AMA Satoshi Club x Ehash, March 12th

AMA Satoshi Club x Ehash, March 12th

Educational task of Satoshi Club drives us to acquaint you with all new projects. We were delighted to welcome our guest from Ehash. The AMA took place on January 8, 2021 and our guest were @amy255 and @NathanXLi .

The total reward pool was 800$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello, Satoshi Club! 👋 We are glad to welcome the Ehash project today! 😊

D. Папа Роуч: hello all! And our guests – @NathanXLi @amy255 ! welcome to Satoshi club!

Amy X: Hello, Satoshi community!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Welcome to Satoshi Club @NathanXLi and @amy255!

Amy X: Thanks, glad to be here

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: To begin with, please tell us a few words about yourselves and how did you get to be involved in crypto &  Ehash?

D. Папа Роуч: good to have you here! 😊 are you will be alone today or @NathanXLi also will join us?

Amy X: Yes, I’m the community leader of EHash community. I know this project very well. @NathanXLi was planning to join this AMA. But he had emergent something need to do at this moment. I will represent EHash in this AMA. Thanks

D. Папа Роуч: got it! 👍

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Let’s start🚀

Amy X: Ya🚀 I will begin with a brief introduction of our team and project

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Make a small intro to Еhash please😊

Amy X: Sure

EHash is an underlying asset that has benefited from the DeFi boom of the Ethereum network. All DeFi mining users are paying fees to EHash through their trading activities. If DeFi continues to prosper without a vicious sudden cooldown, it can be asserted that EHash will continue to deliver very considerable benefits to its holders.

The official website of EHash is

The EHash team is a group of earliest Bitcoin & Ether miners in the mining industry, also early supporters of Bitcoin & Ethereum. We have a very large hashing power composition in the whole PoW network, both Bitcoin and Ethereum. Hope you could know more about us by the community questions

D. Папа Роуч: wow cool, so EHash is DeFi project from miners? 😊

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: It is very correct to receive dividends from the hyip Defi👍

Amy X: Yes, and every EHash user can be a miner without needs of buying mining machines. Holding EHash is mining ETH, actually.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Sounds good

D. Папа Роуч: yes, it sounds very convenient 👍

Amy X: Yes, definitely

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Before we start with questions from the community, could you introduce your team of like-minded people? 😉

Amy X: Sure, as aforementioned, our founder team are a group of miners who want to combine the advantages of the DeFi industry and the mining industry. Then we come up with EHash. During the product development process in the last years, we also got more colleagues who have more experience about marketing and DeFi on board. Now, we are a mature team with people in many countries and starting to reinforce our influence by building our community and awareness.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you very much for the great intro! If you are ready we can proceed to the questions from community😊

Amy X: Sure. Let’s move to the questions

D. Папа Роуч: let’s do this!

Q1 from Telegram user @yellowchamp

EHash is the token that represents the mining power on Ethereum network. 1 EHash is strictly tethered to 0.01Mhash/s power. So ,do you have any connection to ethereum? Why choose to represent ethereum but not other cryptocurrencies? For those who are not so familiar on how mining works and that’s include me, can you tell us how does Ehash mining works? How we can earn from it? What are the underlying risk when entering into a mining pool in your platform? Thank you

Amy X: Yes, EHash is the token that represents the mining power on Ethereum network. 1 EHash is strictly tethered to 0.01Mhash/s power. EHash holders are free from head-scratching equipment maintenance issues and can mine ETH by holding EHash. The reason we chose Ethereum but not other assets is because Ethereum still have the most prosperous assets and DeFi applications,eventhough some new ecosystem are emerging such as BSC and Heco. We still value the development of Ethereum and its pure decentralized genes.

Amy X: As for the security, the mining output of Ethereum is allocated by smart contract to EHash holders automatically. Miners don’t have to do their own mining configurations like in traditional mining. EHash holders could claim their ETH mining reward on EHash official website Besides, the contract has been audited. We can ensure you the security of EHash. Done this question, thank you.

D. Папа Роуч: thank you for answer! does your project similar to BTC Standard Hashrate Token (BTCST)? the same idea?

Amy X: Yes, similar but not the same. EHash users don’t need to stake or anything else to gain the mined ETH.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Who did the audit of smart contracts for you, btw?

Amy X: The holders can mine ETH just by holding. And check the mined ETH on our official website.

