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Telegram AMA with zk-SPARK

October 3, 2022 / 1:00 pm

Satoshi Club, zk-SPARK
500$ prize

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Part 1

$100/6 users – We’ll select 6 questions from the community. A user can post maximum 3 questions. 6 Questions will be selected from our website – please submit your questions in the comments section of this post..

Part 2

$100 /10 users – Open chat for 120 seconds. You can post Max 3 questions. zk-SPARK Team will select 10 questions and answer them..

Part 3

$300 – A quiz about zk-SPARK


Total Reward pool


For more details


  1. Hello zk-SPARK team!!!
    You’re highly welcome to satoshi club.
    Firstly let me just say wow!!!
    Your project is deep. Your whitepaper is so broad and comprehensive that it just hard to not comprehend.
    Going through your whitepaper, on the part of challenges facing crypto start ups, you made mention that “your belief is that zk-Rollups will usher in the new era of cryptocurrency and blockchain. This space is so young, though, that your winners need extra assistance getting out into the world quickly. Until you have incubated more sufficiently, it should come as no surprise that you are running short of Cairo and Solidity developers”.
    What do you mean by your winners? You made mention of ushering in a new era of cryptocurrency blockchain, does that mean you have a plan to build your own blockchain? You said you’re running low on Cairo and solidity developers, are you still hiring? How can one contact you if he has any ideas that may possibly aid in your search for the developers?
    Thank you!!!

    • As one of zk-SPARK security measures is the vetting process which considers only the strongest projects in other to maintain safety of community during the period investment is this statement not contradicting one of features which is Access For All in which zk-SPARK grants opportunity to every Investor? Are the scrutiny used on projects on zk-SPARK platform same with those used for renowned launchpad platform s? What if after Vetting process and zk-SPARK still gets some dump project on it’s platform what drastical measures is to be used on such a project?

    • zk-SPARK aim which is to work with developer a and founders to develop world changing idea does this idea includes

      creating an App for Ethereum blockchain? Will there be some change in the features of zk-SPARK?

  2. Hello zk-SPARK team!!!
    Researching on your whitepaper, I saw an article about investment opportunities for the retail market. In this our community, I can say 95%+ of our members are all retail investors. Now you’ve made a very good explanation to the issue of shortage of retail investment in venture-capital style investment (notably the startup venture). Reason mainly being that there’s high risk associated with venture capital investment.
    You specifically made mention of your mission to welcome more retail investors into the world of venture capital. How do you plan to do that? We all know that decentralization comes with the issue of high volatility, how do you plan to deal with these with it being the major cause of cold feet for retail investors to invest in venture capital? You said it will be feasible, do you have any mechanism to proof how feasible your approach to these mission will be?
    Thank you!!!

  3. Good day zk-SPARK team!!!
    I understand that you are a start up, incubator and crowdfunding platform. But reading from your whitepaper, the introductory part have focused mainly on the trilemma of the block chain and you extensively talked about scalability especially on the ethereum blockchain. Why are you so focused on the ethereum blockchain as a platform? Are you in any way affiliated to the ethereum blockchain?
    You had the idea of improving Ethereum without compromising it, you made mention that zk-Rollups enhance scalability by handling computations off of the blockchain, providing encrypted proof to the “main” blockchain so that the work that happens on the blockchain is minimal. How can you improve ethereum without compromising since you’ve said that “while there have been attempts at the core base layer to scale Ethereum, through things like sharding and an imminent shift to a proof-of-stake system, no single scaling solution has proven sufficient to carry out the original Ethereum mission, of decentralizing the internet”? What makes you approach feasible?
    Thank you!!!

  4. Can you tell us about the partnerships that the zk-SPARK platform has established or intends to establish in training, incubation and crowdfunding that can expand its capabilities and improve your product offer? Considering the educational front to users and developers on the transition from web2 to web3, do you have partnerships that offer the training materials that zk-SPARK offers? Do you offer partnerships that can provide support to your investors from both your zk-SPARK incubation center and IDO launch pad service, and partnerships that provide financial / moral support in your income strategy?

  5. Be part of the modular revolution with zk-SPARK🚀
    Knowing fully well that promotions, events and awareness exposes a project to investors and the public at large not withstanding the giveaways. I saw a promotion of a competition worth $5000 for 50 winners in celebrating the unveiling of your education hub, incubator, and crowdfunding platform.
    My question is, is this event still on?
    What do I do to get involved?

