Lolz Finance x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 29th of June

Lolz Finance x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 29th of June

Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Lolz Finance and our guests were @LoLzFinanceCaptain @Lolzie @lolzfinancedevji. The AMA took place on 29 June.

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram community

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello again, dear community! ❤️ We are pleased to announce AMA with Lolz Finance.

Today our guests are @LoLzFinanceCaptain @Lolzie @lolzfinancedevji!

LoLzFinanceDevji: Hello guys!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: We are glad to have great personalities with us today😃

Lil Lolzie: Yo yo yo

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: How are you guys?

Lil Lolzie: We are having the $Lolz of our life

LoLzFinanceDevji: Super excited to be hosted with your great community

Lil Lolzie: thanks for having us

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club, @LoLzFinanceCaptain @Lolzie @lolzfinancedevji!


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Is a pleasure for us!

LoLz Finance CAPTAIN: Boom 💥

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for joining guys!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Let’s do it🥳. To begin with the AMA please introduce yourself, who are you and what is your role into the project?

LoLzFinanceDevji: Hello everyone thanks for hosting us here today! I will introduce myself: My name is LoLzDevji, i have been around since 2012 when i bought my first BTC, since then i have contributed and been involved in many top projects within the ecosystem (wish i could tell you which are they:D)A little bit on our team, we are super skilled group of devs and of course satoshi loyalist 🏆, it’s time to for LOLZ to take over the Crypto world! 💪🔥💥

Lil Lolzie: I am Lil Lolzie and I am the real Lolzie, all the other Lolzie are just being Ballzie, so will the real Lolzie Please Stand UP, Please Stand UP

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: How many members are part of lolz project?

LoLzFinanceDevji: 5 core members of our team and so many more contributors😎💥😎

Lil Lolzie: many contributors

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: What is the essence of Lolz finance?

Lil Lolzie: Make Satoshi Proud Again

LoLzFinanceDevji: Absolutely let me give you in a nutshell an explanation what we want to accomplish for LOLZ. Lately we are seeing so many bullshit projects with most of the narratives which are overly abused out there, they provide simple nonsense. So we as a team took a decision that NOW is the time to change all the happenings in the market, specially once we saw that most of the VC’s and influencers joining projects are just dumping their tokens within seconds of the IDO. Our mission is to prevent all of this wrongdoing to happen in our project, no more VC NO more bulshit influencers etc. We are here for a simple reason, LOLZ and all of this will be driven by and for the community. And on top of that it’s all about giving our LOLZ community to have all the power and the rights to control everything, DAO baby! 💵💰

Lil Lolzie: we believe that there are too many bullshit people making bullshit projects, who get support from too many bullshit VCs and are supported by Bullshit influencers

we are here to change the game, and bring it back to the core

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: How long does it take to develop a project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from Lolz Finance?

Lil Lolzie: currently, we are in Chapter Genesis

and we have 4 more chapters on the way

eventually we will be delivering some high quality tech, which the community decides that they need, because they need it. And not because they heard on some bullshit youtube video shill channel

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: What event influenced the project the most?

LoLzFinanceDevji: In our roadmap which we are starting from Genesis you can see in our website ( ) that once we reach the milestone of $10M we will reveal our launchpad, meaning that projects that want to on board with us, the community will have the rights and the power to chose which ones will get the green light, super cool 🔥🚀


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for the introduction, we will have a question selected for the Part 1. ready to start? Or you want to add something?

Lil Lolzie: We were born ready

LoLzFinanceDevji: Go ahead LFG

Q1 from Telegram User @luk4jah

In your Lolzmap,something caught my attention-your Codenames.Genesis Chapter 1 and Exodus Chapter 2.Genesis in the bible means beginning or origin and Exodus means mass departure of people.My question is-Are you planning on doing something biblical?Can we have the sneak peak of Lolzmap,how many chapters or codename will Lolzmap have?I really would want to know.Thanks

Lil Lolzie: great question

We are planning to do something Biblical, and the the project will grow so will the tone, and maturity level of the project. Our goal is to bring the crypto back to Genesis, where the people decide the utility and not some third party interests who are looking at this as a cash grab.

