Kawakami x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 10th of November

Kawakami x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 10th of November

Welcome to another episode of our AMA series. Today we are glad to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from Kawakami, the decentralized meme token ecosystem fueled by the KAWA and xKAWA tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. The AMA took place on September 10 and our guests were @defitimesco, @esteban_shibeno, @Spacemankawa, @kayoderichard and @wakiita2.

The total reward pool was 500$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.


D. | Satoshi Club: Good day everyone! we will have AMA session with Kawakami. Today our guests – @defitimesco @esteban_shibeno @Spacemankawa @kayoderichard @wakiita2

Defi: hey everyone.

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Hey everybody!

D. | Satoshi Club: let’s begin with a little intro? 😊 guys please introduce yourselves and your project!

Estéban Kawakeño: We sort of emerged from the fire, like the phoenix. Had an exploit which required relaunching the token ecosystem. It gave us a chance to build it smarter and showed real integrity on the part of the team, who could have just walked away. Instead, it’s grown strongly and quickly since the relaunch. We think Integrity Matters in this space and don’t just talk about it, we do it.

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yes, were a team that naturally grew and connected from around the world to form a strong partnership all with the same mission to create the project that we believed was missing from the meme coin space -something with more to it than just hype and marketing that could really stand the test of time.

Richard – Go 1000x or Go home: Kawa is the next step in meme coin development. We are building the foundations for a one stop meme coin ecosystem – beginning with our already released multi meme coin farm!

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: From our collective experience in the space, we’ve come together to build what we think the space needs and is missing which is a one stop ecosystem and hub of tools and services to grow and water the seeds of this revolution that is community based decentralized finance. We believe what the world witnessed in SHIB is just the start of a much larger change in the way we as people interact with these new tools in a rapidly changing world.

D. | Satoshi Club: so, Kawa can be something like ‘aggregation’ protocol amongst meme projects?  unite them all together?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Our ethos is that it’s easier to build on and bring together the existing communities by offering an olive branch and a helping hand than it is to treat all other in the space as competitors that must be crushed. And it’s more fun that way. Everything doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game.

Estéban Kawakeño: the story is far from written. Being a truly community governed token, we don’t know where we’ll end up yet. And that’s part of what’s so elfin’ FUN about it.And we seem to have found this unicorn of a culture, where we all celebrate and support one another. it’s magic, and I’ve not found it any other place. So much appreciation and respect and encouragement and… harmony.

Richard – Go 1000x or Go home: Think DeFi for meme-based projects, but even more. Our KawaSeed for example will be a Venture Capital for memes which will be entirely run through the KawaDAO. Just like any DAO, investment proposals will be made by the community and voted upon by the community. The team will have a pool of funds available (which we have already started stockpiling), and wherever the DAO votes for it to go, it will go.

Q1 From Telegram User @kimzyemma

With a lot of total supply, you provided for your native token I discovered that there is no preparation for KAWA token presale at all which will not allow investors to fund your project before it becomes publicly available, what exactly will you achieve by not having at least a presale for your token? Sometimes presale serve as a tool for a fast awareness, how will you create rapid adoption and growth for your project? What will encourage your team members if there is no allocation for them in the KAWA tokenomics?

Estéban Kawakeño: There wasn’t just a relaunch, but prior to that a team change. We’ve been publicly available for quite some time, though the relaunch(es) came quite recently.

Defi: I’m not sure if the person asking is aware that our native token KAWA has launched in September and doing fairly well? As for gaining ‘fast awareness’, we’re fine with slow and steady growth, Kawakami team, the community and the ecosystem are here to stay, not looking for a short-term pump and dump solution.

We’ve been gaining holders steadily ever since September, literally every day we gain new holders and community members. They surely do not join in hordes, but we are happy with the organic and steady growth, as everything that grows too much tends to come down even harder at some point. The vision we have and the products we’re building will take time so we’re not in a rush to gain an army of holders overnight.

