Rubic x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 26th of October

Rubic x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 26th of October

Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Rubic and our guest was @CollinOBrien – representative of Rubic. The AMA took place on the 26th of October.

The total reward pool was 500$ and has been split into 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Website

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Greetings dear Satoshi Club ❤️

We are pleased to announce AMA with Rubic

Today our guest is @CollinOBrien

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Hello everyone! It’s my pleasure to be here today to discuss Rubic with your community!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club Collin!

Nice to e-meet you.

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
You as well, thank you for having me!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
How are you? Because we are really excited about upcoming AMA with you😊

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
I’m doing really well. I’ve been busy here at Rubic as we continue to build our platform and connect with as many people as possible in the industry to get the word out on how awesome Rubic is as a trading platform.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Let’s start! Introduce yourself, please. How did you get to be involved in crypto & Rubic
Tell us please about your position in Rubic

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Welcome to Satoshi Club Collin, it is a pleasure to be here with you.

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Thank you!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Of course!

My name is Collin O’Brien and I’m a Marketing Manager for Rubic.

I had my eye on crypto since 2010, but I didn’t invest in earnest until 2016. I’ve been hooked ever since the 2017 bull run.

I got involved by Rubic by becoming an investor early in 2021 and being active in their community and sending communications to the development and marketing teams. I had been very involved in the project, and they like some of my ideas and how enthusiastic I was about their project, so they offered me a position on their marketing team.

As a Marketing Manager at Rubic, I’m responsible for handling our PR by doing AMAs and interviews. I’m also responsible for hosting our weekly podcast evert Friday @ 3PM UTC. In addition to that, I help with press releases, document curation and editing, as well as marketing strategy.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great background and important position 👏

So, what is the essence of Rubic?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Wow! you are an incredible character with a good crypto background.

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Thank you! 😊

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of Rubic ?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Watch this video for a quick overview of Rubic!

Rubic is a Decentralized Multi-Chain Exchange. Rubic offers a trading platform for users to swap their digital assets while retaining control of their assets at all times and always receiving the best rates on their swaps.

We specialize in cross-chain swaps and DEX aggregation. Meaning, we offer users the ability to trade tokens across networks, in a very easy and intuitive way. Also, users who swap within a network will be presented with multiple price options for their swaps, taking into account liquidity and gas fees.

We view what we’re trying to do as something akin to what Amazon and Alibaba did for e-commerce. We’re consolidating DeFi into one easy-to-use platform to enable new users to join this new financial revolution.

Our goal is to become a household name, globally, when it comes to trading crypto.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
You have ambitious goals! Who helps you develop the project?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
When people think of trading crypto, we want them to think Rubic.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
We would like to know more about your team. Who is on the project team core?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great aim and an import fuction you offer.

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:

Rubic was founded by Vladimir Tikhomirov and Alexandra Korneva in September 2020.

They also created and worked on MyWish, another crypto project responsible for smart contract generation and token creation for networks like BSC, NEO and others.

Vladimir Tikhomirov has a PhD in Computer Science and is an extremely talented and gifted programmer.

Our team is comprised of experienced crypto developers, marketers and B2B development. We have over 20 members on our team, and we are adding new members monthly. We just hired two more team members to handle 24/7 technical and customer support.

We have a dedicated Business Development team as well. Our marketing team consists of about 6 people.

Also we have dedicated teams for Frontend and Backend programming.

I think the best part about this team, is that everyone is fully bought-in to Vladimir’s vision for Rubic and we are all working very hard to see it through to fruition.

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Absolutely, multiple blockchains working in unison is the future of the crypto industry.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Which chains do you support at the moment?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
I use MyWish btw😁

Russian-speaking team?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
We currently support the following blockchains:

Multi-Chain Ecosystem:
Binance Smart Chain

Cross-Chain / On-Chain Swaps:

Upcoming Blockchains:

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Awesome! Vladimir is creating a full comprehensive ecosystem for trading/creating tokens.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
All projects that you named are very famous 🔥🔥🔥

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Perfect, most used chains there, that is a great estrategy for liquidity and increase the adoption

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for great introduction, we have several questions which were selected for the 1st part. Ready to start?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Yes, the core members of our team are based in St. Petersburg, Russia and are native Russian speakers.

They also speak English, but it is their second language.

We also have team members based in Europe and the United States.

Yeah, let’s do it!

