JustLiquidity x SatoshiClub AMA from 14 November

JustLiquidity x SatoshiClub AMA from 14 November

Grow your cryptocurrency with farming, and you can get acquainted with the most interesting projects in this field at Satoshi Club. Today we would like to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from JustLiquidity. The AMA took place on November 14 and our guest was Tobias Graf, the CEO and Founder of JustLiquidity.

The total reward pool was 800$ and has been splitted in 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello, Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with JustLiquidity! @Tgrypto welcome to Satoshi Club:grinning:

D. | Satoshi Club: hello Satoshi club!

Tobias: @madamlobster Thanks for the invitation!

D. | Satoshi Club: @Tgrypto how is it going? 😊

Tobias: Very well thanks.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us more about JustLiquidity?)

D. | Satoshi Club: and maybe you even can share with us some news about JustLiqudity?

Tobias: My name is Tobias Graf, 30 years young (or old :blush:). I am the CEO and Founder of JustLiquidity.
In the first part of my career, I worked for about 11 years as a Finance & Insurance Broker. For two years, that is 2015 and 2016, my company was the biggest insurance and finance seller in the German Health Insurance space. In 2017 I ventured into my own new home in the global Blockchain industry to pioneer new ideas and services.
What is JustLiquidity:
There are currently many small cap and new tokens in the market. These are great concepts and projects, but when people go to trade them, there is either no buyer or seller. So there is no liquidity. It’s a great hassle that everyone has experienced at some point or other.
The other thing we noticed and that’s something everyone today knows – is that teams and projects dump their share of tokens. No one likes it. They just want to make a quick buck, and let other hodlers and investors down.
We therefore created JustLiquidity as a protocol for JulSwap to solve both these problems at once – there will always be liquidity, and team tokens will be locked. Important to note – this is all 100% decentralized too.
If you farm BNB, ETH or BUSD Liquidity into our Liquidity Protocols you can get up to 0.4% daily in interest and if you farm JULb, than you can get up to 0.5% per day! IMPORTANT: NO COMPOUND!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Great intro) Thank you! You have a lot of experience 😀When did you start to develop JustLiquidity?) How long did it take?

Tobias: We started around 5 month ago to develop and developed in this time a lot of products:
1. JulSwap (similar like uniswap on the binance smart chain) julswap.com
2. Liquidity Protocols:
3. Limit Order for JulSwap and PancakeSwap (will be soon as well available for Uniswap)
4. Token Bridge from ERC20 to BEP20 and vice versa
and more to come…

Q1 from Telegram user @mikenit890

How does JustLiquidity plan to invest the $100 million acceleration fund being given by the Binance? Would the JustLiquidity community profit from the investment?

Tobias: We got not 100 million for us, we got a part from it as selected Project. We use the funds for Marketing and Development the two most important points!
The community is is always the core from an project! Without Community no Projeect!
I love our community and thats why i love to talk with our community daily on twitter and via Telegram!
A big thanks to our community!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, it’s one of the important parts of success 💪

D. | Satoshi Club: so what is your the next step in development and marketing? maybe any upcoming partnerships you can talk of?


Upcoming launch!
Trading on Uniswap and JulSwap Decentralized made even more easy and userfriendly!
1. Unique Interface
2. Limit Orders
3. Market Orders
4. Trading Analysis
5. Trading Dashboard
Decentralized Trade but with the User Experience of Centralized!
For the marketing we got and get support from the biggest and best crypto influencers on twitter and as well on youtube which is a big sign of trust for us and we continue to build up on our good Position.

D. | Satoshi Club: very nice! and i should admit – limit orders on DEX this is what we all waiting for :+1:

Mary | Satoshi Club: Wow, limit orders, that’s what we love)

Tobias: The upcoming partnerships are an secret until they are released 🙂
But we have already a few great partnerships with OBR (nftobr.com) & Vox Finance (vox.finance) or a project which launched on our Protocol (swirge.com)

VIDT as well 🙂 https://about.v-id.org/

so all great and big partnerships but the biggest approval are the invest from binance into our project!