    • Like other educational organizations where students enroll, study and graduate with degrees and diplomas. Then zk-SPARK as an education hub startup based on blockchain, how will people enroll, what kind of knowledge will you be imparting to people, will it be a paid knowledge? Will their be any kind of certification offered to the students?

  6. I have read that only the strongest projects will be considered by zk-SPARK to ensure community safety during the investment process. You have summarized the features that each project should have under nine headings. One of these features is “The project needs to excite our team and our community”. Other features you look for in projects are tangible and objective qualities. However, this feature presents a subjective criterion. That’s why I want to ask, what kind of features should be in the projects so that your team will be excited?

  7. Hello zk-Spark team,

    One interesting feature on the platform is the product focused education (teaching in Starknet and zkEVM technology). On the Q3 of your roadmap, you had planned to start up this educational program. Firstly, give a brief description of Starknet and zkEVM technology, how do they work? How is this educational program structured? To access these courses, does a user have to pay or is for free? How do I enroll for the courses? On what platform will these educational courses be held to ensure convenience for all interested participants? Upon completion of the courses, do you offer any form of certification to users that participated?

  8. Hello zk-Spark team,

    According your roadmap, active launchpad staking and first project launch is scheduled for Q4 2022. I had also seen that the release of the Testnet launchpad was scheduled for Q3. Can you give details regarding this testnet? As we all know, testnets are used to know if a platform is ready to accommodate users; how well did the testing of the launchpad go? Is the test still ongoing for interested users? Are there any chances that the launchpad mainnet goes Live this quarter? what improvement and features should we expect to see on the mainnet?

  9. Hello zk-Spart Team,

    Your Vision stated that with zk Rollups the foundation of future blockchain projects, zk-SPARK will serve as the global gateway to this technology for developers, entrepreneurs, and investors. Give us few reasons why zk-Spark is the first port of call for blockchain developers, entrepreneurs and investors. What benefit do I gain for being either a developer, entrepreneur or investor on the platform(what perks does each of these entities get on the platform)? Can you give an highlight on your product focused education (teaching in Starknet and zkEVM tech)? What is the structure of this educational program? What are the requirements to gain access to the educational program?

  10. I read in one of your posts that you said, “Since there are several gaps in the current zk-Rollup training environment that could hinder progress towards achieving our core mission without being filled, we have created a two-tier system that is split into two paths, based on zk-Rollup profile preference: StarkNet and the Cairo Path, and the zkEVM Path.” . Well, can you tell us about your two-stage education system offered by zk-SPARK? How do you make student selection, how can we believe that you are acting fairly and transparently, what are the features that a student should have in order to benefit from zk-SPARK trainings? How can we get more detailed information about zk-SPARK’s training camp and platform?

  11. I learnt one has to participate in your ongoing Gleam contest for a chance to secure a spot on the priority list for your IDO. Can we have more details about the gleam contest? What are the requirements to participate in the gleam contest? Are there limit to number of participants? So after the Gleam contest, when will be the IDO? Is there any way to participate in the IDO without getting a spot on the priority list? Or is it for whitelisted users on the priority list only? If not, can we use BUSD or USDT to buy your token if not privileged to secure a spot on the priority list? Since the deadline to participate in the gleam contest is on October 4th,do we still stand a chance to participate?

  12. One of the first core mission of zk-Spark is “Education”,for those who wish to enter one of your bootcamps they must possess a working grasp of the zk-Rollup concept or go through one of your introductory courses.So my question is how can one get your introductory courses and you introductory workshops?How many sections of Bootcamps will participants/beginners cover before they can progress to either intermediate or advanced levels?What are the practical skills participants will receive in the zk-Spark education?And after a person completes the zk-Spark education,will these persons be awarded or given a kind of certificate to prove that they have completed all courses/workshops in the zk-Spark education?Please explain to us the benefits that comes after this education. Thanks

  13. One thing I find interesting about your project is that zk-SPARK is offering specialized ,advanced teaching in starknet and zkEVM technology,for one to be part of this fascinating adventure,I would like to know what starknet and zkEVM technology is all about?for one to be part of this educative platform,what are some specifications for enrollment?Will it be an online educative program or you have a current facility for that?Apart from Starknet and zkEVM technology do you have other courses?Any form registration,if yes how can one enroll? kindly share more information.thanks

  14. Hello, You aim to ensure social security during the investment process. For this, you want to choose the most powerful projects. I’ve read that your team will decide first in determining the projects, and then you will submit it to the community. Why did you choose this way? Who can join the DAO? What are the requirements to join the DAO? What happens to the project that the DAO has not approved?

