AMA Satoshi Club x Dehealth, September 29th

AMA Satoshi Club x Dehealth, September 29th

We were delighted to welcome our guest from Dehealth. The AMA took place on September 29th, 2021 and our guests were @NadiaKarklina @nick_ally @ibasuev.

The total reward pool was 500$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello, dear Satoshi Club community! We are pleased to announce AMA with Dehealth

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Today our  guests are @NadiaKarklina @nick_ally @ibasuev😊💪

Jonah 🏅🎹: Hello Guys you are all welcome to satoshi Club

Anna Bon: Hello, everyone!

My name is Anna and I am a co-founder of DeHealth, so nice to meet you 🙂

I am the president of the international “eHealth” consortium and owner DeHealth LLC (2,7M patients and 30,000 doctors). Project DeHealth has brought together the best eHealth experts and over 15 million patients. I am also a serial entrepreneur and practical business development specialist with a successful project management experience in Italy, Germany, Netherlands, France, and China.

DeHealth is the first AI-based project with health records, a marketplace for health products, a payment system and a personal health assistant which provides secure access to healthcare for millions of people, helping them stay healthy and improve treatment!

Today with my colleagues: marketing manager Nikita @nick_ally and PR-manager Nadia @NadiaKarklina we will be glad to answer your questions.

So, let’s start!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Let’s start 🚀😊

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Nice to e-meet you @annabonv @nick_ally and @NadiaKarklina

Jonah 🏅🎹: we are glad to have you all here

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We are really excited about upcoming AMA😍

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of Dehealth

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: How long does it take to develop a project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from  Dehealth

Nadia Karklina: Sure! Hey there Satoshi Club!

DeHealth is a decentralized healthcare project. It will consist of the following elements. The first and the main one is the mobile application where users can store their medical files and records which will be protected by Blockchain. Through this app, people will be able to connect with doctors from all over the world while the doctors and health institutions will have access to the required medical information of their patients (if the patients grant them access). For example, Jack lives in Serbia. He wants to consult a doctor in Israel. But he doesn’t have enough money to go all the way to Israel to see the doctor.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Wow! this is a real mass adoption of crypto in medicine👏

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: more precisely blockchain technologies

Jonah 🏅🎹: yeah.. and every one needs good health

Nadia Karklina: Another element of the project that will be launched is fitness trackers which will be synced with an app and will provide accurate biodata. All the data will be analyzed by our Personal Assistant based on Artificial Intelligence in order to paint the fullest picture of the person’s health. For example,  our Jack may receive a notification that he has to urgently get a blood test or get a proper medical check-up because one of his organs is acting out. This is how we can prevent the development of dangerous diseases and even premature death.

Nadia Karklina: In our plans it will take about 3 years to make a project go life. However, we already have a pilot!

Jonah 🏅🎹: This is great I must say.. 👍

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club timely feature. tell us please, are these fitness trackers already alive? can we already use it?

Nadia Karklina: You can say: “Wow, that’s a lot of data, will it be safe?” And yes, definitely. Due to the use of Blockchain technology, all the users of DeHealth are well-protected from any cyber-attacks. Moreover, right now all your medical data is exploited by powerful corporations working in healthcare. They want to use the information that belongs to you without giving anything in return. However, here at DeHealth we want to empower people and give them control over their data. And not only that, but also allow people to profit from it.

Jonah 🏅🎹: Excellent 👏

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: brilliant idea!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Also we would like to know more about your team. Who is on the project team core?

Nadia Karklina: We are going to launch a fitness tracker after the token sale, which is currently planned in November

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Oh! It will be very soon 🔥🔥🔥

Nadia Karklina: Our founders are Denys Tsvaig and Anna Bondarenko, Denys is the President of the Cybersecurity Association of Ukraine. He has more than 13 years of experience in cybersecurity, and development processes. Anna is the President of the International e-health Initiative.

Each direction has its own specialists. You can read in details about our key team members on our web-site

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Ласково просимо до Сатоши Клаб❤️

Jonah 🏅🎹: Great combination… Cybersecurity + e-health

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for great introduction, we have several questions which were selected for the 1st part. Ready to start?

Nadia Karklina: More about the closests aims and gadgets: according to our roadmap, we are looking to connect most of such gadgets by Autumn 2022. About the same time we plan to start working on our own health watch which will track more than 200 health indicators!

