ASPO World x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 5th of November

ASPO World x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 5th of November

Welcome to another episode of our AMA series. Today we are glad to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from ASPO World, a tactics-driven mind game among players designed exclusively on the blockchain platform, inspired by the open universe of the game Tien Hiep. The AMA took place on September 5 and our guests were Shayne Nguyen (Founder) and Bich Nguyen (CBO and Co-founder).

The total reward pool was 500$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Hello dear community, welcome to another chapter of our AMA sessions. We are glad to introduce you ASPO World. An amazing gaming project. Our guest are @callmeshayne and @bichnguyen203

Shayne Nguyen: Hello everyone, I am very pleased to be here tonight to introduce you to ASPO World.

Bich Nguyen: Hi guys, It’s our pleasure to be here today to introduce you about ASPO.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Well, as usual we want to know who are behind the project. So, @callmeshayne and @bichnguyen203 please give us a short introduction about you.

Shayne Nguyen: I’m Thong Nguyen, founder of ASPO World and I’ve also been an entrepreneur for more than 3 years. I specialize in Finance and quickly saw the potential of GameFinance and Play to earn game model two years ago. I’m also the Founder of Edubox and CaBo Capital.

Bich Nguyen: My name is Bich and I’m the Community Advisor of ASPO World. I’m also the CBO and co-founder of Phenikaa MaaS. Currently, I’m in charge of promoting ASPO World and pitching the project with large funds.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: So, let’s talk about the project, what is the essence of ASPO World and what was the inspiration to create it?

Bich Nguyen: Just over the last two years, we’ve noticed the growing interest in GameFi (NFT games), following the footsteps of digital assets. And since we have such a strong backer as a game producer, we decided to turn one of the games there into blockchain-based game for the community to enjoy.

Q1 from Telegram User @SanoMario

Could you mention how much investment would you have to make to start playing AspoWorld? According to your experience, which of the three Fighter / Hunter / Witch characters would be the best option to start playing ASPO? Do you plan to add more characters in the future and would it be prepared for the entry of new users and not collapse like it has happened on other platforms?

 Bich Nguyen: In order to join ASPO, you gotta buy 4 characters (NFTs), price would be 100 ASPO/NFT. We will announce it soon, don’t worry it would be affordable. Each character would have their own strength, it depends on your favorite characters. We’re planning to launch a series of game, not just one game. The ASPO token would be used for the whole series of game.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Where we can buy ASPO tokens to use the platform?

Bich Nguyen: You can buy on Pancake Swap. Besides, we’re discussing with big exchanges, the name is going to be announced soon.

Q2 from Telegram User @Jmagsss

Based on the gameplay, Aspo World will have a daily attendance check for each player. It involves a “0.2-0.5-2” rewarding system, 0.2 tokens given daily, 0.5 during Saturdays and 2 token will be given monthly. Can you discuss the specifics of this attendance feature like, what time within the day should comply with the attendance? Also, is there a required activity to do to determine that a certain player is really online and in the game? Lastly, for how long will this feature run? How would you manage the amount of tokens to be given for this particular reward system to all of the players in terms of long term run? Does Aspo World have sufficient token supply for this feature?

Bich Nguyen: If players want to earn more money, they can fight each other through PvP.  A “fair” form of competition is based on “bans and picks”, which is similar to league of legends and players can choose a suitable squad to defeat the opponent. Players can earn tokens through those PvP battles.

Shayne Nguyen: We will balance the token reward based on its value to balance the issuance. Don’t worry I have a budget and strategy for this job.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: There are different missions or tasks to earn more rewards? I mean, what is the better way to increase the rewards?

Bich Nguyen: The mechanism of making money in the game is through basic tasks such as “daily attendance”, hard-working players logging in every day can earn ASPO very easily. In addition, players do in-game tasks to earn tokens. However, making money based on “daily activity” will be limited to a certain number of tokens. If players feel OK after earning tokens from the daily tasks, they can stop and wait until the next day.

Shayne Nguyen: We have daily quests for rewards. PvP competition for token rewards. In addition, you can also go clones to hunt for precious NFT items.

Q3 from Telegram User @Ajpaa

Players can sell rare NFT items like Character, Fragments of Spirit, Lucky Charm and equipment in the NFT Marketplace. What is the difference between the rare and elite qualities of Character and Spirit NFTs? How are these rare NFTs obtained by players? How is the price of these rare NFTs determined in the marketplace? Finally, what is the uniqueness of your marketplace?

