Oxbull x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 20th of March

Oxbull x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 20th of March

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Oxbull and our guest was 0xUshi | I will never DM you first – @OxUshi. The AMA took place on the 20th of March.

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Good evening, dear community!
We conclude our today’s exciting AMA marathon series with Oxbull.tech. Today our guest is @OxUshi!

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
@OxUshi welcome to our community, how is going your weekend?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Busy busy! We have IDO going on right now, soft cap reached within 5mins, it is going well.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Wow! it’s incredible !!!

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Everything is prepared and we are looking forward to a smooth cutover plan for our deployment tomorrow.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Congratulations! 🎉

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Congrats me tomorrow, the job not yet done 🙂

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
We will be waiting for the results of the IDO.

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Yes, cool.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
To begin with, please tell us a few words about yourselves and how did you get to be involved in crypto & Oxbull.tech?😁

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Ok sure. I am 0xUshi, a tech product lead in my day job in the tech sector, leading a technology team with 150 people strength, responsible for 3b CHF worth of transactions on our business-critical system every year.

Having a background in computer science, I am deeply interested in new technology. As a matter of fact, I and my team have participated in a number of hackathons in the past years and managed to emerge as top winners in some of those.

The recent booming of Defi use cases reminds me a lot of how the early days of the .com era, and out of our recent gathering talks during the new year, we decided to get our hands dirty to start to understand the tooling and also the blockchain ecosystems.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
It says that you are very passionate and love crypto!

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Lol, in for the tech yes. Nevertheless, it seems to us that the future of finance, and also how the future world would operate, lies in the power of utilization of blockchains. This then brings us to the realization of, the power of determining the future of blockchains actually lies in the many hands of smart contract developers.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Mass adoption is coming!

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
We believe so.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Wow, Great experience in the tech field. Now could you give us an introduction about the Oxbull project?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
With the recent crazy demands on blockchain projects, many took advantage, on the wrong side. Many project creators or developers were driven by wrong intentions, which result in scams and rug-pulls. And that was the reason why I and my team founded Oxbull.tech. Oxbull.Tech is aiming to change that and help drive the next generation of Blockchain projects.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
How did you get the idea to create Oxbull.Tech?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Oxbull.tech is a startup incubator and launchpad developed by 3 tech enthusiasts. We hope to help startups with the necessary funding and support to kick start their project in the most efficient way possible. From there, Oxbull.Tech shall connect quality and credible blockchain projects with investors. We wrote a medium post for it, have a look: https://oxbull.medium.com/oxbull-may-the-bull-be-with-you-1d907ce4da13

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
How did you solve the financial issues to create the project?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
For our own project, we use the raised fund of OXB and pretty much survive until now. all marketing, infrastructure, development cost are through the raised fund of OXB presale.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Your ideas are ambitious enough! We love this attitude! 😉 What do you think is your biggest achievement so far? In your opinion… @OxUshi

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Oh, we also have one Twitter post, let me get it: https://twitter.com/Oxbull5/status/1371259723354374145?s=20
A small achievement, but slowly but surely, we are growing step by step.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great job😃, could you give us more details about the presale?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
One thing to mention, we are a grass-root startup, started everything from the ground, with the aim to bring credibility into space.
Do you mean OXB presale? It was a very interesting experience. We were trying to raise 250 BnB, but the trust from the community was overwhelming. Our presale was oversubscribed by x3 in 1min. I think it was 880bnb, and we refunded 530 bnb with no question asked. Then the deployment and listing were as well picture-perfect (because we have practiced them for 4 times before).

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Congratulations, that’s the effect of a project with fundamentals!