Q1 from Telegram User @JaviSuBs™
Knowing that Rubic is a multi-chain DeFi ecosystem, but that it makes it different from other similar DEFI projects that, with a Rubic account to offer investors, how many blockchains its platform has and what is the main objective of the platform and the strategies and functions they will use to achieve those goals? You can give us more details about these functions.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Satoshi Club is also a multi national project! Добро пожаловать ❤️❤️❤️

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
There are some other DeFi projects in this space acting as multi-chain aggregators, but from what is available right now on the market, and the projects that are in development, we separate ourselves in a number of critical ways:

1) We focus on tokens, not coins. THORchain is focusing on native network coins and not focusing on the tokens within those networks. They do offer some ability to trade tokens, but it’s mostly limited pairings with low-volume.

2) We focus on bridging ALL tokens, not just a handful of tokens for each chain. AnySwap is focusing on integrating a large number of networks but stops short of providing true multi-chain functionality due to the limited number of token pairings they have for multi-chain swaps. Most of their volume comes from on-chain DEX aggregation.

3) Our goal is to provide the ability for users to swap any token on any network, directly for any other token on any other network. By utilizing our own custom Multi-Chain Routing Protocol, we are able to move value across blockchain networks fast, cheap, and efficiently. We don’t deal in wrapped assets per se, we are providing customers with the real tokens they want on the blockchain networks they want them on.

We will continue implementing and integrating all major blockchain networks and all major AMMs to provide customers with the most robust trading platform in the industry. Doing so will result in our customers always receiving the best value and rates on all their trades.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
It is truly innovative and promising.👏👏👏

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Excellent products, items that are trending topic at the moment

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
That’s what I thought when I first learned about Rubic! They are aiming to be the industry leader in multi-chain trading, and they have the development team to make it happen!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
For long-term holders of your token, what will be the main benefits?

I mean, give us reasons to HODL 😁

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Unlike a lot of tokens in crypto, Rubic’s token RBC has critical utility and is paramount in the function of the platform itself.

RBC acts as a vessel for transporting value from one network to another.

We use RBC in our own custom smart contracts to move value across networks.

Token A -> RBC -> Lock RBC -> 0.3% fee in RBC -> Unlock Wrapped RBC -> Token B

That is the process for a multi-chain swap through Rubic.

For users who are interested in earning passive income, the RBC token will be able to be staked natively in our Multi-Chain Liquidity Pools in Q4 2021. We’re currently awaiting finalization of 3rd party audits to ensure everything is safe and secure.

When users stake their RBC in our liquidity pools, they will receive a proportional allocation of some of the fees. Rubic keeps 0.05%, while stakers receive 0.25%.

Again, this is paid out proportionally to all stakers. The more multi-chain swap volume flowing through Rubic’s platform, the more passive income RBC holders will make.

The upcoming multi-chain trading market is going to be over $1 Billion per day in volume in 2022, and we hope to capture a significant portion of that daily trade volume, i.e. a lot of passive income for RBC token holders.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Great reasons to HODL😁

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your great answers

Ready to proceed to the next question?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
An all in one project, congratulations to your team

Q2 from Telegram User @Cheriemike
One of Rubic features is DEX / Liquidity aggregators, my question is will using your aggregator provides a deeper pool of liquidity for traders who want to trade a large number of tokens? Will users receive a better execution price using your DEX/Liquidity Aggregator? You also provide a list of ready-to-use solutions for token creation (on any popular blockchain), token sale contracts, airdrop tools, and many others. So can you state the solutions you will provide for all the features mentioned above? Thanks.

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Absolutely. Plus, we believe that our project is EXTREMELY undervalued compared to some of our competitors in the same space.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Completely agree

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Means more marketing is needed! and you in this matter great specialist 😁

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Yes, by aggregating a number of AMMs on each blockchain, we are able to source a large amount of liquidity for over 9,500 tokens. We will continually add more AMMs to each blockchain over time to ensure we are capturing as much of the potential market as possible. Users of Rubic will ALWAYS receive the best execution price using our platform. We parse the AMMs we have on each chain to identify who has the best rates on their liquidity, while also taking into account the current cost of gas fees, so our customers are always receiving the best value on all their trades.

