Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from PlayDapp and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 5th of January
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Greetings, dear Satoshi Club community! We are pleased to announce AMA with PlayDapp
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Today our guest is @chownryan
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Hello @chownryan welcome to satoshi club
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Hi it’s great to be here with everyone!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
We are excited to have you here
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Nice to e-meet you welcome to Satoshi club
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Thank you. im really looking forward to a great session
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for joining
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Same here.. I’m sure our members are eager as well for this AMA
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Let’s start! Introduce yourself please. How did you get to be involved in crypto & PlayDapp
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
I’m Ryan. PlayDapp’s Global Media Manager, and a passionate gamer, just like all the team at PlayDapp!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Wow! tell us more about your team of like-minded people please
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
I ended up in the crypto space with PlayDapp just as they launched their first game, CryptoDozer, back when ETH was incredibly cheap, in 2018.
For me, crypto and blockchain is incredibly interesting space, as it opens some really powerful opportunities for gaming
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Sure, PlayDapp’s team have some serious pedigree. With over 20 years of experience each in the gaming, IT, and mobile industries. The core leadership team consists of former members of Naver, one of Korea’s leading tech giants; Netmarble, Korea’s largest mobile gaming company and has significant technical expertise from Microsoft and NCSOFT alumni. Bringing deep knowledge of digital assets and peer to peer trading are founder members of itemBay, a global market leader and Korea’s first online game item brokerage website, known as the “eBay of gaming”.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp is bringing together the vast expertise of its core team, the team’s insights from gaming and digital asset trading give PlayDapp the tools needed to drive mass adoption
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Who is on the project team core? Are you anonymous?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
No no, the core team can all be seen at playdapp.io

There they are
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for sharing
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
With the pedigree of your team members, this will surely be a project to watch out for
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
And Sang especially has been in the limelight, recently speaking at NFT.NYC
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
How long does it take to develop a project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from PlayDapp
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
For PlayDapp, we’ve done alot of the hard work, we’ve developed proof of products, in CryptoDozer, DozerBird and most fleshed out Along with the Gods Knights of the Dawn.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
We’ve prepped our SDK, that can be deployed by traditional developers and are ready for commercialization of this.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Our C2C marketplace is live and open, with some truly unique aspects for those in the ecosystem
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
We’ve been building to this since 2018, laying the groundwork and proofs to where we are now
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
This will be four years down the line
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for great introduction, we will have several questions selected for the Part 1. Ready to start?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
In the future, we’ve got plans with some recognizable developers, deeper mechanics for our P2E game Along with the Gods, and expansion of PlayDapp Land, our social community metaverse
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q1 from Telegram User @victorogb
Late last month, precisely December 29th 2021, PlayDapp released a vital publication to signal the Grand opening of its “PlayDapp Land” in the social platform Roblox. As stated, land users can participate in your connected NFT event by purchasing an Open Pass and Redeeming a code. Understanding the relevance of this singular event, I would love it if you could elaborate further, may we know the significant connection between PlayDapp and Roblox, and since this will be a connected NFT event, are there participatory requirements asides the Open Passes? Finally, can you briefly elaborate on some of the fun activities, operations and rewards open to all participants and PlayDapp Land owners?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
For clarity. PlayDapp Land in its current form is an experience based social space. Which will grow with the help of the community.
Currently PlayDapp Land functions as social metaverse area. Where you can experience related events and activities. With the purchase of an Open Pass, special PlayDapp items can be earned.
We see Roblox as a great hub for bringing together the PlayDapp ecosystem. One that can give you a rewarding experience in and of itself as well as also be a link point for your wider PlayDapp ecosystem participation.
Specifically to engage in the PlayDpp land event, all you need to do is complete the missions in game, then connect to https://market.matic.playdapp.com/ which acts as the hub for all things you do in the PlayDapp ecosystem.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
As PlayDapp Land expands we’ll see new connections and uses across the PlyDapp ecosystem.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Can you give examples of some of these special PlayDapp items?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Do your users need to pass KYC?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
In PlayDapp Land itself you’ll earn items that can help you to experience a better version of the world. Move quicker with the scooter gor example
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Outside of it, you’ll be able to get your own special NF that can be used as entry tickers to wider PlayDapp experiences, or as part of combinations to help make deeper experiences or NFT with deeper Utility, via our merge fucntion
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp’s tokens are handled by recognized exchanges, so KYC would be passed by those, such as Binance, Crypto.com etc
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
So NFT’ can be merged on PlayDapp?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp’s NFT are earned in game and via experiences so are more accessible.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Exactly. If you have the right combinations you can bring your collection into higher versions
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for your great answers
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Or, as right now you can take part in Merge events, where you have the chance to take a smaller number of NFT into a higher grade NFT
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for clarifying
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
An Awesome opportunity for your Players
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Ready to proceed with the next question?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q2 from Telegram User @Emidm28
I read the announcement that ‘PlayDapp’ (Symbol, PLA) was listed on Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, on November 23rd. This is a magnificent achievement following the listing of Coinbase in August. Congratulations! Tell us what changes have you noticed after these listings in two large and well-known exchanges? Many projects dream of listing their token on Binance. How was this process for you? Did you face any challenges during this process? Have you seen a positive impact on PlayDapp’s economy after these listings? After this, what are you currently focusing on? Using your own words, what does it mean for the entire team behind PlayDapp to be listed on Binance?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Binance listing is a fantastic achievement, and it gives us that “Binance legitimacy”
For PlayDapp the changes are more about being recognized for the work we’ve been putting in.