D. | Satoshi Club: great! we had AMA with Vox they are very awesome guys!

Tobias: nice! im a VIDT holder 😄

Mary | Satoshi Club: Great partnerships, congrats:confetti_ball:

Q2 from Telegram user @sato_nakamo

0.5% are the interests we might get from farming on your platform. Please explain how this works and why it is so big? On binance I farm with busd and I get maybe 5% per year. Is it safe to assume I might farm on your platform and get 0.5% per day?

Tobias: How do we pay the interest of up to 0.5% per day?
1. We get 0.3% from JulSwap DEX pool from all the trades
2. Whenever the JUL/JULb token price increases the Protocol gets more Liquidity, so there is more Liquidity available to payout the daily interest!
Last weeks we burned around 2.5% from our total supply and we distributed as high as 0.9% JULb Tokens as rewards to our JUL and JULb hodlers!
The DeFi Advantages are very clear, no one can change it when the setup is done!
If the Volume increase in our liquidity pair and the JUL price increase, than as well the potential for higher interest increase. If the Volume and jul price goes down, the interest goes as well down.
And as well very important Liquidity Farming is never without risk, it is more secure than liquidity providing on Uniswap but never without risk!

D. | Satoshi Club: total supply of your token is 1 million as i know. how many tokens in circulation at the moment?

Tobias: IF you stake on Binance you can be 100% sure it will be always the same value but in the farming process is more risk involved.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, farming is risky, but who doesn’t risk never drinks champagne 😂

Tobias: we burned already around 2.5% so we have a total supply from around 975k JUL and the circulation supply is right now 94,741.1745 JUL
always when liquidity comes in the circulation supply increase and always when liquidity goes out the circualtion supply decrease.

D. | Satoshi Club: oh got it! Interesting…

Tobias: yes its like a liquidity backed token

Mary | Satoshi Club: And, actually, as i understand you can’t mint new tokens? So, supply will only go down, right?

Tobias: correct we have no minting function! the supply has just one direction! DECREASE 🙂

Q3 from Telegram user @KhaleesiTheCryptoLady

JustLiquidity provided 3 selections in farming, these includes 1)BNB (V2) Protocol; 2)BUSD (V2) Protocol; and 3)JULb (SWGb) Protocol. What do these Protocol offers to the Liquidity farmers? How much guaranteed APY in such certain period of time? Can you give us brief details about these farming protocols?

Tobias: The Protocol offers the opporunity to farm Tokens where you can generate an interest for your providede liquidity. The interest is not based on APY because APY is compound. We use APR which is the calculation without compound.
We reduce tomorrow the first time the interest from different protocol the rest keeps at 0.4% for now if we go up or down we will see 🙂 but the traffic has a good and positive direction
– $JULb / $SWGb: 0.4%
– $BNB Farming: 0.3 %
– $BUSD Farming: 0.2%
– $ETH Farming: 0.4%

Mary | Satoshi Club: You have single, not paired pools, right? Or both?

Tobias: Yes . Difference Uniswap and JustLiquidity:
On Uniswap you need to always provide the main currency which is ETH and the Project Token, but with the JustLiquidity Protocol you just need to provide the Liquidity ‘Only in BNB’ and not ‘BNB and the Token’. (available as well BUSD, ETH and JULb)
If we compare the Uniswap Liquidity Process with the JustLiquidity Farming Process, then we can say the following:
100% more deposit because you deposit just one Currency and not two
You get an up to 0.4% daily interest ratio
Tokens are locked in the Protocol so no access by the Team until there is enough Liquidity
Uniswap Liquidity:
Lower Deposit because you deposit ETH and the Project Token
No fixed daily interest ratio
Impermanent Loss

its an single side liquidity protocol

D. | Satoshi Club: do you have plans to add more assets for farming? besides these three?

Tobias: In the future we will release the option for other projects as well to open liquidity pairs where our JULb farmers can place the liquidity!
So more protocols in progress!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Will you choose this protocols by yourself or based on community desicion?)

