SpaceCrypto x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 20th of December

SpaceCrypto x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 20th of December

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from SpaceCrypto and our guest was. The AMA took place on the 20th of December.

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Hello, Satoshi Club community! We are pleased to announce AMA with SpaceCrypto Project

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Hi you guys.

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

Hi everyone!

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Today our guests are @giangnguyen001,@VuspaceCrypto

Welcome to Satoshi Club!

Robocop | Satoshi Club

how was your days guys ?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Awesome day man! how are you guys doing!

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

ya, great days thanks robocop

Robocop | Satoshi Club

yes its great sunday  but market still red

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Well, let’s start our AMA!

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

lol, hold to die

Robocop | Satoshi Club

we are so excited to do AMA with SpaceCrypto

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

okie, i am excting, this is Giang CEO/Founder of Space Crypto.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

lol im afraid to open my portfolio

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Please Introduce yourself and your team.

How did you get to be involved in Cryptocurrency & Spacecrypto Project?

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

I’m Vu – Head of Blockchain of SpaceCrypto, In 2014 when I heard about Bitcoin, blockchain that made me very interested in them because I am a software engineer.  In 2016-2017, blockchain became more popular. I decided to learn about how to program it and also want to learn how to invest in crypto too. That is my journey why i involved in Crytocurrency.

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

I am CEO/Founder of Space Crypto.

My background is Technology and Science. I am also Founder, Creator of Facedance Challenge, the most viral game in the world during the rise of mobile gaming in 2017.

we have Jean PO from Amanote with 600mil download global with game  “Title hop”

Michael CMO from US, multi million startup, big get is 200mil exit.

Nghi COO from US, worked for. Amazon US, now lead a AI unicon comapany in Vietnam

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

@VuspaceCrypto and @giangnguyen001 nice to meet you guys, is a big pleasure to have you here.

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

We do love game, and blockchain is raise now, so we want to take a challenge in blockchain game.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thats really great ! Both of you have an impressive journey into crypto world

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Me too

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Great background. Thanks for share us information about you, now please tell us what is the essence of SpaceCrypto

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Star Trek Blockchain version man, just kidding

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Haha that would be revolutionary

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

Space Crypto is the Space Metaverse, where anyone can earn tokens through skilled, strategic gameplay and contribute to the Space Metaverse ecosystem. This will be a promising space for you to discover things you never imagined.

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Basically, you are a space guardian and your mission is to right against evil bosses to protect our metaverse. Easy understand and play, everyone can Farm.

But affter Farm we use the token in game to be real gamer like, PVP, Tournament mode

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Like a play to earn model?

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First


Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

Space Crypto is a play-to-earn NFT game with simple gameplay, low usage time requirements. Players can access the game at a low cost and quickly catch up with the game. Our game can be played via a web browser. And the Android and IOS versions will also be available.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

It sounds completely exciting

Robocop | Satoshi Club

can you show few of SpaceCrypto NFT?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

sure let me send a video

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Chance to win depends on how much you understand your


⚡️Rarity: Legendary

⚡️Ammo: 450

⚡️Speed: 100

⚡️Damage: 75

⚡️Speciality: can be used as the Fusion materials.

Ammo: the total bullet that a ship has

Fusion: an action that use two ships as materials to have a chance of creating a new one with higher rarity (e.g, from common to rare)

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Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

SUPER RARE – the powerful spaceship always initiates in combat with its advanced laser weapon. Although it might take longer to reload ammo but will be a nightmare for every single boss under attack.

Battleship characteristics:

⚡️Rarity: Super Rare

⚡️Ammo: 300

⚡️Speed: 70

⚡️Damage: 55

#SpaceCrypto #SPG #Metaverse #PlayToEarn #NFTs #Gamefi #DeFi #Whitelist #IDO #Airdrop

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Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

look very cool, right?!?!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Oh nice graphics. Thanks for share it and thanks for the introduction, we have collected the best community questions for you, ready to proceed?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

RARE SPACESHIP is well-known with its hit and run ability, which make it last longer in battle, as well as dealing the most damage that the boss cannot handle. Victory is what it aims for.

⚡️Rarity: Rare

⚡️Ammo: 250

⚡️Speed: 45

⚡️Damage: 70

#SpaceCrypto #SPG #Metaverse #PlayToEarn #NFTs #Gamefi #DeFi #Whitelist #IDO #Airdrop

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Robocop | Satoshi Club

Wow ! so cool  i want one

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

okie man, let’s do it.

