Quidd x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 1st of November

Quidd x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 1st of November

Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Quidd and our guest was @mbramlage – representative of Quidd. The AMA took place on the 1st of November.

The total reward pool was 500$ and has been split into 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Website

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
Hello everyone and welcome to the third AMA session of the day! Our guest is @mbramlage, Co-Founder and CEO of Quidd. Welcome!

Michael Bramlage:

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
How are you today Michael.

Nice to e-meet you.

Michael Bramlage:
Fine, thank you. Nice to meet you as well!

And glad to be here.

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
The pleasure is ours 😊

So, as an introduction, can you please tell us a few words about yourself?

Also, explain what Quidd is.

Michael Bramlage:
You bet…

I’m Michael Bramlage: CEO and Co-Founder, of Quidd Inc. I’ve been working on Quidd for 5 years already. Before Quidd, I have spent 3 years in The Topps Company which is best known as a leading producer of sports and pop culture trading cards and collectibles. I’ve also spent a total of 7 years in Nokia and Microsoft as Head of Product and Lead Product Manager respectively.

And now I’ll introduce Quidd…

Quidd is the world’s first – yes first – marketplace for digital collectibles…

On Quidd, collectors can buy, hold, and sell their digital collectibles – off-chain – or they can choose to mint their digital collectibles on-chain, to their blockchain of choice…

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Amazing background, it is an honor to have experienced crypto personalities like you with us😃

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
Great background Michael! 👏

Michael Bramlage:
Since we’ve been in operation since 2016 (!), prior to CryptoKitties and NFTs (!), we have over 7,000,000 registered digital collectors buying and selling over 325 of the world’s best brands, including Disney, Marvel, Rick And Morty, Game Of Thrones, and the NBA.

It’s an honor to be here with your community!

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
Thank you for such an incredible introduction

Ready to jump into community questions? 😉

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
So, is it like a marketplace? How did you remain the high liquidity?

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
You can answer Andrés’ question and then we will move into Part 1 of the AMA 🙂

Michael Bramlage:
Great question…

It is a marketplace and you can download and use the app on iOS and Android — just visit your App Store or Google Play Store, and look for Quidd. You can also use Quidd on the web (our website is in beta and only about 20% of the full functionality of the native mobile apps), at https://market.onquidd.com

Basically, on Quidd, you can create an account, get a wallet and a collection, deposit funds into your wallet to buy new packs of new digital collectibles content; of the collectibles you receive, you can either hold them and use them to “complete sets” in your collection, or you can sell them to other collectors….

Much of this happens off-chain today (in order to keep technical hurdles and costs low), but in the near future, you’ll be able to take your most valuable digital collectibles and MINT THEM to your blockchain of choice….

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Excellent, thanks for the description of the project.

Michael Bramlage:
In this regard, collecting on Quidd reflects how physical trading card collecting works, whether it is basketball cards or Pokemon cards. You have fun opening packs, but only about 5% of what you own is super-valuable; it is that 5% you want to authenticate, grade, insure, and vault (for safe-keeping) …. to us, that’s where NFTs and the blockchain comes in because, really, it’s the perfect application of blockchain technology — e.g., “own a very valuable digital collectible? Move it on-chain to protect it and own it forever!”


Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
@AndresM77 shoot the first question from the community 😉

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Sure, we are excited to know more about the project😁

Q1 from Telegram User @yellowchamp
I found out that with Quidd that there are over 100 brands to collect on Quidd, including:
Disney, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Game of Thrones, Naruto: Shippuden Archer. So, how can we collect those cards or stickers? Is there any minimum amount of cards or stickers to collect? Since your cards are from different brands, do you have any permission from those brands to be able to sell those cards in the Quidd app? As a new to your platform, can you tell us how we can utilize those cards and stickers? If we buy many cards or stickers, can we get a discount or promotion price from Quidd? Thank you

Michael Bramlage:
Thank you for the question; let me unpack the answers for you…

1/ All brands available to collect on Quidd are officially licensed by the original rights owner. For instance, if you see a Naruto Shippuden digital trading card on Quidd, it is because we or our publishing partners had a contract in place that definitively stated, “you can make Naruto digital collectibles.” So, everything available to collect from Quidd is official and authentic and the real deal…

2/ Now, these digital trading cards and digital 3D figures — these collectibles — are available to buy in two ways. First, you can buy them in packs from our storefront. Second, you can buy them directly from another collector at a fixed price. You can purchase these collectibles, off-chain, without having to hold a crypto-currency. If you have an App Store account and use IAP on your iPhone, you can easily deposit fiat into your Quidd wallet and use those funds to buy collectibles. It cuts out a TON of steps in the NFT buying process by doing this!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Are the NFTs only for collectors or do at least some of them have different use-cases?

