Passive income x Satoshi CLUB AMA Session 07 feb 2021

Passive income x Satoshi CLUB AMA Session 07 feb 2021

Passive income is the world's first passive yield DEX. iIt s here to revolutionize DeFi. A new paradigm of decentralized economic modeling.

PART 1. Introduction of Passive income and community questions.

Hello, Satoshi clubbers and guests of this site. We are happy to present you with a project called Passive income. 

Passive income is the world’s first passive yield DEX. It s here to revolutionize DeFi. A new paradigm of decentralized economic modeling.

The plan of AMA session:

  1. Part – Introduction and preselected questions.
  2. Part – Live questions
  3. The Quiz about Passive income

Useful Links of  Passive income

The reward pool is 1000$

Leading the AMA our clever and fun admins:

Mary | Satoshi Club – @madamlobster and Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club – @GoldRocket27

The Representative of the project:

Bjorn PSI – @PSIdev

Henk ter Harmsel – @HenkTerHarmsel

Introduction of Passive income.

Mary | satoshi club:

Hello, satoshi club! We are happy to announce our ama session with passive.income (psi)! Welcome to satoshi club😀

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

We conclude our today’s ama marathon series with passive.income (psi)

Today our guests are @henkterharmsel and @psidev!

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Hello everyone 👋

Mary | satoshi club:

Hello! Happy to see you here! How’s going?😀

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Welcome to satoshi club, @henkterharmsel, and @psidev!

Henk ter harmsel:

Hi guys! 😊

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Everything is really good! Stuck in a blizzard today over here.

Mary | satoshi club:

Hello, Henk!

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

How are you? 😁

Mary | satoshi club:

We are fine! Excited to hear a lot of interesting facts about passive.income (psi) today!🚀

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Vice versa! More than happy to share our innovative concepts and ideas.

Mary | satoshi club:

We like innovative concepts here😉🚀

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

It’s a true pleasure being here in the satoshi club. 💪

Mary | satoshi club:

Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how did you start with passive.income (psi)?😀

Sure! So, we can start with the intro 🚀🚀🚀

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Now I think I just came to the right place then hehe.

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Let’s do it!

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

In the right place at the right time! I agree with you! 😉🚀

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Nice to meet you all,

At first, I like to introduce myself,

I’m Bjorn mattens from the Netherlands currently living in the city of Roosendaal.

I have been entrepreneurial from a very young age, this came forward from my father as he has been pushing me forward from day one 😁💪

I have managed and co-founded many businesses, from cryptocurrency projects to restaurants.

Our team of passive income is very dedicated and highly skilled in many different expertises. We have advisors working at multi-billion businesses and highly skilled senior blockchain developers.

Our true goal is to create a truly decentralized ecosystem where people can earn crypto without any hindrance. Doing this by reducing the complicity of the interfaces and being more transparent.

This is a little intro of us😁

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Well! I like this! 😁 good start🚀

Mary | satoshi club:

Your father knew what he was doing! Your energy is unbelievable!

So, you’re telling that passive income is possible in crypto😉

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

The idea of passive income is not new. But we are very interested in how you implemented it! 😊

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Passive income is of course not a new idea, everyone knows that hehe.

 but the way how we implement it in an ecosystem brings a truly innovative perspective to it 😁

I have been part of the crypto community since early 2017, my right-hand @michaelnl  has been in crypto since 2013/2014 and been helping me very well with bringing this project to the place where it belongs, as well as our complete team is a very tight group of true visionaries that share a feeling for the good future of the DeFi space.

Mary | satoshi club:

With this bull/bear market sometimes it seems impossible 😂

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

How many people do you have as a team?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

We are with 9 core members with an additional 4 people on the payroll.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Not bad 😉

Mary | satoshi club:

I see that you already listed on many coin trackers and also have CEX! Great job, guys!

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

You need a lot of hands for this space, things are going on light speed and we need to manage that. As crypto currency is moving forward every single day you need to be able to adapt fast.

Mary | satoshi club:

Thank you for your introduction!

Yes, you can’t be slow here😂

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

You are absolutely right! Only forward! 🚀🚀🚀

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Yes been listed on most coin tracking platforms the 2 main ones cg & cmc of course.

We have been listed in the innovation zone of BKex since the 5th of February.

