Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from NFTuloan and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 2nd of June.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Hello Satoshi Club community ! We are pleased to announce today AMA with NFTuloan
Pavel P
Let us welcome our guest from NFTuloan – @nft_uloan!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Welcome to Satoshi Club! @nft_uloan
Pavel P
Welcome to Satoshi Club!
How are you doing today?
Amazing . Thank you for inviting me today
Pavel P
Glad to see you here and to know NFTuloan project!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Great ! Let us start today AMA with introduction
Pavel P
Let’s start our AMA!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Can you please introduce yourself and your team. How did you get to be involved in Cryptocurrency & NFTuloan Project?
Well we are dev company from 2010 starting web2 dev
and in 2017 we start to develop project in blockchain and progressively we move to nft development
in 2021 we saw the growth of nft trading and value, and we identify an opportunity to offer a new servicr to all digital assets
what s was missing it s a solution to give instant liquidity to your nft
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Nice! You have great background and experience
well we knows how to set a project and put on the markets
Robocop | Satoshi Club
So how big are NFTuloan team for now ? are they anon team ?
yes today we are all together 25 peoples
it s a public team
Pavel P
WOW, that’s more than enough to build a great project!
well you need to the right component to make a great product
Pavel P
Agree! So, why NFTuloan is so special?
we offer the only service thats give you an instant loan against your nft
and we offer it to more than 200 collections
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the great introduction
We have collected 6 community questions for part 1 from Satoshi Club community,
ready to proceed?
yes of course
Pavel P
Q1 From Telegram User @Brigandin88
I read that user can create NFT and give real values to our photo or JPEG using NFTuloan and also there is a feature name NFT loan to get hourly payouts. This system is really great but can you explain the detail how does it work, for example what is all requirement user need to fulfill to start get income? How about APY% and did you prepare a guide for newbie to use NFTuloan?
it s very simple if u have an nft u connect to our platform and we offer u an instant loan, and in others hands you can lend your eth to the protocol. As the lender you ll receive 70% of the fees collected by the protocol
yes we prepare tutorial to explain everything
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Can you please give any link or article about this ?
Pavel P
You said, you are currently supporting 200 collections of NFTs. Is this list growing? Are you adding new collections constantly?
yes our goal to offer loan to all the digital assets
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the answer, do you want to add anything else or we can go to next question?
for me it s ok
Pavel P
What about this question?
this is our answer yes our goal to offer loan to all the digital assets
Pavel P
Or this was the answer?
Pavel P
Perfect! Thank you for clarifying this!
we want to offer loan to all the collection
Pavel P
Let’s see the question nr 2
Pavel P
Q2 From Telegram User @follow_upgs
Hello, when I looked at the roadmap of your project, I saw that you have sold the seed round and Round 1 of the $ULOAN token. There is also a Round 2 sale in Q2 of 2022. Is the Round 2 sale currently ongoing or has it ended? Can you talk about the tokonomic structure of the $ULOAN token and the amount of $ULOAN sold in the seed round, Round 1 and Round 2? How much funds have you raised from token sales so far? What are the features and uses of the $ULOAN token? Your platform has a staking program for ETH. Are you going to start a staking program for the $ULOAN token in the future?
Very good questions
let s answer one by one
we did fews private rounds to finance the operation, we collected around 300 eth. Round 2 has been closed yesterday.
With the mint of 26th june our goal is to reach 1,000 eth
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Oh no we are late , do you have any plan for another round?
$uloan has many usecase:
1/ rewards the community borrowers and lenders
2/ use exclusively in our distressed deal marketplace to buy nft with 30% discounds
3/ also for DAO purpose and vote to a decide aloo ation in our protocol
on 26th june we issue genesis alpha pass
4/ we have also staking program for ETH and Uloan
Pavel P
A great video presentation, by the way!
thank u
Pavel P
And thank you for your great answers so far! Ready to proceed to the question nr 3?
Pavel P
Q3 From Telegram User @UncleStrange1
I noted that one of the many Benefits of the owning a GENESIS ACCESS PASS is that it offers access to your NFT exclusive DAO and decision for the next features. Can you brief us on how your DAO governance mechanism will operate? How can users participate in governance in your DAOs? Will the strength of votes be dependent on the amount of $ULOAN a user have? What kind of features can the members of the DAO decide on? Is there any way an investor can be a part of the DAO apart from owning a GENESIS ACCESS PASS? I would also like to know, What is the total supply of the GENESIS ACCESS PASS?
very nice qst
To access to DAO you need to hold our Genesis alpha pass and uloan, locking your uloan give you veUloan for voting right.
with the vote your add new nft collection, revoke it, add allocation or ltv
in order to submit your question to the community you need to be NFT level3
maximum supply 3,333
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Can you please explain about NFT level system ?
yes sure
there 4 levels depending ok your uloan and veuloan you hold in you wallet
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Ah got it, to increase level user just need hold more token
yes uloan and veuloan
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the clear answer, are you ready for the 4th question?
Pavel P
Q4 From Telegram User @thisistoyin
I noted that NFTuloan has the ambition to empower the NFT community that believed in the NFT era at early stages and help individuals grow their portfolio., but what actually caught my attention was the fact that you stated that, If we need funds to purchase more NFTs, NFTuloan is the right place for us. In this Scenario, Can you please provide adequate information regarding The Processes of Collecting a loan from your platform to invest? Would there be any form of Collateral before being able to Apply for a loan? How is your Return Policy like? And is there a maximum amount of Loan a user can collect from your platform at a time? Thank you
yes sure, our platform is easy to connect like 1, 2, 3
everything works from connecting your metamask, and automatically you can request loan
couple of seconds later you receive your funds in metamask
any time you can repay your loan in 1 click
Robocop | Satoshi Club
It’s look simple and easy
there is no maximum of loan but it depends how much money are left in the protocol
Pavel P
That is indeed easy and customer oriented approach!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Can you please share the roadmap from NFTuloan ? what are the new update that you have plan in the near future?
an individual loan cannot take more tha 10% of the protocol funds
woua there is a lot
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Maybe you can share a little about this?
we ll open our protocol to new network like bnbchain and polygon, extend loan period for very long period .. etc i invite everyone check more infos here
Pavel P
Satoshiclubbers, you are welcome to follow NFTuloan to know about major upcoming events
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Cool! more blockchain network mean more NFT
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the detail answer
Are you ready for the next question?