In Exodus we will be Launching DAO, and DEX

In Leviticus there will be more projects all the way through Deuteronomy, where the goal will be to have a brand new Layer 1

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You have good intentions😉

Lil Lolzie: we do

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: So will be there an apocalypse chapter?😅

Lil Lolzie: and we are taking the non traditional route, instead of raising money from VC etc… we are starting the opposite way. A fair launch and project matures slowly

Second Coming

Lil Lolzie: LOLZ

How Funny would that be, that the Ethereum Killer will start as a joke

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Haha great job. Btw I would like to ask, are your team anonymous?

Lil Lolzie: yes we are

LoLzFinanceDevji: For now we are anon, but eventually we will reveal ourselves 🤫

Lil Lolzie: many of us are quite well known in the space

and Mister X, is a legend in this space

in due time we all will reveal ourselves

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: In the future will you release your hidden identities? I mean to increase user’s trust

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: besides, you are also very funny guys 😁

LoLzFinanceDevji: Lolz

Lil Lolzie: of course. Once we get enough traction and the marketcap will prove the point we will all reveal our identities

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: That’s great, thanks for the answers guys😃

Well, would you like to add something before the next question?



Q2 from Telegram User @Rakshitx5

You have mentioned on your website that the team doesn’t hold any tokens and it has been launched so even in the future team will not hold any tokens? Also, there is no mention of the burning of tokens except while transactions so do you intend to burn the tokens in the future because burning the tokens increases the price and it catches the eyes of investors.

LoLzFinanceDevji: We burned them all

The team bought tokens together with everyone else, the same exact way that anyone can

Pancake Swap


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Why did you do that👀

Lil Lolzie: as i had mentioned, our goal is to take the opposite approach of how most people enter the space. Most of them, raise money from VC, in seed round, private round, strategic round, bullshit round, and public rounds. Team have a lot of tokens, and raise money to finance their salaries, cars and buy houses, no wander why they dump tokens when they can. We did the opposite route, we launched a fair launch, so everyone we are building the best community in the space, and will slowly deliver products which our community needs.

we are all hungry, and ambitious and don’t owe anything to anyone but  to our community

Q3 from Telegram User @andrey_seleznov

Hi Lolz!

Please share more details about the LoLzNomics with us! The structure of your tokenomics is quite unusual, 100% of the tokens is dedicated to the community and liquidity. How exactly do you distribute the tokens to the community, have you run any airdrops or liquidity mining programs? Or is the only way to obtain $LOLZ tokens is by purchasing them on pancake swap? Thank you!

Lil Lolzie: we had an ILO yesterday

and all the funds raised went to liquidity on Pancake

thats the total supply of tokens

LoLzFinanceDevji: LoLz Finance ecosytem is powered by lolztoken, the role offers many use cases. If you hold the token, the fee from the DEX will go directly to token holders. We will have a tax formation, a structure of 10% redistributed to holders 4% to Liquidity 4% to marketing (which will push the project as much as possible with PR and partnerships, collaborations etc…)

ILO was sold within 3 second 💥

Lil Lolzie: I could not get in myself


LoLzFinanceDevji: 🔥🚀  LOLZFINANCE 🚀🔥

🚀 Don’t miss this rocket 🚀

✔️ Launched 24 hours ago

✅ 1100 holders

✅ 500k mcap

✅ 3400 tg

✅ 3400tw

✅ Listed on Pancakeswap from first 1 hour



📡Community: 100% community


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Amazing🔥

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: What made you guys have 0% dev wallets? Where will you be funding this project from then? Your own pockets? There will be a point where that would be exhausted. So how will you be raising more funds to continue the expansion of this project?

