x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 18th of December x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 18th of December is a cross-chain scalability network featuring decentralized computing, database storage and a DID framework. is currently focused on supercharging the DeFi ecosystem.

Today we are glad to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from The AMA took place on December 18 and our guest were @claudio_101, @AdrienDLT and @Jonnyjonnyjon

The total reward pool was 10000 ALEPH and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.


Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello, Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with! welcome to Satoshi Club. 😀

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Hello! Happy to be here!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Welcome to Satoshi Club! Happy to see you here again!

Please, introduce yourself to our community and tell what’s new happened to since August. 😀

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: I am Jonathan Schemoul (alias Moshe Malawach) from, I am here with @claudio_101 Claudio, our UX designer. Yup, a lot of new things happenned since then! We integrated the Cosmos and Polkadot ecosystems, Accepting their addresses on the network. We have worked on our staking and core channel nodes program, that is now going live… today!

Claudio_101 [AlephIM]: We have been working hard on this one! 😉

Mary | Satoshi Club: Wow!!! Already or some hours later?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Mmh, I can share the url with you here as a first! To register nodes and stake on them You need an account with metamask or similar to login. šŸ™‚

 The nodes that we are speaking about are these, the core channel nodes šŸ™‚

Q1 from Telegram user @batrud

700,000 tokens need to be staked in order to create a NODE. That’s a huge amount for an average crypto user. How do you plan to attract medium users as well to participate in the nodes? Is it possible to create pools for that?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: The idea is that there will be two types of nodes: the core channel nodes and the resources nodes. Here we are speaking about the core channel nodes. Those are the network controllers, they need to have skin in the game, they will decide who gets paid or not. And as a side note, to create a node, it’s 200k ALEPH. The 500k can be entrusted by the community. The resource nodes (coming in 2021) on the other hand will require no token collateral to start.

Let me share with you a quick comparison of the node types:

The network provides decentralized database, file storage and computing, the resource nodes will be providing this!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Which month, quarter are resource nodes coming?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: ETA is currently mid-2021. Until then the core channel nodes will do that work as well. As the network is already live.

D. | Satoshi Club: So, core channel node always get reward, even if it’s goes offline?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: No, if they go offline they don’t get paid. But they always receive rewards, even if they don’t provide a service at this exact time. As the service they provide is the network security and not just hosting or computing.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Do you users have possibility to join something like shared nodes services?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Mhh they can stake on any nodes, the staking needs at least 10k ALEPH. The node owner needs 200k to start the node. That being said, we will support smart contracts to allow pooling.

Mary | Satoshi Club: That’s good news! Can you tell the amount of rewards which node owners will receive approximately for one month?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Hard to say before having enough live nodes, the registration just opened right now when we shared the url here. šŸ˜‰ The node owners get a share of 15k ALEPH daily, shared between all nodes that are active.

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: I can share our node operators one pager document here. šŸ™‚

Q2 from Telegram user @alex_satang

In your whitepaper, it is written that the current state of applications is written (or computed from) on a blockchain, this is immutability. But what if you want instantaneous actions, batching user requests for non-critical items? When you say non critical items, what do you mean by that? how do you classify them as such? Also, is it possible to wrongly classify a critical asset as non-critical and exploit this somehow?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: That’s a good question. Let’s take our staking for example. When you go on and join a node as a staker, you sign a message, the message is taken into account instantly by the network, but the value date for it is the next ethereum block it gets included in and if there is thousands of messages that are waiting, they all get included as a single transaction the distinction is done on the application side: if you decide it’s critical you take the confirmation height/time, if not, the reception time that could be a bit before. I don’t think that there is that much of a risk, beside on virtual machine, but those will use a chain as a single source of truth (for ordering).

D. | Satoshi Club: And by the way, by now only ethereum users can take part in staking? if im not mistaken you working on cross-chain solutions?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: There is a bunch, that is our personal storage dapp, that is the blogging dapp beta, that allows to receive cryptocurrencies with a simple name (it’s a partner), and a lot of others.

Claudio_101 [AlephIM]: We have the node and staking dapp. The storage dapp in beta. The note taking dapp in beta. A blog dapp in beta.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Starname, everyone can join?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Yup! using a ledger nano with their app on it you can use, the user profile is stored on the network, (name, description, picture…)

Q3 from Telegram user @madkaren

One of your use cases is related to Social Networks, Blogging Platforms, Chat Apps and Media Sharing App. This is especially interesting given the interest of big players like Facebook in this field. How are you going to implement your solutions for social media?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Using channels: the network is split into channels, each one with its own set of files and database entries. This way it’s fully scalable: not everyone stores everything, and the core channel coordinates everything. Basically all the social network data is stored on the network as database entries and files, and retrieved from nodes that have the data.

This way we can achieve huge amount of data stored for each dApp. Also, our decentralized identity solution developed with synaps and ledger gives a single identity source (to have decentralized blue check marks, like the ones on twitter), and avoid spam.