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
It says a lot! community is the blood of the project. if you have that kind of support, then you are truly unique! 👏

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Thanks. We truly enjoy the process of building something meaningful.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Well, are you ready for the first question of this part of the AMA?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Agree, our community, especially those who stuck with us through highs and lows, we truly appreciate them.
Go ahead.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Q1 from Telegram User @lzamg
Oxbull Tech as a launchpad and incubator will help projects through Initial DEX Offerings (IDO), which are divided into three tiers. Can you explain what do those tiers consist of? What is the IDO model that Oxbull runs? Is this model inalterable or can it change based on the projects’ needs?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Ok, we have a medium post describe this as well let me get that: https://oxbull.medium.com/initial-dex-offering-ido-6bdd25106c54
Is this model inalterable or can it change based on the projects’ needs? Yes, it varies based on the nature of the projects. For example, if the project is aiming to raise a small amount, then we will only have tier 1 and 2, but not 3.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Do you want to add something?
Or can we proceed to the next question?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
No, nothing much to add. and as usual, join our tg and dm me if you have any questions.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Q2 from Telegram User @borysfireball
I see that you have paid tribute to fashion and prioritized DeFi and NFT spaces, but the fashion lady is capricious and changes every bull market. Do you have a long-term vision for both the projects you focus on and the blockchains you will be integrated into? What is your strategy for years and decades?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
We do not prioritize trends. We prioritize tangible use cases. Oxb is a very good use case. It combines the concept of VC, incubator, dividend buys back into one. Oxb uses RFI technology to reward holders. All transactions incur 2% fees, which is called reflection fees and this is then redistributed to all holders.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
What are the main benefits for holders? Apart from that.

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Let’s compare it to the stock market. Most of the value investors invest in certain companies because they believe in the industry or the company. However, the financial return of the investment will only increase when the value of the stock increase with OXB, you buy oxb because you believe in Oxbull.tech will do well and hopefully the value of oxb will go up. At the same time, while holding oxb, you gain as well due to the ongoing transactions. All the ups and downs of the trading activities benefit holders.
So, this is a very interesting use case, to reward long-term holders, who believe in the company, and willing to go through the ups and downs of the company, while benefiting from the trading activities.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
What is the current price of OXB?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Let me check, I don’t really care so much about price.
It is 0.66 USD.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Sounds good considering that you are a young project🚀

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Yes, and NFT for sure is another very interesting field for real-world use cases. Our space cowboy, set to become the go-to sci-fi NFT platform. Have a look: https://scb.oxbull.tech/#/

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Completely agree, a hot topic in the market, even non-crypto artists are interested in the concept.

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
We partnered with an international artist, who has designed illustrations for books and games for an international and domestic company. Her NFT series sold out in less than 10mins.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
I love them all 😁

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Me too, looking for a baby Yoda there 😁

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:

Too bad sold out 🙂

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
😢 haha bad news for me
I see, the designs are high quality.

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Yes, she spent 3-4 days per piece, handrawn them

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
I hope there will be more and I will get it in my collection🙏

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Sure, stay tuned, news will be released on our channel.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Q3 from Telegram User @yellowchamp
You will have a burnt event at every milestone in your telegram community. So what leads you to have this idea? Why do you need to burn $OXB tokens for each milestone of the Oxbull.tech telegram community? What are the impacts of these burning events that will bring to the platform, Community and to investors? Thank you.

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
As indicated before, the community is one of the key pillars of Oxbull.tech. Without the support and trust from the community, Oxbull.tech is nothing. Burning OXB brings the total supply of oxb down, which means the value of the oxb of existing holders will go up, provided that the demand of oxb remain constant/increase. We hope this burning event will bring certain excitement towards the community and continue to stay with the Oxbull.tech for the time to come.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
That’s what I see in the chart, the price of OXB has been growing these weeks When will take place the next burning event?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Don’t buy oxb until you are convinced, join in, and observe how we work.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Q4 from Telegram User @igervacio
Some people limit themselves to using loan platforms because they work based on Ethereum and we all know the transaction costs of Eth, you developed a platform called Etna Network based on BSC Why did OXB not choose the conventional path that Ethereum offers and how Does BSC benefit from your digital loan services?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
We believe technology progression requires a low barrier to entry, in order to achieve mass adoption. BSC as a two-sided platform provides a perfect ground for it. On the one hand side, the transactional cost for the user is low. On the other hand side, deployment and learning iteration (number of deployments) for the developer is also relatively low. So, that’s why we choose BSC to start and also support projects who shared the same values. This doesn’t discount us from going to the uniswap/eth network.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
That’s the most important feature that users are looking for these days.

