Gather Network x SatoshiClub AMA from 02 October

Gather Network x SatoshiClub AMA from 02 October

Amarathon continues and Satoshi Club brings you food for your mind every day. Just come and take it. Today we would like to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from Gather Network. The AMA took place on October 02 and our guest was Raghav Reggie Jerath, Founder&CEO of Gather Network.

The total reward pool was 1000$ and has been splitted in 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello, Satoshi Club :grinning: We are happy to announce that today we have Gather Network as our guest :smiley: @RJerath welcome to Satoshi Club!!:+1:

D. | Satoshi Club: hello @RJerath and welcome to Satoshi club! )

Serg | Satoshi Club: Hello! Welcome to Satoshi Club!

Reggie – Gather Founder: Hey @Cool_as_Ice thanks for the warm welcome, and thank you for hosting Gather! Looking forward to a great AMA

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello, Reggie) how are you today?)

Reggie – Gather Founder: Hey Mary, I’m doing good , how about yourself?

Mary | Satoshi Club: Great, thanks))) Could you please introduce yourself and Gather network? How did you start with Gather project?)

Reggie – Gather Founder: Started my career in Oil and Gas managing a couple bases in and out of Iraq managing about 200 or so people, was there for about two years or so, ISIS invaded around the end of the two years. Post evacuating the staff. I decided I wanted to shift industries. – I ended up working in advertising for a bit – with different agencies – the first being MSLgroup ( Where I met our Marketing Advisor Naren ). Post this I had my first exposure to entrepreneurship. It was a startup similar to what Deliveroo is – provides the technology and riders, making deliveries for banks, supermarkets etc. Post this – I was hired as a consultant to help a website – to help them figure out how to monetize. – That is where everything started.

And for Gather – here if a brief description, and a picture as well:
Gather is a platform that allows publishers to monetize without ads, provides businesses & developers to access cheap and reliable processing power.
Gather Online (Layer 0) allows web & mobile developers to monetize from their users processing power.
Gather Network (Layer1) is the protocol layer, a hybrid proof of work and proof of stake blockchain, where stakeholders are incentivized to maintain transparency and security.

Gather Cloud (Layer 2) provides affordable processing power to enterprises and developers.
Gather Enterprise provides consultancy services and tooling for developers, businesses and crypto networks.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Interesting biography :+1: from Oil to Gather)

Reggie – Gather Founder: Hahah, yeap and a few other industries along the way

Mary | Satoshi Club: Nowadays you have to have the flexibility to retrain quickly)

Reggie – Gather Founder: Indeed, I believe the ability to adapt and be flexible is a key part of achieving success

D. | Satoshi Club: so how long Gather Network in development? if im not mistaken, this is not a project from yesterday )

Reggie – Gather Founder: Roughly we have been around for almost three years, had a very small seed around in 2018 and then the bear market hit hah But this thread explains our history well:

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, but surprisingly i never heard about this project before:smiley:

Reggie – Gather Founder: We have only started focusing on marketing now, – we were focused on building the product and fundraising back in 2018/2019

Mary | Satoshi Club: For me it is a certain indicator of quality) to survive the bear market and not give up)

Reggie – Gather Founder: Hah thanks – all of us here at Gather are here for the long haul 🙂

D. | Satoshi Club: yeah, you have tons of articles on medium, but i was surprised that you have launched your project not so long ago

Reggie – Gather Founder: Sorry? We have been around since the start of 2018?

D. | Satoshi Club: i mean trading on exchanges. )

Q1 from bitcointalk user vicpocho @vicpocho on Telegram

The Gather Network project has caught my attention. As a content creator, I want to make sure that I compete in a fairer environment with other creators. Can you give us the confidence that the system is free from manipulation of visits generated by bots? How do moderators already have a way to detect those who do not play fair?

Reggie – Gather Founder: This is a good question, since click bots have always been an issue in the ad industry.

