Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Block Brawlers and our guest was. The AMA took place on the 8th of June.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Mary | Satoshi Club
Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Block Brawlers! Welcome to Satoshi Club
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Greetings, dear Satoshi Club community!
Today our guests are @barclander, @craslovell
Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club, guys!
Paul Barclay
Mary | Satoshi Club
Welcome to Satoshi Club
Paul Barclay
Looking forward to getting some fun questions.
Chris L. | GAME Credits
Hello everyone!
Mary | Satoshi Club
Sure, you will have’em
Mary | Satoshi Club
Hello and welcome here
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks again for joining guys!
Mary | Satoshi Club
Let’s start our AMA
Mary | Satoshi Club
And as usually we will start it with introduction part
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Tell us please about your position in Block Brawlers
Paul Barclay
I’ll go first – I’m a dev and game designer over at Block Brawlers. All those fancy gameplay smart contracts, those are mine!
(I’m also the one you blame when you lose to an OP enemy team…)
Chris L. | GAME Credits
I am a crypto generalist who helps with various items. I enjoy running live sessions on Twitch and giving away BlockBrawlers packs to new fans. I’ve been in the space for many years now. It’s been fun watching it evolve!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Wow! Nice background
Chris L. | GAME Credits
Confirmed you are indeed
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of Block Brawlers
Paul Barclay
Block Brawlers is a play-to-earn 3v3 game, running on a dedicated Skale chain.
You put together your team of 3 Brawlers, send it off into the Arena, where it battles other Brawlers, and earns you BRAWL tokens.
(the entire game is powered by BRAWL – arena plays, buying Brawlers, levelling up, etc)
Mary | Satoshi Club
As i know it’s not so easy to build a game, how long did it take you to build what you gave, guys?
Paul Barclay
Well… that’s a funny story. We originally built the core of the game back in 2018. Before Opensea, before play to earn, before anything really. But we shelved it – the world wasn’t ready for it, as gas costs to play were outrageous. Recently, we put it back together, added in the modern tech like play-to-earn (and added leaderboard ranked play too), and released it on Skale. Doing that, we get to use Skale’s gas-free networks, so it’s basically free to play now.
Overall, it’s about 9 months of work total over that time.
And if we do all our future plans, it’s about another 9 years of work…
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Also we would like to know more about your team. Who is on the project team core?
a real success story
Mary | Satoshi Club
Almost soon but i understand that you are here to stay
Paul Barclay
You can see the team on the website at blockbrawlers.com. Justin’s our CEO, he’s got 20 years in gaming. Gary, our lead designer, has been designing games for over 10 years too.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for sharing
Paul Barclay
We’re a (very) small team, but that’s how you stay nimble and responsive in this world.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Tell us please about the benefits of Block Brawlers. How is it different from others?
Mary | Satoshi Club
As i see you are anon currently? Any plans to ddox?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Dream team, I think
Paul Barclay
I’m not anon – if you look at gamecredits.org, you can see who Chris and I are. Some of the rest of the team are anon for personal reasons.
Mary | Satoshi Club
Gotcha! That’s cool!
Paul Barclay
Benefits of Block Brawlers: It’s designed to be a game that you can pick up and play for a little while every day. We didn ‘t want to make something where you grind for 8 hours just to get a couple of bucks (looking at you, Axie). Instead, Block Brawlers is designed so you can drop in for 15 minutes a couple of times a day, and earn your play to earn rewards.
The cool stuff about Block Brawlers is the NFTs, of course.
Mary | Satoshi Club
We will have some questions related to the things you described here in the first part
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for great introduction, we will have several questions selected for the Part 1. Ready to start?
Paul Barclay
Let’s do it!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Q1 from Telegram User @Danylko_UA
Hello Block Brawlers’ Team.