Pavel P
Q5 From Telegram User @MendietaCrypto
NFTuloan business model looks attractive to NFT holders but I still have questions on the idea of borrowing itself. Why do you expect users to borrow NFTs even for some days? Imagine I borrowed someone’s NFT, how can I use it further? What are the other options offered to NFT holders? Will it possible to stake NFTs, use them in games or even sell them? Thanks!
another question
the 1 day loan it s more for what we called the flippers, nft degen connect to market and have easy access to whitelist, and they need instant cash to buy and resell the new nft
another usecase, it s for nft trading bot, where they can connect automatically to the protocol and increase the buying and sale volume
we can give instant loan at this verion, but in the future version you will be able to stake and lend it
Pavel P
Do you already have a date when the new version is going to be released?
not confirmed yet
Pavel P
Got it! Let’s see the things done step by step
Pavel P
And surely, keep following NFTuloan for the updates
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the answer, let’s go to the last question from part 1 ?
Pavel P
Q6 From Telegram User @Ask4unik
It was stated that stake money by adding them to our liquidity pool that will be lent to the liquidity seeker. As a staker, users will get a generous percentage of 30%interest rate that will be paid back by the borrowers.Since there is no minimum or maximum amount to staking in NFTuloan,why is ETH used and not $ULOAN?What are the usecases/utilities of $ULOAN?Will you in the future implement $ULOAN to be used for staking?Also,users will gain 70% more as part of their staking,so can you tell us where this 70% will actually be generated from?
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Some of the question already answered, but i believe you still have something to add
you will be able to stake also uloan to get more uloan and lock uloan to receive veUloan for the vote. We consider to use uloan in our full ecosystem when we will reach 100M valuation, at the moment we privilege rewards in eth
about the utility of uloan we already answer in previous questions
Pavel P
Thank you for your answers! Before we wrap up the first part of our AMA, please share your social network links
https://discord.gg/UURGATbC7k (https://discord.gg/UURGATbC7k)
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the detail answer! it has been an amazing time in this first part of the AMA
woua thank you so much
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Now is time to proceed with the second part, the live question part 2, are you ready for the storm of question?
Pavel P
Please choose 10 questions to answer after we close chat back.
It will only be opened during 120 secs
Let’s GO!
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @se_cret_star
What do you think are the most important opportunities that NFTULON offers to NFT investors?
hi, well today if you succeed to hold an nft genesis pass you ll a privilege member and all the advantage to receive rewards and highest apy.
Participate to the mint on 26th june you ll get 2 assets
nft genesis pass and 30,000 $uloan
Q2 from Telegram user @UniqueVicky
What makes nftuloan unique than other related loan projects
we are the only protocol thats give an instant loan and the larger nft collection we identify today more 200
Q3 from Telegram user @Sulyvahn_DS
Why do we need to give liquidity to our NFT and how can we do that ?
we can say now an nft is an assets valuable with potentially hight and doesnt mean you have liquidity and instead to sell it, we can give you liquidity.
You just need to connect your metamask and follow the 3 steps
Q4 from Telegram user @JaviSuBs
NFTuloan, is it a project that we can use from a mobile application for IOs and Android systems? or is it only available on a website from a PC?
all our platform is web and fully responsive on your mobile
Q5 from Telegram user @Cryptorianlord
Will there be buy back system or token burning in the future? Do you have any Anti-dump mechanism for holders who may want to dump during pump?
Can you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How much is the total and circulation supply of your tokens?
we issue 1bn token at the launch, we use part of the fund for the liquidity on the pool and all the fees collected by the funds will be use to buy back the token from the exchange and burn it
Q6 from Telegram user @devil_1807
Do we need any type of kyc to register on your platform or is it kyc free?
you just need to connect your wallet to our decentralized protocol
Q7 from Telegram user @current1239
I am interested to investigation in your project. When and where can i buy your tokens? Is it already listed exchanges?
you can participate to our mint on 26th june 9pm utc
Q8 from Telegram user @Jack10007
Your MINT day is June 26th this month and to enter your whitelist, user must be on LEVEL 7 and INVITE 5. How will users attain level 7 and what do you use to grade users into level? How will you confirm and evaluate the referral of each user that invites users? Do we need to fill form to prove that we actually fulfilled all the Whitelist Tasks???
we have official collabs with Premint.xyz (moonbirds, proof collective, cool cats,..) and to get the whitelist you need to make fews action in our discord
Q9 from Telegram user @PoohTheComedian
I read that one of your goals is to offer loan to approximately all digital assets. Can you please dive us through with this? Who will be eligible for the loans and how will you implement this system?
the beauty of it, it s everyone is eligible if he hold an NFT!!
Q10 from Telegram user @Cubana10
Where and how can I get the $ULOAN token currently, is it currently listed on DEXes and CEXes?
uloan will be listed. fews later in dex in 1st stage and before september in cex we already receive some agreement from cex
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/
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Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners:
Twitter –https://twitter.com/NFTuloan
WebSite – nftuloan.com