  15. Hi team zk-SPARK

    From your roadmap Q4 2022 you made mention of “MORE HIRING”,so I would like to know what what vacancies is available for one to apply?Do you have an ambassador program?What kind qualifications are required for application?Do you also have any influencer role one can apply for in zk-SPARK?And lastly when will the hiring process begin? explain thanks

  16. One thing I find interesting about your project is that zk-SPARK is offering specialized ,advanced teaching in starknet and zkEVM technology,for one to be part of this fascinating adventure,I would like to know what starknet and zkEVM technology is all about?for one to be part of this educative platform,what are some specifications for enrollment?Will it be an online educative program or you have a current facility for that?Apart from Starknet and zkEVM technology do you have other courses?Any form registration,if yes how can one enroll? Will participants pay for this courses?kindly share more information.thanks

  17. From your roadmap Q4 2022 you made mention of “MORE HIRING”,so I would like to know what what vacancies is available for one to apply?Do you have an ambassador program?What kind qualifications are required for application?Do you also have any influencer role one can apply for in zk-SPARK?And lastly when will the hiring process begin? explain thanks

  18. Hello, I read that you will only choose the best projects. This is very good. Because I made a loss in many projects that I participated in the pre-sales. I have read that for a project to be acceptable it must meet nine criteria. One of these criteria is that the project excites your team and community. In fact, the other eight criteria are extremely objective criteria. However, this criterion is highly subjective. So I want to ask, can you give an example of what will excite your team?

  19. Hello zk-SPARK team!!!
    Welcome satoshi club.
    I want to talk about your staking protocol.
    You mention that the $ZKSK token can be staked in two forms. The flex staking and the lock period staking.
    In the flex staking, you mentioned that users earn 9% APY and can only withdraw their $ZKSK twice a month. And if they are to withdraw outside the schedule they must pay a tax of 20%. Will the tax be from the profit made from the staked $SKTK or from all the $ZKSK that is staked? If flexible staking, why the 20% tax on unstaking?
    In the lock period staking, you mentioned that users can stake $ZKSK and can set up a lock period and APY. What is the minimum and maximum lock up period? What is the minimum and maximum APY to be earned by stakers? Is the APY proportional to the lock up time period?
    What other benefits do stakers get for either the Flex staking or the Lock Period Staking?
    Thank you!!!

    • ONE of the striking features of zk-SPARK is that it’s the only Launchpad that kickstarts projects on all major ZK-ROLLUP networks . And by means ZK-ROLLUPs, zk-SPARK is able to provide affordablity scalability, speed and security for projects launched on your launched.Will Ethereum blockchain enable zk-SPARK achieve affordablity since it’s transaction fee is high? Are these features sustainable on you platform? Does zk-SPARK able to compare favourably
      with other Launchpad platform? Is your platform audited ?

  20. Hello zk-SPARK Team!!!
    I want to talk about your token the $ZKSK and it’s tokenomics.
    I see that you’ve allocated 18% of your tokens for the token sales with three various rounds of the token sales. When are the token sales scheduled to take place? How will the token sales be conducted? Do you have any platform you will use for the token sales? Can you list them to us?
    The three rounds of the token sales include the seed, the private and IDO. Can you shade more light on these various rounds of token sales? What are the requirements to partake in the various token sales?
    About the $ZKSK, what are the utilities that it possess?
    Thank you!!!

  21. Hello zk-SPARK team!!!
    I want to talk more about your DAO.
    From your website there was not much information about your DAO system. You also allocated 10% of the $ZKSK token to the DAO.
    What is the minimum $ZKSK token I must have and stake to be part of the DAO ?
    You also mentioned that you will like to pivot your DAO to those that may have some expertise or authority, to include in the decision, even if that person is not necessarily staking money on the platform. What is the requirement to be able to qualify for this?
    What other requirements is needed to join the DAO body?
    Will the voting power be based on number of $ZKSK token I hold? Or be proportional to the duration I have staked my $ZKSK token?
    Thank you!!!

