Hashtagger x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 10th of December

Hashtagger x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 10th of December

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Hashtagger and our guest was .The AMA took place on the 10th of December.

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Hello dear Satoshiers!
Welcome to the 4th AMA in our community on this day

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Our guests will be @SaibaK and @Lucas_gisam

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club, @SaibaK, @Lucas_gisam

Hello Gold Rocket

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Nice to e-meet you

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
How are you doing today

Lucas is having some trouble joining in, I’ll be answering the questions in the meantime

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
So… Let’s start

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
ntroduce yourself please. How did you get to be involved in crypto & Hashtagger

Pretty good. We are in the middle of an IEO on Gate where we have raised a commitment of more than 25 million which is 25000% over our targets. So has been great to see the community support!


Hello everyone,
This is Saiba here, I’m the CEO of Hashtagger.
I am an alumnus of University of Oxford and IIT Delhi. Regarding my professional background, I have worked with several startups. I used to be a management consultant in IBM, and was a developer marketer in Zilliqa making products and programs for programmers to develop cool applications on their platform.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Wow! Excellent background

My co-founder is Lucas, CTO of Hashtagger.
He is an alum of 42 Paris(yes, that’s a Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy reference) and entrepreneurship from HEC Paris, ESCP Paris and have worked for various startups including Cybersecurity.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
it’s such an exciting moment


Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
How big is your team?

Yes that why the school is named like that in fact

Great. Lucas is here!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of Hashtagger

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Are you an international one or country-based one?

We’re about 5 members. With team presence in Singapore, India and France

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Nice to e-meet you ,join our warm company.

Hashtagger rewards users in cryptocurrency for making a tweet about a specified crypto project.
This is a pioneering use case for SocialFi (Social Media Finance). It takes advantages of one main aspect: Micropayments.

Through this solution, thousands of people can participate in a campaign and get paid. Some will get high amounts and some will get only a few dollars. Sending a payment of say, 1-10 dollars is usually not feasible through traditional payment solutions due to the high transaction fees. Blockchain solves this issue and thus unlocks an entirely new possibility of letting you monetize your social media posts, even if it’s for a relatively small amount at the start.

This is the reason why we’re also listed in University of Oxford’s blockchain strategy programme as a new use-case study.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
You have occupied a very good and necessary niche in the crypto industry

Pretty international.
Lucas is French. I’m an Indian. We met in Indonesia. I’ve studied in Uk. Worked in Sweden. Living in Singapore. Lucas is an avid traveler.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

The world is getting closer thanks to new technologies

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for great introduction, we will have several questions selected for the Part 1. Ready to start?

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
A bit from all ))


Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Q1 from Telegram User @Anne_Tim
As far as I understand, Hashtagger requires one signle thing from every user – a genuine twitter account. However, it is not a secret that there exist a thread of being bombarded with a storm of requests from fake or newly created accounts just to benefit from free tokens disctribution. Please explain how you try to protect yourself from such users as long as they way you guarantee the fair campaigns for real customers? Do you use any bots to catch abusers? Thanks!

We feel like crypto is currently divided in two main parts.

  1. DeFi and
  2. Play 2 earn.

The entire marketing sector is missing. That’s what we’re building

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Actually Crypto is missing a lot regarding the marketing aspect. Once we speak about mass-adoption, it is a must the marketing sector to be developed as well

Finding genuine users vs. the bots or manipulators is a combination of multiple factors:

  1. User signature on Twitter (we fetch last tweets and check various stats+ratios and compare it with the one submitted to the campaign.)
    A normal tweet’s ‘signature’ looks usually very different from a manipulated tweet’s.
  2. Digital Fingerprint checks: We check various factors- IP and other parameters to check if bots are being used
  3. Multi platforms checks: For certain campaigns users have to sign in through multi platforms (twitter, telegram etc.) increasing the cost of any bot attack

Not all checks are publicly revealed, similar to how SEO checks are not fully revealed to prevent attacks.

