PART 1. Introduction of Storm Bringer project and community questions.
Hello, Satoshi clubbers and guests of this site. Let’s talk today about platform that can host all of the new tokens.
Storm Bringer is a first safety-providing listing and multi-token tracker applications.
The plan of AMA session:
- Part – Introduction and preselected questions.
- Part – Live questions
- The Quiz about Storm Bringer
The reward pool is 500$
Leading the AMA our clever and fun admins:
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club – @GoldRocket27
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club – @Jonahapagu
The Representative of the project:
JοhnJohn – @Johnokok
Adwarc – @adwarc
Introduction of Storm Bringer project.
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Hello again, dear Satoshi club community! We are pleased to announce ama with Storm bringer🌪
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Our guests today are @johnokok and @adwarc . Welcome to Satoshi club guys 👏👏
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first) and Adwarc
Hey everyone guys! 😀. So glad and with big pleasure for having us here.
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
We are really excited about upcoming ama with you😁 Hello and welcome to Satoshi club ❤️
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
How are you both doing today?
We were looking forward guys for this AMA 😊😊
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Nice to meet you ❤️⚡️. We’re fine, thanks! Got a lot to do, the project is huge so we try too give 101% every day. How about you mate?
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Nice to e-meet you guys 😊❤️ Let’s start with a small introduction😊
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
🔥🔥 I hope you came with the storm.
The storm is upon as jonah! 😁😁⚡️😂
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
How did you get to be involved in crypto & Storm bringer?
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Well, me and the rest of the team, were mining crypto a lot time ago. So, one day we ”met” each other in a crypto blog, and we started to make a conversation about crypto these days. From that time, we were started talking every day and after a long time we came up with this idea. From the first moment, we knew that we had to do something big and something that we own! As we did.
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Tell us please about your position in Storm bringer🌪🌪
I’m currently in the marketing position on our project. Always trying to find the best way to help our development, always with the right way… Nevertheless we don’t have anything to hide, just trying to promote our project so people could learn about as!
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
I’m one of Storm bringer’s developers 😀
Our main role is to non stop try to do some new and useful thing for our project and community! Things looking that we do our job successfully! 😀
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
It’s interesting to see how a meet up in a crypto blog can lay foundation for projects like this 👏
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Yeah dude, thinks could happen in places that you didn’t ever imagine!
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Also, we would like to know more about your team. Who is on the project team core?
We are 2 developers, 2 marketing and 2 economy analysts currently. We are trying to keep the 3 sub-teams isolated so we can work in the right way on the project.
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Is your team anonymous?
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
We will upload some videos of ourselves and we will do a livestream at the following days. Everyone could ask us anything is desirable for him/her and we will answer it immediately. Something like a live qanda.
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of Storm bringer?🌪😊
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Storm bringer is an brilliant and very long term idea that we had. We intend to not be a small value token, and be forgotten in a few days! Our expectations are getting bigger and bigger every day, as you guys giving us your positive feedback and kindness! We are putting our 101% effort every moment, trying to find the best moves from our project. The main projects is to develop two platforms: a multi-chain token tracker and a platform that every token will be able to be listed there, but first, a light KYC will happen in order to do it.
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Thanks for great introduction, we will have several questions selected for the part 1. Ready to start?
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Let’s do this! 🙌
Preselected questions about the Storm Bringer DeFi project.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Q1 from telegram user @yellowchamp
To encourage users to holding, avoid massive sales and speculators,Storm bringer will penalized with a 10% fee for the first 24 hours for each sell transaction on your platform,so where does the 10% penalized fee will go or any allocation for this penalty? So,if you give a penalty for the first transaction with in 24 hours,is this penalty is for whale holder only or it is for every users who will sell? Does this penalty will automatically charge upon selling your tokens? Why only 24 hours but not more than 1 day for giving penalty? Thank you
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Well, this is one of our mechanism that will help the project and will provide a healthy way to it’s success. The mechanism says that: anti whale/sell
Each sell transaction on our platform will be penalized with a 10% fee (for the first 24 hours). This in order to encourage users to holding, avoid massive sales and speculators. Making the price of climb increase. Obviously, this is a very smart anti whale system. With this one and with the system that encourages people to hold why to hold?
A firm 5% of every buy or sell is taken and redistributed to all Storm bringer holders. Hold Storm bringer token and pack your wallet full with our tokens.) About the 24 hours penalty, we did this in order to not have a big price decrease at the first hours of being on the market.
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Smart system👏
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Thanks dude! It will be very useful to the project!
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Thanks for your answers 😃 Do you want to add something or we can proceed to the next question?
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
The only thing i want to say more, is that we want to embrace people to our project all together do something that is totally huge and innovative!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Great. Ready for next question now i believe and here it is.
