PART 1. Introduction of BuySell DeFi project and community questions.
Hello, Satoshi clubbers and guests of this site. Glade introduces to you the BuySell DeFi project. The one-stop platform to manage and control your DeFi portfolio. Within the ecosystem, you can interact with the advanced DeFi products and services. This enables you to do more by simply holding the BSE Token. The AMA took place on 23 November.
The plan of AMA session:
- Part – Introduction and preselected questions.
- Part – Live questions
- The Quiz about Buy-Sell project
The reward pool is 1300$.
Leading the AMA our clever and fun admins:
@madamlobster and @GoldRocket27
The Representative of the project:
Manaforth | – @manaforth
Z Z | Buy-Sell- @zurume
Introduction of a crypto project.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Hello, Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Buy-Sell! welcome @manaforth @zurume to Satoshi Club😀
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Good evening Satoshi clubbers! We are starting today’s AMA with Buy-Sell. Our guests today are @manaforth & @zurume. Welcome to Satoshi Club.
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Thank you.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Happy to see you here😀
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for joining us.
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
I’m glad to be here
Mary | Satoshi Club:
So, we can start?😀 Can you please introduce yourself and tell us more about the Buy-Sell project?😀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
I’m Zurume, I am the co-founder of Buy-Sell. I’m a blockchain and crypto enthusiast for a long time, trader and analyst. Powerful team members such as manaforth, bamanga_1, that cut across different regions and different fields have come together to present and add more value to the blockchain and DeFi ecosystem.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Sounds good!
Serg | Satoshi Club:
Welcome to Satoshi Club
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Buy-Sell is a DeFi and non-custodial ecosystem that brings services such as aggregated decentralized and synthetic asset swap, governance, staking, farming, lending, borrowing auction, NFT, through a BSE membership mechanism.
BSE is the utility token for the ecosystem whereby BSE holders earn 75% of the fees we charge, while the remaining 25% is used to buyback BSE and burn which automatically increases value by increasing demand. With 3 unique types of staking, BSE holders earn daily or monthly BSE and other assets reward depending on the staking type joined.
DeFi aggregator swap enables people to instantly swap all major erc20 tokens at a very cheap rate from best and competing price and very low gas fee.
Pool staking enables people to earn up to 7% from staking and Unstaking fee, and also share from daily BSE distribution from the 20% of total supply allocated to staking, also, fees earned from exchanges and borrowing are distributed to all pool stackers.
Asset staking simply enables people to permanently stake their BSE and earn UNI up to 300% yield. and this has been working perfectly fine for over a month with interest up 11% weekly
Governance will enable everyone to make proposals and vote on projects and events on Buy-Sell and share from the BSE allocated for this. To participate in this, users need to own BSE.
For NFT’s and Auction, utilizes xBSE, which the farming just got launched about 24 hours ago and it has a powerful yield.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Congrats on the successful launch👏
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Thank you…😊
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for the intro, you create a powerful ecosystem 👍 and I think we can talk about it in detail while you will answer our community questions 😉 Ready to answer them?🚀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Sure, we will do our best to do that…😊
Preselected questions
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q1 from Telegram user @balabas4bounty
I have read that you distribute a certain % of the fees to the holders of the BSE token on your pool. Please give us more details about the % and how much shall we stake to be eligible.
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
First of all, this goes to all Pool stackers.
We have allocated 20% of the total supply to staking and this is locked and released on a monthly basis which gets distributed to pool stackers.
— Also, when someone uses our exchange, fees charged are distributed to pool stackers,
— and also other numerous activities.
The minimum stake is 100 BSE and which anyone can purchase BSE directly from our DApp or from Uniswap.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Can you tell us how many staking pools do you currently have?😀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
3 days of accumulated pooled staking will be distributed today. I think is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to buy BSE, stake, and take part in this distribution today.
There is what we called “Pooled staking” that’s strictly for staking BSE and getting rewarded from what I mentioned above.
Then we currently have xBSE farming that has 3 pool. BSE-ETH, xBSE-ETH, BSE-xBSE with over 10,000 APY. this is massive, as xBSE will be using a bidding power in our auction that is launching soon.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Sure 👍
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Yes! Good chance!
Mary | Satoshi Club:
A lot of opportunities 😀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Do you plan to add more pools or you think it’s enough?😀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
For now, we have just planned for these 3 pools, and give people the opportunity to farm CBSE and get ready for the powerful auction we are launching which utilizes the xBSE.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Got it👍 to thank you) ready to jump to the second question?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q2 from Telegram user @mag_crypto
BuySell is an All-in-1 blockchain ecosystem that includes non-custodial exchange, DeFi exchange, staking. There are plenty of exchanges that are doing this. So, besides the cool name, why else would I want to use your services?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
As we offer 2 unique exchange categories,
- is specifically for other cryptocurrencies (non-custodial)
- is for aggregated swaps for erc20 tokens.
