Backstage and XMANNA x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 21st of March

Backstage and XMANNA x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 21st of March

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Backstage and XMANNA and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 21st of March

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite

Mary | Satoshi Club

Hello  Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Backstage and XMANNA!  Welcome to Satoshi Club

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Our Guests are @AlessioBKSBackstage and @novaRogue

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Hello welcome to Satoshi Club

Mary | Satoshi Club

@AlessioBKSBackstage @novaRogue welcome here


thanks for having us and hello to everyone

Mary | Satoshi Club

Hello! Happy to see you here today! How are you?


you can enable @adivgut is gonna be the xmanna speaker

thanks guys

Adiv Gut

Hello everyone thank you for having us

Mary | Satoshi Club

He is enabled

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club

@adivgut welcome to Satoshi club

Adiv Gut

My is Adiv I am the Marketing director at XMANNA

Mary | Satoshi Club

Welcome to Satoshi Club

Adiv Gut

thank you for having me here

my pleasure

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

How are you all doing today?

Adiv Gut



we are ready

Mary | Satoshi Club

So, let’s start our AMA and we will start it with introduction!

Adiv Gut

Hello everyone

My is Adiv I am the Marketing director at XMANNA

Mary | Satoshi Club

We are excited to know more about you, guys your positions and your experience!


HI everyone I’m Alessio, Business Development Director at Backstage


one year working in the project

Mary | Satoshi Club


Adiv Gut

I recently joined XAMANNA. have been working in online marketing for past 12 years

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

How did you Both get to be involved in crypto?


I start in crypto in 2018/2019 thanks to my personal interest in new tech and businesses

Adiv Gut

i am personally an early adaptor and have been involved in industry from it is early stages.

Mary | Satoshi Club

What do your projects do? What is their main task and how do they complement each other?

Adiv Gut

XMANNA is a software provider focused on enhancing the user experience through engagement, rewards, and gamification – we are currently working on delivering a game SDK for skilled games to introduce cash/crypto gaming and rewards to existing games, a white-labeled Sports

Mary | Satoshi Club

How old is your project? Who are working on it?


Backstage,is a decentralized ecosystem powering the events industry, specializes in events, pioneering event financing via the BKS token and NFTs. The Backstage ecosystem consists of a marketplace, launchpad, and wallet. The BKS Marketplace, where all event transactions take place, focuses on NFT Ticketing solutions that are designed to drive merchandise sales and fan-artist engagement, as well as Loyalty NFTs to grant the community special rights and benefits. The BKS Launchpad hosts NFT-driven fundraising for events, venues, and artists. The Crypto POS ecosystem is built for seamless transactions and continuous liquidity in the events industry.

We have been working on it for the last year!

XMANNA and Backstage are providing the people of the world with a new way to experience both physical and virtual events.

Using blockchain technology and NFT ticketing for both physical and virtual events, they’ll create a new form of utility and engagement that begins with the purchase of a ticket. Then, the patented gamification technology ensures continuous engagement throughout the customer journey.

Adiv Gut

XMANNA is 2 years old our first project is with Inter Miami and Backstage partnership is a huge milestone in our road map

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Very exciting collaboration

Mary | Satoshi Club

I feel that our first part with the questions from our community will be very interesting today

Adiv Gut

looking forward

Mary | Satoshi Club

Thank you for your introduction, guys! Are you ready to start with the first questions?

Adiv Gut


Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Q1 From Telegram User @Highpee

Backstage intend to be at the forefront of the digital ticketing revolution. In the traditional event plnning, traditional ticketing is plague with faults such as black market flaws and fraud, inability to track true ownership, ticket validity among others. Can you explain how Backstage NFT ticketing works and how it is going to address some of these challenges? How will it be used to ease burden of event organisation and drive merchandise of event sales? How do users access loyalty program using your NFT tickets and how will ticket owners use it to unlock special privileges such as access to digital album or other physical memorabilia whose value can increase over time?