Certainly it helped with the economy of PLA. but we focus on the core, the product, prices going up is great but it all needs a solid product underneath
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
For us now, the focus is on expanding out our work with partners and traditional developers
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
So true the focus of the Team should be on building a Solid product
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
what other exchanges do you plan? and where can we buy a token
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Were lucky now as we have all the buildlig blocks, including partnerships with people like Samsung
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Right now, PLA is on Upbit, Crypto.com Binance, Uniswap, quickswapp plus some others

And there’s always more adding as go along
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
So many options here..
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
yep, we aim to make onboarding as easy as possible
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your answers
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Sounds really great!!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Ready for next question?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
You are cool guys
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
of course
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q3 from Telegram User @JesusFre1tes
Like many other gaming platforms, PlayDapp has a matchmaking system for its PvP. But many of the existing systems are not fair so users get disappointed with the game and abandon it. So what is the PvP MATCHMING SYSTEM that PlayDapp has adapted to its platform to create a fairer system for all players and provide an equal chance for everyone to win?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
As a Gamer this question really hits home. Doubly so as Along with the Gods has PVP P2E.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
For PlayDapp, each game itself has its own PVP structure, where P2E is layered on top.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
AWTG as an example has matchmakign that allows for target PVP against higher ranking players, to let you equal the score, or to help you climb the ranks faster
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
This is quite an interesting and unique find.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
As more games deploy the PLayDapp SDK they can set the PVP rules and systems that suit there game
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
You have a ranking for all your players?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PVP is open to all that play, however for earning you have to rank in the top 500, and stake PlayDapp Town NFT
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
As the player base grows more servers will open allowing more players and more chances to get into that to 500
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for explaining and for your great answers
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
We see some really good competition from players, real thrills as they eek into the top spots right at the deadline
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Btw How do players get to stake the PlayDapp Town NFT?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
So, from the game we have what we call Item Manager, where players can manage theire NFT, those created by the game and those for P2E
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
You can see a represntative version here
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Great so they do so in the Item Manager..
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
and the best thing is Item Manager can be applied to any trdational Game,\
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Oh . Thanks for sharing
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
This is interesting
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Simply a call out to online, and players are able to connect and manage a wallet and NFT, buy sell,. and stake NFT
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
The whole app is a proof of the PlayDapp mission and activity
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
you thought out the details perfectly
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your superb Answers
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
If you’ve got android (or android emulation) off you go!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Super Cool..
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for sharing
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Ready for the next question?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q4 From Telegram User @thisistoyin
It was Said on your Medium that PlayDapp Land’ is a social community-based lifestyle metaverse that can be enjoyed by anyone, i also understood that Users can also Participate in Educational content aimed at boosting the learning ability of teenagers, the main age group of Roblox. please i would like to know How this Educational contents can be Accessed, and what sorts of Content is in place for this Teenagers? is there going to be a fee attached to it? & is there going to be A Form of Screening or Verification system to ensure that that specific user is indeed a teenager? & could you please explain what you meant by “ROBLOX age Group”? Thank you.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
So in PlayDapp Land there are numerous experiences, one of which is Mingggo School
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
The content here is educational, it actually proved a bit of a challenge for some when they first connected to the game.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
To get in and experience the content payers need to use the ingame currnecy, which can be earned by compleeting tasks, such as colelcting gems etc
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
classic open world game stuff.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Experiencing PlayDapp Land needs only that.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
In game actions and time
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Do you have some guidance for newbies?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
One of the missions, a good old fashioned bank heist involves a dropped key
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
i hear the park is a particular beautiful place to hang out in
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
quite rewarding too
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Cool will like to try that out
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
And the lighthouse is a great place to chill out and relax in
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
please share your roadmap with us
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Right now, the team is busily working on increasing and improving the P2E aspects of PlayDapp Projects
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Deeper 3rd party connections, with some interesting things on the horizon (which I cant go into detail on right now)
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
We’re also developing tools for developers to as part of betting SDK intergration and monitoring
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Is there a fixed amount of currency required for this? And is everyone entitled to get access to all contents for a one time fee?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
You can see Developer integrations here
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
All activities in PlayDapp Land can be accessed as part of the game. Just connect.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
And any activities cost is laid out. In ingame currency
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Only Open Pass where players can get NFT at the end, from an external site
