Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Polkacity and our guest was Noah POLC – @PolkaCityCMO, global CMO of @Polkacity, and cmiLian DEV (Carmelo) – @POLCDEV, the developer of Polka City. The AMA took place on 28 February.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$.
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Hello, dear Satoshi Clubbers!
We are pleased to announce our AMA with Polka City
Today our guests are @PolkaCityCMO & @POLCDEV!
Welcome to Satoshi Club,@PolkaCityCMO and @POLCDEV!🧑💻👩💻
Noah POLC:
Hello Satoshi Club Community.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Hello, Noah! Welcome here 👍 How’s going?
cmiLian DEV:
Noah POLC:
Thank you, team! Everything is good on our side. How about you?
Mary | Satoshi Club:
We are great as well! 👍 So, let’s start our AMA 🚀
Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how did you start with PolkaCity?
Noah POLC:
I am Noah, global CMO of @Polkacity. I have more than 5 years of experience in digital marketing and now working for Polkacity as a team member. We have finalized our token sale one week ago with great success thanks to my marketing strategies 😁 30 seconds hardcap.
cmiLian DEV:
Hi, I am Carmelo, the developer of Polka City. I have been working in the software industry for over 20 years, of these 13 of them for Microsoft and the rest for my own company. We started Polka City after realizing there is much more that could be done with NFTs that have not been done.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
How long did it take you to the idea about PolkaCity and its launch?
Noah POLC:
We were planning this project for more than 5 months but trends changed rapidly. At the end of the final discussions, we have decided to launch Polkacity with NFT and DeFi features to attract crypto investors with recent trends.
Also, we are planning Polkadot integration in Q3-Q4.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you, guys! Really great introduction! I see that you’re working fast and deliver only the best for your community! And now if you agree we can start with the questions from our community 😉
Noah POLC:
Correct but first let us share the recent updates. Our project, @Polkacity, is a unique, fully contract-based Polkadot, DeFi and, NFT combined virtual currency investment platform. We aim to innovate the Crypto industry with stackable 3D and AR (Augmented Reality (https://t.me/POLCNews/37)).
The progress so far?
- The Public Sale finished on 21st Feb (Last Sunday), as we reached the Hard-Cap (500 ETH were raised) almost instantly (within 30 seconds). Thereafter, we got listed on Uniswap, Bilaxy, CoinGecko, Coinmarketcap, Delta app, Blockfolio, SafePal and Coinstats immediately.
- We have a Uniswap trade bot protection in our contract; therefore, Uniswap daily volume (https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xb5bd39fc0c57d902271ba6c5cd89c1510a37c0dd) reflects 100% real volume.
- The NFT platform (https://www.polkacity.io/service/assets-for-sale) is also launched, where one can do buying/selling of digital virtual NFT assets like taxi, hotel, disco, restaurant, hotdog stand, car wash, etc. These digital assets, it gives an opportunity to asset owners to generate weekly passive income depending on the asset type.
While here are some noticeable public reactions on the platform from our community:
- Also, our NTFs are tradable on Opensea (https://opensea.io/assets/polka-city-asset) now.
Upcoming Goals
- 3D and AR NFT platform launch (Beta release of our current product)
- Mobile App
- NFT marketplace
- Polkadot Integration.
Complete roadmap here: https://www.polkacity.io/#roadmap
At this point, we are focused on organic growth with the AMA series since market conditions are not good enough for aggressive marketing. We will start aggressive marketing with some popular YouTubers and Twitter Influencers once the market turns green again.
cmiLian DEV:
This was done 6 years ago. Implemented now on Polka City.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
You will also have your own wallet?😀
Noah POLC:
Yes! Maybe a dapp in SafePal. Still discussing the best option.
cmiLian DEV:
We will either have our own or build a Safepal dapp.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thanks, guys! We can discuss almost all this during our first part😉 I know that we have questions regarding your NFTs😀
Noah POLC:
Sure. Let’s move forward!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q1 from Telegram user @tony253210
The biggest problem of use NFTs is that major that NFTs are just collectibles and don’t have a real use case at all, so can you explain what is the usage of your NFTs?