Adiv Gut

@AlessioBKSBackstage i think this one is for you



We are used to buying tickets online and receiving an email with a simple QR code. Thanks to the NFT technology we now have unlimited opportunity to turn ticket purchase into an enhanced experience and be protected meanwhile we are doing that thanks to the blockchain tech.

With a simple NFT ticket purchase, with just the action of buying a ticket, XMANNA and Backstage open up a world of possibilities.

As mentioned, NFT tickets will include a multitude of benefits. Beyond access to events, these benefits could include:

A full VIP experience (flight, hotel, transportation, exclusive seating, etc)

Any type of merchandise, easily redeemable in physical or virtual form

Airline offer (free flights, discounts)

Any type of accommodation (fully covered or discounts)

Products or services from related businesses

Promos, products, and discounts from other brands

Meeting with an artist backstage, autographs, virtual meet-and-greets and more.

All the options in the ticket can be gamified to engage customers before, during and after the event. This gives teams, venues, brands and more the chance to further engage and enhance events with NFT ticketing.

NFT tickets will also have a call-to-action, giving users the opportunity and option to unlock rewards listed above or to gain benefit enhancements.

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

What is the minimum amount an NFT ticket will cost?

Mary | Satoshi Club

It’s really new possibilities! where and for what currencies your NFT tickets will be available?


is depending on benefits and perks included and in which event you get access to it

tickets can be bought in FIAT or digital currencies

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club


Thank you for your Answers

Mary | Satoshi Club



make them easy to get for everyone; crypto and no crypto users

Mary | Satoshi Club

Mass adoption


remember we are targeting everyone

we want to be the first project to really help all crypto world

Mary | Satoshi Club

And you will be

Ready to proceed, guys?

Adiv Gut



most important for us if people pay in BKS they gonna have special discounts

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Q2 From Telegram User @Rozielyna

I read from an article of yours that XMANNA has a revenue sharing model catering to the interests of all its ecosystem partners: users, brands, teams and game developers. This business model is divided into six categories: Skilled gaming, Advertising/sponsorship, loyalty application, user intelligence, subscriptions. Can you explain more on the Business models and how it will each promote growth of the XMANNA ecosystem? How will users, brands, teams and game developers benefit and earn from these business models ? What are the revenue distribution for the XMANNA?

Adiv Gut

@AlessioBKSBackstage for me


yes my friend i agree

Adiv Gut

XMANNA business model is designed to reward all the stakeholders which include the end users with a fair distribution. This can look a bit different from product to product, but for example with our SDK a game developer can bring a skilled game to plug in and the revenue split would be 30% XMANNA, 30% Game Developer, 40% to the Users Prize and Rewards pool –  then if you shift over to the Sports Team Loyalty App the split then includes the team in the distribution but keeps the 40% going back to the Users. But the core business model is the Sports market and providing them with new entertaining software solutions that help them engage and monetize more efficiently they then market to their existing fan bases. These products are providing a brand new revenue stream (and data) for teams, game developers and even advertisers. We have an updated whitepaper being released in about 6 weeks with more information. Revenue sharing model is to primarily give back to the ecosystem where we take a significant portion of the revenue and put it towards leaderboard, prizes and rewards. This works across skilled cash/crypto games but also across subscription models and we aim to do this across the board in all our revenue models. Now in the near future as well our fans and users are XMANNA partners and it will always remain this way

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club


This is well detailed

Mary | Satoshi Club

What brands do you have as partners now?

Adiv Gut

we already signed a multiyear contract with Inter Miami FC and very soon we will announce on some major clubs in the US and Europe

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Looking forward to Barcelona

Adiv Gut

this is only the beginning

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Yes there is room for tremendous growth

Mary | Satoshi Club

Waiting for news from you

Thank you for your answers, guys! Ready to go to the next question?