  22. While researching your project, I noticed that you said that ZK Rollup has an anti-whale feature at IDO launch and that distribution can be increased so that people can contribute through media or various events. So, can you tell us how this “anti-whale” system works? What will be the gain in active distribution of a user by taking a more active role in the media or various activities of the project, can you tell us the factors that can increase this distribution? How will the user differ from other members on the zk-SPARK platform as a result of these activities, do you have a different membership model or a scoring system?

  23. Rather following a tier system when it comes to staking like most platform uses, zk-Spark looks at the number of zk-Spark tokens in users wallet and then calculate the average number over a set period of time before they can receive projects token when it’s been distributed .And before users can receive projects tokens,they need to commit USDC,So is there a particular amount of USDC users are to commit before they can receive projects tokens?How do you calculate users committed USDC?And what is the % hard cap that users are to reach before their token allocation can be transfered to the “Allocation Booster Pool”?And how will you detect users whose intention is to pump and dump just for profit?And what then happens if a user couldn’t reach the hard cap that was initiated? Please explain Thanks

  24. One thing I find interesting about your project is that zk-SPARK is offering specialized ,advanced teaching in starknet and zkEVM technology,for one to be part of this fascinating adventure,I would like to know what starknet and zkEVM technology is all about?for one to be part of this educative platform,what are some specifications for enrollment?Will it be an online educative program or you have a current facility for that?Apart from Starknet and zkEVM technology do you have other courses?Any form registration,if yes how can one enroll? Will participants pay for the courses?kindly share more information.thanks

  25. Incubation on zk-Spark will serve three main purposes they “Business and Product Development”, “Technology”, and “Marketing and Community Management”.So what kind of expertise will you provide for projects that will help them establish a project that is transparent, reliable and trustworthy and also a project that won’t rugpull but will last for an indefinite period?And with the support of Cairo that is built on a zkEVM,how will this help founders and businesses on the technology they have already developed?How will your marketing team help these founders and businesses to gain more users who ready to stay committed for their zk-Rollup dApps?You also plan to make your own industry contacts card available to founders,will this be physical or virtual? Is it really compulsory that these developers go through your workshops and bootcamps at the time allotted to them before the fundraising?Please explain Thanks

  26. I noted that you will launch a DAO governance mechanism to act as balance to the team on major decisions making, and users who wishes to participate will pass through voting power system and pivoting system. Under the voting system, users will need to stake $ZKSK longer. The longer the staking the higher the chances. So please, how many $ZKSK tokens do users need to stake to receive voting powers? What is the minimum/maximum period of time to stake to be eligible for the DAO? Apart voting rights, what kind of benefits/rewards within zK- SPARK platform can we get from staking of your token? I will like to know when the DAO will become official? Can you explain how the pivoting system will be carried out too.. thank you

  27. I learned that ZK Rollup has an anti-whale function to prevent whales from getting all quotas at the project’s IDO launch. How will you prevent an actor from collecting excessive tokens? Also, can you explain how distribution can be increased so that users (social media etc.) can contribute with activities? Is your goal to measure people’s commitment to the project?

  28. Many platforms allow stakers to withdraw their rewards without any fees. Why would you choose to set a rule like they can withdraw $zk-SPARK rewards twice a month and pay 20% tax? How do you think this will benefit the user or the project? Won’t it cause loss of users?

  29. In your tokenomics you allocated 10% from the total supply to incubator program. I noticed to get to become an incubatee I will have to participate and become a winner of your sponsored hackathon which will span a whole week of remote and collaborative work. On what criteria will winners be selected? How will participants be scored as per their works to determine the winners? How will the events be rolled out and when are you kick starting this program fully? I also noticed your amiable project is built on the ethereum blockchain, why did you choose the Ethereum blockchain given that users complain of it’s high gas fee much than others?

  30. I understand that zk-SPARK is making the brightest and most exciting concepts and initiatives in the zk-Rollup space available to developers, creators and investors. My question is, what have been the novel tools that you have made available to all developers to flood the decentralized space with a litter of new disruptive and more functional dApps? What advantages does zk-Rollup provide compared to other development technologies? Thank you!

