Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from SkyLaunch and our guest @TomSkyLaunch and @LinKxFr. The AMA took place on the 3rd of December.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$.
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with SkyLaunch! Welcome to Satoshi Club 😀
D. | Satoshi Club: Today our guests – @TomSkyLaunch and @LinKxFr! How is it going? 😊
Justin: Hey guys! Good, happy to be here!
Tom: Hi everyone!
D. | Satoshi Club: Hello, welcome! Happy to have you here today!
Mary | Satoshi Club: Welcome here, guys! 🤗 We are happy to see you here today!
Let’s start our AMA 🚀 Could you introduce yourselves and tell us more about SkyLaunch? 🚀
Justin: Let’s go!
My name is Justin and I am the COO of SkyLaunch!
I have been in the crypto space for 5 years and have been working on several DeFi projects in the past year.
Other than that, I used to be a Sale & Marketing Manager for top IT companies such as Oracle, Runecast and Criteo.
I decided to join the crypto world on a full time basis with SkyLaunch and I am very excited to present you this project today!
Mary | Satoshi Club: You’re really experienced 👍
Tom: Im Tom, CEO of SkyLaunch. I have 20+ years of financial experience and I’m an investor in all things tech!
Mary | Satoshi Club: Wow! Good background to start such a project!
What is SkyLaunch? Why you think the crypto space needs it?
Justin: Well, let me start by saying this: SkyLaunch is the new generation of launchpad!
- For investors: We come up with amazing features so you never miss an IDO ever again, no need to be on your computer when the IDO opens. For example, you can schedule your investment + some other cool features that we will release in the future.
- For the projects: We are way more than a simple “launchpad” we go way beyond the fundraising, we support projects before, during and after! Most of our team comes from traditional finance (but don’t worry, we have crypto degen in the team as well) and we intend to support projects so they achieve their goals!
We know many launchpads are out there but they focus on one thing: to raise money. But not everything is about that. Preparing, helping and assisting projects is what really matters!
Mary | Satoshi Club: Sounds promising 👍 How long have you been working on SkyLaunch development?
D. | Satoshi Club: That’s true, raising money – is the general goal of many launchpads 😁
Tom: We have been developing the model and the team over the past 6 months, but it’s the culmination of many years of experience within the team that has brought us to the launch phase.
Mary | Satoshi Club: Tell us more about your team 😄 How big is it? Are you public or anonymous?
Justin: We are 100% public, which is a first good trust point for investors and users of our platform.
We have a great medium article about the team but just so you know, we are one of the very few projects to have our own developing team! Indeed, 90% of the projects are using developing agencies which make the product clunky and not very flexible.
Please find more info here: https://medium.com/skylaunch/the-team-behind-skylaunch-dd3fe8736d9e?source=collection_home—4——6———————–
Mary | Satoshi Club: Awesome! We will definitely read it!
Thank you for your intro! Ready to start with the questions from our community which we chose for the first part? 🚀
Justin: Of course, let’s go!
Q1 from Telegram user @ItsMelissa3:
You recently shared with the community that the SkyLaunch IDO is coming very soon! You commented that the IDO will be held in December, but you cannot announce the date yet. Approximately, how long will we be able to know the precise date of the IDO? You emphasized that the only way to be whitelisted for the SkyLaunch IDO is to hold one of the VIP Access NFTs in our wallet. How can we get those VIP Access NFTs that you mentioned? I read that the IDO VIP Access NFTs will be available in gold, silver and bronze editions. How many gold edition will there be? What must we do to get a gold edition VIP Access NFT?
Justin: That’s a good question!
Well, surprise surprise, we just launched our gleam competition! You can from now on, participate in the competition and if you are lucky enough, win an NFT.
You can win NFTs only from the gleam competition at the moment, if there are other ways, we will share it! 🙂
Link to the competition: https://gleam.io/H1eZe/skylaunch-ido-vip-access-nft-competition
D. | Satoshi Club: Will IDO be the first token sale for your project or you have already closed private funding round?
Justin: We successfully closed our seed and private round with a very nice cap table.
And since we have an amazing content writer, let me share the medium article (haha): https://medium.com/skylaunch/skylaunch-begins-with-promising-initial-capital-raise-8b92722e6e46
We closed more than 1.4m $ and we are collaborating with big names such as: Magnus Capital, Marshland, WaterDrip, GSR, 18 Ventures etc.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Nice investors 🎉🎉🎉
Tom: Our seed round was closed almost as soon as we opened it and the private was oversubscribed within a few days!
D. | Satoshi Club: Then, it would be probably tough to get whitelisted on your IDO 😄😉
Mary | Satoshi Club: When can we expect more details about upcoming IDO? 😉
Justin: Haha, let’s see! 🙂
Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you for your answers guys! Ready to proceed?😄
Justin: Sure!