“What will encourage your team members if there is no allocation for them in the KAWA tokenomics?” – most if not all the KAWA team members bought their own KAWA tokens as for the developers, the people who actually code and develop products – they’re paid a weekly salary in ETH/USDT which is more than enough to keep them motivated to work.

D. | Satoshi Club: btw how initially token distribution was going? you had public sale or airdrop?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yeah, we are a team of people who really love what we are building and wake up every day motivated to do all that we can to bring forward the goal of creating something revolutionary for the space the same way SHIB did.

Estéban Kawakeño: all the new Kawa tokens distributed were airdropped 1:1 to all old Kawa holders, yes, there was no tax before. we built one in to make the project more self-supporting. there are also reflections. xKawa has a more substantial tax, and higher reflections (that’s our reward/governance/seed token).

Defi: no public or any sort of sale, we just did a 1:1 airdrop as Esteban said to our holders before the relaunch. Most of our holders have been holding impressively, supported by the fact we’ve been crushing KAWA ATHs for weeks.

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yeah, the project was originally fair launched. And in the lead up to our V2 of the KawaFarm we we’re dealt what could have easily been a death blow where a new dev we had hired did an exploit and rerouted / stole every token in the farm and dumped the coins. To fix this we rebuilt from the ground up to relaunch and airdrop every single holder the exact share that was theirs prior to the exploit. Which we have since addressed to no longer be possible going forward with all new dev / team members internally doxed and properly assessed prior to having access.

Estéban Kawakeño: we had a very nice dip the past week or so for accumulating – kind of a “buying season”. That dip’s gone for now anyway, I think it’s the Satoshi Bump, or maybe new floor, or maybe something more.

Q2 from Telegram User @Cheriemike

On August 19th Kawafarm was exploited from someone whom you hired to work on your team, about $196,515 was stolen by this person. I know how painful it is when a person you trusted betrays that trust. Can you tell us how you and your team dealt with the situation and how did it affect them? How did your community react to such situation? This announcement was made since August 21st, so far, any hope of trailing the thieves? I know security audits are important in a project but it’s not a guarantee that projects funds can’t be hacked, so what other measures have you set up after this incident that such won’t happen again and what is the level of trust amongst your team? Thanks

Estéban Kawakeño: We sure aren’t as naive, I can say that much. Much more secure codebase and procedures. We’ve passed audits with flying colors. I don’t think we’re yet focusing much on identifying the perpetrator(s), but we’ll pounce & announce when they least suspect we will. it’s not our main focus. for now, we’re developing and building and not looking back and make good even on the non-native pools.

Defi: yeah, what happened then was definitely a painful lesson, and on my birthday no less, waking up to find out all of our and investors’ money was gone. we’ve immediately had a team meeting and it didn’t take long for us to decide we will relaunch.

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yes, that certainly was a terribly awful day all around for the team & holders when the exploit occurred. Especially as the contract was renounced and we essentially had no way to rebuild but to relaunch. For some background on what occurred: KawaFarm was exploited by a rogue developer who we hired 3 weeks prior to the exploit. He was given access to the farm contract at a time when our lead dev was unavailable, and we had a bug needing to be resolved urgently. Unfortunately, he took this opportunity to undertake the exploit.

This dev had good references from two other projects’ leaders, so we thought he was trustworthy, and the coding he did for us prior to the exploit was very good. However, in hindsight we realized that our KYC approach was lacking and for subsequent devs we have ensured we have a video call with them and have photos of their government issued ID, as well as being more vigilant when it comes to reference checking.

Although there was nothing wrong with the KawaFarm code, going forward we will ensure all of our releases are fully audited. This has now happened with KAWA, xKAWA and the KawaFarm – with all of them passing with excellent scores.

We took a lot of learning away from the event. Giving up was never an option – getting peoples funds back was the priority. We’re pleased that we were able to compensate everyone who lost funds in the hack, and they’ve all now made a significant investment gain from the relaunch. We believe our approach to the exploit has solidified the community’s trust in us as a team.

