«An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.» (с) Benjamin Franklin. Satoshi Club fully supports this idea. Today we would like to tell about the AMA session with our friends from Earneo. The AMA took place on October 03 and our guest was @d4lvl13n .
Total Reward pool: $1000 (750$ RNO+250$ BNB)
In this AMA Recap we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram & Bitcointalk community
Serg | Satoshi Club: @d4lvl13n welcome 🙂
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: Hello Satoshi Club! Welcome to another AMA session. Today we have Earneo with us 🙂 Welcome on board @d4lvl13n
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hi everyone, welcome to another episode of our AMA series. Our AMA today is with Earneo.
Dam: Hello there.🙂 Thanks for having me in your community. It is a great pleasure to be here today. 🙂
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Please tell us a little about yourself. How did you develop in crypto. And also about your project. What is Earneo?
Dam: Sure. I am truly passionate about technology and blockchain technology, business and management in particular. I’ve started my career by working in IT, mostly web development and web applications. I’ve spent my last few years working on several blockchain and cryptocurrency projects.
Luis Merino | Satoshi Club: Sounds good! How did you start with Earneo?
Dam: In 2017, we decided to develop a platform to allow users to upload videos and be rewarded in crypto. Over time our idea has matured. We realized that there was a huge demand for small content creator who has some issue to get monetized on Youtube.We therefore decided to focus on a system just to compensate for the unfair Youtube system. So on our platform, content creators will be able to be paid for their first videos. But also….Viewers.Our DNA, is blockchain and crypto, so we want to take advantage of this technology to create a platform, where everyone will be rewarded.
– Content creators
– Moderators
– Viewers
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: Love the idea! We all know someone that dreamed with being a content creator but never reached it 🙂
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: That’s amazing Dam. 👏I’ll be a viewer as soon as the AMA finishes 😉
Dam: With us, your dream come true. (soon)
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: What meaning do you put into this name – Earneo
Dam: We went from Snapparazzi to Earneo last year. We wanted to focus on the content creator and our fair reward system, we decided to, First have a shorter name, and two, more focused on the fact that everyone is able to earn on Earneo.
Link https://medium.com/@earneo/meet-earneo-the-rebranded-snapparazzi-ef12536a8a53
Q1 from bitcointalk user justgata @justgata on Telegram
Today advertising is present on any platform. Does Earneo’s platform have advertising that can help content creators increase their profits? Are viewers limited to the maximum number of viewing hours or the maximum amount of earnings they can make?
Dam: Today online advertising represents a huge market. We all know how big is Youtube revenue … Content creators have to invest a lot of time just to make a 10 minute video. It’s hard to convince them to come to a platform where they won’t at least earn what they earn on Youtube. In order to provide content creators with an interesting source of income, Earneo will offer advertising. The big difference will be the advertising revenues will be shared among all users.
Content creators will earn 65%
Moderators will earn 3%
and viewers will earn 20%
This is our main difference with other platform. The ads revenue will be share among all the users.
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: And the other 12% goes for the team?
Dam: The other 12% will be the revenue for Earneo, to continue the development of the platform yes. However, we will use a part of this revenue to ….it is a surprise 🙂
Q2 from bitcointalk user k.muller @whoosylady on Telegram
We can earn RNO when we create content. What if I upload thousands of video with nothing just to earn RNO? who controls that? How else can we earn RNO
Dam: First of all, there will be a moderation system empowered by the community. Meaning, every videos will have to pass the moderation system which is moderated by the moderators selected among the community. If the videos are empty. They will not pass the moderation, and therefore won’t be live. This moderations system will be like a validation of a Bitcoin transaction. A certain amount of moderators will need to approve the content before it becomes public. Thoses moderators as said previously, will share 3% of the revenues generated by the ads.
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: How do you choose the moderators?
Dam: This system prevents the use of robots to upload videos. And we also believe that the incentive for moderators will make it possible to make public only videos with content that follows the guidelines. When the system will be fully operationnel (in internal test at the moment) We will open the registration to apply as a moderator.
Indeed, Everyone will be welcome to apply and join us. In the future we want Earneo Tube driven only by the community.
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: Any approximate date?
Dam: We expect to be ready before end of the year.
Dam: And the monetization will start as well before end of the year. (sooner actually.)
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: Will you apply voting systems for your token holders?
Dam: Yes. 🙂
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Are you planning an app for IOS and Android?
Dam: Our first IOS app, is already available in the Appstore. Our Android app will be available next week end. We were supposed to release it this week end, but….we have delayed to next week
Next week end, will be live.