Bich Nguyen: Yes, players can sell NFTs on marketplace to make profit. The rare items would be stronger. Players can get these NFTs via hard activities, the value of these NFTs was evaluated by players. The uniqueness of ASPO is that you can sell these NFT or do rental or join other game in ASPO game universe.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: What is the rarest one?

Shayne Nguyen: Character with mystical qualities are the rarest.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Great. Btw, you told us that you are creating more games, could you tell us more about it? what kind of games are coming? And please share us your roadmap to check it in detail.

Bich Nguyen: Roadmap:  We will do the INO and IDO next month. The day after that we will launch the game and the marketplace.

The first and second quarters of next year will be when we launch a tournament for ASPO for gamers to connect more and show their tactical thinking. At the same time, we will soon announce the next game in the ASPO game universe. We will launch a separate side-chain for the project Q3 and Q4 of next year.

Shayne Nguyen: first we need to launch ASPO World and make it stable. Then the next game will prepare. We have 4 game studios in Vietnam and have a list of available games, launching the next game will be very simple. It could be ASPO Soccers, ASPO Trike…. etc.

Q4 from Telegram User @chinyere2020

“ASPO World has for itself a large number of spirits which are divided into many different quality levels, respectively; Common(Green), Rare(Blue), Elite(Purple), Ascension(Pink) and Legendary(Yellow). Spirits are also divided into 4 groups based on their properties and abilities”. Can you mention the 4 groups and the properties/abilities which determine the group and quality level in which a spirit belong? Can you users upgrade the level of their spirits? If yes, what are the ways through which users can upgrade the level of their spirits?

Shayne Nguyen: Yes, there are many different types of champions, to upgrade level 1 spirits to level 2. you need to have 2 level 1 spirits to upgrade. The upgrade will have a certain failure and success rate. If successful, the spirit will level up. If you fail, you will lose 1 spirit. Tip: you can use lucky charms to increase the success rate.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Could you share some images of the live game? we are excited to check the graphics.

Shayne Nguyen:

🔮ASPO World is a tactics-driven mind game among players designed exclusively on the blockchain platform, inspired by the open universe of the game Tien Hiep. By joining the game, players can engage within a broad and fascinating world while earning money through skilled gameplay and ecosystem contribution.

✨ASPO World opens up world-class 3D graphics with an appealing character system based on the Japanese chibi style. From the background to the spirits or characters, they all have their unique charisma and peculiarities. Additionally, when players interact with the game’s features, ASPO also brings stunning battle effects, eye-catching skill effects, and a plethora of other effects.

🔆Participating in battles, gaining experience, and upping their level can earn money and get attractive rewards.

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Q5 from Telegram User @Orlemys

You will be having your Whitelist on GameFi Aggregator. Please explain what is this collaboration about, and what does it entail for new investors and veterans in the community? How will it work, how can we join? Will there be any restrictions, or any special requirements to enter? If so, please let us know, thanks!

Shayne Nguyen: GameFi is both an investor and a project guide to success. They are also a very good partner. We are discussing with some of the leading investment funds about accompanying the project. I think the requirements when participating in this IDO/IGO event are not too difficult and anyone can do it. Please refer to for more information on participating. We just extended our whitelist to 11/14, so there’s still a chance.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Thanks for the answer, before proceed with the last question of this first part of the AMA please tell us about the security aspect, have you done audits? which results did you have?

Shayne Nguyen: We plan to audit at leading companies. This will be announced to the community soon. Don’t worry because if you read the whitepaper carefully, we are good programmers and can be assured of the security factor.

Q6 from Telegram User @Cheriemike

I noticed that ASPO IGO will be held in GameFi and RedKite on the 7th of November, but currently you are having a Community Pool going on. Can you share details on how Satoshi Clubbers can join and when it will end? Will there be any form of KYC to join your Community Pool? In your IGO, there are two pools in each of the designated place your IGO will happen, can you tell us the amount allocated to each pools? At what price can users get $ASPO? How many tiers will you have on those pools and what are their requirements? Will there be any whitelisting? Please provide more details about your IGO and if there are countries that will not be able to participate in it please tell us. Thanks

Shayne Nguyen: Currently, we and gamefi have just announced that we will move the IGO/INO date back to 11/14 to best prepare for the community. Redkite and gamefi split into 2 pools. Players are required to follow their instructions in order to participate. The best answer is to go to for detailed requirements and can follow because this is gamefi and redkite rules of the game.


The chat was open for 120 seconds; a lot of questions were posted by Satoshi Club community. Our guests chose some of them.