Noah POLC:
Really good point. Our NFTs are not like ordinary ones. We have added DeFi features to our NFTs. Our NFT holders will get weekly passive income thanks to their digital virtual NFT assets.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Is this passive income fixed?
cmiLian DEV:
Here is an example.
Noah POLC:
Yes. feel free to check our asset types and return percentages below:
cmiLian DEV:
The description tells you the profits.
Noah POLC:
Depends on the asset (NFT) types. Expensive assets mean bigger profits.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
I want a Lamborghini😁
Noah POLC:
Ah then you can get one:
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Do remaining units mean that the quantity of assets is limited?
cmiLian DEV:
Yes. They are limited. New ones will be minted in even lower amounts.
Noah POLC:
Yes! Big assets like hotels, shopping centers, etc. are limited to 50.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
I already checked the prices 😂
Noah POLC:
Not high right?
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Yes, especially comparing with real hotel😂
Noah POLC:
Lol 😂 Maybe one day It’s price can be equal to a real one if the POLC token goes around $10 😁
cmiLian DEV:
All of these current NFTs will be rarely found in the future. As polc raises in prices, the less will people want to sell them.
Noah POLC:
This is our main target!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thank you very much for your answers! Ready to move on to the next question? 🚀
Noah POLC:
Yes. Go ahead, please.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q2 from Telegram user @Luisz2210
Days ago you introduced your brand new innovating augmented reality proposal for the upcoming 3D Polkacity where somehow I can watch my NFTs while in my room, can you tell me what the benefits and usefulness of having a new, relaxing way to oversee NFTs are, and also, is Polkacity holding a launch date right now?
Noah POLC:
Good question. As you know the whole crypto world is in the digital world only. I mean you can see your tokens on your mobile phone or laptop only. AR technology helps you to see them a bit more real. 😁 So you can motivate yourself better about having a digital hotel or a taxi.
Imagine a shopping center like this.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
This is truly incredible. 30 years ago for these words, we would have been taken to an insane asylum😂😂😂
cmiLian DEV:
They still are in some places lol.
Noah POLC:
Yes, however, we should keep pushing the limits!
Mary | Satoshi Club:
So, these NFTs mostly will have the same functionality, just we will be able to see them in 3D format, yes?
Noah POLC:
Not only in 3D but also in AR. Also, you will be able to modify it before purchasing in Beta. Make it more unique and sell on Opensea, Rariable our in our own upcoming marketplace in future for higher prices!
Mary | Satoshi Club:
It has sense, I personally have a small experience in ‘upgrading’ NFTs and I like this process.
Noah POLC:
Thank you for your support, Mary!
Mary | Satoshi Club:
I even don’t know what I like more – process or profits from it😂 So, we can enjoy twice with your NFTs😉
Noah POLC:
Yes! It can be your “own” NFTs too 🙂
Noah POLC:
We are innovating the NFT world. I hope you have noticed that 😎
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Sure! I have never seen such kind of project before and I like this!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Can we proceed to the next question?
Noah POLC:
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q3 from Telegram user @costurera3000
All Polkacity assets have a limited amount of inventory. In case there are no plans to add more items to the inventories, will the users be able to negotiate between themselves the purchase/sale of the assets of the city?
Noah POLC:
Yes, we are planning to add more like taxi drones, electric bikes, airports, hospitals, trains, etc. We will also create a community poll to get ideas from our community.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Wow! Taxi drones😀 Do you plan to add these new assets after the current will be sold?
cmiLian DEV:
There will also be status NFTs that will give you special benefits as citizen stead of polc. Governor for example. Advertiser NFTs.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
So, you plan to make a real digital city😀 Virtual.
cmiLian DEV:
Yes, logical and viewable.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
And yellow drones will bring profits to my laptop screen every day😂
cmiLian DEV:
Mary | Satoshi Club:
I like this, I have a feeling that in some years we won’t have needed to go outside of our houses😂
Thank you for your answers! Ready for the next question?