My solid believe is that every project that comes into inception in the DeFi/GameFi space comes with a new invention or perhaps an innovation. In this regards, Tell us; What new does Block Brawlers’ bring to the DeFi and GameFi space? Can you compare Block Brawlers with some GameFi flagships (For Ex. Splinterlands and Cryptoblades) and pin point the distinctions that Block Brawlers has over these big projects. How will you ensure that Block Brawlers will adapt easily to subsequent advancements/changes and upgrades that may be seen in the DeFi/GameFi space in time to come? How do you aim to make the platform a fortress for users; what are your user rentention strategies?
Paul Barclay
The biggest thing we can do here is always keep growing. One of the challenges that games often face is when the players out-pace the content. You see that a ton in the current crop of crypto games; they haven’t learned from the Facebook/mobile games of the last 10 years
We don’t have that problem – we’ve been in that world that long.
And, in terms of gameFi, the big problem you see (again, looking at you, Axie), is the models are fundamentally unsustainable.
Mary | Satoshi Club
What is your solution?
Paul Barclay
The Block Brawlers model is the opposite. The play-to-earn rewards model is self-correcting, so that it won’t continually create new tokens; instead it recycles the tokens that people spend. This lets us give out P2E rewards indefinitely, but without creating inflation.
And without the big 95% crashes you see on those other projects.
As more people join the project, more P2E rewards get unlocked, but there’s always a limit, and always a cap.
(again, this is all learnings from the traditional mobile gaming space – ensuring your economy doesn’t break is kind of a default task for us, but most blockchain games don’t even consider it, because all they care about is making a quick $ and then running away)
Mary | Satoshi Club
It has sense, hope you will be that lucky who will release perfect game
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
sounds really good
Paul Barclay
There’s no perfect game. There’s only games that people like to play (but not everyone will like every game). What we’re aiming for is (a) a game that a lot of people want to play, and (b) building a foundation that we can build on top of for the future.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Mary | Satoshi Club
Haha, true
Thank you for your answers! Ready to proceed?
Paul Barclay
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Q2 from Telegram User @Asela1112
According to your Roadmap, a mobile version of Block Brawlers Game will be launched in Phase-03. What kind of new & innovative features will there be in Mobile version? Can you give us a sneak peek about your upcoming mobile version? Will it be supported for both of the ios & android? Some P2E mobile version games are not attractive because they are not evolving & enhancing with the new technologies. Will you update the Block Brawlers mobile version with time to time in future? And also tell us about the mobile version interface, will it be user friendly?
Chris L. | GAME Credits
Just to add to this, BlockBrawlers is a very casual game. You don’t necessarily need blockchain or gaming experience to pick it up. Literally anyone can get started fairly easily which enriches the experience for everyone. A game is nothing without players.
Mary | Satoshi Club
How many players do you expect from the beginning?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
this is a really important addition.
Paul Barclay
I’m going to be really honest here. No, I can’t give a sneak peek until we’re ready to release. Mobile game dev is all about iterating until you find a model that’s perfect. What I can tell you is that it’ll be in the dungeon crawler vein, and it’ll use the Brawlers that you own (and have been leveling up). And of course, it’ll be updated frequently, be iOS and Android, and be incredibly user friendly – those are must haves for any mobile game.
Paul Barclay
As many as find it fun and engaging. I’ve learned not to predict, because I’m always going to be wrong.
Mary | Satoshi Club
Understand your position
Mary | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your answers! Read for the next question?
Paul Barclay
Paul Barclay
keep em coming!
Chris L. | GAME Credits
What I can say is that during this current leaderboard period which began ~2 days ago, there have already been 500+ matches in the arena.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Mary | Satoshi Club
Paul Barclay
Our goal is always “so many people that our engineers start to complain about load issues”
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Great goal
Mary | Satoshi Club
I wish you to reach this goal soon
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
So! We are proceed with the next question
Q3 from Telegram User @alice_wonderland12
Regarding the Legendary pack of the current sale, it includes 3 legendary Brawlers, and there are 30 packs in existence.
So my question is, when you say that there are 30 packs, do you mean that there are 30, copies of the same legendary NFTs? Are all the NFTs unique or just with limited copies? and Besides that, what are the advantages of legendary Brawlers against regular Brawlers? Is it just a value/monetary difference, or does it imply improved skills?
