PolkaWar x Satoshi CLUB AMA Session 26 May 2021

PolkaWar x Satoshi CLUB AMA Session 26 May 2021

PolkaWar is Innovative DeFi and NFT Gaming Platform. The NFT-based decentralized fighting game with game form - Play to earn.

PART 1. Introduction of PolkaWar project and community questions.

Hello, Satoshi clubbers and guests of this site. Let’s talk today about DeFi game with play-to-earn formula.

PolkaWar is Innovative DeFi and NFT Gaming Platform. The NFT-based decentralized fighting game with game form – Play to earn.

The plan of AMA session:

  1. Part – Introduction and preselected questions.
  2. Part – Live questions
  3. The Quiz about PolkaWar

The reward pool is 500$

Leading the AMA our clever and fun admins:

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club – @AndresM77

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club – @Ballantines87on

The Representative of the project:

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar – @jacksonmohr – Founder and CEO 

Introduction of PolkaWar project.

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Hello dear community. Another ama session is starting😁

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Today’s guest is @Jacksonmohr from Polkawar 🔥

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Our friends from Polkawar are here. Let’s give a warm welcome to @Jacksonmohr founder and ceo.

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Welcome! Great to have you here!😁

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Hello everyone

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Hello Jackson, welcome! It’s a great pleasure for us to have you here at Satoshi club 😁

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

I am very happy to attend ama today at Satoshi club

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Hope you’re having a great day!

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Thank you ❤️

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

So let’s start telling us a bit about your background. How did you get into crypto?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:


Paul mont | Satoshi club:

And also, how did you get to be involved with Polkawar 😉

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Sorry, can I  post link here ?

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Yes, you can, please try again

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

First of all, I  will post social media of Polkawar project here



Telegram discussion 





Can you help me pin it? Thank you

I’m Jackson mohr, CEO & co-founder of Polkawar. Graduating from the national university of Singapore in 2002, I have many years of experience in the field of 2d & 3d game programming.

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Thank you so much, Satoshiclubbers let’s join

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Knowing the cryptocurrency market in 2016 as an investor, I  have a lot of experience in the field of investment and management

In addition, I  have more than 5 years of experience in the field of blockchain programming.

Polkawar is a decentralized fighting game platform on the blockchain network. Inspired by the nft subfield, Polkawar will create a vivid fighting game world.

Players will build character systems with weapons and equipment with different levels, to engage in combat with other players; participate in quests in the game as well as buy and sell items in the marketplace.


Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Why Polkawar? How did you choose the name?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

The word “polka” is like a trend and has a good marketing meaning haha. It is easy to remember.

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Ha-ha yes, indeed it’s probably one of the most trending suffixes in the crypto space at the moment 😁

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

So, is it like an mmo?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

It’s a fighting game on blockchain and inspired by NFT, not MMO ha-ha.

PolkaWar mmo

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

The character building, the upgradable items and the leveling system, the team battling… Will it take also partly inspiration from games like League of legends for example?

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Haha got it, please share us some pics of the live game😃

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Similar, but of course it will be simpler and bring more DeFi and NFT elements

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

This one is already pretty dope 🔝 thank you for sharing!

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

The game is not mainnet yet, but I  will send you some design resources. These are the 3 main characters in the game.

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Thank you, who are the designers?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Luckily, I have a very good designer team haha.

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

I can’t wait to equip and try the tessen and the magic vase games items on my future Polkawar characters 😁

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Sure. Frist MVP will live on 1st June

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

😁 thanks for this great introduction. We have collected some community questions to learn more about Polkawar, are you ready to go?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Sure. I’m ready.

Preselected questions about the PolkaWar DeFi project.

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Here we go 😁

Q1 from telegram user @nataliyakil

One of the Polkawar products is the Polkawar marketplace. The players can acquire funds by selling their upgraded equipment and weapons, in the native pwar token. What does the process of improving equipment and weapons look like? Are there any levels and in order to upgrade their equipment does the player have to spend their pwar token? Why are these improvements needed at all, what new functions does equipment and weapons acquire, what opportunities do players have?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Very good question

Polkawar’s character system will have 3 types of characters: warrior, magician, archer. There are a total of 5 levels. Each level has a different hp, mp, XP, and attack stats.

