Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well. SatoshiClub does its best to deliver you only true stories about amazing cryptocurrency projects. And today we would like to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from ATROMG8. The AMA took place on August 21 and our guest was Milivoje Batista, the Founder of ATROMG8.
The total reward pool was 600$ and has been splitted in 3 parts.
In this AMA Recap we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community
Serg | Satoshi Club: Hello!today our guests are from @My_Atronocom_World , How are you today?
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: Hi and welcome to Satoshi Club
Serg | Satoshi Club: You are very busy today 🙂 please introduce yourself and the project
Quantum Baker: Hi guys my name is Milivoje Batista and i am the Founder of ATROMG8
Serg | Satoshi Club: are you from the balkans btw?
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: Tell us a few words about ATROMG8 please 😊
Quantum Baker: I or the Team?
Serg | Satoshi Club: I thought Milivoje is a Balkanic name 🙂
Quantum Baker: No, Milivoje is known in the Balkan very well but it comes from the old french but one part of parants is coming from the balkan thats right.
ATROMG8 is a API connection platform which is specialized on the data protection and privacy and which is connecting over API many additional services from third parties on our Social Media platform
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: Is it like a “hub” for API’s?
Quantum Baker: Yes, think in the Form of a shopping Centre where the structure is given and the shops inside are providing all of the needs of today under one roof! Some of the services we are providing by our self and some we are giving to third parties to take care for.
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: Thanks for the intro @QuantumBaker. In the first part we have questions from our community collected via our platform. Ready to start?
Quantum Baker: yes i am
Q1 from bitcointalk user juanes
You will release the Beta version soon. Please explain what new functionalities it will bring and what is its goal?
Quantum Baker: the Beat one is testing the reaction of the platoform under stress. that means when a lot of users are joing! The other point is to have feedback abaout functionalities in especially the social media segment as this is a very importatant part. bi weekly we are adding the features and working on them to make sure that ones we go live 11.11.2020 we have good resulats and user experience
Serg | Satoshi Club: how many users can it sustain at the same time?
Quantum Baker: We are implemting our Blockchain for the use of the EHealth of Kerala for 35 Million people at the Moment and once this is over i can tell you more. We are taking care for data protection and there is our focus. We have features to issue Diplomas and Certificates on Blockchain or using this technology for MatchMaker activities between companies which we are preparing with IBREI and Accubits on the platform of IBREI which is connecting 30`000 companies
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: Could you elaborate on the functionalities it will bring please?
Quantum Baker: in which field of the platform?
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: Let’s say health. Since you gave an example from that industry
Quantum Baker: health is a very special part. The idea is that one can go to any Doctor and and just show his QR Code and the Doctor can read it and get limited access to all the Data of the client. this way the client do not need to have all the Data all the Time with him and therefore nothing gets lost. A clients history can be identified and it is the job of our Blockchain to make sure that this ata does not get out there and only stays available to the person who is authorized by the patient.
Q2 from bitcointalk user peterter
ATROMG8 got featured on Hackernoon’s list of “Top 20 Promising Blockchain Projects in 2020. How much competition do you feel in this area now?
Quantum Baker: yes we were featured for the Data Security part in combination with Traditional Industrial needs and the development of the cryptographic possibilities like Blockchain and communication as this is one of the top topics 2020/21 and for sure later as well as the Cyber Criminals are not sleeping as well
We see every day more and more projects coming but we are not afraid as we are already supplying huge Networks with our Technology and testing it together. That what we have now will keep us busy for quite a time even no new client will come to join the network. Which we doubt as we are getting contacted on a daily base.
Serg | Satoshi Club: this is good for business :+1: good job
would like to add more or shall we proceed to the next question?
Quantum Baker: no we can go on
Q3 from Telegram user @kany_west
You say that you have implemented your blockchain on a satellite. Am I right? How does this function?
Quantum Baker: We are the first Blockchain which is going to have a full node on a Satellite which is going to be in the lower orbit and transported by SpaceX in August 2021 there.
As many institutions and research and development companies have issues with the security on the terestrial internet, we are ginving a solution to transfer files and information as well as connect to IOT Devices over a Satellite. this is giving in many points less exposure to hackers and a much higher security for the users of the service. this is giving in many points less exposure to hackers and a much higher security for the users of the service
Serg | Satoshi Club: are you in contact with Elon? 🙂
Quantum Baker: Sorry i can not answer this kind of question here as we have very strict contractual regulation. Our Agencies are talking to each other!
Serg | Satoshi Club: fair enough 🙂
Q4 from Telegram user @ownyourfunds
is LLARP Protocol? It is for security reasons as I understand. why do
you need it
Quantum Baker: woow, ok let me think one moment how to pack it short and sexy!
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: Short is optional, make it sexy 😀
Quantum Baker: LLARP was introduced by LOKI earlier to overcome the down sides of TOR and i2P in the cominication and speed on transaction. We are using it as the protocol for our MixNet! The name of the MixNet is RUBY and thats the only Sexy thing in this answere! Sorry for that
Serg | Satoshi Club: no prob, we love Ruby ))
Quantum Baker: ruby is cool and she can talk… hahaha
Serg | Satoshi Club: with a sexy voice I guess 😂
Quantum Baker: we are working on it! at the moment you must have a very strange preference to find it sexy but ok! We will see once we have it done
Q5 from Telegram username @trandaiquang91191
really interested about ATROMG8 Charity Program, it’s really great
program to help our discommodity comrade. What kind of charity target
from ATROMG8? And what do ATROMG8 give to donate them?
Quantum Baker: The Charity Program is a project which we call the Chain of Love. of all the transactions done on our Network and with oour or any other currency, we are giving 10% to Humanitarian and Enviromental preservation projects. On the platform which we go live shortly, you would be able to introduce your project and apply for financial support. If the community likes it you will get suppported by ATROMG8
Serg | Satoshi Club: what humanitarian actions have you supported until now?