The solutions for token creations, token sale contracts, airdrop tools and others are part of the MyWish project that works in unison with Rubic. We may add those natively to the Rubic UI in the future, but for now we are focused on integrating as many blockchain networks and AMMs as we possibly can to build an extremely robust multi-chain ecosystem for decentralized trading.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great explanation. Would you like to add something else before the next question? 😃

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:

We will continue to expand our platform with as many liquidity options as possible to provide our customers with the widest range of liquidity options and token pairings across multiple blockchain networks. We already have a robust ecosystem of over 9,500 tokens that are able to be swapped directly for each other across multiple blockchains, and as the industry develops more and more, that token count will breach 10,000, then 15,000, then 20,000 and beyond.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Who owns a large number of blockchain networks and AMM is the winner in the crypto space.

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Agreed. At least in the context of multi-chain trading.

We are trying to position ourselves and the preeminent name in multi-chain trading.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Well, I think we are ready to proceed. Thanks for the clear answer

Q3 from Telegram User @Pavel_Jarosh
I have passed through your whitepaper and I have not found any description of fee amounts applied. The only mention is that fees are low. Please provide more information on that. How exactly the fees system works? Where do the collected fees go? Is there a part of them expected to be invested in project development? Thank you!

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Great question!

A quick note regarding our White Paper – we are currently updating our White Paper to reflect the current development and roadmap of the Rubic project. We will release our new White Paper as soon as we deploy our decentralized liquidity pools for native token staking (launching Q4 2021).

Regarding fees, Rubic does not charge any fees for on-chain swaps. So if you are swapping tokens only on a single blockchain network, Rubic will never charge you any fees for your transactions. We aggregate numerous AMMs to provide customers with options on their swaps. Whichever AMM their trade goes through, they will be pay the associated fees with that AMM.

The only time Rubic charges a fee is when processing a Multi-Chain Swap.

The fee Rubic charges is an industry-standard 0.3%. This is taken behind the scenes during the multi-chain swap process and is collected in RBC.

To conduct a multi-chain swap though, a user will technically still be sourcing liquidity from an AMM on the source network, as well as an AMM on the target network.

Rubic calculates all fees and preemptively charges customers in the source network’s native coin. So if you’re starting on Ethereum, all fees will be in ETH. If you’re starting on Binance Smart Chain, all fees will be in BNB.

The 0.3% fees are collected and accrued into our custom Multi-Chain Liquidity Pools, where they will be stored until they are distributed to our token stakers on a proportional basis. Users who stake tokens are receiving their share of 0.25%, while Rubic retains 0.05% for operational costs and development.

With daily trading volume of all multi-chain swaps expected to breach $5 Billion by the end of 2022, we believe the ability to generate revenue from this model is massive.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Detailed answer, that’s perfect, I don’t have any additional question, I think the answer is very clear, so let’s proceed😃

Q4 from Telegram User @Rotoxy
Rubic token, $RBC has a total supply of 124,000,000 and it exists on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. Are there separate token supply for each chain or is the total supply split across the different blockchains where you operate? Why do you prefer to maintain thesame token price across the various chain where $RBC exist rather than allowing the transaction activities of each blockchain to determine the price of $RBC? In addition, I found out that 8% of your total token supply is allocated to be distributed to MyWish token holder. What is the relationship between your project and MyWish and why do they deserve this special allocation?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
There is no separate token supply based on blockchain network. There are only 124,000,000 RBC between ALL blockchain networks.

We create wrapped versions of RBC on new blockchain networks added into our Multi-Chain ecosystem, but this liquidity is sourced from the originally created ERC-20 version of RBC.

Example: If we wanted to add 1,000,000 RBC tokens to the Fantom network, we would lock 1,000,000 RBC in a smart contract on the ETH network, and create and unlock 1,000,000 RBC on the Fantom network. This method, in essence, keeps RBC at 124,000,000 in perpetuity.

As for maintaining the token price across different blockchain networks, we currently do not have a mechanism for doing so. We let arbitrage work naturally to even our token’s price across networks.

Say for example RBC on Ethereum is valued at $1, but RBC on Polygon is valued at $0.50, then arbitrage would work itself out naturally. If there was an even supply of RBC on both networks, then RBC would eventually find equilibrium close to $0.75.

Still, this extreme example still does not affect our ability to process a Multi-Chain Swap. If a user was trading $1,000 worth of a token on Ethereum for a token on Polygon, then on the Ethereum side, we would lock $1,000 worth of RBC on Ethereum (1,000 RBC tokens), and then unlock $1,000 worth of RBC on Polygon (2,000 RBC tokens), to facilitate the Multi-Chain Swap.

