American Dream x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 7th of December

American Dream x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 7th of December

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from American Dream and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 7th of December

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500.

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with American Dream! Welcome to Satoshi Club

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Greetings again dear Satoshi Club .

Hello and thank you for having me!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club

Mary | Satoshi Club:

How’s going?

Just flexing the fingers getting ready to type out my next novel

So basically, living the dream! You?

Mary | Satoshi Club:
We are great! Waiting to know more about American Dream

Mary :
So, let’s start our party

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Ahah , we need fast fingers

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Let’s start! Introduce yourself please. How did you get to be involved in crypto & American Dream
Tell us please about your position in American Dream

I am long winded and type just as much! I will try and keep it engaging while I paint a story

So I am Joe, the CEO for ADREAM. I myself have been in crypto for the better part of a decade mainly on CEX while learning the ropes. Started dabbling in DEX and that is when I started noticing the inundation of scam tokens out there mixed with the lack of acceptable research ability and wanted to try and change that to safeguard investors but also the concept of the American Dream as a whole is so much more than that.

The American Dream is actually an immigrants view of the life that they can have regardless of race, color, creed, social or financial status etc… and we want to bring that back to a world wide concept in peoples own backyards. It will become quiet the vast ecosystem with the end goal to be as a community we fund small business startups worldwide with no expectation of return (more on that later)

I will introduce the rest of my team quick as well!

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Awesome plans! Who will help you to bring them to life? What can you tell us about your team?

Arturas is the Tech guy of the four of us. His knowledge and skills have been vital to this project and it is hot the first one he has had his hands in but by far the most successful. He like I hate the scams and the rugs and the memes and wanted to build a revolutionary concept with me.

AJ is my marketing queen, she is relatively new to crypto but we are targeting the same demographics she is used to handling and so its a perfect crossover.

Nick is the king of the dirty work no one wants to do, he handles my social media platforms and is a wizard at getting things up and running smoothly. I am pretty active on TG but every other platform he has more than less single handedly growing and managing to take that burden off my shoulders to focus on things like this AMA!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Is your team anonymous?

Mary | Satoshi Club:
So, four team members?

Myself and Arturas since we handle the contract are fully Doxxed and Kycd! So not at all! Actually after this chat I’m doing a VC in my group to recap anything missed and you can see my lovely face on our youtube channel if you’d like .

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of American Dream

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
I have already looked and you are handsome.

SO to give the readers digest version the whole concept of ADREAM is to break down the financial barriers on a global scale. ADREAM as a token is more of a catalyst that the entire ecosystem will be built upon. We have 4 Primary utilities in the works that will be released in this order. DreamSwap, DreamChart, DreamLaunch, DreamInvest!

I appreciate the compliment!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Bringing Blockchain to Small Business. – what does it mean?

Effectively we plan to utilize blockchain technology to assist tech startups (DreamLaunch) and real world small business (DreamInvest) the opportunity that they otherwise would not have had. Covid crushed the world, even before covid getting a business loan was hard and it was scary. Here in the states I can get a 100k student loan no questions asked but a 10k business loan would require me signing away my soul. Look at every innovator of the 19th and even early 20th century, they grew up struggling and had hard lives. We want to be the group that empowers people to reach their full potential.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Your goals are impressive

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for your fantastic intro! We choose 6 questions from our community for the first part of our AMA , are you ready for them?


I think the rich deserve what they have earned, but I think they do not realize they can change the world without ever feeling a change in their lifestyle. So I am gonna have to show them how its done!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
But how do you resolve legal issues, because we all know that American regulators are very strong.

Fire away! I can also explain our utilities further and quickly if anyone has any additional questions

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Q1 from Telegram user @Anne_Tim
American Dream is bringing the Dreamswap platform that is intended to be a revolutionary concept in the DEX space integrating the familiar and user-friendly aspects of a CEX in a more freeing and rewarding way that can only be found on a decentralized exchange. We can also see the features attributed to DreamSwap but how exactly do they differ from what is offered by your competitors? To attract users, there should be more advantages like higher staking percentages, rewards programs, enlarged coverage map for credit/debit cards payments. Please provide more numbers to clearly show that we must swap to Dreamswap. Thanks!

