Good vibes only! Satoshi Club always has good vibes, great mood, friendly community and a lot of interesting things. And today we would like to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from VIBE. The AMA took place on October 13 and our guests were @vibehubdev and @VIBEFounder.
The total reward pool was $600 and has been splitted in 3 parts.
In this AMA Recap we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club So! Good evening everyone !! We continue our AMA marathon! Our guests today are from VIBE. Welcome to Satoshi Club, @vibehubdev @VIBEFounder!
D. Папа Роуч @VIBEFounder @vibehubdev hello guys!
M.Myers Hello everyone!
A Mack hello everyone…happy to be here…
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club Thanks for joining. To be begin with, please tell us a few words about yourselves and how did you get to be involved in VIBE.
A Mack long story short..lol…I have a programming background, and game development as well. I also am passionate about blockchain technology, and VIBE was a great opportunity to build express my passions. Along with working with like minded people…
Serg | Satoshi Club Welcome guys!
M.Myers Im passionate about blockchain technology being integrated into gaming. I have a unity game development and front-end dev background! We’re doing our part to lead the charge of the adoption of gaming on the blockchain.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club it is very interesting. does this mean you are professional gamers?
A Mack lol i wouldn’t say professional gamers…definitely professional game developers…lol…. im not a newbie tho..lol
D. Папа Роуч Could you tell us about your favorite games?)
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club You have very beautiful graphics on your site. I am impressed.
A Mack vibe or die and vibeverse…👍🏽
A Mack best crypto related games in my opinion…
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club how did you come to your project?
A Mack we are the co-founders… and we started this project in 2017, and have been innovating every since…starting with vibenet our layer 2 solution that lets overcome shortcomings of blockchain (performance and scalability) and then the first AAA quality first person shooter game incorporating crypto and our layer 2 solution. Now we have introduced a the next gen of nfts though our vibe nft ecosystem.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club Are your games compatible with VR headsets?
M.Myers VIBE OR DIE does not have VR Support but the VIBEVERSE will support VR headsets 👍
Q1 from bitcointalk user tolgaozek @tolgaozek on Telegram
Why is limit 250 USD on “Purchase Digital Assets” of VIBE website.
A Mack that is a third party integration with transak and that is the limits they impose. It is for convenience to purchase with debit cards and directly deposit on platform…Binance is another option that would allow more then 250 usd.
D. Папа Роуч interesting…so there are limits on buying 👀
but i suppose most people prefer buying with crypto?
A Mack yes, correct…that service on the site is fairly new and more for new users who just want to jump in without exchanges or wallets…
for example users that want to purchase a vibe nft without an exchange account…
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club btw NFT is the hype of today. How did you get the idea to combine them with auctions?
D. Папа Роуч and also, i want to ask – all your NFTs about space? planets, ships etc? aliens?)
A Mack well considering our nft allow multiple owners and multiple collateral, auctions are a good way fairly distribute them. you can do a single bid for sole ownership of participate in bid pool for multi ownership..giving everyone a shot at ownership.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club agree with you. it really looks fair.
M.Myers The NFTs we are releasing now are apart of the VIBEVERSE collection. We will have all types of NFTs, 2D Art, 3D models etc.. All NFT’s have the luxury of using the VIBE NFT protocol
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club Excellent! Can you show us something right now?😉
A Mack sure there is an auction going on right now for space ships…the top bid on the highest ship is 10000 vibe..check it out https://www.vibehub.io/nft/auctions/5f785798caee7f6f4c4212da
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club Thanks! I’m sure it will be interesting for our community
D. Папа Роуч yes, we have many NFT lovers here)
A Mack I will just add here is a list of all current running aucitons… thank you https://www.vibehub.io/nft/auctions
M.Myers Here is a trailer of the VIBEVERSE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwt_gLaf0nk
Q2 from bitcointalk user JonahAp @Jonahapagu on Telegram
I see that VIbe’s NFT loan ecosystem has a credit system with credit classes of AAA, A, B, C, D, E, F can you explain how the credit scores of this system is generated and assigned to users..