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

10 $SPG

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

How many spaceships there are?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

now we have around 300, but doing more, can be thousand and more.

but they are different. kind, i meant can be Rare, Super Rare, Common, Legend, just different. Power.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Q1 from Telegram User @RamseyGold 

$SPG is the main token in Space Metaverse. The goal of introducing $SPG is to provide a convenient and secure payment method in Space Crypto and other games in the Space Metaverse and there’s also the $SPE which is the reward currency used in Space Crypto’s World. My questions are why did you choose to go for a dual token platform? Where can be buy both tokens? And lastly, when do you plan on releasing your contact address?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Thanks for the clarification, I want one of them as well

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

We use a dual token system with $SPG and $SPE to ensure the sustainability & scalability of the ecosystem. They are used as economic incentives to encourage users to participate in the Space Metaverse ecosystem, thereby creating a self-sufficient internal economy with healthy demands and supplies.

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

also decentralizes the ownership of Space Crypto Game and allows players to truly own their in-game assets.

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

why 2 tokens? Cool haha.

First Blockchain people will be FOMO, trader will change the price of token. I don’t want that for the one who player the game.

So we build 2 token SPG, than people can hold or start. the game.

But SPE is in-game toke, stable, and protect the gamer not over price.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Great, btw can you share with us Tokenomics from Spacecrypto ?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

where to buy token, on panckes swap, SPG in 16 UTC 22 december.

SPE on pancakeswap also but when game release

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Will you have a public sale?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

What are the requirements to join the IDO?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Can check here

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

you do some task, KYC on this platform, and need lucky alot

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Join Satoshi Clubber ! Dont miss this opportunity

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thanks you for the answer, lets continue to next question?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Nice Stickers guys

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Q2 from Telegram User @iceVermithraxx

While Going through your website, I saw spin button and I couldn’t help but click it and I was redirected to connect my wallet. But from how I understand users can bet $SPG tokens to win more $SPG token by spinning the wheels. Can you please explain about the Spin wheel in SpaceCrypto metaverse? How fair are these Spins? Do you have feature where users can check past winners of the spins? What is the minimum amount of $SPG per spin? In conclusion, I also saw about free spins, how can users get these free spins?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

1. Spin to earn is a growthacking event of team, you don’t bet anything, it ‘s free on the website:

Robocop | Satoshi Club

when we can start to play SpaceCrypto ? can you share the roadmap please ?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

2. We launch spin basically it like airdrop program, but it is more powerful, i mean you can do everyday, we will send all of reward from spin to wallet you guys.

3. Spin not thing to do with the game, just event now, like doing something fun with people care about game

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

Here is our development plan.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

What are the maximum price that can we win?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First


Public sale 22-12 16:00 UTC

Testnet: 15-1 next year

Release game: 30-1

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

10 SPG, can buy a spaceship

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Next month , its already near

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

You can start by joining Space Crypto’s Community, read information about the game and the IDO. Then start playing once it is official released.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Incredible things are coming

Robocop | Satoshi Club

do we get random ship with 10SPG?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First


Robocop | Satoshi Club

how much % chance for each rarity ?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

lucky is the key of success

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Common – 82.00%

Rare – 10.00%

Super Rare – 6.00%

Epic – 1.40%

Legendary – 0.55%

Mythical – 0.05%

hope you get Mythical

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Oh interesting, in the future will be the chance to create our own spaceship? Whit custom features

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

this is good idead, can try to do it, bring your logo on the ship

Robocop | Satoshi Club

yes modify our spaceship will be great

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Bascally it is possible, i will thinking about. it. THanks man

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thanks you for the answer, so do you want add anything else or we can go to next question?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

My pleasure, it is just to improve the game experience for users

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

Right. This is a very nice suggestion. Thanks.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

A spaceship with Satoshi Club logo haha

Robocop | Satoshi Club

yes Andres is hard gamer

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Haha you catch me.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Thank you for your answers guys, let’s proceed.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Q3 from Telegram User @RuthOdion

The Space Crypto Game play consists of about 4 different game modes which are; Boss Battle mode, Raid mode, Tournament mode and PVP mode. While reading about the Boss Battle mode it caught my attention that after defeating the boss, you will need to enter a slot game that will decide the actual amount of $SPE you will earn. You further went on to say that there are 4 possibilities that can happen in the slot game. Can you briefly discuss these 4 possibilities with us? What are the various rewards for each possible outcome?Why use this method of reward system? Will, there be a possibility that a player earns no reward? Do you think this reward system is fair enough?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Boss Battle: For farm token, but token is looky also. It mean defeat a boss you will got a slot wheel show the token you get.

When you got. the token -> Play PVP, RAID MODE, TOURNAMENT. You win you got token from another player, you lose, than you lost the token.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

oh we can lose token ?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Do you have any staking program?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

yes, do you have feature to farm the token?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Treasury, we use revenue of the game tranfer to Treasury.