So the customer is still receiving the best value, but our pools would just need a little extra attention to balance them accordingly. It has no impact on user experience whatsoever, nor does it affect the passive income being generated by Multi-Chain Swaps.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Are you planing any deflationary event like burning tokens?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
It is a concept that is being considered by our development team. They are weighing the pro’s and con’s of burning tokens collected as fees.

Also, our RBC token acts as a Governance token, so it is always possible that we will put it to a Governance vote in the future to see if our community would like us to burn RBC tokens.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great concept, community is the pillar of each project 👏

Now let’s talk about an important feature, my favorite personal, the Staking 😁

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Let’s go.

Q5 from Telegram User @yellowchamp
Before the end of 2021,you plan to integrate Staking in your platform and in the first quarter of 2022,you plan to also integrate Yield Farming and/or Lending Product. So,can you give us some overview about those additional features that you will include in your platform soon? What will be the maximum APY that Staking and Yield Farming of Rubics will be offering to market? How it will bring a better compensation to stakers and farmers? Lastly,how would your lending features be implemented in your platform and what interest you will offer to the market? Thank you

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
A good question, but a bit difficult to answer I’m afraid.

Our integration of Yield Farming and/or Lending Products is still in the very early stages of implementation and integration. At this time, I do not have any significant information I can divulge, as our development team is still determining how they are going to implement and integrate these features. We will hopefully have more information for our community as we near the end of 2021.

As for our staking, we are going to provide our token holders with the option to stake their RBC in our custom Multi-Chain Liquidity Pools on multiple blockchain networks.

All Multi-Chain swaps incur a 0.3% fee. This fee is split so that 0.05% goes to Rubic for operational and development costs, and 0.25% goes to ALL liquidity providers, which is split proportionally based on the amount of tokens being staked. So if you provide 1% of all the RBC liquidity in our pools, then you’ll receive 0.0025% of ALL the trade volume of Multi-Chain Swaps.

Again, the current daily trade volume on Uniswap alone is over $1 Billion. By the end of 2022, we’re looking at upwards of potentially $5 Billion in daily multi-chain swap volume.

If Rubic is able to capture even only 20% of that multi-chain swap market share, then Rubic would be collecting 0.3% fees on over $1 Billion per day, which equates to $3 Million per day. $2.5 Million going proportionally to stakers. Add this up over a year, and it equates to over $900 Million in fees collected to be paid out to token stakers every year.

Keep in mind, these are utilizing estimates for 2022 only, and we expect the volume of multi-chain swaps to far surpass this daily trade volume as we progress through the decade towards 2030.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your detailed answers! Ready to proceed to the next question?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Don’t worry we understand and thank you so much for the details you provided about it

Q6 from Telegram User @Jamesxmen
Users can make money through Rubic project by serving as brokers according to your whitepaper. What is the role of a broker within your project & How will brokers get their commissions? Should users invest money to be a broker of Rubic Project? Please explain the core details of Rubic project brokers?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
Due to our White Paper being a bit outdated, the nomenclature is a bit off.

Brokers are essentially going to be the stakers who are providing liquidity for our Multi-Chain Routing Protocol ecosystem by depositing their RBC into our Multi-Chain Liquidity Pools.

Stakers (i.e. Brokers), will be rewarded for their efforts by being paid in fee-collected RBC. Anyone who holds RBC, as soon as we have our decentralized Multi-Chain Liquidity Pools up and running, should stake their RBC into these pools to receive passive income generated by multi-chain trade volume through the Rubic platform.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Oh gotcha. So, where can we buy $RBC? I think a lot of Satoshiclubbers will be interested on it after this AMA

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
The best place to buy RBC is at!

🛒 How and where to buy 🟩 $RBC token👇🏽

Ethereum Network:

BSC Network:

Polygon Network:

🔗 ERC20 Contract Address: 0xA4EED63db85311E22dF4473f87CcfC3DaDCFA3E3

(🔗 BSC Contract Address: 0x8E3BCC334657560253B83f08331d85267316e08a

(🔗 Polygon Contract Address:
0xc3cffdaf8f3fdf07da6d5e3a89b8723d5e385ff8 (

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
@CollinOBrien thank you so much for your clear and detailed answers, we had an incredible time learning about Rubic project in this first part of the AMA. Now, we are ready to interact with our community, we will open the chat to let them post their questions, you should answer 10 of them. Are you prepared? 🥳😁

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @Romanprisa
I want to know that To get Started with the RUBIC, What Various wallets I need to Install, and Which Wallets Does RUBIC Supports Currently ?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
1) To get started on Rubic, head to There is no KYC or territory restrictions when using the Rubic platform. Rubic currently supports MetaMask wallet, Coinbase wallet, and the Wallet Connect ecosystem which include wallets like Trust Wallet.

