Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Statera and our guest was @derelick and @Tranq93 – representatives of Statera. The AMA took place on 27 April.
The total reward pool was 500$ and has been split into 3 parts.
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Website
Andrés M. | Satoshi
Hello dear community, we close our amazing AMArathon today with an incredible
project, our friends from Statera are here 😁
G C:
Thanks for having us!
Andrés M. | Satoshi
@derelick @Tranq93 welcome to Satoshi Club
Hello, thanks for having us.
Andrés M. | Satoshi
How is going your day guys?
Paul Mont | Satoshi
Hello guys! Great to have you here! 🎉
G C:
Going well so far! Early morning here
Going very well.
Paul Mont | Satoshi
Welcome to Satoshi Club! 😊
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
I’m happy to introduce you our new AMA moderator, welcome Paul🥳
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Thanks, mate, I’m truly humbled and honored to co-host this amazing AMA with you 🙂
And super excited to hear more about STATERA! 😊
Andrés M. | Satoshi
@derelick @Tranq93 have been some months ago since you held AMA session with
us, what is new in the Statera Ecosystem?
Yes, its been a while since the last AMA. Since then we have new Pools on Balancer, we are on multiple blockchains (Eth, BSC and FTM), launched wrapped STA.
G C:
A lot! For a quick overview for those new to Statera, it is best described as a
deflationary bitcoin, instead of Bitcoin’s slightly inflationary to stagnant
supply our supply is constantly deflating (lessening). This downward pressure
on supply creates an upward pressure on value, creating an even sounder unit of
account than Bitcoin. A few upgrades we’ve had since our last AMA:
- wrapped STA for more universal use
- New balancer pools for more diversity
- Launching on BSC and Fantom
- Launching bridges for each of those ecosystems
- Launching our Dashboard to track all your statera holdings
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
The project is growing so fast, congratulations👏
Btw, could you tell us more about you? how do you get involved in crypto and what is your position in Statera?
Paul Mont | Satoshi
Wow, you’ve been down to work, great job guys! 😄
I got interested in crypto somewhere around 2013 but only since last year I have been to be actively part of the crypto communities. I’m currently a volunteer member of the Statera core team and do market research and coordination work for STA.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great achievements, it is impressive what you have achieved in a few months
G C:
I joined the statera community in June and supported in writing the whitepaper,
community managament, and ecosystem support. All team members are community
members first, Statera is a community driven project think more Bitcoin less
ADA or Tron. The goal is to become the premier and go to deflationary asset in
crypto. Bitcoin: Inflationary, AMPL: elastic, Statera: deflationary. All levels
of assets/money monetary policies that you would want.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
What did you do before joining Statera?
Paul Mont | Satoshi
By the way, I’ve read that Statera was born as a 100% community-backed project,
is that right?
G C:
Yes it is an immutable contract and had a bootstrapped and decentralized
launch, it had a highly decentralized beginning. At nearly all times in it
history no one wallet had more than 5% of supply, at least for the history I
Currently, if you go to etherscan you will see it is highly decentralized, more decentralized than Bitcoin itself actually!
Before Statera, I was just an investor.
After seeing Statera and its capability as a perfect deflationary token I thought I would volunteer to help the project.
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Amazing! 🙏
Andrés M. | Satoshi
Well guys, thank you so much for this great introduction, we hope to know much
more about the latest milestones of Statera in this AMA
We have collected some community questions, are you ready to proceed?
G C:
let’s do it!
Yeah, let’s go!
Q1 from Telegram user @NataliyaKil
AMA with you for me was one of the first in the Satoshi Club. And I remember that at that time Statera Portfolio Options had 2 investment options:
- This is a Phoenix fund that allowed holding 4 top cryptocurrencies with the addition of Statera to reduce volatility and increase profits.
- And investments in Ethereum and Statera.
So what has changed during this time? And portfolio management is still automatic and free?
Paul Mont | Satoshi
I am very fond of detailed questions like these 😀
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Let’s wait for a detailed answer as well 😁
G C:
We now have a lot of portfolio options:
STA/ETH – a big bet on ETH and STA
WSTA/ETH – a big bet on ETH and STA
STA/WSTA – a big bet on just STA that gives you APY
WSTA/ETH/wBTC/SNX/LINK – a balanced blue chip fund
WSTA/ETH/YFI/UNI/AAVE/FRY – a higher risk blue chip and small cap fund
WSTA/USDC/DAI/ETH – the lowest risk fund
There is no management fee and the rebalancing is all automatic!
though you do need to understand impermanent loss which is a feature of all liquidity pools and can generate a loss, though that loss can be more than made up for in the fees you earn. Instead of a management fee, you get paid to hold the assets! DeFi at it’s best
The Phoenix fund has been modified to replace Wrapped STA instead of STA as balancer had issues with deflationary tokens.