Several of our members was interested on this topics

LoLzFinanceDevji: All of the funds that was invested was from our own pockets. Every sell transaction will be taxed by 18%, token holders get 10% , 4% liquidity, 4 % marketing. So in terms of that is according to plan 😎

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for answers

Ready for the next question😉

LoLzFinanceDevji: Sure

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Applauds to you guys, you have done a great effort👏

LoLzFinanceDevji: Thank you we appreciate your support

Q4 from Telegram User @Asela1112

In your Roadmap chapter 02, LOLZ NFT marketplace will be launch for the LoLz community. Nowadays every platforms belong own their NFT marketplaces. What is the reason for launching this NFT marketplace by LoLz Finance self? Can you tell us about Cry LOLZ collection & RareDrop? What will be the minting process of these NFTs? Will there be real world benifits of LOLZ NFTs? Most of platforms are promising about creating the bull market to NFT artists. What kind of services do you integrate for the NFT artists to be incentivized? Will there be NFTs content galleries? And also NFT collateralized loans are popular in crypto market recently. Will LoLz Finance involve with NFTs Collateralization in future?

LoLzFinanceDevji: That’s a great question let me answer that

The nft market it is a process it’s not a product that we will launch in one day. We are gonna start with our original collection and incentivize creators to come and create their art on our platform with original NFTs that incentivize the creators. In addition we will partner with marketing agencies that will attract users to the platform in order to bring adoption from creators and artists.

But we first we need to get to that certain MC to release it 😎💥

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: What is your current MC and max supply?

LoLzFinanceDevji: MC is approx 400k and supply is a bit less then 700T, we mention that all the tokens belong to the community, team has 0 tokens.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: And how to buy your tokens? It looks like a gem for me 😁


On Pancakeswap you can buy as much as you want 🔥😎

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Thank you, btw could you share us your whole roadmap? What else is coming for the second half of 2021?

LoLzFinanceDevji: We have revealed yesterday the chapter of exodus, there will be another 3 chapters that will be revealed, STAY TUNED 🤫💥

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: We will😁

LoLzFinanceDevji: Leviticus, numbers and Deuteronomy will be epic 🤛‼️

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Well, time to proceed with the 5th question, ready to proceed?

LoLzFinanceDevji: Sure go ahead

Q5 from Telegram User @victorogb

  Lolz Finance is entirely basing the security of it’s project on the fully locked liquidity of $LOLZ, which amounts to about 100% of the total supply. Also, 4% of transaction fees are added to liquidity coupled with a deflationary burn feature. Even as these measures help to build user confidence in a project, investors would also like to see some form of verifiable evidence. Therefore, has the Lolz Finance Smart contract been audited, if yes can you kindly share the details, asides audit what other security measures are implemented, and with a locked liquidity and limited access to funds, how will Lolz Finance cater for contingencies such as marketing and promotions?

LoLzFinanceDevji: 3 of $LOLZ Cornerstones are:

1. Decentralization

2. Security

3. Scalability

You have asked for it

We must deliver 👊🏼

Final Security Assessment Report

✅ Audit completed by

One of the top audit firms in the world.

The first audit but not the last 💪🏻✅

We are not playing games!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I like your approach to security

Safety first👍

LoLzFinanceDevji: We have been audited, and will have other audits as well. In terms of marketing the 4% goes directly to the marketing wallet, meaning we will have marketing agencies that will bring lolz as viral as possible everywhere!

For the community‼️

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: That’s great, but could you mention us your current partnerships? Who is part of this big project?

