NFracTion x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 18th of October

NFracTion x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 18th of October

Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from NFracTion and our guest was @sicker_than_your_average – representative of NFracTion. The AMA took place on the 18th of October.

The total reward pool was 500$ and has been split into 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Website

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Hello, community! Welcome to another chapter of our exciting AMArathon.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Today’s guest is @sicker_than_your_average! Welcome! Great to have you here! 🥳🔥

Elio Artič:
Hello everyone, glad to be here! 💪🏼

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Welcome, Elio! We’re super excited to know anything about NFraction!🔥🔥🔥

How’s your day been so far? 😁

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
@sicker_than_your_average welcome to Satoshi Club, is a pleasure to have you here to talk about NFraction.

Elio Artič:
Thank you, we are super excited to share our project to your community. So far the day was great, let’s keep the good vibes rolling. ✌🏼👍🏼

That’s the spirit!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Great! Let’s start then! 🚀

Please tell us more about yourself, your background and also, please, introduce NFraction to our Satoshi Clubbers 🎉

Elio Artič:
No problem, with pleasure. This will be a longer post, so bare with me please. 😄

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Haha, no worries, please take your time! 😉

Elio Artič:
Once again, Satoshi CLUB I would like to thank you for having NFracTion in this AMA event. My name is Elio and I’m the CEO of the NFracTion project. My primary background comes from sports training, I’m a bachelor of strength and conditioning and also a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt.

I’ve been involved in sport training/coaching for about twenty years, I have been involved in numerous successful projects, but in the past four years I’m extremely enthusiastic about the crypto market and about the rise and usefulness of blockchain technologies.

From 2017 forward I started to involve myself in crypto asset research, market analysis and overlook blockchain utilities.
In early 2021 I was invited to the NFracTion team and from that point forward I’m supporting the team in order to successfully launch the project into the Crypto universe.

Our core team has basically been together for 8 years now and we own a Digital creative & Development agency for 3rd party start-up projects in the traditional market.

After many setbacks with ongoing projects delays during the Covid-19 situation last year, we decided to re-evaluate “our future”.

Luckily many of our friends and employees were already heavily involved in Crypto world and we quickly decided to (finally) launch our own start-up project on blockchain technology.

Soon we onboarded or hired some advisors and additional developers and lighting-fast we were 100% devoted to the NFracTion project.

The narrative of the projects is pretty much the same, so we didn’t have many issues adapting to Crypto project development after onboarding some advisors with much experience in the product launch process.

Team is basically assembled of Business and marketing strategists, branding engineers, and full-stack developers and we grew from 5 core team members to almost 15 working on a project at the moment.
Most noticeable team members and advisors at this point are:

Alen Dolsak – Co-founder and Business strategist
Ales Kovacic – VTO & Lead developer
Aljaz Tisler (KSM Starter) – Main advisor
Erik Clark Su (Exnetwork Capital) – Incubation advisor
Iftikhar Qasim (SL2 Capital) – Marketing advisor
Pawel Laskarzewski (Synapse Network) – Strategic (development) advisor
Kevin Abdulrahman – Strategic (Business) advisor

There are many well-known names involved into the project and all the »crypto unknowns« are soaking in their knowledge and experience fast. We are confident that most of the names from the core team will get their reputation in the crypto community too, soon after the great success of NfracTion.

NFracTion is a unique NFT Fractionalizer, that fractionalizes digital arts into puzzle pieces, which provide additional value for collectors and guarantee multiple revenue streams. The main goal of NFracTion is to create a friendly UI/UX for the marketplace, that is easy to use and manage for any user.

NFracTion delivers a superb cross -chain marketplace for the crypto community, with main network BSC at the launch, after that we are adopting Cardano and Solana as well.

Modernly designed with extra care for best user experience, which makes collecting puzzle pieces fun and provides higher revenues than standard single-piece art trading/collecting.

Marketplace will basically allow to mint and trade all kinds of NFTs with special focus on user experience as we strive to engage “non-crypto” users into the NFT world too.