Michael Bramlage:
3/ In terms of the number of digital collectibles to collect, we’ve released over 70,000 unique digital collectibles into circulation over the last 5 years. Each of these collectibles receives a serial number (e.g., #1, #2, etc.) AND, as you can imagine, the low number of collectibles are super valuable. We have #1 items selling for thousands of dollars. You can collect a lot or a little, but be aware there is a lot of value #1 items available on Quidd…

Great question…

Some of these items will have future capabilities. You could imagine us selling 3D voxel figures on Quidd that you can mint and use as accessories or outfits or avatars on the Sandbox metaverse…

But for now, most of our collectibles have collectible value — you buy them because you like the character or the brand because you want something rare that only you own, you want to complete a set in your collection, and you want to have status in the app.

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:

When do you plan to introduce those “capabilities”?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Excellent features, NFT is the future of digital art

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
Does anyone have doubts about that? 😄

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Only crypto haters, I think😅

Michael Bramlage:
NFT IS the future of any scarce digital object — whether it is a trading card, a game piece, or a piece of art. The NFT format helps ensure permanence and portability, which are all rights of “true ownership” — we are thrilled to have been, really, the first to DO digital collectibles over 5 years ago and also thrilled to offer our collectors the ability to mint their off-chain collectibles ON-CHAIN. As a result, we think we’re the best “front door” for newbs and no-coiners to learn about NFTs. Our adoption model is: get an awesome collectible off-chain, fall in love with it, and decide to mint it on-chain, to your chain of choice, because you want to own it forever!

I think our approach will win over crypto haters. This is why we’re so excited about the project.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Completely agree, we are excited too to check more details about Quidd, we should recognize that you have created a strong project👏

Michael Bramlage:
Which is really interested. Our focus isn’t first towards winning over NFT enthusiasts, NFT collectors, and NFT whales. Our focus is taking NFTs mainstream, and we believe we’re very well suited to do that because…

  • we’re already doing it!
  • our unique off-chain to the on-chain adoption model
  • our 7m digital collectors
  • our 325 brands
  • our highly liquid aftermarket
  • the “early nature” of our project (it’s still possible to get in early!)

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for your clear answer, are you ready to go with the next?🚀

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
Crypto haters are starting to disappear, btw 😂

Michael Bramlage:
Let’s do it!

Q2 from Telegram User @Brainchest
Do you have copyright protection? At what point do you consider copyright violation? for example, if I make a copy of famous NFT Bored Ape or Crypto Punk etc., and post it on your marketplace, will you block such a sale? After all, in this case, if I add a few small very subtle touches of my own, it will be my work, with my creativity and it will be impossible to say that I violated the rights. But at the same time, it’s up to you, the owner of the market.

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
Great question 😄👏

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Crypto is inevitable🤞

Michael Bramlage:
Another great question…

Some marketplaces are working like the Google Play Store (everything submitted is auto-published and only taken down later) while some work like the Apple App Store (everything submitted goes through developer review and only the authentic stuff gets approved and published) … Quidd is just like the Apple App Store. Everything in circulation is reviewed and approved, by licensors, before it is published into the marketplace….

So yes, we would not allow counterfeit or modified punks or apes to appear in our marketplace today.

There is an interesting case here that isn’t quite covered. What if you, owning a digital collectible in Quidd, could “draw on the card” thereby making the art truly, truly unique — what happens then? Well, in our construct, you could sell it to another collector and earn your proceeds (gross sales price minus sales fee equals your proceeds) and from the sales fee, we’d remit payment to the licensor. In effect, your “marking on the digital collectible” doesn’t block the underlying rightsholder from collecting their royalty; your “marking” should enhance the value of the collectible, which is captured by the owner via the gross sales price).

Hope this makes sense. Think of it as an autograph “on top of” a card. The alteration of the item doesn’t make this new “derivative work” something to voids the original piece, it just enhances it on top of the original.

Next question! (We’re going DEEP on art and licensing 😉 ).

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Let’s go, thanks for your great answers, we are happy to know you care about the rights of the users 👏

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
Nice procedure.

