Precious gems are profoundly buried in the earth and can only be extracted at the expense of great labor. SatoshiClub does this work for you. And today we would like to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from RMPL. The AMA took place on August 19 and our guest was Carmela Donovan, Head of BD at RMPL.
The total reward pool was 2000$ and has been splitted in 3 parts.
In this AMA Recap we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community
Serg | Satoshi Club: Hello! Our guests today are from @RMPLTG . Welcome to Satoshi Club!
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: @Slammyz welcome to Satoshi Club 😊Thank you for joining us
How are you? How is your day?
Carmela: Thanks Irina and Serg! Happy to be on with Satoshi Club today! We are huge fans of your community. We are doing great, just getting started with the day for me here in the US. What about you all?
Serg | Satoshi Club: We are glad to have you here 🙂 thank you for your kind words 😊We are great as well 🙂 Please introduce yourself and the project.
Carmela: I’m Carmela Donovan, Head of BD at RMPL.
I am an entrepreneur with 8 years of expertise in founding and running FinTech, AdTech, and Artificial Intelligence startups, bringing this experience now to RMPL.
$RMPL is a decentralized (ERC20) cryptocurrency with an elastic supply model. $RMPL reaches a supply-price equilibrium with its randomized rebasing. As a result, the volatility is in the token supply, not the price. A holder’s ownership of the network always remains the same, as wallet balances are globally altered in proportion to changes in demand.
$RMPL is designed to eventually reach a stable price of $1 (+CPI inflation). For that to happen the marketcap needs to be way higher than it is now. To get closer to $1, rebasing is introduced. This means, when the price is above $1.05 and a rebase happens, the total supply is increased. Every holder has now more $RMPL which, theoretically, should increase the selling pressure and drive the price closer to $1. The higher the price is, the higher is the rebase percentage. If the price is below $0.95 the supply is decreased and buying pressure should drive the price up closer to $1 again.
Serg | Satoshi Club: Interesting concept 🙂 we will discuss more about this in the next questions 🙂
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: That’s interesting 🙂 are there any other projects that have an elastic supply model? @slammyz all good?
Carmela: Indeed, recently we have seen a lot of innovative work in elastic supply tokens.
We give a lot of credit to one of our competitors, Ampleforth for paving the way for the elastic supply market.
One of our inspirations for RMPL actually came from witnessing how badly investors were impacted by the flaws in AMPL.
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: nice. Thanks for explaining. In part 1 we have questions from the community. Whenever you’re ready, we’ll start with Q1 😊
Carmela: Fire away 🙂
Q1 from bitcointalk user pedronino
I didn’t quite understand your random and unpredictable mechanism. What are its strong points and how does it help your project?
Carmela: As is said the main problem with existing elastic solutions, is the manipulation around the rebase time. You can clearly see that the price fluctuates heavily around the rebase everyday because everyone, and worst of all bots know exactly when the next rebase is.
With randomization we can solve this problem as it is unpredictable.
In our current solution we are working with a script in the back end. This script is running constantly and triggers the rebase function when an “if” statement is true depending on random number generators based on probability distributions. This is completely automated and random. Nobody can predict the timing of the rebase or take advantage of it.
We know that this is not a truly trustless solution and that’s why we are developing another contract called “rebaser.sol”.
We are moving and evolving into a fully on chain random version in the coming weeks, we’re working with a highly respected mathematician to evolve what we have started to become better and more trusted. You can find a full documentation about the contract on our github:
One of our key values at RMPL is creating a safe environment for investors, that is free from market manipulation.
Serg | Satoshi Club: I have a question: why would you want to keep the price stable with such a complex algorithm? Why not just create a stable coin?
Carmela: One of the issues with existing stable coins that we address is through CPI adjustment for inflation, as well as the ability to organically drive stability by an ever-increasing marketcap. The way we can continue upward momentum in the marketcap is by the rebasing factor, and by incentivizing investors to hold through the ecosystem that we are building around RMPL.
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: You also need much less liquidity with this model, right?
Carmela: Correct, the elastic model corrects for price deviations naturally, without the need for arbitrage, and protected against inflation.
Serg | Satoshi Club: Thank you for explaining this Carmela. It is clear for me now 🙂
Q2 from bitcointalk user jpsarma
I read RMPL Github that says that it will rebase RMPL to a price target of $1.00 USD with a CPI adjustment. But the current price is $0.34. Can you explain how the CPI adjustment works that will bring the price to the target and how does it differ from Ampleforth?
Carmela: A randomized, curved lag factor is used to calculate supply increases and decreases when a rebase happens. The curve allows supply to increase at a faster rate when the total market cap is low. The lag factor depends on the total supply. the higher the supply is, the higher is the possible lag factor. Minimum is 6 and maximum is 14. For those of you that are interested in the details, here is an example of our calculation for a rebase.
