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Telegram AMA with DUA

December 8, 2022 / 2:00 pm

Satoshi Club, DUA
500$ prize

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Part 1

$100/6 users – We’ll select 6 questions from the community. A user can post maximum 3 questions. 6 Questions will be selected from our website – please submit your questions in the comments section of this post..

Part 2

$100 /10 users – Open chat for 120 seconds. You can post Max 3 questions. DUA Team will select 10 questions and answer them..

Part 3

$300 – A quiz about DUA


Total Reward pool


For more details


  1. I noticed from your whitepaper that Dua has 2 apps (dua.com and Spotted). From my understanding, both of them are Web 3.0 social apps. So, Could you tell us what are the differences between both of the 2 apps ? What is the role of $DUA token in both of the apps ? Since both of them are social apps, How could you assure us that the users are real people and prevent bots to register into the apps ? Lastly, What do we need to prepare if we want to play the apps ? Do we need to pay subscription to use the apps ? Thank you

    • The original DUA is promoting tokenization in the matchmaking sector. Do you have specific thoughts on which areas you want to focus on tokenizing? Talking about the field of matchmaking, it is impossible to ignore the “Dating” section, so I would like to ask what are the mandatory conditions to use your application and the project has integrated technologies/systems to make sure the User registration information is correct and will not be repeated?

  2. Greetings Dua Team!

    Due to the current bear market, most of the projects have halted their activities and marketing campaigns. However, you are still conducting promotional activities like this AMA. In addition, Dua private sale round is live now and there is a giveaway campaign with a prize pool of $2,000 USDT. What is the reason to continue these activities despite the bear market? Do you believe that those activities will be fruitful? What about the participation in the private round? Please briefly explain whether there is a special reason not to postpone the activities until a bull season. Do you have proper plans to face any unforseen situations that may occur during the current market condition?

    Thank you.

  3. Hello Dua team
    First of all, I congratulate you guys for holding the $DUA Private Sale Round from Nov. 23rd until Dec. 14th. Since you are holding an AMA with us here, Could you tell us what do we need to participate in the private sale round ? Are there additional benefits if we participate the private sale of $DUA token ? I also noticed from $DUA’s tokenomics that only 2% of total supply will be used for private sale with 6 months Cliff and 24 months Vesting. So, Could you tell us why you decided to only put 2% of total supply for private sale ? Lastly, Could you explain to us about what is the 6 months Cliff and 24 months vesting from Private sale ? Thank you

    • The original DUA is promoting tokenization in the matchmaking sector. Do you have specific thoughts on which areas you want to focus on tokenizing? Talking about the field of matchmaking, it is impossible to ignore the “Dating” section, so I would like to ask what are the mandatory conditions to use your application and the project has integrated technologies/systems to make sure the User registration information is correct and will not be repeated?

  4. Greetings dia community and welcome to satoshi club
    After doing research About dua project I learned that, dua project is here to build, to create value and that you do not dependent on the $DUA Token to fund your project and that you have your own products and revenue, so in a nutshell should tell satoshi community about your funding mechanism? What are your strategies to generate income to sustain dua project

  5. I understand after learn from your website that DUA is the 1st fully decentralized peer to peer funding platform which no one can can take over the fund of the user and own native token $DUA, but why do you also use rALBT token to get 1 ticket for your private sale? What is the connection between $DUA token and $ALBT token ? Also you mention how important to stake ALBT so what are the benefit for user if they stake ALBT, do they will get $DUA token as staking reward? Kindly to explain more detail about this thank you

  6. Greetings Dua Team!

    Exploring your tokenomics, I wish to get clarifications on some of your allocations. The greatest portion, 30% from the total $DUA supply has been allocated for the Ecosystem and Treasury. What are the utilities of this allocation and why is it so important? There is an allocation of 11% for the Dua Fund. I read that the DUA Fund will initially be managed by the foundation and used to grow the dua community globally. What kind of activities will be conducted using this fund? When there is a separate allocation for marketing, why did you design a fund to promote the project? Moreover, there are three sales and only 7% of the $DUA supply has been allocated for them. In other words, 7% of the token supply has been reserved to generate an income and 93% has been allocated for expenses. Why did you reserve negligible token amounts for the sales? Don’t you think that it is important to generate an income from selling tokens?

    Thank you.

  7. Greetings Dua Team!

    You have stated that Dua bridges connections between people from various nations, ethnicities, and beliefs around the world. Currently, there are plenty of chat apps and dating apps that allow people to meet virtually. Is it correct to identify Dua as one of them? If not, what are the unique features of Dua? What do you mean by “bridges connections”? What kind of interconnections are allowed among the users? Are there any restrictions such as adult contents? How secure is your app? How do you ensure that our personal information will not be leaked to third parties?

    Thank you.

  8. You mention DUA is the first decentralized funding platform that user have 100% full control of their fund, how do you make sure that your system is safe and legit after all bad actor on FTX, Celcius, that they gave to crypto world? And also I can’t found on your website or telegram any information regarding external or internal audit of $DUA smart contract, so can you please give us the detail about the audit?

  9. I understand that dua.com is a matchmaking app which aims at connecting international migrants, expats, and diaspora communities. Dua.com is further expanding its vision and on the 18th of October 2022, you announced that you acquired a German dating app Spotted.de. Can you tell us more about this purchase? How will the purchase of Spotted.de help in reaching your aim? Do you plan on expanding the spotted.de to other regions? How has the journey with Spotted.de been so far? Can you kindly enlighten us if you have other ways of expanding your vision?

  10. Hello DUA team!

    I understand that DUA will be incorporating DUA Internal Reputation System (DIRS) to DUA application.DUA Internal Reputation System (DIRS) is a reputation system that identifies the most engaged and active users of dua based on their contribution to the app. What are the requirements for users to participate in the DUA Internal Reputation System (DIRS)? What are the incentives a user get for participating in the DIRS system? Can you elaborate on reputation score and how users can acquire it? Lastly, Can the reputation score be used to unlock premium and in-app packages?

  11. DUA have own 2 product Dua.com and Spotted which already running right now, also you introduce to us about new feature that DUA project have is NexeralD. I am very curious with the new feature NexeralD, can you please give us the detail about what is NexeralD? You mention on your twitter NexeralD can completely disrupt the space especially what just happen with FTX, How actually NexeralD’s work ?

    • DUA have own 2 product Dua.com and Spotted which already running right now, also you introduce to us about new feature that DUA project have is NexeralD. I am very curious with the new feature NexeralD, can you please give us the detail about what is NexeralD? You mention on your twitter NexeralD can completely disrupt the space especially what just happen with FTX, it takes my attention since I also have lost my asset inside FTX so I just wonder How actually NexeralD’s work ?

  12. Hello DUA community
    You’re welcome to Satoshi club
    So going through your wallpaper paper I came across the article about the self-sovereign identity called the DUA ID. Please can you share more light about the concept of DUA ID and how it correlates to the transaction on DUA protocol, DUA.com app and the spotted app? How can the DUA ID also be used in the DUA wallet that is being produced? What are the requirements to set up a DUA ID? How does it ensure the safety of users and their assets? Will the DUA ID set up include biometrics? It is said also from the white paper that the DUA ID is
    Portable and independently verifiable
    Private &
    Can you tell us what all these means?
    Thank you!!!

