Waivlength x Satoshi CLUB AMA Session 15 Jun 2021

Waivlength x Satoshi CLUB AMA Session 15 Jun 2021

Waivlength is a project dedicated to the establishment of a truly connected and authentic social network. We plan to remove the most toxic elements of social media

PART 1. Introduction of Waivlength project and community questions.

Hello, Satoshi clubbers and guests of this site. Let’s talk today about the new version of the social media platform.

Waivlength is a project dedicated to the establishment of a truly connected and authentic social network. We plan to remove the most toxic elements of social media.

The plan of AMA session:

  1. Part – Introduction and preselected questions.
  2. Part – Live questions
  3. The Quiz about Waivlength

The reward pool is 500$

Leading the AMA our clever and fun admins:

Mary | Satoshi Club – @Satoshi_club

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club – @Ballantines87on

The Representative of the project:

Caolán – @WAIVmeister

Niall – @chiefWAIVer

Introduction of Waivlength project.

Mary | satoshi club:

Hello, satoshi club! We are happy to announce our ama session with Waivlength! Welcome to satoshi club😀

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Hello, dear satoshi club community! Today’s guests are @chiefwaiver @waivmeister! Welcome!

Waiv development team:

Hi everyone, really looking forward to the ama ahead of us!

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Hello, it’s a great pleasure for us to have you here at satoshi club.

Mary | satoshi club:

Welcome here 😀 what a beautiful day and great guests!

Paul mont | satoshi club:

How are you today? 😁

Waiv development team:

Fantastic, its a beautiful day here in Ireland! Really looking forward to getting into a conversation on our project!

Mary | satoshi club:

What’s interesting in your feed today?😉

Paul mont | satoshi club:

It’s a marvelous day here as well! And also, a perfect one to get to know more about Waivlength’s potential 😉 let’s start! Shall we? 🚀

Waiv development team:


Mary | satoshi club:

And about our guests as well! So, let’s start with an introduction 😀

Paul mont | satoshi club:

So, please tell us more about yourself – your past experiences/background and also how was the Waivlength project brought to life! We want to know everything 😉

Mary | satoshi club:

And even more,😂 tell us your secrets and we will keep them😀

Waiv development team:

So Waivlength essentially came to life roughly 3 months ago when we begin understanding how to incorporate our token. We built our token on the BSC and we are spreading awareness on our project ever since. Now we are starting to incorporate our company and will look to commence trading soon.

My background is in audit and accountancy, and I have 4 years’ experience from kpmg

Mary | satoshi club:

Oh, almost my colleague 😂 what is the sense behind your project name? Why you choose it?

Waivlength was chosen as we wanted every one of our users to be on the same level, ie actually users. So from there, everyone that was on the same level or same page could be on the same wavelength

Mary | satoshi club:

I like this vision🌊

Paul mont | satoshi club:

I love it, creative and totally related to one of the core points of the project 🙂 so you’re niall, right?

By the way you guys deserve a big plaudit for being public. Not a thing to take for granted in crypto👏👏

Mary | satoshi club:

You’re 100% right👏 How big is your team? Where are you located?😀

Waiv development team:

Yes, I’m Niall. I’m glad people see that its important to be able to put ourselves at the front of our project. Its adds a lot of value and legitimacy to what we are trying to achieve. Our core value is KYC and we need to abide by that rule also!

There are currently 3 in our team. We have recently contracted an external advisor also to help with some of the more important decisions we will be making in the coming months. We are all based in Ireland close to the capital city of Dublin

Mary | satoshi club:

Nice team ☺️ 👍

Paul mont | satoshi club:

It is a great rule to abide to, people’s trust in a project grows immensely when they know who’s working behind the scenes it 😉

Mary | satoshi club:

Niall, thank you for your introduction! As we want to know more about wavelength we choose six questions for the first part of our ama 😀

Waiv development team:

Exactly, we think that it will give people more comfort in our project once they know that we are legitimate and actually working full time in the space

Mary | satoshi club:

Are you ready to start😉

Waiv development team:

Yes of course

Mary | satoshi club:

Let’s go 🚀🚀🚀

Preselected questions about the Waivlength DeFi project.

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Q1 from telegram user @nadee5

Social media is a big industry that provides a smooth networking space for everyone. However, anybody can join these platforms with fake social media identities. It has become a threat for legitimate users with hacking, social media identity theft, and other cybersecurity issues.

But Waivlength will be only for legitimate users with its truly connected and authentic social network. Thanks for your concept.

I need to ask: is Waivlength 100% free from scammers? What are the strategies you use to eradicate such scammers? what are the other features of Waivlength than being an authentic social network? Who are the targeted audience for your social media platform?