(current price – base target price) * wallet balance / (base target price * lag factor)
At a price of $1.30, lag factor 10.00, the updated wallet balance would be adjusted by: (1.30 – 1) * 100 / (1 * 10) = 3
The new wallet balance would be 103 $RMPL.
At a price of $0.76, lag factor 8.00, the updated wallet balance would be adjusted by:
(0.76 – 1) * 100 / (1 * 8) = -3
The new wallet balance would be: 97 RMPL.
In this way, we can converge to the target price through elastic supply adjustments.
Serg | Satoshi Club: I feel like in the math class 😁
Carmela: Haha yes, the magic behind the scenes is what makes the world go around. I personally have a background in mathematics, so I quite enjoy getting into the weeds sometimes :sweat_smile:
Serg | Satoshi Club: Wow, that is great. To be honest, it wasn’t the class I liked the most in school 😁
Carmela: For me too, the appreciation came later when I could put it to good use, building great tools like RMPL!
Q3 from Telegram user @ion_cristescu
Please explain how is the rebase function happening and what are the benefits? Where should I hold the funds?
Carmela: The rebase function is applied on-chain, one of the benefits is that investors own a percentage of the network, so as our marketcap grows, even if the price stays at the target price, the value of their ownership grows with the marketcap of the coin.
For holding the funds, its as simple as holding them in any ERC wallet. All adjustments are made automatic!
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: What benefits does owning the network bring?
Carmela: One of the biggest advantages is for long term holders. The longer you hold the higher your rebase rewards get as your holdings gain compounding interest.
Additionally, we have some major developments coming up that will allow holders to leverage their tokens in our ecosystem.
Q4 from Telegram user @iulya_i
Why is the team anonymous? Don’t you think that in order to gain the trust of the community/investors everything should be public?
Carmela: We are upfront about our experience and involvement. Our CEO Blue is a well known member of the crypto community for quite some time, as well as a large part of our development team.
We could build fake LinkedIn profiles if that would change how much you trust the team, but we think it’s better to be up front and honest and say we would prefer to be anon. Each of us has our own reason, political, geographic, or personal.
That being said, (spoilers) we have some major partnerships coming up sooner than you might think, that require our team to officially KYC with some major entities. More on that in the next 48 hours
Serg | Satoshi Club: wow, I’m excited to see your news 🙂 could you give us some more hints? 🙂
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: We have a tradition, One secret/ AMA
Carmela: Well, our trusted leader dropped a “big K market” hint the other day…
I’m legally bound to not say more :innocent:.
Both parties will release an official announcement within 48 hours 😀 Needless to say, we have never been so excited at whats coming in the next two weeks. We are excited to take our vision of RMPL to the next level through these key partnerships.
Q5 from Telegram user @raztrader
What are the use cases for RMPL Tokens? How will the use cases benefit the value of RMPL token?
Carmela: This is a long one, one minute please!
Serg | Satoshi Club: take your time 🙂 btw, I am following the price. Since the beginning of the AMA it grew 30% 🙂
Irina K. | @satoshi_club: It’s “the satoshi club effect”
Serg | Satoshi Club: SCE, Satoshi Club effect
Carmela: RMPL has intrinsic value as an elastic supply token that can enable DeFi applications in an environment that is free from bot manipulation. We feel that this is something that is current unique to RMPL.
Our first application we are testing currently is for the RMPL Cradle (liquidity staking) which is coming later this month. We are also going to implement some sort of ranking system as a nice little incentive for stakers.
Far more important is that we are actively working on bringing more real world use cases to RMPL. We know that in order to really thrive we have to build an ecosystem around RMPL to drive adoption – and that’s our main long term goal.
For future plans, one of our co-founders is the CTO of a large point of sale software development company, where we are looking to develop a wallet to take payments in any currency and convert to RMPL on the fly for storage for when they are ready to do their end of month reconciliation – where it’s stable, and not unstable like Bitcoin or Eth.
We also see the recent hype about yield farming (yam..).
We have also noticed some instability in a lot of these farming tokens, and have already taken initial steps toward bringing some of these options to RMPL, where investors can grow their crops comfortably!
We are also taking the opinion of our community into account.
There has been massive demand, as soon as we launched for betting on the timing of the rebase. These organically motivated applications that come from the community are often the best kind of growth and development. We are looking to serve our communities needs first and foremost.
Q6 from Telegram user @boynerGroup
Could you please elaborate a bit on the lag factor, how it is determined and what role it plays in the rebase calculations now and moving forward?
Carmela: Yes, the lag factor is one of our features that allows for both accelerated growth, while simultaneously stabilizing the coins price at higher market caps.
