Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Hoodrat and our guests were @degenerator0x1 @hoodratfinance @Pour_Lespoir @Hoodratthings. The AMA took place on 31 May.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram community
Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Hoodrat! Welcome to Satoshi Club😀
D. | Satoshi Club: today our guests – @degenerator0x1 @hoodratfinance @Pour_Lespoir @Hoodratthings ! 🚀
welcome to Satoshi Club guys!
Mary | Satoshi Club: @degenerator0x1 @hoodratfinance @Pour_Lespoir @Hoodratthings welcome here 😀
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: Thank you. Glad to be here
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): Very glad to be here!
Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello, how are you, guys?🤩
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: Doing wonderful 🙂
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): I’m enjoying the sun in the south of France, how about you all?
Mary | Satoshi Club: 🤘 awesome!
D. | Satoshi Club: im great thank you! 😊
Razor Ramon (will never DM first) RJ: Thanks for having us!
Mary | Satoshi Club: Oh, i like France 👍
So, let’s start our AMA 🚀
Guys, could you please introduce yourself and tell us how did you get involved in Hoodrat?
D. | Satoshi Club: and what is Hoodrat? 👀
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): My name is Sofiane, I’m Hoodrat’s Project Lead and am from Paris, France. We founded Hoodrat after realising how many rug-pulls and scams were going on, and had the impulse to create a tool that will not only be static, but also learn as scams get more and more elaborate to finally put an end to this rampant issue on the BSC sphere.
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: My name is Ron I’m the strategic partnership director for hoodrat
Hoodrat was developed out of a necessity as we quickly noticed there were far too many scams and rugpulls in the current crytpo space. Something had to be done about it.
Mary | Satoshi Club: You have a truly noble mission😀 are you in crypto for a long time?
D R: Hey guys , it’s Dan from the Hoodrat team. We appreciate everyone here participating in our live ama.
Mary | Satoshi Club: Nice to e-meet you! Is it your first project in crypto?
Welcome here, Dan👏
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: First token with a legitimate use case 🙂
D. | Satoshi Club: [ 👍 Sticker ]
Mary | Satoshi Club: Got it😉
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): I have been in crypto since 2015 but been in the defi sphere only since January. I love the possibilities that can be done in regard to utilities, it is pretty infinite and I love it!
Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, a lot of opportunities but a lot of responsibility on the other side
Razor Ramon (will never DM first) RJ: Hey all, my Name is RJ. I’m the CFO from CT. Been involved in crypto for a few years. And unfortunately have been rugged or scammed more times than i’d like to admit! I helped handle the financials and pricing for launch as I currently work in finance etc.
D. | Satoshi Club: so core team of Hoodrat is from France? or you all from different countries?
Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, the problem of scams always was one of the biggest in cryptospace
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): Our team is mostly US-based, I’m the only one who lives in France haha
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: We are a crypto team world wide
D. | Satoshi Club: nice! got it 😊
Mary | Satoshi Club: Guys! Thank you for your intro! Do you want to add something or we can dive deeper into the details with the questions from our community?😀
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): I’m ready to jump in, how about you guys?
Razor Ramon (will never DM first) RJ: yeah sounds good!
Q1 from Telegram user @Highpee
During your presale event, the team modified some contract functions so that they will be able to carry out this exercise manually. Also, while looking at the summary of your audit report done by solidity finance, they advise investors to ensure that they trust the team because the team has control over the contract and the ecosystem. In a situation where a malicious actor infiltrate the team, this may become worrisome. So I wish to know, what function in the contract can the team modify or call as they wish? Will project decisions be exclusively taken by the team or is there a place for ecosystem contribution? How can investors have a proof of trust in the team and how will you ensure the safety of all investors?
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): That is a very good question.
As we’ve explained in our white paper, the burn and reflection function was not called since we carried out a whitelist presale (to prevent liquidity dumping bots). You can imagine that calling that function which puts a 10% transactional tax during a airdrop to 100s is a nightmare and would not make sense. That function was only called after we added to the Pancakeswap liquidity, and there is no way that any other wallet can be excluded from that tax once it has been called (which is what the Solidity Audit report also states).