Adiv Gut


Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Q3 From Telegram User @thisistoyin

I got to know that Backstage will create its own festivals and events attracting a massive international audience and investors towards it, offering crystal-clear ideas about your BackstageBKS coin. Hence, i would like to know the kinds of Festivals and events you have Planned for the International Audience and your community, how can we participate in these events? I also Noticed that you’re currently Hosting An Event on Twitter called the March Metaverse Madness Contest, where $200k Price Pool, NFTs & vacation stays, $BKS & $XMANNA Tokens, & Metaverse lands are up for Grabs, can you please provide details to which we can actively participate in these Contest??

Adiv Gut

@AlessioBKSBackstage all yours my friend


@adivgut take it


We already have signed contracts with key partners that are not only actively involved with the marketing and creations of those Events but they are financially committed for the success of it. Those Events cover North and South America, Europe and the Middle East at the moment and we have only just started! To participate in those events you’re gonna have different options in the future. You gonna be able to just buy the Nft tickets(with the perks and experiences included), or buy our NFT membership (that is gonna be release with a limited amount on our Marketplace after launch the project publicly) or even in the future be part of our Launchpad and found raise the Event that you want to attend and share a revenue with the creators. At the moment we have an amazing contest and to know more about it please check our link and socials media!

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Go check this out Satoshi Clubbers

Mary | Satoshi Club

Do you know how many people already participated in your event?


we are gonna run numbers at the end of the week but definitly thousands of them looking on the growth of our social media

Mary | Satoshi Club

Unbelievable numbers!

Mary | Satoshi Club


Adiv Gut

yes indeed!

Mary | Satoshi Club

Thank you, guys!

Ready to jump to the next question?

Adiv Gut



just the beginning


Adiv Gut

of course !!!

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Q4 From Telegram User @UniqueVicky

 Backstage is the first to introduce a comprehensive blockchain ecosystem for events and entertainments industry, empowering the events and entertainments industry to become financially independent. More to this you are giving out ample opportunity for everyone to contribute to the platform development by purchasing your token and helping fund the entertainment industry. Meanwhile based on your monthly recap, I read you have been making final arrangements for your IDO launch. Have you arrived on the decision about your IDO launch yet? Can you tell us what the team have decided about the upcoming IDO? When did you set up for the IDO launch? Can we start whitelisting yet? What will possibly be the requirements to participate on your IDO? What is the minimum of $BKS can we own to contribute with the backstage team to help fund the events and entertainments industry and also the platform?


all mine

Adiv Gut

@AlessioBKSBackstage you are the star of the evening


saw that my friend

Adiv Gut

Love this partnership!


The date for the launch is TBA at the moment but we are planning to release more info in the next few weeks and focusing on April as a launch month for Backstage! So stay tuned because we have a lot to share with you in the next few days! For the launch we are still checking all our options that, thanks to the success of the project, are a lot at the moment; many launchpads and even Exchanges…more info is gonna come to your attention soon! Follow our social media, here the link of our website

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Btw can you share your roadmap with us?


you can find the complete one on our web site

Mary | Satoshi Club

Which goals are the most important for you now?

Adiv Gut

We want to bring the web 3.0 revolution into the entertainment and sport events


the community is our first and most important goal! create a easy product to manage for everyone in the space and not! And of course closing contracts with venues around the world to have more and more Events to host and give to our community

Adiv Gut

and we will do it together!

Mary | Satoshi Club



yeah mate

Mary | Satoshi Club

Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the next question?

Adiv Gut


Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Q5 From Telegram User @ghostofcharmeleon

 Hello, the XMANNA and Backstage team.

As far as I remember, projects have already come to us at Satoshi Club that offer opportunities for digitalization of event tickets. Obviously, you have studied the competitive environment. What are the main competitive advantages of your platforms that you can highlight? TAE is a very advanced technology and it can be used to expand the usefulness of the ticket for buyers. Have you worked through this issue? Are there any other user cases besides direct access to the event?