Paul Barclay
So, the way that the public sale works, there’s a limited number of each of the 6 packs (for the Legendary pack, that limit is 300). Our first batch on sale is 10% of that, so there were 30 available.
Now: Every. Single. NFT. Is. Unique.

Here’s #105, Honas Skewho.
You can see he’s a Wizard, from the Earth Clan, and he’s Lawful Evil.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
I like this stern grandfather
Paul Barclay
He’s got 7 abilities of varying levels.
And 4 stats.
All of these things are generated by the smart contract
So there’s only one NFT like him.
Mary | Satoshi Club
So, how can i get this NFT now? Where? And how expensive is it?
Paul Barclay
Now, you can level up NFTs all the way to L20, and when you do, you get to make choices – what stats to boost, what abilities to boost.
You can’t have Honas. He’s mine.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
You approached the issue very creatively and painstakingly.
Paul Barclay
You have to buy your own Brawler and level him or her up.
Honas is Legendary (gold border and Legendary ability). That means he gives his team a small bonus in the Arena, and he also gains XP faster than regular Brawlers.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
I see that you love this project like a baby.
Paul Barclay

Here’s Honas’s ability block – you can see what each ability does.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
It means you will always win
Mary | Satoshi Club
All team members have Legendary NFTs?
Paul Barclay
A procedurally generated baby with emergent gameplay, yes
Mary | Satoshi Club
Did you leave something for the community?
Paul Barclay
We all have a few. But Honas is just for testing; he’s over-leveled, so he doesn’t get to fight in the arena.
Almost all the Legendary Brawlers are for the community – there’s 8,400 available in the public sale.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
It sounds fair
Thanks for amazing answers
Paul Barclay
(Honas isn’t actually that good compared to what you can do if you level a Brawler from 1 to 20 on your own, and make all the right choices)
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Are you ready for the next question , thanks for your clarification
Paul Barclay
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Q4 from Telegram User @Cheriemike
After going through your game plans,I gathered that Block Brawler is designed to be a “Play Occasionally”, not a “Play All Day” game.I am one person that if I love a game I will like to play all through that day of have the the time,but I notice that Block Brawlers is different.So can you tell us why you choose to design your game that way?And is it that the amount of Brawlers I have will be equivalent to time I spend in the day?For example if a player have 40 Brawlers,does that mean the time that will be allotted to that player will be 40 minutes for the hold day? Isn’t it possible for that player to get more Brawler and continue in the game?Please explain this for a better understanding.Thanks
Paul Barclay
We made this decision because Block Brawlers is a 100% on-chain game. If you have an on-chain game with a “play all day” pattern, you’re limited to supporting a thousand or so players. But Block Brawlers can support hundreds of thousands.
There’s no limit to the amount of time you can spend making your choices and playing; the only limit is that your Brawlers go on cooldown after they fight (this ensures that each Brawler doesn’t earn too much)
What many people will do is use their Brawlers to earn BRAWL, then use that to buy more Brawlers (each new Brawler costs 1000 BRAWL).
So you can build your team.
And the cool thing about that is that the more brawlers you have, the better teams you can make – you can take advantage of synergy bonuses from having all the same alignment or clan, and take advantage of the right mix of stats.
Now, a mobile game is a different story – that won’t all be on-chain, so it’ll be way more gameplay for you.
Ready for the next Q!
Mary | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your answers!
Mary | Satoshi Club
Let’s go
Chris L. | GAME Credits
In my personal experience as a player so far, I can tell you strategizing which Brawlers to send in to the arena as a team is half the fun. If you collect enough Brawlers, you can spend quite a bit of time sending them all into the arena. And you can do it again later in the day once the cooldown period expires. So you’ll have some early in the day matches and be excited for the wins you may get in your evening matches. If you had a bad morning in the arena, you can pick it up and give it another shot later in the day. It’s not quite only a few minute experience, but maybe so if you only have 3 Brawlers total. More is always better!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Q5 from Telegram User @Blessingchum
On your website, I read that Block Brawlers features an online marketplace. Clearly point out the unique features of your in game marketplace that makes it better than other P2E in-game marketplaces. What are the rules that governs transactions in the marketplace to ensure that all initiated transactions goes of in a trustless and decentralised manner as per one of the principles of blockchain? Will the marketplace employ a Peer 2 Peer structure? What sort of transactions can be initiated on the Marketplace? What currency will be used on the Marketplace? What is the fee structure of the Marketplace?