Starting small, right now we are not a blip on the radar and we have utility already to cover our butts. As this project grows so will the legal requirements, but this is also why there are professionals in this field to assist with and ensure we are following the rules every step of the way.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for clarifying

So to start, I will openly admit that DreamSwap is not designed to immediately target current DEX users. What we are aiming for here it to bring in the CEX users who are either confused or lost as to what a DEX can provide for them. I was a strong CEX user for the longest time out of confusion, none of the DEX concepts made sense to me for years and I was at a disadvantage. Gas, Slippage, Farming, Staking… it was all confusing. So to hybridize a CEX feel with essentially tutorials/lessons to educate and bring in a whole new group of investors that have been untouched is the primary goal. Do not get me wrong, many of you will find yourself migrating our way based on the platform as a whole but some of those numbers I cannot fully specify because they will be negotiated with the different projects that enter our platform. When it comes to staking and farming the swap itself does not fully set the rate but we discuss with the projects to make sure what is presented makes sense to the community as a whole

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Which blockchain will your swap work on?

The market is huge right now and we are still missing so many investors in the DEX space and my team is gonna be the ones to bring them into this world. Additionally this is when we will release our secondary token, our Governance token. Very low total supply and you will have to stake ADREAM for the token. Governance token holders will be the ones who have the voting rights on the small business we fund! They will be the ones who get to decide whos lives we change.

Initially BSC but we are already trying to stay ahead of the curve on cross chain.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
What blockchains do you want to add first?

Right now ETH because it still rules the roost and we are hoping that with the upgrades this still remains a relevant chain. VB was one heck of an innovator but looking at some of the other blockchains that are starting to get traction I can see some of them really paving the way for future innovation.

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the next question?


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your great answers

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q2 from Telegram user @iceVermithraxx
According to your just concluded Audit by TECH AUDIT on December 3rd, I found out that the ownership was not renounced, which means the contract contains ownership functionality which allows the creator and content owner to modify contract behavior at will. My question is: will project decisions be taken solely by project team or is there a place for community contribution? Why did you choose to design a contract that gives Project Team so much flexibility to alter contract terms at will? how can investors have proof of trust in the team and how do you plan to ensure safety of investor funds? Are there any plans to renounce the contract soon?

So, Contract renouncement is a meme token gimmick to remove liability of a meme token (Which is normally a commodity and not a utility) from SEC regulations. I could have made a token that was intended to be a store of wealth, renounced ownership, and then just did whatever I wanted. It would however kill any and all ability to grow the utility. If the contract is renounced I cannot set it up for farming, for staking, get CEX listings. Pretty much anything useful to grow this project would have been renounced with the contract.

Project decisions are not exclusive to the team, we are a community. No one person can do it all correctly. If 5 people all say the same thing then you have to think about and consider it. The moment I stop learning, researching, and listening to the community will be the moment this project fails.

Additionally, this is why we have been doxxed and KYCd.

We are held to a standard much higher than many tokens which can have legal ramifications against us for doing anything illegal

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Do you plan more audits? Hackers are not sleeping .

We intend on having this token, the swap, and the governance token all Certik Audited as we release that swap.

Additionally we are prepared that if the certik audit finds flaws to upgrade the contract if neccesary.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for your answers! Ready to proceed?


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q3 from Telegram User @chinyere2020
According to your tokenomics, the total buy and sell tax is 14% per transaction. I think this is a high fee that will be incurred by users per transaction. Why did you decide to take this step? What are the circumstances that you considered before making this decision? Since this might naturally scare users away, are there any form of incentives setup for token buyers/holders in order to encourage users to buy and hold you tokens? Can you give a detailed explanation on how the 14% tax per transaction is distributed in the American Dream ecosystem?

While 14% may seem high to some it is not really all that crazy or out there. I can think of a small handful of tokens in our wheel house that are not memes with taxes similar to ours.

The breakdown is as follows though.

8% is reflections for holders
3% is liquidity

2% is salary (We are putting our salary into liquidity for the time being)
1% is marketing (marketing also receives reflections)

Mary | Satoshi Club:
How often you distribute this 8% to holders?

End of day the token was designed so that as the natural order of things on the buy and sell transactions happened holders were rewarded each way, liquidity continues to pad price preventing major fluctuations, myself and my team will have the means required to solely focus on this project, and we will have a solid income for business marketing and development.

Real Time

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Oh, that’s nice

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your answers


Friday when we got listed onto CMC the presale holders woke up to an early christmas

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Let’s proceed to the next question

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
It could be a good Christmas present

We effectively 4x from thursday when I went to bed to fridays peak before holding a solid floor! We never went red this weekend when the market bled either

I am good for the next question!