Regarding our team, we are very cautious on who we onboard and have provided our identities to each other and to the public (watch us live right now on twitch.tv/hoodrattoken ), we all know each other’s addresses and have plans to incorporate.
Retaining ownership of the contract is very crucial to a utility token of our kind since we will need to incorporate an automated add to LP function (which will be covered in our section explaining how we plan on building a sound utility that benefits all our holders).
Our main core belief is transparency, and it is something that we have not failed to provide. As the project goes, we eventually plan on building a voter system, and have built relationships with our top 50 whales in order to consult them about big advancements of the project, in a shareholder meeting style.
This kind of partnership early on is very crucial to building legitimacy and providing a safe sphere in which people can invest.
Mary | Satoshi Club: You know, often people say ‘trust the code’😉
Razor Ramon (will never DM first) RJ: too often!
Mary | Satoshi Club: But i see sense behind your words
Do you plan to repeat audits from time to time?
D. | Satoshi Club: even those people who don’t understand the code😄😉
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: If requested. Im sure it wouldn’t be an issue. $1600 each time tor audit however 🙂
Mary | Satoshi Club: 🤣
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): We are planning to do an audit with Certik as well
Mary | Satoshi Club: Alright, gotcha 😀
we will follow your updates 😉
Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the next question?
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: Yes 👏🏻 Great first question
Q2 from Telegram user @meml97
It caught my attention that HoodRat is planning to launch a Machine Learning-based Anti rug-pull assessment tool to end unsafe projects once and for all. Can you tell us more about this tool? How will it exactly work that will help you end with rug pulls? On what parameters will it be based on or will it learn to determine that a project is unsafe and a potential rug pull? When will you launch this tool?
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: Great questions deserve great answers. Sof is typing up a nice response 🙂
Thanks for your patience
D. | Satoshi Club: no problem! 😇
and for those who want to see a video version, don’t forget you can watch it here https://www.twitch.tv/hoodrattoken 😉
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): As we are currently speaking, we are relying on unsupervised machine learning algorithms to carry out tests and analyzing contracts on Bscscan. This means that we are not feeding it specific data structures and that the tool will learn on its own as more test runs are carrying out. While this approach is ambitious (and it would be simpler to have a supervised algorithm) and it will take time to get very accurate results, we believe it is the way to go as scams are getting more elaborate. Eventually this tool will be able to draw accurate predictions and output a risk percentage.
In simple terms, what the tool will carry out is :
– Tracks the dev wallet transactions on bscscan, see if there are any splits
– Recognizes what is sent to burn/pancakeswap etc.. and flags any potential risk
– Flag for honeypots
– Check for LP locks
Our tool is proprietary so there are a lot more parameters and functionalities that we are incorporating, which we will be unveiling as we approach the Beta release (in August)
The timeline of development for this tool is:
June: ML engine training, getting our POC working
Mid-August: Beta Release + hotfixes, implementing the auto add to LP function
Q4: Major updates and live version
Mary | Satoshi Club: Awesome and detailed answer!
D. | Satoshi Club: awesome! will it be possible for other projects (already existed) use your tool? if yes what they should do for this?
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: Anyone will be able to use our tool 🙂
Simply by plugging in the contract of any token into the hoodrat tool to sniff
D. | Satoshi Club: cool! thank you for answers guys! 😊 ready for the next question?
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: Yes sir.
Q3 from Telegram user @lzamg
Establishing a consensus and creating relationships with your whales are crucial to the development of HoodRat, so you created the HoodRat’s Whales Club to meet with the Top 50 holders. Can you explain more about this? What are the purposes for these meetings? Do these holders give you ideas and suggestions about the development of HoodRat? If so, does that mean that this club is your version of the governance?
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): We understood the nature of building relationships early on with our main investors. Our token is 3 weeks old, and whales make or break a coin since they got in very early at a significantly lower price.
It is our duty to be in communication with them and be on a same page in terms of fundamentals and vision. We meet with them weekly and discuss on further advancements, asking for their input on where we want to head as a project, in terms of branding, marketing etc.