You are welcome I could talk all day about this. 😁

Mary | satoshi club:

I know that it’s not so easy as it can seem😂

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Oh man don’t start about it😅

Mary | satoshi club:

I also like to talk with interesting people, but we have some questions from our community in the first part, ready to start with them?😂

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Of course, let me see. 👍

Henk ter harmsel:

Additional to this, with every project we are creating we are trying to bring back value to psi. Mostly in the forms of fees, evt farms, buybacks, and burning of tokens.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Sounds great 👍

Mary | satoshi club:

Sure! That’s great!

Preselected questions about the Passive income project.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Are you ready for questions from the community? 😉

Q1 from telegram user @lzamg**

On your roadmap, you mention that you will create the psi blockchain. Can you explain what is the psi blockchain and what kind of features it has for users? Is this blockchain similar to the Ethereum blockchain?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Very good question!

As we believe a cryptocurrency can only become to its full potential when its concept is truly decoded in its own chain. We will be integrating the frictionless yield technology on a new level where it’s a lot more beneficial and user friendly. As this is a concept for in 2021+ I can not release to much information about this yet.

The 2 main components why the main net is necessary is the integration of frictionless yield & resource-based finance.

We will of course implement a cross-chain so we will be available on all networks.

Want to know more about resources based finance check out the venus project.

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Doing an own chain also requires maturity and a liquid capital base to be successful.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

By the way, share with us your road map 2021😊

Mary | satoshi club:

Yes, a lot of new blockchains now. But the main problem of them as s that they don’t have active users there, people are still using eth

Henk ter harmsel:

Good one haha. In addition, we also put that on the roadmap some time ago already. At that moment (and surely now) the Ethereum fees were/are nuts and we decided we could make that better. Currently, there are already lots of other options (like BSC, fusion, etc) so we are revising this. We will only do this when we think we can really improve something like BSC or fusion or improve our token system on our own chain. Cross-chain compatibility would be better as a first step.

Mary | satoshi club:

How do you plan to solve this?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Passive income road map

We have not released a fully detailed roadmap yet. This will be done within the first quarter of 2021

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Well, I see that you have included all the trends of today! Success is not far off 😉🚀

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

I have already been saying for years that’s it’s important to averse to the interests of the products to its core token. This can only be done if many innovations are connected in 1 ecosystem.

Mary | satoshi club:

You are faster than Elon musk’s spaceships😂

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

I love your idea! Thanks for the answer!😊

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Henk is my left hand by the way💪

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Are you left-handed? 😁

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Because of @henkterharmsel  & @michaelnl, I’m great on both sides. Lol

Henk ter harmsel:

Yeah, that’s exactly why we are revising this one. 😊

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Passive income road-map 2

A better view.

Mary | satoshi club:

It looks great! 🚀

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

If you are ready, we can move on to the next question.

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Yes 👍

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Q2 from telegram user @xusuo

I read from your website that passive income creates a decentralized token with no need to use a governance system from the centralized team, is this system possible to do? And could you pls explain how this system works in the passive income project?

Henk ter harmsel:

Oke, there it is again the governance question. 😊

To be clear at first this is not possible as we will be needing a certain centralized role in the development of psi we will not be giving a full governance control to the community. We believe that at first a project needs a solid foundation and then it can be released into the hands of its users.

This will not say that we don’t work very closely with our community, we are continuously active in our chats and discuss every topic with everyone that wants to have a say in it.

Governance will be implemented when psi is matured enough to live it’s own life.

What we are doing right now is implementing governance in the products we are creating, but at first, it is governed by us.

Henk ter harmsel:

The idea is that after all voting could be done with for example and we will implement it.

Mary | satoshi club:

Yes, governance is very important now, but I see sense in your words.

Is it possible that you can add another governance token in the future?

Henk ter harmsel:

Well, I’m not sure if this is necessary, because we might just use psi to vote for governance on our products.

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

That’s definitely possible, but we are not 100% if we will be creating a 2 token. As it’s not necessary.

Mary | satoshi club:

Yes, I see, gotcha!

Ready to proceed?

Henk ter harmsel:

After all, governance is only needed on the products and not on the token itself.