  13. Hello DUA protocol
    Going through your website I saw that the DUA private sale is ongoing and it will end on the 14th of December. That’s like in less than a week. Please I want to know more about the presale of the $DUA token. Can I still participate in the presale at this stage? I saw that I need to hold about 1000 rALBT to get a ticket for the presale, and a ticket cost around $500. what is this 1000 rALBT? Will I use the $500 USDC to purchase the 1000 rALBT? What benefits do I get to enjoy for partaking in the presale?
    Talking about KYC, what do I need for the KYC procedure?
    Thank you

  14. Hello DUA team
    I understand that part of your project states that you’re into matchmaking and socialising. You have the Dua app And the spotted. So I want to know what differentiates these two apps? How can I interact with people on the app? We already have a lot of social media apps out there like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many others that perform the functions that both the Dua app and the spotted are performing, so what makes your app better? Why should I choose the Dua app and spotted over the popular ones already in place?
    And lastly, what have you put in place to ensure both the Dua and spotted app becomes the most used and popular socialising platform?
    Thank you

  15. I learn that DUA project is a Social Web 2 going towards SocialFi Web 3. As i know that SocialFi will also need an Identity check. May i know what kind of DUA project identity checking will have inside your system? I also read that DUA project will use AllianceBlock’s technology for an Identity solution, can you please explain what kind of technology that AllianceBlock have? Beside AllianceBlock, do you have other partnership?

  16. Greetings.

    Talking about the Utilities in DAU
    DUA is said to have 3 main utilities, which are
    1. Tokenized matchmaking
    2. DeFi Gateway
    3. Self-sovereign identity.
    I would honestly be glad if you could kindly to Give us a Walkthrough on the main Utilities listed above. In addition, I couldn’t but help to notice that DUA claims to be Self-sovereign, although i read that the DUA ID will provide users with a sovereign identity, verified and owned by themselves, eliminating fake/spam users and enabling effective user targeting for advertisers. Does it mean every user would have to go through a Process of KYC before participating in your Platform? Lastly, apart from the 3 main Utilities you have on DUA, is there any plans of implementing additional utilities in the Future?

  17. Greetings.

    I got to Notice that you started these Platform DUA through an Incubator Program. and so far, i was quite Impressed to see that DAU’s first and most crucial partnership was with AllianceBlock, which is one of the most renowned companies in the DeFi space. I understand that your platform is Still quite new to many users all over the world, and good relationships/Partnership helps any project in achieving their Goal, so i would like to know more in terms of Partnerships, how many big Partnerships have your platform been able to secure apart from AllianceBlock? And talking about the growth of your Platform, what have you been able to do to ensure that the targeted Audience gets to know more about your platforms Services?

  18. DUA project already create two app and running right now (dua.com and spotted.de) which all of them are social app WEB 2. And now DUA want to reach WEB 3 Socialfi app by create $DUA token, may i know the reason why? Actually its a good sign because DUA already have real product/ real app which mean make DUA far from scam but what will $DUA token use for inside your app? Will you create new app in the future that allow to use $DUA token? How about the possibility for stake $DUA in the future since its still on private sale right now?

  19. Greetings Dua Team
    I saw from your Tokenomics that $DUA is ERC20 token, but it will initially launch in the Avalanche ecosystem. So, Does it mean $DUA can be used on Ethereum and Avalanche ? Can we bridge $DUA from Ethereum to Avalanche ? Another one from your Twitter that you tweeted DUA will launch the Layer 2 chain. But, you mentioned that DUA chose Avalanche because of ability to process thousand of transactions per second and deploy smart contracts for just tenth of what they cost on Ethereum. So, May I know the reason why you still decided to launch the layer 2 chain with the speciality of Avalanche as layer 1 chain ? Is it because you are going to apply multi-chain feature to $DUA token ?

  20. I learnt that the official Private sale started on November 23rd at 5PM CET. And To participate, users are required to stake the utility token of AllianceBlock (ALBT). And After staking, they will earn rALBT, a reputation token that gives access to DUA private sale tickets. To be honest, i seem not to fully understand the concept behind staking of the AllianceBlock ALBT token before Participating in the Private sale. Where and how can we Acquire the ALBT token? Processes like this could hinder Newbies from participating in the Public sale, therefore Is there any form of guides to help none Crypto adopters with the processes of Staking and participating in the Private Sale? Is the private sale limited to some ammount of Users?

  21. I read that DuA is set to become the 1st crypto powering the internal economy and mathcmaking experience of international migrants, expats, diaspora communities and over 5M+ users of two matchmaking platforms – dua.com and spotted.de. could you Point out the Relationship between DUA.com and Spotted.de? What do they possibly have in common? What services does Spotted.de offer in the Blockchain industry? Can you also highlight some of the important Features in DUE? Tell us more about how Your platform seeks to Provide solutions and alternatives to the Contemporary problems faced by Migrants, Expats and Diaspora communities in the Blockchain community.

  22. I would like to know if there could be any form of educational contents that newbies in Crypto could get themselves aquianted with your platform? I think Educational contents should be encouraged more. So, is there room for educating new Crypto users to the limitless advantages in your platform? I believe your Targeted audience are the international Migrants, Expats and Diaspora communities. Could you kindly state how your Platform DUA is going to Be of Assistance to the set and Cartigories of people listed? What advantage does International Migrants and people in Diaspora would get from making use of your platform? I heard there is KYC involved, could you give us the requirements?

  23. One of the issues that many Web3 projects can’t solve is the lack of transparency. From what I saw from your tokenomics that the Treasury and LP will release after 48 monthy vesting schedule. So, Can you provide the transparency of the 48 monthly vesting schedule to us ? I also didn’t see how much supply for user rewards from your tokenomics. So, I don’t understand from where will you provide DUA token as rewards for users that will get rewarded from Dua Love and Dua stakers. So, Can you please clarify how much supply of DUA token will you provide as rewards for users ?

  24. Goodday Everyone. My Question is Short And Simple.

    You offer the most inclusive one-stop shop for fragmented communities, which I’m more interested in, and you currently have an Important Feature which is the Upcoming STAY LOCAL or GO GLOBAL feature, which is said to be the killer feature in DUA, which will Also allow people to match inside their ethnic communties or they can switch to a larger global audience. Can we know when this feature is going to kick off? Are there other information we need to know about it?

  25. would it be possible for us to know Which consensus mechanism DUA is currently using? And could we also know why you would consider it to be the best one for your project? How about Utilities of DUA? What Sorts of problems does it solve? and talking about Security, i believe there are some existing concerns around the scalability of privacy focused cryptocurrencies. Have your platform been Audited yet? What scalability measures have been taking while building up the DUA protocol?

    • Hello dua, welcome to our community. As i set to check around your website i found out that the dua private sales started on November 23rd and it ends on December 14th and it is said that there will be two other rounds after your private sale on Fundrs and it is set to be the most discounted round ever.
      So please can you tell us why it will be the most discounted round? and give us a highlight of how it is going to be to enable us prepare for such great moment.

  26. *In a time like this when the bear dominates, it takes a lot of courage to embark on the web3 journey by launching a private sale amid a bear market. One might say it’s a sign of solid fundamentals and I’d like you to give us an insight about that.
    What is the motivation behind $DUA and what keeps it going?
    What is your security plan put in place to protect your users and investors?*

  27. It’s impressive to know that duadotcom has 5M plus users and is about to launch the token sale on the Alliance Fundrs platform and you mentioned that it’s going to end on Dec 14th so I would like you to elaborate on the private sale..
    Why is the KYC on TIDV important to participate
    Why is $500 USDC required when holding 1000rALBT makes you eligible for a ticket and what are the processes involved in getting them?
    Do you have a pecific numbers of users you would be accepting inorder to meet the fundraising goal?
    How important is signing up to the private sale is to users? Is there any attached Benefit to it?

  28. Good day,

    It was mentioned that Dua Token empowers the community; Dua is the utility token that links and creates relationship for millions if migrants, their families, and friends on dua.com and Spotted. In this regard, I would like to know how the Dua Token creates this relationship and links for various persons/users of the Dua platform. Can you highlight some few important utilities of the Dua Token within the platform? Since the token plays a major role in the platform, how do you aim to control the token’s price in both short and long terms considering the fact that the crypto market may prove unfavorable at some points in time? How would you encourage users to hold tokens in long term? What are long term benefits of HOLDING $DUA?

