LoudNFT x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 12th of September

LoudNFT x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 12th of September

Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from LoudNFT and our guests, @loudnft and @JamesLoud. The AMA took place on the 12th of September.

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$.

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello, dear Satoshi Club community! We are pleased to announce AMA with LoudNFT.

D. | Satoshi Club: Today our guests – @loudnft and @JamesLoud! Welcome to Satoshi Club guys!

Tom – Loud Market: Thank you very much for having us! Glad to be here.

James – Loud Market: Thank you! Lovely to be here with you guys!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club, guys😁
Nice to e-meet you😊

James – Loud Market: Likewise!

Tom – Loud Market: Indeed! 🙂

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: How are you doing today?😊 We are really excited about upcoming AMA with you😉

James – Loud Market: I’m doing very well thank you! Excited to be here, excited to share our project and our vision with all of you!

Tom – Loud Market: I’m well thank you – I’m extremely excited to be here, How are you doing?

D. | Satoshi Club: Fantastic!😊

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We are doing well! Thanks😁👍

Tom – Loud Market: Glad to hear!

James – Loud Market: It seems we are all excited then!

D. | Satoshi Club: True! we will begin our AMA with a short intro 😉

Tom – Loud Market: Short… oops we prepared a long one😉

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I love long read😁

How did you get to be involved in crypto & LoudNFT? Tell us please about your position in LoudNFT🎼

Tom – Loud Market: Hi, I’m Tom – the CIO (Chief Information Officer) of Loud Market Ltd.

I have spent the majority of my life seeking greater informational skills and knowledge, from the age of 11 I was inspired by games and learning how to fork them and creating retros. During this time, I learnt and studied HTML/CSS/PHP coding and mySQL database management. Over the years, I learnt other various forms of coding and languages. I then took an interest in ethical hacking and cyber security and gained some qualifications in this area. I currently hold qualifications in web design/build and cyber security. For the past 4 years, I have been working in an IT sales firm as an executive. From this I have taken a vast knowledge on IT infrastructure and the needs and requirements of end users.

Over the past 5 years I’ve been involved with cryptocurrency projects throughout the PIVX forking era which involved building projects with staking and masternodes in mind… to the ICO hype on the Ethereum chain and now working on the Binance smart chain. This means I am able to advise, recommend and source any requirements for Loud Market Ltd, whether it be token related or platform related.

My role at Loud Market Ltd is the CIO and with this title comes responsibility surrounding the build and development of all platforms under Loud Market Ltd, currently being the Loud Music NFT Marketplace. I make sure the systems that are developed are built with the end users/artists in mind, meaning simplicity is a major importance. I have taken a step back from the labour intensive (as such) role which included the direct hands-on developing and now manage the developers and make sure they hit deadlines and build everything to our specification. Resulting in a some-what perfect platform. A key aspect of my job is that I form the bridge between the business side of the company, and the more technical development side.

I have always been acutely aware of the disparity of payments within the music industry, but before investigating this further I had no clue how deep it lays. My knowledge of this inequality paired perfectly with my knowledge of decentralised blockchain technology and I knew that I could put my skills and experience towards something genuinely useful to real people.

So, what do I want from Loud? All I want to do is restructure the music industry, and I feel this is more possible than ever with blockchain technology. Let’s make it fair amongst all artists. Profit is nice…money is good…but in our eyes – the main aim is to make the music industry fairer and more just.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Wow! Great experience👏

Tom – Loud Market: Aim to impress😉

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You did it😁😍

James – Loud Market: Hi guys, I’m James Gray – the CEO of Loud Market Ltd, the British company behind Loud Market and the $Loud Token.

I am a Law graduate from the University of Bristol in the UK. Whilst I am English, I was born in Bangkok, raised in Singapore and only moved to England when I was 11. Here I spent my further education – I attended Sevenoaks School in the south of England before going to university. My life has meant I have had great exposure to a wide range of cultures and individuals and as such, furthered my communicative ability. I have been actively involved in the crypto world for over half a decade having bought my first Bitcoin in 2014! (I wish I’d held it hahaha!)

