x SatoshiClub AMA from 29 October x SatoshiClub AMA from 29 October

Only the best gems from the .finances world in the Satoshi Club AMA series. And today we would like to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from The AMA took place on October 29 and our guest was Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only).

The total reward pool was 700$ and has been splitted in 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello again, Satoshiclubbers! We are happy to announce our AMA session with! welcome to Satoshi Club:grinning:

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Hello sweet humans of the world!

D. | Satoshi Club: greetings Satoshi club!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hi and welcome here) How was your day?):wink:

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Fantastic, I am on this side of the dirt! Always a blessing

D. | Satoshi Club: great! tell us about your project, please 😊

Mary | Satoshi Club: And about yourself and your background in crypto)

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Sure, Ill start with myself. So I am Principal Noob. I am a early adopter of crypto since 2013 and a blockchain developer since 2015. As a independent fullstack and NFT developer, I have worked on many projects anon. is a Defi/NFT token with a fully audited farming platform that is ready to be deployed after the presale. We are creating a lineage of “Crypto Kid” erc1155 NFTS that will be able to be “leveled up” as we create new versions. Pretty much, the NFTS will age, much like humans do, starting as children and maturing to full grown Crypto Adults! We are building out our own USER friendly NFT marketplace, that will be easy for a new crypto user to perform actions that are difficult on opensea and rarible.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Ohoho) you have a huge anon background and it doesn’t look like you are noob:joy:

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Haha no, matured in the crypto space so to speak

Mary | Satoshi Club: So, your platform is fully audited, yes?)

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Correct, the farming contract is fully audited. The marketplace is still in development, but will be entering beta stage late November. We will have it audited as well for security.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Are the results public?)

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Yes, all of that info can be found here:

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thanks, i will have a nice evening, checking them:joy:

D. | Satoshi Club: can you give us a link on this contract please

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): and here:

Q1 from Telegram user @BroDzon1

$NOOB presale is ending very soon. What are your plans after end of presale?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Sure, so firstly we have 30k Supply of tokens, with 21,000 for presale. We have a hardcap of 1000 ETH and we are utilizing the decentralized bounce platform for participation. We chose this route because that is fundamentality what crypto is all about, decentralizing the centralized. So we stuck with our core principals of crypto enthusiasts in that respect. Moving forward to plans: Firstly, we wanted to be as transparent and trustful as possible. We locked our team tokens with trustswap for 6 months on a smart contract, so we cant “dump” tokens into the market. Secondly, we are locking our liquidity with Unicrypt for 1 year to ensure investors that we have no options to “rugpull”.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Ok, btw, do you have website) i think i am noob and couldn’t find it:joy:

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): immediately following presale, we will lock liquidity, and launch the farming platform, so no bumps in the road. Following that we will be airdropping out our Welcome Crypto Kid NFT to ALL holders.

Thirdly, we will launch beta testing of marketplace, to let investors know and have peace of mind that we are in development of a User friendly NFT marketplace. I am sure many of you have used, rarible etc… They are not for new crypto investors, we want ours to be.

Mary | Satoshi Club: What crypto should i use to buy your tokens?) And do you have min/max i can invest?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): We are only accepting ETH for the presale. There is no MIN but there is a max of 20 ETH, this is to prevent large buys (whales) from dumping the token on small investors. We want everyone to have a fair chance. Upon uniswap listing, we will be listing it at 2x the price of presale. This is to give a cushion for anyone not holding long term.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Nice, very nice) definitely it’s for everyone 😀

Q2 from Telegram user @apocan99

Your total tokens is 30 K, and 21 K is reserved for the presale which makes 70%. Isn’t that a too big percent for presale?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): This could be argued in that direction, but for the purpose of the token is to get it out to as many users as possible. We as a team are not looking to hold a large % of tokens, as the tokens will be used for farming and the upcoming marketplace, so we believe its better to have most in circulation. We do have 3,000 tokens for development, but this is strictly to seed our farming portal.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Do you have plan if you won’t reach hardcap ?) What will happened with unsold tokens?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Yes, any tokens not sold in presale, will be burned. As our mint key is also burned, there will be no more NOOB created outside of what is already in place.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Ok, and what about softcap, do you have it?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): No softcap, as everything is already developed and developing, it was not required.