Quantum Baker: Now we are not doiing to many transactions so the budget is not that big but we are already supporting our Legion the guys out there of the community to help people on the streets who have no home and nothing to eat. At the moment in Brazil!

Serg | Satoshi Club: great initiative!
Quantum Baker: Its not big but 200-300 people get each night something warm to eat in the Favelas of porto Alegre!
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: That’s a great initiative :heart:
Q6 from Telegram user @alice_wonderland12
to your whitepaper a transaction can be considered confirmed with
99.9% certainty after an average of 1.5 seconds from time of
broadcast, would that 0.01% be significant to funds losses while
doing transactions?
Quantum Baker: no, not at all! The speed is very important in todays world and the lost of funds today has more to do with human failures to 80 or 90% and 10% goes to the account of technology!
yes we would love to see you on our Channel
Serg | Satoshi Club: would you like to add smth or shall we open the chat? 🙂
Quantum Baker: I want to just give one thing to think about and this is very important to the whole team. ATROMG8 is not made to push a coin or a token. We believe in the long term building of value and security and therefor we are working at the hardest to build the community and usecases up where we have all of our focus. This is and only this will bring the real value to the coin and no pump activities, Therefore do not join or participate in this project if you see the project to make fast big money but if you see us as a Team which probably can bring some solutions to create a better world together then you are very welcome to join us like many big companies already doing it!
Serg | Satoshi Club: that is laudable
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: That’s the way to do things. Congrats
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q from Telegram user @Aleurich
AtromG8 is a fairly complex ecosystem in terms of all the services they offer. What services do you think are the most needed in the world today?
Quantum Baker: for sure data security! this can kill you and your future! There is a whole industry out there behind you and your information! If you dont protect them then you have no future
Q from Telegram user @armahes
there is 5G technology and IoT(internet of things) as emerging Technologies… now,Can ATROMG8 integrate or Join these technologies to merge into Constellation ECOSYSTEM?
Quantum Baker: we are doing the same over the Satellite as we are doing over terrestrial internet! As you can see, we have in our Board Jorge Sebastiao, Former CTo of Huawaei and we are working on some great things but to early to share.
Q from Telegram user @lucy4277
Regarding IBREI, how do they manage to establish a bridge for alliances and relationships between professionals, companies and institutions, both public and private? do they use any algorithm that connects similar interests?
Quantum Baker: We are Building a Platform togehter with the name WORLDG8 and on this platform we are integrating state of the Art Algos to make sure that we have matches which makes sense and we are building as well support centers in several spots on this planet to make sure that the peopple are not only talking to robots. It is a mix of Algo and real life support! We call it the round table
Quantum Baker:
We are working on the largest B2B and B2C platform in the world with Accubits Technologies, Oorjid, IBREI and two partners which we are not allowd to mention at this point of time. The idea is to make sure that from the small size companies up to the big boy all are fighting with the same sticks and makeing sure that the data are still protected and not only supporting one or two global players. On the other side we are building with very very large Student organizations the platofromt for education and Training and building the bridge between the Industry and the Students and the challanges of the global post pandemic economy! Our Aim is to be the best in this field even it is a long way to go but we have the right people to do it!
Q from Telegram user @bitgraile
What was the greatest challenge ATROMG8 team had while creating the project? Thank you.
Quantum Baker: Regulation which is not harmonized in a global economy and the games of Banking Industry against the peer to peer movement!
Q from Telegram user @xwidex
how do you attract investors to be interested in $AG8 ? because some investors only focus on short-term prices rather than long term?
Quantum Baker: I think that our situation and status quo gives us the possibility to claim that we will ahve a substantial grow in the Token price in short and the long term Investors. We are improving the system again and again and we are sure that we are satisfiyng both preferences.
Q from Telegram user @starkyiv
How will AtromG8 solve the scaling problem that social media platforms have?
Quantum Baker: This is a complex question but for sure the API Architecture is releasing a lot of pressure and the Defi plannings (not ERC20 base) will have as well their impact. But to give you a precise answere i would need to have a specific field of this question
Q from Telegram user @jpsarmah
You go live in roughly 82 days. What are the developments going on currently and what is the roadmap ahead after going live?
Quantum Baker: we are 90% with the social media! Blockchain Certification system is finsihed 100% and in testing in Singapore and the UAE. Shop for B2B and B2C is on 85% and in testing mode. Online School is 95% and in Design Mode. First classes will test it with William Nonnis (Full Stack Dev of the Ministry of Defense of Italy by end of september! Blockchain is under stress test and will go in main Net mode by end of Oct and be ready for 11.11.2020
Node and Staking process 85% are in test and calculation are in process for quotas and participation.
Q from Telegram user @Mcmonk
how does $AG8 spearhead the adoption of DeFi using a blockchain solution?
Quantum Baker: thats the 1 Million dollar Question which we are working on it with out satisfing results so far as all what is available today does not fullfil the requierments of a secure and fast network which would make any sense in the real industry
Q from Telegram user @CryptoLover97
can you ensure that the project will be long term?
Why do you
think it was better to launch your token in the SAFT agreement?
Quantum Baker: Nobody can give you any guarantee but this structure of the partners involved and the steps already achieved does not reflect the intention to soon stop here and trow away what we achieved. And the SAFT was the most stupid idea we had and thats why the most of it were reimbursed and the fianncial part taken over by the Team it self.
We are not advising anobody to do the SAFT then from the regulation it does not protect yo in any sense and the onyl guys really makeing a fortune are the lawyers!
Part 3 – Quiz Results
In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of ATROMG8. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 300$.
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