Here is the audit report:

It was by BEOSIN

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for sharing 😊

Amy X: And more audits are on our plan.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: safety first👍

D. Папа Роуч: great! the more audits the better 😄

Amy X: Yes, we agree with that

D. Папа Роуч: thank you for answers! ready for the next question?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for the comprehensive answer! Ready for the next question?

Amy X: Yes, ready

 Q2 from Telegram user @Gabrielle124

EHash has an unregulated token supply, which means more hashing power can be added to the network, don’t you think it will affect the value and price of your token? What will be its impact on the project and to the people who will use it ?

Amy X: Ehash currently has 20 million total supply, corresponding to 200,000M of Ethereum hashing power. It’s already trading on, a well-known top exchange in the crypto market. Ehash is planned to start trading on Uniswap soon. It is worth noting that Ehash has not received any outside investment and no public/private offering. Besides, EHash is an ever-lasting hashing power pegged token. It isn’t like any other crypto projects that have a predefined total supply or distribute free tokens to advisors, or investors etc. As long as you hold EHash, you can earn ETH mining rewards. That is, the added hashing power will not affect the value of the token but will provide you more ETH assets.

Shown as this pic

If ETH price drops 20%, the APR of EHash will subsequently drop ranging from 5% to 40%. However, it’s still yielding mining reward for EHash holders. You’re not forced to sell your position and could hold till a day that ETH price recovers. During this hold period, you’re accumulating ETH mining reward to mitigate your investment principle book loss. On the contrary, if you’re investing directly in ETH, a 20% price drawback might place you in a very disadvantageous position, you can do nothing but wait a long time for ETH price to recover, and you have no other revenues during this period. If ETH price jumps up 20%, the APR of EHash will subsequently rise ranging from 5% to 40%. If EHash price has the same valuation pricing multiple as before, it’s obvious that its price will rise much more than 20%, an absolute advantage over ETH. What’s more, you’re accumulating mining reward from the EHash hashing power.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: What exchanges do you have in your plans yet?

Amy X: The next maybe Uniswap. More will be uncovered to community when are ready. Please stay tuned.

D. Папа Роуч: nice! cool gains just from holding 😃

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: thanks for the answers. ready to move on?😉

Amy X: Yes

Q3 from Telegram user @Karoceh

Its interesting that ETH mining through holding EHash doesn’t require to do anything except Just hold, check, claim. But I think it will be even more interesting if Ehash support compounding features, so we don’t have to claim every day and the funds will grow fast. Are you considering this option in the future? or do you have other opinions to maximize the daily reward mining?

Amy X: Good question. Our ETH mining process is simple. And we will have more mechanisms for users to gain more rewards for sure, such as our staking mechanism. And we will launch our reward mining too.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: it is very good! do not forget to share with us when everything is done! By the way, we have already realized that you are loyal followers of Ethereum. 😁

have you thought about using for mining other cryptocurrencies  like bitcoin or something else?

Amy X: It will not take long. If you are interested, please join our community We will reveal details soon.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Join Satoshi Clubbers!🚀🚀🚀

Amy X: Good question. Maybe, but now we are focusing on ETH.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank! Can we jump to the next question? 😉

Amy X: Yes, pls

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: @Cool_as_Ice shoot please😉🚀

Q4 from Telegram user @meml97

Reading about EHash on the internet I came across the fact that as of right now, your token is only listed on, but you do have plans to also be listed on Uniswap soon, however, this platform has problems with EHash and its smart contract will lockup EHash holders’ ETH mining reward, could you tell us why is that happening? What’s exactly the problem that Uniswap’s smart contract is locking you up? Will this happen in other exchanges too? What plans do you have to solve this situation the best way and as soon as possible?

Amy X: Yes, you are right. Currently, EHash is tradable on EHash will be listed on Uniswap soon. On Uniswap, if the assets are used for liquidity mining, the assets will be locked in smart contract and Uniswap’s liquidity contract does not support counting and distributing the ETH rewards that users mined by EHash. Therefore, there may be a problem for having the mined ETH when users liquidity mining on Uniswap. This is the rule that decided by Uniswap features.

D. Папа Роуч: is it possible to solve somehow?

Amy X: We are designing a upgraded version and solutions to solve the problem. With the new mechanisms, users can participate liquidity mining on Uniswap and at the same time mine ETH. EHash will welcome more users by supporting liquidity ming and ETH mining at the same time.

D. Папа Роуч: cool! btw do you have plans regarding to BSC? if there is a problem on uniswaps maybe there will be no problem on pancakeswap😁?