So we make sure people get unique and reduced fees, security, and fees we collect are redistributed to BSE pool stackers, and lower gas fee.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Do aggregated swaps for erc20 already work?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Not yet, but our devs are rounding that up. Lots of works surrounding us.😊
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Yes, I see😀 when do you plan it to go live? And can you explain how these swaps will work? Does it mean that I will be able to exchange any erc20 token to another using it?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Yes, sure, it searches best rate prices from totle, Uniswap, 0X, Falconswap ad more.
Should be up within a few weeks, Next month.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Amazing, so we will wait for its launch👏 Ready to go forward to the next question?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Yes, sure
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q3 from Telegram user @george_benderos
It’s very cool that I can manage all my assets from an ERC address, but I for example have several addresses that I use. Is it (or will it be in the future) possible to connect multiple addresses as well and to have a unified view of all assets from multiple addresses?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Yes, of course, we have the feature coming up, if you check our roadmap, we have similar things coming in the future.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
This will be after the erc20 tokens swap launch? Or at the same time?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
After erc20 swap. After most of our major updates and services, because the hub will incorporate everything we have we usually use zerion to site example.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Yes, I like zerion😀 got it. Thanks, ready for the fourth question?)
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
HaHaHa… Yeah
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q4 from Telegram user @lissabeth
In the staking dashboard section of your platform, there is a timer with the text “time to the next reward”. Can you tell us what reward does this timer refers to and how big are they?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Sure, proceed. This timer is in both pool and asset staking. Is the timer that indicates when the next reward will be distributed.
The reward depends on so many factors;
- when there are stake and unstake, a total of 7% is distributed proportionately to those in the pool
- Also, the staking allocations and fees distributed are also other factors.
So the system checks what comes in based on the activities, and redistributes it to everyone when the timer ends the next day.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Btw, can we claim rewards anytime or at the end of staking?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
It can be claimed anytime.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
If they are not claimed are they adding automatically to the staking pool?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
It will be there until the user claimed it to his or her wallet.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thanks,😀 ready for the next question?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
For pooled staking, there is a “Sell Stake” button, for asset staking, there is a “Withdraw button”
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Ah, understand 😀 as usually, you need to try first to understand how it works😀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Yes, you are right…😊
Mary | Satoshi Club:
I like to try everything new) ready to jump to the next question?)
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q5 from Telegram user @occupyingmars
What would be the utility of the token besides staking it in the pool and getting a fraction from the exchange fees? would there be any governance as well?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
It will be used in the governance, holders of BSE will be able to vote on projects and make proposals, and at the end, there will be a BSE reward distribution.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
And we will have the second live part soon😀 Which kind of proposals they will be able to make?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
It will be related to Buy-Sell development and service suggestions and updates, all will be surrounded by Buy-Sell dApp.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
So, if, for example, a BSE holder will vote/make some proposal he will be rewarded with BSE? For both – voting and proposals?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Yes, according to what is allocated.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Nice, so, hold and participation in governance will be profitable 😀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Ready for the 6th question from this part? Also, we will have 6 more questions which will be answered in the article after this AMA session 😀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q6 from Telegram user @fabricino
I tried to locate your whitepaper to take a closer look at the tokenomics, but couldn’t find it. Can you tell us when do you plan to launch the whitepaper? And if you’re not planning to, please explain why, because this is not something that I see often. Thank you.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
And we will have the second live part soon😀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Of course, we will release the whitepaper soon, we wanted to capture exactly what we are building and their modalities. As for tokenomics, we have a medium article where it’s been outlined.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Can you share a link to this article for our community?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Ok, can’t let me share the link.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
That’s the link for tokenomics.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
You can also share useful links for our community before opening the chat, Thanks!👍
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Ok, thanks. Can you tell us when the approximately White paper will be launched?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Yes, I like your site, sure, when all features will be launched it will be ideal 👍😀 And now it also looks great, good job😀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Thank you. What we have coming soon will be huge for every BSE holders. Thanks a lot.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Yes, they should be happy people. And, btw, where we can get BSE tokens now? Uniswap and your swap exchange?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Yes Uniswap, and also within Buy-Sell dApp under swap BSE
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you👍
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
So, what is the difference between the token xBSE and BSE?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Xbse is token your farm by providing LP which will be USD for bidding in the auction and NFT trade
Mary | Satoshi Club:
NFTs, sweet hot topic😂
Z Z | Buy-Sell: this is Uniswap Link
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks! And that’s all in the first part. the chat will now be open. and you will have to choose 15 questions and answer them.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
You caught all tendencies 😀
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Yes, will come after we launch the auction.
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Patiently waiting for it😀 And are you ready now for the live questions from our community?
Z Z | Buy-Sell:
Mary | Satoshi Club:
Let’s go 🚀
PART 2.Questions about BuySell project from the live chat of the telegram community.