Paul Barclay
What we’ve done, to ensure the maximum security, and ease of use, is partnered with Skale and their upcoming NFT hub, for trading Brawlers. We do have a marketplace built into the site, that’s 100% smart contract based, but we’re not turning it on because we want to get the benefits of being part of the wider Skale ecosystem, and we think that’s the best experience for players. But, if that changes, we can turn on the internal marketplace, and it’s 100% trustless already.
We also just turned on a “Send brawler” feature, that lets you transfer your Brawlers to another account (this isn’t a new feature, it’s just using the smart contract function, but it’s nice to have the UX right there on the site). So if you want to organize your brawlers, it’s easy now.
Mary | Satoshi Club
Where your NFTs are tradeble now?
Paul Barclay
We’re waiting for the Skale NFT hub to launch (which should be happening soon), so we don’t fragment the market. Until then, players should focus on leveling up their Brawlers to make them more attractive to buyers.
Also, there’s still some amazing deals available for new Brawlers on blockbrawlers.com
I’d recommend anyone starting out to go there first.
Mary | Satoshi Club
Got it! Satoshiclubbers, pay attention it’s always to be early bird!
Thank you for your answers! Ready for the 6th and last question from this part?
Paul Barclay
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Q6 from Telegram user @MudaraSilva
I read that each Brawler on Block Brawlers is generated with a unique combination of class, clan, starting traits and abilities and each Brawler has a unique value in strength, magic, and dexterity, plus several special abilities. My question is, should we buy the most expensive Brawler if we want the best performance? How can we find more information on aforesaid categories such as classes and clans? What is the method to find which class/clan is the best? After purchasing a Brawler, can we exchange/upgrade it to a better one in due course using Game Credits? Can we purchase a single Brawler instead of getting a pack?
Paul Barclay
There’s no “best” brawler, or “best” clan. Each has its own advantages and drawbacks. What I’d recommend you do is build a good team. Look for Brawlers with abilities that work well together.
You can buy individual Brawlers for BRAWL, rather than buying a pack.
Mary | Satoshi Club
What are your personal favourites?
Paul Barclay
I always liked the Wizards.
Mary | Satoshi Club
I see
Paul Barclay
But mostly becasue they’re so grumpy.
Chris L. | GAME Credits
they do look mad!
Paul Barclay
Gameplay-wise, I’m a sucker for Power Word: Kill. Doesn’t come up much, but when it does… BOOM.
Mary | Satoshi Club
Btw, do you have any rejections for playing your game? Age? Countries?
Paul Barclay
No North Korea or Myanmar. But we don’t have an age restriction.
No Voldemort either.
Mary | Satoshi Club
I will recommend your game to my sons than
Chris L. | GAME Credits
I too am a fan, but it’s been a while since I’ve had the luck to trigger the ability. In the first few days it activated quite a bit.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Me too
Mary | Satoshi Club
Thank you guys for this awesome first part of our AMA session
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Thanks for your great answers
Mary | Satoshi Club
Now storm of questions is almost here
Mary | Satoshi Club
Can you feel it?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
It was amazing first part of AMA
Paul Barclay
Waiting for the deluge.
Mary | Satoshi Club
Let’s go hold your umbrellas
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @EdgarCNova
How many characters exist in the game and how many are needed to start, is it necessary to use the native token of your project to buy the game characters or can we buy with any cryptocurrency can you indicate which currency is compatible with the game?
Paul Barclay
THere’s no limit to the total number of Brawlers that could be created. Brawlers can be bought now from blockbrawlers.com using ETH, SKL, and GAME, or at play.blockbrawlers.com in BRAWL.