– Android app
– An update of our IOS version that correct some issues of the first version 😉
Q3 from Telegram user @kany_west
You mentioned that the value of the token will rise because you are buying it back from the revenue from ads. What is the current revenue from the ads and how much did you buy back? Is it sufficient to rise the price?
Dam: Actually our main issue with the Mobile app, is to be compliant with the Appstore policy linked to crypto currencies and the Playstore new rules – Which will be the same as Apple in 2021… Regarding the token, you need to fully understand how our reward system will works. Our token RNO based on Binance Chain, will be used to reward all users. But we will not mint any new token. We have to use the token which are already available.
Advertisers will pay Earneo in Fiat currency like Dollar or Euro, as we do not believe that they will want to buy RNO or others crypto to pay the advertisement, we are too early for that. The income coming from the advertisers, will be used to rebuy RNO on the market, and reward the users.
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: How many different Fiat currencies do you currently support?
Dam: Let’s say on one month we have $ 100k of income from advertisement. We will proceed to a $ 88k of buyback on the market. Whatever the RNO price. This system will increase the liquidity of our token, and therefore, the price. When the monetisation will start we will be able to support all major fiat currency. We have actually company register in UK, USA and in Dubai. This is the only way to allow users to earn token that keeps a value. If we were minting token to reward users, everyone will sell it, and there will be no attraction for the investor to buy it. This also create a kind of scarcity for our token. More users, more ads, more buyback…
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:When Ads Earneo decentralize marketplace?
Dam Shoot it?We are in discussion with a blockchain company that have already build a Ads Dex marketplace. We are looking to integrate, as a white label, their solution. We plan to launch the Ads marketplace in 2021. This will allow us to have an ads system similar to what Brave is doing with BAT. We are very excited about it. This system will coexist with the normal ads provided by a third party. 😉
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: What’s the token supply?
Dam: RNO total supply is 650m. With no minting function…but a burn one 😉
Q4 from Telegram Username @Winterko
Content creators get 65% profit from their content, what is the other 35% for? Do you have an estimate of how much money a constant content creator can generate? Will it be as profitable as Youtube?
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: Partially covered 🙂
Dam: The revenue sharing has been shared before. I will just add some informations there. For the same amount of views on Youtube and on Earneo tube, a content creators could earn between 15 and 30% more on Earneo.
Dam: The main reason is that Youtube use Google AdSense which is not the most interesting in the industry. We will use a ads provider that offer a better CPM/CPC than Ytbe
Dam: Also as we will reward the viewers, our CTR – Ratio that users click on an ads – Will be way higher than on Youtube. Brave for exemple that reward user to watch their ads, as a CTR 3 times higher than the average in the industry. We believe that we will reach the same level. We are all watching ads everyday. Earneo will reward you to the time spend watching ads 😉
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Can you name who is it?
Dam: No unfortunately we can’t. But there is 4-5 major ads provider in the area 😉
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I will dilute your conversation about money. Do you consider tik tok to be your competitor?
Dam: Not really, the format of videos on TikTok is different. TikTok can be a funnel for content creators to promote their content uploaded on Earneo. TikTok is a massive success. But we need to remind people that they are here since almost a decade 😉
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: don“t forget to come to us again and inform Satoshi Club about it
Dam: I see numerous people from your community join our Telegram, I hope they will stay and spread the word about Earneo in your community 😉
Q5 from Telegram Username @endtimeprophet
The most annoying thing using conventional centralized platforms is ANNOYING ADS, does EARNEO also help us against annoying ads and what’s your Comparative advantages over traditional solutions
Dam Our business model is based on Ads as said before, therefore ads will be on Earneo. However, for users that will want to use Earneo app and Earneo tube without Ads will be able to do so. Use Earneo without ads will be possibe, but indeed, no reward will be allocated. As again, all our reward come from the revenue from the Ads. We are open to any suggestions coming from the community. We build the platform for the users, we are open to feedback to improve our model, and we will.
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: Looking forward to that votings for token holders 🙂
Dam: I hope we will see you very soon on Earneo
Q6 from Telegram Username @KathDM
One of the main limitations of YouTube and which many YouTubers complain about is censorship. Are there any restricted or prohibited topics on the Earneo platform?
Dam: Yes we will have some restrictions. We unfortunately cannot let any type of content on the platform. Adult content, Harmful content will be prohibited.
Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club: And that videos will be banned by moderators, right?