Q3 from Telegram User @UniqueVicky
Your project is backed by well-known industries, veterans, and animoca brands such as THE SANDBOX, delta time, Axie Infinityand opensea. What attracted them to Quidd? What impacts did these backings have on the development of Quidd and what happen soon? From their backings, are there any win-win benefits that you will also give back from their backings? For this platform that shares their support in your platform, did you consider them for future collaboration or there is already an ongoing partnership with those platforms? Thank you

Michael Bramlage:
There are ABSOLUTELY win-win benefits. I’ll explain…

I like to think that Quidd being in the Animoca Brands family is like combining the best of “real-world collecting” with “the world of crypto”…

You see, I came up in the world of trading cards and have been fortunate to learn a little bit about real collectors. Think of the millions of people that collect basketball cards, or Pokemon cards, or sneakers, etc.

This group knows of NFTs — how could they not!? — but they haven’t fully embraced NFTs. It’s a new technology, it’s new terminology, and it’s a new format that kinda renders their old collection unusable or irrelevant (e.g., all this cardboard I bought over 10 years isn’t relevant in the world of apes and punks and axies, etc.)…

This is where Quidd comes in, with the support of Animoca Brands. We have — and will continue — to reach out to the newbs and no-coiners and get them comfortable, first, with digital collectibles, and then from there, we’ll migrate them into NFTs because they will see beyond the “NFT hype” and into the real value of NFTs — e.g., I bought this digital collectible, I love it, It’s worth something, but ‘oh crap’, how do I ensure I can own it forever and hand it down to my son or daughter in 15 years!

So, from an audience standpoint, Quidd is the front-end, Animoca Brands is the bridge to the back-end (crypto, blockchains, NFTs)…

But it is more than that.

Everybody talks about interoperability and Ready-Player-One metaverse scenarios.

Because the Animoca umbrella encompasses marketplaces (like Quidd), games (like Gamee), and metaverses (like The Sandbox) is it far easier and encouraged to great these on-chain interoperable tie-ups — e.g., buy a 3D figure on Quidd, mint it, and use it on your plot of land in The Sandbox. We’re not announcing anything today, but you can probably see where this is going. 🙂

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great explanation, talking about it, have you considered implementing physical versions of the NFTs? Some collectors still love the feeling of having their favorite collectible item on their hands.

Michael Bramlage:
Next question, please.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Is coming, definitely, your answers are so complete, that’s what our community loves👏😁

Michael Bramlage:
We have, though haven’t announced anything. Ultimately, all of us in the NFT space need to recognize it isn’t “just us” — there’s a big world out there. In order to grow NFTs to a billion holders and for us to realize all this potential we see, we can’t stay in our own world, we have to go out to newbs and no-coiners and skeptics and bring them in, but bring them in on terms that THEY, not WE necessarily understand…

That’s why it’s a bit disingenuous when other NFT companies talk about reaching the next billion, but then build features for the diehard NFT whales. In other words, “one NFT selling for $1,000,000 isn’t cool; selling 1,000,000 NFTs at $1 apiece is cool.” That’s our motto.

And to get there, you’ve got to engage with the skeptics and most physical trading card collectors are skeptical. So, to your question on physical…we have nothing official to announce today, but in the future, we are very keen to ingest physical collectibles and turn them into digital collectibles, fully tradeable on Quidd and mintable on-chain…

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Completely agree, the key is to look the mass adoption. Well, let’s proceed if you are ready😃

We will be waiting to know more

Michael Bramlage:
That way, all of your collectibles — physical collectibles, digital collectibles, and NFTs — are tradeable from a single interface on your phone or in a browser.

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
Uh uh uh… Sounds very interesting 👀

Q4 from Telegram User @Pubuditha123
Community support is one of the biggest aspects of a #Quidd project’s success. Most projects have programs that interact with their users. Do you have any special plans to attract and expand the community and improve the user experience?

Michael Bramlage:
Absolutely. But first some context. We’ve spent the last 2.5 years heads-down building, building, building. We have NOT been marketing, at all. The world does not know about us yet, which we think is a good thing as this makes Quidd a hidden gem, and very “early days.” Starting next year (Q1 2022), you’re going to see a significant ramp in our marketing and community efforts, allowing us to truly reach 10s of millions of collectors. To get there, we’ll be activating our existing community via ambassador groups, referral programs, etc….