Henk ter harmsel:

Sure 😊

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Q3 from telegram user @lzamg

I notice that there aren’t psi tokens reserved for the team, based on your tokenomics. Is that right? Why did you decide to not reserve a percentage for the team? How are you making profits for developing the passive income project?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

This is incorrect it does include it in our tokenomics. Give me 2 seconds.

Passive Income tokenomics

Mary | satoshi club:

Yes, I see that you have 10% for development, does it mean that it’s team tokens?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

There are only tokens for development and marketing, we will pay the team accordingly to their work. After 6 months we will take everyone that is now working voluntarily on the payroll. These are the 9 core members I have been talking about.

Mary | satoshi club:

Thank you, it’s clear now👍

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

As you can see we have reserved a certain part for development and marketing.

We have created an emission plan of 3 years with releasing the tokens periodically, this will start after 6 months. We believe that using funds that not come from the token its investments bring a lot more value to its core.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Total supply 18k?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):


Mary | satoshi club:

Do you want to add something or we can go to the next question?😀

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Let’s go to the next one😁


Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Q4 from telegram user @stevefix56

On your presale platform, a presale buyer can deposit eth to participate in a presale. An ‘x%” fee gets applied to eth deposits to be shared among all psi holders. As a trader, can you share more light on the “x%” fee to elevate fears of high charges on every eth deposit.

Henk ter harmsel:

X% means yet to be determined. It will be a percentage that eventually has the ability to be governed by investors. For now, we will set a fixed percentage that is fair in comparison to the services we will deliver on the presale platform.

Presale buyers get only charged a small percentage in eth while benefitting our presale services. We strife to only get legit projects aboard on our presale platform, more details on that matter soon.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Let’s look forward to it! Don’t forget to share with satoshi clubbers😉

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Great question😁

First, I will explain why we implement this fee, this is part of our initial idea of making 15 different income streams for psi its holders.

By implementing a small fee of 0.5/1% it could all ready massively benefit the psi holders as you know that pre sale platforms are used widely.

Holders of psi will be able to earn native tokens with holding psi this has not been done before.

Mary | satoshi club:

So, you will have a pre-sale platform 😀 It’s a great income stream

Henk ter harmsel:

Yeah 😊

So that’s where the governance part could come back to determine the fee, and also the part where we add value back to psi in form of fees.

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

That’s easy they only need to hold a little bit of psi to get a life full of financial freedom.

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

You are very convincing 😉👍

Mary | satoshi club:

If i will find some of the projects great enough to buy them on pre-sale will I need to be a psi holder? To participate?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

No that’s not necessary, but to earn a part of the passive income you do

Mary | satoshi club:

Oh, I like this! Thanks! Ready to go to the next question?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Thank you @psychedelicanomaly I would call him also one of my hands but yeah got none of them left😅

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

You have a reliable team😁👍

Well, q 5😉

Q5 from telegram user @pratze

You said on the website $psi charges 1% transaction fee and redistributes that fee to existing psi holder automatically at the time of each transaction. Is this fee system possible to work if $psi listing in the market DEX/CEX?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

I’m really happy with this question, any chance you could give @michaelnl  access he would be the best to explain this to you. 😁

Mary | satoshi club:

He already has it,😉

Michael (won’t pm first):

Hi all, thanks for having me here

Mary | satoshi club:

Hello! You’re welcome 😀

Michael (won’t pm first):

Bkex is implementing reflection on CEX and this way we will bring CeFi and DeFi together. Meanwhile, we will get a world premier on Bkex smart chain that will support reflection onchain out of the box. This is a gamechanger in DeFi space

Henk ter harmsel:

How this technically would work on cex is that the bkex hot and cold wallets are also included in fee sharing in the psi contract. So they are also earning psi and are dividing this amongst the psi holders on their exchange.

Mary | satoshi club:

So, for today, if i will buy psi and leave it on exchange acc i won’t get income?

But tomorrow it can change, right?

Henk ter harmsel:

Exactly 😊

Michael (won’t pm first):

Not yet but there are a lot of advantages to going to bkex cex now. As we all know gas fees are skyrocketing. Being on bkex cex can serve as a hedge against that high gas fee. Also, there are many more advantages like arbitrary opportunities, leverage trading, other trading methods, and joining the trading competition that Bkex started in celebration of our listing.