We also have 3 more new pools (High-Risk Fund which has lots of DeFi coins, Low-Risk Fund which has stable coins and Infinity Pool which has STA/wSTA)
The Balancer pool portfolio is balanced by Balancer automatically due to arbitrage opportunities
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Which of them do you recommend personally?
Paul Mont | Satoshi
Sounds great, as users get to have so much diversified choice with so many
G C:
We’re in a bull run so the balanced blue chip would be my pick, but if you see the bear market coming (hopefully not for many more months to come) shifting to the low risk fund would be a smart move.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Will be another pool in the near future? or do you want to remain those?
G C:
If you just want a low cap moonshot, WSTA/STA is a great pick too, you’re only
holding STA but getting free APY on top!
That’s the greatness of decentralization anyone can create new funds with WSTA and we have seen the community create others, so there will always be more ideas and new ways to use STA. Anywhere you want to insert deflation and get it’s benefits you can put in STA.
We are looking for possibilities of having more pools in other DEXs as well, in fact one of our team member is experimenting with one now.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for the advice, I completely agree with you. Btw do you have some guides that clearly explain how to use each of the pools? For some users it can be confusing the first time they use it.
G C:
Not yet but they are in the works, it is the same process as using Balancer so
just search for balancer how to videos, also the dashboard is a great way to
quickly access the ecosystem: https://dashboard.stateratoken.com/sta
Paul Mont | Satoshi
Also guys, I recall the DELTA token being mentioned in your previous AMA with Satosh
Club, but found no information on the V2.0 whitepaper. Is it still actual?
Delta pool is defunct now
G C:
WSTA has replaced Delta as a more elegant solution, rather than wrapping Eth and STA we just wrap STA now.
Paul Mont | Satoshi
Thank you for the clear answers 🙂 Shall move onto the
next question?
G C:
Sounds good.
Andrés M. | Satoshi
Thank you so much for the answers guys
Q2 from Telegram user @alberto_vzla
Statera uses a smart contracts portfolio manager to control the liquidity pools, how does this portfolio manager work and how does its decisions influence each liquidity pool maintaining the security and order of the platform?
STA uses its deflationary mechanism to cause arbitrage opportunities. Our pools are held on various AMMs, since there is a 1% burn on every STA transaction this causes an arbitrage opportunity and help balance the portfolio across the pools. All our pools are held on well audited platforms which should mean it is highly secure.
G C:
The “manager” is Balancer, it uses your assets to provide liquidity
to different dexes, every trade allows it to rebalance the portfolio to keep it
weighted correctly (50/50, 25/25/25/25, etc.). Each time your pool is used the
fee a user pays goes to you as the liquidity provider. Balancer, Uniswap, and
other dexes all run on this same technology and have billions of dollars in
assets under management, there have been small hacks here and there, but if
there was a way to hack it at this point it would be done as the pay off is
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
So the 1% burn occurs both ways, right? Either when you wrap STA for wSTA and backwards?
G C:
Correct, every time you move STA a burn happens.
Paul Mont | Satoshi
It seems to me that create very interesting arbitrage mechanisms 🔝
By the way, I have another small curiosity to satisfy. Why has the TItan fund been dubbed “STANOS”?
Yes, the community likes to call it Stanos.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
So, the funds are SAFU, right? I have read about a recent partnership between Statera and Hacken.io, which benefits it provides to your platform?
Paul Mont | Satoshi
It sounds epic 😉
G C:
Because it is constantly burning STA, like Stanos “burned” half the universe, it also keeps everything perfectly balanced, rebalancing the portfolio, so it works on multiple levels
Statera itself is audited and completely safe, it is an immutable contract so it can’t be upgraded changed or attacked in anyway. The platforms we are on: balancer, uniswap, pancake swap, etc. are also all audited and been shown to be highly secure
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
So, do you think Thanos had reason? 🤔
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
You can be proud of your supporter’s imagination, I love the nickname and the meme!
G C:
A reason, yes, did his reason justify the means? We’d need a longer form AMA for that discussion, lol.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great job, it brings safety to the users, thanks for the clarification, would you like to add something before the next question?