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q4 from Telegram User @Azrael_GC
I see that you will allocate 8% of your tokens to your rewards program, how does this program work and what do we have to do in order to receive rewards? Is a minimum of $ADREAM necessary to be eligible or is there no minimum amount required? Do you consider it advisable for a beginner in cryptocurrencies to invest in $ADREAM or is it necessary to have experience to invest in your project?

I answered a little of this on the previous question but I will clarify the details here.

No minimum, but the reflections do increase with the more you hold.

And we are trying to be the token and ecosystem designed for beginners and long term investors alike

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Yes, partially disclosed

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
But maybe you can share your tokenomics with us?

So tokenomics on the tax are 14% total being broken down as 8% rewards to holders (in real time) 3% liquidity, 2% salary (going towards liquidity until we release our swap to ensure we can handle the growth) and 1% Marketing (which also receives reflections)

The initial supply was 100T of which we have burned 40%, 35% is locked in a vesting wallet to ensure we have supply for utility as they are released, we have access to 1% total supply per month for 35 months. If we do not need these tokens, they will not be dumped into the ecosystem but either relocked or burned (max we are burning is 50%). 15% was presale and pancakeswap, 5% dev wallets, 2% airdrop, 2% private sale, 1% marketing

Typing as fast as I can!

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Do you plan more burns?

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Sire, take your time

We do not have any scheduled at this time, but we will burn up to a max of 50% total supply when all is said and done.

We cannot mint more tokens, so we would rather burn slowly than be in a bind

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Oh, more surprises ahead

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for your answers! Ready to jump to the next question?


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q5 from Telegram User @UniqueVicky
From the information on your roadmap,in phase 3 we understand it’s your plan for your first CEX listing on $ADREAM, release of Dreamswap and staking platform, 25,000 token holders,NFT project official release, governance token launched, could you please tell us from the above when your first CEX listing will be out cognizance to the fact there just few weeks left? Can you briefly hint us on your staking platform,to what extent will it operate? What benefits will users who stake on your staking platform receive? Since the platform is yet to be launched,will there be any privilege or special tier for early stakers? What is the minimum APY that your staking platform will offer? And about DreamSwap what difference will it make compare to that swap platforms?

There are alot of questions in there that the answer sadly is depends. I will hammer this out as quick as I can though.

Also when you say few weeks left, you mean end of year? The plan was to release the token by end of year and we managed to do it with one month to spare. I will check the verbiage on our website but some wires might be crossed.

But here we go

DreamSwap and Staking is intended to be released in Q1 of next year, might be pushed back to early Q2 but right now we are on track still. The APY for things like this are variable based on the amount of people using it. Primary privilege is this will be the platform and only way to initially have access to the secondary token which will be the governance token for the future of the project.

As for the CEX listing, I am already working with a Lawyer who is verifying everything to ensure we can start applying for exchanges. Again, we want to draw CEX people into the DEX realm so want these to ideally coincide with each other to be us dangling a carrot to get CEX users to try their hand at our platform

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
It makes sense

Lot of moving parts, really trying to hammer one out at a time!

Mary | Satoshi Club:
What marketcap you currently have?

1.4 million at the moment

So still really small, only about a week old now

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Very nice! With CEXs you will have even more

Mary | Satoshi Club:
But i understand your situation

Even before then I have a feeling we will as well

So whats next! Fire Away

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Let’s go

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Q6 from Telegram user @victorogb
Can you elaborate a little bit more on the proposed governance features of American Dream, though these plans are set to be fully implemented in Phase 3 of your roadmap, but may we know how your governance token’s utilities will be quite different from the other two platform tokens especially ADREAM? Also, since the launch of your governance token will coincide with the release of your DreamSwap and Staking platforms, can you provide an insight on how these feature and programs would function, how would they be structured to meet your goals of promoting global financial wellbeing and empowerment to community members?

So the governance token will honestly have some very simple tokenomics behind it. It is not designed to be a fancy reflectiona or complex token in any way.

Total supply is in the millions, not billions or trillions. The idea is for that token to have a larger price tag because it comes with a larger role for the investor. If they sell it, I want then to get their worthwhile value but even more importantly I do not want it to be a token where someone can throw $10 at it and have enough power to deny every project because they can. I want people to understand how serious this token is and I do not want to see it having massive movement. Think of it like Berkshire A shares.