Estéban Kawakeño: it’s spelled like this: INTEGRITY and it means something, that’s part of what we bring to the table, and part of what we’re demonstrating for all to see. that you don’t have to be cynical, or a ruthless opportunist, to win. and we want more of that in this space for now, it’s an experiment. we’re showing that it works.

D. | Satoshi Club: yeah, on crypto fields there are always some many traps, exploits are one of them. one of my internet buddies lost all his crypto like a couple of days ago, he was completely compromised, hacker stolen all his funds – thousand and thousand dollars. and he didn’t even know how it is happened.

Defi: I’ve personally lost all the eth is mined in 2017 on a hacked ledger wallet, as well as being scammed for 85eth in 2020, so I know how it feels having funds stolen or getting hacked.

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yeah, it’s terrible how people will take advantage of others, you really must be careful nowadays. We definitely don’t take these things lightly anymore and have made a focus on security ever since this occurred.

It also has added to our vision for what we are bringing to the table with KawaTools which will be similar to Dextools however with one important difference (among others) that all listed projects will have gone through a screening process as to not have any scams / honey pots or other bad projects listed with our focus being investor safety.

Q3 From Telegram User @Lena_V10

While observing your website in the moonsheet section, I saw few memecoins being listed including their current price, holders, market cap and also the gains from them since, they are launched. Therefore, beside a meme coin platform, does Kawakami also performs as a meme coin index for all the memecoins? Is that a promotional paid advertisements or Kawakami will list out the best memecoins? How could a meme coin reach you out, for listing their token in your platform? Lastly, we know that memecoins are known for BSC. But Kawakami bas been deployed in Ethereum network? Is there any specific reason behind this?

Defi: We’ve listed some of the most popular meme projects to compare to Kawakami just to show the actual growth potential of our project/tokens. No projects listed in the moonsheet are paid advertisements, but we intend to introduce paid ads once. We will have an index/leaderboard once our KawaTools product launches.

As for partnering with other meme tokens, we have a partnerships form on our yield farm platform where interested parties can send us an application and then we send them the value prop to weigh pros and cons of joining the platform. listing on KawaTools, which will unite all our products into a single tool once launched, will be announced when it’s ready.

D. | Satoshi Club: will you be always mainly focusing on meme projects? or you aiming to work with the “serious” ones as well?

Defi: You say that memecoins are known for BSC, but wouldn’t you agree that the biggest and most successful ones are on ETH? Regardless, we are actively working on our BSC bridge and looking into L2 solution like Arbitrum to make it easier for investors to join our community.

Our intention is to focus on memes as we believe there’s plenty of potential and opportunities in that space. However, you never know what the future brings, crypto moves at an incredible pace so there’s no telling what new ideas we may have in 6 or 12 months from now.

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Our focus is memecoins but ones with a real dedicated and serious team behind them. That’s really what is paramount is giving investors an easy and accessible way to access the meme coin market without falling into the trap of the ENDLESSLY launching P&D coins that are often abandoned shortly after release.

Q4 from Telegram user   @DK177

According to you plans, KawaSwap will be launched within this quarter. I am familiar with platforms such as PancakeSwap and SushiSwap. Is your platform like them? You have stated that it will be a revolutionary decentralized exchange. Can you give a sneak peek of its features that make KawaSwap a revolutionary exchange? Further, what are the benefits available for $KAWA and $xKAWA holders and stakers on KawaSwap?

Defi: yes, KawaSwap was planned for Q4 this year however the website is getting a full revamp, including the roadmap, as we’ve added new ideas and products to our pipeline such as KawaTools, of which KawaSwap will be an integral part. The new website should go live by the end of this year with the updated roadmap. The new launch date for the swap platform is whenever KawaTools gets deployed, or shortly after, so likely in 2022. One of the KawaSwap features will be to have a percentage of swap fees distributed among the token holders (KAWA, xKAWA).

As for staking, that is reserved for KawaFarm, a product that’s already live and can be used. We don’t want to deliver half-baked products and it made sense to pursue KawaTools first based on how popular memecoins have proven they are.