D. | Satoshi Club: any plans to create another token? in the future as a part of Noobz ecosystem?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): There is another token that will be created for the Marketplace, but we will hold no presale for that. This will be made for our yield farming and marketplace. These plans are still in development, so I cannot release too much info on it as this time.

Mary | Satoshi Club: But this is a good hint for future NOOB hodlers)

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Definitely, we have alot of surprises coming along the way. Especially for Christmas 😀

Q3 from Telegram user @Jonahapagu

I must say that you have a funny website.. on your website all I could see was just a classroom with desks having the inscription Don’t buy noob presale, Don’t read noob medium, Don’t follow noob twitter, Don’t join noob telegram, each of this being a link to your various social medias and presale site… and there’s nothing else again on your website, no information about your team, no white paper, and no roadmap as well… Why did you decide to make your website less engaging and how soon should we be expecting a comprehensive(detailed) information about your project team and your roadmap after presale

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Firstly, our white paper will be released today that will have the roadmap within it.. For the website, we wanted to make it simple and to the point. I am sure you have visited many token websites and can literally get lost due to all the links and jargon. There was no need to do that with, as we are developing our platform for NEW crypto users especially those new to NFTS. Our team will remain anon for security purposes and this is a dominating subject with many crypto projects. This is mainly due to crypto not being accepted globally, but when it is, we will have no issue being a public team. This is why we locked our team tokens and liquidity in audited smart contracts to ensure investors we have the right intentions. As our project matures, the website will be updated with info as we get it, including the farming and NFT portals.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Your team) how many members?)

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): So we have 5 team members and 5 moderators. The team consist of myself, 3 other fullstack devs, and a web3 dev.

D. | Satoshi Club: your site reminds me a bit of $meme website with all those – don’t buy, don’t follow etc 😁

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Always good to follow the footsteps of successful projects

Q4 from Telegram user @Winterkom

Recently Noob’s farming was launched at Uniswap, do you have an estimated maximum APY that users can get? Will a number of tokens be blocked from the team in this pool?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Firstly, our team tokens are locked with trust swaps smart contract and can be verified here:

Secondly, there will be 2 initial pools for $NOOB, $NOOB/ETH and $NOOB/USDC, With a 1000 $NOOB in each seed. APY wont be able to be calculated until the pools are created, but we will offer a 2x increase in rewards starting 2 days from users that provide LP from day 1. This is to give early yield farmers a higher apy than late comers.So we will have no team funds within the farming pools.

Mary | Satoshi Club: So, everything for early birds?)

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Early bird gets the worm.

Mary | Satoshi Club: But what is your expectations?) I am sure you calculate approximately) i know that this is crypto:joy:

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Initially the apy will be high, between 500-1100%, and will go down as the pools grow. This is a common factor in any yield farming protocol.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Oh, that is some kind of numbers) Thanks :+1:

Q5 from Telegram user @BroDzoni1

From medium, $NOOB will have 3 different farming pools. What are benefits for each of these pools?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): So, as you know, X Token/ ETH pools can be not so fruitful. Meaning that one can suffer impermanent loss if price of either token goes down a heavy amount 60-100%. With that said, this can be made up by the yields one would receive from farming. The NOOB/USDC pool, will be a safer option for those not willing to take the risk. We will also have a third farming pool $RUGZ/$NOOB. All lp providers (yield farmers) will qualifty for all airdropped Crypto Kid NFTS, as well as the $NOOB they would farm and 0.3% uniswap fees. having 3 different pools, just gives more options to the more riskier investors to those that don’t want to weigh those risks. We were aware of the problems with other pools and tweaked ours respectively to support all yield farmers of crypto.

Mary | Satoshi Club: You partnered with $RUGS, right?)

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Correct, we will be collabing on our first premium Crypto kid nft as well as developing the marketplace. This just gives us a bigger squad to make our dream happen faster.

Mary | Satoshi Club: And you will have airdrop for $RUGS holders?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Yes $RUGZ holders, holding 10+ $RUGZ will get a 10 to 1 airdrop of NOOB token, the snapshot has already taken place for that event. We designated 3% of our supply for that.