Mary | Satoshi Club: How i, a single person, can use it? Or it’s using by platforms?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: The network itself by developers, but you as a person can use the dApps built on the network. šŸ™‚

Mary | Satoshi Club: What new developers currently preparing for users?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: There is Orion protocol that works on a trading terminal, BCDiploma on a diploma verification platform, Serum that is a dex, Jarvis margineum for margin trading which is made trustless by, and many others. Those aren’t directly on the social network side, but for trading we are working on trader profiles with verifiable trade records.

Q4 from Telegram user @surdumiha

I’m very interested in your serverless file storage. What are the requirements for the people to be part of this (i mean to contribute with their storage and get rewards)?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Those are the resource nodes, between 1-8TB of hard drive, and 32gm of ram at start, but it might be lowered between now and the actual resource nodes launch. As we have a few corporate clients who need to store on company computers (like all the company personal computer become the company cloud) or on small devices on-site (your printers become your cloud). So we will need to have “light” storage servers.

Mary | Satoshi Club: These nodes are not live yet, right?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Yup, not live yet. That being said, you can start a node right now, as the network is permissionless for that part, but you won’t get paid yet. The only nodes that are getting paid are the core channel nodes for now (until official launch).

Q5 from Telegram user @nasharussia1

There are very few entries in your explorer. Can you explain why is that so? Usually even not very popular projects tend to have a lot of activity and transactions.

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Uhhhh, 12.5M entries there šŸ˜‰ Even if we are a bit prunning the history right now when going on ethereum mainnet as a sync source for the new core channel nodes, the archival nodes (including the explorer) continue to hold these 12.5M messages. So there is plenty of entries!

But if you are speaking about ethereum erc-20 explorer, we did a token swap not that long ago, so the history is split between two erc-20 contracts.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Why did you need token swap?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Following the kucoin hack, to return the token the hacker took so the users didn’t lose their funds, we were able to do it back then, we won’t be able so easily now since the network gets decentralized with the core channel nodes. Such move will be made much much harder.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Oh, i thought about this. Was it hard decision? I know that some projects rejected swaps.

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Yeah, really didn’t do it happily. We didn’t have the choice and it was the only option. We had to act fast, and we did. šŸ™‚

Claudio_101 [AlephIM]: We got lots of credit for it from our community for this. We have a great community!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Sure, i understand, 50/50, that situation wasn’t good.

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: It has been hard due to the AMM pools as well. So we had to take it into account. For people on uniswap and balancer that weren’t able to remove liquidity on time, we gave them more ALEPH tokens.

Q6 from Telegram user @peachespecos

Looking on your roadmap, there is a dapp called Personal storage. Can you tell me if this dapp is running, and if yes how is the data/ information protected? Is it safe to use, and I’m thinking if there is not a high risk of losing the data?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: It’s, live now. Data is hosted by the network that ensures it’s always live and stored on multiple places.

As for security of your private data, it’s encrypted end-to-end for your own private key using state of the art encryption (ECIES).

Mary | Satoshi Club: How can we use this dapp?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: It’s pretty simple, go on the top right button, create an account, and you’re in! Then you can store files and notes instantly.


The chat was open for 80 seconds; a lot of questions were posted by Satoshi Club community. Our guests chose some of them.

Q1 from Telegram User @BERTA2020

How relevant is ALEPH IM to DeFi?  How necessary is it and what role do you use?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Most DeFI protocols have centralized parts, on their frontend at least, with database servers… We offer to fully decentralize it. With computing for matching engines for example, with decentralized database for price feeds, orderbooks… And decentralized file storage for all the statics and website storage. We decentralize the last mile of DeFI.

Q2 from Telegram User @K2ice

How can I a create a node and what are the benefits I can get from creating a node?

Adrien: You can create a node by following the tutorial we just published moments ago. Essentially this is the first step to become a node operator. You will then validate the network, provide database (including file storage) services and be rewarded for it.

p.s. thats the tutorial:

Q3 from Telegram User @tuvalunia

In your staking service, when can I unstake, and is there any fees for unstaking as a penalty?

Claudio_101 [AlephIM]: No, you can easily stake and unstake. No penalties. 😉

Q4 from Telegram User @Arisabela

Part of Aleph services is the Cloud Storage for personal or professional use. Is there a limit established of data to save per user?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: It depends on your token count. In the first part of token utility it’s based on the amount of tokens you hold. The good part with it, is that as a user if you stake to secure the network you can also get a slowly growing storage allowance. In the second part of token utility, it will get consumed slowly as you use it (X$ equivalent/gb/minute).

Q5 from Telegram User @csgonub

Investing to a project needs great security of project and gaining user trust. Do you have any roadmap or plans to achive them?