Q2 from Telegram user @Lestmarisv13:
SkyLaunch’s pre-IDO incubator, along with its post-IDO alliance program will ensure projects have the support and tools they need not only for a successful launch, but to grow and prosper in the crypto space. What is the pre-IDO incubator and the post-IDO alliance program? How do they work? What advantages does the pre-IDO incubator offer, along with its post-IDO alliance program?
Justin: Well, you kind of answered yourself the question already!
The pre-IDO incubator and post IDO alliance program have been created to support the project during its whole lifetime!
As I mentioned earlier, raising funds is important, but in crypto, it’s not the most important! Having support, connections, network, access to specific services is really important and that is what we will provide in both pre-IDO and post-IDO!
Support programmes as we call them include:
- Blockchain technology and developer expertise
- Security audit specialists
- Bespoke marketing services
- Legal specialists
- Specialised mentors & advisors
- Exchange listings accompanied with marketing and PR services
- Venture capital
- Market making services
- Treasury management (in-house market neutral desk)
- Liquidity provision
- Tokenomics
- Secondary OTC swaps
Mary | Satoshi Club: I am interested in the security side, will you have audit department or will you use third party services?
Justin: We are partnering up with third party services for audit, but also global security.
That is why we partnered up with Lossless to offer the best security services to the project that we will onboard onto SkyLaunch!
Mary | Satoshi Club: You prepared well for everything! But in case something will go wrong, do you have any insurance for your clients?
Justin: We are in discussion with some insurance providers at the moment, but Lossless is also an amazing tool that freezes suspect transactions if there is ever a breach.
Mary | Satoshi Club: Gotcha 👍
Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the next question? 🚀
Justin: Let’s go for it!
Q3 from Telegram user @DK177:
I read that SkyLaunch has introduced a unique customisable auto-pilot feature. Although I am familiar with auto-pilot, I am curious to know what have you done to make it “unique” on SkyLaunch. Further, you have stated that this method will help investors not to miss a new project opportunity. Please deeply explain how does this method help investors in a unique way on SkyLaunch. It seems that you have introduced plenty of features for project managers, including pre-IDO and post-IDO supports. In addition to the auto-pilot method, what kind of mechanisms have you introduced for investors?
Justin: Deeply explained, I would have needed my CTO on this AMA haha!
But basically, the auto-pilot will indeed help investors to participate in IDOs without having to be in front of their computer.
I don’t have the exact mechanism in mind, but you will be able to load your account with stable coin and decide to which IDO you want to participate, in advance! So you don’t have to be crazy in front of your computer to assist to the IDO for example!
We have indeed other mechanisms, such as NFT Utility (access + bonus by holding an NFT on your account). DAO Governance, Money Market is also a great feature to have a loan of stable coins so you don’t have to sell any token to free up some stable coin in order to invest in an IDO.
I know I said this already several times today but, we also have an article on Medium talking about it 😂
D. | Satoshi Club: Sounds cool 👍
Mary | Satoshi Club: It’s a dream! We spent so many sleepless nights trying to buy something If it will work it will be fantastic! And I am sure it will work!
Justin: The main idea is to make the life of projects and investors easy!
Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you guys for everything you’re doing! Ready to jump to the next question? 🎉
Justin: Let’s go!
Q4 from Telegram user @Arisabela:
Governance systems are a fundamental part of project maintenance, especially when investors and the community are involved. Could you tell us how your governance council is structured? How important is this figure to keep the project afloat? Also, what benefits will the users who participate in the governance system have?
Justin: Governance is indeed important!
But you can’t go fully decentralized in one shot, because you might lose control and it could damage the project itself.
Our governance will come little by little. We value the opinion of our supporters and we will listen to them when it comes to new projects etc.
With governance, you will also have access to private rounds for example! You will be able to vote and be part of the SkyLaunch ecosystem and have your say!
So I agree, governance and DAO is important, but it needs to be secured as well!
D. | Satoshi Club: What role will your token be playing on the platform? Will it work as a governance token?
Justin: It will work as governance but also utility. You will be able to stake it for APR, but also to get some airdrops, participate in giveaways (NFT Utility for example) and obviously, stake it to participate in the IDOs of the projects that we will onboard!
D. | Satoshi Club: Nice! Lots of functions 👍
Mary | Satoshi Club: Great! We will wait for more updates on this topic from you!
Thank you for your answers! Ready for the next question?,🔥
Q5 from Telegram user @Orlemys:
IDO platforms are a type of middleman or third party within the crypto world. However, you also have self-sustainable mechanisms with your token and ecosystem of products. Regardless, I’d like to know what is the profit you get specifically from launching projects. Do they pay upfront, with your native token? Do you take a percentage from funds of the IDO itself? Or are there any monthly/yearly payments they have to make? Could you explain how it works?