Amy X: I can’t tell for sure now. As you know, EHash is native to Ethereum network. A very essential aspect with BSC and Heco is that they are sponsored by Binance/Huobi, two giant centralized exchanges. You have to route and convert any erc-20 tokens through the bridge offered by Binance or Huobi. Therefore it’s partially centralized. However, if EHash got listed on Binance or Huobi and get their support for bridge conversion, it’s for sure that we can deploy EHash to work on BSC/Heco. If that happens, holders will have a better experience than Ethereum.

D. Папа Роуч: great answer! thank you!

Amy X: We will solve that problem and support our Uniswap liquidity mining for our users instead of skipping it. Done with this question.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I still want to ask you more about Ethereum. Did you predict what will happen to EHash after the release ETH2.0😉

Amy X: Good question. Becuase EHash is based on the Ethereum PoW, EHash will ever-last as long as the Ethereum PoW network exists. But what will happen after Ethereum transition to ETH 2.0? First of all, I don’t think ETH 2.0 will happen any time soon.  I think ETH 2.0 might never become true. Even if it matures, PoW network might become one Shard of ETH 2.0. What’s more, if the Ethereum core developers give up PoW and want a hard-fork. The PoW Ethereum network still exists. In summary, ETH 2.0 doesn’t mean the death of PoW Ethereum. As miners, we always believe PoW is so far the most reliable way of decentralization and consensus security.

D. Папа Роуч: agreed! i actually believe in PoW as well

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank! Everything is clear to me! Flawless answers 😃 can we proceed to the next question?

Amy X: Yes, Sure

Q5 from Telegram User @NataliyaKil

The EHASH series of mining products includes: “Blocking Mining GT EHASH Annual Return 25%”, “Blocking and Earning EHASH Floating Interest Rate 100%” and “EHASH PoS & Earn Floating Interest Rate 100%”. Can you tell us about the main features of each of these mining?

Amy X: Sure. This is a mining activity that we launched on Thank you for noticing that. I can post some details here

D. Папа Роуч:

yes please

Amy X: GT lock-up mining EHASH annualized income 25%

1. Start: 2021-02-25 10:00 UTC+8

2. Token: GT

3. Term: 7 days

4. Annualized return: 25%

5. Rewards is are distributed daily

6. The reward comes from the actual onchain yield minus cost, which may vary from day to day.

7. End time: 2021-03-04 10:00 UTC+8

EHASH Lock-up and Earn, Floating Interest Rate 100

1、Token: EHASH

2、Handling Fee: 0

3、Annual Interest Rate: 130%

4、Start Time: 2021-03-03 12:00 UTC+8

5、The principal and interest will be distributed when the lock-up period ends

6、End Time: 2021-03-10 12:00 UTC+8

EHASH PoS and Earn, Floating Interest Rate 100

1. To participate in PoS & Earn, users need to join but do not need to lock-up the token

2. There is no handling fee.

3. The annual interest rate is 100% and will be adjusted based on the amount of token mined.

4. The interest will be calculated based on the average amount of token in position over a 14-day period borrowed token excluded.

5. The interest will be distributed every 14 days.

6. To continue to participate in the program, users need to operate manually.

D. Папа Роуч: great, looks like everyone can participate. Thank you for clarification! i think we ready for the last question from this part? 😉

Amy X: Thank you for so many good questions. And more are coming, right?

D. Папа Роуч: sure! we also have 10 questions in part 2 😁 and last one from this part 🙃

Amy X: OK, come

Q6 from Telegram user @Wormz28

To Help you grow and earn EHash for our work, you are giving out EHash equivalent to 10,000USDT as reward during your bounty campaign. I’m interested with this kinds of bounty programs, so can you give us the full details on how we can join? Also my favorite of all is the Invite Contest and I really want to join, but I can’t see how to participate, how will you know the top three users who invite the most new users? Is there a magic sentence or words need to be drop in the Ehash telegram group by the users I invited, like for example “im invited by @ inviter”?

Amy X: EHash Star Bounty campaign will last for a month. Participants can join by retweeting, inviting people to our community, creating contents, etc. The purpose is to unify our community to help EHash grow.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks a lot for your answers! if you would like to share useful links and information with our community before opening the chat.🙏❤️🚀

Amy X: Please check out details in the above link

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Now will be the most аn impressive piece of AMA!!!