Waiv development team:

Great question. It’s important that people understand that this is the main concept of our platform. Implementing KYC protocols is what will eradicate such scammers you speak of in your question. KYC for those that don’t know, are simple verification protocols using user’s information such as passports and proof of address to ensure they are actually a person. Once onboarded to the platform, we know they are a real person. This drives the authenticity of our platform. Our targeted audience is 18–35-year-olds.

Mary | satoshi club:

Do you know that verification is often purchased? This is commonplace today. Users from poor countries will sell their data. How do you plan to prevent this?

Waiv development team:

No data from KYC protocols used for onboarding our users will be sold, in fact, no data taken from our platform will ever be sold to 3rd parties. Our KYC provider will not have access to this data for sale, only for verification purposes.

Paul mont | satoshi club:

So, will identification & subsequent banning (in case of “malicious acts” by a user) be totally blockchain-based?

Waiv development team:

No neither will be blockchain-based. Identification of users will have to be 3rd party regulated. In the case of banning, this is where our token will come into play. We will be able to remunerate people that were involved in successfully banning someone.

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Thanks for taking care of this. Wonderful, in-depth answer! Is there anything else you would like to add, or shall we proceed with the next community question? 🔥

Waiv development team:

No, let’s proceed

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Q2 from telegram user @highpee

In your social media platform, members will have the opportunity to choose between 3 plans which are free plan, Waivlength premium and Waivlength gold as you intend to monetize your platform. What is the membership fee’s structure and how long does it last? You also said that users who stick to free plan may be subjected to uncomfortable ads experience. Since one of the problems, you are trying to solve is indiscriminate monetization of users’ data for ads by social media companies, why are you doing same thing and introducing ads in your own platform? And for the gold users that will be allowed to fork their account and create up to 3 sub-accounts after paying a subscription fee, doesn’t this go against your core value of accountability and no proxy or duplicate accounts?

Waiv development team:

Another great question. Speaking to the free plan. This is how all current forms of social media work today and will continue to work in the future. Essentially the use of the internet for free is a direct payment in exchange for data. However, it’s identifying these forms for data and highlights how it is used. The free plan will exist for many users that are onboarded that do not care too much for receiving ads. Some users even like it when you are shown advertisements. Its important that users understand that this data is taken and used for this purpose. However, its the data that is sold to 3rd parties, that we will not participate in. We believe that data will only ever be used in the house and in an ethical manner that’s shown clearly to our users. In terms of the 2-tiered subscription plan. Users will have the option to pay for a plan that keeps their user experience free from ads. This is something none of us are currently familiar with and believe it could become to the new standard for social media. The gold users will always be the same individual, they will just be able to act in different capacities to different audiences. Take for example ksi, he has both his personal Twitter for all his fan base, but also a crypto channel speaking specifically to all things crypto. This same person speaking to his fan base that has different tastes.

Mary | satoshi club:

If I don’t like ads, I will need to purchase another plan, right? No way to switch off ads without this.

Waiv development team:

Correct, if you want to get rid of ads, there is a subscription plan for you. This will be paid in monthly installments like most subscription-based platforms

Mary | satoshi club:

Do you already know how much each plan will cost?

Waiv development team:

No, we don’t know right now. We would like to incentivize as many of our user bases to subscribe to this option so we hope to make it affordable to many people.

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Thank you very much for your answers, niall 👍👍 I’m very excited to know more about the upper tier/premium features/functions. The next question is heading right into that territory.

Are you ready?

Waiv development team:

Yes absolutely!

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Q3 from telegram user @h1drx

I have seen in your technical document that by using $waiv users can enjoy premium functions, the truth is that I am interested in knowing more about the usefulness of $waiv. What are these premium benefits and how can users enjoy them?

Waiv development team:

Another fantastic question. By holding $waiv, there are many different ways in which you can receive benefits for this. Pertaining to this, users that wish to subscribe to the silver and gold premium features may do this through $waiv. Users, by simply holding our token, will be entitled to the receipt of their proportionate share of 50% of future dividends from the trading company. How $waiv will interact with the platform is another way which sees users enjoying their $waiv. This will occur through content creation subscriptions/donations, access to live events/podcasts, purchasing products from the business’s through our platform and remuneration for successfully reporting users that are subsequently banned.

Mary | satoshi club:

Can you show our users your tokenomics?😀

Waiv development team:

This list is only the beginning for how users may interact with our platform through the use of $waiv and we hope to continually add to this.

Mary | satoshi club:

When users will be able to enjoy their first profits? Any timeframe?

Waiv development team:

Waivlength tokenomiks

This will not be for another 2-3 years once our trading company is established and turning profits.

Mary | satoshi club:

Gotcha😀 thank you!

Mary | satoshi club:

Ready to jump to the next question?