Most of them have also contributed to our marketing activities, we also can organise private sales instead of having them dumping and hurting the price.
You can understand how important it is to satisfy your top holders and keep them involved so as to safeguard the future of this project.
Mary | Satoshi Club: All whales agreed to join the club?
D. | Satoshi Club: HOODRAT will be the only token of your ecosystem or perhaps you thinking to create another one, special for governance and voting?
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): Our Whales club holds about 47 members, so we are quite close to that amount 🙂
Mary | Satoshi Club: Almost there😉
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): For simplicity purposes, we prefer to keep the focus on our native token (HOODRAT) for our use case, but it can also be used as governance as well. There are other projects existing who allow this by holding a certain portion of the native tokens to be able to take part of the vote.
D. | Satoshi Club: gotcha, thanks for answers! ready proceed to the next question? 😊
Razor Ramon (will never DM first) RJ: Yes we are !
D. | Satoshi Club: 🚀🚀🚀
Q4 from Telegram user @Jonahapagu
I read that HoodRat will introducing what it calls a Hall of Shame of rug-pulls and will be minting a series of NFTs based on projects that were rugged or that have been detected by your tool… why did you decide in creating a hall of fame for rugged tokens, apart from rugged tokens that will be detected by your tool how will you be deciding on what rugged token to mint an NFT for, and if a decision has been made on what Token to create an NFT for, how will the NFT’s be minted, will they be tradeable, and what will be the factors that will determine the value of this NFT’s..
D. | Satoshi Club: you will have a big NFT collection, since we have lots of rugs on daily basis ☹️😁
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): I will reply to that question, it will take me 3 mins 🙂
D. | Satoshi Club: okay!
Mary | Satoshi Club: @Cool_as_Ice do you want to have NFTs from the Hall of Shame?😉
D. | Satoshi Club: sure, why not
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): What determines the value of a collectible is its scarcity, relying on a supply and demand model. The rarer a commodity is, the more it is worth and people want it.
The NFTs will be tradeable, with some rugged projects (such as Fairmoon) being more famous than others, they will hold a certain value compared to lesser known ones.
You can imagine the number of rug pulls and scam going on in this sphere, and the fact that we want to mint NFTs for it are done for two simple reasons:
– Awareness
– Education
It is a playful way to increase our legitimacy as a reference for anti rug-pulls but also helps people to materialize and see physically how much this rampant issue is growing.
Mary | Satoshi Club: Did you already designed some NFTs?
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): We do have some of them, one is featured in our white paper but it hasn’t been minted yet 😉
Mary | Satoshi Club: May be you have something to show for our community?😉
D. | Satoshi Club: quite creative, i should admit 👍
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: Coming up
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): RJ will be showing a sneak peek 😉
Razor Ramon (will never DM first) RJ:

Here is an example from our Whitepaper
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): Do not forget to watch our live AMA as well covering Satoshi Club’s questions 😉 twitch.tv/hoodrattoken
Mary | Satoshi Club: Ohh, it looks like rug🤣🤣🤣 great idea, guys!
Razor Ramon (will never DM first) RJ: Just a quick mock up for marketing purposes, we intend to use the Real chart. So the greater the rug, the more dramatic the graph on the NFT of course. Although unfortunate, it will show how BAD some of these rugs are
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): Ready for the next question 🙂
Q5 from Telegram user @NataliyaKil
The next 2 months (June – July) for Hoodrat will be the most active in promoting the project. I was impressed by such events as HOODRAT Merch, HOODRAT Billboard in NYC and Sponsoring a Rally race car. I would like to know more about this. What products have you prepared for your users, have you developed a symbology design for these products? For what purpose will a billboard be placed in New York City and what will be depicted on it? And sponsoring a Rally race car, what is this car, who owns it and what does this Hoodrat sponsorship give?
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): That is a lot of questions for ONE question hahah, I will answer it
We are currently focused on building our branding from scratch and are seeing it from a company’s perspective. How do you build legitimacy and grow outside just the crypto niche?
We have a brandable logo, with a monochrome version being made for it (to put on hats, tshirts, polos etc).