  29. One of the solution Dua have provided to solve the problem faced by some fragmented communities is an app known as “SPOTTED” which is a dating app that provides users with a space to socialize and make new connections based on real-life interactions.So how will you deal with users identity because most persons usually don’t give out their real ID to ensure that they are safe and to avoid being victim of sex predator?How does the Dua ID comes to play,will it also be used in the “Spotted”app?And if a user put out their information on the app,how transparent are you in that users data information will not be released in the future?Are there rules associated with the Spotted app that users are to abide to?Please explain to us more information about “Spotted”.Thanks

  30. Good day,

    From my research, I noted that Dua started two years ago with the vision of building a matchmaking platform where globally fragmented communities connect for all kinds of relationships. In just two years of stealth mode, the Dua app has been installed over 1 million times and the platform have grown to a team of 50 and raised $5 million in funding; this advancement is really applaudable. I would like to know about Dua’s advancement plan from now till 2024; how would you ensure continual platform credibility because these days, most projects gains hype only in their early stages? I saw that Dua added another app to it’s portfolio (A local dating app): can you give an insight of the top functionalities and uses of the dating app as compared to others? What role does the $dua token play on the dating app and how will the app further increase the performance of the Dua platform?

  31. The Crypto space is a competitive one and from my observation, many projects gain the hype in early stages but as time goes on, they tend to loose their credibility. Convince us that this isn’t the case for Duadotcom. How do you aim to effectively adapt to changes and upgrades that will be experienced in the crypto space as time goes on?
    How do plan to effectively carry out your roadmap in due time and process, what would be your marketing strategies?
    Have you tested your platform’s security yet? Have you been audited, if yes give details on your security audits. How do you aim to further strengthen your platform’s security so as to protect the interests of its users as well as keep their funds safe?

  32. Good day,

    Looking the key utilities of the $DUA tokens, it was mentioned that “$DUA enables a consumer-centric economy that rewards its users through a tokenized matchmaking experience”. I really do not get the full explanation of the above phrase. In a nutshell, explain to us what the tokenized matchmaking experience entails; how does it work? how does this tokenized matchmaking experience determine the rewards allocated to each user? Since one of the basic aim of crypto is decentralization, give details on how the Dua platform and it’s features brings in decentralized financial instruments between users of the platform and the DeFi space at large.

  33. As a Financial Service,I read from your whitepaper that Dua will allow it’s our users can apply for a quick loan through an external partners.So is it possible to know who this external partners are?And what will be the percentage interest rate of this quick loan?And if a user wants to repay their loans,will be it be done on a monthly basis like traditional banks does?You also mentioned that users can then receive the loan using traditional means.So will they receive this loan via their own individual banks and in their local currencies or with $DUA Token?Please explain Thanks

  34. I read that DUA has three key roles within the ecosystem to empower it’s economic infrastructure.It acts as a “Value Exchange Unit”,”Access Gateway”, and “Payment Method” in the dua ecosystem.So can you briefly break down this roles?In our today economic system it is not designed to offer incentives to tackle many challenges people face today.So will Dua implement an On-chain reward system to give incentives to users who add value to the ecosystem?And in what way will one us Dua-as-a-Service(DaaS)?

  35. Hello Dua
    I noticed that from your white paper Dua added another app to its portfolio with the acquisition of Spotted – a local dating app that provides users with a space to socialize and make new connections based on real-life interactions.
    Knowing that virtual dating is limited to some certain countries and as such some set of people have mastered such platform to use it and scam as many as they can through online dating. How well have you planned to curb such incidence not to occur on your app.?

  36. Hello dua
    reading through your website i found out that the launch of DUA token marks an important milestone in your journey to build a platform where global communities can match, connect and transact completely on-chain. Well i am curios and woundering of all the numbers the available dating app why have you considered yours as a perfect platform for people to come and socialize.?
    Thank you

  37. Hello dua
    reading through your website i found out that the launch of DUA token marks an important milestone in your journey to build a platform where global communities can match, connect and transact completely on-chain. Well i am curios and woundering of all the numbers the available dating app why have you considered yours as a perfect platform for people to come and socialize.?
    Thank you

    • Hello dua.
      Reading through your website i found out some interesting facts about the dua like within two years you are having about 4million plus users and about a million download of your app.
      For new users that will like you download the app and use it how can the go about with it? is there some kind of user manual that is available for users?

  38. Hello Team Dua,

    I know that your platform have a staking pool ,but more information about how it functions isn’t mentioned.Do you have a minimum or maximum amount of $Dua to Stake in your pool? What’s the duration for $Dua tokens to be staked and harvested?Are there various staking methods in Dua that users can select from? What are the functional benefits of holding Dua tokens?

  39. Hi Team Dua.

    Going through your white paper,under the heading why Dua? I read that Dua bridges connections between people from various nations, ethnicities,and beliefs around the world, including any form of relationship.these is very interesting to know,since it will be convenient and simple for those who are shy and introverted to make friends and also connect with people,but Some profile may look legitimate, but we are never sure of who is operating the account on the other end, So how do your team tend to curb identity fraud? Scammers are also users of dating app, how will they be checked and tackle in other not to carry out crime?

  40. $DUA enables a consumer-centric economy that rewards it users through a tokenized matchmaking experience.
    Can you tell us more about your tokenized matchmaking? How will users earn tokens?will their be a matchmaking game series that will enable users earn tokens? Will a user have to start up a relationship via DUA spotted before earning tokens? Kindly tell us more about your matchmaking tokenized experience thanks

  41. Hello Team Dua.
    While reading through your white paper,I read that Dua acquired spotted,which Is a local dating app which provides users with a space to socialize and make new connection.but recently I found out that Hackers can listen to confidential conversation, and even impersonate people, how safe is Dua spotted from scammers and hackers?And their is a high possibility that people will misrepresent themselves,will it be possible for such fraudulent people to be uncovered or will users be left to their own fate?How secured is your security system? Is Dua spotted 80,90 or 100percent secured from intruders? Kindly tell us thanks

  42. Hello!

    I have already downloaded the Android version of your app. However, I noticed that most of the profiles are fake. Don’t you have a proper mechanism to identify and to ban fake profiles? Or else, is creating fake profiles allowed on your app? Although you have promised to help to find love and to create relationships, it’s hard to find real people in the DUA app. Further, I could not find any support within the app to find matching people. Have you already identified these issues and working on them? What kind of new features will be added to the app in the near future? Are you going to introduce a web version too? Please give a sneak peek of your ideas on the development of the application. Thanks.

  43. Hello!

    This question is regarding some events you have planned for the next year. As we are at the end of 2022, I am curious to know whether you are ready to achieve the targets that were planned for the first quarter of 2023. According to the roadmap, DUA will be building up new partnerships soon. Who are your future partners? What are the mutual benefits of those partnerships? It caught my attention that there will be a members only event too. What is that event? Do you consider all the users of the DUA app as members? Further, please briefly explain about the in-app wallet, the reward system, and the NFT collection. Thanks.

  44. Hello!

    I am curious to know whether there is a particular reason to create $DUA as an ERC20 token. Do you have any plans to expand to other chains in the future? I read that $DUA can take three key roles within the ecosystem, unit of value exchange, access and payment method. Please elaborate more on these three roles. As your presale and the public sale have been planned for the next year, please take this opportunity to describe about the rules and regulations of the sales. Thanks.

  45. Good day @DUA TEAM it’s nice having you here with us. I saw that you have an app-wallet which allows users to stake and get rewards. so can you please tell satoshi community about this wallet is it available for download on both apple and play store? What special futures does this wallet have that other existing wallets doesn’t have, how is this wallet different from other wallets eg trust wallets and others. And furthermore, how secured is this wallet in terms of security? What have you put in place to prevent the assets of individuals on this wallet. And lastly, are individuals allowed to perform testnets on this wallets in order to be sure of its security? Thank you

  46. Hello @DUA team, it’s a pleasure having you here. Well my question, is about your app which am having an issue with. I saw that verified users of your app, can contribute and also increase impressions to earn rewards. Well this got my interest and made me to download the app. But after I downloaded the app, I discovered that we have to pay before we can use anything which got me confused. So can you please tell us why is that, does it mean that we have to pay in order to make use your app. I also saw that you have a premium subscription on the app with different packages. So can you please tell us what will be the benefits and incentives of the premium subscribers on your app, what special rewards system will they have as a premium user? And lastly, can we use our local currency or other crypto assets to pay for premium on app? Thank you.

