AMA Satoshi Club x Crypto Prophecies , April 24th

AMA Satoshi Club x Crypto Prophecies , April 24th

We were delighted to welcome our guest from Showcase. The AMA took place on April 24th, 2021 and our guests were @Paul_Lindsell and @yegres95 .

The total reward pool was 500$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

D. Папа Роуч: hello all! we happy to start our AMA with Crypto Prophecies!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello, dear community!

D. Папа Роуч: today our guests –  @Paul_Lindsell and @yegres95 ! 🥳

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club😀

D. Папа Роуч: sorry everyone. we have some technical difficulties😊


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We are very glad to conducting AMA with Crypto Prophecies! Today our guests are @Paul_Lindsell Paul Lindsell – CEO and Founder and @yegres95 Sergey Sudakov – CTO and Foudner!

D. Папа Роуч: awesome 👍 @yegres95 are we can start the AMA? or waiting for @Paul_Lindsell ? 👀

Sergey: He cannot seem to type but I will answer for him

D. Папа Роуч: nice! so let’s start! 😊

Paul L – will not DM you first: Hey everyone.

D. Папа Роуч: hellllo! finally! 😄 good to have you here guys! and welcome to Satoshi club! 😃

Paul L – will not DM you first: Great to be here (finally)

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: you can’t even imagine how glad we are to you 😁

D. Папа Роуч: 👍 let’s begin our AMA with a short intro! 😊 @Paul_Lindsell and @yegres95 please introduce yourselves and your project!

Paul L – will not DM you first: I am Paul Lindsell, CEO and Founder. A digital veteran with over 20 years of product design experience in Finance, FinTech, Gaming and Blockchain. I have held many leadership roles including former founder & CEO of a digital design agency, co-founder & COO of algorithmic cryptocurrency trading platform.

Crypto Prophecies is a decentralised peer-to-peer price prediction game that has NFT characters.

Sergey: I am Sergey Sudakov CTO and Co-Founder. Over 8 years of software development experience with large brands such as Sky, The Times, Ford, IBM. Since 2017 I save been heavily involved in blockchain and smart contract development for numerous ICOs, DLT4EU and United Nations funded projects as well as participating in various NFT and DeFi projects.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Wow! great background 👍

Paul L – will not DM you first:

Sergey looks like this

Sergey looks like this

D. Папа Роуч: 😊👍 nice! so you both a quite experienced developers, is this is your first time that you are working on game together?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: great experience! 👍

Paul L – will not DM you first:

and me…

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Also we would like to know about your team. Who is on the project team?

Paul L – will not DM you first: No, our team also work on which is trading game.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: it looks very good👏👏👏

Paul L – will not DM you first: Philipe – Chief Designer Officer

Sue – Character designer

Volo – Lead Game Developer

Adam – Full Stack Developer

Dennis – Full Stack Developer

Andrey – Environment art

Hamza – Animator

Zia – Writer

Then a host of other cool kids in marketing!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You have an excellent team of the same thinkers!

Paul L – will not DM you first: They are all incredible and highly skilled, we are lucky to have them.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for the great intro! Ready to jump on to community questions, or would you like to add something?

Paul L – will not DM you first: Lets go!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: A good team is the key to the success of the project 🚀

Q1 from Telegram user @Jonahapagu

You have a Strong Holder Offering on DAO Maker coming up soon, can you explain how this will work , who can participate and why you chose DAO maker for the strong holder there a date for this yet.

Paul L – will not DM you first: Great question, I will answer this one if I can. Full details on how to participate on DAO Makers SHO is due to go live to today on

Paul L – will not DM you first: For the SHO, there is a process of locking DAO Tokens in the DAO Vault as a staking mechanic to win tickets for the SHO.

There is a 500 USDC personal allocation cap. and the SHO dates are: Dates are 26/27 April

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Aww! It’s very soon🚀

Paul L – will not DM you first: It is going to be a busy week

D. Папа Роуч: do people should pass KYC to be able to participate in SHO?

Paul L – will not DM you first: yes

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: So why you chose DAO maker for the strong holder offering😉

D. Папа Роуч: got it! and do you have some list of restricted countries? or people from all over the world can participate?

Paul L – will not DM you first: We believe that the SHO is a really good, fair method. Plus the team at DAO Maker have been incredibly supportive of The Crypto Prophecies and also believe in us. The usual restrictions apply and full details can be found on DAO Makers site

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: thanks for clarifying👍 it’s clear to me! ready for the next question?

Paul L – will not DM you first: sure

Q2 from Telegram user @dudeiebitch

I will like to know how your prediction game is going to be like because you are making it look like a war game and it is just getting me confused. Is it just a normal game where anybody can participate by predicting the price of some specific token or there are more to it that you can actively explain to us.