Dam: We know that Youtube is doing a big censure regarding crypto content creators, and indeed, they will be very welcome on our platform 👍
In mid term, we will launch a kinf of “fork” of Earneo.tube .Which will be totally on the blockchain, Storage, domain name…The idea behind this is that this will be only controlled by the community, and powered by the Ads decentralized market place. There we will not be able to restrict any content. It will be only by the will of the community. However a model like this, is complicated to make it business ready, as advertisers do not want their product on a platform where you can find any type of content…Earneo.Tube will be censorship resistant, but will have a guideline to protect all users. I hope i have reply to this question 🙂
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
$200/10 users – Open chat for 80 seconds. You can post Max 3 questions. Earneo Team will select 10 questions and answer them.
Q1 from Telegram User @Cryptogirl01
How do you convince the community using earneo? What are your expectations from the community.
Dam We are a community driven project, we want to offers to all users a way to enjoy videos content and get rewarded for that. We believe that the community will embrace Earneo vision, and will be delighted to watch their favourites content on a platform more fair. We believe that the Ads revenue should be share among everyone.
Q2 from Telegram User @JoxesXIII
If viewers make money, what then is Earneo’s business model in correlation with its sustainability and perspective in the long term?
Dam: Earneo will keep 12% of the ads revenue to cover the expenses and to maintain the platform. For a video sharing platform, the biggest cost is the storage of videos. Youtube does not have this problem as they use Google. By using IPFS to store videos and in the future a blockchain storage solution we will be able to reduce the biggest cost for this kind of platform.
Q3 from Telegram User @Nickkiii
I’m new to Earneo, being using YouTube to post my food contents for a while, and would love to try out your platform to post my food content, Any guide on how to use Earneo to create Video Content or is the same process as creating videos on YouTube
Dam: You are very welcome to upload your content on Earneo ! We have made the process as simple as on Youtube. You can even just paste your YouTube link, and it will be displayed on Earneo 😉
Q4 from Telegram User @yzmoney
How do you expect to compete against other video streaming sites ? will you be considering to pay for content producer to upload exclusively to your site only ?
We do not have Streaming function right now. So we do not have competitor in this field. 😉 However we will integrate Streaming in the future. We believe that it will be better for us, to be partner with a project that are already focus on streaming but not on videos sharing in order to build a strong partnership for both project.
Q5 from Telegram User @alluzold
Many music or video platform use an algorithm to make someone’s content getting on the top of table to reach many viewers. Actually, this can kill the small content creator. What do you think about it? Are Earneo do the same?
Dam: We want to be a fair video platform, and we are very aware about the issue that encounter the small content creators. We are building Earneo to offer them am opportunity that they could not find elsewhere anymore.
Q6 from Telegram User @Michelth
First video project like Earneo that I notice has been based on the blockchain to make a fair profit for both parties, but how do they do with the security and customer data?
Dam: Regarding the Data, we are only taking information to register your account, like email. You will be able to choose which data you want to share with us. Also, we will integrate a 3rd party blockchain ID registration which will allow users to be anonymous on the platform, and still being able to be rewarded, thanks to the power of the blockchain and smart contracts.
Q7 from Telegram User @Rivaills14
Can you share $RNO opinion on DeFi ? What steps are already being taken towards the future progress of $RNO ?
Dam: RNO is not a DeFi token, neither Earneo a DeFi project. However, in early 2019, we have introduced a bonus system with our previous token. We are actually working on a stacking system for RNO that will use some ideas coming from the DeFi space. We have been among the first to introduce stacking, we believe we are able to be among the first to offer a new kind of stacking. Thanks to the new launch of Binance Smart Chain, this offers us plenty of solutions for doing so.
Q8 from Telegram User @katie1508
What is your top 3 things for priorities in 2020?
– Launch our mobile apps (soon)
– Activate the monetization on Earneo tube.
– Attract users on the platform.
Q9 from Telegram User @chunhocxitrum
Why do you choose to build RNO token based on Binance chain instead of other chains?
Dam: We have decided to operate the swap on the Binance chain, as our token will be used a lot on the platform. Ethereum despite its fantastic technology, is not ready yet a blockchain scalable. We have all witnessed recently the crazy fees to interact with Ethereum. Binance Chain is faster and way more affordable to use. Also being a part of the Binance eco system is for us a way to bring awareness around Earneo.
Q10 from Telegram User @Mdtanbir
Many new projects made a good impression at first but were suddenly abandoned. How will you manage the project and token to gain a place in the market and become a best token in the blockchain world?
Dam: We are in the crypto ecosystem since early 2018. We are born in a bear market, and still we are here, with RNO listed on 3 exchanges, Earneo Tube open, and our IOS app available.
We are here to stay. 😉
Part 3– Quiz Results
In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Earneo. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 600$.
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