We also have minimum requirement an account to be able to participate more than a months old, at least 30 tweets and 10 followers (30 for the main) which remove 75% of a user typical crypto page

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Yes, the last year was exactly under these two directions, and indeed there was not enough makenig

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:

Thanks for including the link for the answer. Yes. I think anti-sybil-attack mechanism are pretty important for blockchain and we’ve spent a lot of time doing public tests and doing detailed research on that aspect

In answer to this one.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your great answers

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Let’s proceed to the next question if you don’t mind

yes please

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Q2 from Telegram User @Ajpaa
Hashtagger recently announced it’s IEO token launch on 10th Dec. Followed by its IDO on Duck Dao on 13th Dec. Can you provide us with details for the IEO and the IDO on Duck DAO launchpad and how users can participate? What benefits does Duck DAO launchpad offers your ecosystem that made you choose them over other Launchpads? Also, with the token launch, you launched a marketing campaign activity for community members to get free cryptocurrencies. So can you elaborate on how we can participate to get this cryptocurrencies? Thank you.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
As earlier mentioned, the Gate IEO is actually already 25,000% overbooked with 26,000,000 in commitment when the allocation was only about 100,000 USD, ( https://www.gate.io/es/startup/337 )


Continuing the answer

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Please, the scene is yours

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Sorry for the inconvenience

so you may want to join the DuckDao one instead. The whitelisting is still on for it but is closing tomorrow! You can find the details here. https://medium.com/duckdao/hashtagger-duckstarter-refundable-ido-r-ido-a50029970741

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Don’t miss great opportunity Satoshi Club

And you can do the whitelisting here:

if you’re already familiar with the process described in the medium link above

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
What an average user should take into consideration if he wants to participate in it?

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Are there any KYC restrictions?

— the question was about the average user for the Duckstarter, but I answered up about average user for our platform. Answer to Duckstarter is next.—

The solution is designed for an average user.
Basically it’s a tool which allows us to crowdsource the marketing power of thousands of average users together for one campaign.

What they need to keep in mind is to a) be creative b) don’t manipulate the engagement or you’ll be banned. Read the rules carefully or ask the mods about them. c) over time continue to grow your twitter account and genuinely care for your followers and tell them about good opportunities. Education is the best marketing.

We want people to become genuine influencers and improve the conversations. We help them along the way through rewards while their follower count may still be small

ah,sorry. the question was about the IDO

not the the platform.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
We listened to you with pleasure

Theyŕe some countries/ KYC restriction on both gate and duckstarter

Restricted Countries: USA, SYR, IRN, IRQ, CUB, PRK, LBY, SSD, SDN

You’ll need to hold some DUCK tokens and based on your tiers you get the number of chances to participate in the IDO

This link provides a lot of details:

If you want to whitelist, do read this in detail please

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
More clear now

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your great answers

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Thanks for sharing it!

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Let’s proceed to the next one?

Yes please

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Q3 from Telegram User @Highpee
You plan to encourage originality and promote quality content by introducing creators reward. This will be done by identifying quality creators and giving them additional rewards as incentive. How will quality content be selected? Will it be through a DAO or you will unilaterally select these top quality creators? How many creators will be selected per event and what are the additional reward that you will give to winners? In addition, you intend to ban fake users and other violators of your rules. What are the likely offenses that result into banning? How do you check the uniqueness of posts and how will you effect moderation and banning in a decentralised setting?

There are two types of rewards. Objective and subjective.

Objective rewards will amount for more than 80% of the rewards and will be algorithm driven.
Subjective rewards for the creators initially will be chosen by the team, but as time goes on and the community matures, we want to leave the decision more to the community.

There will be a very important DAO function introduced in near future for the MOOO holders though: They will get to pick each week who gets to be listed for the marketing campaign. There will be an auction mechanism for that slot. But the highest bidder won’t necessarily win. The one who will win is the one with most community votes.

To detect the fake posts, or bot posts, we havve detailed algorithms that we’ve developed over the months of public testing by observing real user behaviour and facing tonnes of bot attacks

Details here: https://hashtaggerhq.medium.com/notes-on-the-banning-mechanism-13e2c85fc76c

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for sharing

To be fair, banning bad actors is crucial. Hundreds of millions or perhaps more of value is stolen away by them every year through airdrop piracy

Example how millions of dollars were taken away during the Ribbon Finance airdrop. And that’s public news now

Most of these things never reach public

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Excellent answers and clarification

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Ready for the next question?