  47. Hello @DUA team, Welcome here. my question, is about your app which am having an issue with. I saw that verified users of your app, can contribute and also increase impressions to earn rewards. Well this got my interest and made me to download the app. But after I downloaded the app, I discovered that we have to pay before we can use anything which got me confused. So can you please tell us why is that, does it mean that we have to pay in order to make use your app. I also saw that you have a premium subscription on the app with different packages. So can you please tell us what will be the benefits and incentives of the premium subscribers on your app, what special rewards system will they have as a premium user? And lastly, can we use our local currency or other crypto assets to pay for premium on app? Thank you.

  48. I saw that users, can stake there DUA and earn some rewards. Can you please tell us how is stakings done in your platform, what are the requirements before we can stake, is there any minimum and maximum ammounts of DUA tokens needed for stakings? And lastly, what will be the rewards and total APY for stakings.

    • Hello dua,
      I have been hearing from some of the users that tried to purchase tickets and how they encountered difficulties during their kyc and how disturbing it was to them. In a note shell its like you guys ran into some kinds of technical issues that resulted in that. Please can you explain better to us what happened? and what neccessary measure have you taken to ensure that such never happen again.

  49. Greeting DUA Token👋

    From your website i understood that why the team need cryptocurrenies is that it is set to transform and replace the global financial infrastructure-allowing for an open and permissionless system
    But then my question is why is it that over 1billion people worldwide cannot prove or verify their identity on DUA TOKEN.??


    • The original DUA is promoting tokenization in the matchmaking sector. Do you have specific thoughts on which areas you want to focus on tokenizing? Talking about the field of matchmaking, it is impossible to ignore the “Dating” section, so I would like to ask what are the mandatory conditions to use your application and the project has integrated technologies/systems to make sure the User registration information is correct and will not be repeated?

  50. Hello Dua team
    I want to talk about your token and the tokenomics
    I saw from your project that the $DUA token is built on the avalanche blockchain and is an ERC-20 token. Why did you choose avalanche as a block chain to build your project on? Seeing that the $DUA token is an erc-20 token, do you plan to tokenize it on other block chains?
    What are the utilities of the $DUA token in relation to the applications that you have? How interoperable is it with other tokens out there?
    Thank you

  51. Hello Dua team
    I want to talk about your security protocol. Firstly good projects are characterized by good and proper audits. Have your project been audited yet? If yes, can you share us the details of your audit? Who were you auditors? If not, when will you be audited?
    Still about security, a project should be able to safeguard the assets of its users. What precautionary steps has Dua put in place to safeguard the assets of its users from cyber attacks? And in the case of a cyber attack, do you have some sort of reserve funds to compensate users in case of funds loss?
    And finally, the rate of volatility of a coin is a great driving force for good investment, what have Dua put in place to minimize the effect of crypto volatility on their token to facilitate trust and secure investment on their platform?
    Thank you…

  52. Hello Dua
    I want to know more about your app. The app comes in two forms, the Dua app and the spotted app. The Dua app has three significant features of Dua love, Dua biz and Dua friendship. I want to know more about these three categories, what are the requirements to join each category? What are the differences between the three categories? What features does each offer? Do I need to pay any money to access any of the app? If yes, since it is a crypto related app, will the payment be made in crypto currencies? If yes, what currencies will be acceptabe?
    Lastly, given the fact that the Dua and spotted apps are social apps that has a lot of competition, what makes it better than its competitors like Facebook, twitter , instagram and other social media apps?
    Thank you

    • Hello Dua community
      I read on your white paper that Dua gives out tokens for performing a some activities in the Dua ecosystem, we would like to know how you intend on sustaining this platform and what are your intrest or source of income used in sustaining this ecosystem for 2years

  53. One of the biggest fears that users have always had, is that the tokens or the platforms they use to exchange cryptocurrencies are totally a fraud or do not have the funds they claim to have, this is why I would like to know, how DUA demonstrates to its community, that both its $DUA token, and the platform in general, do they have the funds to service the transactions of all its users and, of course, to keep the project fulfilling its roadmap?

  54. We all know that at this point in the market there are very few tokens that have an attractive value for users, that is why I would like the DUA Team to tell us what are the three most outstanding features of the $DUA token, what are the utilities that make it one of the few valuable tokens on the market, and also tell us what methods you will implement to motivate users to use $DUA tokens constantly?

  55. Having partners nowadays is important, since having them contributes to the growth of the project as well as to its reliability to users, so tell us, which are the partners that DUA currently has, what contributions would these partners be making to the platform, to the products that DUA currently has and to the growth of the project, on the other hand, what benefits does DUA offer to its partners and lastly, do you plan to include more partners to your portfolio during the rest of the year?

  56. Hello Dua team
    One aspect of a good project is the allocation of governance to the community either via token possession or through special privileges. I noticed that you’ve allocated 20% of your total tokens for governance and LP. My question is what are the requirements to be part of the governance protocol? How much must I possess to be able to partake in the governance? Do I neeed to stake my $DUA to be able to partake in governance? If yes, how long must I stake it?
    Are there any incentives or benefits to being part of the governance protocol?
    Talking about the LP, how is the LP generated? Who are those responsible for generating the LP?
    Thank you.

  57. For a project like yours that places a lot of focus on bridging fragmented societies through the social media, you have a lot of competitions from popular social media apps such as Facebook, twitter, and the rest, what have you put in place to get more users to stay atop your competitors? What problem have you identified that other social apps have not been able to solve that you will solve?
    Talking about bridging fragmented societies, what sort of societies do you have in mind as a target society?
    How do you plan to get more users to adopt your project globally?
    Thank you

  58. Hello Dua team
    Having identified some problems regarding remittances, unbanked people, non monetizing social media usage, and unverified identities among others. I want to know what practical and evidential solutions that you have put in placed to tackle this issue on ground? What population is your target population and how many have you reached so far??

  59. Greetings
    From my research , I found out that $DUA tokens are used to reward those working to enrich DUA ecosystem and also to unlock premium and in-app packages. Can you explain the premium and the in-app packages features? Aside from Earning $DUA tokens from the activities on your ecosystem, what other way can we get $DUA tokens? Has $DUA token been listed ?

  60. I discovered that you DUA token have a non-custodialwallet in which the user are in full control of their private keys and their identity which is a typical feature of the non-custodial Wallet. But I also discovered that you you create users identity using a piece of their data . My question is does having a bit of the user data not go against what non- custodial wallet is about? How much of the user’s data will you have possession of ? What crypto token is the transaction fee being charged on? Thanks

  61. I went through your white papaer and I saw that #Dua tokens can be achieved by performing certain activities in the $Dua ecosystem what are those activities you can do to gain Dua token and how can Dua prove to us that it is not a fraud because we have seen alot with the standard just like this buh yet still are fraud

  62. The sudden collapse
    of one the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges,FTX .Many Investors are scared of Cryptocurrency exchanges and more scared of the new ones like yours. What can you say to assure this Community that your exchanges wallet will not have thesame out come as FTX? What security measures have you put in place to secure your wallet from hackers? Can you convince us your project is not a Rugpull? Thanks

  63. The communication system that DUA has developed is definitely unique. My question is, how will this help you lay the foundation for long-term partnerships with your customers based on trust and mutual understanding? What approach and tools will you develop to create unique and creative solutions and high quality support services?

  64. Today there are millions of users associated with traditional social networks such as Telegram, Instagram, WhatsApp and others. But how will the DUA team attract these users to use their platform? What are the differences between these traditional platforms and the innovative protocols that DUA offers to improve the user experience on social platforms?