As the CEO, I act as the face of the company. It is my role to translate our complex vision into digestable pieces of information that investors, musicians and fans can all easily understand. More than this, I must communicate with all aspects of the company with Tom to ensure that we all share a single, unified vision. My decisive nature means I act well under stress and assist in maintaining a general sense of calm within what is often a very hectic industry. I am a persuasive negotiator and as such head the company in discussions with partners, customers and investors. All of this aside, my main asset is that I am able to come up with solutions to problems that are so inherently effective that they sell themselves. Loud Market is exactly this.

My interest in music and gregarious nature have led to me reaching out and befriending many of my favourite low level artists, and as such I have begun to share their general disliking of how the music industry is currently structured. My passion for Loud derives from my love of music, and my love of musicians. I genuinely believe NFT technology will be the thing to liberate under-appreciated, and exploited musicians, much like it has done for visual artists in recent months.

My love of people means that I am always contactable in our Telegram group, and I am always on the look out to share thoughts with likeminded people, and to learn from everyone else.

Thanks for being here, I’m excited for our collaborative AMA.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: So… you are crizis manager😁👏👏👏 Excellent background👍

James – Loud Market: Hahaha thank you! I suppose you could say that!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We love positive people and emotions. Thank you for giving this to us.❤️

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of LoudNFT?

Tom – Loud Market: I’m going to leave this to James – his grammar is much better than mine!😁

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: For a good technical professional, the main thing is to know the programming language well and you have complete order with this😉

Tom – Loud Market: Indeed, we have enough knowledge to make this platform worldwide and we won’t stop until it is 😉

James – Loud Market: Loud Market is the first NFT market place for music. Put simply we are using NFT technology to revolutionise the way people engage with music, monetarily. Where low-mid level artists have been left out of the lucrative streaming industry in exchange for big multi-national corps, we are trying to reverse this.

We believe that income should be derived from the level of love music inspires, and not the number of people it reaches. NFTs will mean that individual songs will be valued by how much one person loves them. Not by how many people listen to them.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: It’s not an easy task😊

How long does it take to develop a project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from LoudNFT?

Tom – Loud Market: So it’s a funny, but good story.

James and I met online 3 months ago…we met on Telegram. Then we decided to meet in London. We met up in London in May this year and planned LOUD, the development took 3 months and we have only started our communities etc. in the past week.

In the future we aim to be the biggest platform for low-mid tier artists and the platform to bring the highest source of revenue and the highest source of active listeners.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Something like Spotify on the blockchain?

James – Loud Market: Not quite yet. We see ourselves as more of an Ebay for music, steaming has shown to fail low-mid level artists and profit only for the big corps and big artists. We see ourselves as a Soundcloud that actually gets you paid.

Eventually we will branch out to streaming, but only once this can be done in a profitable way for all artists.

Tom – Loud Market: Yeah definitely, a platform like Spotify that rewards its artists is definitely on the cards.

James – Loud Market: The music industry is in dire need of restructuring, streaming has failed.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: And also this industry needs revolutionaries like you.😁

James – Loud Market: It needs change. The amount that most artists are earning is abysmal and something needs to happen.

Tom – Loud Market: And we won’t stop until we do revolutionise the music industry…there is no stopping us.

James – Loud Market: This thing has been developing for 3 months behind closed doors. Only 9 days ago did we take it public, and it has begun to blow up already!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: That is, you are at the beginning of the journey😁

Tom – Loud Market: We obviously target the big artists also, top tier 🙂 But priority is all artists.

James – Loud Market: Exactly, we are open to ALL levels. This means no exclusion of revenue for any artists on our platform!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: This is a wide audience👍

Also we would like to know more about your team. Who is on the project team core?

Tom – Loud Market: The core team, the top tier team as such is James and I.
We are the founding fathers as such.

James – Loud Market: So obviously me and Tom are the central members. We also have @Wizyrd as our marketing manager. He has extensive experience working on marketing for over 200 crypto projects. Other than that we hire many artists and graphic designers from all over the world. We try to reach out to as many individuals from a variety of cultures, as we believe they will each bring something new!

Tom – Loud Market: We outsource the developing of platforms and blockchain to a very reputable firm in the UK.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for great introduction, we have several questions which were selected for the 1st part. Ready to start?

Tom – Loud Market: Lets do it!

Q1 from Telegram user @Emidm28:

On your website it says that your presale is coming soon! What information do you have so far about the presale? What details can you share with us? On which platform will the presale of the LOUD token take place? In what month will it take place? Do you plan to prioritize users through a whitelist? When will more details regarding this presale be announced? Will it be open to all users or only to users previously registered in the whitelist?