Paul L – will not DM you first:

Crypto Prophecies is a decentralised peer-to-peer price prediction game that has NFT characters.

Place your wager and go head-to-head with another player to battle it out over the candles, predicting how each one will close.

It’s a points based and it’s against the clock, so be quick and watch out for your opponents magic spells!

The winner at the end of the battle wins all the wager.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: this is a very original idea to be honest 😁

Paul L – will not DM you first: Thank you 🙏

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Do you have MVP?

D. Папа Роуч: there is always a timer, and each round lasts particular time?

Paul L – will not DM you first: For the first game mode, there are 10 trading candles, each last 10 seconds. Each player must predict how EACH candle will close. You are against the clock so the fast you predict the more points you get. However, predict wrong, and lose those points.

D. Папа Роуч: cool! it might be fun 😁

Paul L – will not DM you first:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: yes I think it will be very exciting😁 finally traders can relieve stress

D. Папа Роуч: and earn some money 😉

Paul L – will not DM you first:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your answers. Ready to proceed to the next question?

D. Папа Роуч: you need a stiker pack for Telegram! 😁these images are awesome!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: yes it is very cool😁

Paul L – will not DM you first: we are working a sticker pack too 🙂

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: So can we proceed?😉

Paul L – will not DM you first: yes lets go!

Q3 from Telegram user @pixma00

Scarce, mysterious and very cute, these masters of magic roam the world of cryptocurrencies; However, each Crypto Prophet is unique with its own magical abilities, magic items, and spells. Can you tell us more about these creatures? What characteristics do each of them have? Do I need to buy or find magic items in the game in order to use spells? Can you describe the rarities of magic item NFTs?

Paul L – will not DM you first: oh thats a big question… let us break down into some answers

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Feel free

Paul L – will not DM you first: For generation 1 of the NFTs, there are four races of Crypto Prophets to find. The Satoshian, The Etherians, The Tezmanians and the evil Ripptilians. Each race has their own characteristics and lore. You can read more about that here:

D. Папа Роуч: i guess this is Etherian? 😁

Paul L – will not DM you first: yes

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Paul L:

In order to get a Crypto Prophet you will need to buy an NFT summoning orb, or try to buy a Crypto Prophet on the secondary market.

Summoning orbs are openned at the summoning portal, where you will first see your prophet apear

Paul L – will not DM you first:

There are five rarities to collect/find, and each rarity (common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary) has additional benefits.

D. Папа Роуч: so the higher rarity the more powerful orb?

Paul L – will not DM you first:

you can also burn 5x of the same tier/race, to get 1x of the next tier up.

D. Папа Роуч: very nice!

Paul L – will not DM you first: yes exactly. Although, there is fun probability associated with each orb….

D. Папа Роуч: got it! thank you for the detailed answers! 😊

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: you love this thing 😁😁😁

D. Папа Роуч: yep, i love burn NFTs 🤣

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Can we proceed to the next question?🔥🔥🔥

Paul L – will not DM you first: Yes, of course.

For anyone interested in the generation 1 Satoshians, here is the complete race:

D. Папа Роуч: they are so cute 😊

Q4 from Telegram user @victorogb

Going through one of you many blog posts, I noticed there is a distinct mention of two separate tokens with direct affiliation to the Crypto Prophecies namely; bTCP and TCP tokens. Worthy of note is the fact that bTCP tokens can be matched and automatically exchanged with TCP tokens at a ratio of 1:1 when used in the game’s smart contract. Therefore, what are the differences and uses cases of both tokens how are they acquired within the gaming environment?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: who designs these funny characters? they are so cute 😍

Paul L – will not DM you first:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: tell her that these characters are beautiful ❤️😁

Paul L – will not DM you first: There is a sign-up campaign that rewards all players who sign up to play with $5 worth of bTCP tokens.

The bTCP tokens are only redeemable once an NFT Crypto Prophet has been purchased and associated with the user account.

For every friend that is referred, the referrer will receive an additional $5 of bTCP tokens once they sign up, create their account and also purchase an NFT Crypto Prophet.

A fungible token called ‘Bonus TCP’ (bTCP for short) will be used on various referral schemes, airdrops, marketing and community development purposes. The following characteristics define the utility of bTCP:

– bTCP are minted by locking equivalent amounts of TCP in a smart contract.

– bTCP are strictly non-transferable and can only be used for participation in ecosystem real money games.

– Participating in games modes with bTCP tokens leads to them being burned and withdrawal of an equivalent number of TCP tokens from the TCP smart contract.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: How can I buy tokens?

D. Папа Роуч: what is the total supply of your token? is there will be some burning mechanism, which affect the circulation supply?

Paul L – will not DM you first: We will be listing on 2x CEX (details to be announced Monday), and listing on DEX (uniswap and quickswap).