Total equipment and weapons will have 10 types (sword, big knife, tessen, bow & arrow, gun, scepter, a magic vase, armor, helmet,

Wing), and there are 3 different levels. Each level has different hp, mp, damage, accuracy stats.

To upgrade weapons and equipment, you must buy stones to practice. Stones you can buy or do quests to get.  Of course, the higher the level, the higher the item’s stats will be

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Great, what are the ways to have that equipment? Only using funds.

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

There are 2 ways: you can buy in the marketplace with BNB or pwar token or join the airdrop program. On June 1st, there will be an airdrop of weapons and equipment levels for participating users. Let’s join it

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Save the date Satoshi clubbers! 🔥🔥🔥

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Great opportunity Satoshiclubbers🥳

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

So, since the airdrop is so near, how can users participate in the airdrop?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

There will be a tutorial to join the airdrop. I   will post at Satoshi club then haha

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

We will be expecting for it thank you. Time to proceed with the next question? Are you ready to go?😃

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Haha great, let’s build some hype around the event 🎉

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Ready ❤️

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Q2 from telegram user @ruttiee

The game system will have the characters of warrior, archer and magician. Each with different strengths and weaknesses, complete with a diverse range of weapon systems and equipment. Does Polkawar dev team has any future plans to include more characters? Will gamers/users be rewarded for completing missions successfully?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

The questions from your community are really high quality. Thanks very much ❤️

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Our members are always interested on good projects like yours 😃

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Yes, there are some rare talents in our community who truly care to know more about the gem projects showcased in our amas💎

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Currently, Polkawar only directs and focuses on building 3 characters that are magician, warrior and archer. In the future, we will open many levels for the characters, maybe up to level 50, 100. And moreover, focus on building equipment and weapons for the character, open more levels and more maps.

When you join a battle, if you win the battle, you will receive the battle bet money (pwar, BNB )  and gain experience points.

When you complete the mission, you will get experience points and PWAR tokens.

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Will you implement new things like pets or vehicles?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

There will be mounts for the character and depending on the level, different mounts can be used

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Any computer can run the game, or do we need an expensive computer to play?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

The game is built on a website platform, so anyone can join

PolkaWar elephant

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

That looks like a very powerful mount for my warrior character!⚔️🛡💪

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

I like it, it remembers me when I  played world of warcraft😁

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

It reminds me of playing the Persians with age of empires and brings me back so many cool memories 🤧🤩

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Yeah haha. I loved playing AOE when I   was a kid.

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Oh great game as well

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Anyway. Thanks for the comprehensive answer Jackson! Ready for the next question? 🚀

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:


Paul mont | Satoshi club:

So much time i’ve spent on that game lol ❤️

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Question 3 coming 😁

Q3 from telegram user @manugotsuka

One of the most interesting thing about Polkawar logictics is the possibility of “hold the nft” in the real world, but considering that some of your nfts are weapons, how do you exactly will represent that in the real world? A real weapon or a toy version?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Good question. I guess this person really likes to own weapons haha.

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Who doesn’t hahaha ⚔️💪😁 It is by the way a great and unique feature about Polkawar 💎

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

It’s a real-world weapon and equipment, not a toy version. We have connections with a number of small merchants, so the supply of items is not an issue. We will go through some legal issues, before deploying this module

Real sword we already have

PolkaWar sword

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Wait, so if my warrior character is equipped with a huge bastard sword, that means I   can convert it to a real bastard to use, let’s say, as furniture inside my house?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

PolkaWar sword 2

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

This runic sword is just epic 🔥

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Wow, do you have the arch as well?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

All are ready

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

In the game there are many levels of swords, but in the real world, there are only 1 or 2 types of swords represented haha

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

What is needed to claim it?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

When the Polkawar logictics module launches, you just need to request it on the app, or you can join the auction to get it. All payments in BNBor PWAR tokens

PolkaWar logistic module

Of course, it has to go through all legal issues before it can be implemented

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Thanks for share it, that’s an innovative process

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

This is a function that can be said to be a feature of Polkawar, no platform has implemented it yet.

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

I can already picture real-life epic larping battles simulating in-game Polkawar battles haha 😁 So original! Great feature! Thanks for taking care of this. Great answer! Ready for the next question? 😉🚀

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Let’s go 🚀

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Q4 from telegram user @jonahapagu

On your roadmap there is a plan to launch your game on casper blockchain mainnet, this happens to be one of the first games I   have come across that will be built on casper, so can you explain why you decided to build on casper blockchain mainnet, what are the advantages of doing so, and will building on casper blockchain mainnet also be beneficial to you in building your multichain marketplace.