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
I am hopeful for uniswap v3 and I am hopeful for eth 2.0. We are in for the tech 🙂 not the brand

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
I saw it in your plans for the 3rd quarter in the roadmap.

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Once uniswap transaction fees go down to a low level, we will be there. In fact, we are preparing ourselves. making sure our contracts and also future development plans are as well compatible with eth network.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Btw, what is your most important target for this year?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Our target is always to help a startup to be successful, and bring credibility into space. Our vision is to help 1000 companies. So, we are making baby steps 🙂 We hope we can support 20-30 startups by end of the year 2021.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Is there any filter to be one of those companies or any project can apply?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Any project can apply, however not all projects will be accepted. Till to date, we have accepted 4, reviewing 2, rejected 3. We seek people who shared the same value as us – quality, credibility, relentless execution. Even if the startup’s first MVP/project is a fork/clone/low novelty, we believe that having the right mindset and work ethic is far beyond everything.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Great goals! And also a responsible attitude to business!
Thanks for the answer! Ready for the next question or would you like to add something? 😊

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
No, let’s proceed.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Congratulations on those corporate policies, ethical values must come first.

Q5 from Telegram User @h1drX
In your whitepaper, you mention that The Oxbull way is driven by Quality, Credibility, and Relentless Execution. But on what aspects of a project do you base yourself to qualify it as trustworthy and credible to later provide it with tools and financial support?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Hmmm. Trust = consistent deliverables over time.

You build credibility and trust with consistent deliverables, you don’t get trusted from the first day and we understand that. That’s why we push ourselves to deliver based on our promise and keep the communication transparent.
Have a look at what we achieved in the last 3 weeks and also the tweet on “biggest week”, and let me know what can we further improve, always open to listen.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Yes, that is Relentless Execution I think.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
I think you have done a lot and there is even more work ahead! 🚀

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
And we are always ready for it!

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
How ready are you for the next question?😁😉

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Our last question is about community achievement 😁

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
As ready as the community is.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Q6 from Telgram User @JuanSB07
I was very struck by the number of people or followers that Oxbull plans to attract during the following quarters, (Q1-1,400 followers on Twitter) (Q2-5,000 followers on Twitter) (Q3-20,000 followers on Twitter) in addition to reaching 5,000 members on Telegram. So, to achieve this, what kind of marketing campaigns and strategies are you planning to implement? How do you think to have so many followers/members interested in the project in such a short time?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
We mainly focus on delivering good products and supporting good projects, marketing on an empty shell is what we are not aiming for. We prefer to go with word of mouth marketing, and you can go to our Twitter once again, and see the testimonial given by our community. We do occasionally drop into ama like this one, but we don’t do huge publicity at the moment.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
A great way, you are always welcome here!

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Thanks 🙂 And that’s why community is our key pillar.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
@OxUshi It has been an exciting time in this first part of the AMA. Are you ready to interact with our community for the second part? 😁

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Actions speak, not words😉

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
I think all the projects should focus on that, great work my friend 👏

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @ Marian Merheb

🧨 I read on your whitepaper that you are focus on four areas DeFi, NFT, General, and Deep Tech, what caught my attention is the fact that in this last area you are focused on “Deep Tech”, one of the things you stated is Med Tech. Can you tell us more about this? With the Med Tech area being such a delicate and complex area, what plans do you have to contribute to it? When will we see more of what Oxbull has to offer to this part?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
MedTech – technology in the medical industry. Why MedTech? It is a very obvious answer. I have seen quite some interesting use cases of blockchain that will be highly applicable in MedTech. For example: https://www.coindesk.com/singapore-uses-blockchain-for-verification-of-covid-19-test-results

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
And in the era of covid, even more so.

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
The inefficiency of record storage, in conjunction of privacy concern, make it a perfect fit for blockchain technology to come in and support the space. Furthermore, I have a network in top STEM universities in the world, and I believe we will be able to see some startups that focus on MedTech will be coming on board in the near future.