Mary | satoshi club:

Yes, in this case, you’re right! So, everyone can make his own choice 😀

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Passive income Bkex listing

Just addition to this part, we have a trading competition on Иkex with a value of over 10.000 usdt. Enjoy💪

Mary | satoshi club:

Satoshiclubbers, everyone can win!🤑

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

It’s very generous! 👍

Michael (won’t pm first):

Yes, everyone can win indeed.

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

As well for anyone that transfers psi to Bkex can get a 1% airdrop this will only be until 20 psi have been given out.

Michael (won’t pm first):


Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

As we are happy to lead the way in changing the infrastructure of the central exchanges. We all believe that no CEX can ignore the upcoming volume that’s occurring in the new DeFi boom. So centralized exchanges need to adapt and bring their platform on the chain and we are working on being the pioneer in this process for many central exchanges worldwide.

Mary | satoshi club:

Thanks, guys!

Henk ter harmsel:

Not sure if that would happen tomorrow, but they are quite far with this I believe. We work closely together on this one.

Mary | satoshi club:

Ready for the 6th and last question from this part?

Michael (won’t pm first):

Yes, definitely

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Q6 from telegram user @yellowchamp

According to your website, with your platform, we can get a passive friction-less income

Thus we only need to hold psi in our wallet to earn more of it, the rewards will appear and compound instantly for free in our wallet. Can you explain more specifically how much psi we have to hold? How much profit we can get while holding and how much time we have to hold in order to get profit? Aside from holding, do you plan to add other option in earning passive income in your platform like staking and mining program in the future? Thank you.

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

To earn passive income you can hold any amount. You will get your equal share of the amounts you hold.

With every single transaction you will earn automatically, this will be contributed to your wallet instantly.

We have a whole concept that will create 15 different income streams.

Something we hold onto is to reduce the amount of using smart contracts cause this still proofs to have many malfunctions or is vulnerable to attacks.

We will always try to make it frictionless.

Mary | satoshi club:

How often will the income come to the wallets?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

With every single transaction that is done. Instantly!

We are introducing staking on Bkex soon as well to introduce the double yield generation. 🤐

You heard it here first. Hehe.

Mary | satoshi club:

Wow, what about gas fees, who pay?

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

It’s included in the contract so it’s using frictions of gas. As it’s frictionless hehe.

Mary | satoshi club:


Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Thanks, we love secrets here 😉

Michael (won’t pm first):

Bjorn mattens loves surprises, And to surprise.

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Who doesn’t like a good surprise? 😊

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

You are the master of surprises! And it’s awesome 😊

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

That’s amazing, I love making people happy and this is one way😁

Mary | satoshi club:

Really great🤑 we love passive income!

Michael (won’t pm first):

The passive income is the place for you to be. We will implement propositions that will blow your mind.

Mary | satoshi club:

And we are close to the live part!

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Thank you very much mary!

Mary | satoshi club:

Ready for it,  guys😉?

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Guys, i want to ask you to share all the useful links and information with our community before opening the chat.

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

Oke give me one second

Gold rocket | satoshi club:

Take your time 😉

Bjorn psi (never dm first!):

All useful links👇👇👇


I think this must do the trick

Mary | satoshi club:


And…The live part is almost here, Let’s go 🚀

PART 2.Questions about the Passive income project from the live chat of the telegram community.

In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 120 seconds. Then the guests from the Passive income crypto project choose the top 10 questions. The 10 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency in the sum of 100$.

Q – 1 from a telegram user @Boylut

What makes your own way of sharing passive income better than that of your counterparts in the industry?

Bjorn PSI (never DM first!):

Great question, as we don’t know any project yet that has included 15 different income streams for its core token holders.
Have a look at these systematics.


This is our presale platform and how it will work.

And generates 1 of the 15 incomes.

Q – 2 from a telegram user @highpee

I like anything that can give me an extra or passive earning🤑🤑 and I am quite interested in your project 🥰🥰. You mentioned that there is the possibility to earn from 15 different earning streams, but am still not clear as to how this model will work. Apart from the redistribution of charged fees which goes to all $PSI token holders, what are some of the other income streams that can provide passive income? Thx.

Henk ter Harmsel:

Hi Johnny, Thanks for the question. With every product we are creating, we are trying to bring back value to PSI in the form of fees, buybacks, farms, etc. We will work these income streams out one by one.