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Casper network is a new blockchain platform that has many advantages and differences compared to the rest of the competitors. It inherits the good aspects of the Ethereum blockchain and improves on its weaknesses, such as the problem of almost zero transaction fees and very fast speeds, using pos.

Moreover, we wanted to try something new, especially the casper ecosystem is small, so we decided to aim to casper. I   believe that if Polkawar successfully builds on casper network, it will be a very significant breakthrough for us.

Next time, we will coordinate with the casper team to conduct construction. Of course, the first step is still to run on Binance smart chain first

Others, we will also aim to build Polkawar marketplace on another blockchain like Ethreum, Polkadot, Matic.

Of course, it will take a long time to develop

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Btw, we would like to know more about PWAR, how can we buy it? Only on your platform?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

We are in the private sale round, and have raised $400k from Polkabridge, Chinapolka, and BMW capital. Currently, there are many big vcs inviting us.

Public sale will be conducted in June


Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Congratulations! This is a very important backing partnership and also a great starting milestone achieved for Polkawar! 🚀

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

What about tokenomics? How is the token amount distribution?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

PolkaWar token realise

Token release schedule

PolkaWar tokenomics

Initial supply: 6.5m token

Initial mcap: $1.3m

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

That’s what I   call a gem😁 Thanks for share it, ready for the next question?🥳

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Ready ❤️

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Q5 from telegram user @h1drx

Generally speaking, a game requires tens or even hundreds of people in some cases, and the general production cycle is several years. To develop a game like Polkawar, specialised professionals in different fields are needed, who are capable of designing, drawing and programming. I   am interested in knowing more about the team behind Polkawar, how many people make up your team? How are they trained and what expertise do they possess?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Polkawar’s development team has 2 developers, they are experienced in game programming and nodejs. There are 2 designers, they are experienced in 2d & 3d game character design, animated design .

I’m also a blockchain developer, have little knowledge about smart contract

Of course, among you here, who can potentially apply for a job at Polkawar. Just send your cv to email [email protected]

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

I was just about to ask that haha. Pretty sure there are some hidden talents here in Satoshi club 🙃

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Yup haha

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Big opportunity here Satoshi clubbers, don’t miss out! 🔥

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

We are very open to talented people who want to contribute to Polkawar.

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Thanks a lot for the answer Jackson. Time now to proceed with the last question for this first part of the ama, are you ready to go? 😉

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Thanks for the opportunity, I   think we have several users interested on it. @paolomonte87 shoot it 💪

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Q6 from telegram user @andrey_seleznov

Hi Polkawar ! ⚔️

Could you please clarify more about the Polkawar genre? Is it a fighting game where players only engage in PVP in the arena or is it more of a 3d rpg game with quests, exploration, battles and all the fun that comes with this? I   also wonder if you plan weapons to have degradation mechanics so that they can lose some of their value and stats after the battle?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

Polkawar is a fighting game. You build your character with weapons and equipment, then challenge other players. The form of the match can be 1 vs 1 or team vs team.

Before participating in the match, both sides will bet an amount. Whoever wins will win that amount

When you win the battle, in addition to the money, you will have more experience points to upgrade your character.

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

How hard is to increase each level?

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:

In addition, the game will have a daily mission to earn more experience points…

There will be formula to level up the character. You can read more in the whitepaper https://Polkawar.com/docs/whitepaper.pdf

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Got it, thank you so much for the clarification and your answers in this first part of the ama🥳

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

Thank you very much for the clear answers @Jacksonmohr! You’ve been great! 😉

Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

It has been a great time and now we must proceed to interact with our dear users into the live segment

Paul mont | Satoshi club:

We will now open chat for 2 minutes and our community will ask you some questions 🙂 Ready? 😉

Jackson mohr | ceo of Polkawar:


Andrés m. | Satoshi club:

Opening chat in 3

PART 2.Questions about the PolkaWar project from the live chat of the telegram community.

In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 120 seconds. Then the guests from the PolkaWar crypto project choose the top 10 questions. The 10 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency in the sum of 100$.