Yes please

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
This is your own product or developed in a partnership with some other project(s)?

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Q4 from Telegram User @chinyere2020
The Hashtagger platform provides a way for crypto-projects to acquire or strengthen their crypto-community by giving the crypto projects access to the attention of the Hashtagger community. How can crypto projects list their project for outreach on the Hashtagger platform? Are there any requirements that such projects must meet to be able to be listed on the Hashtagger platform for outreach? Can you give an idea of the amount of fees interested projects will have to pay to be listed for outreach on the Hashtagger platform? Is there any system setup to ensure that any project listed for outreach on your platform is not a scam project?

Entirely our own product.
I was working with Zilliqa earlier and my role was to come up with new use cases and educate developers by doing workshops and building demos for those use cases.
I did several workshops in University of Oxford, Cambridge, King’s College London, National univ. of Singapore etc. some of which were also covered by Forbes magazine
And during the preparation of one of them, I thought of this use case which was only possible with a high throughput blockchain. And loved the response newcomers gave to this concept.
Explaining blockchain is tough, but this was easily understood and appreciated by everybody. So decided to develop this.

We’re also listed by University of Oxford as a unique use-case in their curriculum: https://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/programmes/executive-education/online-programmes/oxford-blockchain-strategy-programme

The anti sybil attack resistance was developed through long months of research and public testing by us. So yes, entirely developed in-house

The decision will be community based by the amount of mooo people hold
You will have a small fee to pay to list the project, then everyone can add an additional mooo and people will vote for the one they want to, we don’t want to force people to participate in projects they don’t support!
We will only do a few campaigns per week in order to have a big impact for the project and put focus on quality rather than quantity

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Can the amount of holded MOOO been incresead for the voting purposes? Or there are some fixed tiers where users are getting in it from the start and can’t be modified

You need to have the tokens for a least a week before be able to vote with it, the vote is signature based, like snapshot

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
More clear now )
Thanks for it
Let’s rollin’ to ne next one?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
This is an important note.

Yes. Let’s move on to the next one. Thanks

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Q5 from Telegram User @victorogb
Can you expantiate a little bit more on the Hashtagger token called, Marketing Outreach Outcome, with token ticker MOO. Firstly, may we know why you opted for such token name, how does it sell the Hashtagger brand? Can you also elaborate on the overall utilities with your MOO token, what functions will it provide the platform and will it be the major payment instrument for users with positively engaging tweets? Finally, I noticed that you would be distributing a total of 20,000 MOOs shared amongst an airdrop and marketing campaigns, as well as content Creators. Can you briefly enlighten us on this, how can we possibly join in and benefit?

First of all, we had to update the name due to some listing issues.
It’s now MOOO.
With the full form: Marketing Outreach Outcome. Obviously!

The name comes from our mascots. Which you can see in the website.

Kind of like Cardano has ADA token. Not strictly an abbreviation of the name.

It’s major functionality is three fold:

1.Emission related: We’ll have an airdrop of our own for Hashtagger platform every week. We’ll be using our own marketing platform to market ourselves and you’ll be able to earn the cryptocurrency through that

In fact one is on right now. Do join in Hashtagger.com through your twitter id and check it out and win rewards


2.Bidding: Any other project that wants to use our platform and do community marketing with our community will need to bid for that slot in MOOO token. As the community size increases the value for this will start to go exponentially higher as Metcalfe’s law kicks in and we’ll continue to reduce emission thus increasing demand over supply


3.DAO functions: People will be able to vote on the projects if they are holding MOOO tokens or the MOOO LP tokens

Finally, for the current 20,000 MOOO token rewards


Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Can you share more about Tokenomics?