So first it starts with the early adoption (to which you all are a part of hit) and it will be followed by significant milestones (the billboard and the race car sponsoring) to increase our awareness in traditional media, which is a medium that most of our team members are familiar with.
Currently you have seen that we have several blue tick accounts talking about Hoodrat (David Gokhstein, Dominique Hamilton, former NFL star and Zach Boychuk from the NHL). These are contacts that will be part of our marketing strategy.
The billboard in NYC is done as a symbolic milestone reflecting our advancement (we have contacts for it), we position ourselves as a reference for busting scams int he crypto sphere, which is a need and a worry that most non crypto people have and that prevents them from investing.
The fact that it is in NYC as well represents a prime target since most traders and people in finance are concentrated within that area.
Concerning the rally race car and further partnerships, they will be disclosed publicly once we finalise the partnerships, but we do plan on being more and more active on the sports sphere thanks to our connections.
We want to hit all the angles in terms of marketing, and we can only do so once our foundation is built, and it is thanks to you guys that we can achieve it!
Sorry, long questions deserve long replies 😉
Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you for this detailed answer!
And only 6th and last question left from this part 😉
D. | Satoshi Club: ambitious goals! i hope you will deliver everything as planned! by the way, about car, i have heard it would be Tesla? 😉
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): This is actually something that we’re planning on changing, regarding the way that Tesla stands in regard to recent events happening, stay tuned about it!
Q6 from Telegram user @kimterbear
On July 2021, HOODRAT will have its first Staking Platform. To participate in this platform to further increase rewards, what is the minimum amount of token that we should be holding? What is the staking reward system in this? Can you briefly introduce this to us?
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): Staking is something that we want to implement thanks to partners in order to incentivize even more holders. They already benefit from the 5% redistribution on each trade but we are thinking about how to further secure our future long term wise? We have found Staking to be the best solution.
The amount of tokens necessary to be held will depend on how the project goes (in July) once we have implemented this solution. Currently our price is 0.006 usd per Hoodrat token, the number to hold may vary in July, so these terms will be discussed with our staking partner.
You may know that APYs depend on the stability of a project and that the more APY you get, the more it is susceptible to price action and is less stable. So currently we aim to reach a stable long term growth, which will be motivated by our main use case. The staking rewards in terms of % will need to be calculated once we reach that stage
Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you!
We are waiting for staking to go live!
And we came close to the next and the most exciting part of our AMA!
Live part 🚀
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from telegram username @cindy_crypto
Where can I buy your token right now and where is your most liquidity?
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: 🤙🏻 Pancake v2 https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xb54a58cdc7d3fefd93ea4454e0c1a23da8bedc6f&inputCurrency=BNB
Q2 from telegram username @Amila19932
You have mentioned in your website that “ 50% burnt after adding pancakeswap liquidity” has this burnt done already or is it going to be done in near future? Update us on this matter. Because burning 50% tokens means a lot. @degenerator0x1
Razor Ramon (will never DM first) RJ: Yes, the Burn has happened . it happened about 45 minutes after launch due to PCS issues for delays on the day of launch (we will never forget having to manually airdrop all presalers tokens because the system was so bogged down). No more of the supply will be burned OUTSIDE of the 5% burn that happens on every buy/sale/ or transfer! Therefore the supply is Always coming down.
Q3 from telegram username @csgonub
What is the reason for you to choose project name as Hoodrat?
Razor Ramon (will never DM first) RJ: We wanted to make sure we weren’t branding another “doge” this or “moon” that . Our token is a utility token with a trendy name. There is a playfulness around the name. We wanted to ensure a branding that stuck out from other names while also was creative, and easily marketable. Sure there are meme tokens, and memes about hoodrats etc! But we are not a meme token. We have a use case, and look at our project like an investment that will provide a service that keeps the community safe and confident to invest. we love our hoodrats. And can’t wait until the hoodrat merchandise being worked on it released. I think you will all love it!
Q4 from telegram username @callmesudi
I love this project is placing importance on the community aspect. It’s something that I think is lacking in a lot of projects. How can us early investors really help #HOODRAT grow before it launches? From providing liquidity to general participation, what different roles are there when it goes live?