Q – 3 from a telegram user @topind7

I read this on your website, but didn’t understand well “Blackhole: This wallet receives 1% of the 1% transaction fee that’s being redistributed to the holders” what do you mean by this, can you throw more lights?

Bjorn PSI (never DM first!):

Great question femi,

Let me explain we have activated the black hole today!

Q – 4 from a telegram user @Boylut

Between institutions, traders, and companies, which one do you focus on the most?

Bjorn PSI (never DM first!):

At the moment retailers, we know where we need to look for real valuable investments.ser @tuvalunia

What is the long term goal of DPEX?

Bjorn PSI (never DM first!):

Becoming the cheapest DEX on the Ethereum network without taking a step to layer 2. Being truly innovative with the best of all worlds.

Q – 6 from a telegram user @AugusS7

You say that “Passive income (PSI) will bring the first DEX OF PASSIVE INCOME PERFORMANCE”, but from this launch, surely many more projects will come with these characteristics, but that it has PSI that will always keep it as the best in Dex?

Bjorn PSI (never DM first!):

Great question,

We truly want to always keep upgrading our products and when we see new technologies that are more beneficial for our users we will definitely implement these.

Q – 7 from a telegram user @Amila19932

What is meant by “Liquidity Generation Event”? Is this a kind of airdrop? Are you going to launch this in near future? Please give us an update on this.?

Bjorn PSI (never DM first!):

Liquidity events will be launched to collect more liquidity for trading and a more healthy economic structure.

Making financial products requires liquidity to support it

Q – 8 from a telegram user @Wormz28

I have heard that you guys in the Passive Income decided to remain sub-anonymous in the public for some reasons. If possible, may we ask the reasons behind it? Also, we want to know, maybe or somehow, is there still a plan about “public-facing” in the near future?

Bjorn PSI (never DM first!):

Some of our team members decided to stay anonymous cause of the jobs they do at this moment. And don’t want to get this interfered with their certain job. Very soon most of the team members will go public and be uploaded to the website with a LinkedIn page to look for.

Q – 9 from a telegram user @Indomiekuy

How hard is using (PSI) Passive Income for the infrastructure that already exists? Can you tell to us what is your plan for mass distribution in the blockchain technology?

Bjorn PSI (never DM first!):

Great question, we believe we will be truly revolutionary when we Introduce frictionless yield technology into a blockchain this opens a world with possibilities that are unthinkable. This is the true next step in technology.

Michael (won’t PM first):

What a lot of people do not realize is that working in information technology a lot of times is bound to signing competition agreements and other agreements that prevent entrepreneurship. So it is not always the lack of willingness to go public but also the ability to go public.

Q -10 from a telegram user @AmirJosh

Its nice to have an passive income just by holding $PSI without doing anything, but may I ask what about the active wallets or the ones that actually trading, borrow, lending, and using the Passive.Income services? Do they have separate rewards rate for their active engagement on the services of PSI?

Henk ter Harmsel:

This depends on the product you are using. With borrowing/lending the probably will, but by using the token sale platform we want to create your rewards is participating in the token sale. Trading is your own choice. Off course we prefer everyone to just hold PSI. 😜

Part 3 – Quiz about project

In the final part, we tested the knowledge in terms of the Passive income project. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ was distributed between the winners.

Our contacts for more details: 

  English Telegram group  |  Russian Telegram group   |  Spanish Telegram group  |  Telegram Channel   |  Twitter |  Website 

Our Crypto Partner by this AMA: 

#PSI is a passive income platform driven by real-world use cases and utility and will be like no other.


Liquidity is LOCKED  🔒 forever and tokens not sold in presale are BURNED 🔥

BUY NOW ON UNISWAP 🦄 (set slippage to 1% or 2% when buying) or BUY NOW ON BKEX !

💥 BKEX Global listed PSI (Passive Income) and is tradable in PSI/USDT pair. A TRIPPLE GIFTS CAMPAIGN for PSI has been started on BKEX. Who is the best trader? Compete and win AWESOME PRIZES !

🔒 Passive.Income 
🔒 Proof of dev & marketing tokens locked ( (timelock for emission plan and 3 year vesting period. First 6 months no emission, then a 30 month (monthly) equal emission.
🔒 Proof of Unicrypt liquidity locked forever
🔥 Proof of tokens burned 

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