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
A hidden gem but not for SatoshiClubbers, which already know it 😉

Michael Bramlage:
But in the short term, you can follow along with us on our Discord and Telegram groups. Here’s a handy resource with a bunch of links: https://linktr.ee/quiddmarket

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
We are lucky 😄

Thanks for sharing 😊

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Let’s join Satoshiclubbers, a great opportunity for us 😃

Would you like to add something before the next question?

Michael Bramlage:
Nope! Next please!

Q5 from Telegram User @Asela1112
Quidd App is in the beta version currently & it does not consist of fully functional features. So When will you go for the mainnet? What kind od advanced features will you integrate on Quidd Mainnet version? Most platforms conduct events, contests along with the beta versions with the aim of getting higher interaction of users. Do you have any ongoing events, Contests related to the Quidd App beta version?

Michael Bramlage:
Thanks. First, download the mobile app first. You can buy packs and compete in collecting metagames in there, while on the web, you can only buy/sell for cash with other collectors. Eventually, the full features of the app (buying packs, viewing leaderboards, unlocking awards, displaying collectibles, etc.) will be mirrored on the web and the web will “catch up” to the apps.

Second, we’re actively working on testnet and expect to deploy our first audited contracts to mainnet very soon. That, and allowing our collectors to associate their wallet addresses with their Quidd accounts will happen very, very soon. These are both precursors to off-chain-to-on-chain minting of digital collectibles AND for doing airdrops of the QUIDD token to our community of collectors! So, create an account and in a matter of days you’ll be able to associate your wallet and mint into it as well as receive QUIDD token in a few weeks… 🙂

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Excellent, big things are coming, so before the next question please share us your roadmap to check it in detail😁

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
Any auditing firms you are planning to work with?

Michael Bramlage:
Solidified is our audit firm. 🙂

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Well, let’s proceed with the final question.

Michael Bramlage:
The short-term roadmap is broken into three lanes…


  • Wishlists: buyer signal to owners what digital collectibles they are willing to buy
  • Collector Program: earn cash or QUIDD token for positive contributions to the community
  • Burning/Bulk Sales: burn digital collectibles out of circulation or sell them, in bulk, to other collectors


  • $QUIDD: the release of the QUIDD token!
  • Wallet Integration: QUIDD token becomes primary transactional currency in the marketplace


  • Minting to Ethereum: escrow, delete and transfer your item off-chain into an ERC-721 on Ethereum, tradeable on OpenSea, with full collection layer integration (so you can view off-chain and on-chain collectibles all from a single collections interface)



Note: those aren’t in sequential order, but it’s the general plan.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for share it

Q6 from Telegram User @chinyere2020
I learned that Quidd is hiring to fill some vacancies. Can you list some of the vacancies that are available at the moment? How can one apply for a vacancy? Can one person apply for more than one vacancy that is available in Quidd? What are the requirements/conditions that a person must meet to be considered for a vacant position?

Michael Bramlage:
Yes. Join us.


We’re fully decentralized. You can work anywhere in the world. And we’re looking for crypto-natives that want their help their non-native brother and sisters to fall in love with NFTs!

Luis Merino 🇪🇸 | Satoshi Club:
SatoshiClubbers! Go and apply.

You might be the chosen one.


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great opportunities for our community, would be an honor to be part of the Quidd family👏

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @Kathdm
I read that we have the option to buy the collectibles using our Quidd coins. As Quidd is the currency of the platform, will Quidd holders receive any special discounts on purchases? Will you do exclusive promotions to incentivize Quidd holders?

Michael Bramlage:
The primary transactional currencies on Quidd in the future will be QUIDD token (ERC-20) and USD.

Q2 from Telegram user @centoscu
Nowadays people are talking about meme tokens and they always go up so that shows us spreading awareness is important so do Quidd have any plans to spread awareness for people to know your project?

Michael Bramlage:
I think what is nice about the QUIDD token is it is not a meme coin — it has utility in our marketplace that is in the app and will eventually live across a network of third-party apps and games and metaverses (that we interop with, on-chain). That said, it’s very early days for us. I can’t imagine what this will look like in Q2 when we turn on the marketing in Q1! 🙂

Q3 from Telegram user @barisbektas1
Why should people trust the Quidd platform and invest their savings? What are you doing for the privacy and security of your users? Have you passed the AUDIT, do you have a report, if any, can you share it with us?