Anna Bon: Yes 🙌

Q1 from Telegram user @Emnking

DeHealth is looking to eliminate inequality in healthcare by helping people gain better control over their health, privacy and medical data. With this aim of DeHealth, users can Manage their health on the go with DeHealth AI, get free access to medical goods and services provided by private and state companies around the world and monetize their medical data. Which private and state companies provide medical goods and services to DeHealth. Do you render services only to the members of states and private companies that provide goods to you? What are the plans to ensure that these companies don’t relent in the services and goods they provide? What do the companies stand to gain when such services are provided for DeHealth?

Nick Ally: We’ll have to explain the project well, this is a very deep question. Just one moment please

Jonah 🏅🎹: Alright… 👍 Take your time

Nick Ally: While Nadia is typing, what are your thoughts on the current healthcare system? How can you rate your experience?

Nadia Karklina: Each cliet personally controls his personal data and opens access to his medical record only to whom he deems necessary. That is, personal data moves from patient to doctor based on GDPR compliance and personal data protection. Since we have all the safety certificates, the state recommends us!  And 90% of our clients are state clinics. Our ecosystem is based on complete transparency, both clinics with doctors and patients benefit from its use. In the pilot project, we didn’t spend a dollar on advertising. All 3 million users and 35 thousand doctors were attracted through word of mouth, clinics themselves were interested in obtaining tools we provide. Who doesn’t want to receive orders from customers in another region? This is also a great opportunity to scale your business and improve your image.

Jonah 🏅🎹: Getting access to quality health care is quite difficult and expensive in alot of parts of the world

Nadia Karklina: That’s true, and we want to ease this process 🙂

Jonah 🏅🎹: 3million users and 35 thousand doctors.. 👀

Jonah 🏅🎹: And without any advert.. this is impressive.. 👏👏

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: To be honest, kovid showed that medicine is not at the highest level in my country.

Jonah 🏅🎹: Same here too… 😢

Nick Ally: Yep, and just a week ago we signed a memorandum with Ukrainian Ministry of Health. You won’t believe how exited we are to start working with the state. That’s a huge step for a blockchain project

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: it can solve the problems of modern medicine. I totally agree

Jonah 🏅🎹: Yes it is indeed a huge one.. I believe you intend to partner with more government ministries in different regions

Jonah 🏅🎹: Are most of this doctors scattered around the world as at now?

Nadia Karklina: Thank you, actually that’s our plan! We have a roadmap according to which Switzerland is our next direction. And to 2022 we are getting to Mexico and India with the same model: through the state

Nick Ally: Yeah, actually we’ve already been working with Ukrainian government for a while now, 3 years if i remember right. Most of the doctors and patients who are currently using DeHealth come from Ukraine. And, as we’ve mentioned earlier, 90% of our current clients are state clinics

Jonah 🏅🎹: Great Thank you for your answers.. let’s proceed to the Next question

Q2 from Telegram User  @Right_clicK1

You plan to share equal rights for healthcare, but quality and affordability of such services radically differ depending on where you live. It is well known that the services you provided for users now cannot be equal since Dehealth is still not known worldwidely, in a case where user already have a medical records saved on Dehealth, can he easily consult a near by doctor in his community? Will the records be readable to some local doctors or only doctors working for Dehealth can go through it? Health is not for free, I want ask, if user will be making subscriptions or only the time to make consultation fees will be paid? Will the payment varies depending on individual situation or it is fixed?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Helsime?😊

Anna Bon:

Anna Bon: We will be very happy!  this is our pilot project, our child)

Nadia Karklina: Yes, we already had a similar case, when DeHealth user got ill in an unfamiliar region and the standard treatment protocols involved the use of a drug the patient is allergic to. If the protocol was used It would have killed him, but luckily by looking at the patient’s electronic card in the application, the doctors found out about his allergy and changed the treatment methodology just in time, thereby saving the patient’s life

Jonah 🏅🎹: With this initiative more lives will be saved

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I dream that it will become available soon! Which areas of medicine does this apply to: for example, surgery, therapy, or dentistry, for example?

Anna Bon: I would also like to add….

Anna Bon: The World Economic Forum reports in its infographic on the US market that 9 out of 20 are health-related, as the baby boomer population ages and chronic diseases grow. According to WHO, more than 3 billion people do not have access to health services and we want to give the world a platform where people can make an appointment with a doctor from another country, buy health products (vitamins, minerals, gadgets).

We are blurring the boundaries and making the market more efficient and transparent.

This means that patients can make an appointment with their doctor or choose another specialist from another country.