James – Loud Market: Yes! Our presale is going live on the 20th of September, this month! It is 8 days away from today. Our hardcap is 1000BNB and softcap is 500BNB. 50% of funds will go to liquidity and 50% will go to the development and marketing of the platform. The reason we need to take a significant percentage of these funds is due to the barriers of entry associated with breaking into the music industry. Furthermore, as a legal entity in the UK we will be subject to VAT. We are a tax paying corporation – Loud Market Ltd.

It will be launching on either DxSale or Pinksale (depending on community vote) with NO WHITELIST. We have already had our whitelist private sale event and raised 100BNB.

8 days is very soon but we are confident we can fill a 1000BNB hard cap due to our community filling a 100BNB private sale that started at 500 members! We started this private sale only 5 days after going public with our platform and it was filled in 48 hours.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Congratulations! Good result👏 Сould you tell us please about your tokenomics btw?

Tom – Loud Market:

So as you can see, our tokenomics is very investor orientated 🙂

James – Loud Market:

  • Total Supply: 100,000,000
  • Total Tax: 6%
  • Redistribution TAX
    2% of every transaction split between holders
  • Marketing TAX
    2% of every transaction goes to marketing wallet
  • Liquidity TAX
    1% of every transaction goes to Liquidity Pool
  • BuyBack Function
    1% of every transaction goes to BuyBack Function

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for sharing! Please tell us about BuyBaack Function.

Tom – Loud Market: 1% Buyback and Burn function:

This complex algorithm stores 1% of all transactions until there is a period of price decline. At this point the SmartMath wallet uses the stored tax to purchase $LOUD tokens to reduce the fall in price. These purchased tokens are then burnt reducing total supply and increasing the value of each token.

And just to add a bit more info on all the other tax:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for clarifying👍

Tom – Loud Market: Yeah our tokenomics have been custom coded and designed to reward investors, increase liquidity and maintain a good market.

D. | Satoshi Club: After the end of the sale, are you planning to list the token on DEX? or will you give info about listing in the future?

Tom – Loud Market: We do indeed!

It’s very difficult to know what DEX we will be aiming for, because our priorities are currently development and marketing associated.

However, we do plan to list on many exchanges in the future.

D. | Satoshi Club: Great!👍

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for great answers! Ready to proceed to the next question?😁🚀

James – Loud Market: Lets have it!

Q2 from Telegram user @Arisabela:

An attractive feature from your platform is that you promote a job with zero fees for artists, which is great! But if you don’t charge commissions on marketplace transactions, can you then tell us about how the economic model of the platform works? On what actions do take place the collection of fees and how do you distribute them?

James – Loud Market: Another great question!

Tom – Loud Market: Fantastic question actually. James has the magic answers.

James – Loud Market: You are correct that artists will be subject to 0% market fees when using $LOUD tokens on Loud Market. This is one of our methods to encourage artists to try the NFT structure for their creative business.

Whilst this applies on the market place, there is a standard 6% tax that applies on all non-market transactions. 2% of this fee goes directly towards marketing and development. This tax applies when individuals want to transfer their $LOUD tokens into BNB or another currency. As such our economic model is derived from the tax on these transactions. Once tokens are removed from the marketplace (or just spent/transferred elsewhere) the standard token tax will apply.

Please check out our website for further details on this token tax: LoudNFT.co

This also encourages individuals to keep tokens within the marketplace and boost the trading volume of Loud NFTs!

Tom – Loud Market: Just to add this, artists and collectors will have both options to buy/sell NFTs in LOUD or BNB.

However BNB will have a 6.5% tax and Loud has 0%, which will encourage use of our token – increasing utility 🙂

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Not a bad plan! Win-win😁

Tom – Loud Market: Absolutely win-win!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for clear answers😊 Do you want to add something or we can proceed to the next question?😊

Tom – Loud Market: Just to add:

This is what we are promoting: zero fees, happy artists.

Other than that, we are ready for another question💪

Q3 from Telegram user @antoni_azx:

I see a lot of interest in the subject of fees but very little is said about the rights of artists over their content. Can you tell us what actions on your platform seek to promote copyright protection? How do you plan to avoid plagiarism, copying and falsification of content that could be monetized? Do you do some kind of KYC to the artists involved?