Noah POLC:
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q4 from Telegram User @h1drX
On your platform you say the following: “In an effort to prevent bot trading, the token can only be transferred once per block. This can cause failed transactions if token use becomes popular.” How to solve it in case of failure?
Noah POLC:
We have an option to close it 🙂 Dev will explain.
cmiLian DEV:
The contract has an on/off switch and a whitelist for wallets to bypass this feature.
Noah POLC:
We thought every single detail in this project 😎
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Yes, bots are a real pain now. Did you already use this feature?
Noah POLC:
Yes. 0 bot trade! As you know Dextools shows bot trades on the above screen with a red icon.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
That’s great! But can your algorithm be wrong?
Noah POLC:
Nope. It has been audited also.
cmiLian DEV:
When bots try they get their second transaction reverted resulting in just buys. :). They realize this and stop using them.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thanks, guys, your attention to detail is impressive. Ready for the next question?
Noah POLC:
Yes. Go on, please.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q5 from Telegram user @chzrles
Polka City is a totally different investment platform with a very interesting approach, allowing you to buy virtual assets as if it were a game. However, it strikes me that such an ambitious project and with so many goals on its roadmap, has been made by the “genesis team” of only 4-5 people and after the project is completed it will belong to the investors. Why was it decided this way? What will happen next to the “genesis team”?
By the way, tell us about your team? I think these are very creative and extraordinary people. how many people do you have, what do they do?😉
Noah POLC:
Sorry I didn’t get the question honestly. If he is asking that ” Polkacity team has a lot of updates in their roadmap, will they deliver all with limited team members” – The answer is “yes”.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Yes, also, I think he means that you will give governance to your users. And what will you as a team do after governance will be launched?😀
Noah POLC:
Because Carmelo has his own development team. We have added his name only. Secondly, we are hiring some companies instead of creating all from zero. For instance, we have agreed with a company to get 3D design tools & designs.
cmiLian DEV:
We are not that limited, remember I own a company that has developers.
Noah POLC:
cmiLian DEV:
We will need more designers and game developers in the future.
Noah POLC:
Important decisions will be taken through the community polls. For instance, we are discussing migrating BCS due to the insane Ethereum Network gas fees. We will create a community poll and the community will give the final decision once our dev team completed its research on BCS migration.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
What is your personal opinion about this migration?
Noah POLC:
Would be good since we are losing small investors due to the high gas fees. No one wants to buy 50$ worth of assets by paying an additional $50 gas fee.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Ok, guys, only one 6th question left for this part😀 Ready for it?
Noah POLC:
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q6 from Telegram user @garrinepotter
How many rounds of pre-sale do you have planned? Can we still get into the project at low prices and how many tokens are in the hands of investors now? By the way, are you selling only tokens, or is it already possible to buy NFT?
cmiLian DEV:
Presale already passed, hardcap was met in 30 seconds.
You can buy NFTs now on our website. Https://PolkaCity.io
Noah POLC:
We have planned a private sale and a pre-sale. Both closed a week ago with quick hardcaps. At this point, you can buy POLC tokens from Uniswap (https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xaa8330fb2b4d5d07abfe7a72262752a8505c6b37) and Bilaxy (https://bilaxy.com/trade/POLC_ETH) only. You can also buy NFTs from our NFT sale page (https://www.polkacity.io/service/assets-for-sale)but only POLC tokens acceptable as a payment method.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Guys, I was trying to count how much in $ was your token price on pre-sale but not sure if I counted right. Can you tell me?😀
Noah POLC:
It was around 0.13 USD.
The private sale price was 20,000 POLC/ETH.
The pre-sale price was 15,000 POLC/ETH.
Let’s say we have saved our investors from the current market dump 🙂
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Yes! Sure, it’s a bit painful now🤦 but your investors should be happy! Because I know how hard to get in any pre-sale now😂
Noah POLC:
Btw, we have sold 1.5M USD worth of NFT assets after the platform launch – in 4 days. You can verify the TXs here: https://etherscan.io/address/0xad334543437ef71642ee59285baf2f4dacba613f#tokentxns
We believe that early investors are happy.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
If you will move to BSC it will be much easier to buy POLC😀
Thanks for this great discussion! I am almost your citizen😂
Noah POLC:
Yes. We will do.