Waiv development team:

Of course

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Q4 from telegram user @jonahapagu

Waivlength intends to become an ideal social media site for influencers, celebrities, and other notable people to converse openly with their respective communities. Despite the so many issues surrounding the mainstream social media platforms, influencers, celebrities, and users still prefer to use this already popular social media platforms due to the already numerous numbers of users and fans that they have access to on this platform. This means that the task of competing with this platform will indeed be a big one for Waivlength. So how do you intend to attract and build a large users base of influencers, celebrities and fans on Waivlength and how do you intend to compete with the already established giants in the social media space, are their features that will make Waivlength stand among this platform who seem to have more advanced features and technologies.

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Competition and market positioning is indeed always an important aspect to take into account, especially in an ever-changing environment as the crypto space 🙂

Waiv development team:

The technologies and interface of social media are really quite simple and one that can be replicated and added value to quite easily. We want our features to go above and beyond the gold standard to make for a better user experience. The part of the question in relation to the influencers, celebrities, and other notable people using social media is really quite a simple one to answer. Our answer/solution pertains to the fact that social media today is completely hyper-inflated and not so user-friendly. Not for the fact that its easy to use or quite simply too addictive, but that is has lost its touch with the validity and legitimacy of what social media is all about. “normal” users and influencers alike are crying out for a space that is transparent, friendly and absent of scammers/bots/impersonators. I firmly believe that in time, people will use our platform for all those reasons and the true, maybe less glamourous, nature and meaning of social media will start to grow. The market will be very difficult to penetrate initially but once we grow our platform and the ideas surrounding it, people should start to join us.

Mary | satoshi club:

Which your platform feature are you most proud of?

Waiv development team:

As the platform is yet to be developed, it’s hard to say right now, but we will pride ourselves on the KYC element. We believe it brings about massive value

Paul mont | satoshi club:

It’s indeed a very important feature given your mission to bring transparency and accountability 😉

Paul mont | satoshi club:

By the way, I noticed that collaborations with influencers is listed on phase 2 of Waivlength’s roadmap – that is between June and the next month 🔥

But among the listed items in Waivlength’s roadmap, there’s also the launch of the ambassadors’ program! Are you accepting applications yet? You know, the satoshi club has quite some skilled, yet hidden talents that might add quite some value to your project 😉

Mary | satoshi club:

Yes, that’s what we love😍

Waiv development team:

Yes so when it comes to our ambassador’s program, we are looking for influencers that are interested in the solutions we have to offer and will onboard to our platform. We are most definitely interested in discussing a partnership with the satoshi club in the future to bring your fantastic user base onto Waivlength once our platform is established 🥰

Paul mont | satoshi club:

We’ll be very much looking for updates and news about the project 🚀

Mary | satoshi club:

Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the next question?😉

Waiv development team:

Yes, let’s do it 😉

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Q5 from telegram user @cheriemike

It is stated in your whitepaper that Waivlength wants to be the biggest competitor to mainstream social media. My question is since you want to be the next big platform to any social media, do you have any plans for people who do not understand English? How can they benefit as they do from other social media? And how many languages do Waivlength plan to have on its platform? Thank you

Waiv development team:

So our core values of accountability and transparency online are the biggest thing we want to implement and have at our disposal. By utilizing these core values, we believe it will be a recipe for success against some of our biggest competitors. We have already established connections worldwide and hope that in time will be able to make our platform multilingual.  We have established big connections in China already and our telegram group is growing constantly. We are aware that this will be a major challenge but once that we aim to solve as we grow bigger. For now, it will be the English language we will implement

Paul mont | satoshi club:

So, the Waivlength’s aim is global 🙂

Mary | satoshi club:

When we will be able to try this English version? Any beta?

Waiv development team:

Our beta version will become available for our user base from November 2021 onwards as per our roadmap

Mary | satoshi club:

Not so long to wait 😉Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the 6th and last question from this part?🚀

Waiv development team:

Yes 😉

Paul mont | satoshi club:

The next and last question for this very first part of the ama is also a praise to the ethical view behind the project 😉

Q6 from telegram user @giovannialc

I find it very gratifying that Waivlength uses part of their finances to donate to foundations in order to help many people in this way, if their token has a rapid growth throughout the year the donations will be distributed to more people, but with all this they plan to eradicate something in particular since at a global, national or state level, regardless of where they plan to start, there are many foundations that are dedicated to helping homeless people, the sick, adoption homes, etc., being many do you have any particular needs that you want to support? Or, taking into account the current situation of covid-19 in the world, do you plan to support hospitals with donations from Waivlength?

Waiv development team:

We hope to form relationships with charities and organizations in the near future with values that mirror our own. We want to ensure that our values are being upheld with these charities and organizations and are looking to do good online in areas surrounding online hate/abuse and racism.

Mary | satoshi club:

Fantastic! Thank you for your answers!

Paul mont | satoshi club:

Thank you very much for the clear answers @chiefwaiver 🚀 It has been a great time and now we must proceed to interact with our dear users into the live segment.