Q – 1 from a telegram user @xperia3

As a Gamer myself I can say it is easy to get Gamers in Polka War since the game looks quite nice! How will Polka War team bring non-gamers to this project? What will be your marketing strategies in this direction?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar:

I think PolkaWar will be a very easy for playing and highly addictive game. If you’re a gamer and have some blockchain knowledge, you’ll be fine.
Marketing is an important and necessary element of every project, especially at the early stages of a project.
we have good staff so this should not be a problem either.
To expand the market and introduce project to more people , we will regularly attend AMAs, meetings, online and offline events…
In the near future we also carry out advertising campaigns through KOLs, airdrop , giveaways campaign. I think those are effective approaches at first.

Q – 2 from a telegram user @Jodasf

Like PolkaWar, there are several platforms with their own blockchain-based NFT marketplaces, so what makes you different from your competitors, what features will allow you to participate to be one of the best platforms in the market and what strategies are you developing to attract a good amount of subscribers to participate in the sale, redemption and creation of the items you offer, for example? 

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar:

PolkaWar’s Marketplace does not allow players to create items for sale, but only allows the purchase and sale of in-game items. That is our biggest difference from other platforms like Rarible, OpenSea…

Q – 3 from a telegram user @highpee

Later this month, you will run MVP TESTING for early participants and I learnt you will be giving out NFT Airdrop to these participants. This month is already ending. Are you still going ahead with this plan? Who can participate in this product testing stage and what will be needed to join?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar:

The MVP will be launched on June 1. Along with that, the big airdrop campaign will also launch. Participating in the airdrop, users will receive items that are weapons or equipment (level 1) and 25 PWAR tokens . Everyone can participate

Q – 4 from a telegram user @Antoni_azx

From what I could read from its whitepaper, users in Polkawar will not be authorized to create NFTs, but to collect and trade them according to the availability of the system, can you tell us if due to the finite quantity of these items there is any limit for the purchase and sale NFTs per user? And with what currency can they be purchased?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar:

There is no limit to the purchase and sale of items. As long as you have enough BNB or PWAR tokens, you can participate.

Q – 5 from a telegram user @xperia3

What are the use and benefits of holding and/or (if it is possible) staking $PWAR tokens? Can you give some reasons to the long-term investors to buy and hold $PWAR?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar:

PolkaWar token use keys

You can see the use cases of PWAR token here.
Staking and farming are two modules that are sure to be included in a Defi project
In the future, when PolkaWar attracts many players, do you think PWAR token will increase in price haha

Q – 6 from a telegram user @Tony253210

PolkaWar game remember me so much to awesome games of my childhood, and it looks so we’ll designed, so can you tell us what are the CPU requirements to install and play the game?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar:

The game is built on a website platform, I think a basic computer can participate.

Q – 7 from a telegram user @feranno

Since POLKAWAR is a war-themed NFT game, can we use the NFT-created weapons and equipment outside of the game?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar:

All weapons and equipment are represented as ERC721 tokens. So I think it can be used outside the game, on other marketplaces that support the listing of NFT items

Q – 8 from a telegram user @JoanaZ

The roadmap says that PolkaWar will be deployed on the Casper blockchain, but apart of this chains the game will be compatible with other popular networks?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar:

PolkaWar will be launched on Binance Smart Chain first, then will expand to Casper and other blockchains like Matic, PolkaDot

Q – 9 from a telegram user @Sumione

I see that Polkawar already make 3 strategic partners from : PolkaBridge, ChinaPolka and BMW Capital. Actually I only know about PolkaBridge since they already do ama in Satoshi Club and they are great project. But how about the other two? Would you please explain what the benefit both project get from this partnership?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar:


PolkaBridge is a decentralized all-in-one financial application platform. The PolkaBridge ecosystem is expected to include cross-chain AMM, Farming, Lending, Fundraising platform (Launchpad), Prediction, NFT, and more. All products will be developed with PolkaDot as the base of activity.

China Polka

ChinaPolka is a self-organized non-profit China based community alliance, inspiring to build the largest PolkaDot ecological chain community in China, and popularize the new technology and new ecosystems to the Chinese people!

Q -10 from a telegram user @Tony253210

Which kind of game is PolkaWar? A RPG or a MoBa?

Jackson Mohr | CEO of PolkaWar:

it’s RPG

Part 3 – Quiz about project

In the final part, we tested the knowledge in terms of the PolkaWar project. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ was distributed between the winners.

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