a long time, because i can’t tell that i like current situation
D. | Satoshi Club:
I see you guys not anons😉, but you work on privacy project, why you decided to not hide your identity? in DeFi lots of developers prefer to stay behind the scene
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Last year I was speaking with a hedge fund friend who told me over 45% of all
wall street trades were done via dark pools. They hide who is making the trade.
That same week, I spoke to a friend who co-founded a major
erc20 project, who was paranoid about moving coins because of hundreds of
people watching his wallet, who might spread FUD online if he switches wallets,
or divides them anywhere.
I moved away from centralized exchanges a long time ago, especially after
cryptopia hack, the Binance KYC leak, Bitmex account email leak, and other
leaks ….that made my friends and I targets of thieves and criminals.
While I love Defi, in many ways it’s less private: watchers can monitor your trading patterns. We needed a privacy solution for stablecoins and defi, and it needed to work without sacrificing Ethereum security or the liquidity of existing Dapps and DEXes.
… It is Railgun.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
I love this! The same feelings!
D. | Satoshi Club:
Mary | Satoshi Club:
We appreciate what you’re doing!
And that’s why i am so excited now to hear your answers for the questions from our community 😃 we choose 6 questions for the first part
Emmanuel Goldstein:
If we want our system to be successful, we have to work together with other experts and teams around the world.
Because we are not in the shadows, it’s also hard for other people to pretend to be us. (Anyone can check who the legit team are)
It lets other defi developers feel confident that they are working with the people who they can have a long term connection with.
But, because Railgun is a decentralised project, really the team could be everyone in the world with a github account. It’s really just a list of people who care enough to contribute.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
It makes sense 👍
Ready, guys?🚀
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
Ready when you are 🙂
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Let’s go 🚀
D. | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for the great intro!
Q1 from Telegram user @giovannialc
We know that RAILGUN is an idea made reality by scientists from Europe, Australia and Canada in order to solve privacy problems on the ETHEREUM platform, the project is based on making a common and public process something more private, anonymous and fast as did you manage to successfully set up this project? will they be focused on being a means of security for the ETHEREUM platform? What other platforms do you intend to integrate into since it would be a cutting-edge project in terms of user safety?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Kieran will take this question
It’s a big question 🙂
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
Sure, I guess there’s 2 parts to the question here.
- We definitely have. We have a working project and launch is soon. I’m excited to finally release this into the wild.
- Railgun works out of the box with most DeFi protocols on Ethereum, we plan to provide tools to allow DeFi developers to add faster/easier/cheaper integrations with Railgun too.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Take your time 🙂
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
- We’re not just looking at Ethereum, while it is the most used chain with the most economic activity we think that everyone should have access to privacy so we’re going to be deploying on other chains too.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Can you name us that DeFi protocols for which you plan to provide tools?😃
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Every single eth Dex will work immediately with railgun.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Btw, can you tell us if there is any blockchain on which we will never see Railgun?😉
Emmanuel Goldstein:
All of the lending systems, aave, curve, cream, fulcrum etc. all work well with
We will never see Railgun on Ripple or Litecoin 🙂
D. | Satoshi Club:
Why? 😁
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Awesome 😎
Emmanuel Goldstein:
There isn’t enough defi on there to bother. Those blockchains can’t process smart contracts.
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
Railgun is built as a smart contract to run on Layer 1. Chains such as Ripple and
Litecoin don’t have smart contract support and have no DeFi activity either.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Got it! as i know LTC planning something with mimblewimble protocol
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Got it😃
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Yes, that’s true. @mesquka can tell you why mimblewimble is still worse privacy than Railgun.
D. | Satoshi Club:
👍 that’s will be interesting to hear
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
Specifically relating to Litecoin: MimbleWimble is implemented as extension
blocks on LTC, while this allows for easier upgrades in a chain like Litecoin
where hard forks are required to rollout privacy at a base later there’s very
little incentive for wallets to support the more complex transactions that come
with extension blocks.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
So, it’s impossible to have full privacy with MimbleWimble?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
The key thing to note, however, is that traders want to use stablecoins. They
want to use DAI, USDT and USDC
that’s why coins like monero, etc, are not the solution.