We will now open chat for 2 minutes and our community will ask you some questions 🙂

Mary | satoshi club:

We are close to the live part now 😃 Ready to see a storm of questions?


Bring it on 😎

PART 2.Questions about the Waivlength project from the live chat of the telegram community.

In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 120 seconds. Then the guests from the Waivlength crypto project choose the top 10 questions. The 10 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency in the sum of 100$.

Q – 1 from a telegram user @theshow46

Many CryptoCurrency are not solving any Real Problem, they just exist to sell their tokes. What Problems exactly is your solving and what solutions are u provide?


Just to cement this point, our project will create a space free from the influence of bots, bad actors, and anonymous trolls with our KYC verification process. Leaving all information shared to be 100% from real people. That is for definite 👍

Q – 2 from a telegram user @Riaz0134

Does your project support staking program? if yes. how is your stake system work, what is the requirement for user if they want to stake in your platform? 


We hope that we will be able to support staking in the future as part of our “All things cryptocurrency” area of our platform, allowing users to understand and interact with our token and other cryptocurrencies in the future

Q – 3 from a telegram user @vedamatrix

Which age of people are you targeting on this project?


The age group ranges from 18 to 35

Q – 4 from a telegram user @h1drX

Although we believe that digital platforms are neutral sources of information, the reality is that social networks are withdrawing information and suspending accounts, based on the terms and conditions established by them. In other words, they have enough power to define what topics can be discussed openly and set the tone of public communication on their platform. So, I would like to know your opinion about this and to know what you plan to do about censorship in Waivlength, will users be able to speak, debate, or give opinions on any subject freely and safely?


We’re not looking to ‘play god’ and enforce strict rules. After all who are we to determine what people can and cannot say? What we’re striving for is honesty of opinion from people, and respect for others. We do not want to wrap people up in a bubble of protection, nor do we want to condone hate speech or targeted abuse.

This is a fine line to walk and we will be consulting with ethical experts in the social field when formulating the code of conduct.

Q – 5 from a telegram user @esrarengizbtc

Recently, awareness of the importance of personal data has started to increase. Users complain that their data is being marketed against their will. Will Waivlength pay special attention to the privacy of its users?


Yes, this is something we will hold ourselves accountable for. Personal data is super important and we will highlight and identify this to the users. Users’ privacy, while we ensure the identity of that person, is something that is extremely important and we think people will value that.

Q – 6 from a telegram user @RahulGandhi59

One of the best ways to bring people to a new social media is to bring social media influencers because people love what influencers do.
So have you collaborated with any influencer or do you have any plans of doing that?


A part of our plan for generating traffic on the platform will revolve around influencers and famous personalities.

In the beginning we will be paying mainstream influencers to exclusively use our platform for a set period of time, we see a route to success here with people who have experienced vast amounts of online hate towards them like Marcus Rashford, Raheem Sterling, Katie Price etc.. we would expect their fans to follow them over, and at that stage the platform will speak for itself and we believe when people experience it, they will want to stay and bring their own personal connections and friends onto it. Word of mouth will be a big factor in this regard.

We would also expect to have amassed a large holder base of our token – WAIV by the time the platform is released, we expect these holders who know the story of the project will also sign up and form the initial user base on the platform.

These strategies will be fleshed out more closer to the time of the platform being released

Q – 7 from a telegram user @victorogb

As stated on your website, $WAIV will essentially act as shares in the platform, where 50% of all Waivlength profits will be paid back to holders, proportional to their % holdings. What are the periodic durations to which these profits are shared amongst holders, and are profits strictly shared in form of $WAIV tokens to holders?


We anticipate dividends to be paid out, once profitability indicators have been reached, each year. Once holder have held their token for a period longer than 1 year prior to these dividends being paid out, then they will be entitled to their proportionate share.

Q – 8 from a telegram user @wass

When are you listing in any exchange ???? Wich exchange firs?


Our plan in the near term is to focus more on the fundamentals of the project itself, once it is at the point where progress is clear and the vision for the end-product is clear, we will look to expand to bigger exchanges.

Q – 9 from a telegram user @Deleted



This is correct, as per our tokenomics, we manually burn tokens every 2 weeks.

Q -10 from a telegram user @cryptonation2

WHERE is $WAIV available to buy? What blockchains will it be available and can I do staking in the future?


It would be remiss not to take this opportunity 😅 YOU CAN BUY WAIV ON PANCAKESWAP V2 WITH SLIPPAGE OF 11.5%!


Part 3 – Quiz about project

In the final part, we tested the knowledge in terms of the Waivlength project. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ was distributed between the winners.

Our contacts for more details: 

  English Telegram group  |  Russian Telegram group   |  Spanish Telegram group  |  Telegram Channel   |  Twitter |  Website 

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