Tom – Loud Market: You know what, I love this question.

Loud Market will be a decentralised marketplace and as with all decentralised marketplaces there is always difficulty in artist verification.

We are in the process of developing a verification platform on our main webpage where artists can contact the company through other verified accounts, or with the specific relevant certification. They will then send their wallet address which will be verified by our team.

Fans and NFT buyers can search the wallet address selling a specific NFT on our database to verify the legitimacy of these wallets.

Furthermore, it benefits artists to promote their NFTs to their fans and as such legitimate songs will be the most listened to and liked songs of any version.

So just leading on from this, we currently have a page in the works. When the artist is verified they get added to this page and get a similar verification tick to Twitter (blue tick) on our platform. Please see below:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You read my thoughts😁

By the way, do you already have any preliminary agreements with the artists?

Tom – Loud Market: The artists whom require verification and want to be verified on our platform are required to approach us complete forms etc.

We have agreements with the artists that have signed up already, and some in the works.

I just want to add that all artists we have got now have approached us. We haven’t marketed or approached any artists yet as our primary focus is platform development, launch and marketing prior to the presale.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: That’s right, there must be a good foundation 👍

Tom – Loud Market: Exactly, must prioritise the important stuff!

James – Loud Market: All the artists we have spoken to have been excited to start with us, and have agreed to release a specific number of exclusive songs to our marketplace!

Tom – Loud Market: Yup James, we have been overwhelmed haven’t we?

James – Loud Market: It’s been awesome!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: This is a very good promotion for mass adoption.

Tom – Loud Market: Oh yes definitely, we plan to support our artists too and buy their first NFTs to release in competitions to promote our platform.

James – Loud Market: Yup! We have already purchased multiple songs to give away in social media competitions!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you very much for your answers! Let’s jump further? On to the next question?

James – Loud Market: Lets do it!

Tom – Loud Market:

Just wanted to send you another teaser…I love teasing. Each artist will have their own page on our website…cool, right?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You are the master of intrigue😁

Tom – Loud Market: Maybe I should update my title, sounds better than CIO haha!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: It will be epic😄

Q4 from Telegram user @KathDM:

I read that Loud Market is going to launch a version 2.0 of the platform soon. Why did you decide to launch a version 2.0? Why do you think version 1.0 needs to be updated? How is the development process going right now? When will version 2.0 be released and what will be the main focus of this new version? What are the most notable changes that it will bring to the platform?

James – Loud Market: This is correct, we aim to have our V2 out by the end of Q1 2022. Currently, we are still working on V1 and trying to get it as functional as possible before launch. Our beta marketplace is already 95% functional on the BSC Testnet. We accept that it is impossible to perfect a marketplace and there will always be additional functions and UI aspects that users will want to see. We will have a perfect backend completed in V1 as it is clear what we need to encode.

V2 will focus on more complicated and expensive development and aspect that we feel we need community guidance on, specifically UI. We want the UI to be built for the users and so, we will require some months of user usage in order to fully understand what the artists and fans want the marketplace to look like.

As such we are making a pledge to stay aware of user’s needs and wants and to continue developing the platform. We aim to incorporate more specific licensing, including percentage licensing. This is something that will require a full legal team and will only be possible post-launch.

Basically, we aren’t going to upload it and walk away. We’re here for the long run, and our ears are going to stay listening. To think we can make a perfect product in V1 would be arrogant, and so we have set a target of Q1 2022 to release a V2 that is even more polished for our users.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: It is clear enough and answered in detail, thanks!

Tom – Loud Market: As the CIO I just want to add – V1 is so close to being complete, as James said 95%.

And the main difference between the V1 and V2 – is just that V1 focuses on backend, while V2 focuses on frontend.

  • v1 = boring cool stuff
  • v2 = beautiful user interface that makes artists and users happy

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: What viewers and listeners love so much is a beautiful picture😁

Tom – Loud Market: OOOOOOO, yes. Get ready.

Q5 from Telegram user @Cheriemike:

While going through your project I noticed that you have no collaboration or partnership with any companies or brands. My question is, are your partners anonymous or you haven’t made any partnership with any one yet? Are you making plans for that, because to gain trust from potential investors aside from security we also look at projects that have good partners to support their project. So where will you target to have partnership with, will it be from the media industry or blockchain world?