People want to send and swap USDT privately.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
Additionally, MimbleWimble uses the decoy model, this inherantly leads to a
smaller privacy set as only the decoys chosen for the transaction serve to
obfuscate transaction history. Increasing the number of decoys is cost
prohibative as it increases the size of the overall transaction. Fully ZK
transactions provide ‘perfect’ secracy in this regard as the decoys are
effectively every single other transaction in the system as opposed to just a
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
The same issue with MimbleWimble also extends to other decoy models like
CryptoNote/RingCT as used in Monero
D. | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for clarification guys👍 great answers!
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
And to clarify, yes, Railgun uses fully ZK transactions.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for these awesome and detailed answers! Ready to proceed?😃
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Yes 🙂
Q2 from Telegram user @Highpee
Railgun intend to implement privacy feature that can hide farming strategies and pools information as you intend to take privacy beyond regular day to day transactions. You said users will be able to perform “darkpool style trading” and nobody will be able to copy a user farming strategies. How will users use darkpool style trading and what are the assets that can be deposited into these pools? How is the darkpool designed to operate transparently and securely since no one will be able to monitor asset flow in and out of this pool? Also, Will this farming darkpool be able to accurately identify each user’s contribution to the pool in order to determine farming yield reward as well as determine the pool APY when everyone is anonymous?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Firstly, it’s not a traditional “darkpool” like wall street uses,
because it’s totally decentralised and nobody operates it. It’s a new kind of
system that has the same user-hiding effect.
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
Railgun works on ERC20 tokens. The way that DeFi protocols track deposits is by
issuing another ERC20 token that represents the deposit in the protocol. As
deposits accrue yield the ERC20 is redeemable for more and more. For example:
Depositing ETH & DAI into a uniswap pool returns ETH/DAI Uni LP tokens,
these tokens can be stored in Railgun in the same way any other token is, and
then redeemed back for the ETH/DAI held in the pool at a later date.
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Basically, because only you can unlock your lp token or farm token(which you hid in Railgun), you are still the only one that can claim these farming rewards.
D. | Satoshi Club:
So how Railgun will be used? if I need to do a swap on Uni can i use Railgun to hide my action? what i should do for this
Mary | Satoshi Club:
How it will work in reality? What user should do to use Railgun tools, for example, on Curve?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Firstly, the Curve site and Uniswap website SHOULD have a button for “SWAP
via RAILGUN” which will make it a private trade.
However, before they put that up, there are several community members that will host front-ends for the railgun dapp.
So you can just go to one of the Railgun websites and click
“Trade privately through Uniswap”
and connect your wallet for unlimited private trading.
That easy!
Also: mobile Android and iPhone app coming soon 😏
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Perfect! I would definitely try this😍
D. | Satoshi Club:
1inch already allows private swaps as im aware of, why they need Railgun for this?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
That system is cool but it’s not a “private trade” it is still completely linked to your home ETH address and destination address.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Railgun is the first system on ETH that can do a truly private trade with only
smart contracts.
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
1 inch ‘private’ transactions are not private in the same way that Railgun
transactions are private. What 1 inch is referring to when they say private
transactions is just that it’s not broadcast to the mempool which reduces
frontrunning, once the trade has made it into a block and on-chain though it’s
just as public as any other trade.
D. | Satoshi Club:
👍 big thanks for info
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
If 1inch wanted to integrate truely private trades they’re welcome to integrate
Railgun 😉
D. | Satoshi Club:
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you, guys for this info! Ready to go to the next question?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
It’s only a matter of time 😎🤟
Q3 from Telegram user @NSZR1
I read that the launch of your token will take place soon, and that it will work in the ethereum network. Currently the cryptocurrency market is experiencing a downtrend for almost all projects, this has made a large part of users be more careful or have more doubts when investing in a new project. Taking this into account I would like to know why you decided to launch the token using the ethereum network, which is currently known for high gas fees, you do not believe that this, together with the current market situation, could be counterproductive for the initial reception of the project? How do you plan to combat this?