  31. There is currently a shortage in the number of developers familiar with the intricacies of zk-Rollup dApps. What are the solutions that the zk-SPARK team has provided to decrease complexity, on the one hand, but also provide tools that enable the management of these novel technologies and dApps? What advantages will these zk-Rollup-based dApss provide in the long term for the users of your platform? Thank you!

  32. I read that zx-SPARK has an anti-whaling, lottery-free, reputation-based crowdfunding system. How will this help provide universal access to innovative projects and serve as a critical resource in development? How will users have easy access to this novel system to enjoy a cost-effective investment model and early access to the most promising existing projects and those in the pipeline? Thank you!

  33. While going through details of your tokenomics, I saw that you have a unique $zk-SPARK staking model. Well I made so much observations and research but couldn’t find details concerning your staking model can you please out of your time tell us how your stakings works? Do you already have stakes on your platform, what are minimum and the maximum amount of $zk-SPARK token that can be used for for staking. Also, what will happen if one decides to unstake? Would there be any penalties attached. And lastly can you please tell us the benefits of staking and how long does your staking duration last.

  34. Hello @zk-SPARK team well nice having you here. Well on your platform I saw that a user can become a top performer if succeeded in your hackathons. Can you please give details on your hackathons? How can we participate on this, what are requirements to participate. And also, after participating and succeeding in your hackathons, what would be the benefits for for becoming a top participant especially those who succeeded on the hackathons, it was written that they would enjoy same benefits as botcamp garduate can you please tell us what type of benefits is being attached to this thank you

    • Hello zk-Spark team

      One interesting feature on the platform is the product focused education (teaching in Starknet and zkEVM technology). On the Q3 of your roadmap, you had planned to start up this educational program. Firstly, give a brief description of Starknet and zkEVM technology, how do they work? How is this educational program structured? To access these courses, does a user have to pay or is for free? How do I enroll for the courses? On what platform will these educational courses be held to ensure convenience for all interested participants? Upon completion of the courses, do you offer any form of certification to users that participated?

  35. I discovered that you will be having an incubation opening by the 2023 can you please tell us how plans on is going because some of us are already curious. What will happen if you open incubation, of what benefits would it be to your platform. When will it be opened, does it have any requirements before users can register on your incubation.and furethermore, what is the reason for incubation can you please tell us.

    • Hello zk-Spark team,

      One interesting feature on the platform is the product focused education (teaching in Starknet and zkEVM technology). On the Q3 of your roadmap, you had planned to start up this educational program. Firstly, give a brief description of Starknet and zkEVM technology, how do they work? How is this educational program structured? To access these courses, does a user have to pay or is for free? How do I enroll for the courses? On what platform will these educational courses be held to ensure convenience for all interested participants? Upon completion of the courses, do you offer any form of certification to users that participated

  36. It is striking to me that zk-SPARK is the only platform that offers advanced and specialized training in StarkNet and zkEVM technology. What is required to access this educational center that you promote as one of your most outstanding features? Is this platform available within zk-SPARK for each and every one of its users?
    Thank you so much!

  37. Being a loyal follower of Polygon since the beginning of this cryptographic project, I would like to know: what is the current relationship between zk-SPARK and Polygon? what are the objectives that both projects have set for the immediate and medium future? how does zk-SPARK expect to take advantage of the benefits that Polygon offers and what do you expect to give them in return?
    Thank you so much!

  38. You comment that zk-SPARK has an anti-whaling, non-lottery, reputation-based crowdfunding system. Regarding the latter: how would the reputation-based system you hope to implement on your platform work? what actions would boost the positive appreciation of a user within zk-SPARK and provide them with a higher level of reputation? would this impact the earnings that a user could have in your ecosystem?
    Thank you guys!

  39. Greetings zk-SPARK team, Can you explain how the zk-Rollup ecosystem works and how it will achieve crowdfunding? What are the strategies to use to achieve the main objective of financing and how can a $ZKSK holder participate? What are the requirements and what is the minimum investment to start on the platform and be part of that financing? can we only use or compromise $ZKSK or can we use other cryptocurrencies or stablecoins?

  40. Greetings zk-SPARK team, Can you explain how the zk-Rollup ecosystem works and how it will achieve crowdfunding? What are the strategies to use to achieve the main objective of financing and how can a $ZKSK holder participate? What are the requirements and what is the minimum investment to start on the platform and be part of that financing? can we only use or compromise $ZKSK or can we use other cryptocurrencies or stablecoins?