  65. I read that you have your own token called DUA, which is the cryptographic asset implemented as an ERC20 token standard using the OpenZepplin library. You decided to launch the DUA token initially in the Avalanche ecosystem. What are the reasons why you decided on Avalanche instead of another ecosystem? Is it on the DUA roadmap to launch the DUA token in another ecosystem in the near future? What do you consider to be the main benefits offered by the Avalanche ecosystem?

  66. One of the most interesting approaches DUA has is “From superglobal to hyperlocal”. My question is, how will they manage to break the restrictions and regulations that some regions of the world have for decentralized platforms? What strategies will you use to achieve a truly global reach to improve the way users communicate in all regions of the world?

  67. In your website you mention that the $DUA token lays the foundation in Incentives and Rewards, Financial Services and Digital Identity, so why did you consider that these three points were key to make the $DUA token a success, I would also like to know, what is the minimum amount of $DUA tokens that we as users can buy, where can we acquire $DUA tokens safely, what would be its most outstanding utilities and lastly I would like to know, will there be any activity within the platform to multiply the $DUA tokens?

  68. in your website I could notice that you make reference to NFTs, what they are, how they work, among other things, but it has not been clear to me if you, as a platform, will offer any NFT collection or a marketplace where NFTs can be traded, so could you tell us if DUA will have its own NFT collection, if you will offer a space where users interested in NFTs can buy or sell and finally tell us, if you include NFTs what would be the characteristics that these would have mainly to make them valuable and successful in the market?

  69. I read that the DUA token will be used to reward users who are part of the DUA ecosystem. You commented that each user can choose freely to be part of the reward system. Can you please elaborate more on this reward system? How can users participate? In what ways can users contribute to the ecosystem to earn DUA tokens? Can you explain to us what the DUA Internal Reputation System consists of?

  70. You mention that one of the objectives of the DUA Foundation is to support the growth of the dua global communities through community events. One of the ways to increase community growth is to launch an ambassador program. Do you plan to launch an Ambassador program soon? Regarding the community events you mention, can you share with us some examples of those events?

  71. Hello $DUA team!

    Looking at crypto generally, one doesn’t often encounter web2 projects, who embark on the web3 journey by launching a private sale amid a bear market: I hope this is a sign of solid fundamentals. Why have $DUA decided to launch a private sale in this current bear market? Wouldn’t this discourage investors? Convince us on why we should participate in the upcoming $DUA private sale regardless of the bear market. What mechanisms is the platform adopting to ensure that this current bear market doesn’t lead to losses for participants of the fast approaching private sale? Kindly elaborate on the perks and bonuses in place for private sale participants.

  72. Hello $DUA team!

    Seeing that Dua economy is built upon three major pillars which are: Reputation/Reward, Financial Services and Identity. I am keen in knowing more about these pillars mentioned; can you explain these three pillars in a nutshell? How is the user rewards structured on Dua? What Financial Services does Dua offer to make the platform a better one to competitors? Speaking of Identity; In a world full of fake identities, how would Dua ensure that users’ control of their own online identity is fully restored?

  73. Hello $DUA team!

    From my observation, almost none of the existing Web2/Web3 projects specifically targets globally fragmented diaspora communities living in Europe, the US, or Africa and the corresponding families and relatives of these diaspora communities in origin countries. While the tools do exist, none have been able to create a platform with massive global reach. Since Dua aims to provide a solution to the above mentioned issues, kindly give details on how Dua can fully reach this goal as soon as possible. Knowing that some regions have placed partial/full bans on crypto related activities, wouldn’t this be any form of obstacle towards achieving the full goals of the $Dua platform? Currently, what regions of the world can access the platform’s services?

  74. Hello $DUA team!

    Almost none of the existing Web2/Web3 projects specifically targets globally fragmented diaspora communities living in Europe, the US, or Africa and the corresponding families and relatives of these diaspora communities in origin countries. While the tools do exist, none have been able to create a platform with massive global reach. Since Dua aims to provide a solution to the above mentioned issues, kindly give details on how Dua can fully reach this goal as soon as possible. Knowing that some regions have placed partial/full bans on crypto related activities, wouldn’t this be any form of obstacle towards achieving the full goals of the $Dua platform? Currently, what regions of the world can access the platform’s services?

  75. Greetings,

    As a marketer, it caught my attention when I saw on your website that creators and businesses can advertise their products and services on the platform by paying with DUA to get millions of impressions within the large dua customer base. Can you give more info about this advertisement process? How many $Dua will it cost (dollar equivalent) to make an advert on Dua? Now since scam rate is on a peak, how do you ensure that any business proposing to get advertised on Dua is legitimate and won’t pose any damages to the platform users? Will these creators/businesses go through any form of requisite vetting before their advert request is granted?

  76. Greetings,

    Let’s talk about the Dua ID. Since Dua ID will provide a solution where users can create their online sovereign identity which they will generate, verify and own independently; give details on how to get and access the Dua ID. Will the Dua ID be issued for free or do we have to pay for it? Is the Dua ID a Web 2 or Web 3 identity or perhaps a combination of both? How can users verify full ownership of their online presence on the Dua ecosystem using the Dua ID?

  77. To participate on your private sale for one ticket we need around 1000 rALBT and 500 native USDC (on Avalanche). I would like to know more about rALBT, the ways to get it and why have you choosen Avalanche?Also, how many maximun tickets one person can buy? Further, the kyc verification process is very strict and as I am concerned with the misuse of personal details and information, how do you ensure privacy of the personal details provided??

  78. To participate on your private sale for one ticket we need around 1000 rALBT and 500 native USDC (on Avalanche). I would like to know more about rALBT, the ways to get it and why have you choosen Avalanche?Also, how many maximun tickets one person can buy? Further, the kyc verification process is very strict and as I am concerned with the misuse of personal details and information, how do you ensure privacy of the personal details provided??

  79. The private sale round of $DUA is live now on Fundraise App platform and It will last until 14th of December. Seems like users pass the KYC process to enter to the private sale round. I tried to connect my mobile to participate $DUA private round. Unfortunately, It will not access for mobile version currently. So, Is there any way to join with my mobile version? However, the participants should hold 1000 rALBT to be eligible for a ticket and the cost per ticket is $500 USDC. So, Does this mean that the minimum allocation is $500 USDC? And How about the maximum allocation? As well as explain us about the $DUA token vesting schedule?

  80. Currently, DUA has reached 5M+ users, 2M followers & 3 billion user interactions so far. Also, Partnered with FLUUS, Harvard Innovation Labs, AllianceBlock etc… Please share with us How you will create more engagement environment within DUA platform with billions of users like Facebook along with your partners? How about the contribution toward the DUA ecosystem from your current partnerships? Will there be more partnerships in future with other Socialized platforms?

  81. According to your Roadmap, The $DUA staking will take place in first half of 2023. I would like to know more details regarding $DUA staking campaign. Please give us a full introduction about your staking program? Will there be single currency pool or pair of currency pool to stake? What will be the APY per each pool? Also, Let us know about the locking periods and harvesting schedule? However, Lot staking Protocols are getting scammed since the project team invest user’s funds in to another platforms & they might be collapsed like FTX. So,Can you gurantee about your staking pools & our funds are secure enough to invest?

  82. Hello DUA Token!!

    From what is read on your website. Spotted is a dating app that provides users with a space to socialize and make new connections based on real life interactions. Does it include low and middle income countries?

  83. I am sure anyone that reads about DUA will be as intrigued as I am right now…so many possibilities with DUA my question is what inspired you to create dua? What’s your story?

  84. Hello,

    Without doubts I clearly understand the goals of the Dua platform as this will help improve connections and relationships between persons putting into consideration their locations, beliefs and other important factors. My question is pertaining the Dua’s proof of concept: how were you able to gather the proof of concept of the Dua platform in demonstrating that the platform and it’s products/features will fulfill customer requirements while also providing a compelling business case for adoption? How is Dua able to scale it’s current solution in large communities (for ex, Western Europe)? Give a little detail on Dua’s globalization plans.

