Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Hoge Finance and our guest was HODLhands and Heisenberg. The AMA took place on 23 February.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Hoge Finance! Welcome to Satoshi Club😀
D. | Satoshi Club:
Hello everyone! 👋 Our guest – @HODLhands! Welcome to Satoshi club!
I feel honored, thank you.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Please tell us about yourself and of course about Hoge Finance 🚀
So I’ve been in crypto on and off since about 2014. I thought the concept of mining was cool, and then I also liked the monetary aspect. I got in right around the time that DOGE was the most profitable thing to mine. Sadly i don’t have that early bird money, I did other stuff and didn’t put any money in till 2017, but I saw the beginnings of that community and others being built. which is really why I fell in love with hoge. Lately, it seems everybody finds whatever project and just expects the dev team to do everything. While back then everybody was actually not just willing, but basically had to put in work for things to take off. When I hopped into the HOGE telegram it was kind of nostalgic and just felt really good to see people posting links to 4chan posts, getting everyone to upvote their Reddit posts and like each other’s tweets, sharing memes, all collaborating and pushing each other to the next level.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
What is Hoge Finance? What is its main concept?
The first week like everyone’s project was a rollercoaser of emotions and towards the end, we had a huge drop. That’s when I decided to take a step futher and basically just did whatever I could to help keep everything together. The main concept of HOGE is pretty simple. It’s a Deflationary, community-driven, meme-powered currency. It’s like DOGE but DeFi.
The coin has a 1% burn and a 1% redistribution so that all who hold the token in a standard ETH wallet are constantly farming the coin. Then on top of that, gaming seems to be something that we all have in common so we’re making that our focus as well.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
And even don’t have to move it anywhere?
No staking, no anything, just by holding it, you’re constantly farming the buys and sells. It might not seem like a lot but since the coin is also deflationary the supply will continue to get smaller and smaller. so for those who just want to hold and forget about the tops and bottoms, they can constantly accumulate more coins that theoretically increase in value every day.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Super! It seems very interesting! Thank you for your introduction! We have more detailed questions from our community about Hoge Finance also😉 ready for them?
D. | Satoshi Club:
Q1 from Telegram user @Karoceh
The name of HOGE is very similar to DOGE, and you also use the dog icon which is identical to the DOGE icon. Does HOGE Finance have anything to do with Doge or is it just a marketing strategy?
No, we don’t have anything to do with DOGE. I guess you could say this all started with the devs just having fun making a token and some memes. Neither of them thought this would pick up the way it did completely organically. It’s definitely been a great marketing tool, and it would be a lie to say that we haven’t picked up some of DOGEs fans purely because of the similarities. But we aim to create something a bit different to make a long-term lasting impact on the crypto industry.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
How old is Hoge Finance?
About 2-3 weeks.
D. | Satoshi Club:
So you decided to create a project after Elon pumped the DOGE?😉
Haha, why not? Even Elon while he loves DOGE has problems with it, so why not try to create a different version, just like how most alts are essentially different versions of BTC or ETH.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
You know, we had ldoge earlier, but sadly that project failed as I know. So, for sure we need more Doges😂
Ready to proceed?
Yeah, I guess I would just like to add that what really makes us different is our roadmap and our tokenomics.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Q2 from Telegram user @AmirJosh
$HOGE Total supply is 1000B. Even for a deflationary token don’t you think this is too much? Why the need to have this number of supply cause even $DOGE right now only has 128B+ circulating supply. How will you convince investors to buy and hodl $HOGE and what are the countermeasures to prevent it to become a pump and dump kind of token?
1000B is a lot of tokens, but as crypto evolves and more money flows into the ecosystem, higher supply may not necessarily be a bad thing. When DOGE was new, the idea of it hitting a penny seemed like a joke. I believe bitcoin had just barely reached the billion dollar mark. But now we have multiple billion dollar marketcap projects, and so with increasing valuation, for something like HOGE that is intended to be used for microtransactions 1000B may seem like a lot while it’s new, but once we age I believe that will be the perfect amount for tipping, donating and gaming
D. | Satoshi Club:
Can you tell us about the distribution of tokens? all tokens in circulation at the moment? I’ve read that Devs of HOGE don’t have tokens, is that correct?