Q2 from telegram user @highpee
Your anti-scam feature says it can protect buying scam token. You said what investors have to do is for them not to buy a token that has not been published on your website. But do you really think this assurance is sufficient to prevent scam because even project that have done real audit can still turn out to be scam. Hence, i will like to know how effective is your anti-scam strategy? Apart from the light KYC that you are are hoping to perform for projects, how else will you ensure that none of the project you will publish are scam? Ho will you be able to guide against cases of scam such as rugpull, malicious contract and developers?
According to our platform structure: we believe that from the moment someone develops a project in the world of cryptocurrency, there is actually little to no particular apparent reason for anonymity. Our platform will help this cause by making a light KYC for the creators and developers of each and every project, without their details considered mandatory to be published, at least not if they do not wish so. Also, investors will have the extended ability to take good investment decisions, should they not require to waste precious time on digging into contracts or reddits-of-subreddits and countless hours of social channels filtering.
By light KYC, we mean that the developers will have to show us their ids and to pass a video chat test that we will do before they will be able to be listed. Also, besides the audit that they may have, we will secure that their contract has no “holes” or scamming mechanisms.
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Comprehensive answer. By the way, let’s talk about security. Have you conducted audits of the smart contract, if not, do you plan in the near future?
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Here is a very beta version of the app.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Good job. Thank you for sharing
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Looks good👏👏👏
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
We have already did an audit from techrate and we will do a certik one soon.
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Great. Safety first. Thanks for your answers
Let’s proceed to the next question🚀
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Q3 from telegram user @pavel_jarosh
As per your whitepaper, january 2022 is a month when a search for major partnerships and investors for your project to be started. Please provide more details on where you’re targeting to look for them? Any hints on big names to come? What is your plan if the searches are not successful? Thank you!
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Sure! We have already talked with some people for being partners and we will close that deal soon. There are a lot things that involved in that terms so we try to do safe and secure steps each time. The road map will be followed closely and be updated as we move forward. About not being successful now, we didn’t even image that this project will fail. It’s very well-built and there is a budget than, it helps to bypass every difficult that we may face.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Can you share your roadmap with us?
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Sure! The current roadmap is:
November 19, 2021
Release the storm at dxsale platform.
November 20, 2021
Applying to all major cryptocurrency data aggregators, Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, Blockfolio etc..
November 20, 2021
Major twitter marketing move, using the the marketing wallet.
December 5, 2021
Fill out applications for Whitebit, Bitmart and other big exchanges. Also, making more big marketing moves.
January, 2022
Starting the main developing part of our application and platform
January, 2022
Searching for major partnerships and investors for our platform
January, 2022
Launching of the beta version of our application and our platform.
You can find more info about our project at our whitepaper:
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Thank you for sharing
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Oh. Hot time… A lot of work🔥🔥🔥 Thanks for your great answers
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Yeah, we try to do our best!
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Ready for the next question?
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Was a pleasure to us! Let’s go!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Q4 from telegram user @mudarasilva
When examining your tokenomics, i noticed that there is an allocation for a “market wallet”. What do you mean by “market wallet”? What kind of utilities are attached to it? Moreover, you have allocated 40% as “presale tokens” and 53% as “tokens for sale”. It is not clear that what is indicated as “tokens for sale”. Is that 53% allocation for the private sale? Plus, your token distribution happens according to a simple plan, 53% for tokens for sale, 40% for presale tokens, 5% for the team, and 2% for the market wallet. How do you manage extra expenditure related to your platform? Don’t you have a reserve fund to face any unforseen situations?
The marketing wallet is for paying marketing costs. Some marketing, is done by giving our tokens us a payment. The token allocation is:
Tokens for sale, is the token amount that will not participate in the presale, marketing wallet etc.. No private sale will happen, just public presale at 19/11 on dxsale. To make sure that we will not have any problems with the platform development, we have this team wallet, so we can take over any cost that it is not predicted yet.
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Thanks for your clear answer. Let’s proceed to the next question😊
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Q5 from telegram user @icevermithraxx
I understand your target is to build two projects, one of which is a platform that can host all of the new tokens and for each token to be hosted, its owner must be verified on your platform, what are the requirements for owner of a token to be verified on your platform? Are there any fees owners of tokens must pay to have their token hosted on your platform? Do you have a voting feature where users can vote and rate tokens? If no, do you any plan to introduce this feature in the future?
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Well, the requirements are to have the developer’s id checked video chat identification test and contract audit. There will be no hidden fees or a payment-totally free listing-. Voting system will be applied at the platform, watchlist and comment space, as well.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
So, they can list for free once they pass your test?
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Sure mate, totally free
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Simple enough for everyone.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Thank you for your answer… The next question is about one of your main products ready for it?