  41. Hallo zk-spark team
    Your education project is very interesting 🤔 and after going through Zk-spark project I got interested by one of your outstanding features on Remote teaching, so which remote areas do you focuss on while conducting the education or is there some restrictions in some countries? Most parts in Africa moreso Kenya would be privileged to learn from your team in order for adoption, so is it possible or are you forcussed just in few countries

    Thank you and welcome to satoshi club

    • zk-SPARK is a decentralised crowdfunding platform project on zk-Rollups, i want to ask about how will you choose and filtering a project to get inside zk-SPARK, or it’s no minimum requirement? Also speak about security, how did zk-SPARK convinced user the project is safe for community? Can you explain more detail about this?

  42. Could you please talk about the IDO/IEO plan of the zk-SPARK token? I saw that zk-SPARK will be conducting its IDO on TrustPad and most probably at least one other platform as well. you also made mention that you may also decide to sell some tokens through our own platform too. Could you please provide necessary information with regards to the IDO/IEO Dates? When should we really be anticipating the Sale? Is there a precise date set for IDO/IEO? Could you also share information on the minimum & maximum ammount users are expected to purchase your tokens on the planned Date of the IDO/IEO?

  43. I would like to point out the Issue of the Fee Stakers are supposed to pay for Withdrawal Tax. I noticed that the Flex Staking System allows users to withdraw $zk-spark compensation only twice a month, and stakers have to pay a 20% of of the fee as tax. I would like to know why you made such Decisions in implementing a 20% fee for withdrawals, don’t you think the fee is too much? And why did you make the Withdrawals of the $zk-spark compensation to be only twice in a month? Is there a reason for that also? Would there be any changes or modifications in future to reduce the price at which stakers are supposed to pay as fee?

  44. During the 04th quarter of 2022 Which means this quarter, You are up to launch the first project along with activating Launchpad Staking. So, How about the progress of that event so far? Can you provide more details regarding these two events? In order to stake your token, Where can I buy it? However, There must be some privileges for those who stake the $zk-SPARK tokens. Can you share them with us? Will you pay a APY ? By the way, What is the first project that is going to be crowdfunded through your Launchpad? Please give us a sneak peek about that project & let us know How we can partner for that?

  45. zk-SPARK Consisted with Decentralized Crowdfunding features by conducting IDOs through the Launchpad. I read that your Crowdfunding structure developed based on a tiered-funding. Please Give us a well detailed explanation about the crowdfunding tier structure? Also, Your Crowdfunding feature is not relied on First-Come-First-Serve method. So, Does this mean that We should stake or Hold certain amount of $zk-SPARK tokens? Please give us a good idea about your Crowdfunding system? Will there be lottery rounds for the Crowdfunding community as a incentive?

  46. Let’s talk about zk-SPARK incubator program. As you said, zk-SPARK incubator only focus on zk-Roll up (Zero Knoeledge) projects. So, What about other projects developed on Layer 01? Don’t you welcome them in to your incubator campaign? Any Way You have some great plans for zk Roll up projects in order to build their ecosystem from early stages. So, Explain us What will you offer for them? What kind of Services & Privileges will they be obtained? And also, tell us In which manner will zk-SPARK community involve with your incubator campaign & become a early bird?

    • It’s great to know that zk-SPARK is an education hub and decentralised crowdfunding platform kickstarting project build on zk-Rollups, my question is about what kind of education that you can give to user, is it have connection with event that zk-SPARK do name with “Cairo Workshop and Cairo Bootcamp”? If yes, how a user possible to participate on that event? Can you give us more detail what kind activity and information user can get inside “Cairo Workshop”?

  47. It’s great to know that zk-SPARK is an education hub and decentralised crowdfunding platform kickstarting project build on zk-Rollups, my question is about what kind of education that you can give to user, is it have connection with event that zk-SPARK do name with “Cairo Workshop and Cairo Bootcamp”? If yes, how a user possible to participate on that event? Can you give us more detail what kind activity and information user can get inside “Cairo Workshop”?