Adiv Gut

@AlessioBKSBackstage should I take this?



Adiv Gut

I will start


im going after you

Adiv Gut

Some competitive advantages are going to be the Sports Team partnerships and them pushing these products to the mass market, the revenue models that constantly share a substantial portion of revenue back to the users to enhance the experience and create prize opportunities, the combination of partnerships and connections Backstage is bringing with artists and venues to stream into the Metaverse and creating remote viewing opportunities with gamification and engagement events – there are many things that together allow for a very unique product offering that isn’t something that can be copy and pasted by competition. And yes of course there will be a variety of options to the users we will connect the physical world with the metaverse the options will be endless

Adiv Gut



Our platform together with the Xmanna project is gonna give a completely different experience to all users starting from the simplicity of how to get involved with it, move inside the environment or buy and sell their ticket access and cash out their perks and benefits. We are focusing on bringing those new technologies to people that don’t know much about Crypto,NFT or Web3.Like we said before thanks to the NFT tech our possibilities are infinite, we gonna be able to connect all businesses to one big network of venues, promoters, artists, customers, investors etc.

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Uniquesness beats out any competition indeed

Mary | Satoshi Club

Thanks! I see you well thought everything!


many many hours of work

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Very Impressive outcome so far

Mary | Satoshi Club

Thank you for your answers guys! Ready for the 6th and last question from this part?



Adiv Gut

thanks’ to the amazing team here at XMANNA

Adiv Gut


Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Q6 From Telegram User @johana0012

I understand that for long-term event professionals and entrepreneurs, BSBSBStage aims to solve the biggest problem in the industry: financing activities and companies. BKSBACKSTAGE coin BKS is a decentralized crypto utility token issued by the Company based on Binance Smart Chain, with BKS being the token that can be used to fund the event industry as a unit and payment system. At a later stage, the generation of a BKS Stablecoin could be considered to stabilize liquidity. How will Backstage strengthen the ecosystem that currently exists? What aspects are you offering to the smaller players in the events industry?

Adiv Gut


Adiv Gut

@AlessioBKSBackstage you again my friend


ehehe sorry mate


Backstage is not depending on the crypto market for one simple reason, is creating is own network of Events, Festivals, Concerts and payment system in Venues and Clubs (thanks to our POS WALLET) where we have signed contracts that allow us to have a real AGENDA during all year!(supply and demand). Those partners are actively involved and financially committed to the project itself. In the future a stable coin can be taken into consideration of course. At the moment our buyback structure is gonna protect the value of the token and allow an organic growth of it. Every player in the Industry has a key role for us; we saw that since the beginning, involving people such as Promoters, PR, owners of clubs etc, help us to reached out more audiences around the world, that’s why we call our Ecosystem, THE STAGE and who participate on it BACKSTAGERS and BACKSTAKERS. Everyone is important for the success of this project and the mass adoption of crypto, nft and metaverse.

Mary | Satoshi Club

Where BKS will be listed? How easy it will be for users to buy it?


we are currently on the BSC chain but we are already working on adoptions of other blockchain networks

like we said before we want to be present everywhere so we are discussing with many different exchanges

Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

What networks do you have in mind?


polygon, solana, ethereum 2.0, avalanche; we are checking everything to be up to the task

Mary | Satoshi Club

Nice choice!

Thank you for your answers! Before live part will start could you share your social media links with us

Adiv Gut


Adiv Gut


Mary | Satoshi Club

Thank you

Mary | Satoshi Club

And now – are you ready for the live part?

Adiv Gut

Thank you for having us


Adiv Gut


Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club

Storm is coming


10 questions right?

Mary | Satoshi Club



Adiv Gut



so lets divided 5 and 5 @adivgut


Adiv Gut

of course!

Mary | Satoshi Club

Let’s go

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @Rinkus987

I Found that XAMANA Is Built on Polygon, So You Will Only Be On the POLYGON CHAIN , Or You are bridging the XMAN token to Ethereum and Other Chains also ?