If user stacking than can share revenue from the game

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Thanks for the clarification. Would you like to add something before the next question?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thanks you for the clear answer

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

okie can do the next. question

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Q4 from Telegram User @JesusFre1tes

According to its roadmap, by Q2 2022, SpaceCrypto intends to launch its platform on the Solana network. My question is, why have they chosen this network to take the next step in upgrading their platform? How do you think Solana will help improve the operability and the system that is in place for SpaceCrypto to operate? Do you plan in the future to merge several blockchains into your platform?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

We are love chain not cost the electric bill

Robocop | Satoshi Club


Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

Solana provides us very low gas free with very high throughput. Much more efficient than other chains.

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Basically Solana very fast and cheep fee transacttion.

We all know now transaction still not fast enough to bring whole game to smartcontract.

So just imagine that one day everything can be ready for it. It have to. be happen on the chain fast transaction and cheep.

We also thing we scale multi chain.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Which one will come after Solana? Maybe ERC? Polygon?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

NO idea man, may be internet computer.

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First


Robocop | Satoshi Club

hahaa i like your humour sense

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Btw, will be there a mobile version of the game?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Unity game engine already can port to Android and IOS.

But we want to make user love our game first on PC browser: by get feedback and update (loop jobs). When we feel user realy love the game, than we will bring to Android and IOS

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Thank you, that’s great to increase the adoption

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Well, time to proceed with the next question

Robocop | Satoshi Club

thanks for the answer, lets go to next question

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Q5 from Telegram User  @Cheriemike

 will like you to talk about Space Metaverse that will gradually evolve into a Decentralized Organization,where users will have the right to vote and decide how the future of your Space Metaverse will be in the years to come.To participate in the Governance process,you said that users have to first Stake their $SPG token.But no there is no further details about staking written down.So can you explicitly state to us the amount each users have to stake to be eligible in taking part in your voting system?How will you determine the APY/APR users will receive as they stake $SPG tokens?Will users participate in your voting system just once or will it be that the higher they stake their chances of voting increases? Please explain to us the rewards for staking on your platform. Thanks

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

The total voting power will be equal the total staking amount in our staking system. For example if there is 100 Million SPG staking, and you have staked 1Million, then your voting power is 1%. When we let our users vote to decide the future of Space Metaverse, if there is more than 50% Yes voting, then the proposal will be approved

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

DAO: voting will happen in the end of every years: like you buy stock and come to the company comlain them every end of years

When Treasury online: you will can stack, because Treasury come from revenue of game, we even still not launch the game now, that why you don’t. see how to get revenue the game buy stacking to Treasury

Sure higher Stack will be more powerfull, bassically DAO system mean everyone can vote. We just get. the final resulz to move

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

The APR user receive is a variable number depend on how many users are staking and how much SPG have staked. The earlier you stake your SPG. The higher APR will be.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thanks for the detail, btw i forget to ask about the spaceship, can we upgrade part or weapon for better performance in Spacecrypto?


Alert! Lucie Miner is a known spammer and is CAS banned ( Ban is strongly recommended.

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Yes can fusion 2 spacship be come 1 more powerfull>

we will burn 2 Spaceship after fussion

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Additionally, let’s talk about security, have you been audited? Which firm did audit your contracts?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

The part not yet. will tthink about your logo

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Still process but. almost done

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

Certik is in progress for auditing.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Yes Certik is great

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Now audit 2 our smartcontract, will do next. smartcontract when it. deploy

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

But. they do like a year to done a smartcontract.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

We are happy to know that everything is ok and funds will be SAFU

Robocop | Satoshi Club

time to go to last question from part 1, are you ready?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Excellent stickers btw

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Q6 from Telegram User  @nhairym

 Experienced players have an advantage over novice players? SpaceCrypto will have a token burning system to guarantee and provide greater value to its governance token, when $ SPG will be available, who are its main cryptographic partners and collaborators for the development of the SpaceCripto gameplay, will they execute rethinking?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

I send it for u buy our token lol

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Great info, Satoshiclubbers

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

There is the 6th question, btw


Alert! Hauwa Mohammed is a known spammer and is CAS banned ( Ban is strongly recommended.

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Experienced players – no don’t need, we understarnd that user blockchain love to easy to play.

SpaceCrypto will have a token burning system to guarantee: Yah we burn the fee when you guys play PVP mode or Tournament,

when $ SPG will be available 22 December on Pancakeswap, let’s sell coin and wait guys

its main cryptographic partners and collaborators: big community like Satoshi Club, we have backer: Dao maker, gamefi . org, redkite, crytorank, Maven ect

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

There is needed a an advanced computer to play? Or my potato PC can run your game

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thats great to know  its perfect game for newbie like me

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Haha sure we do a button call: legend button, when you click it your grahphic will back to 1990 and then your potato PC can be work smoothly

Robocop | Satoshi Club

oh thats really great feature

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

Excellent, a game for everyone

Robocop | Satoshi Club

It has been an amazing time in this first part of the AMA

Is time to proceed with the second part, the live segment, are you ready?