At the moment, doctors pay for using our platform, when the application for patients is released, the main functionality will be free for them, then there will be a paid subscription, which patients will be able to pay only with tokens.

The right question here is: who will pay for personal medicine?

Developing countries don’t have that kind of money.

For this reason, we are introducing the DeHeatlh cryptocurrency so that a person can use it to sell their medical data and receive money for activity in our system.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: A real revolution in healthcare👏👏👏

Jonah 🏅🎹: Exactly..

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your great answers!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Ready to proceed to the next question?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Or want to add something?😊

Nick Ally: Every area should I say? Every visit, analysis, consultation will be recorded in a digital patients card. Users will have complete control over this data, managing it as they wish. For example they can manage who has access to these records or even sell depersonalized data on the marketplace. Everyone benefits

Anna Bon: Ready 🚀

Jonah 🏅🎹: One more question please.. 😁 For the purchase of health products will this be limited to only health products within the users country or do you have means of transferring health products across regions for the users?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Absolutely win-win

Anna Bon: That’s the reason we are working on DeHealth token. Cross-border fiat transfers would be a real pain, imagine the amount of paper you’ll have to waste just to pay for something as essential, as your health

Jonah 🏅🎹: Great.. let’s proceed

Q3 from Telegram User @ItsMelissa3

I read that DeHealth has a loyalty program, which is built on the principles of gamification, rewards a person’s activity within the DeHealth system. What kinds of activities must users do to receive these rewards? Is there a limit of activities that each user can record daily? What rewards will users receive for registering activities? Can those rewards be exchanged for medical and pharmaceutical services?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: it’s not only about health care, but also about nature. less paper – more forests will be saved😊

Jonah 🏅🎹: Absolutely 😄

Nadia Karklina: This is absolutely true! We dream of people being healthy and we want to help them in this, and even to “motivate”. That’s why we came up with rewards in the form of tokens, so that a person receives for taking care of their health on a daily basis.  For example, you ran 5 km, received tokens, you followed the doctor’s recommendations – you received tokens, you passed examinations on time, and so on and so forth..

Getting tokens for taking care of your health is not limited. And you can use these tokens to your advantage: to pay for medical services or consultations to buy medicines, dietary supplements or gadgets.

Jonah 🏅🎹: Awesome.. Getting rewards while improving my health at the same time 👏

Nick Ally: Last time I made a transfer it took 4 forms on both sides and 2 days to reach it’s destination. In a world where messages travel with the speed of light :/

Jonah 🏅🎹: That’s a bit stressful

Nadia Karklina: And that makes the overall process of getting healthier more pleasant 🙂

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: and will it be written on my medical record?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your great answers ☺️ ready to proceed to the next question?

Nadia Karklina: This data will be entered into your digital healthcare record! This will not be medical data, but health data, which will be displayed on your personal gadgets so that you can see the dynamics of your health.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Fantastic🔥

Nadia Karklina: Yes, sure! We’re waiting for your interesting questions

Q4 from Telegram User @MasterfulAstil

The organization seeks to create the world’s most powerful and “humane” artificial intelligence for the healthcare system, which will benefit 3 billion people, and will halve the death rate from disease and pandemics. Please explain this targetted amount of 3 billion people as this is less than a half of world’s population. What are the obstacles to provide wider coverage? Aren’t you afraid that those 3 billion do already have an access to the best practices in health care?

Anna Bon: this is a very deep question, I want to answer this question myself

Anna Bon: According to the World Health Organization, 3 billion people do not have access to health services through financial difficulties or remote location. Our project is aimed to solve both problems

We provide tools so that every person has the opportunity to receive real money for their depersonalized medical data and allow the use high-tech telemedicine wherever they are.

You already know that the market of medical data has surpassed the tens of billions of dollars, of which the patient who generated this data did not receive a cent 😭

DeHealth is building a transparent medical data marketplace where the seller is the owner of this data. We are developing an application where a person maintains his international medical record, collects data from doctors, laboratories and gadgets.

This data is structured and digitized in a certain way, then it is depersonalized and posted on the DeHealth Marketplace, where pharmaceutical and analytical companies buy this data from you directly!

And in fact, the integration of DeHealth Coin into a mobile application will make cryptocurrency a natural way of paying and making a profit for millions of people around the world. Solving the issues of any cross-border transfers in a matter of seconds, whether you pay for medicines, doctors’ services or receive income from the sale of depersonalized medical data.