Tobias: Its all a community decision! We build it like uniswap all people can setup pools and the users can decide what they like!

Q4 from Telegram user @Cakelov

After checking your BUSD Farm which just opened, why is there any change for interest BUSD’s Farm? Its just opened but already cut interest by half, can you please give the reason?

Tobias: Our interest is based on the trading volume and the jul price increase.
as we opened bnb farming we growed from 25$ to around 40$ in the JUL price which keep it much more attractive
we opened BUSD later so the increase was not so big but i think the increasing times for BUSD will be there as well! Done

Mary | Satoshi Club: So, it can be changed any time?) And this decision you make yourself or with community?)

Tobias: 1-2 times a week we will update the stats.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Oh, so, it’s easy)

Tobias: We make this decision based on the numbers like price increase and the volume

Q5 from Telegram user @borysfireball

I saw your advice which isn’t new for me – never invest more than you can afford to lose and it makes me to think more about what i really can afford myself. So, the JustLiquidity wallet is a customized service, built originally using a forked version of the Nifty Extension. It is recommended by you for storing our JUL and/or JULb. Do you own its master key? Who is its provider, is it possible to have problems like we had with Infura lately? Is Man-in-the-middle attack possible? Or i can get up one morning and see my tokens disappear like Elon’s rocket in the sky.

Tobias: The JUL Addon is an fork of the nifty wallet which is an fork from meta mask! It is 100% decentralized and no one holds any master key! They wallets are generated from public nodes and just you own your private key!
We are working right now as well on an update from our JUL Extension where we add directly buttons for staking and farming or the trading.
Yes i recommend to use our extension because we integrated all Networks like Biannce Smart Chain and the ETH Network directly so no more need to install or change something.
It is like Meta Mask but easier to use and based on the same security!
Here download: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/justliquidity-wallet/cmbagcoinhmacpcgmbiniijboejgiahi?hl=en

And yes the problem with infura can happens always because we use as well infura as provider like binance and other big companies.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hope it won’t happen again)

Tobias: yes sure but its always possible! i think its one of the first of this issues but it was solved very fast so all ok 🙂 SAFU

D. | Satoshi Club: is it possible to swap tokens in wallet between BEP20 & ERC20?

Tobias: In the wallet direct not but you can connect the wallet to our bridge with just one click!

Mary | Satoshi Club: And my favourite question – where can we find your smartcontracts audit?)

Tobias: Audited from Hacken and audit available here https://github.com/JustLiquidity/liquidity-protocol

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you) i like this audit company)

Tobias: Thanks i am too. They work right now as well on the audit from our limit orders

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes?) Great, so, everything is as safe as it can be possible, right? And we can sleep tight)?

Tobias: 100% safe is nothing but we did our best and i think hacken too! So i farm as well and can sleep tight 🙂

Q6 from Telegram user @apocan99

Token release voting will be enabled when only 4.5% of total supply left. So wouldn’t it take long to get that point, what is your estimation for the time period to release? How long will the voting process continue? How will the voting power be distributed? What will happen if the voting result says “no”?

Tobias: due to the increase from our protocols on the Binance Smart Chain will there be no voting in the future! all tokens are selected and deposited into the protocols.
We asked our community after the token sale and they decided to chose this option and i am lucky with it

D. | Satoshi Club: good, if community decided that means it for the best

Tobias: Yes i am 100% behind our community!

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @Pratze

If you want to earn trust from investor, they willing to know all detail about your project including how big are your team, Could you please introduce JustLiquidity team to us?

Tobias: Hi Demon,
we have now 20 People in our team and 16 Developers.
I personal work with the most people already around 3-4 years together!
Our CSO as example is an former NSA Developer and we have one Ph. Dr. of technology in our Team and as well the rest in our Team are high qualified developers and team members with a lot of experience!