Mary | Satoshi Club: They are everywhere 🤦

D. | Satoshi Club: beep boop

Reggie – Gather Founder: Gather would have mitigation strategies in place to detect and warn/suspend/ban publishers that partake in un fair practises. – We have a few people from the ad industry on the team, so are well versed with such issues. With that being said, if a publisher goes and pays for click bots here – it would be a net 0 gain for them. Gather pays for time spent, not clicks or cpm and we are based on processing power

D. | Satoshi Club: did you know, im a bot as well?

Mary | Satoshi Club: I had suspicions:joy: Let’s see, how @RJerath will fight with you:joy:

Reggie – Gather Founder: You fooled me!

D. | Satoshi Club: so there is no point to use bots to make profit from Gather Network?

Reggie – Gather Founder: No net incentive – unless the cost of the bots are very very cheap. Since they are required to stay on site – and have the processing power used. Most click bots – come to the site, scroll and then leave – some of them are easy to spot

Mary | Satoshi Club: Great) see, @Cool_as_Ice ) Gather is not your place:joy: Or we will re-educate you:joy: Ok, next question?)

Reggie – Gather Founder: Hah for sure lets do it

Q2 from bitcointalk user gustafsson @jmalton on Telegram

Hello. I would like to talk about your mechanism. It will be a hybrid which will include pow and pos. If you can apply pos already, why use pow as well? isn’t it outdated? we need to conserve the energy of our planet

Reggie – Gather Founder: So there are multiple parts to this question: 1) one of the reasons Gather Network will have its own mainnet is to maintain a sustainable Proof of Work consensus, which will be only used by publishers (website and application owners) and will not be open to any external mining options. To make the web/app mining viable, low processing power is required, and this will be maintained as observed earlier in our prototype testing process. 2) We use the spare and idle compute power – so this not a giant ASIC farm, the idea here it tap into untapped resources

Mary | Satoshi Club: It’s something like Decred, yes? Pos/pow

Reggie – Gather Founder: I am not to familiar with Decred, but if it has a hybrid model, then somewhat similar yes

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, it has a hybrid model)

D. | Satoshi Club: i think Gather the first project with hybrid that im aware of

Reggie – Gather Founder: I believe there have been quite a few others in the past, one the main differences for us is that our master nodes will also be the back bone of Gather Cloud ( The cloud computing product )

Mary | Satoshi Club: So, what about mainnet?) Is it near or i missed something?)

Reggie – Gather Founder: So we have an MVP for a while, with a bunch of technical milestones – Merged mining for example, – for major dates we have the TN v.01 shortly – this is just the process of mining $GTH via the browser and then merged mining take place between the parent chain and child chain. Full test net is aimed for 3 months roughly from now and then a main net 6 months from now

Q3 from Telegram user @iulya_i

Please explain Gather Online. Also, what are the skills required to run it? Do I need to know how to code?

Reggie – Gather Founder: Not at all Gather online is a brand that has been created to target and acquire websites and applications, Similar to how we have Gather Cloud and Gather Enterprise. As for actual integration purposes – in its current form, once you are whitelisted for the early adopters program, – you will login and from there a small script will be generated for you, you just have to put that on the back end of your website. We also have a video that walks you through step by step of how to do it – specifically for word press based sites. In the future we will come out with plugins, – For Apps we will be releasing a SDK.

Mary | Satoshi Club: And how it will work in simple words? If i will put this script on my site)?

Reggie – Gather Founder: So no, the average you do not need to be a developer to use Gather hah, but some basic technical knowledge will always help – or just follow the instructional video. Once its on your site your users would see this:

Mary | Satoshi Club: Don’t think, that all users will read this) I mean, my site users)

D. | Satoshi Club: see guys, now you have a video tutorial

Reggie – Gather Founder: This was for the MVP – so it includes things that are no longer there – the disclaimer has changed etc – to new branding

Mary | Satoshi Club: But, basically, my site will mine crypto from its visitors, yes?

Reggie – Gather Founder: Mine $GTH which will be merged mined with other Child chains on the Gather network. In essence yes. There may be portions of processing power also used for cloud computing purposes – but this would be very limited, majority of the storage and processing power would come from master nodes

Mary | Satoshi Club: Nice structure, one thing i need now – my own site and visitors) Thank you for answer:wink:

Reggie – Gather Founder: Hah, that is not something we can help with at this time! However if you want to deploy a child chain on Gather – then we can hah

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, got it. So, not 50/50 pos/pow? Main processing power from pos, yes?