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): Thank you for your question Angeliachristy. Engaging continuously with our community is a central aspect of our project. What we need from our investors is to further take part in the activities as well as helping to raise the awareness.
Our community’s culture is very important, and we need people to help building that culture of being informed, civil, and respecting of other tokens, all while actively combatting scams to create a legitimacy. We like to build bridges with others and not walls. 🙂
As for structural aspects, adding to liquidity and helping to promote our use case to become THE reference for anti rug pull busting
Q5 from telegram username @durontro1
Do you have a Token Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest?
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): Our use case, the Scam Buster, will allow for the whole crypto community to buy hoodrat and use it to detect scams. You can imagine once we become THE reference for busting scams (as more and more famous accounts are getting interested in our tech), our daily user base will be quite significant.
Imagine how much can be burnt thanks to the 5% burn rate as part of our contract, with 100,000-1,000,000 uses per day 🙂
Q6 from telegram username @Lavllu
Your project is very important but it needs a large user traffic to be sustainable over time. What marketing strategies do you have planned to increase the validity of your brand?Are you planning a strategic partnership to level up your project?🙂🙂
Razor Ramon (will never DM first) RJ : We are currently focusing on partnerships who have a real crypto focus. Sure , we have some tiktok’s that have been made and will continue to be made with Millions of followers to help brand our name. But our team has started to develop relationships with influencers who have pannels where we can come on, and explain our token, and the tool we will be releasing. We want to encourage investors, not just gain holders who are looking for a quick 2x or 3x! We have already brought on former NHL and NFL members who believe in us and the utility. We are also working on a 3d animated video that will be blasted amongst social media platforms not only to gain awareness but to clearly depict our mission and what we are doing to defend any investors in this space. The teaser is currently in development!
Q7 from telegram username @Ajpaa
AI and machine learning products need large datasets. The sourcing for data and the development of the anti-rug pull screen tool, will it be done by your Developers or do you have partners to do that for you?
RAT KING RON 🐀Will Not DM First🐀: Initially the data will be fed by the developers and our community.
However the algorithm will allow our tool to collect information unsupervised and continue to collect data indefinitely
The tool will also update you on any token you have previously looked up with the scam buster
It will alert you if there are red flags going on with the contract at anytime in the future. To ensure your investments are as safu as possible.
The tool will also focus on detecting wallet movements and dev wallets prior to sale and after launch. As well as continually updating the user on the movements.
Q8 from telegram username @cryptoneco
There is a large audience that does not understand the English language at all but is interested in crypto. Have you created or planned to create local communities to include this audience in your project?
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): It is indeed important to expand and develop to other communities. That is why we currently have a Chinese language and a Dutch language chat. I will also launch a collaborative translating platform so that our white paper as well as our website is displayed in many other languages. We will be recruiting community ambassadors in each of these communities too!
Q9 from telegram username @apex_gro
Do you have any plans to expanding the native token into blockchain’s like matic,polkadot,solana,cardano,etc..???
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): We are indeed planning on expanding to the Cardano blockchain as soon as their smart contract feature is out. It will allow us to reach a level of safety, speediness of transactions but also decentralisation that we want to aim for. It will also further open the market to more US-based investors who currently cannot purchase BNB
Q10 from telegram username @Pratze
I read that HoodRat project already announced first partnership with SimpleX. Could you explain what are the result of agreement with SimpleX? this is the first time i hear about SimpleX, what project is this about? Can you share with us about future plan for partnership?
Sofiane (WILL NEVER ASK FOR FUNDS): SimpleX allows people to purchase crypto using their credit/debit card. The world is opening to crypto, it is a growing market that will reach more and more ears. As we are increasing our legitimacy as a reference for anti rugs, we plan on partnering with Simplex in order to increase adoptability to non crypto buyers.
It is currently a nightmare for a non crypto fellow to use pancakeswap, let alone figure out what a slippage is, and what metamask/trustwallet is.
This partnership can only be done after we have gotten audited by Certik and are planning to incorporate.
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
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Our partners:
Telegram: https://t.me/HoodratOfficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceHoodrat
Website: https://hoodrat.finance