Anna Bon: how it works, visually:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: this gives incredibly great opportunities for both patients and doctors! this is genius.

Jonah 🏅🎹: 3 billion is alot

Anna Bon: Ohhh❤️🙏

Anna Bon: Yes😭

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you very much for making our world a better place❤️

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We can see you, guys, are really passionate about the project! Tell us a bit about tokenomics please

Anna Bon: this is what motivates us ❤️

Anna Bon Of course, we are already writing

Nadia Karklina: We can talk a lot about that! The token will be primarily used in DeHealth mobile app. Even though the app itself will be free, the extended version with AI-assistant will have to be purchased. The token will also be used as a universal payment method: services, products, vitamins as well as the data will be purchased with DeHealth token. It can also be staked, providing additional opportunities for doctors.  We’ve also already shared our other idea: our token will be used to motivate more service providers and patients to join our platform!

Jonah 🏅🎹: can we proceed to next question?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your answers ☺️

Nick Ally: Wait, there is more)

Jonah 🏅🎹: Yes.. two more for this part.. 😁

Jonah 🏅🎹: Q5 from Telegram User @Pavel_Jarosh

One of the DeHealth founders (Anna Bondarenko) profile states that she owns a DeHealth UA branch with 2M of patients and 30K doctors audience. What do the two DeHealth projects have in common and how is the work process in Ukraine already set? Please talk about the successes and fails. Thank you!

Nadia Karklina We will soon anounce the token sale in our telegram channel: (In the end of October)

Nadia Karklina: The pilot has been working for 4 years, and for 2 of them it is known as a DeHealth project. Right now, you can create your own digital health card or ask a doctor, who is already working with the system to make one for you. It contains every medical visit, consultation and analysis. You don’t fill it up – doctors do. Later, for example if you need to visit a lab, they can easily access your card and receive all required information. No paperwork involved, everything is digitalized and structured according to the international standards.

Nadia Karklina: And blockchain will make patients data 100% immutable, making the trust and quality of such data ultimate.

Nadia Karklina: The main success lies in the fact that in just a few years we have millions of patients, and 35,000 of doctors already trust us, but we have not spent money on advertising! Here the world of mouth is working for us and we are growing quite fast. Of the failures we could mention that a lot of money was spent on confirming hypotheses, they could be confirmed faster without big spendings, but we’ve learned a lot from this experience!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You are incredible guys😊

Nick Ally: Thanks for the kind words!

Nadia Karklina: Thank you! And we are keep moving

Jonah 🏅🎹: Awesome lets proceed to the last question for this part

Q6 from Telegram User @NataliyaKil

With the help of AI-bot we can consult with the best doctors available worldwide. How can I be sure of the authenticity of the doctors? Can I get access to information about the doctor I am interested in, to information about his activities, to his diplomas and certificates? How can I be sure that I can trust the doctors offered by DeHealth?

Nadia Karklina: It is highly important to understand that you can bring your doctor to our platform, the one to whom you trust or who was recommended to you (just recommend them our platform). The doctor will get an automated workplace and our system will save him time for receiving patients.

Also all the doctors in our platform are checked through our legal department. We work only with legal entities – medical institutions or private doctors who conduct their practice. They provide us with their state medical licenses, which we (legal department) check. In case if a complaint is received against a doctor, we deprive them of access to our platform.

And your personal assistant (AI) will select the best doctor for you according to your individual needs.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: you have thought this aspect well. thanks for taking this matter seriously

Jonah 🏅🎹: thank you for your answers Guys

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you very much for the great answers and your time.

Nick Ally: Thank you, those were some very in-depth and interesting questions!

Jonah 🏅🎹: its time to proceed to the next part of our AMA, where our community members will ask you Live questions directly are you ready to see the flood😉

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Please share with Satoshi Clubbers useful links before the open chat😉

Nadia Karklina: Here are the most useful links: Company Website:






Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram User @Chertkov13

When android app release ? I don’t see any beta/pilot apps for mobile yet

Nick Ally:

We plan to release an App for Android, Apple and Huawei OS in the beginning of next year.

It will be AI based from the start. Nobody tried to do it before us and this is an interesting task, to be the first who works in this area.

We spend a lot of time working with anti age clinics and international universities in terms of R&D in order to correctly complete the terms of reference.

You can also take a look at screenshots on our website

Q2 from Telegram User @lerasiera

Why did you still release tokenomic ? I’m following you for weeks but still no word about token and how it will be distributed

Ilya Basuev:

We plan to announce the tokensale in early October.