Q6 from Telegram user @b_dima

You will use GYSR for your farming. It is a name I hear for the first time. It is said to be 100% decentralized. But what other features it has? Was it used before by other projects?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): So as a developer for both projects, we are well aware of what it can do. We believe in decentralization and with that said, it offers trust for investors that developers cannot run off with funds. As we have had it fully audited. In the future other projects will be able to use the gysr. More about the ecosystem can be found here:

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @jpsarmah

How and when 3000 $NOOB for Development Funds will be utilized?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): These will be used to SEED the yield farming portals. NOOB/ETH, NOOB/USDC, and NOOB/RUGZ. 1,000 will go in each, this is to ensure longevity of the yield farming for investors.

Q2 from Telegram user @JoxesXIII

Im not clear at all, is NoobFinance a fully serious project or is it a meme project for entertainment purposes?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): We are extremely serious. We have made all the necessary steps to insure investors to trust our intentions. From locking team tokens, locking liquidity and having a audited yield farming portal. MANY defi projects LACKED a audit and investors lost millions to rugpulls and/or scams. We are avoiding that by taking security very seriously. We stand for NOOB, because many new crypto users are scared to join defi and NFT projects, we want the noobs to come in, as we are making everything user friendly. We will have a amazing autonomous marketplace that will be for existing and new users.

Q3 from Telegram user @BroDzon1

What are benefits and differences between these two geysers for $NOOB yield farming?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Each pool will yield NOOB and all lp providers will qualify for the first airdropped Crypto Kids NFTs

Q4 from Telegram user @CryptoExpert05

Q:- What sparked the creation of Noob Finance and was it hard to actually start it? Which companies do you view them as potential partners and that they are somewhat also benefitial for both userbase and Noob Finance itself?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Being a NFT developer, I am aware that and rarible are not user friendly especially for new crypto users. We aim to make this for all users new and existing. We will be aiming to partner with other NFT projects to collaborate on NFTS and introduce them to our marketplace. We want a fully functioning NOOB ecosystem.

Q5 from Telegram user @Crypangel

I am very interested For buy $NOOB Tokens..So, where I can buy $NOOB Tokens?. Which pairs available for buy?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Our presale is live and can be exchanged for ETH. We will list on uniswap directly after presale.

Q6 from Telegram user @BeastIncarnate7

Is the Auditing conducted Yearly…?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Auditing will be conducted once a year and will be updated on both sites of results.

Q7 from Telegram user @DiegoRME

One of the things that the holders are interested in is if after their PRESALE it is the exchange listing … Do you plan to search for Exchange listings such as MXC, BINANCE, HUOBI etc?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): We would absolutely love to get us on a Centralized exchange and do have plans. I have already made contacts with top50 exchanges to get us listed.

Q8 from Telegram user @sinahanna32

The information I found was about PRESALE and Yield Farming. So what is your next roadmap for the future? What goals are you focusing on?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Our main goal is to have a fully functioning and user friendly marketplace. We want it to be plug-n-play, so that new NFT enthusiast can use with ease. We will have our beta live by the end of november.

Q9 from Telegram user @Crypangel

As investor i’m obviously interested about the token scarcity. What kind of plans do you have regarding the $NOOB token unlocks in the future?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): We will have 3,000 NOOB that will be unlocked with yield farming over 365 days. We burned the MINT key for security and for the peace of mind of investors. There will only be 30,000 $NOOB in existence forever.

Q10 from Telegram user @BJosefina61

Currently NFTs are the new trend that projects are trying to exploit. What are the most important features for distribution an uses of NFTs, how exclusive and scarce will be these collectibles?

Principal Noob (Noob Biz Only): Great question. So, the initial welcome Crypto Kid NFT will be airdropped out to all $NOOB users. After that, we will be launching 2 Crypto Kid NFTS each month, with different characters and story line. These will be able to be leveled up to Crypto Teens and then Crypto adults over the years. The crypto kids will be able to be obtained through the upcoming marketplace with only 100 per NFT as well as crypto lotteries for exclusive gold foil crypto kid NFTS. These will be rare and minted as erc1155s. $NOOB holders will be the only users that will have access to these NFTS.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 500$.

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