Fractionalized NFTs and our unique gamified features are basically our main product and in this sector potential is endless.

NFT Puzzle Packs (randomly generatic puzzle pieces of NFT arts, that can be used to complete collections or win “whole NFT art” and can be tradeable on marketplace).

Personalized NFTs (for now we are focused on Sports fans and personalized jerseys of users favourite teams, but there are many upgrades to come on this feature) NFT Raffles (high quality NFTs will be offered as a lottery pick, where anyone can buy a slot and when its filled we randomly draw a winner/owner).

Of course we are preparing additional services, such as Staking/farming program, Reward program, Mobile app etc., but you can check that on our channels so I`m not too long with my answer. 😅

Tried to keep it short and simple. 🤣

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Hahaha, that’s very detailed! Thank you! 😁

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Haha, very complete answer.

Elio Artič:
We are trying to give our best at any aspect. 💪🏼

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
We’re aware that a project can’t be summed up in a few sentences, and that’s why we will be trying to flesh all the details with our community questions 😉

Cudos to the team for being completely public, by the way, 😉

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Congratulations for it, you’re implementing a bih ecosystem👏

Elio Artič:
Thank you. 🙏🏼

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Well, after this amazing introduction we are ready to proceed with the community questions. Are you?

Elio Artič:
Born ready.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:

Q1 from Telegram User @Cheriemike

While going through your website, I noticed one of your features there which is “NFT Raffles”, but I couldn’t find any detailed information about it, so can you tell more about it and how it functions? Some platforms do have NFTs raffle tickets for purchase do you have any, if yes what is the tag price for the tickets and what benefits will be given to those who are winners in the raffle draw? What other unique features will be added to your NFT Raffles? Thanks

Elio Artič:
Great question. Here it goes.

Within the NFT raffles feature we will present partnership-based arts and it depends on the settled deals. For this reason, we can’t have a fixed schedule/plan, but we are doing our best to deliver just the right amount for our community.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
At the moment, who are your most important partnerships?

Elio Artič:
Currently, I must point out MMAON as our very important partner. It is a platform for the MMA community which will see the light on the 1st of November.

The rest of them, because of the business nature, we have to keep them private.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
November 1rst is just around the corner! Great! 😉

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
We understand, don’t forget to bring us more details and exciting announcements in the future

Let’s proceed with the next question😃

Elio Artič:
We are pretty excited also. Especially myself, coming off from a martial arts background. No worries, we will keep you guys updated if you are willing to check and follow our project. The team is giving out fresh information on a daily basis on all our official channels.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for the clear answer, are you ready to proceed with the next question? 🚀

Elio Artič:
Yes, Sir.

Q2 from Telegram User @MdLuffyo

What does NFracTion do to bring top artists and real collectors into its ecosystem? Unlike other NFT projects, do you intend to add value to the products instead of just increasing sales, if you have such an idea, how will you do it? Can NFracTion remain flexible in the market and revolutionize the NFT market?

Elio Artič:
We always wanted to deliver something unique & special, so we started to think outside of the box and we came up with ideas and concepts that will encourage participation from the non – crypto world.

For example, we are creating a healthy and strong ecosystem with and for high-end artists which will attract “true collectors”, who give great value on a polished product. We want to add value to the products itself, not only boost sales as many major players in the marketplace sector do. There is too much meaningless dead weight on the market these days.

Having multiple years of experience from the traditional market, we believe that we have more than enough competencies, to build a bridge between the both worlds and offer the best of both.

Our team is always flexible in the best way possible and that is something that will never change. In that aspect we always want to involve our community and market feedback for future upgrades.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Perfect, happy to know the differentiator factors of the project👏

Is your platform friendly with non-crypto artists? Or do you have guides for newbies?

Elio Artič:
Our platform is friendly to everyone and the team is ready to guide anyone who comes aboard also.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
That makes NFraction a great option👏

Thanks for your answer, let’s proceed with the 3rd one😃

Q3 from Telegram User @MudaraSilva
I noticed that you offer high APYs for $NFTA staking, 40% for bronze podium, 60% for silver podium, and 80% for gold podium. By introducing this type of tier, you are encouraging whales to join NFraction. What is your solution if whales stake in the gold podium and unstake their holding after one year with an 80% APY? How do you face the selling pressure? Don’t you think in will negatively affect small investors? The APY you offer for the bronze podium can also be considered relatively high. To distribute higher staking rewards, how does NFraction generate profits? Do you invest staked funds in some other platforms?

Elio Artič:
Staking podiums were long thought about and APYs were really carefully calculated by the whole team to prevent any negative influence on token supply.

If you check our Pools, you will see each is limited with a maximum of tokens that can be staked.

Also, there is a really low minimum to stake, so we think basically everyone has the option to stake their NFTA tokens.

Being limited to the upside should take care of any potential “whales” staking larger amounts.

Of course, after a year’s time, it is possible there will be some pressure on the price due to the unlocks, but we believe trading volume will be large enough that it won’t have too much of an impact.

Tokens for staking rewards come from community incentive round which were planned from the start to be used for something like that, so it won’t influence the ending supply.

Tokens in the pools are locked safely and are not moved anywhere.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Talking about the token, what are the main usecases of NFTA?

Elio Artič:
Our token is used to support our main feature – acquiring Puzzle packs with them. We need to support direct FIAT payments, but in the back of the process each pack will be acquired with a $NFTA token. There will also be lower fees and other benefits for using our token on marketplace trading.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
And please share us its tokenomics features, market cap and max supply, please😃

Elio Artič:

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Thank you very much for sharing 🔥🔥🔥

Elio Artič:
I’ve added a PDF file with all required information. I think this is the best way to see.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
It is! Crystal clear! 🚀

Well, thank you for the exciting answers, are you ready to proceed with the next question or do you want to add something else?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Checking the details, thank you💪

Elio Artič:
Ready to proceed.

Q4 from Telegram User @Asela1112

You hope to offer NFracTion Jerseys which are under the personalized NFTs minting & In here, users will be able to buy their favorite sports team’s jerseys through this feature. Can you give us a sneak peek at this upcoming feature? I know that due to potential NDA agreements you might not disclose the names, but please tell us what you can – can we expect worldwide sports teams such as in the fields of Football, Cricket in the next future, etc..? Will you incur minting fees from them or will you pay for them on behalf of using their logo & name?

Elio Artič:
We already announced a major partnership with MMA ON. The people behind are running 15+ worldwide MMA organisations, such as Brave FC, WFC etc., as stated.

We are in talks with some really big names for potential partnership, but due to the confidential nature of those talks it is too soon to talk about it. Once any new partnership is settled, we will announce it. The partnership is giving our project a great value in terms of recognising a quality product, which is much needed on the market.

We don’t favorize specific sports, our concept transcends to all of them, and that is why NFracTion is so unique and flexible.

Partnership with MMA and MMAON came first, because of my primary background. After all I’ve been in this game for some time now and I have many connections and references which come handy in this project.

Regarding the “payment” to a partner, each individual partnership is unique and so are the terms, so there is no general answer to that question, also, most of those information is confidential.

But because this AMA has been so great, to get a better idea, this is the sneak a peek in our concept:

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Love the design 🤩

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Don’t forget to join Satoshiclubbers, a great event there👏

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Speaking of exciting events, what would you say you are mostly looking forward to in your roadmap/coming in the near future?

Elio Artič:
Definitely adding new networks to the platform, on 19th of October we are adding BSC to the game, and of course, we can’t wait to be upfront and represent our unique NFT Puzzle packs.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
It sounds great 👍

Thank you for the comprehensive answer 😁

The next question is coming in!

Q5 from Telegrams User @highpee

You said NFractions will create a cross-chain marketplace which users can use to mint NFTs and trade it across multiple chain. How will you be able to have a marketplace that will allow NFTs to be minted and traded on any chain? What are the procedures to mint NFT in your marketplace and how will your ensure that minted digital arts are the real work of an artist? How is the cross-chain architecture of your marketplace designed to enable the movement of a NFT asset from one chain to another without users being faced with Inter-Chain movement difficulty?

Elio Artič:
NFracTion delivers a superb cross -chain marketplace for the crypto community, with main network ERC20 at the launch, after that adopting Solana, Cardano and BSC as well. Modernly designed with extra care for best user experience, which makes collecting puzzle pieces fun and provides higher revenues than standard single-piece art trading/collecting.

NFracTion will always stay flexible in some way and upgrades will be implemented due to market/community signals and we want to seek partners, not competitors.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
I totally endorse this community-centered approach. After all, the community is king, isn’t it? 😉

Elio Artič:
Exactly, the community plays a big role in our ecosystem.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Btw, how and where can we buy the $NFTA token?

Elio Artič:
The NFTA token is listed on Uniswap.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Let me segue to your answer with the next (and last for this first part of the AMA) community question, as I think it’s kind of intertwined with the topic 😉

Q6 from Telegram User @victorogb

Taking an interesting tour of your marketplace, I noticed your collections comprised of all sorts of NFT art pieces, which are not only captivating, but really iconic. However, I noticed that your NFTs are priced exclusively in ETH. Which makes me ask, what would be the role of your native $NFTA token in the marketplace, and how do you intend to encourage the use of $NFTA for transactions within the marketplace, and what are the acceptable currencies of exchange within your marketplace? Also, most of the collections on display are pretty extensive, with some selling for as much as 10 ETH. May I know how users are expected to navigate around such constraint?

Elio Artič:
Marketplace was originally launched on the ERC20 network and started accepting payments for NFTs in Ethereum. We will adopt other networks, starting with BSC and we will of course start accepting other payments options as well. NFTA token will also be accepted as a payment option, but we are currently focused on going to another (BSC) network first. We will also offer the option to pay with some stablecoins as well as FIAT currencies.
Once the platform evolves, you will be able to browse the NFTs by theme, price, artist, etc.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
What are the reasons to adopt BSC as your new network?

Elio Artič:
We cannot control the price that artists are pinning on their work. But we believe it will be much friendlier after we transition to the BSC. Mostly because of the fees. ETH fees are on a next level…😵‍💫

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Completely agree, great job caring of your artists btw 😁

Well @sicker_than_your_average, this first part of the AMA has been amazing and very informative for us. We are pleased to have you here but is time to interact with our community members.

Elio Artič:
Yes, artists are a big part of the community so as stated before, we got their backs also. 💪🏼

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @cly_de12
Where and How can we avail NFraction jersey?

Elio Artič:
NFracTion jerseys will be held on our platform and they’ll be fully customizable, so we are eager to release this option to the community. Please check on our official channels for more information.

Q2 from Telegram user @Rakshhitx5
Nfraction will be featuring MMA sports or Mixed Martial Arts. So have you collaborated with any MMA fighters? As it will boost the marketing. So are there any plans for it?

Elio Artič:
Sure thing. For now, we have listed a couple of well-known Mixed Martial Artists such as Frank Mir, Cat Zingano, James Krause, Aleksandar Rakic, Mark Coleman, Aljamain Sterling…

Q3 from Telegram user @Romanprisa
Can you please guide me How Can I purchase the $NFTA Token at a very Fairer price, On which Major CEX / DEX it is Currently Listed, and are you planning to list on another public Exchanges also?

Elio Artič:
You can purchase NFTA token on Uniswap, and it will be listed on CEX on 1st of November. As stated, we don’t have a complete agreement on which CEX will be listed, but the date is scheduled accurately.

Q4 from Telegram user @Tommy_UK
I see that NFracTion is Moving in Gaming & Music Space also,
What will NFracTion revolutionize the Music Industry? What Opportunities will have?

Elio Artič:
The NFT universe is endless in the terms of expansion. Like said before, right now our primary focus is sports and sports memorabilia, but we are also developing gaming, arts, and gamified features as well.