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: don’t forget to share with Satoshi Clubbers😉

Sergey: 250 million tokens split up into SHO sale + private sale + liquidity + development and ecosystem fund

D. Папа Роуч: quickswap…yeah, i just remember that you built  your project on Polygon 😉

Sergey: There is a burn mechanism implemented in every single match

Within the Kingdom Fee

50% will be burned

Paul L – will not DM you first:

D. Папа Роуч: undestood, thank you! ready for the next question? next one will continue the current topic 😉😊

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Interesting concept

Paul L – will not DM you first: yes

Q5 from Telegram user @alaskasb

In your medium I observed that you want to reward users who play on your platform. Can you give us more information about this? What advantages will these rewards give users? Since in platforms like Facebook the user acquisition fee is very expensive, will this really be a good option to attract more users? Do you have any strategy like marketing in mind to increase the number of players and achieve the massive growth of Crypto Prophecies? You also mention that the winner at the end of the battle wins the entire bet minus the Kingdom fee of 3%, could you tell us why this is due? Why a 3% Kingdom Fee? Where will these funds go?

Paul L – will not DM you first: Thats a lot of questions 🙂

D. Папа Роуч: hehe yep 😄

Paul L – will not DM you first: In your medium I observed that you want to reward users who play on your platform. Can you give us more information about this? What advantages will these rewards give users?

There are many included in the model, but one we really like is the Daily Prize Pool.

All daily players will be entered into a daily prize draw, where each game played gives that player tickets for the daily prize draw. If the player wins the battle, tickets are issued based on the Prophet used tier multiplier and the wager placed. If the player loses the battle, tickets are issued on a one-to-one ratio with the size of the wager.

The more games a player plays, and the higher the wagers placed, the more chances a player has at winning in the daily prize draw.

The rarity tier of the Crypto Prophet used for the battle defines the prize draw ticket multiplier per winning battle are issued.

multipliers are different for each rarity

The daily prize pool is generated from forty percentage(40%) of the Kingdom fee so that it becomes a community pool and grows in size based on the number of games played and the number of wagers placed in any given day.


Crypto Prophecies SHO Details are live!

The Crypto Prophecies is a gamified price battling game that uses NFT characters called Crypto Prophets.

Full Research Page:

SHO Details

– Sale size $165,000

– Allocation per winner: $500

– Winners 330

How to Participate:


Registrations: 26th of April 12:00 UTC

Registrations Deadline: 27th of April 12:00 UTC

Winners Announced: 27th of April till 18:00 UTC

Join DAO Pad:

Tranches (DAO Power)👇

Tranche 1: 500–999

Tranche 2: 1,000–1,999

Tranche 3: 2,000–3,999

Tranche 4: 4,000–9,999

Tranche 5: 10,000+





D. Папа Роуч: so it’s like some sort of daily lottery? 😊

Paul L – will not DM you first: “Do you have any strategy like marketing in mind to increase the number of players and achieve the massive growth of Crypto Prophecies?”

Yes, we have a referral campaign:

There is a sign-up campaign that rewards all players who sign up to play with $5 worth of bTCP tokens.

The bTCP tokens are only redeemable once an NFT Crypto Prophet has been purchased and associated with the user account.

For every friend that is referred, the referrer will receive an additional $5 of bTCP tokens once they sign up, create their account and also purchase an NFT Crypto Prophet

“You also mention that the winner at the end of the battle wins the entire bet minus the Kingdom fee of 3%, could you tell us why this is due? Why a 3% Kingdom Fee? Where will these funds go?”

Sergey shared a diagram above which shows how the kingdom fee is used.

More details here:

D. Папа Роуч: thanks a lot! for tons of info and great answers! 👍

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you very much for such a detailed answer. I have a question a little off topic

Paul L – will not DM you first:

yes, but you only get tickets by playing, and you get more tickets by wagering big and playing with NFTs. There is no limit to the tickets you can earn, but everyday 25 winners.

We use Chainlinks VRF to find the winners

off topic? sure

(I am already married)

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: many of our participants have faced a problem. they cannot join your telegrams .. could you help solve this issue?

D. Папа Роуч: yep, lots of people can’t get in your telegram group

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Shh .. me too 😁

We suffered multiple large bot attack yesterday and our TG group security has been increased. We are hoping to resolve the issue today.

D. Папа Роуч: oh…now we know the issue. i hope you will fix it as soon as possible 💪

Paul L – will not DM you first: thank you, we managed to stop the bots from joining the channel. We should be able to open to new users very soon.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I send everyone to your admin @GeraldQph 😁 Ask him to read PM from fans of your project😁

Paul L – will not DM you first: yes! he will help

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you very much for your answers and information.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Ready for the last question of this part?😉

D. Папа Роуч: last in this one and 10 in the second part😄

Q6 from Telegram user @Pratze

I read your roadmap that Crypto Prophecies will have feature in game name ‘battle royal’ and you also have plan for bringing eSport to your game, can you explain how does battle royal system work? And when the implementation for eSport into Crypto Prophecies?