LoLzFinanceDevji: We are not partnering with anyone, we are part of the community and this all about LOLZ. I’m gonna do a HUGE announcement right now which we haven’t yet, ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: @GoldRocket27 are we?😁 I am

LoLzFinanceDevji: READY?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Yep 😁

LoLzFinanceDevji: As you guys know we are anonymous right now, one of our dev in our team is an ex dev of a HUGE PROJECT, PLEASE DONT ASK US WHICH ONE 🤫🤫🤫

It will be revealed soon…

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Thanks for choose our community for this big sneak peek😁

LoLzFinanceDevji: You guys have a great community

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: For sure❤️

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Thanks for the kind words, that’s why we try to bring the best projects here 😃

LoLzFinanceDevji: And we appreciate to be hosted by you guys 💪💥

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Well, do you have another big easter egg for us or do you want to go with the final question of this part of the AMA?😁

LoLzFinanceDevji: Stay tuned we will have so many surprises coming soon… 🙄🤫

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Waiting for it😁🥳

Q6 from Telegram User @antoni_azx

LOLZ will have a space for charity and donations but isn’t clear to me from where will these donations come since your 18% in taxes will be for holders, liquidity and marketing, nowhere says something about donations, can you clarify on this point and what campaigns are you willing to support? or will it be entirely decision of your community?

LoLzFinanceDevji: We will soon declare our donation address, we hope that the community will understand that charity is important and donate accordingly with the team. We will take part of the marketing to charity as well. The community will decide where all of it goes

Go ahead please

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from telegram username @Wong2008

How dumpers will be punished and what will happen to their tokens?

LoLzFinanceDevji: Every sell transaction will be taxed by 18% which 10% goes to token holders

Q2 from telegram username @bolopo_goyang

will $Lolz be open to the public to notify the analysis of the results of its projects? Or is it only open to investors and users? how do you attract the interest of many users?

LoLzFinanceDevji: Absolutely everything will be transparent to the community

Q3  from telegram username @Ratash97

When do you plan lolz launchpad and where are you considering doing it ?

LoLzFinanceDevji: Once we reach 10m, we will reveal all of the rest soon 😎💪

Q4  from telegram username @ethcypherpunk

Can you elaborate a little more on your intentions to include yourself in Polygon, and other thriving blockchains?

LoLzFinanceDevji: We will apply for grants once we reach 1M

Q5 from telegram username @BJosefina61

Since 0% marketing, how do you plan to keep the project alive in terms of visibility, listing on exchanges?

LoLzFinanceDevji: Every sell transaction 4% goes marketing which we have huge plans to bring Lolz everywhere around the world

Q6 from telegram username @subriya2002

What is your top 3 things for priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year ?

LoLzFinanceDevji: We have huge huge plans in terms of marketing, once we go and reach our milestones we will have dex aggregator,

Nft market place, DAO, launchpad etc

Q 7 from telegram username @xperia3

Hi! 🤪

I see in your roadmap, as LoLz Finance, you have an intention of changing your Logo. Why? Is this certain or will you keep it as it is now if your community do not want you to change it? Do you have a plan to create a incentivized competition to decide your new Logo?

@LoLzFinanceCaptain @Lolzie @lolzfinancedevji

LoLzFinanceDevji: To bring more fun and refreshment to our community we will have a new logo once we reach 2M

Q8  from telegram username @Tahsinahmett

New projects appear every day. What do you think is the difference that will make Lolz Finans stand out in this crowd? What is your long term plan?

LoLzFinanceDevji: We are completely different from the other projects out there, 100% community driven and no vc’s involved, no bullshit just our community.

Q9 from telegram username @cryptoamee

Do you have any plan on listing some CEX and DEX in near future? PANCKASWAP is not enough to attract more investors in my opinion. What are the plans on this? @LoLzFinanceCaptain @Lolzie @lolzfinancedevji!

Lil Lolzie: we will list on many exchanges, in Exodus first thing we will do is apply to Binance, Huobi, Okex and Coinbase, and we will continue applying until they will accept us there. CEX with all the problems they have are the still easiest and fastest way most crypto users transact, so it behooves us to let them be. Moreover, in the future we will be launching a credit card on ramp solution for Lolz

Q10  from telegram username @cryptoamee

Do you have any ambassador programme to make famous your project in non English countries? If yes how to apply for the ambassador?  @LoLzFinanceCaptain @Lolzie @lolzfinancedevji!

Lil Lolzie: Sure Please DM

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

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