  85. Hello,

    Reading through your website, I noted that in terms of investments, the company completed Seed and Series A rounds, raising a total of $4.9 million. To make this possible, I believe that Dua must have notable partners and advisers. In this regard, can you run us through the platform’s partners and advisers as well as future partnership plans? Pertaining the Dua utility token launch, which companies have you partnered with to make the launch a success? How will u ensure that this token also enable millions of financially underserved people full access to the benefits of DeFi?

  86. Greetings dia team and welcome to satoshi community
    My question
    After doing my research on dua project I learned that dua.com a matchmaking app has three modes which are dua Love (Serious dating), dua Biz (Business Connections), and dua Friends (Friendships), can you talk more about this modes and how I can benefit or earn from each of this modes? What actually motivated your team to come up with a çrypto dating app?
    Thank you

  87. Hello team DUA!
    In your app wallet I learnt that DeFi instruments inside the app can buy crypto, Swap tokens, Lend/Borrow and Stake. Moreover, I believe that in order to store crypto and increase the security level of users funds, There is need for a higher level of protection in comparison with the crypto exchanges not doubting your app what mechanism have your team set aside to secure user funds when swapping tokens and staking it? Does it require manual backup in case there is a bridge in security level? Does the app also have the Ability to work with multiple crypto currencies as regards swapping to other tokens? However, with my experience I learnt that it might be worthwhile to consider investing in a hardware wallet because they are more secure, especially if user holds a significant amount of coins. My last question is are there other considerations when choosing your wallet? for example, for its the ability to connect to the exchange of users choice as it supports the integration of specific exchanges. Thank you

  88. Greetings DUA Team. How was the participation of the users in the private sale of the $DUA Token, was it positive or negative, did they manage to meet their objective with the private sale? When will we see more token sales or what are the ways to buy or acquire $DUA tokens today? Can you provide information on the platforms where we can buy and exchange the token and what is its value today and the use cases of the token? token?

    • Greetings DUA Team. How has the participation of users in the private sale of the $DUA Token been, has it been positive or negative, are they meeting their objective with the private sale? When will we see more token sales and what are the ways to buy or acquire $DUA tokens outside of the private sale? Can you provide information on the platforms where it will be listed and where the token can be bought and exchanged and what would be its current use cases for the token that can be given on and off the platform?

  89. Greetings DUA. The $DUA token and the DUA project, is developed in which block chain, are you a multi-chain project and in what percentage of development is the DUA project and how do you plan to maintain the $DUA economy with such an unstable market, why You decided to launch your project and token in a downtrend. Would this not affect your project? Is it possible to access from a mobile application for ANDROID and iOS systems or can you only access the app from a website on the PC? can explain

  90. Cryptocurrency tokens are immune to ownership and manipulation by centralized entities but they are not immune to external situations and market vulnerabilities, so my question is how do you plan to protect yourself against threats and current crypto market conditions, how do you plan to attract investors and collaborators who are committed to the project in the long term?

  91. According to its website, $DUA allows a consumer-centric economy that rewards its users through a tokenized matchmaking experience, what are the main rewards and benefits that users will receive and what are the guidelines to apply for those rewards, which Are the decentralized financial instruments that it provides and where these instruments can operate, does the blockchain provide sufficient security to guarantee users the protection of their assets?

  92. They have a fundraising goal of $350,000, what are the strategies to achieve this goal, in addition to the private sale do they plan to hold another token distribution event, what are the requirements to participate in the sale, will they apply KYC and another security protocol and verification?

    • They have a fundraising goal of $350,000, what are the strategies to achieve this goal, in addition to the private sale do they plan to hold another token distribution event, what are the requirements to participate in the sale, will they apply KYC and another security protocol and verification?


    Your website made me understand that Dua circulates between users and businesses for multiple purposes but how then is 4.7billion social media users is recorded as only a tiny percentage of monetized creators.??

    Thank You ☺

  94. It is not enough to create a matchmatching tokenized app. The point is that: There is a lot of bugs that can be penetrated with this kind of apps. What are Dua’s main long term goals to see that people’s data are safe and the prospects of getting investors in this project! What are the set aside plans, for the growth of this project to avoid decline?

  95. Hallo dua team
    After doing research on your project I read that When someone takes an action that benefits dua community, they earn a token and that these tokens can be used to unlock exclusive features such as Premium, or receive discounts on products and services and that the more active a user is, the more tokens they can earn by doing the right actions. What are these actions that user can engage in the dua app to earn extra rewards and what are some of the activities in the app that we can engage in to be more active

  96. Dua has two apps, I saw in your whitepaper (dua.com and Spotted). They are both Web 3.0 social apps, as far as I can tell. Could you explain to us how the two apps differ from one another? How do the $DUA tokens function in the two apps? Given that both of these are social apps, how could you guarantee that the users are actual individuals and stop bots from signing up for the apps? What else should we get ready in order to use the apps? Does using the applications need a subscription fee?

  97. The majority of projects have stopped their activity and marketing campaigns as a result of the present weak market. But you continue to engage in promotional initiatives like this AMA. Additionally, the Dua private sale round is currently active, and a giveaway campaign is underway with a $2,000 USDT prize pool. Why are these actions being carried out in spite of the bear market? Do you think those efforts will be successful? What about taking part in the closed round? If there is an unique reason not to postpone the activities till a bull season, please briefly explain. Do you have adequate plans in place to handle any unforeseen circumstances that might arise given the state of the market?

  98. I’d like to start by congratulating you on having the $DUA Private Sale Round from November 23 through December. Could you please inform us what is required for us to take part in the private sale round as you are doing an AMA with us here? If we take part in the private sale of $DUA tokens, would there be any additional benefits? I also noted from $DUA’s tokenomics that just 2% of the entire supply will be used for private sales with a 6 month Cliff and a 24 month Vesting. Could you please explain your rationale for offering 2% of the overall supply for private sale? Last but not least, could you clarify for us what the six months Cliff and 2 years vesting from sale mean?

  99. I want to gain clarity on several of your allocations after exploring your tokenomics. The Ecosystem and Treasury have been assigned the largest portion, or 30% of the entire $DUA supply. Why is this allocation so crucial? What are its benefits? The Dua Fund has been given an allocation of 11%. According to what I’ve read, the DUA Fund will first be administered by the foundation and utilized to expand the dua community internationally. What types of activities are going to be carried out with this money? Why did you create a fund to promote the project if a separate allocation is available for marketing? Additionally, just 7% of the $DUA supply has been set aside for the three sales that are taking place. In other words, 7% of the available token supply has been set aside to be used for income generation, while 93% has been designated for expenses. Why did you set aside tiny token sums for the sales? Consider it necessary to make money by selling tokens, don’t you?

  100. I am aware that the purpose of the matchmaking service dua.com is to unite the diaspora, expat, and international migrant groups. When Dua.com revealed on October 18, 2022 that it had bought the German dating app Spotted, it was part of its ongoing strategy to broaden its vision. Please elaborate on this purchase. What benefits will Spotted.de’s purchase bring you closer to your goal? Are you going to make spotted available in more areas? How have things gone with Spotted so far? If there are any additional ways you could broaden your view, kindly let us know.

  101. According to what I understand, the DUA application will soon include the DUA Internal Reputation System. Based on their contributions to the app, the DUA Internal Reputation System, a reputation system, determines which dua users are the most engaged and active. What prerequisites must users meet before they may join the DUA Internal Reputation System? What rewards may a user expect from using the DIRS system? Would you please explain reputation score and how people might obtain it? Can the reputation score be utilized to access premium and in-app products, and finally?

  102. I noticed that you offer an app wallet where users may bet and receive incentives. So, could you kindly inform the Satoshi community if this wallet is downloadable via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store? What unique features does this wallet have that other wallets now in use lack, and how is it unique from other wallets like trust wallets and others? How secure is this wallet in terms of security, furthermore? What safeguards have you taken against people’s valuables being placed on this wallet? Finally, is it permitted for people to run testnets on these wallets to ensure their security system?