The lag factor is semi-random across a curve, and is applied as a multiplier on the rebase supply delta. The lag factor depends on the current total supply, and the curve allows supply to increase at a faster rate when the total market cap is low by having a multiplier as high as 14.
As we approach higher market share, the expected multiplier is closer to 6, which means that the total supply adjustment will be less dramatic, improving stability.
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @Nickkiii
Is RMPL secured against smart contract vulnerabilities? Have you carried out multiple audits with third parties?
Carmela: Great question, RMPL has contracted two well known auditors in the space, that have gained trust through their great work on major projects.
The audit work has begun already, and we will publish the full report as soon as its available (next week). We believe this is critical in continuing to build trust with the community, particularly after witnessing some investors being significantly impacted by other contract vulnerabilities (looking at you, YAMS)
Q2 from Telegram user @putu45
How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not spoken well? Do you have local communities for the them to let them better understand about your project?
Carmela: We believe that too many times, communities are left behind because teams neglect their audience.
We currently have telegram communities setup for these following communities and are adding more every week!
🇦🇪 @RMPL_Arabia
🇳🇱 @RMPL_Dutch
🇮🇳 @RMPL_India
🇮🇩 @RMPL_Indonesia
🇹🇷 @RMPL_Turkey
Q3 from Telegram user @melanintrish
When would Staking on the RMPL Cradle begin? and will stakers be able too see the statistics and return rates available?
Carmela: Right now we are focused on finishing the RMPL Cradle (liquidity staking).
We actually have finished the development and are in testing phases.
We are going to implement a ranking system as a nice little incentive for stakers to monitor both their own statistics as well as a leaderboard where you can compare yourself to others.
We will have some teasers of the UI dashboard coming very soon and full deployment will be online by the end of the month 🙂
Q4 from Telegram user @Trust_Yourself22
, RMPL is Listed only on Uniswap .
Do you have plans to list on
Bigger CEX Like Kucoin , Binance like AmpleForth ?
Carmela: Uniswap has served the community well as a way to bootstrap successful launches. However, many investors are not comfortable with operating on decentralized exchanges, and we know that to bring in the full audience we need to bring in big partners.
We are excited to say, that we will have a joint announcement of these partnerships in the next 48 hours! :heart_eyes:
Q5 from Telegram user @RoZerius
I can’t find $RMPL token on CoinGecko. In case if someone want to buy $RMPL, but can’t find the market, what markets did $RMPL listed on (except Uniswap)?
Carmela: We are now listed on coingecko 🍾
Q6 from Telegram user @tazmansix
Looking at the existing tokenomics, the second most people holding tokens are the team (22%). Is there a token lockout for the team? If so, how long will the lockout take?
Carmela: Team tokens are locked on a 2% weekly vesting period over the course of 1 year. To date, the team hasn’t sold a single token… and does not plan to anytime soon.
RMPL is our baby, and our long-term investment.
Q7 from Telegram user @philicrohit
What are the Unique features of the #RMPL? how does this platform protect User/Investor from market manipulation?
Carmela: The most unique differentiator which inspired RMPL is the random rebasing mechanism. Because of this unpredictable element we can help protect crypto investors and prevent manipulation by bots and whales by having the rebase happen at anytime.
Q8 from Telegram user @dtKross
How do you plan to explain such technical topics to a wider audience?
Carmela: Great question Kambe, you have inspired me to write a series of medium articles that do a deep explanation of the technical mechanisms, and why they are so important. I’ll follow up regarding this in the near future. You can also check out this featured video by our good friends over at BitBoy Crypto .
Q9 from Telegram user @melanintrish
Where can I buy $RPML? Is it listed on any exchange yet?
Carmela: currently listed on , keep your eyes open at our announcement channel for more updates on exchange partnerships :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Q10 from Telegram user @Idee01
How different is RMPL from the widely known AMPL? AMPL make use of geyser faucet, what does RMPL make use of?
Carmela: Thanks Para Bellum, community members like you are what makes RMPL’s community the best. You are why we wake up every morning, and get to work on developments. I appreciate you.
Geyser was tremendously important for Ampleforth, see attached image. Geyser was the launching off point that we all knew and loved.
RMPL Cradle, is our launching off point, our Geyser. It is currently in testing phase and will be fully deployed by the end of the month, and it is so exciting to be here with you all, in these first days before we make OUR push to the top of the crypto charts.
Serg | Satoshi Club: that was it. thank you very much @slammyz
For your time and answers 🙂Do you want to address the community with a message before we open the chat?
Carmela: Thank you Serg and Irina, your community and hosting is truly remarkable!
We loved being here today, for anyone in the community who wants to stay up to date with RMPL, stay tuned on our telegram channel for some big announcements coming in the next 48 hours!
Part 3 – Quiz Results
In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of RMPL. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 1200$.
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