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
That’s one for Manny 🙂
D. | Satoshi Club:
Btw why you named project Railgun? any interesting story behind it?
Mary | Satoshi Club:
And also😃 how you will distribute tokens? Will you
have sales or…?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Currently gas prices are very low. Only 15 gwei.
They will not be a problem.
The truth is most projects don’t have the amazing long term potential of
It doesn’t really matter what market the RAIL token launches in. If a
“quiet market” gives intelligent, privacy-aware people an easier
chance to buy RAIL, then that’s great for them, they will benefit when it gets
vastly more popular.
Also, if other projects have delayed their launch, then RAILGUN will be the
only serious project launching next week, which is excellent for having people
discover us after launch.
Railgun is not a meme coin or a farm fork.
It’s a promise of freedom-enhancing technology.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Good question! im very curious too, i already want to take part in sale 😄
Emmanuel Goldstein:
There will be no sale, but we have some volunteer market makers who will put the RAIL token onto UNISWAP and BALANCER on June 30.
These tokens were airdropped to people who donated to privacy projects in the past, and to the members of the Right to Privacy Foundation.
You can get them from Uniswap and Balancer!
D. | Satoshi Club:
Mary | Satoshi Club:
To be honest i expected something like this😃
Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the next question?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Q4 from Telegram user @Jonahapagu
It is stated that With recent advances in zkSTARKs the contributors to the Railgun Project are investigating and testing the use of SNARKs and STARKs and are developing both systems in parallel… With your proposed launch fast approaching what is the progress so far in the building and testing of your technology using both the SNARK’s and STARK’s what are the differences between both of them, and will you end up implementing both of them on your platform side by side..
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
We evaluated both and settled on groth16 snarks as they are the cheapest to verify on Ethereum currently. We have a breakdown of the tradeoffs between SNARK and STARKS on our twitter: https://twitter.com/railgun_project/status/1362223656395436034
Happy to dig into the details of any of the points there if you’d like
Emmanuel Goldstein:
We have basically concluded that the STARKs eat up much too much gas to be
practical for us. We left those behind, Snarks were chosen as the way forward.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
So, that was mainly because of gas fees?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
The gas cost of STARKs would be higher. So we chose SNARKS. The privacy level is equal.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Also, what was your main challenge while you were developing Railgan? What
thing you’re most proud for?
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
Among other things. Groth16 snarks are also much quicker to generate on the
wallet side too.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Will future upgrades of Ethereum affect the project? like eip-1559 and PoS
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
As long as the ethereum smart contract system continues to funciton, so will
Railgun. EIP-1559 and PoS should keep gas fees low, so DeFI (and by extension
Railgun) will be accessible to more people.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Thank you! ready for the next question?
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
Q5 from Telegram user @victorogb
The Railgun project offers a whole lot of privacy enhancing features with trading and DeFi related activities, but most of the information on the comprehensive and tentative working procedures and schedule of the project development, are not readily available except, bits and pieces gotten on the Railgun twitter and telegram groups. The lack of proper marketing and accurate verifiable information can hamper the growth of any project. Therefore, how will Railgun effectively handle promotions and marketing, when should the community expect a functioning website, detailed roadmap and most importantly an audit of the Railgun smart contract?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
@mesquka I’m curious to know
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
Woops, sorry, seems like I missed this question
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
The main issue with building privacy on ETH is how much gas all of the
cryptographic schemes we use consume. It’s especially hard to keep gas costs
low without sacrificing either privacy or functionality. I’m quite proud of how
efficient the Railgun team has made everything with gas costs not much higher
than some DeFi protocols
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Yes I agree!