Q2 from Telegram user @BERTA2020

Do you intend to increase the listing of your JUL token as time passes?

Tobias: Hi Berta, yes of course but we requested just listings on top exchanges to improve the token and the community!
You need to sign with all top Exchanges an NDA so you cant talk about it but we have a good progress 🙂

Q3 from Telegram user @Boylut

Last week you announced the distribution of $JULB to JUL/JULB holders, is this still ongoing? Can I still benefits in the weekly reward distribution If I hold either of the tokens now?

Tobias: Hi Boylut,
we have weekly distributions to our JUL / JULb token holders!
You are qualified if you hold minimum 6 JUL and or JULb!
If you hold more you get more!

Q4 from Telegram user @Jonahapagu

Can you explain how The JustLiquidity NFT Token Bridge from Ethereum to the Binance Smart Chain (and Vice Versa) will work.. this is the first of it’s kind I’ve heard of.. what is your target market for this Bridge and what will be the procedures to transfer and swap NFT’s using this Bridge.

Tobias: Hi Johan,
thats a very interesting development but easy to explain:
NFT’s are mostly ERC721 Tokens and you can send your token into our Bridge than this token will be locked and on the Binance Smart Chain the new ERC721 Token will be minted with the same Technical background!
Target = to increase our community and the usage from the Binance Smart Chain!

Q5 from Telegram user @brodzonl

How can token creators apply for Just Liquidity bridge and allow people to transfer token from Erc 20 to Bep 20 blockchain?
Also Just Liquidity has very unique staking and farming system, is there anyone token creators cann contact that will help them to build that good farming and staking systems?

Tobias: Hi Jake, if you know a project which is interested in our bridge from ERC20 to BEP20 and vice versa or in our Protocol, they can message me or write in our telegram community our admins so we can talk about the possibilities!

Q6 from Telegram user @Erol1763

Creating a token is easy, but it takes professional intelligence to keep it valuable in the long term. So what is your plan to make the $ JUL token valuable in the long run?

Tobias: Hi Buray, our completely ecosystem is build to increase the JUL Token Price. The interest increase when the JUL price increase and the volume increase! When all increase, than the liquidity increase as well.
Sure its as well possible it goes down like with all tokens or crypto but based on the liquidity increase and the past price actions we have the best possibility to increase!

Q7 from Telegram user @tolgaozek

Why have you decided same APR rates for JUBL, BNB and BUSD farming although you have 0.4 deposit fee on BUSD?

Tobias: Hi tolga, JULb has no deposit Fee because its our own Token and BNB has no deposit Fee because we support the binance ecosystem as good as possible!
If an ecosystem supports us we support it as well!
The 0.4% deposit fee is not much for one person but we use it to buyback tokens on the market and distribute this tokens to our Token Holders. Its a win win.

Q8 from Telegram user @Guandog

The Hacken logo rests on your website. Do you plan to carry out other audits with companies to increase the degree of trust?

Tobias: Hi Lun, we release all audits since the start!
You can find it on github: https://github.com/JustLiquidity/liquidity-protocol

Q9 from Telegram user @surendra040

Please explain me what is Jul and Julb ? what token is good to buy and why?

Tobias: JUL is our ERC20 Token and JULb is our BEP20 Token. You can trade the same token on two different blockchains! We increase our usage and community!

Q10 from Telegram user @amybrow

Why there is no “compound” on Justliquidity Protocol?

Tobias: Because an compound effecte would increase the interest which is not affordable without more interactions.
If you like to compound and you like to withdrawal your interest, than you can withdrawal your interest and deposit it again. In this process you generate a fee for us which we can use to pay the interest.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of JustLiquidity. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 300$.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub
Website: https://esatoshi.club/

Our partners:

JustLiquidity Community: https://t.me/justliquidity

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