  103. The DUA private sale is still going on and will expire on December 14th, according to your website, which I visited. In less than a week, roughly speaking. I’d like to learn more about the $DUA coin presale, please. At this time, is I still able to take part in the presale? I learned that a ticket for the presale would cost roughly $500 and I would need to hold about 1000 rALBT. Am I going to buy the 1000 rALBT with the $500? What advantages do I receive from taking part in the presale? What am I going to require for KYC, to speak of it?

  104. I discovered you began this Platform DUA through an incubator system. I’ve been fairly impressed to find that DAU’s first and most significant cooperation was with AllianceBlock, one of the most well-known businesses in the DeFi market. I am aware that a lot of users around the world are still getting to know your platform, and since strong partnerships and relationships are essential to any project’s success, I would like to learn more about them. Specifically, I would like to know how many significant partnerships, excluding AllianceBlock, your platform has been able to secure. What have you been able to do, in terms of your platform’s expansion, to make sure that the targeted audience learns more about the services offered by it?

  105. Currently, the DUA project has two active apps (spotted.de and dua.com), both of which are social Web 2 applications. And now that DUA has decided to establish the $DUA token in order to access the WEB 3 Socialfi app, may I ask why? Actually, it’s a good indicator because DUA already has a real product and real app, making it significantly less likely to be a scam. However, how will you use the $DUA token inside your app? Will you soon develop a new app that supports the $DUA token? What about the potential for holding $DUA in the future, given that it is still up for private sale at the moment?

  106. Your Tokenomics revealed that $DUA is an ERC20 token that will initially go live in the Avalanche. Does this imply that DUA may be utilized with AVA and ERC20? Is it possible to connect $DUA from ERC20 to AVA? The Layer 2 chain will start when you tweet another one from your Twitter, DUA. You did, however, indicate that DUA selected Avalanche due to its capacity to execute tens of thousands of transactions per second and the potential to implement smart contracts for a fraction of the price of Ethereum. So, may I ask why you still opted to introduce the layer 2 chain with the same Avalanche specialty as the layer 1 chain? Is it because you intend to give the $DUA coin multi-chain functionality?

  107. The formal Private sale began on November 23 at 5 PM CET, I was informed. Additionally, participants must stake the AllianceBlock utility token in order to participate (ALBT). Following staking, they will receive rALBT, a reputation token that grants them access to DUA private sale tickets. Sincerely speaking, before taking part in the private sale, I didn’t really grasp the idea of staking the AllianceBlock ALBT token. What is the ALBT token and where can we buy it? Processes like this might prevent beginners from taking part in the public sale, thus are there any resources available to assist non-crypto users with the staking and private sale procedures? Are there any restrictions on how many Users can purchase privately?

  108. Well, my concern is with your app, which I’m having trouble with. I noticed that verified app users may contribute and boost impressions to win prizes. This piqued my interest, and I ended up downloading the app. However, once I installed the app, I found out that we needed to pay before using anything, which baffled me. Could you kindly explain why this is the case and whether it implies that we must pay to use your software. I also noticed that the app has a paid subscription with several options. Please let us know what the advantages and motivations of your app’s premium users will be, as well as the unique rewards program they will be eligible for. Can we pay for premium features on the app using our local money or other crypto assets, as a last question?

  109. I’m curious if your site offers any educational materials that beginners in cryptocurrency can use to familiarize themselves with it. I believe that more encouragement for educational content is needed. So, is there opportunity for introducing new Crypto users to the platform’s endless benefits? I think the international immigrant, expat, and diaspora populations are your target audience. Please explain how the set and categories of persons indicated will benefit from your platform DUA. What benefit would using your platform have for international migrants and those living abroad? Could you perhaps tell us the requirements for the KYC process that I heard about?

  110. The absence of transparency is one of the problems that many Web3 platforms are unable to address. I understand from your tokenomics that the Treasury and LP will release funds on a 4 years vesting timetable. Can you give us the transparency of the 4 years vesting timeline, then? Additionally, I didn’t notice how much supply your tokenomics have for user rewards. Since users who receive prizes from Dua Love and Dua stakers will receive DUA token as incentives, I’m not sure where you will acquire them from. Therefore, could you please clarify how many DUA tokens will be available for people to receive as rewards?

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  125. Wonderful goods from you, man. I’ve understand your stuff previous to and you’re just too fantastic. I really like what you’ve acquired here, really like what you’re stating and the way in which you say it. You make it entertaining and you still take care of to keep it sensible. I can not wait to read far more from you. This is actually a terrific site.

  126. Howdy! Someone in my Myspace group shared this site with us so I came to look it over. I’m definitely enjoying the information. I’m book-marking and will be tweeting this to my followers! Terrific blog and fantastic design and style.

  127. hey there and thank you for your information I’ve definitely picked up anything new from right here. I did however expertise some technical issues using this site, since I experienced to reload the site many times previous to I could get it to load properly. I had been wondering if your hosting is OK? Not that I am complaining, but sluggish loading instances times will very frequently affect your placement in google and can damage your quality score if advertising and marketing with Adwords. Anyway I’m adding this RSS to my e-mail and can look out for a lot more of your respective interesting content. Make sure you update this again soon.

  128. Hello there I am so excited I found your weblog, I really found you by error, while I was searching on Bing for something else, Regardless I am here now and would just like to say thank you for a remarkable post and a all round exciting blog (I also love the theme/design), I dont have time to go through it all at the minute but I have saved it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a great deal more, Please do keep up the awesome b.

  129. I don’t know if it’s just me or if everyone else experiencing problems with your blog. It appears as if some of the text within your posts are running off the screen. Can someone else please comment and let me know if this is happening to them too? This could be a problem with my browser because I’ve had this happen before. Kudos

  130. Undeniably believe that that you stated. Your favourite justification appeared to be at the net the simplest thing to keep in mind of. I say to you, I definitely get irked at the same time as folks consider worries that they plainly do not realize about. You controlled to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing with no need side effect , other folks can take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thank you

  131. You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and very broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!

  132. Greetings! I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this site? I’m getting tired of WordPress because I’ve had issues with hackers and I’m looking at options for another platform. I would be great if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

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  134. Hello! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this site? I’m getting fed up of WordPress because I’ve had issues with hackers and I’m looking at options for another platform. I would be awesome if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

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  136. My coder is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP. I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses. But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on a number of websites for about a year and am nervous about switching to another platform. I have heard very good things about blogengine.net. Is there a way I can transfer all my wordpress content into it? Any kind of help would be really appreciated!

  137. Good day I am so happy I found your site, I really found you by error, while I was browsing on Bing for something else, Regardless I am here now and would just like to say many thanks for a incredible post and a all round interesting blog (I also love the theme/design), I dont have time to go through it all at the minute but I have book-marked it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a lot more, Please do keep up the awesome b.

  138. Hey I am so thrilled I found your site, I really found you by error, while I was researching on Digg for something else, Regardless I am here now and would just like to say thanks a lot for a incredible post and a all round interesting blog (I also love the theme/design), I dont have time to go through it all at the minute but I have book-marked it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a lot more, Please do keep up the superb jo.

  139. I was wondering if you ever considered changing the page layout of your blog? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or two images. Maybe you could space it out better?

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  141. First off I want to say great blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I was curious to know how you center yourself and clear your thoughts before writing. I have had a hard time clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out. I do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually wasted just trying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or tips? Thanks!

  142. Hey! This is kind of off topic but I need some help from an established blog. Is it tough to set up your own blog? I’m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty fast. I’m thinking about creating my own but I’m not sure where to start. Do you have any points or suggestions? Thank you

  143. Greetings I am so excited I found your weblog, I really found you by mistake, while I was searching on Bing for something else, Nonetheless I am here now and would just like to say many thanks for a incredible post and a all round exciting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to look over it all at the minute but I have book-marked it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read much more, Please do keep up the awesome job.