  48. Partnership are the most important thing to do if a project want to grow bigger and survive during bear season like now. I see that zk-SPARK just announced new partnership with zk_portal.Can you please share what kind of collaboration between zk-SPARK and zk_portal? Beside zk_portal, how many partnership that zk-SPARK already do untuk now?

  49. In order to address Ethereum’s scaling issues, zero-knowledge rollups tries to offer solutions by performing computation and storage off-chain. Can you elaborate more on how you intend to accomplish this? In addition, zk-SPARK has teamed up with a group of cryptography and zero-knowledge rollup technology experts who will assist in the screening process of potential investors. Could you please give more information about the screening process? How will the selection process be like? And what criteria will the team be on the look out for during the screening process?

  50. I check that zk-SPARK will launch the mainnet on Q4 2022 and its already near. But before launching mainnet do you also have testnet to launch? Can you tell us about what user possible to do on your mainnet, what kind of feature do you have? Lastly when zk-SPARK will do privatesale, can you please share it with us?

  51. It was mentioned that zk-SPARK follows a community-first approach, has a transparent whitelisting and IDO lottery process, and has mechanisms safeguarding investors from fraudulent projects. Could you please describe how you protect your investors from fraudulent projects? How would you spot a fraudulent project? What strategies are in place to handle any security related problem of investors that may arise? With regards to your IDO, can you highlight the requirements for participation, guidelines and rules?

  52. I understand that there will be whitelisting competitions for non-stakers who
    will have the chance to win pre-sale allocations determined by the
    project team. Will the whitelisting process include KYC procedure? What are the requirements to join the competitions. How will winners be selected? Is there a targeted number you plan to select? Examining your staking mechanism, I noted that APY rewarded to stakers are determined by certain lock periods. Can users unstake at any given time or will they be charged for unstaking before the given periods? What is the minimum lock period and what are the other benefits or incentives users get for locking your token?

  53. According to your Token Allocation, out of a total of 500,000,000 zk-Spark tokens, 25% (125,000,000 tokens) has been allocated for staking rewards. Being a big fan of passive income generating methods, can u give details on how $zk-Spark staking works? In order to stake, what is the minimum amount of $zk-Spark token that a user should hold? What APY is accompanied with staking $zk-Spark tokens? Can I decide to unstake before the staking period is over? Apart from staking, which other passive income generating methods is featured on the platform?

  54. Community building is key to the development of every DeFi project as they say community is the heart of a project. How do you aim to strengthen the zk-Spark community? Which incentivized community programs have you made available to keep the zk-Spark community up, engaged and active? Do you currently have an ambassador program on ground to help increase the project’s audience? What power does the community have on zk-Spark, can they possibly vote to change certain platform parameters? How do you aim to make your platform a one stop shop for users, what are your user retention strategies?

  55. From experience, I have observed that most projects gain the big hype in their early stages. However, as time goes on they can’t keep up with the hype and as such, they tend to loose credibility. My Question; how will you ensure that $zk-Spark stands the test of time and remain relevant and solid in the long run? How do you aim to adapt to subsequent changes that will be seen in the DeFi space as time goes on? Brief us on your platform’s security; is it secured enough to manage user’s funds? Have you been audited? Give a few reasons why users should choose $zk-Spark over similar platforms out there.

  56. From zk-spark, there is a comparison between scalability of Bitcoin and proof-of-work blockchains and zk-Rollup built on top of Ethereum which can cheaply process thousands of transactions simultaneously, without compromising on security or decentralization as most Ethereum”killers” do. My question is, have this ZK-ROLLUPs technology been tested and got feedback on its effectiveness? Speaking on cheap transaction, since Ethereum known to have high gas fee how will ZK-SPARK bridge the gap between this transaction differences? As regard security, are you promising that there will be no RUGPULLs? So far, have zk-spark got project it is working on, with what experience and challenges have ZK-SPARK experienced while working on these projects?

  57. zk-SPARK is a decentralised crowdfunding platform for all project that build inside zk-Rollups, how will you choose a project that want to use service from zk-SPARK, did you filtering the project or all project possible to join without minimum requirement? How did you convinced that the project is safe for your community? Speak of safety, how is security from $ZKSK?

  58. Good day ZK-Sparks
    I realized that scalability is very important in every Blockchain technology and that was one of the major reasons for Ethereum Merge
    How do you intend to make your network handle large amounts of transaction data on your platform in such a short period of time, please explain to us your scalability

  59. Good Day ZK-SPARKS
    Prior to what I read from your whitepaper, could you elaborate on how you intend to keep the transparency of your platform and what does one need to do in order to participate in your Project??