As far as I know, they do have tokens, but they were all purchased on the market just like everyone else. There were also apparently buyers that got in before they did. But i believe what you mean is that there were none allocated specifically for them. there was no dev allocation or team fund created when they made the token.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Q3 from Telegram user @manugotsuka
⚛️ Currently, the $HOGE coin is an Ethereum based token and also will have a BSC integration, but HOGE will have its own Native network like doge coin?
That is something that I’ve personally thought about but have never brought up or really seen anybody discussing yet. It’s definitely not impossible, but at this time it’s not something that we’re working on. While playing around with the idea. ive thought that maybe we could make HOGE its own 2nd layer platform or something but like I said thats just an idea, that im sure has crossed other’s minds but it’s not something we’re currently working towards.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
BSC integration is also really important, when do you plan to start it?
BSC integration will happen but first wed like to focus on getting the original token listed on a centralized exchange and then building the platfom that can easily be forked to BSC.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Q4 from Telegram user @meml97
I saw that one of the things you offer is a Gaming Part within your platform, what plans do you have for it? I saw that you currently have two games, do you have plans on adding more? Will we be able to participate in this creating process, how will it be possible? Speaking of the games you already have, what happens with them? I tried to play them but they never end their loading phase, when are they going to be fully released?
Oh wow, ill dm you later about your pc specs so we can hammer out whatever issues there are. As for the plans give me a second to write the response.
D. | Satoshi Club:
I’ve tried HOGE runner is a kinda tough game 😄 I’m always dying at the beginning 😄
You should try it too https://hoge.fun/runner/
So essentially the gaming aspect of HOGE happened purely by chance. One of the more active members of the community made a twitch account and start livestreaming himself modding a Hoge version of Doom. Then another member of the community just offered to make the browser games, and then the same thing essentially happened for an NFT game. Which as a meme token we clearly have a lot of artists for.
So yes you will be able to contribute to the game creation process, both in the development and in the investing area. we have plans to create a platform that allows hoge holders to donate, or invest in indie games. Then we also have plans to allow you to contribute art for an NFT game, and then plan on creating some games that will allow you to use/win HOGE.
Oh and then I forgot this last part, we also have plans to help bootstrap the competitive trading arena.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Q5 from Telegram user @RamonPila25
There is a growing wave of projects that later become stakes, scams, and so on, and your project has no published external audit results or whitepaper. What would you say to the community in order to convince them of being a serious investment opportunity?
Satoshi Club always pretty strict and serious about audits in any forms😄
To start I would like to invite anyone whos skeptical into the community. I can’t emphasize enough that this is a completely community-managed project. The original devs are still involved but they have 100% embraced the community takeover. That said, our telegram is full of people discussing what we’re working on and sharing results. As I mentioned above. We have one member, the one who came up with the idea behind the crowdfunding platform, who is literally livestreaming the entire creation of his game
As for the audit and other standard trust aspects, we have locked liquidity, no team wallet, and audits on the way. The original contract will be audited as will all of the contracts everything major builds on top. We just create a new landing page and were working on a new full site. There was no white paper written when the original contracts were deployed but we’ve created a comprehensive one atm, with this being the community draft right now
File: HOGE whitepaper (3).pdf
Remember that is just a draft, a full edited and comprehensive white paper will be on the way. Essentially this began as nothing more than a meme, but through that meme, a strong community was formed that has made it their goal to bring the project to new heights.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Also, as I know your liquidity is locked with Unicrypt, right?
Oh and then we also have plans for bootstrapping more liquidity but I cannot release the specifics at this time.
D. | Satoshi Club:
Q6 from Telegram user @Wormz28
I’ve read that your Roadmap is still on update and coming very very soon. So can we know in advance what products and services Hoge Finance is currently working on? Also, we want to know what’s your upcoming plans in your Q1 and Q2 within this year are worth waiting for?
Currently, we’re working on the NFT minting platform that will allow you to submit art created into NFT for our game. Other than that we’re working on 2nd layer ETH solutions, as soon as the listing is 100% secured will begin allocating resources towards BSC.