We will give all the details, share our plans.

Healthcare is the most conservative industry.

Q3 from Telegram User @adsaadd

What will be the main principle of your project if you manage to realize everything that you want?

Ilya Basuev:

People will be given easy-to-use technologies that will help them monitor their health, make money selling their data, and live better lives

Q4 from Telegram User @egadzovsky

not sure I understand how my medical data can be monetized. Who can need the info how I caught a flu and how I recovered idk. Who would buy it ??

Nick Ally:

Your health information is not even digital gold, it’s digital platinum for analytical and pharmaceutical companies.

With the help of this information, new treatment protocols are being developed, new and effective drugs for treatment are being created, which brings huge profits to the companies developing such drugs. According to open official data, the medical data market will surpass $80 billion next year and we plan to be on the edge of this growth

Q5 from Telegram User @peachees

In order for people to pass on information about their health and their problems to you, do you plan to somehow check it?

Nadia Karklina:

People now collect information about their health and store it on their digital medical record.

Information is collected from three sources:

– Doctors

– Medical laboratories

– And certified gadgets

All our brains and products are aimed at enabling people to prevent the onset of diseases and more effectively fight existing diseases.

Symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg. It is important to understand the reason. AI and an international digital medical record on the blockchain will help us in this so that people do not lose their health data.

Q6 from Telegram User @kanifo

What or who inspires you? It is important for me to know that you live with your project, love it and do everything for it to make it successful

Anna Bon:

A couple of years ago, me and Denis had a dream – to use the latest technology and science so that people do not die prematurely, so that they can live longer and happier.

Our journey began with this dream.

We saved three human lives, there is a description of one such story on the site, take a look.

This gives us strength to go forward every day ❤️

Q7 from Telegram User @feranno

Do you need any license or permission legally to use the DeHalth project? What kind of work have you done on legal regulations, do you have the necessary licenses and permits?

Nick Ally:

Yes, we work with medical data, medical records, and in some countries this requires permits.

For example, in Europe, you need to comply with the GDPR law and we are ok with it. We do have a legal department who takes care of it.

When it comes to medical licenses, we do not provide any medical services, so we don’t need to be certified.

Q8 from Telegram User @danchouss

Have you already tested the work of your project in the Alpha version? What are the results?

Nick Ally:

Yes, we did a pilot project in Eastern Europe, so far this is a web platform that allows people to store their medical information in one digital place and make an appointment with a doctor.

This is a SaaS model. Doctors and clinics pay us for a digital workplace. Basically, it’s telemedicine.

We have more than 2.7 million patients and about 2M of them are active (they make appointments with their doctor more than 2 times a year through our platform).

Q9 from Telegram User @miasanmia1

Dehealth is not very blockchain oriented project to be honest. It could easily work without token. Why did you decide to tap into blockchain? It seems you just need a token to conduct a token sale and that’s it

Ilya Basuev:

First of all, the blockchain allows not to change medical information retroactively, so that it is liquid for pharmaceutical and analytical companies. we tokenize the medical data so that you can sell from depersonalized on our platform and earn some real money.Blockchain and token are different tools.

We need blockchain to increase trust in the medical data that is generated. So that no one can change them retroactively and so that it can be seen where they come from.

We need the token so that people can mine it while maintaining their health. It is also a good loyalty program tool.

And through tokens, it will be easier for people to sell their medical data, make cross-border transfers.

For the company, this is also money from the community. This is a great responsibility and reward for us.

Q10 from Telegram User @finomdort

Please tell us more about your short term steps, what do we expect next in coming weeks? I have joined the chat few weeks ago and I’m a little bit confused as you don’t post much updated what exactly you are doing. I like your idea but I don’t really like the progress. It seems you are missing something.

Nadia Karklina:

We are glad to see you here in Satoshi! it’s nice to know that you’ve already visited some of our AMA sessions.  Yes, we already have a roadmap that we are following.

We divide our business processes into the following areas:

– R&D

– development of technologies and products

– entering new markets

– legal issues

– and now another direction has been added – the introduction of a global cryptocurrency to the market for the healthcare market.

We have been working on our platform for several years and now it serves over 2.7 million patients. Now we go out into the world.

Follow our social networks, there will be more news and you will find out about our progress and you can join us.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Dehealth. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 300$.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group:
Russian Telegram group:

Spanish Telegram group:
Telegram Channel:

Our partners:

Dehealth Website –
Dehealth Telegram – @dehealth

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