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
requires payment in robux
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
But that is just for the game misisons and in game rewards
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your detailed answers
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Ready to proceed to the next question?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
of course, lets keep rolling
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q5 From Telegram User @iceVermithraxx
PlayDapp is a dApp game portal that provides C2C Marketplace and Gamers can also trade their characters and items in the C2C marketplace in addition to increasing the value of the NFT by leveling up, strengthening, and amalgamating them. Can you explain more on the features which C2C marketplace will offer to users, can you elaborate on NFTs in PlayDapp and their usecases? how can users amalgamate, strengthen and level up their NFT inorder to increase its value? What are other factors which affect value of NFT and other items in C2C marketplace?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
So on a base level you can think of PlayDapp NFT as entry tickets to experiences.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp’s Merge and amalgamation can be seen as a way to bring more utility into the NFT you own
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
You can see that running on our marketplace https://market.matic.playdapp.com/
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Simply register and check out your details area.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Three grades of NFT are in use – for PlayDapp Town
R, SR & SSR, each with 6 character varieties
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
combining these allows you to bring them into the next tier, and as they are deployed to different games they give you more experiences or deeper rewards
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Satoshi clubbers, register and check please
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
what does R, SR and SSR mean?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Its a short hand grading system, popular in alot of rpg games and other collectable games
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
as we see the NFT being collectibles and useables its a good way to show the grades
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
[ File : image_2022-01-05_22-59-34.png ]
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
You can see how as the grade rarity increases the characters look is boosted
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
so my Mikey (being an r) is a little less cool than your SSR version
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
They are so cute
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Plus you have deeper / more rewarding experiences
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Oh yeah.. they are Great
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Oh the office is full of super cute PlayDapp things
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for your great answers
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
I can only imagine how the office looks
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Let’s proceed with the new question
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
If you ever see PlayDapp at a show we normally have the cutest swag
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q6 From Telegram User @chinyere2020
PlayDapp recently announced that it is hosting an event which was named the “Merge PLA Event” where over $19,000 in $PLA is available to be won. Can you give more information about this event? How can interested users participate in this event? What are the requirements that users must meet to be eligible to participate in this event? How many users will be able to get a share of the total prize pool and how will the prize pool be shared among the winners? I also found out that this Merge event will be organized in two phases. Can you give the time frame for the two phases of this Merge event?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Its all laid out in this guide
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
And the event is in this one
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Great.. Satoshiclubbers here is where to go get all the info you need for an opportunity to get a part of the $19000
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Event link there
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Merge Event 1 ends on January 17th at UTC 02:59.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
so be quick
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Don’t miss great opportunity Satoshi club!!!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Some days Away.
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
We also have a second set running from Jan 17th untill Feb 14th
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
making valentines day even better
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Best of all any Merge Event merge has the chance of getting some awesome boosts – like double NFT or R grades to SSR
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Plenty of time to get in and win
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
This makes it all the more Exciting
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your Answers in this first part of our AMA
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
no problem, looking forward to the community live ones
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
You are really awesome
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Live is coming
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @Ganga008
Where the user’s can sell their nft ?
And from what did the get by selling nft ? having any platform to buy this ?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp runs its own C2C marketplace. PlayDapp.com
Which has both ETH and Polygon versions.
All NFT from our games can be found here as well as select third party NFTs
Sellers can choose from a range of accepted currencies (ETH, Matic, PLA, WETH, and looking to expand as appropriate
And we have plans for rewarding those in the ecosystem who are active
Q2 from Telegram user @ashwini_Crypto
“From pay to win for years to play to earn” in gaming industry.
Wow this change from blockchain gaming is awesome.what do you think about that change ?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
As a gamer, I’m super excited by it. Ive spent a lot of time playing games and moving from one to the next.
The idea of gaining rewards for this time that I can take with me or sell on is great. And with PlayDapp’s focus on letting you earn both in P2E and in trade its a real game changer
Q3 from Telegram user @SaritaaL
PlayDapp’s mission is to create a world where digital assets are more valuable and accessible to all, but in order to achieve this it is necessary to have a number of pillars among those, a strong community, strategic partners and a creative and innovative team, then in PlayDapp have these three bases established, tell us a little how you will attract loyal users to the project, what are your plans and strategies to get partners that add value to the project and how experienced and capable is the PlayDapp team?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Our mission is to make digital assets more readily available. To this end, the most easy and intuitive approach would be to leverage apps and services the general public uses on a daily basis.
This is also an area where great third-party relationships are of utmost importance. Through partnerships with Samsung Wallet, Kakao Clayton, and Line Link, we believe that it is a very important turning point to meet the blockchain service needs within apps already in use. Familiar apps from trusted partners is a real game changer to the public’s acceptance of new technology.