D. | Satoshi Club: do you have any plans on your NFT collection? maybe with some real use cases on your platform?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yeah, and it’s more of a unique and useful contribution to the space as opposed to yet another swap. So that’s the reasoning for the roadmap being slightly changed / updated regarding KawaSwap timing.

Defi: Absolutely, we want to make sure they’re created with a purpose, not just for the sake of chasing trends with no utility.

with everything we build in the Kawakami ecosystem, we want to give it a purpose and utility and NFTs are no different. First, we’ll be releasing NFT badges (they’re already created and will be teased this week) which will be awarded to community members and investors based on their involvement and criteria met, the NFT badges will also be used to redeem our first collection of NFTs when it releases. One of the NFT utilities will be staking them on KawaFarm for a boost in the weekly token yield, the plan is also to use them heavily in a metaverse we intend to start developing sometime in 2022, as well as other products like KawaTools.

Q5 from Telegram user @Ecmq10

Hello Kawakami team. You announced that the new KAWA token contract introduces a couple of simple reflection features to the relaunched token. Unlike the original token which had no extra features, the new one will include the following: 2% KAWA swapped to ETH on every buy or sell transaction on Uniswap and sent to dev fund. Why did you decide to make this modification to the original tokenomics? Why will the distribution be in ETH and not in the KAWA token? Thank you!

Defi: It’s simple, we do need some form of income to keep the project more sustainable and pay the developers, as we’re not code developers ourselves. It also allows for other expenses like marketing. As for why it swaps it to ETH, it’s so that we can actually pay for these things. Not everyone is willing to accept payment in non-standard tokens and we certainly don’t want to dump KAWA tokens to pay for things. It’s standard with tax tokens actually.

However, the contract is not renounced and the reason for this is that we will likely lower or disable tax completely once we start getting income from other sources, like advertising on KawaTools.

Estéban Kawakeño: Which, I might add, is just getting started. We’ve come this far on sweat, through word of mouth, and by tweeting.

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: It was really an essential move to set we up to compete with the other bigger meme coin projects which in a lot of cases have a much higher tax and allows them to market as heavily as they do.

In addition to this 1% is reflected to all holders as well btw!

D. | Satoshi Club: can community vote for change that fee (2%) rate somehow?

Estéban Kawakeño: Yes, of course! As in all things related to the project. The community actually governs in an authentic way here.

If it were made known that developers were not being fairly compensated, we’d move immediately on making it right. No question about it.

Richard – Go 1000x or Go home: The plan is to have enough fund to do all we have planned. We keep spending what we receive up till now on moving the project forward. We have a lot lined up for November already. Billboards, Dext banner, and even CEX listing.

Q6 from Telegram user @Jmagsss

The “KawaSeed” is Kawakami’s venture capital investment fund which will be governed and mandated by xKAWA token holders. Given the nature of your project which is a meme coin, does this mean you will only be supporting fellow meme coin projects as well? Will that be the case the will this program be applicable for all crypto-related project regardless of its focus and sector. Would you care to discuss more about this feature’s limits?

Estéban Kawakeño: Initially our targets will be for memecoins – but that doesn’t mean we cannot expand beyond them over time. It wouldn’t make sense to narrow our options down this early.

D. | Satoshi Club: and btw please tell us more about billboard campaign and upcoming CEX listing. and what else we can expect soon from you?

Estéban Kawakeño: Our first CEX listing is imminent. We’ll be on LBank within hours if there are no unexpected snags. Deposits are already open and LBank have announced it via Twitter.

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yes, it’s certainly not a rule that we will only invest in memecoins, ultimately the main focus is profitable investments that will be spread amongst holders of xKAWA.

D. | Satoshi Club: but how will tax (1%) be distributed to holders who prefer to trade on CEX? are you already solved this somehow?

Estéban Kawakeño: Billboards in Bahrain & Times Square about to drop, to increase awareness and announce to the world: “we are here”

Yes, their great dev team got it implemented in record time and will be available from the outset. It’s a separate pool though, will be drawn from transactions on the CEX

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yes, we’ve got a full marketing campaign being developed and shipped over the coming weeks + months to make KAWA more well-known all around the world.