Tom – Loud Market:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Looks great👍

Tom – Loud Market:

You wanted pics, you got them 😉

We also have a light theme.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for sharing😍 I love it!

James – Loud Market: This is a great question, and one which touches on topics that are very important to us.

This is correct that we so far have no corporate partnerships. We have not actively sought out any corporate partnerships and instead will focus our energy on artist partnerships.

Our project is extremely early – it has only been public for 9 days! Subsequently, we have been focused on community development and acquiring leading industry members inside of the community. We have several anonymous angel investors and senior advisors, all of whom have reached out to us!

Once we grab the attention of the masses, the opportunity for corporate partnerships will become a very real option. Our decision to form these partnerships with depend on our community, and the moral structure of such corporations. Integral to our ethos is minimising corporate profit over artist profit, and this simply does not fit in the structure of many big corporations.

We believe that by partnering with artists instead of corporations, we will achieve the same marketing goals without us being coerced into sacrificing our moral ethos.

Tom – Loud Market: Couldn’t agree more James – partnerships aren’t a priority at the moment. James and I have enough contacts to get partnerships, but our priority is currently total development and marketing before our presale.

D. | Satoshi Club: Btw do you collaborate with any cybersecurity firms which can help you to check every security aspect in contract and on the platform?

Tom – Loud Market: We will have our contract audited, we have been looking around. Seen a few really good audits and options.

Regarding Cyber security, that’s our no.1 priority.

On both token and platforms – the marketplace will be decentralised and unhackable… that’s right – UNHACKABLE! 😀

D. | Satoshi Club: Sounds cool😄👍 I believe it will really be as you say😊

Tom – Loud Market: Regarding collaborating with Cyber Security firms…there are plenty of softwares and advisors available to increase our protection.

However, we can only implement this once our platform is 100% complete, not 95% 🙂

D. | Satoshi Club: Appreciate the answers guys!😊 Ready for the next question?

Tom – Loud Market: Shoot!

D. | Satoshi Club: The last from part one🚀🚀🚀

Q6 from Telegram user @victorogb:

LoudNFT is created with the purpose of empowering and assisting musicians and artists. As part of this, you offer agent services to artists and also help them in areas of marketing and proposals. Since such services are vital, especially in the entertainment industry, can you clearly explain how LoudNFT will the assume the role of agents? What do these musicians and artists tend to derive from your services as agents? Is there a premium fee payable by these entertainers in order to enjoy such services? And how does LoudNFT comprehensively oversee all marketing and proposals for these professionals?

Tom – Loud Market: Great question – wow your community does have amazing questions!

Loud Market does not currently act as agents for artists. We simply provide the platform for artists to monetise their work and use their creations to engage with the financial world.

Once we have built a bigger following we will obtain greater bargaining power with fans and labels and will be able to use our popularity to promote artists on our front page. Our aim to keep this promotion community focused, instead of just offering spaces to the highest payers. We want to incorporate community votes and raffles for mid-low level artists, as well as encourage collaboration between big and small artists.

Our wish is for Loud to be at the forefront of music and artist discovery and to eventually use our industry name to promote small artists from all over the world!

James – Loud Market: Exactly this, we want to use our platform and our community to help artists as much as possible. If this means fulfilling agent services, then we will expand into agent services. We want Loud to attack every section of the music industry. We’re taking it each bit at a time, but we’re coming for the whole thing.

Tom – Loud Market: Exactly, the value of the music industry market is huge…and we want a big piece of the pie.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: It is a very noble task to create justice for talented but less fortunate people. Thanks for this.

Tom – Loud Market: Agreed, artists deserve more, especially low-mid tier – we are going to be the avenue to take to make the change.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Yes, there is an untouched field😁

James – Loud Market: Indeed, completely untouched by NFT technology.

Tom – Loud Market: Blockchain alike!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Share with us your road map please.

Tom – Loud Market:

BIG ROADMAP! And a great one if I must say!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for sharing 😊

Tomasz Tokarski: I am just here!

James – Loud Market: Welcome!

Tom – Loud Market: Hey Tomasz, sharing the same name I see! 😀

Tomasz Tokarski: Hello everybody!