  144. First off I want to say awesome blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I was curious to know how you center yourself and clear your mind before writing. I have had a difficult time clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out. I do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are wasted just trying to figure out how to begin. Any suggestions or tips? Cheers!

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  156. I don’t even understand how I ended up here, however I assumed this post was good. I don’t realize who you’re however definitely you are going to a famous blogger in case you are not already. Cheers!

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  160. My programmer is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP. I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses. But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on a number of websites for about a year and am worried about switching to another platform. I have heard great things about blogengine.net. Is there a way I can transfer all my wordpress content into it? Any kind of help would be really appreciated!

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  162. Hey this is kinda of off topic but I was wondering if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding experience so I wanted to get advice from someone with experience. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  163. I am extremely inspired with your writing skills and alsosmartly as with the format on your blog. Is this a paid topic or did you customize it yourself? Either way stay up the nice quality writing, it’s rare to see a nice blog like this one these days..

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  165. With havin so much content and articles do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright violation? My website has a lot of completely unique content I’ve either created myself or outsourced but it looks like a lot of it is popping it up all over the web without my agreement. Do you know any techniques to help protect against content from being ripped off? I’d certainly appreciate it.

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  167. Hello! This post couldn’t be written any better! Reading this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept talking about this. I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thank you for sharing!

  168. Hi! I know this is kinda off topic nevertheless I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest writing a blog article or vice-versa? My website goes over a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel we could greatly benefit from each other. If you might be interested feel free to send me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you! Superb blog by the way!

  169. With havin so much content and articles do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright violation? My site has a lot of exclusive content I’ve either authored myself or outsourced but it appears a lot of it is popping it up all over the web without my authorization. Do you know any techniques to help protect against content from being ripped off? I’d truly appreciate it.

  170. Howdy! This post couldn’t be written any better! Reading this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept talking about this. I will forward this post to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

  171. I am extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Either way keep up the nice quality writing, it’s rare to see a nice blog like this one these days.

  172. Does your site have a contact page? I’m having problems locating it but, I’d like to send you an e-mail. I’ve got some recommendations for your blog you might be interested in hearing. Either way, great site and I look forward to seeing it expand over time.

  173. Hi there! Someone in my Myspace group shared this site with us so I came to give it a look. I’m definitely enjoying the information. I’m book-marking and will be tweeting this to my followers! Great blog and excellent style and design.

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  179. Hi there! This is kind of off topic but I need some advice from an established blog. Is it very hard to set up your own blog? I’m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty fast. I’m thinking about setting up my own but I’m not sure where to start. Do you have any tips or suggestions? Appreciate it

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  186. Fantastic goods from you, man. I’ve understand your stuff previous to and you’re just too wonderful. I really like what you’ve acquired here, really like what you’re stating and the way in which you say it. You make it entertaining and you still take care of to keep it smart. I can not wait to read far more from you. This is actually a great site.

  187. With havin so much content and articles do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright violation? My website has a lot of completely unique content I’ve either authored myself or outsourced but it appears a lot of it is popping it up all over the web without my agreement. Do you know any solutions to help stop content from being ripped off? I’d truly appreciate it.

  188. What i do not realize is actually how you’re not really a lot more well-favored than you may be right now. You are so intelligent. You realize therefore significantly in relation to this topic, produced me individually believe it from so many numerous angles. Its like men and women don’t seem to be fascinated unless it’s something to accomplish with Woman gaga! Your personal stuffs great. All the time maintain it up!

  189. Unquestionably believe that which you stated. Your favorite justification appeared to be on the net the simplest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I definitely get irked while people consider worries that they plainly do not know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thanks

  190. Unquestionably believe that which you stated. Your favorite justification appeared to be on the net the simplest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I definitely get irked while people consider worries that they plainly do not know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thanks

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  193. I was wondering if you ever considered changing the layout of your site? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or two images. Maybe you could space it out better?

  194. Do you mind if I quote a couple of your posts as long as I provide credit and sources back to your webpage? My website is in the very same area of interest as yours and my visitors would genuinely benefit from a lot of the information you present here. Please let me know if this okay with you. Regards!

  195. Great goods from you, man. I’ve understand your stuff previous to and you’re just too wonderful. I really like what you’ve acquired here, really like what you’re stating and the way in which you say it. You make it entertaining and you still take care of to keep it smart. I cant wait to read far more from you. This is actually a great site.

  196. Please let me know if you’re looking for a article author for your weblog. You have some really great posts and I believe I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I’d absolutely love to write some articles for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please send me an e-mail if interested. Many thanks!

  197. I don’t know if it’s just me or if everyone else experiencing problems with your website. It appears like some of the text on your posts are running off the screen. Can someone else please comment and let me know if this is happening to them too? This could be a problem with my browser because I’ve had this happen before. Kudos

  198. Simply wish to say your article is as surprising. The clearness in your post is simply spectacular and i can assume you are an expert on this subject. Well with your permission allow me to grab your RSS feed to keep up to date with forthcoming post. Thanks a million and please keep up the rewarding work.

  199. Hello there! This is kind of off topic but I need some help from an established blog. Is it very difficult to set up your own blog? I’m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty fast. I’m thinking about setting up my own but I’m not sure where to start. Do you have any tips or suggestions? Appreciate it

  200. Greetings from Idaho! I’m bored to tears at work so I decided to check out your site on my iphone during lunch break. I enjoy the knowledge you present here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home. I’m amazed at how quick your blog loaded on my cell phone .. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyhow, superb site!

  201. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything. I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

  202. Howdy great blog! Does running a blog similar to this take a massive amount work? I have very little expertise in programming but I was hoping to start my own blog soon. Anyway, if you have any recommendations or tips for new blog owners please share. I know this is off topic but I just had to ask. Cheers!

  203. Fantastic goods from you, man. I’ve bear in mind your stuff prior to and you’re simply too wonderful. I really like what you’ve obtained here, really like what you’re stating and the way in which you are saying it. You make it entertaining and you still take care of to stay it smart. I cant wait to read far more from you. This is actually a great website.

  204. Hi there! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this site? I’m getting fed up of WordPress because I’ve had issues with hackers and I’m looking at options for another platform. I would be awesome if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

  205. First off I want to say terrific blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I was curious to know how you center yourself and clear your mind before writing. I have had a tough time clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out. I do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually wasted just trying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or tips? Cheers!

  206. I don’t know if it’s just me or if everyone else experiencing problems with your blog. It looks like some of the text within your posts are running off the screen. Can someone else please comment and let me know if this is happening to them too? This could be a problem with my browser because I’ve had this happen before. Kudos

  207. Unquestionably consider that that you stated. Your favourite justification appeared to be at the net the simplest thing to have in mind of. I say to you, I definitely get irked whilst folks consider concerns that they plainly do not realize about. You controlled to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing with no need side effect , other folks can take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thank you

  208. Hello there I am so glad I found your web site, I really found you by error, while I was searching on Bing for something else, Nonetheless I am here now and would just like to say many thanks for a fantastic post and a all round enjoyable blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to browse it all at the minute but I have book-marked it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a great deal more, Please do keep up the fantastic job.

  209. Woah! I’m really enjoying the template/theme of this site. It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s difficult to get that “perfect balance” between user friendliness and visual appearance. I must say that you’ve done a amazing job with this. Additionally, the blog loads extremely fast for me on Internet explorer. Exceptional Blog!

  210. Appreciating the dedication you put into your website and in depth information you provide. It’s great to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same unwanted rehashed material. Excellent read! I’ve saved your site and I’m including your RSS feeds to my Google account.

  211. Hiya! I know this is kinda off topic nevertheless I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest writing a blog article or vice-versa? My site addresses a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel we could greatly benefit from each other. If you happen to be interested feel fr