Justin: So, unlike many launchpads, we do not take fees from listing on our platform!
We believe in every projects we will launch and we will invest, long term, in them, alongside our investors!
Mary | Satoshi Club: So, where do you plan to get profits from? 😄
Justin: That will be discussed with the projects and internally, but unlike others, we are not in this game for a quick flip!
Most of our team have backgrounds from traditional finance and we are fully supporting the projects we invest in!
D. | Satoshi Club: Do you have a list of requirements for the projects which want to organise an IDO and so on, on your platform?
Justin: Obviously, we have a team dedicated to research, analysis and discussions with the project team to make sure they are serious. They have their own process to do their DD 🙂
Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you for your answers! Ready for the 6th and last question from this part? 🚀
Justin: You’re very welcome! Ready.
Q6 from Telegram user @victorogb:
On your website, it states that you have established partnerships with the likes of Polygon, OKEX and Binance Smart Chain. Been that these are some of the leading names in the crypto space, may we know the specifics of this? In what are your alliances expected to be most relevant? Asides these names as displayed on your website, can you enlighten us on other partners and partnership agreements? How will you look to expand the reach and scope of your unique launchpad services? Finally, are there projects that have declared and interest in using your IDO services or is there one SkyLaunch currently works with?
Justin: We are indeed partnering with these projects, they are assisting us in developing our platform on their chain and also supporting us in the marketing/pr.
Binance Smart Chain is supporting us for visibility and we received a grant from Polygon!
We are also in close contact with BSC and Polygon to analyse new coming projects and checking if we could take them onboard onto SkyLaunch!
We also already started reviewing projects that are interested in SkyLaunch. We might communicate, but later on this point!
Mary | Satoshi Club: On which blockchains will you support the projects? Only BSC and Polygon?
Justin: We are launching first on BSC and Polygon, but we are a multi chain platform!
We will support Avalanche, xDai, Cardano and many more!
We also just got an alliance with Liberty Gaming Guild in order to onboard gaming and metaverse projects to SkyLaunch!
Mary | Satoshi Club: The future seems bright for SkyLaunch 🚀
And now we came close to the live part of our AMA, guys 😄 Are you ready for it? Let’s go 🚀
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @Karoceh:
As investors, will SkyLaunch assist us in finding quality projects? Do you apply reviews and screenings for each project that will conduct an IDO so that investors feel safe?
Justin: Of course!
We also have a council of members made from people outside of SkyLaunch (VCs, partners) that will have to vote on a project to get it approved! It will give a new layer of DD to make sure the project is legit.
Q2 from Telegram user @pantexxx1:
Can you explain what is your tokenomics distribution?
Justin: We will reveal tokenomics very soon! Stay tuned!
Q3 from Telegram user @Wish111:
So many projects just like to speak about the “long term visions and missions”, but what are your short term objectives? What are you focusing on right now?
Justin: Great question, you can see our roadmap here:

Q4 from Telegram user @Saiful143246:
What is the tokenomics of your project? How can I buy your token?
Justin: For the tokenomics, I already answered. But as stated, we are currently running a gleam competition! Visit our Telegram and Twitter for more info!
Q5 from Telegram user @Mercury654:
I am regularly keeping an eye on your Telegram channel and Twitter and I found out about the “IDO VIP access NFTs”, which will be available in gold, silver and bronze editions. May I know more about this and can you tell me the way to be whitelisted for the SkyLaunch IDO?
Justin: I just answered it so from now on you can join the Gleam Competition and maybe you will be a lucky winner!
Q6 from Telegram user @sophiejohnson1:
What are the features of SkyLaunch’s new product, Utility NFT? Is it different from the normal NFT? Can you talk about the benefits?
Justin: You have several types of NFTs.
Collectible NFT is great but Utility gives…utility to your NFT.
For example, we can create a NFT and the person holding it will have access to IDOs without holding $SKYFI tokens. That’s just an example, but that’s a great way to have a use case for NFTs.
Q7 from Telegram user @Sujon7512:
Nearly 85% of investors only focus on short term token price instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us the motivations and benefits for investors to hold your tokens in the long term?
Justin: You just answered yourself your question…”for the project and the real value” 😉
Q8 from Telegram user @tahanisg:
On your website and litepaper I could only see three partnerships. What other projects do you plan to partner with in the coming months? How much priority is the team giving to this?
Justin: Check our Medium account and social medias, we displayed all the partnerships there! We are also updating our website today to feature new partnerships!
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
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- Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners:
- Telegram: https://t.me/skylaunchchat
- Medium: https://medium.com/skylaunch
- Website: https://skylaunch.finance
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkyLaunchDeFi