Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Metametaverse and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 16th of March.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Hello again, dear Satoshi Club community! We are pleased to announce AMA with Metametaverse
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Our guy for today is @metametajoel
Hello welcome to Satoshi club
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Wow, so happy to be here
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
@metametajoel hello and welcome to Satoshi club
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
We are Excited to have you here today
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Thanks Jonah , Gold Rocket
lots of things to be excited about in metaverse
especially the meta metaverse
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
We are also real honoured to have you here today
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
well i’m glad we made the connection
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
So let’s start
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
How are you doing today?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
I’m having a great day so far
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Introduce yourself please. How did you get to be involved in crypto & Metametaverse
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
very vivid dreams in the night
merging with metaverses in the day
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Tell us please about your position in Metametaverse
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
I think I read about bitcoin back in 2010 got excited about it
but i didn’t think it would be super successful
but i decided ot create my own digital currency in 2011 which failed
but i built my first browser extension digital currency wallet
then when ethereuem came out I dropped everything I was doing to work on ethereuem full time
I was a very enthusiastic early Ethereum supporter
I say I had a “nerdgasm” when I first read the Ethereeum whitepaper
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
So you are an early bird
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
yeah pretty early, I helped start a few big ethereuem projects including Metamask
then took a couple year break from crypto
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
I’m curious to know what the name of this currency was?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
it was called Evergreen or GREENZ
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
you really impressed me
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
we launched at some coworking spots in Berlin and other communities in italy and other spots in europe
was more like a local use digital currency
so it had its own POS system and things that you could use inside of a coworking space
it was a very ambitious project, I think it might have technically been the first stable coin because it was asset backed
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
It’s a great experience…
Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of Metametaverse
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
it’s basically a platform for creating metaverses
so whoever wants their own metaverse can have it
and you can subdivide it and then sell portions of it
but i designed a programming language that allows you to map the different locatoins and insert objects
so its very dynamic
and basically way more feature rich than any other metaverse platform so far
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
How many people are currently working on this project?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
25-30 full time folks
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
We have been hiring 2-3 people per week
we currently have unreal engine, UX, and biz dev positions open
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
You know how to make crypto trends
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
yeah I used to be a trend setter before people realized there were trends I guess
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Is your team anonymous?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
now I want to make mega hype on top of existing hype
but really cool stuff
no all of our executives are on our website at metametaverse.io
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
we wish you good luck and sufficient resources in this necessary matter
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
well there are lots of very cool interactive metaverse experiences still to be built
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
So true, Thank you for the great introduction
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
I consider this a good indicator.
Thanks for great introduction, we will have several questions selected for the Part 1. Ready to start?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q1 From Telegram user @Rozielyna
I read from an article of yours that The MetaMetaverse is the first fully realized virtual society. Using play-to-earn gaming mechanisms and advanced NFT technology users can own profitable virtual real-estate.You also mentioned that the metaverse is customizable, open to the community for engagement, and trade-able. By this do you mean users can actually Upgrade, Sell and rent out their metaverse? What are the core features of the metaverse that users can enjoy and what are the incentives that comes with it ? You mentioned that NFTs are the building blocks of the metaverse, how will the NFT technology be used in your MetaVerse? I also noticed that there’s a metamap on your platform which is a visual representation of existing, bought and inhabited metaverses. Please can you share more details about the MetaMap on your metaverse? How can it be acquired and what will users benefit from the MetaMap?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Sure that’s a few different questions will try to answr all of them
Basically as I was showing on the metamap once you have your own metaverse you can subdivide it
tehre is a sort of ‘zoom’ function that allows you to zoom in
so it is all cubes, and there are cubes inside cubes
each smaller cube exists at a 100x scale factor smaller than the big cube
so for Mars which we just finished there are lots of cubes around the surface of mars which represnt individual land plots
so if you, for example, wanted to buy a metaverse and develop Saturn
you could do a lot of things with the land
you could basically further develop it, create games on top of it, create other interactive experiences, rent it, or sell it
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
so there are basically three main monetization schemes
a) attracting users to your metaverse with intereseting experiences
b) renting space to other people
c) selling space inside your metaverse
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
To be honest, these cool things are breathtaking and imaginative.
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
So I could give a bunch of examples from the 10 or so metaverses that have already been built
but that’s the basic idea
As for NFTs, as with other platforms they are used to represenet land
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
And do the users determine what rates they want to sell or rent them out?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
yes the user does all those things as the platform we take 2.5% same as opensea
but other than that it’s all up to you
so basically when you are buy and selling land it’s all NFTs
we also have this cool metaship launch that is happening today
basically the ship you use to go from metaverse to metaverse
is also an NFT and you can upgrade it
and add on things like speed upgrades, nitros, etc
even a sound systeme
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Satoshiclubbers go get this
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
This sounds exciting
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Don’t miss great opportunity Satoshi clubbers
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
if you want to have other objects that are NFTs inside your metavers also great
as for the metamap it is what it sounds like
you can see all the metaverses that have been created bought or sold
and what is available for sale
today we actually finished the link to opensea
so in some ways it is like a metaverse browser
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank your for your excellent answers
Ready for the next question now?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q2 From Telegram User @Ritshimwa
Focusing on core of your platform which is the Metaverse, While Trying to Learn about what Users can do with thier own Metaverse in Metametaverse Platform, I noted that users can create Multiple sub metaverses and re sell them and users can also Upload their 3D environment created in the most Popular pools. Firstly, how can users acquire their own Metaverse in Metametaverse? Can you elaborate on Sub Metaverses in Metametaverse Platform and it’s utilities? How can users create this sub metaverses? Do Metametaverse have a marketplace where user can resell or purchase these sub metaverse? Lastly, can you share in some of the tools available in Metametaverse Platform which users can user to create their own 3D environment?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
yes that’s right
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Right now to get a metaverse you need to go through our biz dev guy @LyubomyrP as we are mosting focusing on strategic partnerships
or all of our seed round investors also got a chance to buy a metaverse
at some point we will do a public sale for metaverses but we don’t have an exact date
but if you have a good concept email us at [email protected] and we will see if we can accomodate eyou
Now for sub-metaverses eveeryone gets 10 by default but one fo the benefits of the metametavox token is that you can unlock more
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
so as I said before you can create, develop, and sell more sub metaveresinside your metaverse
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
What will be needed requirements for those interested?
basically some cool concept and ideally some existing 3d asseets or a team that can build those 3d assets
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
our first 5 or so metaverses were with well known 3d asset designers
so they all look incredible
maybe i should share some pictures?
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Go ahead
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Wow! It’s amazing
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
we designed this with Spancs.eth
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io

these are some pictures from the Mars Metaverse
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Wow.. so cool
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io

this is an example of the kind of ship you can get
we have a bunch of these upgradable ship NFTs as I was saying before
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
This is sure getting us all excited
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Basically i’m an artist and a gamer
so i want things to look cool and be fun play
also i’m a crypto guy so its cool if we get some Xs too ;0
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your detailed answers
Do you want to add anything or let’s proceed?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
here’s another cool image of this fractal temple we are building
with this mathematician architect who built some of the biggest pieces at burning man
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
we can keep going
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Next question
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q3 From Telegram User @ysasoma
in the Tokenomics that they present in their website they mention that they have two tokens $VOX and FAD, where $VOX is the government token of the Metaverse and FAD the native currency of the Metaverse that can be earned by playing, but, what are the scenarios of use of these two tokens, that is to say, in which we will be able to use them, how we can generate rewards with them, how many tokens we must have as a minimum to access each product and system where they can be used and tell us if you can exchange $VOX for FAD and FAD for $VOX and if so, what is the exchange ratio, finally share the details of the reward system that you will implement.
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Yes we have expanded that quite a lot from the whitepaper and website
through our internal working group on economics
but we have a staking, burning, and govenrance function for $VOX
the burning is that you hve to burn to unlock sub-metaverse, that’s simple
the staking is that you can stake behind certain metaverses and earn a portion of any of the fairy dust that is earned inside those metaverses
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Is there a fixed amount to burn?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
that’s something i did’t talk about much so far but basically as a metaverse owner you get a portion of any fairy dust to createe
it will be a variable rate i’m sure but I assume starting with one vox
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Sounds good
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
for the mars metaverse we have already created 15,000 sub-metaverses
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
they are being minted today actually
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for your great answers
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
and there is also an auction function for VOX
so basiaclly some amount of VOX comes up each day and you can only buy it with FAD
and VOX is the liquid tradalbe token
FAD is the ingame earnable token
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
amazing things come into our lives. and you are industry revolutionaries
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
there are also many items you can only buy with FAD
like the ship upgrades
in short, its an evolving process, and we have an extensive working document on this that we will be sharing soon
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
We will look forward to
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Impressive work so far
Thank you for your answers
Btw Our Next question is quite similar ready for it?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q4 from Telegram User @ProwGrowl
When talking about $VOX as a governance token of the Meta Metaverse. You mention that it controls the DAO treasury (developed from the in-game asset sales) and overall supply of Metaverses. What are the other usecases of VOX token? Please also explain the functionality and particularities of your DAO treasury. At what moment Metaverse community is able to manage it? What do users need besides owing VOX to get governance rights? Thanks!
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
you don’t need anything other than VOX to get governance rights
obviously if you have your own metaverse you can do what you want with it
but differnt metaveress may have differenet structurese
the mars metaverse for example is governed by a DAO
but basically we do a rev split of all of the sales and they go into the DAO treasury
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Is there a minimum required VOX?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
no minimum planned at the moment
and then you can stake your vox behind the different metaverses and generate FAD
I imagine there will be a gradual transition to more full management
right now we have four active working groups
on game design, economics and governance, physics and programming parallel realities, and language design
and the govenrance group is basically working on a plan to transition to more DAO onboarding at a larger scale
since most of the folks right now are from the DAO research community
including MIT, Oxford, etc.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Btw With regards to staking what benefits will the stakers get in return?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
including these
basically when you stake you generate more FAD
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your answers
Are you Ready for the next question now?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q5 from Telegram User @NataliyaKil
From the MetaMetaverse Weekly Digest March 7th-13th I learned that there was a Mars Metaverse map created for MetaMetaverse. Can you show it to us now? Does it have any features at the moment and what meaning does this card have for MetaMetaverse gamers now? In addition to Mars, what other planets does MetaMetaverse plan to launch and when?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
hmm, let me try
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
the mars concept was one that came into us so we helped build it out , similar to the process I outlined earlier
i think the mars map is only available on our dev server at the moment
i think I can show a screen shot tho give me a minute
I guess we don’t have any real plans to launch other planets
but we do have some floating islands
or castles in the sky, stuff like htat
always willing to work with teams with cool concepts and wanting to do intereseting stuff
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
A great way to progress
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io

here’s the map, basically you can select your sub-metaverse on mars with this map
it is integrated into map.metametaverse.io
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
The main feature we are adding to it at the moment is you can embed a screen from unreal so that you can see eveyrthing that exists inside that metaverse
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for your answers and clarification. it’s incredible what you do
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
and obviously the open sea integration so you can buy and sell the sub-metaverses
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Are you ready for the last question of this part?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Q6 from Telegram User @ghostofcharmeleon
Hello, the Metametaverse team.
Judging by your roadmap, the initial sale of land should take place in the first quarter. There are literally a couple of weeks left until the end of the quarter and I could not find information about the lands and their value. Please tell us if you have time to meet the deadlines of the roadmap? Can you tell us more about the cost and planned value of the land?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Yes this is basically correct, we had a date tentatively agreed upon with opensea to do an initial land drop and metaships drop
the ships were be going to be at .2 ETH initial listing
we are still waiting from opensea to finalize date but are suppose to have that done today
so we can announce
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Awesome dont forget to share with us
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
yes i’m not sure how to share
oh here we go
mars metaverse is here
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
if you want to find out about the details of the ships and land drop it is here
basically we will announce the details as soon as we have it all finalized
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your Answers in this first part of our AMA
We will now like to proceed to the second part where our users will ask you their questions directly
Are you ready for them?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Chat will be opened for 120secs
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @linna2568
I saw you have 25-30 full time working peoples. Are you experienced in Crypto? Do you have any more plans to add more members in your team?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
All of our executivies bridge the crypto and gaming space. Most of my experiences is in the 2014-15 era designing key projects, but I also have a lifetime as a game designer. Our other CSO and CTO have been running nft / crypto gaming stuff for the last couple years.But most of our engineers are from the gaming space only so far.about 10 from an unreal engine thing,and i think we will probably hire another 10-20 in the next month or so yes we are growing rapidly .I think our hires will be about 70% gaming / 30% crypto as far as expereiencee goes
Q2 from Telegram user @Asela1112
In which manner will the players get the $VOX tokens, Will there be reward system implemented within your metaverse to claim the $VOX tokens?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
pretty simple you get the VOX from the IDO which will on DAO Maker.or on an exchange or dex ,we have been in conversations with many.You can earn FAD in game
Q3 from Telegram user @habibi_ve
You talk about MetaMetaverse announcing a partnership every week, can you tell us a little bit about your recent partners? What have been your most important partners so far?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
We will name the exact names as we go but architectural studios, other NFT projects, 3d asset designers, and luxury brands are some of the key folks
Q4 from Telegram user @Cheriemike
Travelling on foot in the MetaMetaverse is one way users can get around ,but because it comes with its own challenges your decided to create an equipment that will enable users to do so,and that equipment is the MetaMetaverse Teleportation Portals is the shortcuts to other worlds instead of foot.So can you tell us simple terms how will Teleportation work in the MetaMetaverse platform?Since users will have their own avatars,will they have turn up the teleportation using their virtual reality device to make them feel what’s like to travel through the portals?Will it be okay to also invite others to join us in the travel?Will there also be a kind of tickets that will serve like a gatepass to travel through the portal or will users actually pay to travel in the portal like one entering a bus,taxi etc?And Lastly,can a user create a temporary or permanent portal from one location to another?Please explain Thanks
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
There will be a limited supply of portals or wormholes that wil lbe made for allowing interdimesnsional shortcuts.join our telegram if you want to get more details on that
Q5 from Telegram user @josep500
Ambassadors play a very important role in every project, Do you have an ambassador program?
If yes, how can I be one?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Hmm, email [email protected] Right now we are organized into working groups that I mentioned earlier and each working group has its own admission policy
Q6 from Telegram user @itzabhi69
I saw the contest ” MetaMetaverse is going to free drop 1000 #metaships! Metaships are upgradable and needed to travel across metaverses. ” which is a great one. Do you have plans for more airdrops or community events who will miss that?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
no this might be our only free airdrop so i suggest signing up today if you didn’t alreaedy
Q7 from Telegram user @Nishant8307
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
The level 1 metaverses are restricted to family friendly content.but if you go deepr you can create 18+ content it just has t obe labeled so that parents can keep their kids safe
Q8 from Telegram user @Titanium432
I Read that METASHIP Is one of the Important Digital Assets , So Will You please tell Us More about this Important assets “METASHIP” , What Are its Exciting Features ?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
it’s basically like a race car in space.but because of the metalanguage you can upgrade it
Q9 from Telegram user @josep500
What is your top 3 thikgs for priorities in 2022 ? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year??
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
top 3 are
Q10 from Telegram user @DK177
Why did you use the word META twice in your project name as META META?
Joel Dietz cryptoapollo.io
Metaverses are built with a metalanguage built with metadata.I would have used meta more than twice but not sure y’all can handle that much meta ,but basically we will be the most meta and the most fun
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru/
Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish/
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub/
Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners:
Telegram –https://t.me/metametaversenews
Medium –https://medium.com/@metametaverse
WebSite – https://www.metametaverse.io/