Q1 from Telegram user @HeyBabys7

Bich Nguyen: We are running on BSC and will then consider further development on some other good enough platforms. We will be launching staking and farming soon. Stakers may be rewarded with NFTs and can sell them on the marketplace.

Q2 from Telegram user @Borovai80

According to the ASPO World Roadmap, there will be a tournament in Q1 2022, the first tournament of ASPO. Can you tell us how will this event work? What’s going to be the main goal of the tournament? And will there be rewards?

Shayne Nguyen: This event will take place in a pick and ban format similar to league of legends. If covid-19 continues, it is likely that we will organize an online competition and the winner will receive ASPO tokens with rare NFT items.

Q3 from Telegram user @Phunsuk9999

If I am Interested in playing the Game than Can you tell me On which devices I can play, Is the ASPO app is compatible on Android and iOS operating systems?

Shayne Nguyen: Our game is mobile game genre. It will be available on both Android and iOS operating systems. We also make a PC version for all gamers who want to play our games. Convenient, right?

Q4 from Telegram user @Ishan1_7

I noticed that the ASPO launch has yet to be scheduled. Would you please tell us when the ASPO will be available?

Shayne Nguyen: Marketplace and game will be ready by the end of November. Everything is ready to explode. Hope you will stick with our game.

Q5 from Telegram user @NTHoang98

Your project name seems to be very interesting. Does it have any story behind it? Can you share us with the inspiration for approaching this name?

Bich Nguyen: Each of the letters in ASPO has its own meaning behind.

– A (Asia) is where Viet Nam is based and we want to prove that Asian countries can compete in this newly-emerging field and will achieve success the same way Axie Infinity (also known as a game of Viet Nam) did.

-S: this S is actually how Viet Nam looks on the world map. Viet Nam is a small country with the shape of an S and we want people to be familiar with this icon in the future.

-P (Pacific) describes how peaceful the ASPO Community can be and we all together will bring peace and joy to the world of NFT games.

-O (Opportunity): players entering ASPO is actually giving us and themselves an opportunity to have fun while make some money with ASPO. We want this to be a place for both entertainment and economic progress.

Q6 from Telegram user @IntidraK

NFT games can be difficult for many traditional players to play.  How can your project attract more traditional players?  Do you plan to educate yourself about the benefits of NFT games?

Bich Nguyen: All ASPO now and future games are for those interested in crypto (both gamers and non-gamers) Non-gamers can become long-term investors as we will develop a game universe. At that time, ASPO token will be very valuable.

Q7 from Telegram user @highpee

According to you, players needs 4 characters in order to join ASPO games. What if a player has less than 4 characters? Does it mean it is not sufficient to start the game? And where will these characters be bought from? Will it be available on external marketplace or are you going to have your own marketplace?

Shayne Nguyen: Players can still start with a smaller squad, but the power will be reduced and the win rate will be reduced. To participate in the game, you will have to join INO to buy mysterious box items. Or go directly to our marketplace to buy normal quality champions and start the game. We recommend having a squad of 4 spirits, but if you want, you can still use less.

Q8 from Telegram user @adamsari30

I usually play games with other people and form clans or guilds to find strong friends, does ASPO WORLD have a feature for that? is ASPO WORLD already on playstore? how to get income can I earn because I don’t have much money.

Bich Nguyen: We have rental NFTs program for players who don’t have much money at the beginning, or you can buy our tokens in early stage to make profit when selling it.

Q9 from Telegram user @Orlemys

On your website, you let us know that every player’s purpose is to embark on a journey to become the King of Sorcerers. Does this mean that the game has a natural ending, or will there be more challenges once we reach that position?

Shayne Nguyen: This is inspired by our favorite Sorcerer King series. However, this game is an open game with a huge mindmap. The community will be the one to decide the development of the game. We have a comment feature. Every 3 months we will review the comments of the community and open 1 vote, if there are many votes we will develop according to the community’s opinion. And there will be rewards for those who contribute good ideas. We prioritize community contributions.

Q10 from Telegram user @Hunluli8

Do you have an AUDIT really good certificate or are you working to AUDIT your project to make it more secure and reliable?

Bich Nguyen: Yes, after the listing date, we’ll partner with CertiK. It’s one of the best auditing firms out there.


As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about ASPO World. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ were distributed between the winners.

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  52. Hey there! I realize this is somewhat off-topic but I had to ask. Does operating a well-established blog like yours take a lot of work? I’m completely new to operating a blog but I do write in my diary daily. I’d like to start a blog so I will be able to share my own experience and views online. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or tips for new aspiring bloggers. Appreciate it!

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