Reggie – Gather Founder: I need to double check the exact figures, but If I recall correctly its more like 70% PoW / 22.5% Master node / 7.5% PoS. So processing power from MN’s + POW mostly – but POW is for websites/apps – MN’s for cloud computing.

Q4 from Telegram Username @justgata

Something that caught my attention about your project is the ad-free environment that they promise to users, we currently know that ads are part of earnings for many content creators. How would creators generate revenue from the platform? Where would the backing of those earnings be without monetizing ads?

Reggie – Gather Founder: Well – once integrated with Gather – the publishers end user would be shown a disclaimer ( the one I attached above ) once opt’ed in their processing power would be used for various purposes. IE Mine $GTH and other child chains, and cloud computing. The idea here is instead of bashing your users with ads and steal their data or invade their privacy you ask them to share a very small portion of their computing power. I should also mention via the loyalty program – this is a feature that allows you to share earnings with your users in the from cryptocurrency.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Will you give your users a choice between ads or sharing their computing power?

Reggie – Gather Founder: That is on the website, they can do that

D. | Satoshi Club: creators can get revenue only in $GTH tokens?

Reggie – Gather Founder: The payout can be in GTH, BTC, FRM, DEC, DIA and fiat

Mary | Satoshi Club: Even fiat? Which currencies?)

Reggie – Gather Founder: Currently we support all SEPA based transfers – however we are in talks with a bank to support SWIFT – so any currency or bank that uses SWIFT would be supported

Mary | Satoshi Club: Great) So, a lot of choices for your users)

Reggie – Gather Founder: Indeed! Just trying to be as user friendly as we can 🙂

Q5 from Telegram Username @MaxiVV

What are the main differences between Sapphire, Onyx, Ruby and Emerald Programs? and how could community contribute them?

Reggie – Gather Founder: 1. Sapphire – Gather Network Community Outreach: Engage and help build awareness about Gather Network for the cryptocurrency community, help create content that will expand, engage and retain the overall community.
2. Onyx – Gather Online Publisher Outreach: Spread awareness about Gather Online as an alternate form of monetization for websites and applications, proactively reach out to the relevant stakeholders and educate them about the benefits about using Gather Online.
3. Ruby – Gather Cloud Blockchain Developer Outreach: Spread awareness about Gather Cloud blockchain security solutions to both existing and potential new blockchains, proactively reach out to the relevant stakeholders and educate them about the benefits about using Gather Cloud.
4. Emerald – Gather Cloud Enterprise Outreach: Spread awareness about Gather Cloud to potential new enterprises, proactively reach out to the relevant stakeholders and educate them about the benefits about using Gather Cloud. We got our first ambassador on board yesterday, read more here:

Mary | Satoshi Club: So, if i only publish i will be Sapphire?)

D. | Satoshi Club: we have a lot of potential ambassadors here 😉 in Satoshi club

Reggie – Gather Founder: Depends case to case – Ideally A sapphire ambassador needs to have knowledges of both the ad world and tech world, and be active in the community

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thanks) i think @Cool_as_Ice is right, our members have a great potential to be your ambassadors)

Q6 from Telegram Username @cengizhantekin

Let’s say we started to use Gather system on a website. How does the site owner make revenue, when the site visitors do what?

D. | Satoshi Club: i guess question was partially covered, already)

Reggie – Gather Founder: The end user just needs to provide consent, and then a small portion of processing power is used

Mary | Satoshi Club: How much can site owner earn? did you make approximate calculations?

Reggie – Gather Founder: Rough calculations on average is 1.4x more ads right now ( CPC .3, CPM 1, Page views 1 )

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @adityaaryah

When would Web staking be Live for $GTH using Ferrum Network infrastructure?

Reggie – Gather Founder: This should be live in the next week, the details of the staking APY etc will be out shortly, we are currently listed on the Unifyre wallet as well

Q2 from Telegram user @K2ice

What are the purposes and features of $GTH?