  60. The Education Hub has an Education key feature that mentioned that by being an active member of the community, one can get hired by top partners. Is the opportunity only available to those previously trained students by zk-spark? Is the certification given by zk-spark at the end of the training recognized by other launchpad platforms? What is the mode of payment for the training? Are all the blockchain languages mentioned by zk-spark an all in one training or individual courses? So far, zk-spark has started bootcamp training for Cairo, when are we expecting the training of other courses to begin?

  61. It is interesting to know that 2k- spark is interested in building individual’s education in ZKEVMS.This will avail the individuals the opportunity to learn language associated with block chain ZKEVM solidity and Cairo.So far, on your Twitter page, I saw boot camps for Cairo programming languages has begun. When will ZK-Spark also Incorporated , starknet and ZKEVM solidity development?Also, do learning this programming language on your platform come with charge?Can an outstanding student gain ZK-Spark token and NFTS at the end of their training?

  62. ZkSPARK plan to ignite zk-rollup ecosystem with education  Education hub, Incubator and decentralized crowdfunding platform. Education hub first-of-its-kind was actually launched by binance to serve as a training center for in-person blockchain education sessions. I will like you to tell us the full functionality of your education hub? What are the features we are expecting to motivate the community? Do you have a specific place to start or it will be done virtually? Which area of challenges facing crypto startups will this Hib serve as help?

  63. zkSync compare favourably to L1 blockchains (e.g. Matic/Polygon, BSC, Solana, Avalanche)? Are these technology for your scalability and security being tested and proven trustworthy? Have ZK-SPARK , ZK-ROLLUP being audited ? What launchpad platform run on similar roll-up as zk-SPARK?

  64. Hallo Zk-Spark team
    I read all about your education project features on your website and one feature that caught my eyes was product- forcussed and how we can learn all about
    Refining our skills and start building our own StarkNet or zkEVM-based app.but my questions is the education features only forcussed only for Devs or any other individuals can benefit from the education features on PRODUCT FEATURES

    Thanks very much sir

  65. Getting started with zk-spark requires users to either hold zk-SPARK token in wallet or stake on its platform. I discovered that before you can calculate average number over a set period of time you need to determine users participation limit; number of USDC committed before calculating users allocation which is totally different to other projects. Initially, it was stated that users must stake or hold zk-SPARK token, why do we really have to commit USDC which is a stablecoin before allocation can be done for stakers? What will be done to the USDC committed after been allocated and Is it possible for users to determine their allocation individually?

  66. I understand that a lottery-based system for the lowest tiers is necessary as guaranteed
    allocations for all at such levels would be too small to justify investment
    for many of your users. Tell us more about this lottery

  67. Talking about zk-spark being an education hub as the core mission of the project. I’ve seen some education hub which is to fundamentally nurture adoption across the world for their project. What is the inspiration behind your education hub? Who exactly are you expecting to join the hub and what are the requirements for it? Are you planning for physical interaction or how will you reach out to people?

  68. I see that Zk-Spark has Threefodl System which are the Education, Incubation and Launch in which this three-tiered approach will observing the space for layer 2 constructions so could you tell us how does this system been working in your platform? Is this effective for your users and investors? I see that incubation and Launch are the common step,so how does Education become a part in your system? What are the inclusion of your Education steps and the other steps? Lastly,in who are qualified to utilize this three fold system of yours?Any pros and cons of this system? Thank you

  69. Congratulations to zk-Spark in unveiling your education hub, incubator, crowdfunding platform and I’m sure a lot of people will be curious about what is required to join, and if there are conditions to be met as well?

  70. Hello 👋.
    1 pls can you tell me what starkNet is all about.
    2What stage of development are you in on your roadmap?
    3What are the upcoming events that users should be aware of?

  71. Ethereum will soon launch ” the merge” as a way to handle scalability issues, when it is done, what kind of effects do you think it will have on level 2 scaling solutions such as zk spark?

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  129. Hmm it appears like your website ate my first comment (it was extremely long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I submitted and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I as well am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to the whole thing. Do you have any points for inexperienced blog writers? I’d certainly appreciate it.

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