The VIBE NFT Loan Ecosystem has a credit system for VIBE NFT Owners. All owners start with the ability to take a loan of 50% their VIBE NFT Collateral. For every successful loan VIBE NFT owners complete, their loan amount increases by 5%. A perfect credit score in the VIBE NFT ecosystem is the ability to take loans amounting to 80% of their VIBE NFT’s collateral.
*User A owns VIBE NFT with 100 VIBE as collateral
*User A takes out the first loan on VIBE NFT for 50 VIBE
*User A pays back the loan to the lender in the required timeframe
On User A next loan, they are able to take a loan for 55% their VIBE NFT Collateral. For each successful loan, their loan amount increases by 5%. Maximum 80%.
Credit System Classes
50% — Class F
55% — Class E
60%- Class D
65%- Class C
70%- Class B
75%- Class A
80%- Class AAA
The VIBE NFT Loan Ecosystem has a credit system for VIBE NFT Owners. All owners start with the ability to take a loan of 50% their VIBE NFT Collateral. For every successful loan VIBE NFT owners complete, their loan amount increases by 5%. A perfect credit score in the VIBE NFT ecosystem is the ability to take loans amounting to 80% of their VIBE NFT’s collateral.
*User A owns VIBE NFT with 100 VIBE as collateral
*User A takes out the first loan on VIBE NFT for 50 VIBE
*User A pays back the loan to the lender in the required timeframe
On User A next loan, they are able to take a loan for 55% their VIBE NFT Collateral. For each successful loan, their loan amount increases by 5%. Maximum 80%.
Credit System Classes
50% — Class F
55% — Class E
60%- Class D
65%- Class C
70%- Class B
75%- Class A
80%- Class AAA
Q3 from Telegram user @spacexmarss
You can earn 50% in rewards from fees from a gaming node. But how many gaming nodes are there at the moment? Also, what gaming node has the best roi and what are the reward expectation?
A Mack
We currently have 36 sponsored game nodes…you can see the nodes here https://www.vibehub.io/nodes
Here is a video demo of setting up a game node and covering how easy it is to make revenue off your game node with just a few players! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D3L_SXL6JI
D. Папа Роуч
what exactly do you need to run a node on vibe? hold and stake particular amount of vibe tokens or anything else?
nice! video guide! i like it! )
Its a daily rate. Very cheap, 15 VIBE per day to set up a node 👍 No programming experience required, very easy to set up!
D. Папа Роуч
this is great! convenient for many cryptofans/gamers ! )
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
Sorry I couldn’t resist looked at the demo .. it really looks simple
D. Папа Роуч
this is why you must try it)
Yes. We want to make our UI across all games and applications. As easy as possible for our users
Q4 from Telegram Username @yzmoney
Vibe ecosystem consists of auctions, NFT, dApp, , game nodes and virtual wallet. Which one of this is bringing the most revenue to the platform currently? is there any option to stake vibe to earn passive income?
The NFT’s and auctions are presently bringing the most volume to our platform. Yes you can stake your VIBE! By purchasing VIBE NFT’s this stakes your VIBE! 100% of the buying amount is locked up in collateral and by being a VIBE NFT Holder, your collateral increases from earning off the Collateral Distribution Pools, Collateral Commission and Lending your VIBE NFT
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
BTW do you promise zero transaction fees? If yes, how do you achieve this?
A Mack
it is zero eth gas fees on vibenet, as it is a layer 2 (sidechain) solution. There are fees in vibe on nft sales which a portion gets added to Collateral Distribution Pools, and then redistributed to all nft holders.
D. Папа Роуч so you already implemented L2 solution?!
A Mack yes our in house solution …It is called VIBENet…you deposit from on-chain and all transactions after are instant and no eth gas fees… and supports multiple blockchains.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club Do you know how many users you have?
M.Myers There are 3,000 users with Virtual Wallets on VIBENet 👍😁
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club Wow! Amazing!
D. Папа Роуч this is really great! at least someone solving eth gas problem and not just talking about it 👍
M.Myers Yes definitely! Our users love it!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club I see you have a real support of your ideas
M.Myers Our community is growing stronger by the day 👍 Thank you very much for your kind words.