Paul L – will not DM you first: oh yes, so excited about this! Battle Royal mode will see approximately 10 players each wager the same amount of tokens, then head into the battle arena together.

At the end of each round, 2 players with the lowest points will get knocked out.

The winner at the end will win ALL the wager. Last man/prophet standing!

We will aim to open these tournaments for live streaming, and allow players and viewers to place wagers on the outcome of the battle, like esports for price prediction. The wagers will also be decentralised wager pools.

So much fun!

D. Папа Роуч: so battle royal basically means – everybody against everybody😁

Paul L – will not DM you first: yes totally. we also are making team based games, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3 and so on. Just went live:

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram User @ultimate373

Does Crypto Prophecies have any reward program I can participate in?


We have a referral programme live that rewards you in bTCP tokens

We will also have a liquidity programme on Matic (Quickswap)

Q2 from Telegram User

In Matchmaking, how will you carry out the bet of every player without minimum or maximum bet for every battle? If we could use other token, will it be converted to TCP or we should play with same TOKEN bet?


1) We have specific bet amounts at which everyone can bet

2) You can challenge a friend to a battle, where both of you set your bets

Q3 from Telegram User  @highpee

You have said that you will have a DAILY PRICE POOL reward for all users that enter into price battle in a particular day. Does winning the  price battle add to the possibility of winning the daily reward pool or are you using a lottery system where anyone can win the daily price irrespective of whether you win or lose in the price battle?

Paul L – will not DM you first:

Great question.

Your Crypto Prophet NFT has a multiplier, the multiplier is different depending on the rarity tier.

Every game you play and win, we multiply your wager amount by the multiplier and give you the same number of tickets for the daily prize draw.

Every game you play and lose, you get a reduced multiplier, but still get some tickets.

So yes, you can win the daily prize even if you lose games.

Q4 from Telegram User @Antoni_azx

You have a Kigdom fee for each game played in the Battle Arena, it says in your whitepaper that this fee was created to benefit the community and the token economy, but how? What’s the distribution of these fees?


Some will be burned to decrease supply + some will be put into a daily prize pool

Q5 from Telegram User @alptrader

On your whitepaper I’ve found something very interesting. It says some features of the game will remain centralized until there is a suitable and stable decentralized alternative. What are those game features that can’t be built with decentralized infrastructure? And what are the features still lacking in blockchain technologies?


Currently our price data feed is centralised. Oracles would either be too pricey or impossible to update at a rate of speed that we require. Our candle time is 10 seconds. In the future this can change

Q6 from Telegram User @Tony253210

I read that Crypto Prophecies NFTs can be “upgraded” or boosted by the use of “magical items”, so can you explain us a little bit more about this? There exist a max upgrade level to the NFTs?

Paul L – will not DM you first:

Great question.

Each rarity of Crypto Prophet has a different number of ‘slots’ each slot allows for a different magic item to be equipped.

Legendary and Founders NFTs give a player 4 slots for Staff, Wand, Cape and Pet.

Each magic item has a spell, and the spells are related to the school of magic that the prophet can use like Fire, Nature, Arcane etc.

Here are some examples of Nature Staffs, which can be equipped by Etherians:

Q7 from Telegram User @KhaleesiTheCryptoLady

Where can we trade the NFT rewards we get in your gaming platform? Do you have plan to add more games in the future?

Paul L – will not DM you first:

OpenSea, our own platform and any other marketplace that accepts what ERC721 and ERC1155

Q8 from Telegram User @alyaakin

In order to join a battle, do I have to convert my TCP tokens into bTCP?


You will not have to convert TCP tokens into bTCP

bTCP is a marketing token that will be given out to referrals. They will be converted into TCP after one game. You cannot buy bTCP, they are only given out as a reward

Q9 from Telegram User @ERMD18

You said @cryptoprophecies guarantees 100% security for users. What if one day there is a problem or loses the user’s token? How do you handle it ??


We as a team do not have access to any user funds or NFTs. All users completely own their TCP + NFTs in their own wallets and just interact with our smart contracts

Q10 from Telegram User @Crypt0_l0ver

Do I need to purchase or find magic in-game items to use spells? Can you describe the scarcity of magic NFTs?

Paul L – will not DM you first:

Interesting question thank you…

we create NFTs in generations, the generations have fixed supply. As you can level up your characters and items by burning 5 of the same, the supply also reduces. You can only burn within the same generation, this creates a huge scarcity model.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Crypto Prophecies. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 300$.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
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Our partners:

Crypto Prophecies Website –
Crypto Prophecies Telegram – @cryptoprophecies

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