Michael Bramlage:
We are part of the Animoca Brands family of companies. As such, we’ve benefitted from their expertise, but also have been held to their high standards of quality in terms of tokenomic design, contract audits, etc. On top of that, we’ve been around for half a decade, serving up digital collectibles and operating our marketplace. We believe this is a unique combination of long-term operations, trust, authenticity, expertise, and high standards of quality…

Q4 from Telegram user @nitrogenpower
As Quidd is a multi-chain project what will be the blockchain that will you implement to bridge with your tokens?

Michael Bramlage:
MULTI-CHAIN … this is very important to us. Our role is to be the most collector-friendly place to collect digital collectibles and NFTs. As a result, our approach is to integrate with all the major chains and educate the collector on which chain to choose, but ultimately, it is their decision because it is their collectible! Perhaps a collector would be fine with high gas fees as long as it gave them access to a very large ecosystem of interoperable apps, games, and metaverses. So, our role: provide as many chain integrations as possible. Collector’s role: decide. The chains we like and are prioritizing are Ethereum, WAX, Flow, Solana, BSC, and Harmony…

Q5 from Telegram user @AlenaMotor
You still have not shared the tokenomic of $QUIDD with us, sir… May you share now?

Michael Bramlage:
Lots of resources here: https://linktr.ee/quiddmarket

Q6 from Telegram user @ItsMelissa3
I read that within Quidd we can win an award, which is a special item that is earned by completing sets of tasks. How does this work? How often are these tasks published and assigned? Will all users who complete the tasks receive the award or are there limited quantities?

Michael Bramlage:
Great question. We believe in COMPLETIONISM. Basically, we all love to “collect them all”, which means getting all the items necessary to complete a set. As a result, all-digital collectibles on Quidd are released in a set, of which there could be 8 items or up to 80 items. Collectors find it thrilling to open packs and buy/sell on the aftermarket in order to complete the set. But, we do more. We will score your collection of the set based on the serial numbers on the items you own and use that score to rank you versus other collectors. If you rank high enough, say “top 10” you’ll unlock an even more rare “one of 10” award item. It’s pretty fun! 🙂

Q7 from Telegram user @cindy0666
Quidd seems to serve mostly off-chain works and collectors. How do you plan to attract fans who don’t have money or don’t understand art but want to invest and make money?

Michael Bramlage:
This is very important to us. The extreme success of NFTs is almost a problem because as NFT prices rise, they become inaccessible to a newb or no-coiner. Like, if you didn’t buy ETH in 2016 or 2019, how do you “get into NFTs” without taking out a mortgage on your home. This, we feel, is an advantage we have in selling items first off-chain for post-ownership minting on-chain — it allows no-coiners, you know, like 6 billion people — to buy their first digital collectible cheaply and easily, say in $0.50 packs. And then, from there if they pull something amazing will naturally find their way on-chain to the power of NFTs. Net-net: we will fight to keep pack prices very low to appeal to the mainstream…

Q8 from Telegram user @Korryl
I found that the Quidd project is great and growing big. I hear in November 2021 there will be Presale Event for $QUIDD token, kindly tell about how to become one of the whitelist your presale event? also, what is the requirement?

Michael Bramlage:
See here: https://twitter.com/QUIDDToken/status/1453266918475976712

Get whitelisted for our upcoming NFT Voucher sale. Get the NFT and redeem it for the QUIDD token at a later date….

Q9 from Telegram user @cindy_crypto
What do you think about NFT’s what kind of NFT’s are you planning to create and what is the most special NFT Quidd have right now?

Michael Bramlage:
I think you’ll see us branch out from just “pop culture” NFTs and into pop culture + music/art + sports…

Q10 from Telegram user @captainprice111
Can we say that the focus of the Quidd platform is long-term? People nowadays are concerned about the short-term income, does Quidd have a plan to break this judgment? Why should people invest in Quidd tokens?

Michael Bramlage:
We’ve been around for 5 years and intend to be around for another 95 more. The roadmap is sick for 2022, but the best part is, that is only our 6th year and there are many more to go. Long-term, I think we’ll be the de facto “collection interface layer” for all your collectibles, regardless of format (physical, digital, NFT) and regardless of the chain.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part, we tested your knowledge in terms of Quidd. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for the quiz was 300$.
For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru
Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub
Website: https://esatoshi.club/

Our partners
Quidd Telegram community: https://t.me/QUIDDToken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quidd
Website: https://market.onquidd.com

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