A Mack sure
D. Папа Роуч we are now part of it)
Q5 from Telegram Username @cengizhantekin
Do you only provide environment for ready games, or do you also have a team for game development?
A Mack We have an in house development team for games, however we are also looking to work with other dev teams as well…if you will allow me to share, this is what the process would look like for new devs… once the vibe sdk is out ,the developers would create an account on the platform, and apply for api credentials that will be used on their game servers. We would then take an image of that game server and turn it into a template that can be deployed in 9 different regions around the world…Typically the developer would assume the cost for infrastructure. However on our platform anyone can sponsor game nodes using that image and place them in any of the regions and they can earn off transactions that happen on those nodes. The game developer will earn off all nodes using their game server image. All the accounting happens real time on every game transaction. so funds are available immediately. The developers have the benefit of also supporting other tokens supported by vibenet, which will grow to include more tokens in the future. Then there are nfts that can be set up as in app purchases or auctioned off and used for gameplay or collectibles and even used between games. NFTs feature multiple ownership and can be backed with collateral with any of the supporting tokens. We are willing to work with devs in the meantime if they would like to integrate…There are many design decisions to take into account like gaming engine, multiplayer architectures (p2p, authoritative, etc..) Which we can help guide in that process…
D. Папа Роуч fantastic! and how many developers do you have now?
M.Myers We have 5 core developers
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club you thought out all the details well. do you have a good marketer?😉
M.Myers Haha yes! 😊😊
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club Is your team anonymous? Or are you public figures?
M.Myers We are public 👍
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club Congratulations! In our time, this is half the success!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club Perfectly! We at Satoshi Club really love secrets! Expand your names! 😁
M.Myers Matthew Myers and Alessio Mack
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club My name is Yaroslava! Nice to meet you! 😁
A Mack nice to meet you!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club on this positive note, I propose to move on to the next question. if you don’t mind of course👍
M.Myers Sure 👍
A Mack yes…good vibes!
Q6 from Telegram Username @konditer_rolex
The Collateral Release Option is a very interesting thing. How does it work? Can I get back the amount of tokens I spent? Or if the price of a token, for example, has dropped, I get more tokens back for an amount equivalent to the amount spent on the purchase?
D. Папа Роуч @konditer_rolex one of our biggest NFT lover in Satoshi club btw
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club yes he is a real collector and supporter
M.Myers After every 90 days from receiving ownership of VIBE NFT for a period of 48 hours. Owners can exercise their Collateral Release Option (CRO). Owners who exercise their CRO receive the collateral that their VIBE NFT is backed with. For Example: If user buys VIBE NFT at Auction for 100 VIBE, User can exercise their CRO and get that 100 VIBE Back, along with any collateral their VIBE NFT has generated in that time! Making buying VIBE NFT’s at auction 100 percent risk free to VIBE NFT owners
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram Username A U R O R A
Why did you choose to build VIBE NFT’s using the VRC-3301 standard instead of the common ERC-721 & ERC-1155 standards?
A Mack The main issue is the current nft standards don’t support multi owners or multi collateral nfts… so the goal is to port our new vrc-3301 to an erc that is erc-1155 /erc-721 backwards compatible. It has to be thouroughly tested and audited before mainnet release. Possibly by end of year, or early Q1. We will also be releasing public node clients for vibenet that will distribute the entire side chain and state.
Q2 from Telegram Username J Mags
Other than $VIBE, $ETH, $BNB, $NEO and $GAS, will there be new and other cryptocurrencies/token than can be used in VIBENet?
M.Myers Yes there will! We plan on adding Bitcoin in the future. Our layer 2 solution VIBENet is interoperable across any blockchain or currency. All of which can be used instantly with no gas fees 👍
Q3 from Telegram Username Hung Nguyễn
What conditions do I need to meet to be able to submit proposals to the community to vote on new protocols of the VIBEVERSE economy, do I need to be able to hold a certain amount of tokens?
