Project Overview: N–PIK

Project Overview: N–PIK

The crypto gambling market is constantly growing, with behemoths like Rollbit and Stake taking the majority of the market share, but sometimes lacking security (Stake was hacked for ~$40m) and transparency. 

These are the exact problems N–PIK aims to solve. With the use of new blockchain technologies and decentralization, the project offers maximum fairness for every game listed on their website.  In this article, we’ll take a deeper look into how N–PIK is built, what technologies it uses, and more. Enjoy! 

Main Takeaways

  • Uses Split Security Key Layer 2 Technology
  • Offers More than 1k Games
  • Ensures Transparency 
  • Offers Fairness Verification for Every Game
  • Built by Experienced Players and Developers

What is N–PIK? 

N–PIK is a blockchain-based online betting service that lets users from all over the world legally play casino games like poker, baccarat, or blackjack, and win money. As it strives to become a top player in the industry, N–PIK focuses on the security, transparency, and fairness of every game on the platform. 

What sets N–PIK apart from other online crypto-gambling sites is the number of games they offer. Besides their developments such as Digits Adventures or Capricious Racing, N–PIK listed games from renowned providers like Evolution, Pragmatic, Red Tiger, and more. The site is managed and owned by Sonic Crypto Gaming Limited, which received a gambling license from the Lotteries and Gaming Regulatory Board of Uganda. 

What Makes N–PIK Unique? 

  • Completely Regulated Casino
  • Multiple Gaming Opportunities
  • Experienced Team Behind the Project
  • Various High-End Technologies Employed
  • Secure, Fair, and Transparent Gambling

N–PIK Core Features

Here are the features that make N–PIK one of the most competitive crypto gambling sites on the market. 

S2K L2 Technology

The casino has implemented a hybrid decentralized approach to make the asset recovery process easier. The system behind this is the Split Security Key Layer 2 or simply S2K L2. This system ensures transparency by regularly displaying user assets on the blockchain, offering freedom from vulnerabilities associated with centralized platforms in terms of asset verification. 

Wide Variety of Games

The project already has more than 1000 games distributed in 8 different categories.

Most of them are games bought from providers like Evolution, Pragmatic, and Red Tiger. However, besides that, the project has four proprietary games with lower edges and better conditions for the player. These games are: 

  • Sports Prophets: a game where you can bet cryptocurrency on real sports events. For now, the English Premier League is available for betting, and the project plans to add more and more events in the future. 
  • Up&Down: a simple game where players bet on the price of an index. Users can check the prices of various currencies, predict whether the prices will rise or fall, and bet at the desired timing and possible time.
  • Digits Adventure: if you’ve studied the theory of probability in school, you’ll like this game. Digits Adventure is a probability game with a simple betting system. 
  • Capricious Racing: a horse racing betting game that allows users to place bets. All racers have their maximum speed, initial speed, and acceleration, and they are in a condition that varies from game to game.

Wallet Recovery Tools

Powered by the Split Security Key Layer 2 technology, N–PIK offers a casino-issued wallet recovery feature to eliminate concerns about asset loss. In instances of casino service disruption, or server downtime, users can retrieve their wallets through this service. They only have to provide the security keys they have received at the time of registration. 

This system guarantees secure access to deposited cryptocurrencies regardless of casino server status, enhancing transparency and security in a growing market.

Tokenomics Image

Token Overview and Uses Cases 

The project chose to create a dual-token ecosystem, using PIK and PLYP for various utilities. 

PIK is the core token of the ecosystem, designed to reflect the market value based on the casino’s performance. The project focuses on rapid burn rates and dividend potential for token holders. Users can receive a part of the project’s revenue by staking PIK. 

The PLYP token is the currency used by players to play games on N–PIK. The token is also used as a reward mechanism, augmenting user participation and offering substantial financial benefits to early ICO contributors.

Roadmap and Updates


N–PIK is developed by a highly skilled team with extensive work experience in the field.  They’ve raised over $2.2B through crowdfunding and have worked on virtual asset exchanges, Blockchain games, staking services, and NFT marketplaces. 

Here’s N–PIK’s core team: 

  • Juyong Kim – CEO / CTO

Former Chairman, SDG YOUTH

Former United Nations Staff Member

  • Jeff Suubi – CEO

Former Regional Director, SDG YOUTH Uganda

  • Mpiirwe Jemes – COO

Former Specialist Lawyer in Gaming Betting, Uganda

  • Isaac Rucci – CMO

Former Event Planner, Artist, and Broadcaster in Uganda

Former Member of Uganda’s First Gaming Corporation






Closing Words

To sum everything up, N–PIK is a promising blockchain casino capable of competing with Rollbit and other big players in the game. With its focus on security and user experience, the casino is already one step ahead of other small and medium-sized crypto gambling sites.  If you’re passionate about crypto gambling and betting, don’t hesitate to check this project out! 


NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE: The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial or investment advice. It is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any crypto or investment.


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