Educational task of Satoshi Club drives us to acquaint you with all new projects. We were delighted to welcome our guest from Panda DAO. The AMA took place on April 5th, 2021 and our guests were @Latham09 and @benthepanda.
The total reward pool was 800 $ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Panda DAO! Welcome to Satoshi Club😀
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello, dear community! We are very glad to conducting AMA with Panda DAO!🐼 Today our guests are @Latham09 and @benthepanda!
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Thanks a Lot for having us here. We are happy & excited to be here 🐼
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Welcome here! We like Pandas😀
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks again for joining 🐼😁
Tom Latham ( I will never PM you asking for funds): Thank You.. Excited to be here
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club🙌
Маry Satoshi CLUB: And my first question is – do you know anyone who doesn’t like pandas?😂
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Haha .. Pandas are too cute and lovely not to be adored 🙂
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Aww😊
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Sure, the cutest animals! Let’s see what Panda DAO brings to us😀
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Definitely 🐼
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: what do cute panda and DAO have in common? What is the essence of your project? Let’s start with a little intro!🚀 Introduce youreself. How did you get to be involved in crypto & Panda DAO?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): A rarity , we are creating DAO , where it will be community governed and through our useful products we will also support charities and do good for nature .
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Yes, this is really cute!
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Hello I am Ben, founder of Panda Dao, I have over 10 years of work experience buildings IT products and into Big Data Analytics, I have been in crypto space since 3 years and I had been thinking since last year to get into Blockchain space to create useful and rewarding products for the community.
Its been one month, we started Panda Dao based on Binance Smart chain, offering following products initially :
– PDAO Token, auto yield generation
– DimSum Synthetics
– NFT Market Place & Games
– Launchpad
Tom Latham ( I will never PM you asking for funds): Hello I am Tom, I got into Crypto in 2017 through investing and was fascinated immediately with Blockchain. I wanted to create my own startup back then, but I was quite inexperienced so I continued my Career in IT & Business Analysis here in Germany. In total I have around 8 years of experience in Corporate, working across Germany & Singapore.
I met Ben, during one of our common stint at a Company where we worked together for a Supply Management use case using Blockchain, and here we are, we started Panda Dao and we just completed one month today.
Маry Satoshi CLUB: A wonderful meeting that changed your lifes!😉
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): A friendship full of trust for a lifetime
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Nice background 👍
Маry Satoshi CLUB: So, now you’re full time crypto?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Yes, I am full time into Crypto now and so far the experience has been exhilarating
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: great experience! and a very young promising project! 🐼
Маry Satoshi CLUB: And one more question – are you public or anonymous, guys?😀
Tom Latham ( I will never PM you asking for funds): We are anonymous, however since we are listing on several cex, one of our representative is fully kyc’ed
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We’re all crypto fans here❤️ How long does it take to develop a project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from Panda DAO?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Development of the use case for us took around 1 month. Development of the products , it is an ongoing process, and this whole year will be spent in development.
Right now we have released PDAO staking, DMS Farming is available on testnet, Launchpad will be live by April End and NFT Marketplace by end of next month.
We will be releasing DimSum synthetics mobile and web app in Q3 and integration will other blockchains like, Gochain, AVAX and Polkadot is slated for Q4
Tom Latham ( I will never PM you asking for funds): Thanks:)
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Also we would like to know about your team. Who is on the project team?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Right now, we are team of 5.
I am involved in looking over development and design aspects.
Tom is operations manager, keeping track of everything from design to development to delivery, like full product lifecycle manager.
We have two full stack developers, one is in Singapore and other in India.
One data Analyst, responsible for crunching numbers and turning blockchain data into insights.
Also, we are partnered with a design agency, where we are working with freelancers.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Not a very big team if look how much you’ve already done. Are you planning to expand your team?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Yes, definitely, we expect to be around 20 members by end of Q2, for what we have to achieve.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You’ve done a lot in such a short time👍
Tom Latham ( I will never PM you asking for funds): We work in agile mode. Fail fast, learn faster, develop faster
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: thanks a lot for the answers and great intro! Is the cute panda ready to answer questions from the Satoshi Club? 🐼 We have 6 questions in the first part and 10 more in the second part of the AMA.
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Thanks to you too ! We are ready
Q1 from Telegram User @yellowchamp
One of the benefits in your Pandao is having a Community loyalty score. Can you tell us how does Community loyalty score being calculated? For Pandao Community members, what are the mechanics or situations to gain a community score? Thank you
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Great question.
Loyalty score at Panda Dao will be essence of getting into launchpad allocations and also the community rewards.