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
We implement things like merkle tree updates an order of magnitude better than most other protocols that use the same setup 😉
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Regarding documents:
Technical specifications, (white paper)
Source code, and
Audit report
will be on the website and in the Telegram channel on Tuesday.
Emmanuel Goldstein:
There will also be a FAQ, with all the collected questions and answers from
every platform.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Emmanuel Goldstein:
The team photos and bios will also be on the website then too.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Do you plan any marketing campaign?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Until then, you can see them all in the @railgun_privacy chat
Yes we have engaged 3 major promotion agencies to spread the word about Railgun starting next week and going right into next year. It will be big news.
D. | Satoshi Club:
And events for the community 👀😄
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for your answers😀 ready for the 6th and
last question from this part?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Yes, we are.
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
D. | Satoshi Club:
Let’s lowkey proceed to the last question.
Q6 from Telegram user @Rakshitx5
Why do you think there is a need for privacy in transactions? Through Railgun privacy, a man can do money laundering, pay for illegal activities and he will not be traced and it will be against laws. So Why do you think we need privacy in transactions?
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Philosophical question😀
Kieran Mesquita | I
won’t DM you first:
Privacy is a valuable tool to everyone. Just because someone might abuse
it doesn’t mean everyone should be deprived of it.
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Privacy is a human right
Mary | Satoshi Club:
It is a common belief that mainly criminals need privacy😀
Emmanuel Goldstein:
We should be able to decide who can see us, and who can’t.
Is up to them to ask us for details about our business.
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Hence the phrase “mind your own business”.
There are a lot of people who gather information as a way to manipulate people.
The more a stranger knows about you, the more power they have over you.
Privacy is strength that protects your freedom from this kind of control.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
I understand what you’re talking about ☺️ but the vast majority of people neglect these opportunities
D. | Satoshi Club:
Totally agree.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
But we won’t, right @Cool_as_Ice ?😉
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Railgun does not allow money laundering – it will not give you a
“fake” source or anything like that.
It will just mean that people have to ask you first.
They can’t snoop.
D. | Satoshi Club:
You bet.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
So, it will be impossible to launder money using your tools?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
You will be able to prove your legitimate source of funds with Railgun if
someone asks and you accept.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
And my last question – if we will use your tools is it possible that we will
have problems when depositing funds to CEX exchanges?
D. | Satoshi Club:
Good one 👀
Emmanuel Goldstein:
I am not a expert on those words but my understanding is that it means people claim that “crime money” is “legit money” by pretending it’s from a different business they own.
Railgun can’t make a “fake” source of funds, so no, it will not help crime.
Emmanuel Goldstein:
Good question, but no, it will be easy to show the CEX that you have a normal source of funds. You can generate that (only if you choose to)
But if you want to use CEX, you don’t care much about privacy 😉
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @cryptofollower
When I connect one of your websites and trade there, do you move my assets into your wallet first and trade there? So after I got the final token it is still not a private transaction if I only done one trade?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
No, it stays only locked as funds only you control.
Q2 from Telegram user @JoxesXIII
Regulators like blockchain because you can see such a transaction log so that you can monitor everything. As Railgun deals with this hypothetical situation, prepares to face possible persecution by some regulatory body, do you think you can defend that privacy is something that we should all have access to?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
I think if people want to know your business, they should ask.
Q3 from Telegram user @BJosefina61
Railgun is also focused on scalability solutions like Layer2 / sidechains or decentralizing aspects like governance? What would you focus on first in the medium term?
Emmanuel Goldstein:
We are focused on decentralized governance as Railgun is 100% decentralized.
We don’t like building layer2, we don’t like building side chains, and we will not use those or develop them.
However, we will deploy RAILGUN on successful sidechains like Matic
Q4 from Telegram user @highpee
You played around testing both SNARKs and STARKs but later decided for SNARKS because STARKs was less gas friendly. But apart from the issue of gas, which of these ZK technologies perform better? Which one of them offer the best privacy solution?