Reggie – Gather Founder: The GTH token is used for:
– rewarding suppliers, in Gather’s case publishers and application owners;
– for the loyalty program, where publishers and application owners reward the website visitors and application users
– for network interaction and smart contract fees
– for passive income via staking and masternodes
– for enterprise/PoW network charges

Q3 from Telegram user @RoZerius

Can you give GTH tokenomic such like burning and buyback?

Reggie – Gather Founder: Check out the token economy here:

Q4 from Telegram user @nyo_cant

Gather Cloud provides processing power to organizations, developers, etc., but where does that processing power come from? Is it collected exclusively through Gather Online? Or are there additional sources of processing power?

Reggie – Gather Founder: This is mainly from the master nodes and a slight amount will come from websites and applications

Q5 from Telegram user @Yiselen

It will be a bit ugly and cumbersome that you pirated my information, what security methods implement Gather for information security?

Reggie – Gather Founder: Gather does not hold users’ data, it only uses a very minimal part of their processing power based on their explicit consent. As a matter of fact, this is one of the main reasons why we are developing Gather; privacy is not respected in today’s digital advertising context. Websites have been adding more ads and selling your data. Ad-tracking is against consumers’ privacy rights. With Gather, we will provide a transparent and powerful alternate monetization method for online businesses while all respecting users data.

Q6 from Telegram user @ramman4_1

Are there any plans to better connect the community? Like a social media type system where people can share ideas & suggestions about it? because we know the power of community to easily create famous projects?

Reggie – Gather Founder: This is an interesting, a separate social media built just for Gather once there is large amount of users, might be viable then, but right now using third party platforms is the best way, we are on Facebook, telegram, twitter and linkedin

Q7 from Telegram user @biegy

Does Gather Network use a smart contract to ensure transparency of payment for Publishers and Viewers and Is that the core difference between standard platforms like vimeo or Youtube?

Reggie – Gather Founder: Payments to publishers and viewers would be recorded on the blockchain, for transparency purposes

Q8 from Telegram user @Termuxnih

What about DeFI and Yield Farming, does Gather have a plan to make Defi and yield farming

Reggie – Gather Founder: Gather is not a DeFi project. In the means of DeFi, Gather already has passive income elements such as web wallet staking or masternodes. However, our product adds another dimension to the existing DeFi websites and applications, by adding an option to reward users for using these websites and applications. So, with Gather Online you can actually earn more tokens while using DeFi websites and applications so it’s a complete new approach.
I suggest everyone to have a read on these articles to understand how Gather can be the missing piece in the DeFi puzzle and how Gather can create competitive advantage for DeFi platforms:

Q9 from Telegram user @Mohitku1

Yesterday you had announced Partnership with Dia. How Gather network will improve their user experience through less dependence on advertising.
And What benefits it brings to Gather network?

Reggie – Gather Founder: Gather will be using the DIA’s oracle infrastructure, for price feeds specifically, while $DIA was added as a payout currency in $GTH. There are other areas around oracles we will be working on, learn more here:

Q10 from Telegram user @tv100029

What is Child Chain ?

Reggie – Gather Founder: New Child-chains can be forked off from genesis child chain (created by Gather) , and they use the processing power that is generated from websites and applications. Child Chains and parent chains are linked via merged mining. This allows PoW blockchain developers to deploy a chain without finding a mining community. It is well known that with high hashrate POW provides bulletproof security, but with low hashrate, this is not the case. When launching a new POW network, finding a miner community is always tough. Especially miners that incentivized for the long term growth of the POW network.

D. | Satoshi Club: @RJerath that’s it! thank you for your answers! :blush:

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you @RJerath for your time and answers! It was a pleasure for us to talk with you!:+1:

Reggie – Gather Founder: Thank you very much for hosting Gather here today and for the amazing questions.
For any further question, please follow Gather Network social accounts below and join them. We’d be happy to reply 🙂
Have a great day everyone!
English: @GatherNetwork
Announcements: @Gatherannouncement
Russia: @GatherNetworkRussia
Indonesia: @GatherNetworkIndonesia
Turkey: @GatherNetworkTurkiye
Korea: @GatherNetworkKorea
India: @GatherNetworkIndia
Vietnam: @GatherNetworkVietnam
Japan: @GatherNetworkJapan

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Gather Network. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 500$.

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