We are creating a data driven system and our analyst is working on it.
What we are doing is , analyzing all the wallets from the day 1 and profiling the users based on combination of parameters, like PDAO held in wallet for a week, Intital amount , final amount. If some how, a particular wallet has manipulated in past, Participation in Staking program
For eg: If you have held 70% of your PDAO tokens and sold 30% till now, your loyalty score can be 100 % , depending on how other wallets fair.
There will be three segments of users in this category, high, medium , low, depending on the variables mentioned above.
Маry Satoshi CLUB: And we still can participate in this event, right?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Yes, you can still participate in this event, as this depends on variable time factor.
Маry Satoshi CLUB: That’s great! I like this! Thank you for your answers! Ready to proceed?😀
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): always 🙂
Q2 from Telegram User @Korryl
Im really excited that Panda DAO will launching NFT collectible game name ‘Panda Crypto Card Game’, can you explain more about this game? is that mean all card are NFT ? How do we possible to get the NFT?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Panda Crypto Card Game, will be a fully digital, based on NFT, that will basically educate the users about our products and crypto in general.
Each card in the game will have its purpose and the card will be pictorial representation of the feature.
For eg: Certain cards will also give access to Launchpads
Yes all the cards here will be NFTs. We are still in process of launching our NFT marketplace, it will be possible to get these cards using NFT native token & PDAO
Маry Satoshi CLUB: That’s interesting! Will you launch this game soon?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): First NFT website is coming this month, NFT marketplace next month and game after that.
However, NFT Launchpad cards will come earlier, with launchpad product go-live.
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Fantastic!👏 We will be waiting for this launch! Ready to jump to the next question?😀
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Btw the next question is just a continuation of this topic
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Ready 🙂 Lets go
Q3 from Telegram User neverencryp
You moving into the NFT market is a very wise decision to make but how do you plan to solve the copyright issues going around in the NFT market place now, are there some extra communication mechanisms provided by your platform.
You should understand that copyright issues is a gain for the sell and loss for the buyer which can really affect a growing setup.
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Yes, copyright issues are definitely there , but we will take intensive measures in multiple step verification process, not everyone will be able to sell there NFTs on our marketplace, if this is the case than its not good for the buyers.
We are in touch with identity verification app companies, where the sellers can verify digitally and we will setup internal verification to make sure that the ART is original.
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Everything is clear for me! Thanks! Ready to jump to the next question?😀
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Yes 🙂
Q4 from Telegram User @nadee5
In pandaDAO ecosystem we can find two different tokens ..$DMS and $PDAO
What is the reason to introduce two different tokens ?Is role of these tokens similar within pandaDAO ecosystem ? What are the major roles of these tokens within pandaDAO ecosyatem?
where have these tokens been listed ?🐼
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): If the role was similar, we wouldn’t have created two tokens 🙂
PDAO has utility , where every transaction results in a 5% tax and instantly distributed to holders, also it will be used to get launchpad access and governance of Launchpad in future, for example, users will be able to vote, which IDO, they want to participate in.
DMS token is second layer synthetic token, we are creating a Synthetics platform on top BSC, where users will be able to trade stocks, gold or any assets using DMS-LP , we cannot use PDAO token there, because of 5% tax and if we use it for synthetics, it might create more volatility and it will be difficult to speculate and trade synthetics.
Currently, both are listed on pancakeswap.
DMS is coming to Coinsbit tomorrow and two more CEX.
PDAO is also coming to one more CEX before 21st April. 🐼
Маry Satoshi CLUB: You created a good system! Great job!
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Rewards for the community 🐼
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you very much for the clear answer! Ready for your next question or want to add something? 🐼
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Ready 🙂
Q5 from Telegram User @Highpee
You currently have the BNB-PDAO LP pools that promises to distribute 2 billion $PDAO as reward to liquidity providers who will stake their assets into the LP pool for the next 2 months. What minimum amount of LP should be provided in order to qualify for reward and how will this reward be distributed or claimed? Will the reward distribution to individuals be calculated on a fixed rate or how will they be determined? What will happen after providing liquidity for the 2 months period? Can it be renewed?🐼
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Earlier there were 2 billion rewards, but we increased the amount to 3 Billion now.
Pool 1 is already live, where the 1 Billion PDAO will be distributed among the LP providers, based on there percentage of share, also 25 lucky wallet address will be given launchpad tickets. This pool is locked till 21st May.
Pool 2 will be live tonight, where the 2 Billion PDAO will be shared among over two months, users can withdraw anytime and rewards are distributed weekly.
There is no minimum amount for participation. You can claim, using the withdraw button on dapp.