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
Generating zero-knowledge proofs are very computationally intensive. Starks have an advantage in larger circuits (such as zero knowledge VMs) however because Railgun has taken care to optimize our protocol code SNARKs are more suited due to their higher efficientcy at smaller circuit sizes.
Snarks win hands down in verifier efficientcy, they have a fixed cost to verify no matter how complex the proof, STARKs on the other hand increase in verifier cost as the circuit grows. Snarks also have a fixed proof size while STARK proof sizes grow as circuit size grows. This makes it more gas efficient to verify snarks on ETH (normally about 600k gas for snarks, Railgun has reduced that to 200k with our implementation, STARKs are about 2.5M gas to verify).
Starks have a few advantages over Snarks though, they’re probably quantum secure and don’t require a trusted setup. Let’s tackle the quantum secure point first:
Starks are quantum secure as far as our current understanding of quantum computing goes, there’s still a lot we don’t understand and things that were labelled as quantum secure might not be and things that are labelled as not quantum secure could actually be quantum secure. The quantum secure point is a moot point though as Etheereum itself isn’t built on quantum secure cryptography, if it is required then Railgun governance voters could pass an upgrade that makes railgun quantum secure when enough research into quantum secure algorithms have been done to properly verify their security.
Snarks require what’s labelled as a ‘trusted setup’, though this is a bit of a misnomer. With multi-party ceremonies such as perpetual powers of tau, as long as at least one participant in the setup phase doesn’t collude with ever other participant to try to break the setup then it is secure. The perpetual powers of tau ceremony currently has 71 contributions from people from various different geographic regions and companies, including members of the railgun team. This nullifies the advantage STARKs have not needing a ‘trusted setup’.
Hopefully that explains a little more in-depth the reasoning behind picking SNARKS over STARKS 🙂
Q5 from Telegram user @luk4jah
What kind of developer tools is Railgun planning to release to help existing projects add Railgun privacy as a feature?
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
Railgun will be launching a framework to integrate into existing Dapp frontends, additionally, the smart contract adapts interface allows for on-chain integrations.
Q6 from Telegram user @potentialsake
Why people thought creating provable privacy on Ethereum base layer is impossible?
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
Historically implementing the cryptography required for private systems has been gas prohibitive. Railgun has a number of optimizations that have brought the gas cost down significantly without compromising on features.
Q7 from Telegram user @Indomiekuy
I read that Railgun can be used as smart wallet, privately building my balance up inside there as possible to make profit trading when nobody can see how much you have. The project is fully decentralised and there are no nodes/masternodes. Can you describe what technology that Railgun use to keep transaction going private? How do you convinced user that its 100% private and secure?
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
Railgun is built on a Layer 1 as a collection of smart contracts. This allows people to interact with it as a private smart contract wallet with no risk of censorship by masternodes/layer2 validators. The team consists of people experienced in privacy and cryptocurrency ptotocols and the contract has been audited by domain experts in zero knowledge cryptography.
Q8 from Telegram user @smokeweed75
Can you point to a feature that you like best on the platform so that it can compete with other competitors? What are you most confident about about your background? Do you have a plan to get users to choose your platform?
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
Railgun is the only privacy protocol on ETH that provides both the censorship-resistant properties of being a Layer 1 and the ability to privately interact with smart contract, it addresses a use-case that hasn’t been filled by any other project.
Q9 from Telegram user @ethcypherpunk
In terms of adaptability, where would you like Railgun to work side by side with which DeFi guys? Would it be good for lend and borrow styles, futures markets, NFTs, synthetics?
Kieran Mesquita | I won’t DM you first:
Railgun should be able to provide privacy wherever users want to interact. This includes NFTs, lending, futures etc. We’d love to more wallets and dapps integrate with railgun.
Part 3 – Quiz Results
In the final part, we tested your knowledge in terms of Railgun. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for the quiz was 300$.
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Our partners
Railgun Telegram community: https://t.me/Railgunproject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/railgun_project
Website: https://www.railgun.ch