And it’s our last for this part.
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Let’s do this
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Q6 from telegram user @jmagsss
One of strom brigner’s main products is its “multichain token tracker”. The products name speak for itself but Storm bringer emphasizes that it will be the “first of its kind”. Firstly, what networks/blockchain would you integrate to this product? Will it include big blockchains like eth, bsc and sol? Second, what is the difference between this specific product and to what coinmarketcap, coingecko and other token tracker can offer? Does it include special built-in features?
The multi-chain token tracker will be a very helpful tool for every investor and developer. It will be a home for every existing blockchain, giving equal rights for each one. There will be features that will be next-gen, like: one chart comparison, cross chain comparison (for example, Storm bringer at bsc and Storm bringer at eth) etc.
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Also, we would like to keep some features for a surprise! 😇 stay tuned guys
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club:
Great when new features are out do share them with us.😊
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first):
Yeah dudeee!
That’s certain!!! ⚡️
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi club and Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Thanks! Your answers was amazing👏👏👏
This brings us to the end of this first part. 👏
Jοhnjohn (never dm you first) and Adwarc:
⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️appreciate it! Thank you all 😁😁⚡️
Gold rocket | Satoshi club:
Now get ready for the the most impressive part of our AMA! Engaging with the community! Live questions.
PART 2.Questions about the Storm Bringer project from the live chat of the telegram community.
In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 120 seconds. Then the guests from the Storm Bringer crypto project choose the top 10 questions. The 10 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency in the sum of 100$.
Q – 1 from a telegram user @Wong2008
You montion that you plan to Fill out applications for WHITEBIT, BITMART and other big exchanges by December, do you think you have the required potential to be listed in one of these exchanges soon?
We have already talked with some of them in order to be listed there. Our community is growing very fast, so we believe that we will not have any problem with that!
Q – 2 from a telegram user @Mercury654
You have Said that This Platform Can Host all Types of Tokens , May I know What Secuirty measues you take before Hosting the Token , IS KYC is Necessary?
The answer, is yes. The light KYC is a must to be listed at our platform. Also, the information of the developers, could be not published if they do not want to.
Q – 3 from a telegram user @Silica432
I Want to know More about team Members , Are they ANONUMOUS , How Many members are Working N your platform , What are their Professional Background?
Well, our names are published. We will do some livestreams very soon, so people can know us better. We are 6 members so far, 2 engineers(programmers), 2 marketing and business and 2 economic analysts.
Q – 4 from a telegram user @stakehold
Not every crypto blockchain projects do care this about but there are many people in the world who is not speaking English so I want to know if do you plan to create a local community for Storm Bringer?
We are embracing your concerns Furkan,and we have also thought of this ,that it could be a problem.So we have already started building some other communities such as a Chinese one, an Arabic on, an Italian one and a Spanish one. There will be out there soon. But as the project develops, we will reconsider other communities also.
Q – 5 from a telegram user @Cheriemike
You said that you won’t have any Private Sale,just Public Sale what is your reason for that?
We believe that, there isn’t any particular reason of being private. Public sale gives the opportunity to everyone that is interested in our project, to invest.
Q – 6 from a telegram user @wasieali887
IS This Your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?
Everyone is welcome to join in the Storm Bringer family! Our contract’s mechanisms, are very investor friendly, so a person with small budget, will be able to earn more, by just holding.
Q – 7 from a telegram user @cindy0666
Can you tell us about StormBringer’s marketing strategies? TikTok, Meta, Instagram, discord etc. that are trending today. Do you have accounts to be announced on social networks such as If so, can you share it with us?
The marketing strategy these days, focuses on Twitter, YouTube and being promoted on the biggest listing platforms. Up Next Crypto YouTube video is coming very soon. We are on :
EMAIL: [email protected]
Q – 8 from a telegram user @Karry1999
Can you please tell What Transaction Fees the user has to pay on the Platform , Why this Transction Fees is needed and For What purpose this Fees is used?
There will not be any particular transaction fees at our platform. Every project will be able to be listed totally free.
Q – 9 from a telegram user @vedamatrix
My question is if Storm Bringer can be integrated with other blockchains like polkadot and others in the future?
We are thinking about being involved in NFT worlds an maybe in Cardano blockchain, but everything is still in discussion. The most important step now is a successful PRESALE, which will be at 19/11 on DXSALE.
Q -10 from a telegram user did not comply with the rules and was deleted
Part 3 – Quiz about project
In the final part, we tested the knowledge in terms of the Storm Bringer project. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ was distributed between the winners.
Our contacts for more details:
English Telegram group | Russian Telegram group | Spanish Telegram group | Telegram Channel | Twitter | Website
Our Crypto Partner by this AMA: Storm Bringer
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E-Mail: [email protected]