M.Myers Any citizen of the VIBEVERSE can submit proposals to the community for voting 👍
Q4 from Telegram Username Para #EndSARS
What’s the role of VIBE Foundry and VIBE Swap within the VIBE Ecosystem? How do I become a lender and generate passive income on VIBE Ecosystem?
A Mack The role of vibe foundry is to provide liquidity for the vibnet native tokens and vibe pair. The first native vibenet token is vibereum , it is a reward token for participation in the vibverse and the vibe nft ecosystem it is also used heavily in the vibeverse game. It is produced by mining activity on the planets in the vibeverse. We will open the liquidity pools to providers shortly after the initial launch. As there is no pre-mine or team reserves. This will allow providers to earn off the fees from these swaps.
Q5 from Telegram Username Narendra Choudhary
What is the most unique thing VIBE brings to the blockchain community? How is it better than other platforms?
M.Myers I think the most unique thing about VIBE and our Ecosystem is that their isn’t a ecosystem like VIBE that we’ve seen! We have a layer 2 solution VIBENet, Games, VIBE NFT’S, VIBE SDK, Game Nodes. We are a one-stop-shop for everything blockchain gaming 👍
Q6 from Telegram Username Johana Carvajal
A game based on the blockchain blockchain is quite innovative, but specifically what are the purposes of $ VIBE and the distribution of its token?
M.Myers In order to participate in the VIBE Ecosystem and enjoy our platform to the fullest, The VIBE token is pivotal to use all its features. The entire VIBE NFT Ecosystem is built where VIBE required. Buying NFTs, taking out loans, lending, collateral accumulation. All of these are done with the VIBE token. VIBE token is also used throughout the ecosystem for various goods and services like playing our crypto fps game VIBE OR DIE! And also VIBENet has network transaction fees that are generated with VIBE!
Q7 from Telegram Username Jupiter
VIBENet Virtual Wallet. I can see from your website that you use virtual wallet. As a crypto fan,I always use trust wallet or metamask .my question is this?. What are the advantages of using VIBENET virtual wallet?Am I really safe with VIBENET?
A Mack You would use your metamask wallet with the VIBENet virtual wallet…think of one as main chain (metamask) and vibenet walleet as side chain. When you want to play games with your tokens or purchase nfts or sponsor nodes, then you will be using your virtual wallets. This allows you to do thousands of transactions on the platform with no eth gas fees and no long confirmation times. VIBENet has been operating for 3 yrs in this space, and is completely transparent, as it has a public ledger of all transactions. That can be seen here. https://www.vibehub.io/explorer
Q8 from Telegram Username Jahidul islam
How is #VIBE development going? Can you describe in detail current development efforts, market expansion plans, expected applications, and when will they become commercially available?😊
M.Myers Our current initiatives are releasing the first phase of the VIBEVERSE which is set to be live this month! And release numerous VIBE NFT Auctions! Then our team will move to the next phase of the VIBEVERSE which is to allow citizens of the VIBEVERSE to mine on their planets for VIBEREUM! Our teams goal is to have this released by the end of 2020 👍
Q9 from Telegram Username Hakeem
Will the VIBE token govern VIBENET as well as VIBEVERSE ecosystem?
M.Myers Yes! The VIBE token will be used to govern the VIBEVERSE, Any citizen of the VIBEVERSE can make proposals to the community and citizens of the VIBEVERSE vote with VIBE!
Q10 from Telegram Username Yasemin
Will the VIBE SDK be completely free and open source for anyone to use and contribute?
A Mack yes the VIBE SDK will be open source, and available to make code contributions. Some of the underlying services do require vibe for example with game nodes or storage, they need to be sponsor as they provide the infrastructure for your game to operate…What is unique about our platform is that cost can be distributed to anyone on the platform, and they can earn fees from transactions on those nodes. In app purchases can be setup as vibe nfts using the existing protocol and marketplace. If any game devs are interested in building on the vibe platform, please contact me directly in our telegram or through our website contact form.
Part 3 – Quiz Results
In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of VIBE. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 300$.
For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub
Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners:
VIBE: http://vibehub.io