We will continue to expand our wallet support as we continue building Rubic into the most comprehensive and robust trading platform in the industry.

Q2 from Telegram user @highpee
According to your roadmap, you plan to launch a MOBILE APP for your platform this quarter as well as an external API integration feature. How far have you gone with this plan and when is this app going to be released? What will be the characteristics of your mobile app and what will users be able to do on it?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
2) Our Mobile App is going to be released in 2022. The mobile app will give our users all the same great benefits of using the Rubic platform in a simplified UI format for mobile devices. It should also help with less tech-savvy individuals being able to trade tokens across numerous blockchain networks, all from the comfort of their phones.

As for our external API, we have created it to track trade volume for our platform. Places like CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko should be able to accurately display our trade volume as a result.

Q3 from Telegram user @Rinkus987
You Recently Announced the RUBIC × GATE.IO TRADING COMPETITION, in which $26000 is Up for grabs, I also want to Participate in this Trading Competition, Can you please provide me with More details Regarding this, How can I participate ?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
3) Yes, you can read this Medium article written by our team:

You will be able to find all the specific details pertaining to this trade competition in that Medium article.

Q4 from Telegram user @captainprice111
Can you tell us about the Rubic Relay Widget? What does the Rubic Relay Widget offer us, unlike the problems with other wallets? Will we be able to access the Rubic Relay Widget easily from the phone, how do you ensure the security of our funds?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
4) Our Rubic Relay Widget enables other websites to integrate the full trading features of the Rubic platform right onto their website.

Our development team is currently working on our own SDK for our Rubic Relay Widget, to forego using the iFrame widget structure which some projects have expressed security concerns with. To date, we have never had a single issue with our Rubic Relay Widget.

When our team finished the SDK for it, other websites will be able to natively integrate our Rubic Relay Widget to enable hassle-free trading from any website. Users simply connect their wallet like they would on, and they’ll be offered the full functionality and multi-chain swap features that they would find on

This feature is amazing, because it will enable users to trade through Rubic beyond our platform’s website and open up trading to many new users who would potentially never have used Rubic. It’s also incredibly convenient for other projects to provide their users with a quick and easy way to purchase their project’s token without having to leave their website.

Q5 from Telegram user @Korryl
I see that Rubic token $RBC work under ETH chain which have problem High Gas FEE and scalability, so how Rubic’s Team handle this ETH problem ? do you have plan to reach other chains like Solana, or other?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
5) Yes, we are going to be integrating the Solana blockchain later this year in Q4 2021.

One of the reasons we are building a robust multi-chain ecosystem is due to the network limitations of Ethereum. Many competing networks exist due to the limitations of Ethereum and we want to be able to accommodate these new networks and new users by providing them with a way to trade their assets as easily as possible, all while maintaining control of their assets in their own wallets.

Our goal is to eventually incorporate every blockchain network and every AMM into the Rubic platform.

Q6 from Telegram user @Mora110
I read that in medium article. Complete your swap to Avalanche through Rubik’s Multi-Chain Routing and get a gas refund on your swap. Rubik project is starting a new Gas Refund Campaign! Starting from October 19th to November 2nd, our users will be able to complete swaps using their favorite tokens on the Avalanche network using Rubic Multi-Chain Routing, and get GAS refunded! What are the conditions for entering this event? What tokens are available for purchase?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
6) Yes, the details for the Gas Refund Campaign can be found in one of our Medium articles here:

As a part of the integration of our project to the Avalanche ecosystem, we will provide a full gas reimbursement for users who buy tokens of the Avalanche members of our Rubic ecosystem, using Rubic’s Multi-Chain Routing feature.

Purchase the tokens of our partners with any token using Multi-Chain Routing on

List of our partners tokens:


This event will be available for users who have completed transactions valued at more than, or equal to, $200 RBC in a single transaction.