In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 100 seconds. Then the guests from the crypto project choose the top 15 questions. The 10 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency in the sum of 100$.
Q – 1 from a telegram user @eeaq15
Do you have partners like LIQUIDITY DIVIDENDS PROTOCOL, DEX TOOLS, TOTLE, O TRANSAK, do you have any other project in mind as a partner in the future?
Manaforth |
Yes, we have a partnership with the above-mentioned and also be adding more partners like simplex, go block, and more.
Q – 2 from a telegram user @melanintrish
What are the economic incentives for been an active holder of BSE Token?
Manaforth |
For the active holders of BSEtoken, if it’s been staked on liquidity pool, you will share from the daily BSE distribution, also from fees we charge from our services and distribute to holders.
Q – 3 from a telegram user @Beterror203
Can I make a compound balance with this staking system without having to withdraw the token daily?
Manaforth |
No, we don’t have a compound yet. Any reward you get, you simply withdraw.
Q – 4 from a telegram user @KelierTG
When will the Buy-Sell mobile application be officially launched? Are you all set? What’s next for us?
Manaforth |
According to our roadmap, that will be early next year.
Q – 5 from a telegram user @araceley
Buy-Sell introduces the Pooled, Classic, and Assets stakings, can you tell us the difference between these three and which one offers more rewards?
Manaforth |
Pool staking enables you to earn when someone stakes and stakes and also from the fees we charge
Asset staking enables you to permanently stake your BSE and earn UNI tokens up to 300 APY.
Q – 6 from a telegram user @A5loveZ3
Can you tell us what in #Classic_Staking how its work in Buy_Sell_Network?
Manaforth |
This actually means to stake BSE and farm xBSE which we already discussed so you can provide LP for 3 pairs BSE-ETH, XBSE-BSE, xBSE-ETH and farm xBSE
Q – 7 from a telegram user @notulu
What is your next step? Listing on other exchanges or other activities?
Manaforth |
Listing on other exchanges is on the way as we have started the process.
Q – 8 from a telegram user @AmirJosh
Swap BSE is already operational. What other tokens we can swap? Or Is it only BSE token for now?
Manaforth |
For now, is the only BSE, others will be added soon.
Q – 9 from a telegram user @ontortk
The high gas fee is a great problem. Did you guys found any solution for this as you built on the Ethereum blockchain? Or do you have a plan to move on to another blockchain?
Manaforth |
With Gaston. This makes low gas fee very possible.
Q – 10 from a telegram user @leixagarcia
Will Buy-Sell transactions be available through the TRON network (TRC 20)?
Manaforth |
For now, no. As we continue to progress, we will see if this is going to happen. Definitely, we will make an announcement about it.
Q – 11 from a telegram user @Rebel99
According to your Medium post, one of the perks of trading through the buy-sell exchange is that you instantly get back $BSE upon trade completion. Where does this $BSE come from and is there a limit to the amount of $BSE that one can claim?
Manaforth |
The fees we charge are used to buy back BSEand distributes this BSEto pooled stakers.
Q – 12 from a telegram user @Jonahapagu
I see that your decision-making process and Community Governance will be done through “Govblocks”…Govblocks is quite new to me… can you explain how your governance process through “Govblocks” will work..and why you decided to use the Govblocks platform for Your Governance.
Manaforth |
Govblock is really a wonderful platform to integrate with, as it provides everything we need in DAO.
Q – 13 from a telegram user @BERTA2020
What is the % that I can receive when entering your staking system? The % I can get can vary by the amount of your BSE tokens or does it have a fixed %?
Manaforth |
It varies base on the no. Of BSE you hold. For asset staking is up to 300% yield.
Q – 14 from a telegram user @yosoyelimar
Are you planning to enable new services for Buy-Sell in the future?
Manaforth |
Yes, if you visit our roadmap, you will see the wonderful features we have coming soon.
Q – 15 from a telegram user @KelierTG
During your explanation of how Buy Sell DeFi Exchange works you mentioned that “Is connected to top decentralized exchanges and synthetic asset providers” This means that it works through intermediaries? How does this affect commissions?
Manaforth |
There are fees when using intermediaries, whatever we charge as fees go to pool stackers.
Part 3 – Quiz about InvestroFund DeFi project
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 900$ was distributed between the winners.
Questions and Right answers:
1. Which one of this does not utilize BSE token
A. Staking
B. Exchange
C. Lend and Borrow
D. Auction
*Correct answer D
2. Which one of these is not part of Buy-Sell products and services?
A. Staking
B. Exchange
C. Gaming
D. Lend and Borrowing
*Correct answer C
3. What is the total supply of BSE?
A. 300,000
B. 100,000
C. 10,000,000
D. 10,000
*Correct answer B
4. What are the nain core utility of xBSE
A. Auction and NFT
B. Auction and Staking
C. NFT and Lending
D. Exchange and Lending
*Correct answer is A.
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