Q2 from Telegram user @Nonerlike
How do you see a community role and importance? What are your priorites and roadmap? Do you consider community feedback and how can we follow your project in the future?
Paul Barclay
Community is everything. Nothing is more important. The best way to get involved is to join our Telegram and Discord ( @craslovell can put links for you). Our biggest priority is new features and experiences that the community wants and will love.
Q3 from Telegram user @KASG95
I noticed that they offer six different packages, but are these only for pre-sale? or after it is completed, will they also offer offers to acquire the best NFTs at the best price?
Paul Barclay
Once the public sale is over, the only way to buy new Brawlers is by spending your BRAWL in game. So yeah, get these now before they run out.
Q4 from Telegram user @surendra040
Do you have plan to go for any online tournament or competition? what unique characteristic can we find on your game than to competitors in the market?
Paul Barclay
Yes! We already have a weekly competition with the Leaderboards, where the top players each week can earn BRAWL tokens (a LOT of BRAWL tokens). We’re looking to add more features along these lines in the future.
Q5 from Telegram user @Nonerlike
How do you see a community role and importance? What are your priorites and roadmap? Do you consider community feedback and how can we follow your project in the future?
Paul Barclay
Community is everything. Nothing is more important. The best way to get involved is to join our Telegram and Discord ( @craslovell can put links for you). Our biggest priority is new features and experiences that the community wants and will love.Here’s links to both for those who care to join! Discord: https://discord.gg/KmWDjKRnXJ Telegram: http://t.me/blockbrawlers/
Q6 from Telegram user @KASG95
I noticed that they offer six different packages, but are these only for pre-sale? or after it is completed, will they also offer offers to acquire the best NFTs at the best price?
Paul Barclay
Once the public sale is over, the only way to buy new Brawlers is by spending your BRAWL in game. So yeah, get these now before they run out.
Q7 from Telegram user @surendra040
Do you have plan to go for any online tournament or competition? what unique characteristic can we find on your game than to competitors in the market?
Paul Barclay
Yes! We already have a weekly competition with the Leaderboards, where the top players each week can earn BRAWL tokens (a LOT of BRAWL tokens). We’re looking to add more features along these lines in the future.
Q8 from Telegram user @Albitapache
In BRAWLERS each fighter has four attributes which are: Strength, Magic, Dexterity and Health. Can you explain what are the characteristics of these attributes? How do these attributes work in the game? and finally. Will the brawlers also have special abilities from the beginning of the game or will we have to level up to obtain abilities and advantages in the game?
Paul Barclay
Great question. Health is the easiest – your health goes to 0, and you’re dead. The other three are the combat stats. In combat, each Brawler picks one of those stats, and fights against one other Brawler. The stat you choose matters a LOT. Strength is strong against Dexterity. Dexterity is strong against Magic; Magic is strong against Strength. You’ll not that the icons remind you of Rock-Paper-Scissors? That’s deliberate! So, it’s not just about picking your best stat, it’s about looking about what the other teams have chosen, and picking stats to best defeat them.
Q9 from Telegram user @BrayantGonzalez
Could you tell us a little about Brawl Chain? I understand that the assets would be sent to this network, but really, what other utility would this chain have? Could it be that in the future it will become a blockchain intended for games?
Paul Barclay
Shhhh. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. Those are our Super Secret Evil Plans (TM).
The chain is a Skale-powered chain, so it has all the benefits of security and interoperability. But it’s a chain we can build on in the future, so could other games use it? Absolutely.
Q10 from Telegram user @vip_in123
I read your all tokens from community sale will be unlocked immediately Can you please tell me how are you going to control the dump ? Do you have any anti-whale dump policy or something like that?
Paul Barclay
The public sale tokens are unlocked immediately. But… buying those is extremely limited; each user can’t buy more than one of each pack in the public sale. So, we won’t end up with the giant whales that plague other projects. What we’re seeing is that all those users are turning around and using those tokens for what they’re intended for: Gameplay.
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru/
Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish/
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub/
Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners:
Twitter –https://twitter.com/gamecredits/
WebSite – blockbrawlers.com
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