The chat was open for 120 seconds; a lot of questions were posted by Satoshi Club community. Our guests chose some of them.

Q1 from Telegram user @Sulekh1979

Is KAWAKAMI Aims to be a Multi Chain Platform, can you tell me Which Blockchain does It Support, and Will you Introduce other Blockchains also in the KAWAKAMI Project in coming future?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: We are currently on ETH network and are launching any moment now on Lbank for our first solution to the high fee nature of the ETH network. We are also currently developing a BSC bridge to enable cheaper decentralized trading on BSC network. And in addition to this the team is exploring developing a bridge for a new popular ETH L2 network – Arbitrum.

We’re REALLY excited about the possibilities Arbitrum offers, for example, having a KawaFarm native to Arb network means saying goodbye to high transaction fees for staking. We’ve listened to our customers and they’re asking for it.

Estéban Kawakeño: Plus, being able to stake and unstake on either network would be a HUGE benefit. So, we’re looking at these questions and moving decisively to solve the high transaction fee problem.

Q2 from Telegram user @curiosoAMA

Can you tell us a little about your KawaSeed product? What does this product consist of? What is its function? And what are the advantages and benefits of using it?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: KawaSeed will be a venture capital fund led by the Kawakami DAO. The aim also includes gaining presales for memecoins as well.

Simply put, the advantage for xKAWA holders who will earn part of the interest on all KAWASEED investments passively is giving these small holders access to the kind of investment opportunities that are only available to a VC fund and reducing individual risk while increasing opportunity for investment and opening the door for partnerships and overall growth of the space.

We will be able to leverage our connections to make good investments on behalf of holders who can also have a say in which investments are chosen or not.

Q3 from Telegram user @NAZMP2

It is stated on your website in KAWA FARM that holders of SHIB, SAITAMA, FLOKI, KISHU, KAWA, and xKAWA can benefit from your simple meme token staking platform. So, could you tell us a little bit more about it? How will the holders of these meme tokens benefit from KAWA staking?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: The KawaFarm allows holders of other meme tokens like SHIB, FLOKI etc. to stake and earn xKawa. Holding xKawa is incentivized for benefits across all our products, such as the DAO for KawaSeed, perks on KawaTools etc.

Not only does this mean other memecoins can join in the Kawakami ecosystem, but we also support their growth too. And our KawaFarm infrastructure can be adapted as well should they want to offer their own token rewards too.

Q4 from Telegram user @Sins08

Do you have AUDIT Credentials? 0r are you working to AUDIT your Project, to make it more secure and Reliable?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yes! Both of our tokens, Kawa and XKawa have been audited at an extremely high level as well as the KawaFarm. As mentioned previously the developers have been internally doxxed and their KYC has also been audited.




Q5 from Telegram user @KevSalom

You mention that Kawakami is a decentralized meme token ecosystem powered by the $KAWA and $xKAWA tokens. Could you tell us about what role each of these tokens plays in your ecosystem? What are their characteristics and what are the benefits of each of them?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Simply put Kawa is the utility token and xKawa is the governance token. You can stake Kawa to earn xKawa on the farm.

Holding xKawa will give you access to the KawaSeed, perks on KawaTools, early access to certain NFTs and bonuses on KawaSwap.

You can also stake xKawa as well to compound your gains! Both tokens are traded on the open market but for now xKawa isn’t available on a CEX (yet! 👀).

Q6 from Telegram user @meml97

Meme tokens, especially those based on dogs have flooded the space this year, all of them wanting to be Doge or Shiba, but all of them being the same project with no real purpose at the end of the day despite their promises of being different, this has led people to stop trusting in this kind of projects unless there is a big name behind it making FOMO such as Elon Musk. So, with that in mind, I was wondering what is different in Kawakami from all its predecessors? What about Kawakami will make people start trusting it regardless of being yet another meme token based on a Japanese Dog? What real purposes and solutions will you offer to people that Kawakami won’t need FOMO from any big name because it’s mission, vision and actions will speak for yourself?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yes, we’ve certainly noticed that too. You’re right in that memecoins are saturating crypto right now – but it’s important to remember that the only ‘mainstream’ ones are Doge and Shib. Most (let’s say 99%?) newly released dog/memecoins are scams but despite that the market is clearly hungry for them.