By the end of Q1, we should for sure have the NFT minting platfom done as well as an exchange listing and our new method of bootstrapping extra liquidity. By end of Q2, I’d like to say we’ll have begun the serious journey into HOGE gaming.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Good ideas! It will be NFTs will Hoges?😉
For the genesis collection, we were thinking about letting users submit their own art actually.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Ready for the live part?
Apparently, there is one thing that I should have added to the last question about q2/q1. We’re currently looking at xDai as our scaling solution within the ETH ecosystem. So now im ready for the live part.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Let’s go 🚀
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @ Memo
In your blog of the medium, they mention that the most promising projects for 2021 have been those that use memes, but really what relationship do memes have with the Valhalla incubator? Does your project plan to eliminate memes on the blockchain? or will they adapt to them?
Our plan is to adapt to them, at the moment our way of doing that is through NFT collectibles and soon a full-on TCG.
Q2 from Telegram user @ Rajashree
Why your whitepaper is not ready yet???
I don’t believe the original dev’s thought that this project would be big enough to require a white paper so none was written. We could have put one together overnight essentially by copying some other white paper which is what is common in the blockchain space but we’ve opted to start from scratch and take the longer more comprehensive route. This is most beneficial because we now have new devs adding onto the HOGE ecosystem in ways that were never originally planned or thought of.
Q3 from Telegram user @ Icy
I read in your telegram that HOGE now doing donations for listing in Whitebit exchanger, may I ask is there any benefit that the donator will get? ( if there isn’t, thats ok). Btw why you do not collect funds by selling $HOGE tokens and looking for investors by private sale?
This is actually a really good question, at the moment we dont have any real benefit for donation other than the great feeling you get from helping out
But soon we will have HOGE merch just like the uni-socks where the profits go directly towards the foundation, which currently is funding all of HOGES endeavors
Q4 from Telegram user @ Cengizhan Tekin
✅ You call HOGE as DeFi DOGE. But I couldn’t find a connection. It is not Doge’s project, it is not pegged to Doge price, … Is it just the name similarity, is there a technical similarity, is it liked by Elon Musk 🙂 …? Can you explain why you call that way?
You’re right there is no peg to DOGE. It’s a meme token with a strong community that uses a bulldoge as its logo/mascot. What makes it DeFi is the tokenomics.
Q5 from Telegram user @ Rolex
You chose the form of project management DAO. I really liked the first community vote)) which determined the further course of development)) But do all members have the right to vote? How many billion Hoges should I have for my vote to be valid?
All members have the right to vote, and we will work this into the new website. As far as how many you need, we’ve set the bar at 1 billion HOGE to start a vote because we feel that only those who have a large stake in hoge should be able to start a vote. This will prevent attacks by nefarious actors who don’t want what’s best for the HOGE ecosystem, but everybody no matter how small their wallet should be involved in the voting process.
All members can vote. We already created a snapshot page for voting. All members can vote, but to make a proposal you need to hold 1b HOGE.
Q6 from Telegram user @ Keymer
If you really mention that HOGE is totally DeFi, then why would you list your tokens on Cex exchanges? Can this elastic supply be met with% burn in Cex?
We are going after cex listing in order to avoid high gas fees issue with eth network, and for more exposure.
Q7 from Telegram user @ 🌿Crypto Flower🌿
🌼 Don’t you plan to have some kind of contest for the best MEME about your project? That would be interesting!
Actually, one of the community members already hosts a meme contest. We can do more in the future
Q8 from Telegram user @ prayoga taufik
Will you introduce new partners and clients in the near future? Are you still working?
We will, and yes we are still working.
Q9 from Telegram user @ Tuvalunia
When can we buy your token from CEXs?
We are in the middle of negotiating with a cex now.
Q10 from Telegram user @ Berta
Currently what is trending are NFTs, so do you have plans to implement them in your project?
Yes, this is in our roadmap.
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
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Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners:
Telegram Community – https://t.me/hogefinance
WebSite – https://hoge.fun/runner/