Pool 2 will always be live and will be used for launchpad participation.
Маry Satoshi CLUB: This night will be hot🔥🔥🔥 Satoshiclubbers, don’t miss this event 😉 Thank you for your answers! Ready for the 6th and last question from this part?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Ready 🙂
Q6 from Telegram User @johana0012
A couple of weeks ago there was talk of a Pre-Sale, which would take place at the end of March, I understand that this pre-sale was carried out successfully, I would like to know what% of the total supply was sold in this pre-sale? Was the goal set for the presale met? What will be the rewards to liquidity providers?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): The presale took place on Unicrypt.Network for DimSum.
Around 40% was sold in presale, rest is reserved for Farming and creation of synthetic assets in Q3.
Yes the goal was met successfully, we met our hard cap in 5 hours. LP providers will be able to farm DMS tokens.
However, we have designed DMS farming to be more sustainable , unlike other farming where investors are at 80% loss ..
More details on DMS farming will come soon
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Congratulations 🎊 I wish Panda goals always were fulfilled 👍
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: it’s amazing! 🚀
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Thank you 🐼
Tom Latham ( I will never PM you asking for funds): What ever it takes 💪
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram User @JoxesXIII
What types of games are you thinking of for PandaDAO? We know that this is a niche that still needs to be explored, do you have any idea about it?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): First collectible card games, after that we will develop a virtual reality based NFT game, like Decentraland, but with more utility and features
Q2 from Telegram User @BJosefina61
What types of assets will be traded as synthetics in Synthex DEX? will they be active in real life or just crypto?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Stocks , gold, NFTs, where the assets pricing data is available, those can be converted into synthetics.
Q3 from Telegram User @aldraine_1109
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): PDAO-DMS LP will be live DMS farming. We will continue to add other assets to our pools.
Q4 from Telegram User @K2ice
You said 25 lucky wallet address will be given launchpad tickets. What basis and criterium will be used to give out those launchpad tickets to the lucky 25?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): From the three sets of liquidity providers, High , Medium, Low allocation, we will give 8,8,9 tickets respectively to the users in each segment.
Q5 from Telegram User @Airborne19
Will PDAO be used to buy NFTs and when do you plan to lunch the NFT marketplace?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): NFT will have a different token, however PDAO will also have utility in NFT ecosystem.
Q6 from Telegram User @ronaldo_super
Are there any unique features that you implemented and makes Panda Dao project special from other different defi projects?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Yes, there are unique features:
PDAO is just not a 5% tax distribution token, added to this, PDAO will be used for Launchpad access.
PDAO loyal holders will enjoy certain fees generated from DimSum synthetics platform.
DimSum, itself will offer another unique feature, we will make,trading synthetics simple for users, through our easy to use mobile app, through DimSum Synthetics, we want to bridge the gap between traditional finance and DeFi, by making the experience easy to use and trade. This is a huge gap in current DeFi applications.
Q7 from Telegram User @Guandog
Honestly, many NFTs marketplace have been launched with more or less the same objectives and functionalities. Can you tell us what peculiar features the PANDA DAO NFT MARKETPLACE will have?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Our NFT Marketplace, will also cater to Audio NFTs, Virtual Real estate and Photographers, so you will find multiple categories in our NFT marketplace, which is not present yet on BSC
Q8 from Telegram User @Indomiekuy
Actually I found its difficult to trade cryptocurrency into fiat currency for now but Panda DAO will launching Panda Pay that you claim closing gap between cryptocurrency and fiat. So what is this Panda Pay? A wallet, swap, or an exchanger? Can you explain more detail?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): Panda Pay will be algorithmic stable coin payment system, where it will be very easy to pay to users via any crypto or Fiat, it will be in a form of mobile app offering borderless conversion and payment services.
Q9 from Telegram User @Boylut
Panda DAO says April and May will be a big and important month for it project in terms of Launchpad and NFT marketplace. How many partnership have you managed to secure?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): We are right now focused on development of ecosystem, partnerships are coming as we go.
We recently partnered with DeFi Pie where, you can borrow and lend PDAO tokens using DeFi Pie dapp. Another partnership is in the works, you will hear soon in next two weeks.
More details on Panda Pay will come out end of Q2.
Q10 from Telegram User @testercoin
Did you make audit to your smart contracts if yes which company?
Ben Williamson (will never pm for funds): We are audited by Tech Rate right now, second round of audit will be from Certik, currently we are in development phase of Launchpad smart contracts, we are planning to send all contracts for another round audit soon.
Part 3 – Quiz Results
In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Panda DAO. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 600$.
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