Amy X: Can’t wait

D. Папа Роуч: big thank you for answers in part 1! @amy255 we will open chat for 2 minutes, after chat will be closed – you can start select questions from Satoshi Сlub members!

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram User @Noman223

EHash is a token that anchors the Ethereum PoW mining power
How it will be beneficial for all investors
Please describe in details

Amy X: Each EHash corresponds to 0.01MHash/s Ethereum PoW hashing power. The initial issuance of 20,000,000 EHash corresponds to 200,000M of Ethereum network hashing power(Ethereum’s entire network hashing power is now 390,000G, 1G=1,000M). In this way, every EHash holder is supporting the Ethereum PoW mining power

Q2 from Telegram User @AllenLu

How much is the ETH limit that I can mine daily and claim or is it unlimited? i @amy255

Amy X: The amount of reward ETH depends on your hold EHash. So there is no limit for how much you can claim. It based on how many EHASH you hold.

Q3 from Telegram User @highpee

👋 Hello

You have mentioned that if the price of ETH drops by 20%, APR of EHash will subsequently drop and the APR will also increase if ETH price rises. Does this mean that your APR is directly linked to the price of Ethereum? If so, if I hold more ETH, can it help to improve my APR and mining speed?


Amy X: EHash retrun and ETH return are correlated. But not in the way you described though. ETH price jump is an amplifier for EHash return, as the fiat return demoninated in USD is amplified. Which, if under the same multiple assumption, will cause EHash price to jump more.

Q4 from Telegram User @K2ice

For the 10000 USDT up for grabs in $EHash’s first ever Star Bounty Campaign, what can I do to be eligible to be among the winners?

Amy X: Actually, it is simple. Be active helping us promote on Twitter or Telegram according to the rules, and produce more high-quality contents. Sometimes, there are too many bounty campaign to participate. But we do give high enough bounty to thank for the help from the participants. It is worth to join.

Q5 from Telegram User @KASG95

If indeed the mining power is guaranteed by the supplier while there is a malfunction, then why not provide that guarantee when the cost of energy exceeds 20% of the mining reward?

Amy X: very good question. 👍 This is a de facto unavoidable issue. We’ll develop a hedging mechanism to contain this issue. We are cooperating with a prominent derivatives trading team to design a product that will contain the energy cost within a certain range. If this product is rolled out, EHash holders could pay a small percentage of mining revenue to lock in a long term stable reward.

Q6 from Telegram User @esrarengizbtc

What is your ultimate goal in the growing Crypto market?

Amy X: Our goal is to build a bridge for the mining industry and the DeFi world. In detail, we distribute our mined ETH to EHASH holders and will create more easy, interesting and high-rewarding ways to create a diverse mining ecosystem. In this way, we decrease the treshold of bing a miner for DeFi ordinary users, and give the joy of being a miner to them.

Q7 from Telegram User @Yongpol

Hello @NathanXLi @amy255 welcome to Satoshi club! 🤝

How do you distribute incentives to Miner and how enticing is the incentives?

Amy X: Please wait for the annoucement. What I can disclose at this stage is that the mechanism is designed so that people will have a dynamic choice among staking & liquidity mining. An equilibirum is going to form, if executed properly

Q8 from Telegram User @surendra040

Hello! @amy255

Project like Ehash may require to spread awareness and need educate to the new users, do you offer any ambassador programme role for it , how do you plan to aware about your project and marketing plans?

Amy X: Please join our channel at to apply for an ambassdor position. Our CM will discuss this issue with you.

Q9 from Telegram User @boradam

How do you aim to create a strong and diversified community with the Ehash project?

Amy X:

We hope more people that are miners or want to be miners can join our community. We will be a community with our own identified features. Actually, even though, you didn’t mean to be a miner, the moment when you strat holding EHASH, you already have been a ETH miner automatically.😁

Ehash is building more communities in more languages. If you have any suggestions, or want to help us, please dm me.

Q10 from Telegram User @KhaleesiTheCryptoLady

You mentioned earlier that by holding EHash token we can mine ETH, so how much is the guaranteed ratio could be received in a certain amount of EHash that, for instance, I hold?


Amy X: The mining reward is dynamic, depending on a lot of factors. For example, you need to consider the total hashing power of Etheruem network, ETH price etc. But nayway, those factors will stay stable for a relatively long time and predictable , unlike those DeFi projects who diminish in a few days

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Ehash. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 600$.

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