Tom – Tomasz – that’s right the same!👍

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hi there! Welcome to Satoshi Club😊

And now get ready for the most impressive part of our AMA! live questions!

James – Loud Market: Lets go!

Tom – Loud Market: Roadmap Q2 2021 – Q2 2022

// QUARTER 2-3 / 2021:

  • Pre-Launch
  • Tokenomics & Launch
  • Website Launch
  • Marketplace Development
  • Marketing Preparation
  • Industry Research
  • Artist Aquisition
  • Social Media Setup
  • Register as Company

// QUARTER 3-4 / 2021:

  • Start Up
  • Presale
  • v1 BETA & ALPHA Launch
  • Litepaper Release
  • Whitepaper Release
  • Social Media Expansion
  • Marketing & PR Release
  • v2.0 Preparation & Design
  • Artist Continued Aquisition

// QUARTER 4-1 / 2021-22:

  • v2 Launch
  • v2 BETA & ALPHA Launch
  • Rent Offices in London
  • Record Label Partnerships
  • Continued Marketing
  • Exchange Listings
  • Global Expansion
  • Platform Feature Expansion
  • Music Industry Expos

// QUARTER 1-2 / 2022:

  • The Future
  • Exchange Listings
  • Press Releases
  • Feature Expansion
  • v3 Planning & Design
  • Employee Growth
  • Partnerships
  • Increase LOUD usecases
  • Target Mainstream Artists

Lets do it sorry, just got it in text format too 🙂

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Are you ready?

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @lax000102:

Do you have any Coin Burn/BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?

Tom – Loud Market: BuyBack Systems – Yes. This complex algorithm stores 1% of all transactions until there is a period of price decline. At this point the SmartMath wallet uses the stored tax to purchase $LOUD tokens to reduce the fall in price. These purchased tokens are then burnt reducing total supply and increasing the value of each token.

No plans for a token burn, might associated buy back and burn with marketing funds if we feel it would be the right thing to do.

Q2 from Telegram user @Ratash97:

Is there a fee for joining the marketplace? Because generally there are huge fees to sign up in the NFT marketplaces.

Tom – Loud Market: No fee at all, and no fees when selling/buying NFTs.

Loud Market = ZERO Fees

Q3 from Telegram user @captainprice111:

What did you aim for when creating your project, that is, what problems, negativities and shortcomings did you notice in the market and you decided to create LOUDNFT? Is your project progressing as you expected? I noticed the “Copyrights” issue in your project, how will the pricing be, will it create an extra burden for the artists?

Tom – Loud Market: So the issue in the market is currently low-mid tier artists getting as small as 12% of the total profit for their creations. Meaning the agents and record labels take an astounding 88%. We want to fix this and be a voice and platform for these artists who suffer from this insane statistic.

RE Copyrights…this won’t be an issue as if the real artists release their music it will likely be verified and we don’t have control of what is released by people. If someone buys a Justin Bieber NFT with his music and it’s an unverified account then…it won’t actually be him releasing it and will be a “fake” as such.

Q4 from Telegram user @Karry1999:

According to your Roadmap “QUARTER 4-1 / 2021-22” , you are planning to launch the V2 BETA AND ALPHA version of the Loud . Will you please tell us what different and unique features users can expect in this version and how it will benefit the user?

Tom – Loud Market: V2 Beta/Alpha will be the platform with a better user interface focused on the frontend of the platform rather than the backend.

V1 = making sure all the background processes are working and the marketplace is fully functioning.
V2 = make it look pretty for the users.

Q5 from Telegram user @highpee:

For the PRESALE on September 20 you say there won’t be whitelist? What will be the sale method? How will you ensure your token will be sold fairly as well as prevent excess whale accumulation? How will you make sure these sales won’t be ruined by snipers and bots?

Tom – Loud Market: So we are currently looking at Pinksale which has systems in place to stop sniper bots, so we are leaning towards launching the presale on their rather than DXSale. Also Pinksale offer a huge AMA and marketing prior to the presale, so would suit us better and give us better opportunities to filling the presale.

Q6 from Telegram user @Rinhere:

You aim to be number one Music NFT marketplace, there are other music Nft marketplace as well, how does Loud doing differently to be no.1 Music NFT Marketplace?

Tom – Loud Market: Simple…zero fees. The artists gets 100% of their profits. We don’t take a penny.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

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