Here is a brief video for reference on how to participate. You can join in and be eligible for the rewards. More details on that and the creator rewards (for those who create Memes/Videos/GIFs/Inforgraphics etc. in their submitted tweet) that will be the subjective part

Here are the details:


Of course

You can find the details of the token-economics here in our Gitbook: https://hashtagger.gitbook.io/hashtagger/token-economics/usdmoo

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for sharing

and a snapshot of our initial marketcap etc. is here:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Wow.. looks great

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your detailed answers

Sorry, there was a typo in there, so deleted it

Basically initial market cap is 648,000

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:

I see you have great backers there


Thanks a lot

We’ve been very fortunate to get support from some amazing people

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
You are welcome Gents! )
Should we get to the next one?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
You are a wonderful speaker

Yes please about the next question. And you’re too kind.

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Q6 from Telegram User @yellowchamp
I found out in your website that every week, there will be new campaigns on the site and we can choose which one we want to participate. So,can you tell us in advance what kind of campaign will be available in your site every week? What will be the mechanics of the campaign? How can anyone participate it? Since we can choose which one we want to participate,so how many campaign is available per week? How many weeks is the duration of this campaign and is there a reward behind this campaign for the participants? Thank you

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
The Oxford School is making itself felt.

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Amazing people attracts to amazing people ))

As I said, you’re too kind. We do get to meet some amazing people in academia and in this crypto industry and learn from them about commitment and professionalism and we try to do our best to do justice to what we are fortunate enough to learn.


Over to you @Lucas_gisam

The current campaign is an engagement based campaign, we also recently introduced an airdrop like type of campaign so people with low engagement can still win a big amount.
As written above we have small requirements for the accounts that are able to participate in order to reduce bot participation and increase effect for the project
The campaign duration will be a week, the amounts will differ, they’re detailed on the campaigns pages

Mihai Pisica | @Satoshi_Club | AMA/Marketing Department:
Btw, do you have any local communities? Or an Ambasador program as well, part of a marketing campaign?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Is KYC required?

In the last campaign of ours people from 74 countries participated and more than 90 countries registered a visit.
Our mind was blown by that. crypto is truly international. And yes, we’ll need to have local communities for that.
We’ve made easy localization options in our websites so that more than 10 languages are available. you can translate all content of the website to your language. Be it Indonesian, French, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish etc.
As the community matures and we see people contributing from certain locations, we’ll be happy to reward them and appoint them as ambassadors.

If get a significant amount of token you will have to do KYC, the vast majority of user will not reach this threshold. The idea is to have a large comunity with small – mediium followers doing better that big influencers!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
mass adoption is coming. and you are at the forefront of the industry

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks a lot for the answers and this awesome first part of AMA

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
I invite you to share useful links to your social networks with our community

we do hope we can help a lot of people with this. If we’re able to do that, we’ll consider it a success.

Currently hundreds of thousands of people make crypto based tweets but only a fraction of them are rewarded.

Somehow social media companies have made it the norm that the content creator should not be paid.

Basically Social media is a 2-sided marketplace, just like AirBnb and Uber.

We’ll find it weird if AirBNB will not pay its hosts.
We’ll find it weird if Uber doesn’t pay drivers.

But we’re ok with Social Media companies not paying its creators. That’s pretty weird.

And we hope we can use blockchain to help more people get more value for their work through Hashtagger


The links that I want to share are:
a) Twitter: https://twitter.com/HashtaggerHQ
b) Telegram: https://t.me/HashtaggerOfficial

And we have a massive reward campaign ongoing right now. Come, use Hashtagger and also get rewarded for that. Log in Hashtagger.com through your twitter id and follow the steps. Here is a brief video to help you as a reference for the process.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
So.. are you ready for the storm of questions?


Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @hmdtadel :

Why does it say in telegram that the group is a “Pre-launch group” why is that??


Will be changed soon after the launch. We’re basically building in public since early 2021, so that was to let people know that there is no token at that stage

Q2 from Telegram user @Wong2008 :

How i can participate in Hashtagger Pre-Launch campaigns?