We are releasing it with the swap so that people already believing in and investing in this project can start to earn that token as a reward to staying in the system and build up the core group of decision makers for the final leg of the project

Mary | Satoshi Club:
What decisions will your governance cover?


Do you want to be the person who said yes lets give money to scientific discovery that allowed an ectopic pregnancy to go from a non viable fetus to a loved child? Or turn a village in a third world country into a trade destination.

You get to decide what projects we fund

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for this awesome first part

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Ready for the next? Live part of our AMA

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
I hope your project will play an important role in the mass adoption

I am ready!

Mary | Satoshi Club:
Let’s go

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @Wong2008:

DREAMCHART aim to keep investors a little more safeguarded from rugs and scams, can you explain to us more about this point?

DreamChart is going to change the way crypto charts are done. Think of it almost like a crypto Bloomberg Terminal. When I think poocoins for the longest time I thought its where joke tokens went to die. I did not realize how serious it was but who talks about “poocoins” in the office or a professional setting? Stocktwits is one of my favorite platforms but its also lacking. So we want to effectively take the two and hybridize them. When it comes to our platform tokens will not be automatically listed. Project developers will have to effectively submit their information (just like cmc and cg) for verification before its listed. To protect buyers who fomo into a chart off emotion for a new token launch. Additionally having the ability to discuss the project on chart will allow investors to self regulate projects and warn others if things start going south before the team is able to discover and remove rugpulls, intentional honeypots, etc etc. Trying to make this space as safe as possible end of day for investors.

Q2 from Telegram user @ronaldo_super:

As I understand right now you aim only running and providing on BSC. Are there any plans on your side to run on another blockchains like polkadot and ethereum?


As we grow we plan to utilize cross chain tech and even have my lead Dev working on breaking down what is needed to start our own chain to go with the launchpad.

Q3 from Telegram user @arbestefy :

What do you consider the first most authentic and important characteristics of the project?


Giving the chance to allow an investor anywhere in the world to receive personal benefits by changing the world. All you have to do is stay the course and follow the project

Q4 from Telegram user @Nayeemoffecial :

What I found interesting on American Dream’s roadmap is that it consists of the project’s upcoming contests, giveaways and tournaments which all includes attractive monetary rewards. Can you please talk more about the details of your upcoming community events? Are all welcomed and invited to participate? When do you plan to conduct the first event?


All are welcome to join! That is why the rewards are in BNB and not our token (incase they dump their reward)

But we want to tap into and see the creativity of our community through these events.

Q5 from Telegram user @arbestefy:

What is the primary work of the project? What is the most important thing and how much importance do you give to the suggestions and opinions of your community?


The primary work is giving innovators a chance to change the world, and like I said, the moment I stop listening to suggestions and researching will be the day this fails. So I value community opinions.

Q6 from Telegram user @alicandogan9:

I saw that you have a KYC requirement for me to become a member of Adream, why did you set the KYC requirement? Do you think the KYC requirement will be enough for Adream to be a safer place?


You do not have to be KYC to become an investor? But we are KYC to give you the confidence that if we did something illegal, I do not mean project hiccups but illegal, you could pursue legal action if needed.

Q7 from Telegram user @Mehwi111 :

Many Projects speak about the “Long Terms Vision and Mission” but what are Dream platform’s short terms objectives ? What are you focusing right now?


What we released yesterday. We partnered with Coinflect to give immediate utility for our token

Q8 from Telegram user @Chrisboy5 :

Have you ever thought of abandoning this project during challenging times? And how were you able to overcome difficulties as you built American dream?


Heck no! Ask anyone in our community about the last two weeks and they will tell you first hand how we have thought on our feet and changed plans on the fly to adapt to the struggles and challenges

Q9 from Telegram user @atillayeni?

Do you have any plans to make charities for the children or animals etc?


Immediate plans, no, but part of the long term vision would impact groups like this in a positive light.

Q10 from Telegram user @boradam :

What is the main reason for you to dump Ethereum erc-20 blockchain and build the project with the Binance Smart Chain BEP-20?


Price and efficiency. When it costs you $140 to buy $10 in tokens and the gas still runs out you are going to lose investor confidence before you even start. Building this on Bep-20 allowed us to use the momentum of a growing chain to benefit the long term growth of the project

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

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