As mentioned before our team is steadily working on upgrades and researching market/community needs. Most focus in 2022 will be on settling additional strong partnerships in the sports sector and getting involved in the gaming world, but we are most definitely not counting out other segments too.

Q5 from Telegram user @Nonerlike
Can you tell us what are blockchains will a cross-chain NFT marketplace supports in the future? Do you have any medium article links to those who are newbies to your platform?

Elio Artič:
Like stated we are adopting BSC on 19th of October, later on, we are taking on Cardano, Solana, and Polygon. And for informational purposes, here is an article from Medium.

Q6 from Telegram user @Tahsinahmett
Does NFracTion get audit service from an independent place? What kind of security do you provide for our funds other than audit?

Elio Artič:
NFracTion project had its audits done by Solidity Finance.

Q7 from Telegram user @Harry_White_10
There are lots and lots of competition in this crypto market! How this NFracTion is enough sustainable in this crypto market and how strong is your team to develop NFracTion?

Elio Artič:
We see the opportunity in creating a healthy ecosystem with high-end artists and attracting “true collectors”. We want to add value to the products themselves, not only boost sales as many major players in the marketplace sector do.

To achieve that we are preparing a supportive environment, such as mobile app, landing pages, extra exposure for active users, reward/loyalty programs, buybacks, etc.

Our complete concept is quite unique and we don’t feel comfortable comparing ourselves too much. NFT market got so BIG that there will always be enough room to cooperate and share the vision of solving the biggest problems in the sector, such as security, utility, and non-crypto adoption with familiar projects.

NFracTion will always stay flexible in some way and upgrades will be implemented due to market/community signals and we want to seek partners, not competitors.

Q8 from Telegram user @Gemshunter22
Is your staking live now? Can you provide me the website link and what is the minimum amount to stake?

Elio Artič:
On this link you have all information that is required, please take a look:

Q9 from Telegram user @Faizaul
Many people want to learn about your project but they have problems with English, so do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not good? Do you have a Marketing strategy aimed at developing many different communities?

Elio Artič:
NFracTion is definitely globally-oriented since we are targeting major sports organizations and sports fan communities around the globe. Platforms main language in this manner is of course English because it is most commonly used in all sectors. But we are already connecting with many regional communities and we would love to support them in their native language. We are planning regional TG channels and the platform will be multi-lingual, but it’s too early since we just went public in late June. We need to keep track of our community and we`ll be adding languages accordingly to community growth. No worries, nobody is going to be left out due to the language barrier, we want to connect all markets for the desired goal, and that is, to deliver the best customer service possible.

Q10 from Telegram user @Titanium432
You have said that NFraction is World`s first PUZZLE NFTs distribution system
Can you please tell us More about the Puzzle NFTs and How Can I Obtain the Puzzle Pieces and what benefits I will get by collecting all Puzzle pieces?

Elio Artič:
Sure, our special collections wouldn’t be so special if there wasn’t something else than awesome art 😊 We will always reward competition and most active users in that matter, mostly we will offer two choices: buybacks or free tokens, which will be up to the user to decide. Each reward will be determined individually, depending on the collection and artist. For this reason, we can`t give you a general answer to what exactly the reward will be, but I can assure you it will be worth it. There are also some other reward programs, but we still need to polish those before announcing it publicly.

Yeah, that was actually what we developed an idea from – Earn & have fun while doing that 😊 There were some issues with the model that nobody saw on first sight, but came across during the development. I’m very proud of our team as they solved it all perfectly in no time. One of them was of course those pieces that are left without any use. There will be basically 4 options for it because it could be frustrating for our users and we certainly don’t want that:

a) It can be burned for higher Tier piece
b) It can be traded on Marketplace
c) It can be swapped with other users
d) It there will be problems with it we are establishing some buyback system, but it`s still in the making

We are always happy to get any community suggestions as well and we will be always looking for upgrades in every way possible.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part, we tested your knowledge in terms of NFracTion. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for the quiz was 300$.
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