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

it’s true. lol

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club

@VuspaceCrypto and @giangnguyen001, thank you so much for your complete answers guys, now is time to proceed with the live segment of the AMA, a ton of amazing questions are coming and your should answer your 10 favorites

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

yah, i am exciting.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

@giangnguyen001 and @VuspaceCrypto  we will open chat for 2 minutes and then chat will be closed –

 you can start select 10 best questions !

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

let’s go.

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user

How will $SPG token be used in the Gameplay?
In Future, How will You plan to Increase it’s Utilities or Usecase?

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

SPG is the main token in SpaceCrypto. The goal of $SPG is to provide a convenient and secure payment method in Space Crypto and other games in the Space Metaverse.

Q2 from Telegram user @Rinhere

I heard that Hoang Nguyen the Chief Gaming Officer of Space Crypto was behind the “Tiles Hop” game,
That is good to here,
How will all these Experience help in the building of Space crypto game?

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

Hoang is a experienced game design, who deeply understand the behaviors of players while in game. He knows to make the game be more attracted to players in a long run. Our team is so lucky to have him.

Q3 from Telegram user @romario_ario

I read that through the SPG token, the Space Metaverse will gradually evolve into a community-owned Decentralized Organization. Each holder of the SPG token will have voting power within the ecosystem, where those who have more tokens will have more voting power. You mentioned that you estimate that by March 2023, The majority vote will be in the hand of the users. Why did you make the decision to wait so long for the community to have a majority vote on the ecosystem? In the meantime, until March 2023, what voting power will the community have within the ecosystem and on what aspects of Space Crypto will the community be able to decide?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

So basically we are the one to build game on the feedback of users, no one have enough data and tracking behaviour of user on the game like us. So have to be sure the users can love the core game first.

When we finish it we will oppen for vote, it ‘s can be more early if everything happen good, but the timeline mean have to be delivery so that why timeline is 2023.

I think we still have a lot of thing to do, a real game can a live for decade. that’s mean 2023 still very early.

Q4 from Telegram user @Rinkus987

I Read that Space Crypto Supports Two Types of Tokens Which are :

    Can you tell me More about this Token , What are its Utilities and What are the Main Role of this In the Ecosystem ?

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

About $SPG & $SPE, let me go through more details:

  1. $SPG is the main token in Space Metaverse. The goal of introducing $SPG is to provide a convenient and secure payment method in Space Crypto and other games in the Space Metaverse.
    2.$SPE is the reward currency used in Space Crypto’s World. Once you earn them, you can claim and store them in your crypto wallet. $SPE is used in the following activities: Buy Base, Rewards in Battle mode, Upgrade Spaceship, Rewards in Raid mode (coming soon)

Q5 from Telegram user @Mejaniyam

I read you have IDO on Redkite only. Please share more details with us and are there other launchpad you’re in discussion with to expand the user base?

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

IDO on RedKite 22 December
Launchpad on Onus 22 December
Public Sale also on 22 December on Pancakeswap

Q6 from Telegram user @cenkkargin0666

In today’s games, some of the players like racing, some like strategy and some like war games. Is SpaceCrypto a game that can appeal to all kinds of gamers? Who is your target audience for SpaceCrypto, do you have non-crypto in your plans?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

You right, but what we think we build easy to play, so no-crypto can. but good plan should be bring to mobile for everyone can download and play.
It. can free to earn, don’t. have to buy the NFT, use tap u can should the Boss but reward it take time so no-crypto can try and understand the game play.The target for veryone know how to connect the wallet.

Q7 from Telegram user @Cubana10

Which is more important for winning in the space metaverse, player skill set or ability/attributes of spaceship used?

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

Both, and also your fortune.

Q8 from Telegram user @hmdtadel

Is the beta or test version of the game going to be accessible by the public ?

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

In the next few weeks, beta version will be released.

Q9 from Telegram user @LuisPagulayan

Do you mind telling us your plans for 2022? How will you introduce the project to users more extensively and passionately?

Giang Nguyen – Never DM First

Want. to biger than anygame, on operate game i think care about feedback users, is the key of success.So we do a loop of deverlopment: Get feedback, analytics – > update the game. About. introduced project, i think we focus on product more. If people love this game they will introduce for another. If they don’t it. mean our game have problem.

Q10 from Telegram user @Rakshhitx5

I read Spacecrypto has the world’s first anti-inflation-NFT mechanism. Your NFT value will increase overtime.So How you increase the value? Do you burn the NFTs?

Vu Phan | Space Crypto | Never DM First

It’s not actually burned, but you can fuse 2 NFT’s to create a new one (for spaceships)

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

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