😂😂 You can be a mayor one day then.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Btw, are you ready for collaboration with other NFT projects?
Noah POLC:
Depends on their quality honestly. We are looking for some reputable partners and exchanges nowadays.
cmiLian DEV:
We are now OpenSea compatible.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
And we are close to the live part now! Are you ready for it?
cmiLian DEV:
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @ i thingking about me || cari modal untuk nikah
Does Polkacity provide a special NFT for investors who have it in advance and how the NFT asset price system can explain how to set the NFT price?
Noah POLC:
Yes, we will have. Some assets like the airport will be totally unique in Polkacity. All asset prices will go 20% monthly. The first increase has been done 2 days ago.
Q2 from Telegram user @ Baby
I read a line on your website, ‘The more people are in a city, the more profits a hotel can make’. What does this mean, Is it possible to build our own city by bringing friends, families, or acquaintances and ask them to own Virtual Investments too?
Noah POLC:
Good question. Citizens mean asset holders. Asset holders get an extra 0.0001% for each new citizen. We will have a referral program in the future where you can get a referral bonus by inviting your friends, families…
Q3 from Telegram user @ Johnny ℹ️🅿️
🙋♂️Hello. Hearing the name POLKACITY, I was thinking your platform was built on Polkadot. But from your Tokenomics, I discovered you are running on Ethereum. Why don’t you consider integrating with Polkadot most especially now that Ethereum fees are neck-breaking?
cmiLian DEV:
That’s the plan, our goal is to allow you to move between chains as you please.
Q4 from Telegram user @ Cengizhan Tekin
✅ PolkaCity seems to me as simulating real life which is a great innovative idea. What I am not clear is, will everything depend on NFTs? Let’s say I own a taxi, and a taxi brings daily income in real life. Will my profits from this taxi asset only depend on the value of the NFT which is usually determined by auctions or P2P sale; or is there a system that might bring daily income depending on some other parameters?
cmiLian DEV:
The NFT values are stated on the sale contract, in the Taxi, for example, the more citizens on the platform, the more profits.
Q5 from Telegram user @ Kushal
Hello! @PolkaCityCMO
What is your plan to increase awareness about your project and NFT use case? How do you plan to grow and increase the attraction of investors in the future?
Noah POLC:
We have noticed that Influencer marketing is the best marketing strategy in the current crypto world. We have tried this and got 100% perfect results in pre-sale. We will go for higher influencers (YouTubers especially) to spread our platform however current market conditions are not good for aggressive marketing.
Q6 from Telegram user @ Hakeem
Where can I get information about your asset types and their return percentages?
cmiLian DEV:
These are stated on each asset sales item.
Q7 from Telegram user @ Nguyenthanh
All information regarding the ownership of the NFT will be automatically uploaded to the Blockchain, the records will show on
the Ethereum network with high traceability and transparency, that means all NFT transaction will use ETH and have high fees, how did polkacity solve high gas fee that ETH have?
Noah POLC:
We will solve this problem with BCS migration.
Q8 from Telegram user @ Garri
When will the referral program work and what will be its essence? For what actions will the smoothing person receive a reward?
cmiLian DEV:
The referral platform is scheduled for the end of next qtr. You will earn polcs for each new citizen resulting from your referrals.
Q9 from Telegram user @ Rosemary Bianco
Did you like the AMA at Satoshi Club?
Noah POLC:
Let’s chose an easy question 🙂 Yes, we really liked it. Amazing admins and really huge participation rates!
Q10 from Telegram user @ Hakeem
For me to get a hotel, how many POLC tokens will I have or beholding?
Noah POLC:
Please check the asset types and returns here: https://www.polkacity.io/service/assets-for-sale
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
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Our partners:
Telegram Community – https://t.me/Polkacity
Twitter – https://twitter.com/PolkaCity
Opensea – https://opensea.io/assets/polka-city-asset
WebSite – https://www.polkacity.io