Adiv Gut

Our updated whitepaper will show the more agnostic side we have pivoted towards. Polygon is the primary chain we are launching on but we already have bridges in place for BSC and ethereum – we plan to support faster cheaper blockchains with our products to be able to utilize – but we also plan on bridging over tokens that are popular from slower networks so that they can still be used to game with or engage with in the metaverse.

Q2 from Telegram user @Ratash97

What are the BKS loyality NFTs and what is their role, how can we aquire them ?


The BKS loyalty Nfts is a collection of a limited amount of NFT with special benefits divided in a normal membership and a secret and special one!They are gonna allow you to get early access, discounts, gadgets and more inside the Backstage Ecosystem! We are gonna release them after our public launch so stay tune and prepare yourself because they are not to many!

Q3 from Telegram user @Antonio287

I have already registered for “Inter Miami Loyalty App”, when will it be launched with full functionality?

Adiv Gut

Integration is underway working with Inter Miami CF and the plan is to have it released in June, at least the MVP version.

Q4 from Telegram user Bipasha Sondori

Can you share your social media links so we can keep ourselves updated,??

Adiv Gut

Q5 from Telegram user @satishgmr

Many Good projects fail to grow bigger because of their Marketing, How will You ensure about it which will really help the project to grow steadily,

What others investors and strategic partners you have? Can You tell?

Adiv Gut

You are correct with the issue with marketing – if you notice our business model is focused around providing products directly to the teams – in their name, not XMANNAs – so when we release an application with the team it is the Team’s application they are telling all of their millions of fans to go and download. Sports marketing is one of the most effective and that is why you see so much money from other companies go into it, and with our business model and plan to spread to a multitude of teams and leagues you can see how the potential adds up.

Q6 from Telegram user @Zohaya

Despite XMANNA and Backstage specialist interests, why did you decide to partner? What is the advantage of your service to the ordinary crypto user?


we found a stronge connection since day one. we decide to share all our knowledge and networks after that and all comes up to be the right choice! The advantages are access to all the new tech enviroment in one place! NFT, METAVERSE, WEB 3 and crypto currencies

Q7 from Telegram user @Robotliker1

Can you highlight about security
Aspects on your projects? What are the smart contract audit status and do you have any Audit credential certificates?


Security is paramount for Backstage as we are targeting global presence. Our smart contracts, ticketing platform, marketplace and backend are being audited by Hacken continuously and a significant portion of funds will be diverted in cyber security department to ensure the safety of our products and platform. Users can be assured that we consider safety as top priority.

Q8 from Telegram user Diva

What is the one unique and special feature you can guarantee that your project offers to users and investors?

Adiv Gut

Fairness. We really want to put heavy pressure on anyone who wants to try and copy what we are doing – this is why we are giving up so much revenue back to the users, because ultimately it is the end-users who are the most valuable part of any product – and we want to have products that are pumping so much life-changing rewards and opportunities that it wont be believable. We also will always keep our products focused on bringing the mass market to the blockchain but making it simple and accessible while also offering blockchain functionality for the ones who are more familiar.

Q9 from Telegram user @talkingdefi

What is the age range that you are targeting for marketing your project?


good question! we are targeting two big and different environment! the first is the crypto users that now goes from 13 to 55 years hold more or less and the the biggest one that is the Events Industry in general where you can find from the little kid to the old granpa that goes to the theater or to a museum!

Q10 from Telegram user @JaviSuBs

Does the Backstage ecosystem have a wallet that is a mobile application or do we only have access to your wallet from a PC?

Adiv Gut

Our solutions is seamless without any need of a wallet or any knowledge in crypto. XMANNA does it all for you with a simple email login in the backend. But at every stage you will have the option to switch into crypto mode and become the owner of you tokens and NFT’s

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

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