Join in Hashtagger.com through your Twitter id and follow the process below. For any questions come talk to us on Telegram:

YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7JS4L49TL4)
How to earn cryptocurrency for tweeting? Step-by-step tutorial
Step by step instructions to earn crypto for your tweets on Hashtagger.com

Q3 from Telegram user @KevSalom:

To generate more rewards many users will surely create multiple accounts in social networks. How do you prevent this or is it not a problem at all? Will you require users to do KYC? Will you have requirements to filter out fake accounts? For example: “Only users with X amount of followers and whose accounts have been created at least one year ago can participate”. Something like that perhaps?


yes. We’ve strict requirements and an industry leading sybil resistance program for this.
You can read more details here on how to safely participate and maximize your rewards:

Q4 from Telegram user @Cheriemike:

From your medium article,I read of a campaign you will be running entitled “LEND YOUR VOICE” campaign from your Marketing platform.So can you give us insight to what this campaign is all about?You also said this campaign doesn’t contain monetary reward,which is fine but how were you able to carry people along during the campaign?Your goal is to see many persons join this campaign.So tell us,is this campaign on?If yes,how can Satoshi Community get Involve?If No,when do you have to host event like this? Please explain Thanks


We run it already, and we will definitly do others like that, this is a important topic for us and we will are happy to help!

Q5 from Telegram user @Pratze :

hello, what is the connection Hashtagger project with fight against Climate Change ? do your project support it ? btw what is the connection with crypto world ? thanks


Basically we think crypto should just be a means of doing things which are not possible through Fiat.
If we want to transfer say 5 USD to someone in Indonesia, it will take 30-50 USD through current Fiat banking system. and 3 -30 cents on BSC.

So, crypto should not be a limit but a limit breaker. And once you do that and enable micro influencers the question is what else can you do? What can you do with the power of community marketing? Can we address some of the most burning questions of our time by raising awareness? That’s what we’re trying to find by creating this new marketing model and testing its limits. Money is good, but the question is what do you want to do with that money?

Q6 from Telegram user @Xusuo :

where i can find about information of investor from Hashtagger ? did you have any link or article for this ? and also how about partnership?


You can find the information if you scroll down the website, as well in our gitbook.

some names are also given here:

Q7 from Telegram user @JaviSuBs:

How secure is my data on your platform? What is the significant amount of tokens that I must obtain, to do the KYC verification?


We try to get as less as possible personnal data (we don’t get your email address from twitter for example), the KYC will be done by on of our partner SYNAPS, the amount is not final yet but it will be more than few hundred, we just want to comply with the law

Q8 from Telegram user @Nhairym :

Do you consider that the SocialFi space may have the same luck as GameFi and create more tools that contribute to the growth and consolidation of the entire Defi ecosystem, which can be obtained by members of the cryptographic community through Hashtagger, which are the tasks they generate Join hashtagger, what are the tools you provide for crypto projects to acquire or strengthen your crypto community?


The thing is that crypto users are already losing hundreds of millions of dollars which are taken away by the airdrop pirates. Read about Ribbon Finance’s airdrop and how they were robbed of millions of dollars by bad actors in their airdrop. This was a popular case but plenty of such cases exist that never reach public. In fact every current airdrop suffers from this Troll/Bot attack problem and we just let it be and let them take millions of dollars away from us as a community.

SocialFi, or at least the tools we’re building through Hashtagger is about the prevention of that theft and allows while giving money to genuine users

Q9 from Telegram user @Ishan1_7 :

Your team is anonymous, according to what I’ve discovered. What prompted you to create an anonymous group?


We’re not anonymous, you can find us on linkedin, you can find saiba desicrption here: https://www.gate.io/startup/337

Q10 from Telegram user @LuisPagulayan :

It caught my attention that you will have a IOE token launch with Gate Exchange scheduled now, December 10, and IDO with Duck Dao on the 13th of December. 20,000 MOO tokens will be launched as a reward campaign. Can anyone who are interested in Hashtagger project join? How and in what platforms?


We recommend Duckstarter because Gate is already super full with 25000% allocation.
For Duckstarter , go here: https://medium.com/duckdao/hashtagger-duckstarter-refundable-ido-r-ido-a50029970741

But remember their whitelisting closes tomorrow!

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru/
Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish/
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub/
Website: https://esatoshi.club/

Our partners:
Telegram –https://t.me/HashtaggerOfficial
Medium –https://hashtaggerhq.medium.com/
WebSite – https://hashtagger.com/

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