In that sense, we’re offering services starting with gaming experiences and tying into the marketplace functions in a seamless manner to facilitate user to user digital goods trading.
Not only are we confident that we can run our vision, but so are our partners, such as Samsung and Line.
By being linked to these recognizable industry giants we know that user trust is established and legitimacy is imbedded.
Q4 from Telegram user @ivearymaine
What criteria must users meet in order to be eligible to participate in this event? How much of the overall prize pool will be available to users, and how will the prize pool be distributed among the winners?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
For PlayDapp’s P2E game Along with the Gods you can see all of that detail here in these two guides
Play to earn
Medium (https://medium.com/playdappgames/along-with-the-gods-play-to-earn-staking-guidelines-92f33628f490)
Along with the Gods Play-to-Earn Staking Guidelines
Your comprehensive guide to all the conditions and systems of NFT Staking
For the rest of PlayDapp earning methods, always look out at https://medium.com/playdappgames
Q5 from Telegram user @Thisistoyin
One of the Features that interested me was that Playdapp Supports 3rd Party Developers. Can you please tell us little about this? How does this process actually works? & i understand that Users are supposed to connect their wallets using Portis, isn’t there any Option for users to be able to connect with other wallets besides this Portis? Can you please tell is Why you decided to Go with Portis Wallet?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
Re the wallets.
We are always looking at expanding what we support. Portis was chosen as its set up was easy, its light and does not require any special configuration beyond the a log in with email.
We know people have their preferences.
Re Developers.
We have our PlayDapp SDK and out currently live developer site. A traditional developer would only need to apply the item manager technology and move forward, We’ve done the hard work of applying blockchain
Q6 from Telegram user @Meta_ji
There are lot of NFT Platform’s competing for their place, how can PlayDapp outperform such competition?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
I suppose, I would say, that NFTs represent a real chance to apply incredibly interesting use cases and ownership to existing systems and entertainment. For PlayDapp, we’re providing the building blocks for game developers to move into this new world, NFTs provide a crucial linchpin to this.
With our proofs, a C2C NFT marketplace (playdapp.com) interoperable games, CryptoDozer and DozerBird, and our P2E Game Along with the Gods: Knights of the Dawn and NFT management and staking platform; known as Item Manager, PlayDapp has built an ecosystem that can be implemented by developers with minimal outlay and without the need for blockchain knowledge.
PlayDapp’s growth is looking great , having put in the hard work we are now in a position to realize and apply this knowledge and demonstrated ability to the wider gaming world. Recently big players in the game industry have shown signs of moving into blockchain, it’s all positive.
And with the recent Binance listing, we’re really seeing this work pay off
Q7 from Telegram user @Mikeymms
Is your token only on ethereum network ? if so are you guys willing to expand even more on other chains to consider users preferences ??
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
As a base point, PlayDapp aims to be chain agnostic, which gives us flexibility.
Currently PLA exists on ethereum and polgon network via Dex and Cex.
We’ve taken a very pragmatic approach to partner and service selection in the past, one that has worked well. Opening opportunities with globally recognized organizations so we’re confident in our decision-making process.
For us enabling support widely is preferred, as we know that people come into the space with their own champions and loyalties
Q8 from Telegram user @Sulyvahn_DS
How does PlayDapp plan to transform non-Crypto game users into blochchain games gamers ?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
There’s a strong case to be made for smoothing out hurdles that players of blockchain games face. Right now, things like creating a wallet, acquiring tokens can be a hurdle for players.
PlayDapp seeks to manage this by offering choice and adopting smooth practices and software solutions that players are familiar with. PlayDapp also moves to be as flexible as possible, supporting as wide a variety of solutions as possible, provided they fit our strategic needs.
Q9 from Telegram user @slla1112
Is there a time to play with the gods? If your answer is no, is there a limit to the amount of coins that a user who plays games all day can earn?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
We know people want to play games their way.
There is no time limit on Along with the Gods.
Daily PLA is 5PLA per day and weekly PVP PLA is at 2,800
but you can create NFT and trade them as much as you like
Q10 from Telegram user @Nonerlike
What is mean by C2C ? HOW is your NFT market place different than others?
PlayDapp_Ryan Chown
PlayDapp’s Marketpalce is Customer to Customer (C2C)
Our biggest differentiator is our curated approach to NFT presentation, If you take COMETH as an example of the work we do with 3rd parties you can see the detailed customization we have applied mostly with a gamer 1st mentality
We know what is important to gamers and how to present this as a best case
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru/
Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish/
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub/
Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners:
Telegram –https://t.me/playdapp_official
Medium – https://medium.com/playdappgames/along-with-the-gods-play-to-earn-staking-guidelines-92f33628f490
WebSite – http://www.playdapp.io/