Claudio_101 [AlephIM]:

Q6 from Telegram User @Pratze

I just curious why not doing presale / ICO? Can u please tell us the reason? So the only way to get your token by staking?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: It was by staking back then in our NULS nodes, or be in an airdrop (we did one to holders of the dead project pikciochain back then). Now yes, you can buy ALEPH tokens and stake them or operate a node or provide liquidity to get more ALEPH. Another way once we have the resource nodes will be to operate one, no need to hold ALEPH before and you will get tokens.

Nice part about this is that you can provide storage for your own use and also get more storage from the cloud as a backup doing it.

Q7 from Telegram User @sj13sj

ā€œNode Forgeā€ seems to be the go-to place for setting up a node for people like me (non-technical crypto enthusiasts). Could you please explain how this collaboration came about and why they are trustworthy?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: They have been providing node operation service for a few projects, and notably on NULS, in which community I personnaly was (as well as other team members). This is how we met them. They have always been trustworthy and provided a consistent and good service throughout the years.

Q8 from Telegram User @shair29

How to buy NEP5-ALEPH tokens? because NeoChain always my favorite and less gas fee.

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: NEP5 ALEPH isn’t currently traded anywhere.

Q9 from Telegram User @BERTA2020

Can you explain to me how the architecture of ALEPH is formed and how important is what this architecture is?

Claudio_101 [AlephIM]: The problem is that a lot of blockchain projects still have centralized part to their network. Parts like storage, databases and computing. So we could be of help there. Instead for projects to build it themself and loose time and resources we took that job upon us and make it blockchain agnositc. This way if they use our service they can say they really are fully decentralized.

Q10 from Telegram User @BERTA2020

Can you explain to me how the architecture of ALEPH is formed and how important is what this architecture is?

Adrien: I assume you mean tech architecture. So here you go for the full stack illustration. We have a layered architecture, with blockchains at the bottom and the aleph network (made of aleph nodes) above. Nodes store data and blockchain allow interactions on our network, in other words: you can only access/use our network through ethereum, polkadot, cosmos or other supported chains. The rest is quite similar to other projects with the SDK above followed by the DApps layer.

Q11 from Telegram User @Mamitabella

What is the Node registration for, is this to become a validator or is this requirement necessary to start the staking process?

Claudio_101 [AlephIM]: This is for becoming a validator, node operators as we call them. 😉

Q12 from Telegram User @azrayeni

Which wallet applications is your project compatible to use for?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]:All wallets of all compatible chains (Ethereum, NULS, Polkadot/Substrate based, Cosmos/Cosmos-SDK based). Integration is on the dApp side.

Q13 from Telegram User @A5loveZ3

Due to always crazy Etherum gas fee are you planning to move ALEPH ERC20 to Binance Smart Chain? Because BSC have very low Transaction fee.

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: Move, no, but support BSC as well, definitely, yes. Actually the network already supports BSC dApps messages.

Q14 from Telegram User @leixagarcia

Initially the supply of $ALEPH token was going to be 1,000,000,000 but it was cut in half. What was the reason for this?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: We didn’t do an ICO or a private sale. We felt like the current part of the circulating supply should be bigger, as well as the parts due to the community (the incentives pool). So we decided to reduce the total supply by lowering all the pools beside the incentives one, and leaving the current circulating intact.

Q15 from Telegram User @tuvalunia

In your staking service, when can I unstake, and is there any fees for unstaking as a penalty?

Moshe Malawach [AlephIM]: No, no fees at all. Actually your ALEPH never leave your wallet, we couldn’t impose fees if we wanted. šŸ™‚

Q15 from Telegram User @curiosoAMA

Until 2020 there is not a single project that does not mention the famous NFT… Does Aleph intend to create his own in the future?

Adrien: Actually we will NFTs in the future for staking. But more importantly we know that NFTs struggle in finding reliable decentralized solutions to store their metadata (i.e. images for a NFT card game) and we provide exactly that: a decentralized database and file storage service ready to host media of any size. So we expect NFT projects to use a lot.

Q16 from Telegram User @frankvic

As an investor in the world of Blockchains, I would like to know what makes your project different from the rest that already exists. What makes them safer and more efficient?

Adrien: is not a blockchain. It is a peer-to-peer network with a built-in incentivization mechanism. Its custom network is built on top of technologies such as GossipSub and uses underlying chain consensus. Hence featuring no ā€œdirectā€ transaction fees on its network and low latency transactions (50ā€“100ms). Our topology is unlike any other project and we are the only decentralized cloud project already supporting so many chains 🙌

Q17 from Telegram User @rogerass

How can Aleph team make this a long-term project and realize all the visions and missions that have been made?

Claudio_101 [AlephIM]: Weā€™re already working 2 years on this project and we are planning to do many more. We still have so much to do: Did (digital identity), resource nodes, going from an mvp storage dapp to full featured storage dapp. These are all services that will be made available for purchase in the future. So this is one side of the revenue stream we will create.


As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 7000 ALEPH were distributed between the winners.

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