G C:
I’m good to move on to the next
Yes, our community members have created some of the best memes in crypto.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Completely agree haha a full AMA session to discuss it
Please share us some of them
Q3 from Telegram user @mm_carlos
Statera says its deflationary aspect depends only on volume and this can lead to higher rates. How is this deflationary characteristic activated around the behavior of volume and why do rates react in this way?
Some of my fav memes created by our community members.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Really, I’m in awe now 🤩
G C:
Volume means that trades are happening on exchanges, every trade creates a 1% deflationary event, if I buy 100 STA, 1 STA is burned. The more volume, the more trades, the more deflation. But to add to that, the deflation changes supply on the open market and in the pools which can force more rebalancing to happen, which forces more deflation to happen, so it becomes a self feeding loop
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Haha 🤣💪 amazing
And what about wSTA, what are the benefits it brings to the users?
wSTA enabled users to pool STA indirectly on protocols that don’t support deflationary tokens.
G C:
Some protocols can’t handle deflation, it messes with their smart contract or
can be exploited on their platform. WSTA allows STA to be put into any DeFi
protocol anywhere, and every time you create or destroy WSTA to use it
somewhere STA is still burned.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Like which?
Andrés M. | Satoshi
Thank you for the clarification. Now, I would like to ask which is the next big
step in your roadmap?
A revamped dashboard and marketing push is next on our roadmap.
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
By the way, is interoperability part of your future rodamap milestones as well?
G C:
A big focus is growing the ecosystem and userbase, an easier to access dashboard and marketing are part of that. As our traction increases we hope to be included in more defi platforms like loans and leveraged yield farming and we are actively talking to many partners to continue to grow our defi footprint
In what sense? WSTA is a big step in interoperability as it allows us to have STA anywhere
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Right, thanks for the clarification guys 😁
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Well, are you ready to know the next question? 😁🥳
G C:
Let’s do it!
Q4 from Telegram user @Cleotilde1
Statera has a very unique algorithm that destroys 1% of the amount traded for each transaction, why is it essential to only destroy 1% and not another percentage and what stability does this generate for STA?
1% was chosen by the founder of STA, having a higher burn percentage increases the slippage which is not ideal for trading, having a lower burn percentage also lowers arbitrage opportunities which in turn lowers trading volume.
G C:
The goal is to be a globally universally used asset, for this we needed the token to have a set monetary policy that would never change (see: bitcoin). So we felt that anything more than 1% would be prohibitive to people using it constantly and anything less than 1% wouldn’t create enough deflation.
This immutable code and simple structure, one set deflation for all transactions that never changes, makes it so that we can be used as a dependable and understood financial instrument.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
It is a great decision. So, could show us how is the token distribution? please tell us about your tokenomics.
G C:
All supply is circulating and distributed, which makes for a great tokenomic setup, no wallet holds more than 3%, you can see distribution here: https://etherscan.io/token/0x89E8416eA5b69863CCb34D3A5C74A86bf5549147#balances
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
This fine-grained distribution is super-healthy for any crypto project. Great work!
G C:
Agreed! It really is a thing of beauty you don’t find that in many tokens, if any!
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
For sure, great work👏. Let’s proceed with the next question, are you ready?
G C:
Q5 from Telegram User @iGervacio
Among the fund systems that Statera offers, there is one with which I feel identified because its objective is to diversify investment and earnings. What happens to users when they invest in this type of fund and in what way is earnings diversified with multiple assets?
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
I guess @iGervacio is referencing the Titan-STANOS fund (which has actually already become my favourite😁)
G C:
In traditional investing diversification is paramount to any strategy, you always hear people tell you to buy the “index” like the S&P 500. So this diversification makes it so that even if one token/company goes bad or loses their value you can still benefit as the other parts of the portfolio go up. In this way you are really taking a bet on multiple cryptos at once while also getting passive fees and earning an APY on them. If LINK goes up 100% and wBTC “only” goes up 50% you still see a 75% increase overall, so it’s not as good as just holding LINK, but if wBTC went up 100% and LINK only goes up 50% you still get the same outcome, but with just holding LINK you wouldn’t.
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Another great feature of your project that I really appreciate is in fact the diversification options that you’re providing your users.
G C:
Yes we really have something for everyone, no matter your goals. Also, if we don’t, you can build your own portfolio from scratch!
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
There is a product that fits both less risk-averse and more risk-inclined users.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
@derelick @Tranq93 btw, what is your personal opinion of non-deflationary tokens? I mean those with no supply limit like $DOGE
G C:
They serve their purpose too, inflationary tokens are meant to be spent and go down in value which is great for commerce and spending. Deflationary assets are meant to be saved and store wealth, which is great for long term holding.