Kawakami is doing what needs to be done, which is to fill a hole in this burgeoning market to bring more credibility to it by creating an ecosystem on which memecoins can compete on an even playing field where ALL memecoins listed are the 1% that has an actual team and plan behind them. From their investors are more empowered to support the projects that are also bringing something legit to the space.

Our initial suite of products is only the backbone of the ecosystem we are building. Memecoins are here to stay, and Kawakami will be their home. This is how we plan to make KAWA a household name like SHIB or DOGE without the need of any celebrity namedrops bringing it only short-term attention.

Q7 from Telegram user @Tehokjambe

What is your marketing strategy? What kind of efforts are you making to capture the interest of investors and users?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: This month will mark the first step in our long-term marketing strategy. Some things we’ve got lined up include our first CEX listing (LBANK later today!), DexTools banner next week, partnership with Arabic investment groups, billboards booked across Bahrain initially, followed by Dubai and NYC. This has been timed with the Lbank listing so that barrier to entry is low enough for all investors. We’ve got plenty more we’re keeping quiet about for now though.

Q8 from Telegram user @Ishan1_7

I’m curious and interested in your project named “Kawakami.” What does KAWAKAMI mean? Please let the community know what it is.

Estéban Kawakeño: The Kawakami Inu is a very rare and ancient breed of Japanese dog. Do you know what “Inu” means? You probably know but just don’t know you know – it’s dog.

Kawakami Inu were dogs bred with wolves. They are so rare that I believe there are only a few hundred individuals, mostly to be encountered in Nagano Prefecture, Japan.

Q9 from Telegram user @yellowchamp

Just recently, there were a project also name Kawakami Finance but with the token name $KKI and I found out in Coinmarketcap that there were some issues regarding buy/sell with $KKI tokens smart contract but my question is since you have the same name with that project, do you have any connection with them, or do you know them?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: We have no association with that project – it was simply a copycat clone of Kawakami on BSC that turned out to be a scam. Just a usual case of bad actors trying to take advantage off the back of an honest burgeoning project. Please remember to always double check every contract before investing, and always ask questions in the telegram. We are always happy to help people avoid being scammed.

Estéban Kawakeño: So important! Enough of us have been scammed that we’re constantly doing education in our community to prevent new people from falling victim to the fraud and con games we see time and again.

Money brings scammers, and big money – big money means that it’s raining scams. We aim to protect our investors by educating and informing (and even on some occasions, by helping).

Q10 from Telegram user @Silica432

I Found that Kawakami has a noble ambition – to be more than just a passing cryptocurrency project that will disappear in a few months, can you tell me How you ensure the Users and Investors about the Longevity of this project and How it Is Superior to other Existing projects?

Spaceman | KAWAKAMI $KAWA: Yes, it indeed is. First and foremost, all team members are in this for the love of creating and adding to the space as we’ve stated our intention is. We are a large group of people who bonded around being genuinely interested in creating this project and seeing it through and helping others in the process.

The core members have been working on KAWA since spring 2021 and have not since strayed from that one bit. We are fortunate to have a very experienced team from across all aspects of the needed aspects of the project including members who specialize in marketing, design, development, and community (as we mentioned members have served under Ryoshi in SHIB) and we even have help from members of Dextools with the development of our KAWATOOLS!

We hope that you will all join us on this journey and get involved too, community is another huge aspect of our focus, and you’ll find we have one of the best communities out there already!


As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about Kawakami. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ were distributed between the winners.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

Our Partners:

Kawakami Official (ETH) | $KAWA & $xKAWA: https://t.me/kawatoken

Website: https://kawatoken.io/

Official Twitter: @Kawakami_Inu

Links: https://linktr.ee/kawatoken

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