Start Date: Tuesday, October 19th, 2021
End Date: Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

The refund will be completed with a claim contract and gas will be reimbursed in the form of $BRBC.

Q7 from Telegram user @Candy6092
Can you share some Details about Recent Major Achievements done by your project? Also, what are the Future Roadmap & Targets of your project?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:

Q1 – Q2 2021
Mobile Support
Binance Smart Chain Added
Polygon Added
TRON Added
xDai Added
Harmony Added [On-Chain]
Support for Uniswap v2 & v3, SushiSwap, 1inch, PancakeSwap and QuickSwap

Q3 2021
Multi-Chain Routing Launch
UI Overhaul and Update
0x Protocol Added

Q4 2021
Moonriver Added [Multi-Chain]
Fantom Added [Multi-Chain]
Harmony Added [Multi-Chain]
Solana Added [Multi-Chain]
RBC Staking
SDK for Rubic Relay Widget

Q1 – Q2 2022
BTC Bridge Integration
3 to 6 New Blockchain Additions: Cardano, Arbitrum, KCC, HECO, PulseChain, etc.
Mobile App
Yield Farming and/or Lending Product Integrations
Oracles For Multi-Chain Swaps

Q8 from Telegram user @XiaoMey00
What are the security measures taken by your platform to protect investors? Is your audit completed your project free from weaknesses and bugs?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
8) Our last 3rd party audit was in Q1 2021. We are in the process of having our platform audited again by very reputable and popular independent 3rd party agencies. Once we finish this next audit, we will release our decentralized liquidity pools to enable our users to natively stake RBC and receive passive income from doing so.

We routinely conduct internal audits on our platform to ensure we have no bugs or vulnerabilities.

Our founder is responsible for the creation of the project MyWish, which specializes in smart contract creation. They have deployed 20,000+ smart contracts have are responsible for over 40% of the smart contracts on the Binance Smart Chain, NEO and Waves networks. They are some of the most experience smart contract coders in the entire world, and you will see that reflected in the integrity and security of our smart contracts on the Rubic platform.

We will be open and transparent regarding the conclusions of our audits so that our users can feel safe and secure using out platform.

Q9 from Telegram user @Shershah412
Some of the Competitors of RUBIC are UNISWAP, 1INCH, SUSHISWAP, etc, Can you tell Me What features of Rubic Makes it Different and Unique from these Competitors?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
9) We do not view Uniswap, 1inch or SushiSwap as competitors of Rubic. They are acting as AMMs, and we are aggregating their liquidity to bring our users the best value for all of their swaps.

Our closest competitors are THORchain and AnySwap. Both projects aim to enable cross-chain trades, but with different core functions and goals.

We believe the Rubic platform is the only platform in the world that can make the claim of “Multi-Chain Trading”, as we offer the ability to seamlessly swap over 9,500 tokens, across multiple networks. This will only continue to expand as we continually add new blockchain networks and AMMs to our platform. We have the most robust decentralized trading platform in the entire crypto industry, and we intend to stay that way for many years into the future.

Q10 from Telegram user @mrbanana03
Many projects only focus on the price of their tokens in the market but not on the utility of the tokens, and can your tokens deliver real value in the world?

Collin (will never DM first) O’Brien:
10) Yes, our token, unlike 99% of tokens in the crypto industry, serves a critical function in our platform. Users of Rubic do not need to own or hold RBC, but for our Multi-Chain Routing Protocol to function, we require RBC to be allocated into liquidity pools to facilitate the transfer of value between blockchain networks. This core function of the RBC token lends inherent value to the token, as it will serve as a mechanism for transferring value across networks. The most our platform is used to conduct Multi-Chain Swaps, the more value the RBC will gain, as it is also used to award stakers of the RBC token for their liquidity provisions.

Beyond all of that, RBC also acts as a Governance token to lend a voice to those who own RBC and give their input into development and the restructuring of things like fees. Earlier this year we held a vote to see which blockchain our community would like to see us integrate, and our community voted for Fantom. This kind of participation by our token holders is highly valued by the Rubic team and we look forward to many more Governance votes in the future.

As it stands, RBC is a utility token that is critical in the function of the Rubic project’s main feature: Multi-Chain Trading.

We feel the RBC token is extremely undervalued as such, and we look forward to the market realizing the potential from RBC and the price reflecting that accordingly.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part, we tested your knowledge in terms of Rubic. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for the quiz was 300$.
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