I’m against such coins which has no utility. With these inflationary coins you will be on the receiving end of the inflation which is no good
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Thank you so much for your opinions and answers guys. Now, is time to go with the last question of this part of the AMA, ready to proceed?
G C:
Q6 from Telegram User @andrey_seleznov
Hi Statera!
I noticed that the Infinity pool containing STA/wSTA APY has a strange curve. 7 day 6% APY is higher than 30d 4% APY is this an artificial curve or strange quirk of the market? If this is intentional could you please tell us why you disincentivize the longer term investment?
G C:
It all depends on the volume of trades, so in the last 7 days the volume was higher than the average over 30 days so that is why the yield was higher for 30 days than 7 days. It is not our intentional choice to do that. Long term holding is still rewarded as you get that yield for a longer time and get to capture all the highest APYs when higher volume happens, instead of trying to time the market.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
What is the main benefit for long term holders?
G C:
You get APY every day you are holding, so in that scenario, you got 4% for days 0-21 and then 7% for days 21-28 (to overly simplify it).
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for the crystal clear answers @derelick @Tranq93! 👍
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @mobilejii
How strong is your team? Many projects start with a good impression and later abandoned the project. What makes your project different than others?
G C:
It’s the strongest team on earth! It’s all of you! Statera is a fully community ran and open project. We have been going strong for nearly a year now and made it through hacks, downturns, and more. There is no stronger set up than a community set up. Looking at our tokenomics you can see that we are highly decentralized and actually community owned, rather than a developer holding 25% of supply.
Q2 from Telegram user @mobilejii
Safe audit was claimed by you but can you please provide me an Audit report link to read.
Q3 from Telegram user @Alberto_vzla
I have seen that Statera uses external markets as arbitrage opportunities, why is it necessary for Statera to resort to external markets and how does this positively affect unbalanced tokens?
G C:
Through being on pancakeswap, balancer, uniswap, and more it allows us to access multiple markets and millions of users, this spread is more than we could ever create in a closed ecosystem. Statera can be put into any ecosystem or exchange, plug and play.
Q4 from Telegram user @dudeiebitch
There is the wrapped statera (wSTA) on your platform which conversion rate is 0.99 wSTA from every 1 STA, after deflation. I will like to know the utility of the wSTA and what are the rewards give to me when i acquire the token.
wSTA allows users to pool STA indirectly on platforms that don’t support deflationary tokens.
Q5 from Telegram user @KhaleesiTheCryptoLady
Of all the coins or tokens out there, why did you choose to compare STATERA to a king of crypto, the BITCOIN? Did you foresee that $STA token would be as valuable as Bitcoin in the future?
G C:
We are decentralized, our code is immutable, we have a set unchangeable monetary policy, and we are set up to be specifically a digital asset (rather than utility token or security). So we share a lot of similarities, but unlike bitcoin we are:
Cheaper to transact
The rails we run on are upgradable (ETH, BSC, etc.)
More decentralized.
Q6 from Telegram user @alptrader
You told us Statera is a community driven project so don’t you have any tokens for the team?
There weren’t any tokens pre-allocated to the team. The tokens we have are all market-bought.
Q7 from Telegram user @Eminet001
The success of a project depends on the following
G C:
For us, community, as a strong and driven community will make partners and token price happen, and we are totally solid on safety and security (as our token is immutable). Our community has created everything you see and if you go to our telegram you’ll see an engaged and excited community!
Q8 from Telegram user @captainprice111
If I invest in STATERA’s asset funds, will I have any other gains other than the increase in token values? Also, can I withdraw my tokens at any time?
You can earn pool fees from our pools, the arbitrage opportunities made by STA’s burn mechanism give you some of the best passive yields.
Q9 from Telegram user @centoscu
How can I make sure that Statera is good for investors and there are no whales hold all of assets?
G C:
All info on Statera is open and on-chain, go to Etherscan to verify it. There are no whales in statera (no one holds more than 3%) which is an ideal distribution, this is verifiable and trackable. https://etherscan.io/token/0x89E8416eA5b69863CCb34D3A5C74A86bf5549147#balances
Q10 from Telegram user @ronaldo_super
Where is your token is planned for launchpad and will be listed first?
Our tokens is already listed more than a year ago. Currently, it can be traded on some of the best DEXs like Uniswap, Sushiswap, Anyswap, Pancakeswap.
Part 3 – Quiz Results
In the final part, we tested your knowledge in terms of Statera. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for the quiz was 300$.
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Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners:
Statera Telegram community: https://t.me/stateratoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StateraProject?s=09