Goldie Rocket | Satoshi Club:
This is what we are all talking about: blockchain is primarily a technology, not money. 😁

Q2 from Telegram user @ Belkys Gonzalez

📝Hello @OxUshi! The Oxbull Tech roadmap is very impressive and detailed. Did you already accomplish all the goals for Q1 2021? Which milestone would you say has been the most important for the Oxbull Tech project? What is the development team focusing on right now?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
I think the most important milestone is that we as a team manage to launch 2 projects successfully in 8 days.

Q3 from Telegram user @ Johnny ℹ️🅿️

🙋‍♂️ Hello 0xUshi. OxBull, OXB, was launched 4 weeks ago and you have already recorded some bull-ish milestones such as the launching of SPACE COWBOY, SCB, a week after launch, and successful recovery from a crisis that was caused by a CONTRACT BUG. I wish to know if there is a relationship between SCB and OXB and if this a second project which is managed by the OXB team? For the other incident that has to do with the bug, can you tell me what really happened? How were you able to recover from this and how were the affected investors duly compensated?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
It was an interesting crisis I must say. We were trying to do the burn event, and the burn event accidentally affected the balance of the liquidity pool. We managed to work with Pancakeswap devs, and restore the balance of the liquidity pool. Instead of seeing the usual panic and drop of trust, our community stood strong. That in my eyes is the real strength of a strong community.

Q4 from Telegram user @ Marian Merheb

🧨 I read on your Medium Articles that you recently added a really amazing artist as the first feature artist on Oxbull’s platform. Can you tell us more about her and what would her role be in Oxbull’s ecosystem? If more artists want to join Oxbull, how would that be possible? Do you have any program for them to register? How is the process they need to go through? Also, what benefits artists have from working with Oxbull?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Yes, she is amazing! And yes, we are open to artist collaboration. Just ping me or email us at [email protected]

Q5 from Telegram user @ Last Call 🕔 Bots Killers TEAM

Could you give information about your team structure? Are you a crowded team, do you have members with different experiences?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
We are a team of 3 tech enthusiasts, with an extended team member focuses on design. We played a different role in the team – product lead, front end (UI) development, and back end (contract) development.

Q6 from Telegram user @ 👽 Mars Crypto Community 🌔

I know you are sensitive to projects created to defraud. How do you think investors can distinguish these projects and why should they trust you?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
As said, trust can’t be built within a day. We believe in consistent deliverables and continue to show progress. And I constantly encourage potential investors to observe us constantly. And don’t buy in until they are convinced.

Q7 from Telegram user @ Lun Mei (CryptoBuddhist)

Can your IDOs run on any type of blockchain (and not just BSC and eth)?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Yes for sure. And we are preparing for it.

Q8 from Telegram user @ 🤳📱📸SCREENSHOT 📸📱 🤳

Do you have back-up investors?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
We are a grass-root start-up, which means no VC-backed. This also means no VCs will dump on you 😉

Q9 from Telegram user @ Nguyenthanh

I read your medium Oxbull.tech already launch “Etna”: A mobile-oriented Borrowing and Lending platform. Can you explain what Oxbull tech already contribute to “Etna”?

0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
Etna is the upcoming lending and borrowing platform on BSC. Oxbull.tech basically provided Etna support on branding, community management, IDOs launching for now. We will announce further partnership in the space of gaming and NFTs in the future.

Q10 from Telegram user @ moe


Why did you choose Binance Smart Chain it’s very risky and easy to rug-pull? Your smart contract has been audited now?


0xUshi | I will never DM you first:
We are arranging an audit with a major auditing company. Based on our roadmap, we will finish our audit in Q2.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru/
Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish/
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub/
Website: https://esatoshi.club/

Our partners:
Telegram Community – https://t.me/Oxbull_tech
Twitter – https://twitter.com/Oxbull5
Medium – https://oxbull.medium.com
WebSite – https://www.oxbull.tech/
Email – [email protected]

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